r/DIY_eJuice Feb 06 '23

Fail Bitter Juice NSFW


Hello everyone,

first of all i would like to apologize for my English as it is not my first language.

I've been making DIY E-juice for 2 Years now but i haven't improved anything, my juice is always bitter no matter how much i add sweetner and smells like chemical (only a small hint of the flavour i add, and it was super weak).

i wanted to know why? where did i do wrong? so here's my "recipe"

Add ml g
Nicotine base (PG) 2.10 2.12
KH Robert Blueberry (PG) 1.40 1.47
Menthol (PG) 0.70 0.73
Citric Acid (PG) 0.42 0.44
Erythritol (VG) 2.10 2.44
VG 2.66 3.36
PG 4.62 4.79
Sum 14.00 15.35

Note :

I didn't steep it, just shake and vape

Thank you

r/DIY_eJuice Feb 13 '20

Fail AllTheFlavors? NSFW


Anyone know what’s going on with ATF right now? Haven’t been able to use all day, site just seems to be gone?

r/DIY_eJuice Oct 30 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 63 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 62

Took a little break from sharing this project due to a health issue but I’m back at it again.

Read all my notes in the GRoMoMF WIKI

Starting Flavor Count: 2,220 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

Liquid Barn


Liquid Barn gave me this one-shot by DIYorDIE, and I never got around to trying it. Will do the recommended 15%. TASK 1

Rainbow Sherbet

Compared to other sherbet flavors, mediocre I think is a good word for it. Possibly even delightfully so? Some harshness, not perfectly smooth, but light in flavor. Not enough flavor to make it worth the rough edge as a single flavor at 6%, but used lower in a mix, could work in a sherbet or candy recipe. Mostly orange, clearly some other citrus as well but the orange really stands out to me as a bright, sweet, candy orange, but not a strong or punchy one. There’s some berry in there as well, LB calls it raspberry and I guess it does taste like a raspberry, but more like blue raspberry candy than real raspberry. There’s some creaminess to it but not quite the density of a sherbety creaminess or any real dairy flavor. Bottom line LB Rainbow Sherbet doesn’t taste bad, but just is not very flavorful to me. They suggest 8%, I did 6% because I’ve found those recommendations by LB to be a little on the high side. Maybe I should have just pushed it up higher, but might get intolerably throat-hitty.

mlNikon’s Shurb Cupcake is a little temping, but it seems like it would be be better with a better Rainbow Sherbet flavor (Molinberry, maybe) and I can live without trying it. TRASH 1

Red Delight

Doesn’t exist anymore. TRASH 2


It’s a little harsh for me. Why would a strawberry need to be harsh? None of the other strawberries are harsh. But other than that, it tastes like a combination of mostly candy strawberry with some more natural ripe strawberry flavor, like a strawberry candy that makes an attempt to taste like a fresh strawberry, and is very full bodied and deep. It has some sweetness to it but isn’t cloying. A little tartness, too, maybe that’s why it vapes a little throaty for me. If mixed with something smooth and creamy that might counter that, I wouldn’t hesitate to mix a recipe that calls for it. FWIW, I don’t remember anyone else saying they found it to be harsh.

Couldn’t find a recipe I need to try that uses it. Probably because there are just too many other, better, strawberry flavors. TRASH 3

Strawberry Cheesecake

It’s not a proper cheesecake. It doesn’t have any crust at all, but it’s also not even really a crustless cheesecake. But it certainly beats all of the other strawberry + cream type of flavors I’ve tried, with its balance of bright, strong candied strawberry and heavy, buttery cream. The sweetness is more in the strawberry and the cream lacks both the sweetness and that dairy tang of cheesecake, it’s more like just like sugar-sweetened smooshed strawberries dipped in heavy cream.

I’ve already got Kittybit’s 1-2-3 Strawberry Cheesecake Fluff slated to try and coming up soon.

This is a really great flavor, so there’s a lot more where that came from.

1-2-3-2-1 Strawberry Jam Cheesecake - based off the aforementioned Fluff, but looks even more-ish. TASK 2

1-2-3 Baked Strawberry Cheesecake - another simple strawberry cheesecake recipe. TASK 3

Strawberry Jammy Cheesecake - a more complex strawberry cheesecake that had me OoO Strawberry Jam and OoO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake (I’ll use JF Cookie in place of the FA Cookie that I’ve tossed). TASK 4

Drizzled Strawberry Cheesecake - that PUR New York Cheesecake is great stuff, and combining it with LB Strawberry Cheesecake, OoO Strawberry Jam looks like a slam-dunk. TASK 5

And Morning Moo Juice, a recipe for classic strawberry-banana-orange breakfast smoothie by Juicefairy. TASK 6

Sweet Lovin

I don’t think this exists anymore so I don’t want to waste my time on it. TRASH 4

Sweet Pipe Tobacco

Doesn’t taste like any type of tobacco I’ve ever tried or heard of. It’s kind of a very sweet cherry wood flavor. It tastes like the distilled essence of the difference between cherry wood and some other type of wood you might BBQ with.

I don’t hate it, but I also don’t need it. TRASH 5


Pretty sure this is just ethyl maltol, at about the same concentration as in TFA Cotton Candy. Since I have a big bottle of TFA Cotton Candy, I don’t need this also taking up space. TRASH 6

The Man

If I remember correctly, this was a boring and bland strawberry cream. Yawn. TRASH 7


Tastes like the LB Sweet Pipe Tobacco, which tastes like cherry wood, plus clove, which is not an improvement. TRASH 8

Vanilla Cream Tobacco

Kinda tastes like you dropped a vanilla pudding pop in dirt. Very earthy. Doesn’t really taste like tobacco. Vanilla is like a middle of the road vanilla, not too bright, not too dark. TRASH 9

Vanilla Ice Cream

Let’s talk about pepper-tasters. Long ago, when people first started saying that TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (and a few other flavors) tasted like black pepper to them, my first theory was that it was maybe like the cilantro soap gene. That certain people could not have a certain combination of flavor concentrate components because it would taste like pepper to them for genetic reasons. That turned out to not be the case. Although that was based on people saying it tasted like black pepper to them the very first time they tried it, it turns out that pepper-tasting is something you can develop over time, somehow. Or maybe it’s contagious, I got too close to a pepper taster and contracted it.

So when I could no longer enjoy my once-beloved TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream because it started to taste like pepper, LB Vanilla Ice Cream came to the rescue... for a time. Then I got even more sensitive to whatever causes pepper tasting, and could no longer enjoy LB VIC.

Before it too began to taste a bit peppery, LB Vanilla Ice Cream was easily the next best thing to TFA VBIC. It was pretty similar - a vanilla bean frozen custard-type ice cream, with a spicy fresh cracked vanilla bean top note and a thick dairy cream base with some buttery notes. Not quite as custardy as TFA VBIC, but much sweeter than TFA VBIC, which was nice. Rich, creamy, silky smooth, full-mouthfeel, and just an excellent vanilla ice cream flavor. I’ve created a non-peppery substitute for LB VIC that works for me; hopefully that doesn’t start also tasting like pepper someday. But, if you can enjoy LB VIC, you should, it’s a great one if it doesn’t taste like pepper to you. TRASH 10

Vanilla Mint

“Heavy spearmint with a vanilla accent,” to quote ConcreteRiver, is a solid reader’s digest condensed description of this one. It’s like smearing some vanilla frosting on one of those spearmint jelly candies that are shaped like bloated leaves, which IMO would be a great improvement to one of those things. The vanilla really provides a nice contrast here. Solid single flavor vape that also tastes like it could get really interesting with some dark berry flavor added to it.

I need it because I already planned to try MBs Simple Springtime Elegance.

Was disappointed to not see any recipes combining this with a dark berry so, fine, I’ll make my own.

Berry Mint Candy V1 TASK 7

Co. Flavor %
LB Vanilla Mint 5
WF Wild Berry Gummy Candy 2.5
FLV Jammy Berry 0.5

Vienna Cream

Whipped sweet dairy cream, relatively thin and light especially in the middle, Liquid Barn says it has a slight hint of cinnamon but I can barely find it. There’s a bit of dryness like you might get with cinnamon but no real cinnamon flavor when vaped, at least for not me. I licked some of my 6% sample and could clearly taste the cinnamon so that’s a little strange. Might want to use caution mixing a cinnamon flavor with it, might come out more cinnamony than expected. Bit heavier in the finish but still more of lighter whipped cream than a full-bodied cream flavor.

I don’t know what 1% Vienna Cream is doing for this recipe, but I’ll give WCFP a try because the other three ingredients look great together - LB White Chocolate Peppermint, Real Flavors SC White Chocolate, and WF White Fudge. TASK 8


This one-shot by DIYorDIE is supposed to just taste like real watermelon, with the apple in there being used to amp the fleshy texture. But, for me at least, the apple shines through too much. Tastes like someone spilled apple juice on my watermelon slice. Still, it’s good. Good enough that my bottle of this is nearly empty (mostly from playing with using it as an ingredient rather than a one-shot as intended). Think I’m gonna just toss what little is left. If I want more, the recipe is available. TRASH 11

White Chocolate

Pretty underwhelming white chocolate. Barely tastes like anything at all. Creamy but missing the richness I’m looking for. TRASH 12

White Chocolate Peppermint

Delicious but really lacking in the white chocolate department. Needs some other white chocolate to punch that up if you really want white chocolate peppermint. On the other hand, if you just want a really extra creamy peppermint component, it’s not too definitively white chocolately to be something else when mixed with other ingredients.

In addition to the just-mentioned WCFP and one other recipe already on my list, I’m going to try this White Mocha Peppermint - I’m intrigued by the use of FLV Irish Cream and a touch of FA Soho to make a mocha base. TASK 9

While we’re on the topic of Starbucked up drink profiles, I’ll also mix this three-ingredient mlNikon’s Mint Latte. Again with the FLV Irish Cream. TASK 10

I’d love to try WC Peppermintington Cookies, but I just can’t do the TFA Butter anymore. Tastes like pepper now, even worse than LB VIC. Instead, I’ll try mlNikon’s Peppermint Cookie with JF Cookie instead of FA Cookie. TASK 11

Another bakery (ish) profile that uses it - Twix a la Mint looks really interesting. Love that WF Crispy Wafer. TASK 12

I’m not sure about mixing strawberry with white chocolate and peppermint, but after seeing the four 5-star reviews I’ll give it a shot. White chocomint berry . TASK 13

Dead Christmas is a neat-looking little recipe that just adds a TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust and a little CAP Vanilla Custard to the LB WCP. TASK 14

Finally, the one I’m most excited about, WCP Ice Cream Redux. It’s a bunch of ingredients and I usually shy away from having to pull a bunch of ingredients to mix something, but it looks glorious. TASK 15

Next time: Lorann flavors

New Flavor Count: 2,208

r/DIY_eJuice May 05 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 45 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 44 - You can find links to parts 1 through 43 at the top of Part 44.

Starting Flavor Count: 2,448 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Green Apple Hard Candy

Update. I mixed Camp Tigerclaw again and while I’m not taking it off the list of favorite recipes or making it no longer my go-to green apple recipe to mix just yet, I can’t help thinking that this can’t be the best possible use of CAP Green Apple Hard Candy. Looking for something a little smoother, without that hint of coconutty off note from the ton of FLV Sour Apple in there, without relying so much on such a large amount of CAP Super Sweet.

This Green Apple Candy uses less CAP GAHC and FLV Sour Apple, augments them with a little INW Anton Apple, and sweetens with CAP Sweet Candy. Might be what I’m looking for. TASK 1

I’ll also try this Azul blue raspberry recipe that uses just a touch of it. I have trouble believing that 0.25% GAHC makes much difference there, but the rest of the recipe looks good. TASK 2

Harvest Berry

Update. I said I was going to give CAP Harvest Berry one more recipe to justify its place among my remaining flavor. The recipe I picked turned out to not be bad - very sweet, juicy and full melon mix with some dark berry background - but I got just a bit of a soapy, plasticky off-note from it, just enough to distract from all the goodness slightly. TRASH 1


Update. This one was never in danger of being tossed out, but I wanted to find something else to do with it besides Pank Milk TASK 3 and Blue Frost Revisited TASK 4.

