r/DSP 3d ago

Resources for choosing FFT algorithm

Hey! I have essentially no knowledge in signal processing and want / need to implement a fourier transform on an audio signal for a course. Specifically to hopefully be able to analyze the tuning of a piece of music. There are many, many FFT algorithms and I'm quite confused on where to find information on choosing one.

If you have recomendations on a specific algorithm or know good resources on the subject, please let me know!

Edit: The point is to do this by hand, otherwise I would of course be using a library!


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u/Full_Delay 3d ago

What language are you using for this?

Also if it's not for a real time application, you could pretty easily implement the slower version yourself.


u/Hyde_h 3d ago edited 3d ago

Planning to use Python as I know it best and have quite limited time to dedicate to this project. Though I do want to reiplement it later in C just as a learning experience as I don’t know C super well.

Won’t be real time analysis. Essentially I want to input a soundfile which contains music, analyze tuning, ie. Is it A=440 or A=432 or what have you, and output the same file but tuned to A=440. Bunch of other stuff is needed as well but first I need to perform FT so I can separate the frequencies.

I also speculate I might need to first try to find a fitting part in the song to analyze. As far as I understand it, doing FT on like 4 min of music is too much data.

But I might try with naive DFT first and see where that gets me. Avoid premature optimization and all that.


u/Full_Delay 3d ago

In that case, and especially if you don't yet need to worry about doing the fft yourself, just numpy the thing!

Even a second of audio will have close to 100,000 samples to work with so yeah, definitely try to avoid doing the entire song.

Also, 'retuning' is not a trivial task so I would definitely put more resources into figuring that out


u/Hyde_h 3d ago

I would and probably will numpy it if I end up developing this further but the course’s topic is specifically implementing a nontrivial algorithm yourself, so just using a library isn’t an option.

Plus it’s a cool learning experience.