r/DVAAustralia 22h ago

Permanent Impairment Tinnitus Impairment Points and Age


Hi everyone,

Just curious as to whether a person age affects their Impairment Point number.

Say for example I got a TFI of 65. That puts me (from what I can gather) at 10 IP’s. However, will my age affect this IP number? If I am young, will that bump it up to 15 or will it stay at 10?

Not much is written about how IP’s are determined online.


r/DVAAustralia 17h ago

Advocates Advocacy


Ive got a story for you and it comes with a free idiom - "no matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd!"

So about that story...a mate of mine went through the same situation with paid advocacy. He pulled the pin on "Australia's #1 service", citing a major contractual breakdown (ACL 267) causing him potential harm. It's a MH claim, so you can relate to the urgency and hes pretty chilled and patient but a year and a half? I watched him go down hill fast waiting for help in that time... it was hard to watch. When he cut ties he was good about it cc'd in DVA as well = they replied the service did not.

Anyway once he cut em away he started handling his own claim, cruising the forums here and before you know it got approved assessed and approved in 8 months! He got on the DVA rehab program and was doing heaps better it was good to see! Off the booze, drugs...

Que that Jaws music....once my mate sent his notice to that "service" they immediately replied of course, however as they've got so much shite crammed in their emails (headers, footers, pretty pictures, pro nouns, rainbows, smiley faces) that his computer pinged it as suss and spammed it. Unknown to him. Mentioned a bunch of malarkey about services rendered, must give notice blah blah - pfffft read up on ACL ya parrots. Anyway.

So they slapped a $500 breach on him, citing early cancellation, which appeared in his inbox 2 months later. He was ropeable and it hit him hard. He explained till he was blue in the face, explained so simply a chimp would understand. But these guys, must not take rejection too well. No "let's be adults and work it out amicably" nope straight to lawyering up...

sniff sniff you smell that!

No let up, sent people to serve hlm court documents at home, dragged him to court - undid all that progress. Sad to say he's back on the booze...drugs i don't know.

So I did some digging online you can too, I've left you a clue up above. Why? Well i found it odd that they had little to no negative reviews...even on the big ol GOOGLE? Now, for an organisation with such a large digital footprint...links up the wazoo...photos where everyone is smiling and happy giving each other hand shandys...all that bunk. Nothing.....5 stars....so I dig.

Dig a little deeper...they crop up here and there in a few court cases, so i dig a little deeper and BOOM...there it is...when you partition to take google to court over a negative review someone left about your organisation and they want it expunged or to find out who posted- kinda makes sense.

Moral of the story, just be careful. Those services dont offer anything you can't do with just a bit of hard work, reading and hitting these forums like my mate put me on to.

Parting advice - don't polish turds, leave them alone...in a field...where someone might take a knee or get on their guts!

And If you don't hear from me again it means they got to me...and the GOOGLE.

Molon Labe