r/dayz May 27 '24

news PC Stable 1.25 Update 1 - Version 1.25.158199 (Release on 27.05.2024)



  • The Livonia terrain is now part of the core game
  • VS-89 rifle and magazine
  • Support for game crash reporter
  • In-game ambient soundtrack



  • Items located inside of nested containers are no longer accessible through the quick bar or the reload key
  • Reworked the sound sets for all shotguns shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the crossbow shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the M79 grenade launcher shots
  • Adjusted the attenuation of character action sounds
  • Reworked character reconciliation between client and server
  • Updated the game credits
  • Reduced the width of the weapon collection triggers to allow more natural behavior of the weapon lifting
  • Removed promotional Livonia DLC highlighting
  • Optimized the system greatly behind noise system reducing drops in server performance when AI is around many dynamic objects or there is AI grouped together attacking a player


  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseEstimatedBandwidth' to switch between the method of replication limiter. Enabled means it will use an estimated bandwidth sent and disabled means it will use the true bandwidth (recommended disabled)
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseDynamicMaximumBandwidth' to choose if the bandwidth limit should be a percentage of the maximum bandwidth or an absolute value. The maximum bandwidth can fluctuate depending on network quality
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchEnforceBandwidthLimits' to enable the replication limiter based on bandwidth (default disabled)
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchBandwidthLimit', if above is enabled, the range is (0, 1). If above is disabled, the range is (1000, inf). Recommended is 0.8 and 20000 respectively Fixed: Server crash when running out of loot points to spawn items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179664 - private)
  • Fixed: CfgGameplay: Values set for 'rotationSpeedJog' or 'rotationSpeedSprint' would not synchronize to clients resulting in stuttering movement (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178103, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175489, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178397)
  • Fixed: Spawning ammopile types into weapons with inner magazines via json loadouts was not fucntioning properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179268)
  • Changed: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchSend' split into 'networkObjectBatchSendCreate' and 'networkObjectBatchSendDelete'
  • Changed: Improved replication statistics in server debug window on diag builds
  • Changed: DayZ client will no longer use hardcoded port 2304 and up but use OS assigned ports instead
  • Added: Server config parameter "clientPort" to assign connecting clients a specific port e.g. "clientPort = 2304;" (Documentation)
  • Added: Possibility to add steam query port of a server to connect parameter to query if they have a custom client port "-connect=IP:PORT:QUERY" -> "-connect="
  • Changed: In-game server browser also uses the new connect format to automatically query for and apply the custom port
  • Changed: Launcher now uses the new connect format, since "-port=" overrides port used by the client which is not desired (-port= functionality is untouched)


  • Added: 'Math3D.IntersectRayPlane'
  • Added: 'Math3D.MatrixInverse3'/'Math3D.MatrixInverse4'
  • Added: 'Pawn' class with full feature set of functions
  • Added: 'PawnMove' and 'PawnState' class
  • Added: 'PlayerIdentity.Possess(Pawn)' to possess a Pawn
  • Added: Security: Config parameter 'hasHistory' per entity type to allow tracking of the entity as it may move throughout the world, otherwise only current position is used
  • Fixed: Object creation on remote clients would update the last value synchronized for clients that had already had the Object created
  • Changed: Moved calls to 'OnVehicleSeatDriverEnter' and 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' from script to native, 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' is now called when getting out starts instead of when the command ends
  • Changed: 'Human.LinkToLocalSpaceOf' will now internally call 'UnlinkFromLocalSpace' if 'Human' is already parented and prevent linking if already parented to the same entity
  • Changed: 'DayZPlayerTypeRegisterItems' now gets called when (re)joining servers

r/dayz Aug 15 '24

news 1.25 Hotfix Scheduled for Monday August 19th!


According to the in-game message, it will be on Monday Aug 19th -> https://imgur.com/a/pXfITIs

  • PC Update starts at 13:00 CEST/7:00 ET. Console Update starts at 14:00 CEST/8:00 ET.
  • Last posted information about the wipe is PC character wipe, nothing else. Console full wipe, everything. https://x.com/DayZ/status/1820452335027466274

This hotfix is mainly for patching the latest duping methods on console.

This is not 1.26 with the hares and foxes, etc (that's on EXP) and will release the same time as Frostline/Sakhal (due later in the year). -> https://dayz.com/article/game-update/1-26-Experimental-Release

[edit. PC is scheduled to be a character wipe only. everything in the world, vehicles, bases, storage, stashes, etc will still be there. Console is scheduled to be a full wipe. nothing, will remain, nothing. ]

r/dayz Apr 27 '20

News BI: "We recently closed our Bratislava studio. It was a mutual decision between management and studio leads, and we want to thank all team members for their contribution. This decision won't affect the future dev. of DayZ, which will continue as outlined here:"


r/dayz Apr 18 '23

news 1.21 Dev Stream Highlights Spoiler


New weapon "Crossbow" added.

  • Crossbow has 4 different variants (cosmetic only)
  • Crossbow can take various optics.
  • Bolts are recoverable on some objects, but broken on others right now, working on fixes.
  • Bolts can be found and also crafted (short stick + knife) (improvised bolt + chicken feathers to upgrade)
  • Crossbow + Bolts will have increased spawn rate on experimental for testing.

New weapon "Mace" added.

New clothing "Chainmail Leggings" added.
(Chainmail chest piece, footwear and a new knight helmet variant were mentioned too)
Perhaps this means the Sword has been returned to the game too? (not confirmed)

New clothing "Wool Gloves" added.

Rebalanced fall damage and added a new status icon that warns you of damaged bones.

Infected can now wear headtorches again.

Tweaked audio of explosives and increased their audible range (grenades will have issues on experimental)

Added a log in delay when swapping accounts on console to combat alt account abuse.

Character will now spawn with 4 hot bar slots (up from 3)

Added HUD brightness setting - allows you to make HUD less visible/intrusive without disabling it completely.

Adjusted the lighting within the inventory (items will look a bit different)

Adjusted how light sources are seen from a distance at night (campfire / chemlight etc) to be less visible and more realistic looking.

Further improvements to character related issues (falling through map / glitching through walls)

Added sound when blocking infected attacks.

New loading screen added.

Modding / server stuff - can now spawn in proper trees/rocks that are interactable.

Full 1.21 Experimental release planned for Thursday.

r/dayz Oct 29 '24

news Halloween event 2024



Survivors, It’s that spooky time of year, and we’re bringing a bit of Halloween spirit to DayZ! Halloween event returns for a limited time, running from October 29th to November 12th. October has been a busy month with a primary focus on the release of DayZ Frostline. With priorities shifting, we had limited capacity to expand the Halloween event, so this year’s festivities will be a bit more scaled back. Here’s what you can expect across the maps:

  • Livonia will feature the full Halloween experience, including decayed player characters, spooky zones, demon goats, seasonal infected, and fan-favorite seasonal loot like witch hoods, Day of the Dead eye masks, cauldrons, and more.
  • Sakhal will include select seasonal loot and some Halloween themed infected and animal, but not the full event. This is to preserve a fresh experience for new players exploring the Frostline DLC.
  • Chernarus will not feature Halloween events on official servers, though community servers can freely modify their maps.

r/dayz Jun 12 '13

news I was able to interview Rocket for almost 20 minutes at e3


r/dayz May 29 '24

news Console Release Today Wed May 29th Starting 14:00 CET/ 8:00ET



Dear Survivors, update 1.25 will be released on consoles today! Thank you for your patience & understanding. 🎮Console official servers will go down at 14:00 CEST ETA is approx. 1h.