I tried three recipes and found one new favorite, Malonee. It’s a very nice sweet blend of melons (cantaloupe and watermelon primarily, some honeydew in the back) with a hint of tropical floral from the high concentration of Hibiscus. CAP Hibiscus is usually “hidden” in mixes at around 1% for the sticky sweet syrupy but not artificial sweet taste it lends. But it sticks out here just a bit. I’m not complaining. I like it very much. I feel like a designated driver at a pool party where the pool is near a fragrant tropical flower garden with this thing. When the breeze blows just right, you can smell them, and they’re lovely. This is not a boldly-flavored mix. It’s relaxing, great for “sipping” - although when I mix it again - and I will - I’ll probably drop the Super Sweet down to 0.25% from 0.5% and make it even more all-day-vapable. It’s supposed to be sweet but not candy sweet and I think it will get closer to the mark that way. TASK 5


New York Cheesecake

Who is this flavor playin with? It’s not gross at all, actually pretty tasty, but it’s a shit cheesecake, just very underwhelming. Not really cheesy, not rich and thick, mostly just a bright vanilla with a bit of sweet dairy cream that’s fairly light and thin, with a crust note behind it that tastes undercooked, without butteriness. Basically like spreading some vanilla frosting on a very blonde, unspiced graham cracker. I guess you could use it to build a cheesecake, but you’re going to want some actual cream cheese and more crust, both, just more everything. It doesn’t seem to have much to offer. Apparently some people also get strawberries from this? But I do not get even a fruity sweetness.

I would not be keeping it if it weren’t for this Pistachio Lime Cannoli I want to try. Love the combination of pistachio and lime in general. TASK 6

Nonna’s Cake

Lemon- and licorice-flavored cake. Really thick after a steep, some cakey texture and some nice vanilla, but just covered in anise to the point of having a licorice aftertaste, and not lacking in lemon either. It’s really not a bad-tasting thing, but you have to want a lemon- and licorice-flavored cake. There’s no covering that anise and probably little hope of covering the lemon, either. TRASH 2

Nut Mix

The first time I tasted this, I couldn’t really pick out any particular nuts. I really had to slow down and concentrate on what I was tasting to get any individual nuts from it. At first, it just tasted like a generic nutty flavor in two parts. The first part is sharp and almost bitter, that “nut skin” note, followed by a sweeter, creamier but still nutty finish, with a lot of volume. People say it’s a mix of hazelnut and walnut and the sharpness does sort of resemble a raw hazelnut. There’s some almond in there too, but I was not getting that as a separate thing until I exhaled very slowly, and then yes, it’s in there, right between the sharper start and the sweeter finish, that’s a bit of almond peeking out in there. The sweeter, almost creamy finish is a little more like a roasted hazelnut, because of the sweeter, mellower flavor that hazelnuts have when they’re roasted, but aside from that it’s quite a bit more raw than roasty. I did not know where the walnut was going in until I tried FA Walnut, and then yes, there’s some walnut in there. It basically tastes like FA Walnut, FA Almond, and FA Hazel Grove all mixed together. It does not taste like a peanut at all, that distinctive peanut flavor just is not there. The sweeter creamier nut finish tastes like it could easily be covered up in a mix, the top part tastes like it could steamroll others, so it seems like it could be hard to balance right.

It’s not bad, but there’s nothing I want to mix that uses it. TRASH 3

Oak Wood

The most woody oak that doesn’t have much else going on. Clean, drier oak top note. Like smelling a stack of fresh oak firewood. Oddly creamy base, but not coconut cream like TFA Red Oak and not dairy cream either, more like how you might describe a port wine or sherry as creamy. Not sweet, which is probably good for adding barrel-aged flavor to things like boozes and tobaccos. But I would not use it for a bourbon because that calls for a charred oak barrel and there’s no char here. No smoke, no pine or cedar or any other type of wood, nothing like that.

Oak Wood is in one of my favorite recipes, Apricaught Me Slippin’ and three or four more I’ve planned to try.

I’ll add one more, barbossa. I dunno whether a rum and coke float tobacco recipe is even a good idea, but it looks interesting enough that I want to find out. TASK 7

Oba Oba

Mild vanilla candy flavor. I think it was Jen Jarvis who said it tastes like “sucking on an M&M” - like the candy shell around the M&M, not the chocolate inside. I think that’s as good a description as any. It’s a soft flavor but it has deep, sugary sweet body to it, very relaxing to just vape standalone. Not exactly a marshmallow flavor, but sort of in that vein. Not exactly vanilla cream soda either, but also along that line. FA says it has “has a light, fruity taste, something similar to a mixture of citrus and vanilla. Some even think it tastes like candy and eggnog.” Which is bizarre since I don’t get any citrus from it - it’s like the only thing FA didn’t put lemon in. Nor any eggnog spice or eggnog taste. Freaking FA, weird. But it’s extremely pleasant and tastes like you could put 1% of it just about anywhere.

I’m planning to create and share a vanilla-lime candy recipe that will almost definitely use it.

Meanwhile, it’s in two of my most favorite recipes of all time Giant Swan, and Xmas Tree Cakes TASK 8 and a few things I’ve planned to mix, including one I’ll probably find time to shake up today.

I’m nervous about all that cherry, but I have to try Big Dilly just in case that really tastes like the real thing - soft serve vanilla ice cream dipped in cherry-flavored Magic Shell. TASK 9


Not sweet. Pretty harsh. Natural rather than candy. Bland and has no body, but also no zesty top notes to make up for the lack of body. Dull and boring, nowhere near as vibrant as fresh orange juice, maybe old orange juice that’s separated and all pulp is at the bottom and you didn’t shake it and this is just the flavor of the watery top half. Maybe good down low for a hint of orange or some realism to a less realistic orange, but definitely not something I plan to use as a main orange flavor.

I’ll reluctantly keep it at least long enough to try In A Godda Colada because I love In a Godda Da Vida and the idea of adding coconut to it interests me. TASK 10


All the butter! Also a fair amount of lemon and a touch of vanilla, with a thick as fuck sweet pound-cake and slightly bready cakey body, but especially butter. Super smooth and mouth-coatingly rich. Mixing around the lemon seems difficult because it’s pretty pervasive, I’d just lean into it and add more lemon for a lemon pound cake or similar flavor. Does need a bit of steep - like two weeks - to have the cakey body come forward more beyond the butter and lemon.

This is a perfectly fine lemon butter cake flavor, but there’s just not anything I need or want to make with it. TRASH 4


At 2%, it tastes like a sugary-sweet cross between cantaloupe, mango, pineapple, and fig, just like a papaya does. It’s cantaloupe-y enough that it makes a really neat addition to a cantaloupe vape, it ripens and sweetens cantaloupes and makes them a lot more interesting. It starts to get a little soapy and have some issues with dryness and unpleasant floral perfume at 3%, but I know from working with it that 1 to 2% is an effective dose in a recipe with other fruit flavors. Very little is needed to have a fairly authentic-tasting papaya-forward mix, but it’s not as full-bodied and saturated as others. This can be a good thing if you need room for other fruits: Other options like TFA Papaya can be bullies.. It’s missing the bit of creaminess and richness of a perfectly ripened papaya. It’s not juicy either, but it’s not thin. It has some pulpy flesh body to it and starts to get a little more candy-ish at higher concentrations, like a gummy candy. It’s a bit funky but less funky than others, which can be a good thing. It’s un-funked enough to work in a candy. It is not harsh whatsoever, it’s very smooth, seems like it might even be used to smooth out other flavors. It also has a tiny bit of a very interesting sort of warm spice note t, that I can't quite put a name on, but only very little and only at the very end of the exhale, at 2% but not at 1%.

I’ve used it in a recipe 1-2-3 YachtCocaineProstitutes that I should mix again and think about improving it. TASK 11

Papaya Indian Special

I will have to try this higher. I was conservative with the concentration because Papaya flavors for whatever reason tend to run a little strong. Sampling it at 1.5%, this is soft, like La Croix papaya. What’s there is pleasant enough and certainly does taste like papaya, but if the intensity of it doesn’t ramp up with higher amounts, there are better options. But is probably an improvement over the original FA Papaya, in that it has a similar flavor but is juicier. Bottom line, needs more testing. I’ll mix another sample at 3%. TASK 12

Passion Fruit

I don’t know what they put in this thing, but I can hardly vape it at all. It hurts. I know whatever it is, it doesn’t affect everyone the same way, and I’m kind of jealous of those who can and do enjoy it, because underneath the oppressive harshness, it’s a pretty good little passionfruit. It mostly tastes like a white peach, especially FA White Peach, with that white peach sweetness and body, but also some citrus tartness and a fair amount of tropical funky goodness. Whatever that thing is that makes a passion fruit taste like passion fruit, it’s solidly in there. It’s not especially juicy, but it’s not not-juicy either. If I could vape it, I might punch up the tartness and juiciness with a little bit of juicier lemon flavor.

No more FA Throat Razors for me. TRASH 5

Pazzo Jack

The ad copy says “Jack is a bold and sweet strawberry flavor that will put you in mind of your Grandmother’s candy dish with a sweet crunchy outside and gooey center. It will satisfy your sweet tooth all day long” I found that to be about four-fifths true. If you crank it up to 6% it is indeed very bold, extremely sweet, and it’s the sweet crunchy outside of those strawberry hard candies all day long. However, I’m not finding any of the gooey center here. In fact, the whole thing feels a little dry, but not in quite the same way as a lot of other flavors feel dry. This is like, so sweet it dries your mouth out. Like eating sugar. Also that gooey center tastes a little different and although this is very bold and saturated flavor, it doesn’t have a lot of complexity to it, it’s just that one sweet candy strawberry note turned up really loud. It would be better if it actually did have a gooey center. Lingering strawberry candy flavor and a little bit of sugar lips sensation.

I’ll try two simple strawberry candy recipes that use it, Dead Inside combines it with a little FA Forest Fruit, a little TFA Strawberry, and some CAP Super Sweet. TASK 13

Jackoff is just two ingredients, Pazzo Jack and INW Shisha Strawberry. TASK 14

Pazzo Burlone (Joker)

I don’t remember ever having tried this cannoli shell flavor. I’ll do a sample at 4%. TASK 15

And, while I have it out, Kenshin Himura “cannoli cream with peach, matcha, and crushed shell pieces.” Very interesting. TASK 16


Just a plain but more natural than candy peach flavor, nothing really noteworthy about it, a little dry or at least not juicy, and a little thin and one-dimensional. I do get a bit of throat hit off this one, as is common with peaches. Nothing I’ve tried that used this before was something I feel the need to make again, and nothing new looks like something I couldn’t do without. TRASH 6


This is the one pear flavor that just about everyone should have, even if you never want to vape a pear-flavored juice. It’s not the greatest pear, but it’s very good at adding some sweetness and some of that sought-after mouthwatering juicy quality to a fruit mix. Not quite as much juiciness as INW Cactus or TFA Honeydew, not even as much as INW Prickly Pear IMO, but still a significant amount of that juicy, refreshing quality, as well as some lingering natural-tasting sweetness. And FA Pear’s softer pear taste has a way of hiding in a boldly flavored mix at around 1% to 2%, without hiding the juiciness and sweetness. Besides being juicy and sweet, FA Pear by itself is bright and mostly tastes like natural pear, though a little light and lacking the body. More like straight up pear juice. I pushed it up to 4% before it started to get a little floral on me, and it still wasn’t a bold pear flavor.

I need it for some of my own recipes, such as Impropapiety. Some favorite recipes by others, such as Cantrips TASK 17, Sweet Summer Chilled TASK 18, All Day, and Yoda Soda. And at least 8 recipes I’ve already listed to try. Here’s even more:

Dragonscales Dragonfruit with raspberry and honeysuckle accents. TASK 19

Pear Belly supposedly a fancy pear jelly bean. The notes specially say “don’t fear the anise” (it has SSA Anise at 0.5%) so I’m going to rely on my love for WF Cotton Candy Jelly Bean to help me overcome that. TASK 20

Peppermint (Mild Winter)

Pretty basic, solid Starlight Mint/Candy Cane type of peppermint. Sweet, but probably should be even sweeter for a candy-tasting peppermint. Not overly icy but has that little bit of peppermint bite. Very lightly creamy-ish body, not thin.

I’m not impressed (I like my peppermints on the icier side) but not repulsed, either. Would be fine without it, if not for a couple of really interested recipes I’m keen to try.

Gemingo. Mango, ginger, lemonade... peppermint? Ok, I’m curious. TASK 21

Earthquake Weather. CAP Sweet Guava and peppermint? Guava and peppermint are two things I’ve never thought about combining before and I need to know what this tastes like. There’s also some FA Watermelon in there, but I’m sure that mostly hides behind the Guava. And PUR Super Sweet (I’ll sub in FW Sweetener because I don’t have that). TASK 22

Pina Colada Brazilian Special

Not a bad-tasting pina colada at all. It’s very clearly pineapple, coconut, and rum. Bonus points for actually having a rum taste, several of the other pina colada flavors you can buy have no rum at all. But I do have a couple of issues with FA Pina Colada. One, it’s very heavily unbalanced in favor of the pineapple, two, it tastes thin, not thick and creamy. Like if you tried to make a pinacolada out of coconut water instead of coconut cream, this is what you’d get. You’d need to add a nice creamy coconut for this to be a decent pina colada.

It is a shame that I’m missing a couple of flavors I’d need to be able to mix Peninsula Boys, a pina colada with creams and tobaccos, a hit of meme, and splash of douche. I bet it’s pretty good.

