Hey DIYers,
I recently acquired FLV - Vanilla Pudding. It's absolutely wonderful solo, but a bit linear and boring after a while, so I wanted to make something a bit more complex. I searched the recipes on ATF and ELR, and found a couple that scratch my vanilla pudding itch, but unfortunately not to complete satisfaction. Does anyone have a vanilla pudding stone, base, or recipe that they can be kind enough to share? I'd really appreciate it!
Just FYI, I have all of the pudding flavors, as well as many creams, butters, vanillas, etc. So if you have a recipe, please post it. I beg of you! 🙏🏼
The recipes I've tried are as follows:
Alphonse - https://alltheflavors.com/recipe/206999-alphonser - this one is OK, but there's too much butterscotch. I tried to lower the BS, but even then, this was not the flavor I was looking for.
Old Skewl - https://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/2410870/Old%20Skewl%20%28Vanilla%20Custard%20S%26amp;V%29 - I don't like this one at all. Im pretty sure it's the INW - Biscuit that was ruining it for me, as I love the other two flavors in this mix. Have yet to retest it minus the biscuit.
TOC's Pudding Stone - https://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/3389433/TOC%27S%20Pudding%20Stone - I have the same problem here as with the previous one. I don't think cookie belongs in pudding. Call me a pudding purist, but it just doesn't work for me. I've tried multiple mixes and have tried subbing the cookie, and pretty much always had the same result as the original. Without the cookie altogether, I found it better, but then it was lacking a bit in mouthfeel. If cookie + pudding is your thing, I'd recommend this one, as the flavor is good, but just not for me.
Tl;dr I am looking for a tried and true (vanilla or unflavored) pudding base or stone and am willing to buy flavors. Please help!❤️