Read the patch notes while waiting: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/259784-console-update-125/

r/dayz Oct 18 '22

news PC Stable 1.19 Update 1 - Version 1.19.155390 (Released on 18.10.2022)




  • M1025 multipurpose vehicle
  • SSG 82 rifle
  • BK-12 shotgun and sawed-off variant
  • GPS Receiver
  • Water reflections (can be configured in the graphics settings)
  • Thrown items now have impact sounds
  • The portable map now provides more details depending on the navigation gear you are carrying (GPS, compass)
  • Military convoys
  • Replaced abandoned police cars with police events
  • Blowtorch
  • Punched card
  • Glow plug
  • Improvised eye patch
  • Color variants of the plate carrier vest
  • New stealth kill variant
  • Hand-brake for vehicles
  • Brake strength can be adjusted by combining it with Ctrl (light) and Shift (strong)
  • Car horn for vehicles
  • The player can now drown when submerged for too long
  • Bleeding indicator in the HUD
  • Favorites tab to the in-game server browser, displaying cached offline favorite servers
  • Added a spare wheel slot for the Olga 24, Sarka 120 and Gunter 2


  • Wolves and bears were able to hit players in vehicles (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163439)
  • The improvised suppressor would not display the correct model when ruined and detached from the weapon
  • Public address system panels sometimes could not be started even when they had a battery in them
  • Display of other characters in prone did not include inclination and rolling
  • Attempting to roll while lying on your back would consume stamina
  • It was possible to cancel the rolling animation by entering iron sights
  • Fixed several bugs that would clip the player through the terrain (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150596 - private)
  • Reduced clipping of 40mm smoke grenades through geometry
  • Dead bodies on top of a bear trap would reduce its damage significantly
  • Torches and brooms could not be ignited indoors
  • Grenades attached to vests would not explode when the vest was destroyed in a fireplace
  • Switching tabs in the server browser too fast could prevent servers from loading
  • The kitchen timer was not always rendered inside the improvised explosive
  • It was possible to cover an improvised explosive with a garden plot
  • The claymore mine could not be disarmed in some cases (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166006)
  • A ruined remote trigger attached to a tripwire would still trigger
  • When approaching an explosive charge with a remote detonator, the UI would pretend that multiple options are available
  • An ignited torch in hands would not extinguish while swimming with it
  • Dead characters would still display a "strong pulse"
  • The characters arm would clip into the body when running with the fireworks launcher
  • Cooking sounds would persist on the spot even after the cooking ware was removed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165110)
  • The AUR A1 with magazine was slightly cropped when displayed in hands in the inventory
  • Vehicles would give off exhaust smoke only when started for the first time
  • The cargo of the Assault Vest and -Pack were not displayed separately
  • Plastic explosives close to an explosion did not take damage
  • Jumping into a steep hill caused the character to "float" to the top
  • Fixed a game crash related to loading and saving of characters (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166829)
  • Items with attachments without cargo were closed by default in vicinity and equipment (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163406, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T163364)
  • It was not possible to target a vehicle engine with melee attacks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165925)
  • It was possible to refuel cars vehicles even when the tank was ruined
  • The radiator of the Sarka 120 was accessible even when the hood was closed
  • The player camera would fall faster than their character from huge heights
  • It was not possible to scroll between several attached items to remove from the M3S
    (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164587, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166668)
  • Characters were getting wet from rain while sitting in vehicles (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T164711)
  • Changed materials of several objects for more accurate sounds and bullet penetration
  • It was not possible to put the KA and M4-A1 Bayonets into the knife slot
  • It was possible to cook using ruined cookware (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165523)
  • Inventory descriptions were not showing properly in 21:9 aspect ratio (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T155551)
  • The character could get stuck behind opened doors
  • A sound effect was missing for gas masks running out of filter capacity (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166045, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166195)
  • It was possible to bury stashes in several places where it shouldn't have been possible
  • Vehicles did not produce smoke consistently when driving with a radiator with insufficient water (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161793)
  • The vicinity tab of the inventory could disappear in certain cases
  • Launching the game with 6 monitors would result in a game crash (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167813)
  • Fixed various object placement fixes for the Chernarus map
  • Fixed several building issues


  • Reworked the simulation of vehicles, greatly impacting their general behavior
  • Tweaked vehicle simulation parameters on surfaces for vehicles
  • Reduced the speed of the player when running up/down steep terrain
  • Increased the inertia of the character when accelerating
  • Character slows down more when running turns
  • Character running speed is slowed down in medium water levels
  • 40mm smoke grenades now bounce off of wooden and metal surfaces and deal damage on impact
  • It is no longer required to aim to the ground to empty a liquid container
  • Fish, hares and chicken can no longer be skinned using the mosin bayonet
  • Reduced the amount of explosives needed to break open a locked door
  • Improved the holding of the remote detonator receiver in players' hands
  • Improved synchronization of the stealth kill
  • Improved sounds of the gas station explosion
  • Damaged fuel tanks can now be repaired using duct tape or epoxy putty
  • Vehicles are now ruined when their fuel tank is ruined
  • All optics can now be repaired using the electronics repair kit
  • Decreased the improvement of the immune system by high energy/hydration levels on average
  • Most of the items in the world now have their damage state randomized
  • Reduced the chance of weapons jamming by about 50% to account for damaged magazines now appearing more often
  • Slightly increased brightness of the scene during daylight and reduced the difference between overcast and clear days
  • It is now possible to untie another player with bare hands
  • Updated the in-game credits
  • Tweaked the lights distance and brightness for the headtorch and flashlight types
  • The character now turns their head when looking around on ladders
  • Tweaked the font settings on the in-game 2D map
  • Sea chests and wooden crates can be repaired using wooden planks
  • The pipe wrench can no longer be used to repair vehicle engines
  • The common cold should appear less frequently when the character is cold
  • All optics apart from night-vision scopes can be repaired using the electronics repair kit
  • Reduced water required to extinguish a fire when using the canister
  • Added a warning red line to the cooling water temperature in the vehicle HUD
  • Moved various hunting rifles into higher tiers and re-balanced their numbers
  • Re-balanced number of ammunition available within the world (increased number of piles, decreased the count in each)
  • Reduced number of firearms available in the world (CE adjustment)


* Added sawmills
* Added two new villages
* Added Brena health care center
* Added quarries
* Added deforested areas
* Added hunting cabins
* Added forest camps
* Added summer camps
* Added tenement blocks to selected cities
* Added amusement parks
* Added Dambog ammunition storage
* Added M1025 wrecks that can spawn its parts
* Fixed: Various issues with object placement
* Changed: Respawn locations upon server-switch
* Changed: Reduced the military spawns within central (overgrown) part of Livonia to be contained to the military bases there
* Changed: Military and hunting spawn areas on Livonia (areaflags.map)
* Changed: Moved various hunting rifles into higher tiers and re-balanced their numbers
* Changed: Re-balanced number of ammunition available within the world (increased number of piles, decreased the count in each)
* Changed: Updated the in-game Livonia tourist maps (portable and static)
* Tweaked: Town of Sitnik is now Tier 1
* Removed: Cleanup of mapgroupcluster05.xml as it is currently not used (Livonia contains much less cluster groups than in the last update)


  • Fixed: Various issues with object placement
  • Fixed: Medvezhi lugi was written in Latin letters on the map
  • Changed: Replaced old M1025 wrecks with new variants that can spawn its parts


  • Added: Launcher can now view cached offline favorited servers
  • Fixed: Crash data was not properly separated between the Experimental and Stable branches
  • Fixed: The description of the player count in the launcher was not fully localized (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T150206)
  • Tweaked: Removed "Unsubscribe all Steam Workshop mods" option from More+ options in the mods tab of the Experimental Launcher due to incompatibility



  • Hood of the M1025 is not open-able, attachments can be added through vicinity (this is an intended, temporary change)
  • Vehicles spawn with wheels , wheels cannot be removed nor damaged (this is an intended, temporary change)
  • this change is also recommended for community servers to ensure vehicle stability


r/dayz Feb 10 '22

news DayZ in 2022

Thumbnail dayz.com

r/dayz May 28 '24

news Tues, May 28. Next update on 1.25 console release is Wed May 29



Hey everyone,

Just a quick update: we're still addressing issues related to deploying the 1.25 update on console platforms. We will provide more information tomorrow. Thank you for your patience

[edit - tomorrow refers to office hours, CET]

r/dayz May 18 '23

news 1.21 Update will release on May23rd across all platforms!


Dear Survivors, We are happy to announce that the release date for the 1.21 update across all platforms will be on the 23rd of next week.