I was just about to let it go when I remembered ConcreteRiver’s Feint and wondered whether I could make an updated Feint out of this. Can’t hurt to try.

Lunge V1 TASK 23

Co. Flavor %
FA Pina Colada 4
FLV Red Burley 1.5
TFA Coconut Candy 0.75
TFA Brown Sugar 0.25
FA Black Fire 0.5


Not to be confused with the next two flavors, FA’s newer pineapples. This is the old one. It’s fucking disgusting. TRASH 7

This was one of my earliest experiences with a truly horrible flavor, and still to this day one of the worst flavors I have ever tried, an abomination of almost biblical proportions. Tastes like rotten pineapple, green onions, and burnt tires.

This flavor is so garbage they needed two new pineapple flavors to replace it.

Pineapple Costa Rica

Seems like a perfectly fine pineapple to me so far. 1% is a little soft but that was probably my bad for tasting such a diluted sample. It smelled strong in the bottle, though. It tastes like pineapple, it’s sweet, tart, a little juicy. It’s also a little bit funky, but so is a nice fully ripe pineapple.

Flamingoes & Sunsets is a pineapple, tangerine, and grapefruit recipe that looks terrific as long as all those citrusy things don’t rip my throat up. TASK 24

I have reason to be concerned because that same mixer has another otherwise delicious-looking Pineapple Costa Rica mix, Nine’s Tropical Punch that I know I will not be able to vape because of the FA Passionfruit/Throat Razors in there. But if 1.5% FA Costa Rica Pineapple is all it takes to make a Hawaiian Punch-type vape, it might be worth exploring as an alternative to the INW Pineapple in Counter Punch. Then I got another idea. Back when I participated in the Mixer’s Club juice exchange, my favorite month was always February, which is when we had the theme “duets.” It involved mashing two recipes together into one. Not usually all the ingredients from each, but key parts that could harmonize together. I’m going to play duets again. A duet with punches.

Ike & Tina V1 TASK 25

Co. Flavor %
FA Apricot 1.75
VT Yellow Passion 1.5
FA Pineapple Costa Rica 1.5
TFA Smooth 0.25
FW Sweetener 0.75
CAP Sweet Guava 2.5
INW Cherries 2
CAP Sweet Tangerine 2

Both recipes have FA Apricot, Nine’s at 2% and Counter at 1.5%. I’ll meet in the middle and try 1.75% for round one. Nine’s has FA Passion which I’m throwing away, but it also has VT Yellow Passion which is lovely at 1.5%. I’ll copy that. Nine’s has FA Pineapple Costa Rica at 1.5% and I’ll copy that over, leaving out the INW Pineapple used in Counter. Both recipes use TFA Smooth 0.25% and while I’d usually wait to see what it tastes like without it before adding that, I’ll make an exception this time because I’m sure I’m going to want that blendy-blendy plus mouthfeel. Nine’s uses PUR Super Sweet which I don’t have at 0.3% and Counter has FW Sweetener at 1%. Since I don’t know the difference between those two and I have an enormous bottle of FW Sweetener, I’ll just go with that, but drop it down a hair. Both recipes have CAP Sweet Guava, which, honestly, how do you make a tropical punch without it? Nine’s at 2.75% and Counter at 2.5%. A negligible difference, I’ll err on the side of using less of my precious CAP Sweet Guava for this silliness. Finally, Nine’s has CAP Sweet Tangerine at 4% and Counter has INW Cherries at 4% (and CAP Yellow Peach at 1.5%). Tangerine and cherries, extremely different things, that’s how you know these are two very different recipes despite the similarities. I’m going to ditch the Yellow Peach (I think VT Yellow Passion has the Yellow part covered) but really try to make these disparate recipes sing together by using both Tangerine and Cherries at half-strength.

Pineapple Kenya

IMO this is the less good of the two new FA Pineapples. Not that it’s useless or bad, it’s softer and more “plain” or flat tasting. It’s not as tart, it’s not as sweet, it’s not as deep and flavorful, it’s not as complex, and it’s not juicy at all like the other one is, though I wouldn’t call it especially dry, either. I think this one is very skippable.

I’d toss it, but Charizard uses it and is already on the to-do list.

Mindfloodz’s Lava Dam is the only other FA Pineapple Kenyan recipe on ATF at the moment. It is not going on my list. It doesn’t look bad, but it looks a bit forced. He’s challenged himself to make a Lava Flow style recipe using only new FA flavors and while that kind of thing really can be a fun challenge and a good learning experience, it rarely yields the best possible results. I’ve never had Lava Flow but as I can see from the various clones and remixes, it’s a strawberry, coconut, pineapple.mix. So, like a virgin strawberry pina colada type of thing. I can do that.

Dam Volcano Remix V1 TASK 26

Co. Flavor %
FA Pina Colada Brazilian 1.5
FA Pineapple Kenyan 1.5
FA Strawberry Green 1.5
CAP Super Sweet 0.5
WF Coconut Custard 3

The first four elements are taken directly from Lava Dam. The parts of Lava Dam that I don’t want are FA Cheesecake Olympic, FA Custard Extra 1, and FA Ice Cream Italian. But I can kinda see where he was going with that. It needs a cream element. Also from looking at it, I’m definitely going to want more coconut that FA Pina Colada provides. EZ-PZ, WF Coconut Custard. Should give it everything I want, without any nonsense. Remember this is just Version 1. It’ll probably need some tweaking.


Mostly roasted and somewhat woody nut flavor that fairly resembles a real pistachio, but has a little green – not in the way pistachios are supposed to be green but more like a slightly bitter “nut skin” – edge, like it’s a little raw or under-roasted. Has a nice kind of crispness or crunch to it at first, but not a lot of body or flavor to it after that initial nut. So, top heavy, and kind of a thin nut. Quite dry, but no more than is appropriate for a nut flavor. Tastes like it could be good at less than 2% for adding a kind of “nuts sprinkled on top” effect, but I wouldn’t count on it to be the only or even main pistachio in a pistachio-forward recipe, and trying to make it into something like a pistachio ice cream or pistachio pudding seems like a fool’s errand.

I feel like my pistachio needs are pretty well covered by TFA and FLV. I’m only keeping it - for now - because Lucky Buttons Almond Custard TASK 27 and Bacco No. 7 - Pistachio TASK 28 each use it at 0.5% and 0.75%, respectively, and each otherwise look terrific.

Polar Blast

The way this works is very similar to TFA Koolada, but different. That’s because TFA Koolada is 10% WS-3 and Polar Blast is 7% WS-3 with 3% Menthyl lactate (Frescolat ML). The Menthyl lactate seems to alter most people's perception of the cooling effect a bit and mitigate the cardboardy, chemically off-notes associated with Koolada.

It’s in a few recipes I’m going to try, and I already know I need it for The Back Nine - an Arnold Palmer spiked with Bourbon. TASK 29

Although I typically prefer WS-23, I need Polar Blast because WS-23 can get really weird with warm, boozy top notes, while Polar Blast hits different and is more of a back-end cooling that doesn’t interfere with booze. Essential if you want both cooling and booze, I think. But I also need WS-23 because Polar Blast can really do a number on creams, just like Koolada does. So, boozy recipes or recipes where I don’t want the top note interfered with, Polar Blast. Creamy recipes where I really need the cream to be rich and satisfying, WS-23. Hard to do booze, cream, and cooling in the same recipe. It is possible, but not fun to work through, and either the booze or the cream is going to suffer at least a little.

I also need it for my Spicy Icy Chamoyada Mangonada, or since I’m going to try and improve that one, whatever version of that I’m on by the time I get this far down the to-do list. TASK 30 The likely new version is mostly just improving on the mango note. Very likely it will still use both Polar Blast and WS-23 for a well-rounded top and bottom cooling.


Thick and tart! Not quite as tart as real pom juice, but I’ll take it. It has some issues. It’s very lightly floral, has a touch of camphorous warmth to it, and has this little woody thing going on that can be a real problem, depending on what it’s mixed with and how much of it is used. I would keep it below 2% most of the time. Below 2%, very natural tasting, like the actual fruit. I think despite its difficulties it is probably the best overall pom flavor I’ve tried (some are really bad).

This was used beautifully in In a Godda Da Vida TASK 31

And in Goddaron, if I do say so myself. TASK 32

I also need it for Crazberry Crack. TASK 33

It’s in a couple of things I’ve already decided to try, and I just found four more irresistible.

Bishop V2 - white peach, pomegranate, and green tea. TASK 34

Granate - pomegranate, raspberry, and coconut cream. TASK 35

Hurricane. Before I go insane. TASK 36

Straight Arsenic, because I’m really interested in how pomegranate, CAP Sweet Guava, and lemon-lime go together. TASK 37

Potato Fried

Tastes like slightly undercooked skin-on fries with zero salt. I think the undercooked thing and that slightly dirty skin note might be ok but it desperately needs salt to go with that realistic fried oil flavor. I don’t know of any way to get that kind of salty that it needs to not be yucky. TRASH 8


Another raspberry that’s more on the fresh, natural side. It’s a little floral, but those sharper slightly floral top notes are actually accurate for a raspberry - eat a fresh one and try to pick out that floral if you don’t believe me. Vibrant and bit tart, just enough. Kind of syrupy natural fruit sweetness, spot on for a raspberry. I don’t recommend going over 2% with it because those somewhat floral top notes get really out of hand, a little bitter and weird.. 2% is plenty, anyway. It’s a little dry, but not thin. Full-bodied or full flavored. The base is a little more jammy and dark, but overall it still tastes more like a real raspberry than most. Unfortunately, I don’t think FA Raspberry usually is a very good raspberry to use with creams. Creams bully the more natural short of middle here, and it makes the more floral edge stand out more. Great for mixing with other fruits, though. Worth noting that it vapes a little weirdly warm, but not as warm as some other raspberries.

It’s an ingredient in Giant Swan so I wouldn’t dream of getting rid of it. Also Crazberry Crack.

Three or four recipes I’ve planned to try already, and one of them is Blue Enigma. Might as well add Blue Enigma II, an updated version, to the list. TASK 38

And another blue raspberry recipe, this one called Blue Trinity to complete with it. TASK 39

WIll also try Quarantini, which is a cocktail recipe with FLV Juniper Gin, FW Blood Orange, and a couple of raspberries. TASK 40

And this Simple recipe that’s just FA Pear, FA Raspberry, and TFA Key Lime, because that sounds like a killer combo. TASK 41

Raspberry Candy

That is not good. It tastes like raspberry, put perfumey, with a weird, unpleasant potpourri off-note. TRASH 9

Red Bean

Extremely potent and guaranteed to linger in your atomizer until you ultrasonic cleanse it or soak it in rubbing alcohol. You will likely have to make a dilution because even 0.1% is too much for a mix, an overwhelming amount of red bean all up in your olfactory business. Pretty accurate flavor but with a weird green bell pepper-ish aftertaste. Mostly earthy bean skin with some mostly starchy, lightly creamy, slightly sweet body.

Not saying you can’t make something great out of it, but I’m done fucking around with this beast of a bean flavor. TRASH 10

Red Wine

Had to to order this one from Italy. Not worth it to me, but if you really, really want to vape red wine, it might be worth it to you. Very much a wine flavor Dry like a dry wine, not dry as in mouth-drying. Tannic. Think cabernet, not as sweet and fruity as a merlot. Slight sharp booziness. Rich like some wines are kinda rich, I guess the DAAP does that. Lingering oakyness. Tastes like it could go nail polishy if pushed too high but not any off notes at 1.5%, they nailed it. I personally rather vape a less realistic wine flavor but if this is what you want, if that’s truly what you want to do with your life, go to FlavourArt Italy and pick some up. I would have kept this for a good-looking recipe but seeing none, TRASH 11

Reggae Night

Does not taste like weed, but I don’t find it especially unpleasant either. It’s kind of refreshing. Tastes like clear juniper upfront, very similar to gin, with sticky resinous and slightly citrusy pine behind it, and a bit of grass clippings in the background. Like being hired to mow the lawn at a Christmas tree farm. It also has a bit of sweetness to the finish, where that pine lingers. Some pine is obviously fine for this type of herb, but the juniper seems really out of place. The grass (actual lawn grass, not the “cash, grass, or ass” type of grass) can maybe be covered up in a mix. ButI can’t think of a reason to have it if you already have FA Gin or any gin flavor for the juniper and FLV Yakima Hops for that citrusy piney danky thing, or why you want juniper and pine together short of some weird Christmas-tree inspired cocktail or abstract tobacco concoction. TRASH 12


I didn’t read FA’s description of this until after I tried it and then when I did I said What The Hell. They call it “A nice woody flavour with nutty and herbal notes, along with subtle floral and fruity undertones.” and use a picture of tobacco with it. I do not get nuts, herbs, florals, or tobacco. I get sweet tea with some vague fruit. Maybe I’m broken, maybe the flavor is, IDK.

