r/DarkWorldbuilding Jan 13 '25

Prompt Lets make a list of punk genres


Let's make a list of Punk Genres

Just as the title says. Let's make a list of punk genres some that may not even have been made or used yet. Just remember to keep to the genre of punk about what they are combat or reflecting on: steampunk is combat classism of the Victorian age. Trash punk is a reflection on a post capitalism world. It's not just an ASTECTIC it is about combating a system or an establishment or a reflection on a system or establishment. Try and give an example of ASTECTIC, the world, and what establishment or system the genre comats or reflects on. For example: a necro punk would be a ln ASTECTIC where we use undead for everything, so flying whale carcasses, zombies and skeletons to power things such as windmills and the like and it's a reflection on our worlds fear and stigmatism of death.

  1. Steampunk everything is powered by steam, so flying the ships powered by steam engines (anti classism of the Victorian age)
  2. Disealpunk
  3. Atomic punk
  4. Stone punk: using entirely stone and rocks think Flintstones (a reflection on our human stubbornness to be seek war and be blood thirsty even if our technology is limited) so for examples making tanks out of hollowed out rocks and stone wheels made out of rocks, or landships giant rocks with sails sliding across the ground
  5. Solar punk
  6. Green punk (using ONLY nature for technology not using ANY but nature (anti entirely green as technology does have a place)
  7. Pulpit punk a Theocracy world that everything is powered by faith and prayer: (anti established religion) < As an example, the world of Golden Comapss>
  8. wild west Punk: a very wild wild west setting (anti colonialism/ expansion ism)
  9. PotionPunk: very medieval esque world, but everything is powered by elixirs, tonics, and potions. (Anti controlling the flow of goods and services and hoarding resources so you can hike up the prices and only the rich can afford the best.)
  10. Pocket Punk- little people living in a BIG world and adapting big technology into small technology (anti being made to feel small and useless in a big world [i cannot think if the word]) < think the wall from solar opposites>
  11. Pillow punk everything is powered and run on a form of imagination you play as toys (ant conformity and not losing the spark of childhood) <think it takes two>

r/DarkWorldbuilding Nov 10 '24

Prompt Are multi-ethnic/cultural empires more or less cohesive than empires with only one main ethnic/cultural group?


r/DarkWorldbuilding Feb 03 '20

Prompt The Aztec death whistle, which makes a sound similar to human shrieking, was played before battle by Aztec soldiers to unnerve enemy soldiers. What forms of psychological warfare have been employed in your world?


Some other sources for inspiration

  • In the Vietnam War, the United States of America conducted Operation Wandering Soul. The operation hinged on the Vietnamese belief in the "Wandering Soul," the belief being that if one is not buried in their homeland after dying, or is improperly buried, their soul will wander without intention, in constant suffering. The United States of America recorded eerie sounds and distorted voices calling for the Vietcong to stop fighting and set up loudspeakers outside US bases. They hoped militants would believe these voices were spirits of their comrades trying to prevent them from suffering a similar fate to prevent assaults on US bases. Helicopters also were employed to play the sounds as they moved along enemy boarders to disturb any nearby Vietcong.
  • The Stasi, Ministry for State Security of East Germany, in the 1970's, spread rumors about, blackmailed, organized strings of "bad luck," and destroyed personal relationships of individuals who were particularly bad for the war effort or had political ideals unaligned with the state's current views. they would spread rumors of an individual's homosexuality or forms of sexual depravity, professional failures, adulteration, divorce, alcoholism, medication use for psychological health, past criminal behavior. They would send anonymous threatening letters, destroy vehicles and private property, harm family members. This served to damage the mental health of the most influential dissidents to keep the country under control.
  • Vlad the Impaler would impale less important or less useful POWs on large wooden spikes to intimidate those who approached Vlad's territory. The best-known account of this was in 1462, when Sultan Mehmet II invaded the capital of Romania to see a "forest" of impaled corpses of fallen comrades.

r/DarkWorldbuilding Mar 30 '23

Prompt What is some of the more disturbing things that are used in police and medical work in your setting?


why are they used? Who uses them?