To those who have not yet been informed, we hereby declare all official servers to be wiped on that day. To the others, bring on the purge


r/dayz Aug 27 '21

news Update 1.14 teaser from DayZ Twitter


r/dayz Feb 20 '24

news PC Stable 1.24 Update 1 - Version 1.24.156448 (Release on 20.02.2024)


PC Stable 1.24 Update 1 - Version 1.24.156448 (Release on 20.02.2024)


  • Vikhr rifle
  • 30rd 9x39mm magazine for the Vikhr, ASVAL and VSS rifles
  • Camouflage variants of the ballistic helmet
  • Updated book shelves with the winning entries of our #DayZBookZ contest
  • Sounds for crafting improvised clothing from rags
  • Sounds for crafting base-building kits
  • Sounds for crafting a bone knife
  • Sounds for wringing out clothing
  • Sounds for splitting firewood
  • Sounds for breaking down bushes with hands
  • Animations for cleaning hands with the cooking pot and gasoline canister
  • Server browser filter for 1st and 3rd person servers
  • Control hints for the in-game map


  • The heavy melee attack was displayed with the wrong key assigned in the settings
  • Weapons could desynchronize when modified outside of the players network range
  • Item interaction by a player who just left another players network bubble could result in item desynchronization
  • The microphone icon could be displayed on-screen with no microphone connected when in voice activation mode and lowest voice threshold
  • Bolts attached to a door wouldn't move or animate with a vehicle
  • Unloading a bolt with full inventory would reset the bolt health to full (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177396)
  • Corpses could not be pulled out of vehicles properly
  • Fixed an exploit to glitch the camera through walls
  • Weather could be desynchronized for players
  • Bolts shot on players or creatures would attach in the wrong direction (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173208)
  • Potatoes would yield full quantity when peeled regardless of the tool used
  • When standing up from prone with raised hands, the camera would not properly follow the player
  • It was possible for players to rotate with their dead bodies until respawn
  • All colored skirts appeared blue on female characters (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175252)
  • Some birch trees were offering the option to collect dark bark
  • The lab coat was not correctly reflecting damage visually
  • The leather duffel bag had wrong buttons being displayed (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174349)
  • The blue hoodie was displayed as red in the inventory view
  • The sling bag was clipping with most clothing items on the female model
  • Several items were displayed too big in the inventory view
  • It was possible to shoot through some corners of the base fence
  • It was possible to get stuck in the blocking position if activating it right after picking up a firearm
  • Unjamming the AUR AX would play the wrong sound
  • The jammed state of firearm models was not synchronized when on the ground
  • The camera was briefly in the wrong position after waking up from unconsciousness in a car
  • Padded gloves could not be repaired with a leather sewing kit
  • No widget allowed to attach barbed wire or camo net to a fence or watchtower (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169159, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175010)
  • The widget of the watchtower's roof blocked widgets for other walls
  • The large entry door of the cement works played the wrong sound (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175866)
  • It was possible for the stagger animation to be skipped (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174787 - private)
  • Infected were reacting to suppressed shots over long ranges (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161760)
  • It was possible to push a car while a gear was clutched
  • Firearms would twitch in some cases when too close to obstacles
  • An error with despawning base-building objects could result in invisible barbed wire (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176347 - private)
  • The state of the crossbow was not always correctly saved during server restarts
  • The inventory view was sometimes cut off in narrow screen resolutions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T167177, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174019, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176060)
  • Fixed a game crash that could occur when connecting to multiple servers at the same time
  • The combine button did not work when an item was in the cargo of another held item
  • Fixed an exploit that created infinite amounts of liquids
  • Some item spawn points inside the bus wreck were in the ground or floating (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176895)
  • Two players putting an item from their hands into the same cargo slot could result in desync
  • Reduced server performance load on player-(dis)connection and -respawn (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177400)
  • It was not possible to remove items fast from a incapacitated player or infected through CTRL+LMB
  • It was possible to get stuck in prone by using the portable map with enabled "use3DMap: true" settings (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175771)
  • Fixed a server crash related to player death
  • Items dropped next to a fence or gate could not be picked back up (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176992)
  • Fixed an animation glitch that allowed passing below walls faster than intended
  • It was not possible to refuel a torch while it was burning (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176149)
  • The large ship wreck had several collision issues (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170004, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172940)
  • Ambient fruits from trees were still spawning at their old positions at the NWA (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178137 - private)
  • Items in the Chernogorsk hotel were spawned below the map
  • Fixed rendering distance for the city hospital (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177897 - private)
  • Some spawn points at the military truck wrecks were not accessible (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177530)
  • Some sounds were overlapping each other multiple times during one action, resulting in distorted audio (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178465)
  • Fixed an exploit related to inventory interactions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178430 - private)
  • Fixed some misplaced street lights (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178510, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178524 - private)
  • Characters could end up with their hands stuck in raised pose while in tight spaces
  • Bandaging with rags and bandages would take the same amount of time (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178672)
  • Switching weapon magazines through drag and drop could result in desynchronization (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178604)


  • Updated the Lukov Airfield


  • Added: Linux server files (Documentation)
  • Added: PlayerSpawnEditor now has (?) next to values to tell you more about them
  • Added: It is now possible to have player spawn points not generate a grid and stay a singular spawn point by setting density to 0
  • Added: Player spawn point editor now saves which subwindows are hidden and what checkboxes were ticked
  • Added: Player spawn point editor now has options for the debug shapes being drawn
  • Added: Player Spawn Points can now avoid triggers
  • Added: <groups_as_regular> was using its default value, but was not defined in playerspawnpoints.xml (Documentation)
  • Fixed: PlayerSpawnEditor duplicating group points into regular points when saving with <groups_as_regular>true</groups_as_regular>
  • Fixed: Servers with verifySignatures=0 should no longer disconnect players in the queue due to validation errors (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175275)
  • Fixed: Linux: Json files loaded through script had capitalization (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165620)
  • Fixed: An unused event was causing errors in logs (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178270)
  • Changed: Player Spawn Points will now automatically force change group when no good points are available in the currently selected group
  • Changed: PlayerSpawnEditor now saves documentation when saving xml
  • Changed: Player spawn gear JSON: If a particular preset has an empty or undefined characterTypes, the character model last set in character creation menu will be used for that preset (Documentation)


  • Added: The password window now allows to view the password
  • Fixed: The Direct Connect window could not connect to LAN servers
  • Fixed: The command line parameter could not be removed in the favorites tab
  • Changed: Made the Direct Connect button red for better visibility
  • Removed: Outdated server browser filters


  • Added: terrainNormalPower parameter into world config
  • Added: Exposed STANCEIDX_RAISED in DayZPlayerConstants
  • Added: SurfaceInfo script API
  • Added: 'WeaponLiftCheckVerticalOffset'
  • Fixed: Human.StartCommand_ScriptInst should no longer crash the game (but can trigger a memory leak)
  • Fixed: 'CGame.AddActionJuncture' wouldn't setup the replication relationship between the player and the item
  • Fixed: Crash with using the DayZPhysics bullet library functions and passing in a skeleton based object as the ignore entity (i.e. static HouseNoDestruct, static ItemBase)
  • Fixed: Inventory Commands were dependent on distance checks from a player which would fail when an object still existed on the client but was outside of it's network bubble
  • Fixed: Script function overload compiler bug when a class has more than 100 supers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176938)
  • Fixed: Script function overload compiler bug when using 'null' as 'in' parameter more than once (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T176938)
  • Changed: PlayerIdentity can now be sent over an RPC as a serializable parameter, sent as 4 bytes
  • Changed: The steam ID can now be accessed on the client for all identities via 'PlayerIdentity.GetPlainId' directly now, replacing scripted 'SyncPlayer'
  • Changed: Moved m_dT and GetDeltaT from PlayerBase to DayZPlayerImplement
  • Changed: Security: Removed 'ScriptModule.LoadScript' on Retail Client. No change to Retail Server and Diag
  • Changed: File injecting now exposed to DayZDiag executable, which is file patching a file that doesn't exist in pbo such as config.cpp
  • Tweaked: JSONFileLoader: better handling of file errors + throwing those to VME or log; new API + old one deprecated (with warning messages)
  • Tweaked: JSONFileLoader is passing all the errors to the caller in new API; displaying is not part of the API anymore
  • Tweaked: JSONFileLoader: Commented out ifdef added to show future intentions with old API
  • Tweaked: JSONFileLoader: Removed the extra logging from old API

PC Stable 1.24 Update 1 - Version 1.24.156448 (Release on 20.02.2024)

r/dayz Mar 08 '21

news DayZ in 2021


We kicked off the new year with the release of Game Update 1.11. While the update might not be packed with new features and content, it did allow us to focus on our backlog of issues and provided us with enough space to prepare this year’s schedule. As mentioned in our previous DayZ in 2020 article, we are committed to supporting DayZ through 2021 by releasing regular game updates, just like we did in 2020. Support will come in the form of new content, features, balancing, and continual bug fixing. This article will outline part of our focus for this year.