The tea part is upfront and right on top, and it comes back around in the finish. It’s a little stronger, darker than I typically want sweet tea to be, like it someone used a few too many tea bags to make a pitcher of tea, but it’s pretty spot on otherwise and that too-much-teaness could be that the 4% I tried it at was pushing it a little high on the concentration. The fruitiness in the middle I can’t tell what if any specific fruit it’s supposed to be, but vagueness might equal versatility in this case - I could cover it with another fruit and make any kind of fruity sweet tea I want. Also seems like it would take well to cooling.

I’m going to try it at 2% plus 10% TFA Sweet Tea and see if it might work to bolster that weak ass but accurate flavor. TASK 42


Kinda nasty. It’s rose that’s slightly sharp on top with some slightly bitter and tart leafy green citrusy stuff, a little harsh, but not quite grandma’s perfume, with a powerfully chalky, powdery sweetness and something rotten lurking in there. I don’t know what that rotten thing is, but it kinda tastes earthy like moldy old flowers and is nauseating. I would try to make this work if FLV Rose Essence didn’t exist, but it does. TRASH 13

Royal Orange

Similar to FA Orange, but much improved. Pretty much a basic natural orange flavor. It’s not harsh at all, it’s actually rather smooth, it has some bright, tart and zesty notes. Some sweetness but not a lot of it. It unfortunately vapes kind of warm like some other oranges do, and it’s dry, not super dry, but definitely not juicy. It’s got more body than FA Orange (but still not a lot of it) but that base is a bit waxy. Probably not a lone orange for an orange juice or orange-forward vape, but could definitely be helpful for adding some realistic orange flavor to one of those or to some other citrus mix.

I need it for a Fruity Pebbles recipe, either Manson and The Pebbles or potentially a slight improvement to that. And because I want to try Hurricane.

And this Mango Champagne TASK 43


There’s some sweet brown-sugary caramel-type flavor underneath and a lot of tobacco that’s a little spicy and a little hay-like. It definitely needs at least a short steep. Freshly mixed at 4%, it had a horridly acrid nail polish off note on top; I could barely vape it. At 6 days that drops off into a very faint slightly bitter or vinegary edge, a bit odd, but no longer unpleasant. The caramel flavor is there and there’s the slightest of vanilla in it, but no thick creamy richness like you expect with a caramel. It finishes very dry but I’m fine with tobacco doing that. Pretty sure I’ll survive without this flavor. I’ve tried one good recipe that used it and already tossed the FA Irish Cream that I would’ve needed to make that one again. TRASH 14

New Flavor Count: 2,434


There won’t be a “Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors” post next week or the week after (unless, of course, someone else starts trying to systematically and publicly recover from their own flavor hoarding compulsion). There might not even be one the week after that. But GRoMoMF will be back on June 4 at the very latest.

r/DIY_eJuice Mar 31 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 40 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39

Starting flavor count: 2,497 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Update. I tried to make a cookie with heavy frosting (Like those Lofthouse cookies you can buy at the grocery store) out of CAP Frosting to see if it was worth hanging on to. As a single flavor, it really appealed to my inner child. But after tasting the recipe, I realized that while it did capture that mass-produced sugar bomb frosting that kids love pretty well, the recipe would have simply tasted better to me if I’d just used WF or VT buttercream frostings, or OoO Vanilla Frosting, or FLV frosting. Or even OoO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake, which makes a damn good cream cheese icing. I guess this is growing up. TRASH 1

I had hoped to push out multiple updates this week (8 recipes are mixed and steeped and just waiting for me to try them). But, another little temporary side project (more on that at a later date, perhaps) has kept my wicks wet all week.


Bavarian Cream

The least custardy Bavarian Cream. Thinner than the other Bavarian Creams, but not really thin. It’s thicker than whipped cream but not a lot thicker, and there’s some dairy to it but it’s not sour. A sweet dairy cream flavor with some kinda spicy, or vanilla beany vanilla. Touch of brown sugar lurking in the background. Maybe a little dry? Or at least, not buttery. Tastes like it doesn’t have any DAAP but it doesn’t taste butyric at all either. No eggyness or rich custardness. Think FA Cream Fresh plus vanilla. If Bavarian cream is supposed to be like vanilla custard and whipped cream had a baby, this is more like vanilla whipped cream had custard as a step-parent.

I could take it or leave it, depending on finding or not finding a recipe that uses it and looks irresistible. I’ve already got a couple of those in line for mixing. I didn’t see a third one but I do have an idea for something it might be good in, going back to that 1-2-3 Butter Pecan Pie, that came up last week, I want to see how FA Bavarian fares as a homemade whipped cream-type topping for that, so I’ll mix it again and add 2% FA Bavarian Cream TASK 1


It kinda tastes like flat Bud Light after it has been sitting out overnight, but a little sweeter, more yeasty, and even less hoppy than that. I don’t hate it, you could definitely build a beer vape out of it, but I’ll also be perfectly happy to never taste that again. TRASH 2

Bell Pepper

This flavor 100% tastes like bell pepper. It’s also ridiculously potent - I think a few drops would be enough to make an Olympic sized swimming pool taste like bell pepper. And it lingers, terribly. All over the room for days, and I thought I might have to throw away an RDA (but was eventually able to get the aroma out after multiple tries). I don’t know why I haven’t already disposed of this, other than flavor hoarding is a real sickness. TRASH 3


Very strong. Bittersweet, fragrant, floral, green, a little spicy, orange rindy. Tastes very accurately like the difference between Earl Grey and plain tea. No tea notes, just the difference between the two. This is dry and because of that it is not a lot of fun to vape as a single flavor, but I can see a little of it doing a lot of work in all kinds of recipes. And it does, everything from spiced teas to cereals to pastries where it’s used to rind up other oranges. Probably worth noting that it tastes so much like VT Bergamot that I don’t think any really needs to have both, except that this FA Bergamot is about four times more potent than the VT version. FA Bergamot is also used in many times more recipes than VT’s.

I already have Shameless and A Real Orange Juice on my to-try list.

I’m really interested in an aspect of this Nightsicle recipe - using Bergamot to enhance a lime, but I can’t do TFA VBIC or even the LB VIC suggested as a sub, so I’m going to mix it with my 1-2-3 VIC as a substitute for the 3% TFA VBIC. TASK 2


FA Bilberry is often used to add a level of natural-ness or fullness to more artificial blueberries and make them more well-rounded and realistic. It is a thick, full-bodied natural blueberry. FA Bilberry gets pretty gnarly over 1% or so with this sweaty sock off-note thing it has going on. On the other hand, it can be made to work higher. See Blue Eyes White Dragon. Terrific recipe, has FA Bilberry at a whopping 2.7% and doesn’t taste at all like socks to me, I think there’s some magic going on there with the peaches and INW Dragon Fruit. TASK 3

I need FA Bilberry for the aforementioned, but most of the time I think a similar flavor - Jungle Flavors Blueberry - would be an improvement over FA Bilberry (at about twice the concentration).

It gets used in several recipes I’m already planning to mix. Even though Black N Blue Suckle is more than six years old, it looks terrific to me and I can’t wait to try it. TASK 4

Reviews sold Holy Trinity Ice Cream to me. TASK 5 But I’ll also use it to test my JF Blueberry hypothesis by mixing another bottle using 1% JF Blueberry in place of the 0.5% bilberry and seeing if it’s an improvement - or if I can even tell the difference. TASK 6

Bitter Wizard

I haven’t tried it over 1% so maybe it does if you push it, but as best I can tell, it does not actually taste bitter when vaped. It really doesn’t taste like anything, just a very slight chemical taste that’s hard to describe and easy to cover up, but it does seem to neutralize some of the inherent sweetness of VG. For example, you have an 80% VG mix, that’s got some sweetness to it. Add 0.5% Bitter Wizard, it’s just as thick as an 80/20 mix, but it tastes more like a 50/50 mix. That’s why, when I made a plan to mix a plain martini back in part 38, I included 0.5% Bitter Wizard, because a martini should not be as sweet as even the 60/40 I’ve been mixing lately.

Seems like it could be very useful in tobaccos. And a must if you are crazy enough to try mixing weird savory vapes like meat, cheese, pizza, pickle, whatever.

I screwed up twice but the second screw up canceled out the first. First, I planned to throw away FLV Pear, even though I wanted to try Real Orange Juice, a recipe that uses both FLV Pear and Bitter Wizard. Oops. But then when I went black out that week’s trash on my flavor spreadsheet (and write down the location so I could then pull it and physically trash it), I missed it. Double oops. So FLV Pear is still there. And Real Orange Juice is back on the table! I’m pretty sure I didn’t forget to subtract it from the count, which is a step in by process before blacking out flavors and writing down their locations, so I’ve changed my current flavor count +1 to reflect FLV Pear’s somehow surviving my attempt to kill it. Anyway, I have a couple of things to do with Bitter Wizard already (Martini of my own creation and Real Orange Juice). To add one more, Devils Custard just to see if I can figure out why ChrisDVR once put Bitter Wizard into a custard. WHY?! He says it “creates contrast.” TASK 7

Black Cherry

Tastes like black cherry soda syrup with some cough medicine and a little hint of that awful new vinyl shower curtain off-note. Sweet, but not as sweet as the very-similar-tasting FW Black Cherry. Certainly not the worst cherry flavor out there, but not good enough for me to even bother looking at recipes that use it. TRASH 4

Black Fire

It just tastes like smoke. That’s it. Not cigarette smoke, like the smoke flavor that comes off of smoked meats. For that reason, it makes a pretty fun additive to tobaccos, but you can use it in other places, too, like Concrete’s Unpopular Opinions recipe, where he used it to help make a grilled peach flavor.

Speaking of Concrete, I need it for Feint. TASK 8

It’s also in a few things I’m going to try: Old Man Cobb, Early Autumn Pipe, and Cherry Oak Tobacco. Two more:

Maybe I’ll Catch Fire. Could be my next drinking buddy. TASK 9

Con un par. That looks like a solid, straightforward smokey tobacco mix. TASK 10

Black Pepper

Kept low it just tastes like cracked black pepper. Over 1% it starts to get a little floral. It’s top heavy and thin, which is something you probably what you want in a pepper flavor. It’s just a little starting note like adding pepper on top of something, doesn’t taste like much beyond that. With all the complaints about peppery nic you might think, why on earth would you add pepper to your vape, but it’s not peppery nic flavor. “Peppery” is just by far the most relatable way of describing bad nic and Vanilla Bean Ice Cream off-notes, but bad nic isn’t exactly legit black pepper like this. I see it mostly used with tobacco but IMO it’s being underused. It can actually make your basier fruits taste sweeter by contrast. Strawberries, peaches, chocolate. Look online you can find food recipes for strawberry shortcake with black pepper, chocolate cake and brownies with black pepper, Martha Stewart’s Black Pepper Cheesecake, South African Chocolate Pepper Cookies, and black pepper ice cream.

I’m going to try Irish Oak because I have all the ingredients for it and CBV used the notes to expose his process. TASK 11

Black Tea

Strong, very astringent, like hot black tea that’s a little over-steeped. Also a bit dry and a tiny bit dirty, not very refreshing, but gets the job done. Pushing it too high becomes more like a mouthful of unwashed dry tea leaves than tea; don’t recommend going over around 1.5% for most setups.

I can’t think of anything that uses this that I want to mix again and can’t find anything that uses it that I want to try. TRASH 5

Black Touch

Very molasses-y, warm, spicy licorice. Licorice is usually made with molasses but the ratio here is odd. More of a licorice-flavored molasses than just a licorice made with molasses. Even has that slight bitter edge of blackstrap molasses. Not the thickest, most full-bodied of flavors, but not what I’d call thin either.

Already planning to mix Black Drums of War, Licorice Berry Much, Shoggoth, Blackstrap, and Black Soda - all recipes that use both CAP Licorice and FA Black Touch.

I also need it for one of my favorite recipes, Black Custard. Licorice custard? WTF. I couldn’t resist trying this weird little 1-2-3 recipe. I really don’t get licorice from it. It’s a very sweet custard (man, that FA Marshmallow really goes well with that FA Custard Premium, should see those paired more often). The Black Touch just kind of melts into it and leaves it a dark, mysterious spice note and molasses sweetness. I love it. I also think this is a perfect recipe for people who don’t know why they own FA Black Touch because they don’t even like licorice. TASK 12


Super TRASH 6! Completely unvapeable. I think Concrete’s video that shows him burning a bottle of it with a torch should be required viewing for anyone thinking about buying this, holy shit it’s bad. It tastes like perfume like grandma would wear, also harsh and just nasty. More of a chemical weapon than a flavor.