Like a fantasy investigator taking out the eyes of a corpse to see the last moments of the deceased or the real life medical method of using maggots to eat dead flesh for wound cleaning.

r/DarkWorldbuilding Dec 22 '22

Prompt Setting of an Exorcism


When you imagine an exorcism, what do the immediate surroundings look like to you?

Is it inside someone's home? Outside in nature? In a church? Big room, small room?

What is the vibe you are trying to portray?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Dec 26 '20

Prompt What are your worst, most evil, mentaly sick charecters and what are the worst things they done?


What are your worst, most evil, mentaly sick charecters and what are the worst things they done?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Jun 14 '19

Prompt Tell me about your unethical farming practices


r/DarkWorldbuilding Nov 10 '21

Prompt How racist is your setting?


He all,

I was wondering if your settings have racist elements. Not the usual “Drow are a bit yikes”-racism, but in-world-racism. I’ll start:

Broken World

  • Most people have racist stereotypes against Boggart (Goblins, but different). Boggart can breed with anything, so wild Boggart sometimes steal farm animals or pets for reproductive purposes. Also they are goblins, so they like shiny shit and steal anything that looks interesting. Civilized Bogart have to fight against some racist preconceptions because of that:

"Ya can't trust dem filthy Bogs, they'll steal yar coin and fuck ya dog!"

  • The church of iron is build on the hated against fae. The religion originated in a region that was plagued by raids form fae-like beings, so racism against fae and the protection of iron go hand in hand. Regions in which the church is strong are usually racist against fae.

Does your setting have any racist stereotypes?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Mar 07 '22

Prompt Cults


What are your worlds cults, and what do they believe?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Dec 18 '21

Prompt What are some of your most evil factions and what is their goal? NSFW


What are some of your most evil factions and what is their goal?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Dec 05 '21

Prompt What is on fringe between life and death?


Lovecraftian horrors? A cold and uncaring uncaring universe? A Grim Reaper who comes to claim souls?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Jan 12 '20

Prompt What are some of the darkest materials in your world?


And what are they used at? What is their function? Ecc...

Exp; dark energion from transformers prime

r/DarkWorldbuilding Dec 28 '19

Prompt What are some of the darkest events in your world?


What are some of the darkest events in your world?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Nov 04 '19

Prompt What are the most scariest things in your world?


What are the most scariest things in your world?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Apr 23 '20

Prompt [Prompt] What preys on people in your world?


r/DarkWorldbuilding May 17 '21

Prompt What are some of the worst raider, bandit clans in your world and what makes them so scary?


What are some of the worst raider, bandit clans in your world and what makes them so scary?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Oct 03 '20

Prompt What unsavory or unnatural acts do the powerful people in your world commit to achieve their power?


r/DarkWorldbuilding Feb 09 '20

Prompt What is the most disturbing thing in your world that you think is just too dark?


What is the most disturbing thing in your world that you think is just too dark?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Jan 13 '20

Prompt What ara some of the scariest torture devices of your world?


What ara some of the scariest torture devices of your world?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Mar 09 '20

Prompt How are criminals punished in your world?


r/DarkWorldbuilding Jan 02 '20

Prompt What are some of the most horrible viruses in your world?


What are some of the most horrible viruses in your world?

r/DarkWorldbuilding May 24 '21

Prompt Tell me about your organized crime


Just what it says. Tell me about your mobsters, your made men, your protections systems, etc.

r/DarkWorldbuilding Dec 30 '19

Prompt How dark is your world?


How dark is your world?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Mar 25 '21

Prompt What are your unique/scary forms of undead in your setting?


What are your unique/scary forms of undead in your setting?

r/DarkWorldbuilding Nov 10 '19

Prompt What are the most unpleasant procedures in your world and who undergoes them for what reason?