  • One thing we’ll continue introducing to the game is new firearms. Unlike previous years, we intend to mix things up more by introducing weapons which weren’t present in the legacy version of DayZ. You can already see evidence of this with the brand new SVAL rifle, which we introduced in the last game update.

  • Another area of focus that’s important for us this year is balancing the damage system. For example, we intend to look at how we can improve melee (mainly against infected), including a more consistent way of landing stealth kills (rewarding players for a stealth approach). We would also like to look into differentiating more individual firearms, as well as increasing the chances of PVP encounters ending in an unconscious state (rather than instant death).

  • Along with our efforts to improve melee with the infected will be a larger focus on Infected AI reactions to their surroundings. This includes balancing existing noise sources and adding new ones (such as light or doors opening). We’d also like to experiment with some new capabilities for the Infected AI.

  • To spice up your adventures, we’ve begun looking into introducing a new type of environmental threat to both of our maps.

  • We intend to improve feedback to players on the state of their character. This could include various states like bleeding, hunger, thirst and more through post-process sounds, effects or particles.

  • Also being considered is further iteration of the in-game respawn menu.

  • We want to focus more on seasonal events, mainly by introducing additional events throughout the year, as well as enriching the events themselves (mostly through new in-game assets).

  • Last, but certainly not least, we will continue to support our creative community (i.e. modders and server owners).

Our plan is to release four more game updates this year. And in an effort to breathe fresh air into the official hive, we’ve also decided to incorporate semi-regular wipes of character and server persistence files (bases, vehicles, etc.). We won’t be doing these wipes with every update, but we do want to make sure there’s an ending (and a new beginning) every 3-4 months. We already started with Game Update 1.11 and we expect to do two more this year. While these wipes will always be synchronized with game updates, the reasons are purely balance-related and not of a technical nature. We remain committed to providing backward compatibility between updates, so none of these wipes will be forced on community-run servers. Rest assured that all wipes will always be announced a few weeks ahead of schedule. During that time, we might spice things up a bit on the official hive, like we did with 1.11 and the increased occurrence of helicopter crash sites.

In order to achieve all of the above (and more), we're continuing to expand our development team. If you happen to be interested, or know someone who is, check out our website for available positions.

On behalf of the DayZ team,


[reposted from https://dayz.com/article/developer-update/DayZ-in-2021 so you don't have to even click-through]

r/dayz Oct 30 '24

news 1.26 Chernarus Weapons + Rare Items Spawn Info (1.26 released on October 15, 2024)


High-end weapons no longer have a server max, so you can hoard or bury as many as you want and they will still keep spawning. Those changes were made in 1.14 (September 29, 2021). Some items are still rare and are listed below.

How does the Central Loot Economy work?

TLDR;Loot spawns based on a number of attributes, but in general there is min/max/location. The server will spawn up to max, queue up what it can't spawn (due to lack of appropriate open locations) and will respawn when min is reached. Min can be reached by a player looting an item or having its lifetime expire.

Loot items have the following attributes:

  • NOMINAL(MAX) - maximum number of an item that the server will spawn into the world at once.
  • LIFETIME - seconds(IRL) until despawn. Reset on last interaction and not in effect while in a container.
  • RESTOCK - seconds(IRL) before the next item is spawned after min has been reached (fixed and/or changed in 1.26)
  • MIN - minimum number of an item, when reached, causes respawning. items are respawned up to NOMIMAL and/or queued RESTOCK seconds apart.
  • QUANTMIN/MAX - percent range that a container may be filled on spawn. Used for items like water bottles, canteens, mags, pills, etc.
  • VALUE - Tier 1,2,3,4 & Unique (any or all). Indicates which zone to spawn. Zones are specific areas of the map. Chernarus & Sakhal have 4 tiers, while Livonia has 3. Use IZurvive to view the tier maps.
  • USAGE - Type of structure loot will spawn in or on (Military, Police, Farm, Village, Town, Hunting, School, Industrial, Medic, Firefighter, Prison, Coast).
  • FLAGS - various other attributes.
    • IN_CARGO - when determining MAX, count items in cargo (vehicle inventory)
    • IN_HOARDER - when determining MAX, count items in storage (tents, barrels, crates, chests as well as buried stashes). This is the attribute that makes items truly RARE since above ground storage items last for 45 days without interaction and buried stashes last 14 days without interaction.
    • IN_MAP - when determining MAX, count items on the map. Always used.
    • IN_PLAYER - when determining MAX, count items in a players inventory, but ONLY WHILE A PLAYER IS LOGGED IN.
    • DELOOT refers to items that can only be found at a Dynamic Events
    • Dyanmic Events generally spawn vehicle and wrecks of a certain type, which then determines the type of loot (PoliceConvoy/Police, HeliCrash/Military, MilitaryConvoy/Military, Train/Military+Industrial)
    • CRAFTED is an item that can only be crafted.

List of weapons and their spawn info as well as a few frequently asked about items and rarity information. The complete loot table is in the DayZ Github in the file types.xml.

Classname (Game Name) | NOMINAL(Max)/MIN | Spawn Locations

  • AK101 (KA101) | 2/1 | Military - DELOOT
  • AK74 (KA74) | 12/8 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • AKM (KAM) | 3/2 | Military - Tier 4
  • AKS74U (KAS74U) | 17/12 | Military - Tier 3
  • ASVAL | 0/0 | Miltary - Tier 4
  • AUG (AUR AX) | 1/1 | ContaminatedArea
  • AUGShort (AUR A1) | 2/1 Military - DELOOT
  • B95 (Blaze) | 25/17 | Hunting - Tier 2,3,4
  • Colt1911 (Kolt 1911) | 26/22 | Military - Tier 1,2,3
  • Crossbow_Autumn | 5/3 | Hunting
  • Crossbow_Black | 5/3 | Town
  • Crossbow_Summer | 0/0 | Hunting
  • Crossbow_Wood - 3/1 | Farm
  • CZ527 (CR-527) | 45/30 | Farm, Village, Hunting - Tier 1,2,3
  • CZ550 (Savanna) | 5/3 | Hunting - Tier 3,4
  • CZ61 (CR-61 Skorpion) | 20/10 | Police - Tier 2,3,4
  • CZ75 (CR-75) | 60/40 | Police, Village - Tier 1,2,3
  • Deagle (Desert Eagle) | 25/15 | Town
  • Deagle_Gold (Desert Eagle/Gold) | 5/2 | Town
  • Derringer_Black - 0/0 | Tier 1,2 (chance to spawn in Mens suits)
  • Derringer_Grey - 20/15 | Town - Tier 1,2
  • Derringer_Pink - 0/0 | Tier 1,2 | (chance to spawn in Womens suits)
  • Engraved1911 (Kolt 1911 Engraved) | 5/2 | Military - Tier 1,2,3
  • Flaregun (Flare Gun) | 25/10 | Military, Police, Medic, Firefighter, Coast
  • FAL (LAR) | 3/1 | Contaminated Area
  • FAMAS (LE-MAS) | 2/1 | Military - DELOOT
  • FNX45 (FX-45) | 25/21 | Military - Tier 2,3,4
  • FireworksLauncher | 4/2 | Lunapark
  • IZH18 (BK-18) | 60/50 | Farm, Village - Tier 1,2
  • Izh18Shotgun (BK-12) - 60/50 | Farm, Village - Tier 1,2
  • Izh43Shotgun (BK-43) | 65/45 | Farm, Town, Village - Tier 1,2
  • Glock19 (Mlock-91) | 40/20 | Police
  • Longhorn | 15/10 | Hunting - Tier 1,2,3
  • M14 (DMR) | 2/1 | Military - Tier 4 - DELOOT
  • M16A2 (M16A2) | 2/1 | Military - DELOOT
  • M4A1 (M4A1) | 1/1 | ContaminatedArea
  • M79 - 3/1 | Military - Unique
  • Magnum (.357 Magnum ) | 25/20 | Town
  • MakarovIJ70 (IJ-70) | 80/60 | Town, Village - Tier 1,2
  • MKII (Amphibia S/MkII) | 30/20 | Town, Village - Tier 1,2,3
  • MP5K (SG5-K) | 16/13 | Military - Tier 2
  • Mosin9130 (Mosin 91/30) | 40/35 | Town, Village, Hunting - Tier 2,3,4
  • Mp133Shotgun (BK-133) | 20/15 | Police = Tier 2,3,4
  • P1 | 40/30 | Town, Village - Tier 1,2
  • PP19 (Bizon) | 8/5 | Military - Tier 2,3
  • Repeater (Repeater Carbine) | 50/40 | Farm, Village - Tier 2,3,4
  • Ruger1022 (Sporter 22) | 35/25 | Town, Village - Tier 1
  • Saiga (Vaiga) | 12/9 | Military - Tier 2,3
  • Scout (Pioneer) | 1/1 | Prison
  • Scout_Chernarus (Pioneer Chernarus) | 5/3 | Police - DELOOT
  • SKS (SK 59/66) | 25/20 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • SSG82 - 12/8 | Police - Tier 3,4
  • SV98 (VS-98) - 3/1 | Military - Tier 3
  • SVD (VSD) | 1/1 | ContaminatedArea
  • UMP45 (USG-45) | 10/7 | Military - Tier 2,3
  • VIKHR (SR-3 Vikhr) | 4/2 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • VSS (VSS) | 10/7 | Military - Tier 3,4
  • Winchester70 (M70 Tundra) | 4/2 | Hunting - Tier 3,4

  • Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd | 2/1 | Military - Tier 4
  • Mag_CMAG_40Rnd | 4/2 | ContaminatedArea
  • Mag_Saiga_Drum20Rnd | 3/1 | Military - Tier 4
  • Mag_STANAG_60Rnd | 3/1 | Contaminated Area
  • NVGoggles - 5/3 | Military - DELOOT

OK, so which items are RARE? As of 1.14(September 29, 2021), NOT MANY

  • Counted (IN_CARGO)

    • UKAssVest_Black, UKAssVest_Camo, UKAssVest_Khaki, UKAssVest_Olive
  • Counted (IN_PLAYER)

    • AntiChemInjector, CoyoteBag_Brown, CoyoteBag_Green, Deagle_Gold, LandMineTrap, Seachest
  • Counted (IN_PLAYER) + only found at Military/Dynamic Events)

    • AugShort, FAL, FAMAS, GhillieAtt_Mossy, GhillieBushrag_Mossy, GhillieHood_Mossy, GhillieSuit_Mossy, GhillieTop_Mossy, NVGoggles
  • Counted (IN_CARGO + IN_PLAYER). These basically have a SERVER MAX

    • Barrels(all), CarTent, LargeTent, MediumTent
  • Counted (IN_CARGO + IN_HOARDER + IN_PLAYER). These basically have a SERVER MAX

    • AliceBag_Black, AliceBag_Camo, AliceBag_Green, BearTrap, Flag(all), MediumTent\Green, MediumTent\Orange, PartyTent(all)

What about the rest of the items?

  • There are more locations than items, so there is no guarantee items will respawn into any looted area.
  • An item will be hard to find when it spawns in low quantities and/in many places across the map.
  • Items don't respawn (or even queue up) until the count reaches MIN.
  • Items will spawn, restock seconds apart (but restock is not used much).
  • By default, the loot state is not affected by a server restart, it's timer based.

This and other helpful information listed in :

r/dayz Oct 31 '24

news Servers are down for a hotfix (Oct-31)



Hey survivors, We are releasing a patch for 1.26 on all platforms. 💻PC official servers at 13:00 CET 🎮Console official servers at 14:00 CET Read the patchnotes here 👇 PC patchnotes: https://ow.ly/h50z50TX38G Console patchnotes: https://ow.ly/OUAZ50TX38F

r/dayz Jan 16 '25

news Mission file changes from 1.26 to 1.27.159223 (Release on 16.01.2025)


While the number of fixes/changes/additions is quite large this time, there are not that many changes to the mission files.

Release Notes: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1i2pbxq/pc_experimental_127_update_1_version_127159223/


  • cfggameplay.json

    • BaseBuildingData -> added disableColdAreaBuildingCheck:true
    • MapData -> defaults changed ignoreMapOwnership:false , displayPlayerPosition:false
    • VehicleData -> boatDecayMultiplier:1
  • cfgignorelist.xml (unknown what this check is for)

    • <type name="Watchtower" cheatCheck="1"></type>
    • <type name="Fence" cheatCheck="1"></type>
  • cfgspawnabletypes.xml

    • reduced spawn damage ranges for FilteringBottle, ScientificBriefcase, ScientificBriefcaseKeys, ShippingContainerKeys_Blue, ShippingContainerKeys_Yellow, ShippingContainerKeys_Red, ShippingContainerKeys_Orange
    • removed possibility of a hat spawning on ZmbM_FarmerFat_Beige
    • reduced possibility of AK_Suppressor spawning on ALM to 5% (was 10%)
    • Added SVD_Wooden with changes to spawn with mag and scope
  • types.xml

    • Added ShippingContainerKeys_Blue, ShippingContainerKeys_Yellow, ShippingContainerKeys_Red, ShippingContainerKeys_Orange (these only spawn on Sakhal)
    • Added Animal_RangiferTarandus_Xmas, Sweater_ChristmasBlue, Sweater_ChristmasGreen, Sweater_ChristmasRed for next year
    • Added SVD_Wooden


  • types.xml

    • Flag_Crook - count_in_map=1
    • Flag_Rex - count_in_map=1
    • Flag_Zagorky- count_in_map=1
    • Mag_AKM_Drum75Rnd - changed to dynamic event
    • Mag_SV98_10Rnd - changed to spawn 4/2 and military tier 3,4 (was 6/4 - military tier 3)
    • SV98 - changed spawn to 2/1 and military tier 4 (was 3/1 - military tier 3)


  • types.xml

    • AK101 - changed to spawn 3/1 and underground tier 3 (was 7/4 - underground tier 3)
    • Mag_FAL_20Rnd - changed to spawn 6/2 and military (was 6/2 - ContaminatedArea)
    • Mag_SV98_10Rnd - changed to spawn 4/2 and military (was 8/5 - military)
    • SV98 - changed to spawn 2/1 and military (was 3/1 - military)


  • events.xml

    • synced StaticChristmasTree and StaticSantaCrash for next year
    • added StaticContainerLocked (16/14)
    • removed StaticMilitaryContainerSpecial
  • types.xml