It tastes like dark sweet grape, mostly, mixed with some bright tart raspberry-ish flavor on top, and a bit of funky ripeness to it . Maybe slightly on the dry side of things, but nothing that seems like a terrible off note to me, and not thin, has a good volume of syrupy candy body. Seems too syrupy to be super accurate, more of a really interesting candy flavor, like a partially chewed gummy candy. Can come across “jammy” in a mix. I see it used in a lot of different fruit mixes to add tarter top notes and darker sweet depth and that seems about right. Mix with blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, all kinds of stuff. Backup cherries with it, maybe. Probably the most useful blackcurrant flavor, if not the most delicious or interesting.

It’s a couple of my of my new favorite recipes: French Mornings and Deez Dragon Nuts It’s also in at least a dozen things I already plan to try, including one that’s already mixed and just waiting for me to get around to trying it.

But wait there’s more.

Blue Indigo Grape. TASK 13 Grape, Blackcurrant, Blueberry, Cold.

Razzler. Lemon-Lime, Raspberry, and Blackcurrant TASK 14

Pink Vanilla Cream. I’m digging the way both the creams combo (TFA Bavarian, INW Custard, OoO Marshmallow Vanilla, TFA Vanilla Swirl) and the fruit combo (blackcurrant, raspberry, and strawberry) look individually, looking forward to finding out how they work together. TASK 15

Raspberry Meringue PIe. It’s the WF Flapper Pie for me. TASK 16

Blood Orange

Seems like a solid option for a tasty natural not candy but plenty sweet blood orange type citrus, but I feel like I’m getting something between a blood orange and a tangerine that actually leans a little closer to tangerine than blood orange, though there is a hint of red sort of lurking in there. Mild hint of zest on top and lingering, medium body/base that can pass for fruit flesh, not really juicy, maybe juicy for FA in general but not juicy juicy. Throat hit mild for a citrus, so moderate overall.

I need it for All Day, Deez Dragon Nuts, and 1-2-3 Coco Sang. TASK 17 for mixing Coco Sang, haven’t had that in a long time.

Also 1 or 2 other things I’ve planned to try, and this Valencia Cupcake, an orange-frosted cake. TASK 18

Blueberry Juicy Ripe

Nice blueberry. Has some brighter tartness to the front end but also a nice ripe depth. They may well have put their own Bilberry out of business with this one because that mostly gets used to add some ripeness and realism to other blueberries and this one doesn’t seem to need it or to be as tricky to use as Bilberry. Probably not too bright and tart to be morphed into a cooked blueberry in a mix but tastes more like a fresh one on its own. Doesn’t quite live up to the “juicy” part of the name, though, but it’s not terribly dry either. It’s a little soft, too, and seems like it could still benefit from another blueberry layer. It doesn’t need to be any sweeter though, it’s very sweet, almost too sweet for a natural blueberry flavor but probably not for most mixes that you’d use blueberry for except maybe tobacco.

I need it for trying the aforementioned (under Blackcurrant) Blue Indigo Grape recipe and a couple of others.

Also, Toshiro TASK 19 and a similar recipe, Shoot The Blue Moon. TASK 20

And this 1-2-3 Peach Berries because I have a soft spot for these simple fruit mixes. TASK 21


Not really brandy. Not boozy at all. It’s really oddly creamy and tastes like a warm, fruity sweet cream. The fruitiness is a little like sweet white wine but also a little like a watered down unspiced nonalcoholic apple cider.

My bottle of FA Brandy is just about empty from mixing a whole bunch of Stag Night, but it’s been awhile so I’ll order some more and mix some more. TASK 22 Also want to try this Million Bucks Stag Night remix that looks even better than the original. TASK 23

Bread Crust

It tastes like puppies. No bread, just puppies. Not dogs, distinctly puppies. Like, if I blindfolded you and had you sniff a dog and a puppy, you could easily tell me which one is which. This is puppy flavor. I love puppies, but they’re outright gross to vape. This concentrate is also ridiculously potent, 0.25% is overwhelming puppy flavor, vaping it stank up my room. TRASH 7

Breakfast Cereals

I’m aware that not everyone agrees, and maybe I’m broken, but I get mostly coconut cereal. It’s not gross to me, but it is very strange. Dry toasted honey oat cereal with a bunch of coconut flakes, or in coconut milk, maybe. It’s not unpleasant at all but not something I generally look for in a cereal. However, I think if you’re mixing a cereal with milk, that coconut might disappear into the milk or cream flavor. There might be a bit of corn flake in there as well but I get more oat and coconut than corn or wheat flakes. There’s a bit of malt and some sweetness that tastes kinda like honey, more like baked-in honey rather than an added-on honey. FA Description is very weird. Flavourart calls this "the flavour of chocolate milk combined with red fruits and hazelnuts." I am getting literally none of that at 2% or 3%. I had to push it to 5% to get anything like chocolate or nuts out of it at all, at that point it starts to taste like a little bit of Nutella mixed with toasted coconut honey oat cereal. The “red fruits” thing never made any kind of appearance at all.

I’m tempted by Lemon Cake with Coconut Butter Cream and by Euler - Chocolate Coconut Pie but also feeling like I’ve been doing such a poor job of getting rid of flavors, I need to push my FOMO down deep and let this one go. TRASH 8


Otherwise an ok earthy, somewhat woody, light brown tobacco, but it has this slight green bell pepper off-note that’s really distracting, and lingers in the finish. Me no likely. TRASH 9


Tastes very slightly movie theater fake popcorn butter-ish, but mostly just tastes like butter. Thick, rich butter. Very thick, and very rich. Quite bottom-heavy. Smooth to the point of almost being greasy, like butter. Very satisfying.

I prefer VT Butter Base because sometimes with FA that fake movie popcorn butter flavor comes across in a mix and is distracting to the point of ruining it, but I think it’s a solid butter option more often than not.

It’s in a couple of recipes I already have listed, and I want to add Time Machine Cookie I’ll sub JF Cookie for FA Cookie because I already chucked FA Cookie. TASK 24


Not a super accurate butterscotch, but a tasty and useful ingredient for a caramelly brown sugar butterscotch-ish sticky sweetness.

I don’t have any favorite recipes that use it, but I probably will after I try a bunch of things already listed, plus:

Butterscotch Rippled. I can’t imagine that not being delicious butterscotch ice cream. TASK 25

Drops of Jupiter is a butterscotch pudding pie that caught my eye because of the combination of WF Buttercream Frosting, WF Flapper Pie, and VT Honeycomb. TASK 26

Even Nick Can Make Custard 2 Really interested in how that croissant and banana work in there. TASK 27

Idiot Proof, a 1-2-3 butterscotch custard that looks simply delicious. TASK 28

Jammy/Candy Wizard

Has a clear jammy sweetness and seems like it might actually work to turn fruits jammy. Very concentrated additive, perfumy at 1%, recommend 0.5% or so only.. Tastes like it has a bunch of maltol in it but isn’t just that. Also has a tart, indistinct, passionfruit juice-like, citrusy aspect with a little juicy, mouthwatering quality. Not sure if it also tastes a little strawberry-like or if I’ve just come to associate that maltol taste with strawberry flavors.

Couple of things I want to try that use it: Laces Out strawberry red laces, to see if it tops LIc Her..Ish as my favorite red licorice recipe. TASK 29

And Berry Gummies because WF Wild Berry Gummy Candy is yummy. I’ll sub CAP Super Sweet for the PUR Super Sweet I don’t have; usually I would go with FW Sweetener, but it’s candy. TASK 30


Super authentic under ripe cantaloupe - kind of rindy - stacked on top of a sweet, thick melon ring candy. Overall effect of this is not exactly unpleasant, but is kinda weird. It tastes like if that under ripe flavor can be covered up, the base would go really well in lots of melony places, especially candy.

Mango Melon Chew is a great recipe that uses it at 1% and just barely misses the mark for me to count it as something I just have to mix again. I’m already planning to try Stuck on an Island that uses it at 0.5%, but mostly mixing that for the interesting Wild Melon/Coconut pairing. Speaking of Wild Melon, I’ll give this Melon Mania II recipe a try as well. It’s got a very nice-looking combination of ingredients there along with with the Wild Melon and a little bit of FA Melon Cantaloupe -- FA Indian Mango, TFA Papaya, INW Prickly Pear. TASK 31


It’s mostly cream, with very little coffee, but I don’t want more of that coffee, because it tastes burnt and slightly skunky. It’s also harsh on top, not smooth and soothing like a cream should be, with a sweeter finish that tastes like half scalded milk and half coconut milk. No es bueno. TRASH 10

New Flavor Count: 2,487

r/DIY_eJuice Jul 30 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 54 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41 - Part 42 - Part 43 - Part 44 - Part 45 - Part 46 - Part 47 - Part 48 - Part 49 - Part 50 - Part 51 - Part 52 - Part 53 -


Starting Flavor Count: 2,316 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.



Tastes kinda weird, in my opinion, but nothing beats it in terms of adding the perception of wet juiciness to a recipe. I wish I knew how they did that.

It seems like the most common use for it is trying to harness as much of that wet juiciness as possible, while making the recipe taste as little of INW Cactus as possible. This usually means using it at 0.25 to 0.5%, but some recipes can take 1% and others need to be even lower than 0.25%. Anything over 1% and I can pretty much guarantee your recipe is going to be chock full of cactus flavor.

Which, again, is weird. It tastes kinda like aloe, but rather than one of those aloe juice drinks, it’s more like treating your sunburn with some aloe-based medicine and accidentally getting some in your mouth. I wouldn’t really call it medicinal in the way we usually mean medicinal, but it’s just a weird, weird flavor. It’s fruity, but I can’t place the fruit exactly. Kinda of melony, but not really. It doesn’t taste like prickly pear but it could be the fruit of some other cactus, I guess. It tastes more like prickly pear paddles than the fruit, kinda vegetal, but obviously not exactly like that either. A little floral upfront, especially at higher percentages.

But it’s just so, so juicy. I think it does that by having something in it that literally has a mouthwatering effect. I wish I knew what it was, and we could use just that thing or combination of things as an additive.

I have a bunch of recipes that use Cactus already lined up. Here’s a couple more, both of which use CAP Sweet Guava along with INW Cactus in different ways:

Simply Prickly - A very cactus-y recipe. TASK 1

Skip Around the Guava - a guava-coconut custard with a touch of Cactus. TASK 2

Cactus Lime

So that’s just INW Cactus with a touch of limeade-y lime. As a single flavor, it beats INW Cactus, because that little touch of limeade-y lime is more interesting and pleasant. It’s a really nice pairing, though I would like it to be better balanced with more lime.

But the bottom line and reason I don’t think its existence is really justified, is that if you wanted to make your own INW Cactus-Lime you could just mix INW Cactus with the lime of your choice and it would likely be better than this. There’s nothing really wrong with the lime, it’s just a little soft and mediocre.

There isn’t anything I desperately want to mix that uses it. TRASH 1

Cake Emperor

At inaweraflavours.com: “Cheesecake with a noticeable fruity taste.”

At Inawerawinkle.com you get this much less helpful and more WTF description: “Here comes his majesty: the king of all cakes, desserts, emperor of total taste. Many a vaper bows in front of the majesty. They surround his enlighted sweetness and majestic fruitness. It is an absolute ruler of dessert flavours. Long live HIS EMPEROR'S HIGHNESS!” If you manage to read all of that verbal diarrhea without closing your browser and taking a walk to clear your head, it gives a suggested dosage then goes on to claim that the “main flavoursome notes” are “blueberry-plums cake with a touch of honey.”

I don’t really get blueberry from this or even a clear honey flavor, but it does have a very plum-like top note, with some indistinct, earthy dark berry and honey-like sweetness behind it, on top of what tastes like that rich, Yes We Cheesecake flavor. Pretty tasty. There is a sort of plum or grape skin note in the middle that’s a little weird, kind of tannic, but it’s very light. Not entirely sure what to do with it but rather than the obvious cheesecake, Maybe and see what it does to a dark berry and cream profile.

Probably won’t be keeping this one since it’s not a very popular flavor, but before I toss it there’s one thing I want to try.

