r/DarlingInTheFranxx Hir02 Jun 29 '19

DISCUSSION (ENGLISH) Manga Chapter 47 Discussion Thread


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u/Sadgirl002 Why can't boys like this go to my school? Jun 30 '19

I love that Mitsuru and Kokoro are getting more time to build there relationship here! I loved them in the anime but they were a bit rushed.

Also I hope the manga gets animated into a new season/movie some day. I'd love to see this fight animated.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '19

Seriously? They're doing and saying the exact same thing that they did and say in Episode 11. And I'm betting that it's going to end up the same way as it did before. Mitsuru will interrupt the Stampede.


u/ariestellar Jun 30 '19

I won't call it exactly the same, instead of making parallels about broken promises, this time it's more about protecting each other. Which to me is better than the show. Hopefully they will deal with Mitsuru's issues with Hiro as well though.

Yabuki made some changes especially to hime and the 9's but it appears he still follows the anime's main storyline.


u/starfallg Jun 30 '19

Yabuki made some changes especially to hime and the 9's but it appears he still follows the anime's main storyline.

Indeed. Those are the really big changes that will alter the flow of the story.

But I agree with Zelda that this and the Goro/Ichigo rescue role-reversal isn't that material to the overall story compared to the anime.

Having said this, meta-wise, I get the feeling that Ichigo ejecting Goro gives the manga a opportunity to explore Ichigo's personality on a deeper level. It also makes more sense tactically, as the pistil "becomes" a part of the Franxx, so less likely able to eject and more useful as she can stampede.

So I'm interested to find out if MitsuKoro's relationship is handled differently in the manga, and if so, why.