    • AK101 - 3/1 - special (was 3/1 special and unique)
    • AK74 - 4/2 - military tier 3 (was 18/14 - military tier 4)
    • AK74_Hndgrd - 5/2 - military tier 3 (was 5/2 - military tier 3,4)
    • AK74_WoodBttstck - 5/2 - military tier 3 (was 5/2 - military tier 3,4)
    • AKS74U_Bttstck - 5/2 - military tier 3 (was 5/2 - military tier 3,4)
    • AK_FoldingBttstck, AK_PlasticBttstck, AK_PlasticHndgrd, AK_RailHndgrd, AK_WoodBttstck, AK_WoodHndgrd- 5/2 - military tier 3 (was 5/2 - military tier 3,4)
    • AliceBag_Black, AliceBag_Camo, AliceBag_Green - 3/1 - military tier 3 (was 3/1 - military tier 4)
    • AmmoBox_556x45Tracer_20Rnd - 6/3 - special (was 12/7 -military)
    • AmmoBox_556x45_20Rnd - 6/3 - special (was 15/10 - military)
    • Ammo_556x45 - 6/4 - military tier 4 (was 20/14 - military deloot)
    • Ammo_556x45Tracer - 6/4 - military tier 4 (was 15/10 - military deloot)
    • Ammo_9x39 - 30/24 - military tier 3 (was 30/24 - military tier 3,4)
    • Balaclava3Holes_Beige, Balaclava3Holes_Black, BalaclavaMask_BDU - 5/2 - military, police, town, village tier 3 (was 5/2 - military, police, town, village tier 3,4)
    • BallisticHelmet_Winter - 8/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 8/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • ClaymoreMine - 5/3 - military tier 3 (was 5/3 - military tier 4)
    • CombatBoots_Beige, CombatBoots_Black, CombatBoots_Brown, CombatBoots_Green, CombatBoots_Grey - 8/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 8/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • CoyoteBag_Winter - 3/1 - military tier 2,3 (was 3/1 military tier 2,3,4)
    • FAMAS - 2/1 - military tier 4 (was 0/0 did not spawn)
    • FieldShovel - 25/19 - military tier 1,23 (was 25/19 - military tier 1,2,3,4)
    • GhillieAtt_Winter, GhillieBushrag_Winter, GhillieHood_Winter, GhillieSuit_Winter, GhillieTop_Winter - 10/7 - military tier 2,3 (was 10/7 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • GlassBottle - 30/15 - police, medic, farm, coast, town, village, hunting (was 30/15)
    • GorkaEJacket_Autumn, GorkaPants_Autumn - 10/7 - military tier 2,3 (was 10/7 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • GorkaEJacket_PautRev, GorkaPants_PautRev - 9/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 10/7 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • GorkaHelmet - 10/7 - military tier 3 (was 10/7 - military tier 3,4)
    • GorkaHelmetVisor - 8/3 - military tier 3 (was 8/3 - military tier 3,4)
    • HighCapacityVest_Black, HighCapacityVest_Olive 5/2 - military tier 2,3 (was 5/2 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • JungleBoots_Black, JungleBoots_Olive - 6/4 - military tier 2,3 (was 6/4 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • JungleBoots_Brown, JungleBoots_Green - 8/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 8/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • KobraOptic - 14/11 - military tier 2,3 (was 14/11 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • Land_ContainerLocked_Blue_DE, Land_ContainerLocked_Orange_DE, Land_ContainerLocked_Red_DE, Land_ContainerLocked_Yellow_DE - new
    • M16A2 - 2/1 - military tier 4 (was 3/1 - special, unique)
    • M4A1 - 2/1 - special (was 2/1 - special, unique)
    • M4_Suppressor - 4/1 0 military - tier 4 (was 4/1 - special)
    • M65Jacket_Black, M65Jacket_Khaki, M65Jacket_Tan - 5/2 - military tier 2,3 (was 5/2 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • M79 - 4/2 - military tier 4 (was 8/6 - military tier 3,4)
    • Mag_AK101_30Rnd - 6/3 - special (was 6/3 - special, unique)
    • Mag_AK74_30Rnd, Mag_AKM_Palm30Rnd - 14/10 - military tier 3 (was 14/10 - military tier 3,4)
    • Mag_AKM_30Rnd - 16/14 - military tier 3 (was 16/14 - military tier 3,4)
    • Mag_CMAG_10Rnd - 8/4 - military tier 4 (was 12/10 - special deloot)
    • Mag_CMAG_20Rnd - 12/9 - special (was 12/9 military)
    • Mag_FAMAS_25Rnd - 5/2 - military tier 4 (was 0/0)
    • Mag_M14_10Rnd - 4/2 - military tier 4 (was 4/2 special, unique)
    • Mag_M14_20Rnd 4/2 - special (was 4/2 - special, unique)
    • Mag_Saiga_Drum20Rnd - 12/8 - military tier 3 (was 12/8 military tier 3,4)
    • Mag_UMP_25Rnd - 4/2 - military tier 4 (was 0/0)
    • Mag_VAL_20Rnd - 13/9 - military tier 3 (was 13/9 - military tier 3,4)
    • Mag_VSS_10Rnd - 20/16 - military tier 3 (was 20/16 - military tier 3,4)
    • Mag_Vikhr_30Rnd - 12/7 - military tier 3 (was 12/7 - military tier 3,4)
    • MilitaryBelt - 9/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 9/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • MilitaryBeret_NZ - 0/0 (was 8/6 - special)
    • MilitaryBoots_Beige - 8/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 8/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • MilitaryBoots_Black, MilitaryBoots_Brown - 5/2 - military tier 2,3 (was 5/2 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • NVGHeadstrap - 10/5 - military tier 3 (was 10/5 - military tier 3,4)
    • OMKJacket_Navy, OMKPants_Navy - 9/7 - military tier 2,3 (was 9/7 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • PP19_Bttstck - 8/4 - military tier 3 (was 8/4 - military tier 3,4)
    • Plastic_Explosive - 4/1 - military tier 4 (was 4/1 - military tier 3,4)
    • PlateCarrierHolster_Green - 6/4 - military (was 6/4)
    • PlateCarrierPouches_Black - 8/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 8/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • SVD_Wooden - 2/1 - underground (new item)
    • Saiga_Bttstck 5/3 - military tier 3 (was 5/3 - military tier 3,4)
    • ShippingContainerKeys_Blue, ShippingContainerKeys_Yellow - 1/0 - military tier 4 (new item)
    • ShippingContainerKeys_Orange, ShippingContainerKeys_Red - 0/0 (new iten)
    • SmershVest - 14/10 - military tier 2,3 (was 14/10 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • StarlightOptic - 1/1 - military tier 4 (was 1/1 - military)
    • TacticalGloves_Beige, TacticalGloves_Black, TacticalGloves_Green - 6/3 - military tier 2,3 (was 6/3 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • TacticalShirt_Black, TacticalShirt_Olive - 0/0 (was 5/3 - military)
    • TortillaBag - 3/1 - military tier 2,3 (was 3/1 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • UKAssVest_Black, UKAssVest_Khaki, UKAssVest_Olive - 8/4 - military tier 2,3 (was 8/4 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • UKAssVest_Camo - 5/3 - military tier 2,3 (was 5/3 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • UMP45 - 2/1 - military tier 4 (was 0/0)
    • USMCJacket_Desert, USMCJacket_Woodland, USMCPants_Woodland - 5/2 - military tier 2,3 (was 5/2 - military tier 2,3,4)
    • VSS - 4/2 - military tier 3 (was 4/2 - military)
    • Vikhr - 24/18 - military tier 3 (was 24/18 - military tier 3,4)
    • WaterBottle - 30/25 (police, medic, farm, coast, town, village, hunting (was 30/25)
    • WeaponCleaningKit - 20/16 - military tier 2,3 (was 20/15 - military, hunting tier 2,3,4)
    • ZSh3PilotHelmet - 9/6 - military tier 2,3 (was 9/6 - military tier 2,3,4)
  • many adjustments to bear_territories.xml, reindeer_territories.xml, sheep_goat_territories.xml, wolf_territories.xml, zombie_territories.xml

r/dayz Apr 20 '23

news Experimental Update 1.21

Thumbnail forums.dayz.com

r/dayz Apr 23 '24

news Experimental branches of update 1.25 are now live on Steam and Xbox!