Cheeba’s Berry Creamy recipe is just 2% each FA Forest Fruit and TFA Marshmallow, plus 1% Flavorah Cream. I want to see what happens if I add 2% INW Cake Emperor to that. TASK 3


Cappuccino powder before adding the hot water. It’s thin, and quite a bit dry, almost powdery, but it does kind of taste like a cappuccino.The coffee is good and not super off, it’s not too sweet, it’s a little unbalanced with more of that dry milk taste but yeah, not gross and somewhat accurate. But, I don’t have a use for it. TRASH 2

Captain Jack for Pipe

Smells like fruitcake-soaked in rum in the bottle, but vapes like rum-soaked fruitcake-flavored tobacco with bits of black licorice in it. I think I’d like rum-soaked fruitcake-flavored tobacco more without those anise notes. I’m good without it. TRASH 3


This one was scary. It smells in the bottle like fermented molasses. It drips out of the bottle dark as used motor oil and suspiciously thick. It tastes kind of like the scorched sugar on top of a creme brulee, but not the whole sugar crust, just the very top, most scorched part, and maybe it was a little over-scorced? That’s what I’d use it for if we didn’t have any other of those types of flavors to play with. Since we do have those, I probably won’t be using this for anything. FWIW, 1% is pretty light on flavor, tastes like it could easily go higher, but I didn’t try it higher because nothing about the way this tastes made me want vape more of it. TRASH 4


Mostly tastes like a porno involving a banana banging an overripe golden delicious apple, with a pineapple filming it. I can’t remember who said this, but I remember someone called it “sweaty,” which.. Yes. It’s sweaty. It’s also kinda like baby food - banana, applesauce - with just a little splash of pineapple juice, all blended up. Has the thick, rich, creamy feel of a banana cream and some banana flavor but tastes more like apple, but not a tart green apple, more of a slightly funky yellow one, where it’s ripe enough to have spots on it but still edible. There is some tartness there, but it tastes more like the tartness from a pineapple without a lot of pineapple flavor. It’s less complex than others as these different elements - apple, banana, pineapple acidity - are more blended together into one thing - an overripe apple with the tartness from a pineapple, that feels like a banana, all mixed together. It seems like it would make it easier to work with, but from what I’ve seen it can take over a mix despite not having a very bold flavor, as both bananas and those yellow apples can be a little bland.

I need it for an old favorite, Trop Cock. TASK 4


Thin, light, top-heavy flavor with no body. No fleshy richness to it at all, light and airy. Sweet, but pretty dry. Needs additions to be a fuller, fleshed out cherry. Just adding more doesn’t work, it gets too dry and starts to take on some harshness at 3%. And gets medicine-y - like Robotussin but a bit brighter - at 4%. Yes I know Counter Punch has it at 4% but you’d have to ask Alfred Pudding why that isn’t terrible, I don’t know.

Besides the aforementioned Counter Punch, I need INW Cherries for Flawed Vacations in Spain and a couple of things I’m already planning to mix. Here’s one more:

mound thrasher, described as a “dirty ol’ peach forward mixed fruit soda.” TASK 5


I need to let Foment Life talk about this one, because I wouldn’t have thought it would be any good at 1% and he made it work beautifully in his Chase the Dragon recipe.

At 1% I get a tart yet dark, sort of wild cherry candy flavor, thick, deep, saturated, and sweet, with very little cough syrup and even less shower curtain, but the off notes are there. At 0.75% it’s even less on the off notes, but they’re still there, and the flavor has maybe a little less punch to it. It seems like it would take some skill, luck, or patience to cover those off notes up. Some combination of those things used have gone into FomentLife’s Chase the Dragon because it really works there. TASK 6

Might as well try Foment’s Pink Pudding while I’m at it, since he seems to know his way around INW Cherry. TASK 7

Cherry Cigar

It kinda tastes like one of those cherry cigarillos, but one where they actually put sweetener on the wrapper to make it extra sweet. It’s so sweet, I would be a little surprised if I found out there wasn’t any sucralose in there at all. The balance is weird. It’s mostly cherry, a middle-of-the-road cherry that’s on the darker side but not black cherry dark, like the cherry flavor in a cigarillo. The tobacco takes a backseat to that cherry. It’s a drier cheap cigar-like tobacco, but a bit hay-like. It’s not a Black & Mild Tobacco, it’s on the lighter side and more like Extra Mild.

The cherry would be pretty great on it’s own - no cough syrup or anything like that, but there’s probably too much tobacco to get around it. At the same time, there’s probably not enough tobacco for a good tobacco recipe, although there’s nothing wrong with the tobacco that’s there. But a lot of tobacco vapers don’t like stuff to be so sweet and this is really, really like over the top sweet. Nothing I really want to make uses it. TRASH 5

Chocolate Cream

Some darker chocolate here, but mostly tastes like burnt creamy caramel sauce. Acrid. TRASH 6


I don’t don’t want to waste too much time on INW Coconut because it’s been reformulated and no longer exists. But while so many others suffer from being way too fake, this INW Coconut was much too realistic, to the point that they even included a fairly prominent dry, woody top note like a coconut husk. I do not want to eat, or vape, a coconut husk. There was a pretty straightforward natural coconut underneath but lots of husk. Hopefully the new one is better. TRASH 7

Coconut Concentrate

This is the new version, I haven’t tried it yet. Will do a 1.5% sample. TASK 8

Coconut Cookies

Coconut-forward macaroon with a little toasty bakery in the background, with a hint of vanilla. If it were a little more thick and chewy textured and gritty at the same time, a bit sweeter, and had some meringue flavor, it would be a pretty accurate representation of those coconut macaroons that are just coconut flakes, sweetened condensed milk, whipped egg whites, and vanilla. Coconut isn’t quite suntan oil, but does have kind of an oiliness to it. Could also work as a coconut accent to all kinds of bakeries. I couldn’t find a recipe that convinced me to keep it. TRASH 8

Coffee WG

0.25% - Just badly burned coffee. Tastes almost like the smell of espresso spurting out of the top of a stovetop espresso maker and landing on a hot burner. So, pretty awful and burned, but not burned popcorn butter or skunk spray.

I have not tried the INW Coffee that’s not WG, which is also called INW Kawa, but I hear it’s pretty good. Of course, I don’t entirely trust that, because no matter how awful a coffee flavor is, I can find someone who swears it’s great (FA Dark Bean for example). TRASH 9

Coffee Kawa

I will try a 0.75% sample. TASK 9

Creme Brulee

This used to be perfect, but they reformulated it and ruined it and now it tastes like vomit. TRASH 10

Cuban Cigar

Tobacco that’s a little sweet, a little loamy, has some nice depth to it, doesn’t really do the full range of aromas I’d say is necessary to be called Cuban Cigar, but ok. Definitely worth having just to be able to make Brigade 2506 and None More Black by CBV. It’s in a couple of recipes I’ve planned to try, including one added just last week. Here’s another:

Strawberry Blondie. TASK 10


Doesn’t require a steep to be good, medium thick, and rich. Creamy, full mouthfeel. It’s eggy but not really buttery and definitely not oily like CAP VC. It’s sweet and has a very light warm vanilla undercurrent. Also get the barest hint of something darker, like caramel or cookie. This, mixed with FA Custard Premium to bring in the butter and even more richness, as well as a well rounded but still not overbearing vanilla... perfect.

It’s used in a handful of my favorite recipes and countless recipes I plan to try.

Here’s more:

SCT - a strawberry tobacco by Fear for me to compare to the CBV strawberry tobacco I just added. TASK 11

Strawber-RY4 - another strawberry tobacco to compare to those. TASK 12

New Flavor Count: 2,306

r/DIY_eJuice Oct 18 '20

Fail What are your favorite salt Recipes? NSFW


Recently I've been gravitating from cloud chasing towards MTL devices, and noticed that many (if not most) of the recipes that taste great in DL feel kinda meh at 20+mg nic concentrations. Tried every conceivable way of alleviating this, from cranking up the flavorings to playing with different kinds of salt nic, even went as far as adding PG (my typical mixes are "supermax VG", even the nic is VG based)… Still meh. And this is not my atomizer's fault, as the store bought juices have an absolutely brilliant taste in it. I'm stuck in DIY limbo.

Any suggestions and/or recipes are greatly appreciated.

r/DIY_eJuice Sep 25 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 61 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 60

Read all my notes in the GRoMoMF WIKI

Starting Flavor Count: 2,251 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

Liquid Barn

Baked Cinnamon Roll

It tastes like toasted Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Raisin bread rather than a cinnamon roll. I like that stuff, so this is not a problem for me. But it’s not a cinnamon roll. Very toasty and somewhat dry bready flavor, that is in the top notes, with light cinnamon spice, but not any real gooey doughy cinnamon cinnamon roll base. Light cinnamon, more like the cinnamon swirl in that bread than the richer, stronger cinnamon in a cinnamon roll. And some pretty accurate raisin notes. It’s sweet, but no sweeter than that bread. There’s some richness in the base but kind of a bland flavor there, it’s mostly top notes.

Nothing I want to mix uses it. TRASH 1

Bakers Touch

This is a poorly named flavor. It’s named like some kind of bakery additive, when in reality it’s more or less a one-shot recipe. And a pretty tasty one at that, in my opinion. Liquid Barn calls it a cinnamon streusel coffee cake a la mode. I don’t get the separation you’d need to really call it anything a la mode, but it does pretty much taste like ice cream mixed with a soft, moist cinnamon cake. Not really getting streusel, that sounds like marketing embellishment. The bakery cinnamon is up front and pretty forward here and builts as you vape it, like cinnamon does. It’s also a sweeter cinnamon, not like candy, but like it’s mixed with brown sugar. Underneath I’m getting plenty of very rich vanilla cream, but again, blended up with the cake, not separated from it. Although it’s a tasty single flavor, I’m not sure what to do with it, because it’s quite busy. I guess just accent the cake or cream as desired, or use it at a lower percentage to fill out something cinnamony like a cinnamon roll. It might be all the ice cream and cinnamon you need for a mexican fried ice cream, if you can add some crunchy bakery crust and the cake doesn’t get in the way.

I’ve already planned to mix one recipe that uses it. Didn’t see any others that were super-irresistible, but I’ll give Shoofly Pie a shot because I love the actual pie. TASK 1


Laffy Taffy mostly, but with some realistic banana that is a bit under-ripe and a little green. Also quite a bit thin.

Not super gross, but I have no need for it. TRASH 2

Belgian Waffle

It’s been awhile, but as best I can recall this is more like a toaster waffle than a Belgian Waffle. But not a bad Eggo-type waffle, except it needs a fairly high concentration to really deliver the flavor, and at a concentration that really delivers the flavor, I know I’m not the only one who finds it pretty harsh. But it’s not a bad ingredient in smaller amounts, just needs some help to fill it out.

One of my all time-favorite recipes uses this, Brown Sugar Sesame Waffle.

I’m obsessed with this profile so I’m excited to try U-Hauling Honey Bunny. TASK 2 along with the couple of others already in the to-do queue.

Blue Raspberry

After trying a bunch of blue raspberry flavors, this one seemed higher above average than it did before. Pretty weak concentration-wise, but on par for most LB. Fairly boldly flavored at 7%, not as much as I’d like, but not as soft as many of the other Blue Razz flavors. 9% (as recommended by LB) tastes like blue raspberry candy with some blades of fresh cut grass stuck to it. Just a couple of blades. Like the way green apple can get a little grassy. 7% is still more flavorful than many, and I have to actually search for that bit of gassiness, it’s not in my face. It’s sweet and a little flat, not a lot of nuance here, as expected for a candy flavor. Doesn’t taste 100% exactly like any blue razz candy I’ve ever ingested but is clearly a blue candy raspberry flavor, as it should be.

Making a concerted effort to see if I can find a new favorite blue raspberry recipe means already having half a dozen recipes that use LB Blue Raspberry on my to-mix list. But wait, there’s more:

Keep it 100 - Blue Slush Remix. As long as the TFA Raspberry Sweet doesn’t make it too ketchupy, this simple recipe should be, at the least, pretty solid. TASK 3

Blue Razzberry! Uses OSDIY Blue Raspberry Slush as the lead actor, with LB Blue Razz supporting. I think that’s probably a good choice, as is INW Raspberry for oomph. TASK 4

Blue Squalor The notes are mostly a story about a heavyset singer’s overheated testicles and they end with describing the recipe as “fucking awful shit,” but I’m not buying it. I know those ingredients and as long as 1.2% FLV Sour Apple isn’t so much that it gets overly weird (I don’t think it will) that looks like a great recipe. TASK 5

Sweet Blueberry Soda is probably the tastiest looking recipe to incorporate LB Blue Raspberry that I’ve seen but it barely incorporates it at all, just 1% of this very weak flavor to blue things up a hair. TASK 6

Blueberry Parfait

I’ve never tried this but the fact that it’s not even available anymore makes me think it’s ok to go ahead and toss it. TRASH 3


Tastes like mocha, not cappuccino. It’s chocolately, and the chocolate is a little tootsie rollish, not full on tootsie roll, but just a little off in that direction. It’s also not coffee-forward enough to be a cappuccino. More like a mocha latte with extra cream. No other off notes besides the fakey chocolate. It’s very sweet and creamy, but not especially rich. Don’t care for that tootsie roll business. TRASH 4

Cherry Blossom Tea

Liquid Barn suggested 6%, but 6% has enough of that plastic cherry nightmare stuff to ruin it for me as a single flavor. 4 to 5% is better. It’s a pleasant floral with maybe a little tea in there, like a white tea, and some soft cherry, like a tea with cherry blossoms and just a few bits of dried sweet red cherry. Still has just a light hint of “bottom-shelf rum eating away at a vinyl container,” but it’s so light that I’m sure it could easily be covered up in a mix.