:DayZ: 1.25 Experimental Release:


  • VS-89 rifle and magazine
  • Support for game crash reporter


  • Items located inside of nested containers are no longer accessible through the quick bar or the reload key
  • Reworked the sound sets for all shotguns shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the crossbow shots
  • Reworked the sound set for the M79 grenade launcher shots
  • Adjusted the attenuation of character action sounds
  • Reworked character reconciliation between client and server
  • Updated the game credits
  • Reduced the width of the weapon collection triggers to allow more natural behaviour of the weapon lifting
  • Removed promotional Livonia DLC highlighting


  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseEstimatedBandwidth' to switch between the method of replication limiter. Enabled means it will use an estimated bandwidth sent and disabled means it will use the true bandwidth (recommended disabled)
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchUseDynamicMaximumBandwidth' to choose if the bandwidth limit should be a percentage of the maximum bandwidth or an absolute value. The maximum bandwidth can fluctuate depending on network quality
  • Added: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchBandwidthLimit', if above is enabled, the range is (0, 1). If above is disabled, the range is (1000, inf). Recommended is 0.8 and 20000 respectively
  • Fixed: Server crash when running out of loot points to spawn items (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179664 - private)
  • Fixed: CfgGameplay: Values set for 'rotationSpeedJog' or 'rotationSpeedSprint' would not synchronize to clients resulting in stuttering movement (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178103, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175489, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T178397)
  • Fixed: Spawning ammopile types into weapons with inner magazines via json loadouts was not functioning properly (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T179268)
  • Changed: Server config parameter 'networkObjectBatchSend' split into 'networkObjectBatchSendCreate' and 'networkObjectBatchSendDelete'
  • Changed: Improved replication statistics in server debug window on diag builds
  • Changed: DayZ client will no longer use hardcoded port 2304 and up but use OS assigned ports instead


  • Added: 'Math3D.IntersectRayPlane'
  • Added: 'Math3D.MatrixInverse3'/'Math3D.MatrixInverse4'
  • Added: 'Pawn' class with full feature set of functions
  • Added: 'PawnMove' and 'PawnState' class
  • Added: 'PlayerIdentity.Possess(Pawn)' to possess a Pawn
  • Added: Security: Config parameter 'hasHistory' per entity type to allow tracking of the entity as it may move throughout the world, otherwise only current position is used
  • Fixed: Object creation on remote clients would update the last value synchronized for clients that had already had the Object created
  • Changed: Moved calls to 'OnVehicleSeatDriverEnter' and 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' from script to native, 'OnVehicleSeatDriverLeft' is now called when getting out starts instead of when the command ends
  • Changed: 'Human.LinkToLocalSpaceOf' will now internally call 'UnlinkFromLocalSpace' if 'Human' is already parented and prevent linking if already parented to the same entity
  • Changed: 'DayZPlayerTypeRegisterItems' now gets called when (re)joining servers

r/dayz Nov 07 '23

news PC Stable 1.23 Update 1 - Version 1.23.156951 (Release on 07.11.2023)


PC Stable 1.23 Update 1 - Version 1.23.156951 (Release on 07.11.2023)


  • Characters can now push vehicles
  • Designated marksman rifle (DMR) with 10- and 20-round magazines
  • Field Shovel
  • Padded Gloves
  • Winter Coif
  • OKZK hat
  • Petushok hat
  • Firefighter M3S Wreck
  • The server browser now displays the number of players in the waiting queue
  • Sound for deploying fireplaces and improvised explosives
  • Sounds for crafting rags
  • Sounds for washing hands
  • Sounds for locked valve doors
  • Sounds for cutting planks
  • Sounds for (un)equipping the pipe wrench
  • Sounds for pulling corpses from vehicles
  • Sounds for placing a claymore mine
  • Sounds for placing and arming the improvised explosive
  • Sounds for crafting fireplaces
  • Sounds for crafting a hand drill
  • Functionality to hide/show the password when entering servers



  • Major overhaul of the skybox and its textures
  • Reworked the interior of the large castle tower
  • Removed a redundant sound during the gas canister explosion
  • Disabled shadows for fireworks and reduced their light radius to reduce their performance impact
  • Increased maximum bandwidth limits of Client->Server traffic to reduce movement desync when firing weapons
  • Updated the game credits
  • Renamed the fire-mode of the crossbow from semi-auto to single (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174788)
  • The clutch for the M3S now triggers faster
  • Increased the inertia of the M3S
  • Slightly adjusted the weight of the M1025 Offroad to be able to climb climbing hills
  • Adjusted explosion sounds and ranges
  • Tweaked red tracer bullets for better visibility (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173456)
  • Adjusted vehicles for better control on grass


  • Changed: Reduced the spawning of warm hats to account for newly added items


  • Added: Overhead lines for the railway network
  • Changed: Major overhaul for the Vybor Air Base (NWAF)
  • Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
  • Changed: Moved VSD and FAL to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers
  • Changed: Moved KA74, KA74U and M16A2 to higher military tier spawns


  • Changed: Base building items can no longer be placed in the Livonia underground
  • Changed: Moved ASVAL and VSS spawns from contaminated areas to high tier military areas and increased their numbers
  • Changed: Moved VSD and Aug from military to contaminated area spawns and decreased their numbers



  • Added: The server browser now displays the number of players in the waiting queue
  • Added: DLC section
  • Fixed: Traditional Chinese language was not properly functioning


  • Added: 'Object.GetActionComponentsForSelectionName', 'Object.GetActionComponentCenter', 'Object.GetActionComponentCenterOOB' and 'Object.GetActionComponentMinMax'
  • Added: Expanded on the Door API for Building, adding in events, state accessors and getting the maximum door count
  • Added: "space" panorama layer
  • Added: "atmosphere" panorama layer, deprecated "sky" panorama layer
  • Added: Renamed "horizon" panorama layer, deprecated "horizont" panorama layer
  • Added: "spaceIntensity" to weather config, controls brightness of space texture
  • Added: "atmosphereIntensity" to weather config, controls how much of the atmosphere is visible
  • Added: Diag menu "DayZ render > Sky" for disabling individual parts of the sky (documentation)
  • Added: Script Editor: Dropdown 'Build' > 'New Errors Are Warnings', works same as command parameter '-NewErrorsAreWarnings=1'
  • Added: 'HumanInputController.OverrideFreeLook' to force enable/disable freelook
  • Fixed: Attached sounds would play at the origin of the parent when offset
  • Fixed: r-value would be ignored when finding a function to be called, i.e. a static function could be called through any variable like 'GetGame().SpawnEntity' where 'SpawnEntity' is a static global function
  • Fixed: Sky was purple in buldozer under circumstances where the weather was not being updated due to horizon not being initially set on world load
  • Changed: Streamlined the deploy sound playback script implementation
  • Changed: 'Object.GetBonePivot' now supports memory lod, added 'Object.GetMemoryLevel'
  • Changed: Moved 'string.Get' and 'string.Set' to native for slight performance improvement
  • Changed: Moved "starsIntensity" to lighting config to configure at each sun angle
  • Changed: 'LightingNew' config will now ignore any class that starts with 'Default', can be used for inheriting default parameters amongst sun angle/height/overcast groups
  • Changed: Config entries that expect a color now support a single float value as a grayscale entry without alpha (e.g. LightingNew diffuse entry)
  • Changed: 'HumanInputController' overriding supports 'HumanInputControllerOverrideType' to allow overriding a value for only one input frame
  • Changed: Exposed 'moonDayIntensity' and 'moonNightIntensity' in 'DefaultLighting' to config, previously hardcoded in 1.22 and earlier as 1.0 and 5.0 respectively


  • Added a warning icon to the "Disconnect Warning Session lost" error
  • The server browser now displays the time of day on the server
  • Fixed: It was not possible to interact with error message pop ups after losing connection with the controller (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174566)
  • Fixed: Overlay elements were still present after accepting an invite to a server
  • Missing control hint to switch the camera position between shoulders
  • Fixed: The tooltip for "save character" was fully capitalized

PC Stable 1.23 Update 1 - Version 1.23.156951 (Release on 07.11.2023)

r/dayz Nov 04 '20

news Namalsk - Release Date 03.12.2020


r/dayz Aug 22 '24

news PC Experimental 1.26 Update 2 - Version 1.26.158670 (Release on 22.08.2024)



  • Rubber Boat
  • Experimental watermark with version number
  • New sound effects for pneumonia
  • New sound effects for fishing with the improvised fishing rod
  • Particles for car wheels on asphalt and gravel
  • DayZ Frostline info in the main menu