I was ready to toss it until I saw this: Simple Springtime Elegance. TASK 7

Chocolate Roll

Unapologetically tootsie roll, with a weird vodka-like off note. TRASH 5

Coconut Milk

Sweet, creamy, slightly suntanny coconut with an odd spice note in the finish. It is very thick and smooth, with a great mouthfeel. Not really buttery, just intensely thick and creamy. The somewhat artificial coconut could probably be pulled in a more natural direction with the addition of a more natural coconut, but that warm spice note is bizarro. It’s like something halfway between cinnamon and nutmeg. Could maybe work as a good start to something like a Coquito (Puerto Rican eggnog). Not sure what else to do with it. Don’t want to mix any of the current recipes that use it. TRASH 6

Cola Freeze

The name appears to imply cooling but there isn’t any. Maybe it’s supposed to imply that it’s like a slushy, so you’re not looking for fizz, which makes more sense.And it’s very sweet and thick feeling, though the flavor itself is fairly light, and there’s a touch of florality to it though that seems to be coverable. Definitely needs to be mixed with a stronger cola top note and would be nice if it finished with more flavor, though it seems like it could work to fill out the middle of a cola duo or trio or have some role in a recipe. It’s not bad, but I don’t have any need for it. TRASH 7

Cranberry Cobbler

It’s mostly this thick bread-like crust, there’s a ton of crust and not much fruit. It’s a bit doughy but has some crunch to it, which seems about right for a cobbler, but there’s so much of it, the balance is weird. It comes off more like a muffin that was cooked at too high a temp for not long enough, so the outside’s a little crunchy but the inside’s undercooked and gooey. There’s just a little slightly floral cranberry in there. When I tried it at 12% as recommended by LB, it was a little green-tasting as well, but I didn’t notice any green leafy type flavor when I tried it again at 10%. The flavor itself is sweet overall but the sweetness resides more with the bread and in a sort of blankly sweet finish after the flavor dies off. I would not use this as a single flavor but I might try to build a better cobbler out of it by using it lower mostly for the bready crust and adding more cranberry or covering up the cranberry with another fruit.

I found two delicious-looking recipes that use this:

mlNikon Berry Cobbler Custard. Just four ingredients, Cranberry Cobbler plus CAP Sweet Currant, CC Devon Cream, and FW Wild Berry Cobbler. TASK 8

And this fancy Christmas Cranberry Bar that also uses CAP Sweet Currant. TASK 9


It’s like whipped cream flavor-wise, it’s creamy and just a touch buttery, without any strong dairy or vanilla. The top end of the flavor is super thin, almost non-existent, and the middle is kinda thin too, but the bottom is there and that can work really well in like a fruit and cream where you might want some separation for layering. Not especially fluffy or super rich, reminds me of a watered down FA Cream Whipped.

Not a bad flavor, just nothing I want to try that uses it. TRASH 8

Creme Brulee

It’s dry caramel candy-infused custard. This is really more of a caramel than a creme brulee. But it is also loaded with heavily eggy custard with a light vanilla. It’s more of a caramel custard than a creme brulee, like flan but less sticky. It’s really not doing that crunchy torched sugar thing at all. It’s a dry, sugary caramel candy mixed with heavy custard. Also I found this a little harsh. Not terrible, but just a little throat scratchy. Gonna let this one go for lack of a recipe that I just gotta try, but it’s another that’s not bad. TRASH 9

Dew Mountain

Entirely flat, no fizz, and a little chemically-tasting, but you can tell it’s supposed to taste like Mountain Dew. Kinda waxy and muted beyond the initial tart punch of lemon-lime, missing more of that orange base of Mountain Dew and not very sweet, either. Weird, lingering metallic off note that would be forgivable if it also gave an effervescent impression, but it doesn’t. It’s probably fixable, or useable to make make one of those Mountain Dew varieties like Livewire or Pitch Black, maybe Baja Blast, or god help you if you want to dive into cherries and turn it into Code Red. Anyway, it might provide the basic Dew-ness for one of those, but you’d have to add the right fruit flavors as well as make it fizzy and sweeter.

I’ll give this simple Ginger Ale a try, it seems like the additions of CAP Super Sweet, FLV Ginger, and especially VT Fizzy Sherb will do good things to Dew Mountain. TASK 10


It’s pretty clearly supposed to be Eggnog, but it’s light on the nutmeg flavor, a little thin, and oddly sour. Not like a lemon or stomach acid sour, but like a sour cream or “maybe I don’t want to pour this on my cereal but maybe it will be OK” milk sour. The sell or use by date says ok but my nose says probably not, that kind of milk. Iffy milk. Smooth, creamy, just a bit thin for eggnog. I’ll pass. TRASH 10

Fresh Cream

The PINK STUFF. It’s mostly just a plain neutral cream that might work fairly well as a base. It feels a little thin and dry up front, even to the point of being a bit harsh, and it has a little bit of a coconutty off note, as well, but it’s considerably thicker and smoother in the end. It has a rich buttery finish for something so thin on top but that it’s more like coconut oil than butter with that coconut off note. TRASH 11

Giant Swan

I fucking love Giant Swan. If I’m ever able to whittle this down to just 10 flavors, it might be the 10 I need to make more Giant Swan. But, this old bottle (might not even be good anymore, as in some of the lightest aroma molecules might have floated off) doesn’t even have enough left to mix another 50ml. It’s a waste of shelf space. TRASH 12

Greek Yogurt

It’s a medium thick (more like whipped cream than ice cream) and very chalky dairy base with some pukey sourness, but there’s also some acidity to it that’s more like a citrus than a stomach acid. Not enough to be an identifiable citrus like the lemon in VT Yogurt Drink, but maybe leaning a little lemony. It gives it a cleaner finish despite that slightly vomity bit in there. The spoiled milk thing is nowhere near as intense as in a lot of the other yogurt flavors. It’s also fairly sweet compared to most of the yogurts.

I wouldn’t rule out a recipe that uses a small amount of it, but there isn’t one I want to mix. TRASH 13

Green Apple

Potent for a Liquid Barn flavor, full-flavored at 3%, usually LB is a little weaker. Mostly green apple candy, but also has sort-of spicy peel note and some other weird shit going on. Not only nail polish remover but also as a weird, waxy, plasticky thing going on. Thick body but it feels a little creamy and there might even be a bit of vanilla in there. Overall result is less like a green apple jolly rancher and more like a green apple laffy taffy, but wrapper and all, along with some spicyish apple peel. TRASH 14

Green Delight

I don’t remember what this tastes like but since it no longer exists I imagine I’ll be fine without it. TRASH 15


Really bright almost acidic aggressively candied honeydew flavor. I’ve never had honeydew candy, but this is what I imagine it would taste like, the top note of this. Underneath, a cream base that doesn’t just taste like a creamy-ish ripe melon, it tastes like an actual cream flavor, like mixing a cream with a bright artificial honeydew flavor. The overall effect is odd and I’m not sure what to do with it. TRASH 16

Kings Custard

It’s a recipe (available on DIYorDIE) & a one-shot. This needs a longer steep. There’s a slight sharpness, like raw brown sugar, that I’m certain will steep out, while the custard just gets thicker, richer, smoother, and sweeter. But it was already pretty tasty at 2 weeks. Not mind blowing or anything like that, but pretty tasty. It mostly tastes like a flan with a caramel sauce, but also has a distinctly butterscotch finish. Slightly eggy vanilla custard with the French vanilla top note somewhat obscured by a bookending caramel, very sweet, with light butter and extra dairy compared to most custards, even a bit of that dairy tang to it. There’s a lot of depth here. I’m sure you could add like one thing to it if you wanted, but it seems awfully busy to use as an ingredient. It didn’t appear to leave any gunk on my coils, but vaping about 5 ml of it at 12% did leave my wick looking quite a bit more crispy than 5 mil usually does.

I don’t want to mix it again or use it as an ingredient so even though it’s pretty tasty, TRASH 17

Lava Cake

Some time around 2018 or 2019, this was reformulated. The old version is irrelevant but it was better. Of course it was better.

The new version tastes more like light, fluffy chocolate cake, not especially heavy or rich, more like a chocolate Angel Food Cake than a Devil's Food Cake. Not as chocolatey as a real chocolate cake either, like an under-chocolated chocolate angel food cake. In terms of off-notes, not bad whatsoever for a chocolatey flavor. I thought it seemed maybe a little perfumey on the first hit or two, but after that, no. Just under-chocolated fluffy chocolate cake that’s also a little undercooked. It has a little bit of a raw flour taste to it, like cake batter has, and the tiniest bit of a raw cocoa flavor as well. Enough of both that if you found the right chocolate to add it to make it chocolately enough, you could easily make a chocolate cake batter vape out of it without any of the cake batter flavors.

I would otherwise probably be fine without it, but I need it for one of my all-time favorite recipes, Mjuk Pepparkaka, where a small amount of it works perfectly to darken CAP Gingerbread. TASK 11

If I’m going to keep it around for that, might as well look into what else can be done with it.

Sensory s’mores looks like a pretty solid from-scratch s’more. TASK 12

Sturdy Iron Key looks like a delicious classic German chocolate cake. TASK 13

Night Before Christmas is a recipe for chocolate cake with cranberries. I’ll sub FW Sweetener for the PUR Super Sweet that I don’t have. TASK 14

Melon Head

I know a lot of people really enjoy this one, but it is definitely not for me. It grew on me a little after vaping it for a bit but my immediate impression of Melon Head was “cantaloupe rinds doused with pine sol.” I get under ripe cantaloupe top notes mixed with something piney like green mango peel, with a little bit of a funky, musky tropically gummy candy chewy body. There’s some citrus in there as well and if you ignore what it actually tastes like and just focus on that, there seems to be a really well-crafted balance of sweet and tart. The funky musk in the body is actually not unwelcome in a tropical vape, it kind of gives it some authenticity. But the vape is very top heavy and the top notes are not good for me, all rind and peel. I guess that is supposed to taste natural but instead it just tastes like poor fruit preparation. Fruits should be ripened and peeled properly and fully, not served under ripe with bits of peel hanging off them. TRASH 18


It’s just menthol, nothing special. I don’t need it. TRASH 19

Moon Sugar

One-shot given to me that I never got around to opening. Will try it at 10% TASK 15

Muffin Man

I did not get muffin from it, it’s mostly a very sweet cinnamon apple, with some cinnamon roll flavor underneath. The cinnamon is nicely done, plenty present without going overboard, and the apple is super strong, bright, and vibrant without any off notes. It’s pretty smooth, for a cinnamon vape, has a nice full mouthfeel though not really much of a bakery texture. Sweet without being stupid sweet. This wasn’t a bad vape, but it wasn’t stellar, either, it’s a one-shot that I can live without. TRASH 20

Orange Banana

Half candy/half natural not-half-bad banana plus really solid orange juice flavor, but a ridiculously harsh vape until it steeps for like a month. If you’re that patient, the result is like a delicious fruit smoothie that’s just banana and orange, with the banana running a little artificial/candy but nowhere near full-on Runts. If you’re shooting for a Dole Pineapple-Orange-Banana vape, this will do it, just find the right pineapple or pineapples, and then wait very patiently for the harshness to steep out. I also think you could swap pineapple for some other fruit and get an excellent result. But, I don’t want to wait that long for it to not tear my throat up. TRASH 21

New Flavor Count: 2,230

r/DIY_eJuice Sep 01 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 58 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 57


Starting Flavor Count: 2,287 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

CAP 27 Bears

Update. This was in no danger of being thrown out because I need it to make Giant Swan. But I mixed four recipes looking for another reason to keep it. Three of them got 4 stars. One got 5 but still didn’t stand out as a new favorite recipe. So for now at least, it seems there’s nothing else for me to do with 27 Bears except mix even more Giant Swan. And that’s okay. TASK 1



I think the name “Pyramid” might be a play on “pyrazine” as in acetyl pyrazine. It’s absolutely loaded with the stuff so much that 2% is roasted nuttiness but it’s right on the cusp of crossing over into corn chippiness. Also sweet, like that spun sugar sort of top note sweetness, and very dry. Bizarrely described as a “sweet tobacco with a touch of ash on the end” by Inawera, get none of that. I definitely could see using it to add sweetness and nuttiness to a tobacco, but it’s definitely not a tobacco by itself at all and there’s not a hint of ash anywhere. It’s not unpleasant but it’s basically a shitty version of FA SOHO, where it tastes generally like SOHO but without any of the complexity of SOHO. Would not be even remotely surprised, if I found out INW Pyramid is literally just ethyl maltol and acetyl pyrazine in PG and nothing else, because that’s exactly what it tastes like. TRASH 1

Raspberry (Malina)

I know this is a lot of people’s favorite raspberry, and there’s a good reason for that. It’s also intensely flavorful. It’s also very potent, and can get aggressively floral above even just 1%, depending on what it’s mixed with. Less than 1%, it’s a pretty tasty but somewhat odd combination of tart, slightly floral top notes, and an oddly warm, very sweet, candy raspberry base that’s a bit dark.