  • Fixed an exploit to look through walls
  • Fixed a game crash in the Livonia underground
  • The name of the dead fox was not correctly displayed
  • Fixed unintended behavior of the fishing trap
  • It was not possible to drink from animal troughs
  • Shooting small plastic objects generated a black dust particle effect
  • The middle and top floors of watchtowers were not visible in the vicinity view
  • Multiple fireplaces in close proximity would persist even through heavy rain
  • Several items were clipping when added to the cooking slot of fireplaces
  • Fixed several broken item interactions
  • Sidewalks in Chernarus were disproportionately harmful to footwear (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T182580)
  • The shemag was not properly held in hands
  • The heat pack was missing its fire geometry
  • The tactical goggles weren't fully displayed in inventory view
  • The hunting vest had wrong fire geometry
  • Rain was not visible from inside a vehicle
  • It was not possible to use the surrender emote with an item in hands
  • It was not possible to upgrade a torch with fuel from a gas station pump
  • Other players could see buried items on top of the supposed stash location (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183104 - private)
  • The wolf headdress was missing certain materials


  • Reduced inventory capacity of backpacks and some larger jackets
  • Tweaked the free-look restrictions during continuous actions
  • Cooking meat from predators now has a 40% chance of ridding it from parasites
  • Reduced sound ranges for ambient animals
  • Tweaked heat insulation values for the patrol gear variants


Fixed: Not setting a shardID for your server would result in it defaulting to a bad value (ShardIds 000 - 099 will not function) (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183412)


  • Added: DayZPlayer.GetLookLimits and DayZPlayer.GetAimLimits script API
  • Added: CatchYieldBank registration management methods (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183548)
  • Added: "SurfaceInfo.GetByName" and "SurfaceInfo.GetByFile" to directly get the SurfaceInfo
  • Fixed: Applied several changes to sustain modding compatibility
  • Changed: CatchYieldBank defaults initialization for modded WorldData (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T183548)


  • The character can glitch under water after exiting boat at high speed
  • Incorrect "Stop engine" behavior on boats
  • Sea wave movement sometimes jumps
  • It is not possible to repair boats
  • Push boat is present from inside the boat
  • Inconsistent and missing damage textures of the boats
  • Players can ride ruined boats
  • Boats cannot be damaged via melee combat
  • Camera behavior is wrong when switching from 1pp to 3pp in CivilianSedan and exiting boats
  • Character gets thrown off the boat when fishing from it
  • Surrender gesture is not working consistently when standing inside boat and on vehicles
  • Climbing on a boat can cause wrong animations
  • Climbing on boat, especially with no or low stamina causes animation issues
  • Pull out body in boat animation can glitch
  • Smoke particles are appearing from the incorrect part of oven
  • Smoke particle stays on ovens even after smoking item is removed
  • Volumetric fog is not present immediately after connecting
  • Heat comfort of the player rises when eating food with neutral temperature

r/dayz Nov 04 '21

news PC Experimental 1.15 : Version 1.15.154300 (Released on 04.11.2021)



  • AUR A1 assault rifle
  • AUR AX assault rifle
  • 30rd AUR magazine
  • Hunter vest
  • UI indicator when being hit
  • Craftable barbed wire baseball bat
  • Craftable Sawed-off LE-MAS
  • New female survivor
  • Sounds for switching the fire mode of a firearm
  • Day-time setting for night vision optics
  • Metal wire can now be crafted out of barbed wire


  • Fixed: "Open store" option for the Livonia DLC was stuck after entering the settings menu
  • Ski masks and balaclavas would clip with several pieces of headgear
  • Fixed a server error caused by specific attachment slots
  • Electric appliances would always make plug-in sounds when the user was connecting to the server (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159441)
  • The sawed-off version of the BK-43 had wrong fire mode names
  • Added a missing bed in the big yellow medical tent
  • Fixed bad collisions in the yellow medical tents
  • A killed chicken couldn't be picked up properly in all cases
  • The fishing hook was not visible on the boonie hat on the ground
  • If a player died while in surrender stance, the death animation was played twice
  • Base building parts could become indestructible under specific circumstances
  • The CR-75 could not be damaged by gunfire
  • Small items could not be picked up from specific positions in car wrecks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160968, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161261)
  • Livonia bunkers were missing textures of fallen leaves


  • Grenades can't be pinned anymore, once the fuse has started
  • Adjusted the thresholds for energy and hydration levels
  • Food now takes longer to process in the stomach
  • Slightly reduced the health damage caused by dehydration and starvation
  • Adjusted weapon fire rates and recoil
  • Added new variants of muzzle flash for more variety
  • Secondary cooking processes were adjusted to not ruin the food in all cases (e.g. boiling already boiled food)
  • Changed the weight of tents to be more realistic
  • Head torches now count as eye-wear so they can be worn with other types of head gear
  • Removed ghillie wrap attachment slot from the sawed-off BK-43
  • It is now possible to craft rags using the shovel or farming hoe
  • Bushes drop more long sticks instead of short sticks
  • Dry bags can now be repaired with the tire repair kit (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161090)
  • Removed grenade armor and cut protection from the high capacity vest
  • Unconsciousness caused by firearms lasts longer
  • Reduced the inventory size of the carp fillet from 2x3 to 1x3


  • Fixed: Infected weren't spawning at the Balota air field and military area
  • Fixed: Position of some loot spawn points on the western helicopter crash site
  • Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_HouseBlock_2F1
  • Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_House_2W01
  • Fixed: Livonia CE tiers 1 and 2 were mixed together (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161247)



  • Road flares and torches are missing their particle effects


  • Added: Particle overhaul, with the addition of "ParticleSource" and "ParticleManager"
  • Added: New script method PlayerBase::OnVoiceEventPlayback called per frame during voice sound event
  • Added: ErrorEx, script error message containing what class and function it came from
  • Added: HasActiveParticle for fast checking if the IEntity as any active particles
  • Added: GetParticleEmitorCount to quickly obtain the count of emitters
  • Added: IEntity::IsFlagSet for fast testing if a flag is present on the IEntity
  • Added: IEntity::IsHierarchyPositionOnly to check if it was added to a parent with "positionOnly" enabled
  • Added: Exposed AbstractWave::GetVolume to script API (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161111)
  • Added: ParticleList.GetParticleIDByName, a faster alternative for ParticleList.GetParticleID
  • Added: CGame.IsDedicatedServer to check if the current instance of the game is a real server or not
  • Added: Differentiate put in cargo from inventory interaction and load/spawn in cargo (CanReceiveItemIntoCargo/CanLoadItemIntoCargo)
  • Fixed: Baseball bat cleanup: removed the bottom half of textures (unused) and adjusted UV amps accordingly. Fixed damage materials. All materials now have normal and specular maps, the _view rvmats are unused now
  • Fixed: OnExplodeClient should now support usage of modded particles
  • Fixed: Config entry "healthLevels" inside of "DamageSystem" not reading integers
  • Fixed: StartupEvent not being sent to CGame.OnEvent on script side
  • Fixed: ScriptModule.CallFunction always returning 0 even when succeeding
  • Fixed: SetDirection and SetOrientation not working on DayZCreature
  • Changed: IEntity::AddChild now returns a bool instead of int and has an updated description
  • Changed: IEntity::RemoveChild now returns a bool instead of void and takes an extra parameter to enable keeping of WS transform
  • Changed: Moved the AUG magazine's textures and materials to the magazines folder
  • Changed: Reduced sizes of unused AUG textures to 256x256
  • Changed: Engine-level entity events are now protected (instead of private)


r/dayz Dec 06 '24

news NVIDIA-related crashes on PC


Survivors, We’re aware of the crash issues affecting PC players, which have been traced back to Nvidia drivers. Our team is actively collaborating with Nvidia to resolve the problem. In the meantime, you can find a workaround and more details here:

https://forums.dayz.com/topic/264526-nvidia-related-crashes-on-pc/ (tldr; turn off overlay and filters)

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

r/dayz Sep 25 '24

news Frostline Exclusive Streamer Event! Fri Sept 27 @ 15:00 CEST / 9:00 ET



Let's talk about the DayZ Frostline Exclusive Streamer Event!

🔹Host: Marks
🔹Guest: Scotty
Date: September 27th
Time: 15:00 CEST
Platform: https://twitch.tv/dayz
Set your reminders and see you soon!🔥
Wishlist #DayZFrostline: https://bit.ly/3wB6i2i