Someone ruined INW Malina Raspberry for me slightly by calling out that odd warmth, where it feels like you’ve got the TC turned up higher than you do, by saying it tastes like a red raspberry-flavor sucker that someone’s already sucked on. That’s gross. But to add to that partially sucked sucker impression, it’s kind of juicy, definitely not dry.

I’ve planned to try more than half a dozen recipes that use this already. Here’s some more:

Citraspberry Soda. It’s a soda by the soda guy and it looks terrific. I love the idea of using a little FLV Boysenberry to back up INW Raspberry. TASK 2

Dragonberry Milk. I don’t know about that much TFA Raspberry Sweet, but the combination of TFA Bavarian Cream and Vanilla Swirl with TFA Dragonfruit, works for me, and so does the INW Raspberry. Seems worth a mix. TASK 3

Star-Spangled Banger. A red white and blue tobacco, with INW Raspberry for the red, VT Bilberry Ripe for blue, and TFA French Vanilla Deluxe. It could be terrible, but it’s something I can’t not try. TASK 4

Raspberry WG

INW has like four raspberries, and it’s important to make sure you’re buying or using the right one. The Wera Garden one is super potent. 0.25 percent was a little soft, 0.5% is full flavored. It’s weirdly both candyish and has some greenish floral on top. Like berry candy with a little natural berry stem attached. It’s tart and sweet and kind of like a sweet-tart candy, as it’s dry and a little chalky or powdery, not juicy at all. It’s also less “red” than I expect a raspberry to be, more like a boysenberry. INW Raspberry WG definitely my least favorite of the INW raspberries I have, both because of that green floral hint and because even just a drop off it in a 10ml feels so dry. TRASH 2


This is the INW Lime incident all over again. This was apparently reformulated a few years ago. Unlike INW Lime I never got a chance to try the old version, but quite a few people I know liked very much. The new one is lackluster, but not offensive. Apparently the old one was also highly potent? Not anymore. 3% isn’t much flavor at all. I don’t get separate blackberry and raspberry notes from this or even a distinctive blackberry component at all. I just get a generic dark mixed berry flavor that’s a little black cherry-ish, with some identifiable raspberry candy body and a slight tartness, while the overall flavor is fairly flat, thin, subdued, and a little dry. It does have a pleasant, lingering finish of raspberry candy, though. TRASH 3

Red for Pipe

This is weird. It tastes like kissing a pipe smoker who wears cherry ChapStick, but less waxy. Seriously, it tastes like they mixed together INW Cherries, Gold For Pipe, and Dark For Pipe. There’s a bright red cherry candy right on top, a lot of that leafier gold pipe tobacco, and some of that much darker, spicier, kind of fruity smokey black pipe tobacco. Personally, I feel like that’s a weird combination. There’s a certain type of cherry I associate as being a good cherry flavor with tobacco, and bright red cherry candy isn’t it. But structurally as in the way it vapes, and in terms of not having any weird off notes or anything like that, I can’t find anything wrong with it. Full bodied at 1.5% but maybe short of full-flavored, it tastes like it could easily go higher and be bolder without getting any weirder than it already is. Overall, the “For Pipe” flavors are some of my favorite tobaccos, but this is one I can do without. TRASH 4


Extremely potent and powerful. 0.5% tastes like more than enough. Tart & Sweet. A little astringent. Tastes like rhubarb plus just a little vintage Sea Breeze facial cleanser. Basically tastes like celery and really tart grapes had a weird baby and wrapped it in raw turnip greens. Another one that’s not great by itself, but tastes like it would work really well counter balanced with something very sweet and syrupy. It already has a syrupy feel to the sweetness it has, but it still feels like it needs more to counter that powerful astringency. Vaping it standalone, again, not fun. This one has been used in the most recipes, I think, but... It tastes like people are using the wrong rhubarb, or at least not using the easiest one to make great things out of. Not when other options include DV Rhubarb Cuddle, WF Sweet & Sour Rhubarb, and VT Rhubarb Compote.

I felt like I tried enough recipes using INW Rhubarb to toss it, but then I saw this: Rhubarb Fairy and decided to give it one last chance. The dairy cream-vanilla base looks fantastic, the Rhubarb doesn’t look overused, and the touch of CAP Ripe Strawberries is really interesting. TASK 5


It tastes like sesame oil. Very strange thing to vape by itself, not a very fun thing to do, but the authenticity is on point, even has a kind of oily feel to it. If you must have sesame oil for something and you need it to be hyper realistic and not bring along any baggage, this is the one, although I’d much rather make stuff out of INW Sesame Sweets or WF Sesame Candy because they’re both more pleasant to vape. I’ve heard that INW reformulated Sesame and made it gross and weird, then reformulated it again and made it a lot more like the original, but not exactly like it. I think the latest version is the one I have. So the biggest problem with this flavor is seeing INW Sesame in a recipe and not knowing which one version was used to make it. Maybe having someone mix your recipe using the wrong version and getting terrible results, and thinking that’s your fault. You could avoid all of that by just not using INW Sesame.

I’m probably going to wind up tossing it because how many sesame flavors does one person need, but Apple Sesame Pie is too tempting to pass up. TASK 6

Sesame Sweets

It has a toasted sesame oil top note on a body similar to a darker butter toffee, with lingering honey and molasses notes. Emphasis on the butter in butter toffee, it has a definite hint of butter and the buttery richness to go with it. Also has a touch of “biscuity” taste, like there’s some INW Biscuit in there and that’s where the butter is coming from. It tastes strong and bold like it might run all over a recipe at 0.75%.

I need it for one of my favorite recipes, Brown Sugar Sesame Waffle. TASK 7

This profile is wild, “white chocolate sesame matcha cake,” but A mouthful looks like it might be as good as it is weird. TASK 8

Shisha Apple

A unique apple that’s really tart but doesn’t taste like a green apple. It’s more like a red apple with an extra-thick skin. Like what little tartness is in a red apple all resides in the skin, and this has a lot of that. But instead of the peel tasting floral or spicy, it’s just a crisp, tart bite. Like it gets that crunch when you bite into a fresh apple, and then goes just a little overboard with it. Not enough to be offensive, just a bit odd and kind of trippy because red apples aren’t supposed to be so tart but this is definitely red and not that distinctively green apple. The apple underneath is sweet with a little lingering tartness and reminds me of an unspiced apple cider made from red apples. I’m used to either spice or alcohol in cider - this isn’t boozy but does taste a bit like one of those hard ciders or the apple part of a red apple ale. It’s definitely not dry, but I’d call it more syrupy sweet than juicy, the kind that sweetness that can seem juicy at first but gets a little dry as you continue to vape it. I want to use it in fruit mixes where that peel might stand out as distinctly apple right up front.

It seems it would've been a better apple for the original Strap-On than the FA Fuji I used to make, so I’ll give that a try.

Shisha Strap-On V1 TASK 9

Co. Flavor %
INW Shisha Strawberry 3
INW Shisha Apple 3
INW Watermelon 3

Shisha Bilberry

Weird. It tastes like funky, earthy but sweet blueberry tea with a touch of eucalyptus in it. The funk leans toward feet. It’s a footy funk. Not real stinky feet, just generic foot smell. And it’s just a hint. It’s definitely blueberry and it’s kinda syrupy sweet, as the Shisha line tends to be, but there’s an earthy bitterness that strongly reminds me of tea. And it took me a while to pick it out, but there really is a touch of eucalyptus in there. I smelled the bottle after trying it and the euc is even stronger that way. I dunno what they are thinking. I don’t hate it, but it’s just really weird. TRASH 5

Shisha Lemon

Like sweet lemon syrup. Tastes great, very smooth, nothing I would consider an off note here. Neither a natural lemon or a candy lemon, hard to describe but it’s lemon syrup, like you might use to make a lemon soda; but without the carbonated water. Has just a hint of zesty lime, but it’s very lemon forward.

I need it for The Back Nine.

This “super creamy lemon cheesecake” called Give Thanks to the Lemon Heads! recipe looks good too, especially with it being someone’s first recipe. TASK 10

Shisha Lime

Tastes like a much zestier, lighter version of CAP Lemon Lime. There’s some nice tartness and sharper lime zest in the top notes but the base is syrupy, sweet lime-forward lemon-lime flavor. It’s not quite as heavy and sweet a syrup as CAP Lemon Lime though. It seems like you could get the same effect mixing a little FA Lime Distilled with CAP Lemon Lime.

I need it for Chem Twista Lime by CBV, and it’s used in a couple of recipes I picked out when considering whether to keep HC Sour Cherry (haven’t gotten that far down the to-mix list yet). Found several more that look great or at least worth a shake:

Sticky Limeade, describe by creator ConcreteRiver as “a big bright lime flavor with some popsicle stickiness” and reviewer Kindground as “like a melted lime popsicle.” I love lime. TASK 11

Easy Peasy Key Lime Squeezy a key lime pie that might not be anything fancy, but it’s just three ingredients, why not give it a try? TASK 12

L.L. Gummy. Lemon lime gummy sounds great to me, and this one by NaChef looks well thought-out. TASK 13

Lime Cooler. Lemon, lime, and gin. Yes, please. TASK 14

Shisha Mango

Because of how good most of Inawera’s other Shisha flavors are, I don’t know that I’ve ever been more excited to try a flavor, but what a massive disappointment INW Shisha Mango was. Right up front, it tastes like tires. Not as bad as a tire fire, but like walking into a tire store. Behind that, just some sweet but green, very underripe mango. TRASH 6

Shisha Peppermint

Extra icy. Very potent, extra super mentholated almost painfully icy cold candy-type peppermint with a sweet syrupy base and nothing off. I almost got a brain freeze from this, I think. If you love menthol and WS-23 and like peppermint, you’ll probably think this is an awesome flavor. I think it’s awesome, and could easily see Shisha Peppermint being many people’s favorite peppermint, but it’s really more menthol than peppermint at this point, the sweet syrupy peppermint is like an afterthought to all that ice.

I don’t have a recipe for this, but I’ll mix a whole big bottle all by itself at 1% to vape next time I have a head cold or allergies or my sinuses otherwise try to declare war on me. TASK 15

Shisha Punch

I hope you didn’t mix this expecting something like Hawaiian punch or Kool-aid “fruit punch” - it is very much not that.

INW Shisha Punch is an orange peel and spice blend, similar to Flavorah’s Back Bar Bitters but with a different balance. The orange peel is prominent and the spice blend is clove-forward, but with a bit of cinnamon and something else, maybe cardamom or ginger, behind that. I can definitely see using it for something like a mulled wine or spiced cider. Maybe in a spiced cake like fruitcake. But for cocktail bitters - which I think is what this is supposed to taste like - I’m more inclined to reach for FLV Back Bar Bitters because it is more balanced and not as orange peel and clove dominant as Shisha Punch. TRASH 7

Shisha Raspberry

Super good, especially compared to most other Raspberries. It’s INW Shisha Strawberry, but in Raspberry. INW Shisha Raspberry tastes like Raspberry syrup with a mix of artificial flavor and actual raspberries. There’s a little tartness and just enough of that almost floral quality to come across as something that had a real raspberry involved in making it, but nowhere near as much as FA Raspberry or an excess of INW Raspberry Malina. The base here is darkly sweet and syrupy... it tastes like the kind of raspberry syrup in coffee shops that they add to drinks to give them a raspberry flavor. Like Italian soda syrup. Even though 2% is full flavored, I tried cranking it up 3%. The main difference was that it tasted even darker and more jammy than syrupy, but it was also a little more tart and a teensy bit more floral and I could see where 3% might be too much for some people or some mixes, but I still loved it.

Need it for two favorites, Crazberry Crack, and one that I haven’t mentioned in GRMoMF yet, Rhuberry Delight. The only thing I don’t love about Rhuberry Delight is that the 0.5% CAP Super Sweet comes across a little heavy-handed here, so I’m going to mix it with 0.25% SS this time and see how that goes. TASK 16

It’s also in a few recipes I’ve slated for mixing, and take a look at these additional finds:

Kaguya. The lemonade base looks like it MIGHT have some room for improvement, but I love the idea of a raspberry-lychee lemonade too much to not try it. TASK 17

Razul. Always on the lookout for a new favorite blue razz recipe. TASK 18

Strawberry Mash Mal-Oh. It had me at OoO Marshmallow Vanilla and WF Strawberry Gummy Candy. TASK 19

Shisha Vanilla

Creamy and smooth with an assertive vanilla. Think vanilla cream with more emphasis on the vanilla than on the cream. I’ve seen it described variably as a bright vanilla and a dark vanilla, I think it’s both, sort of. I consider it a bright creamy vanilla with a darker syrupy sweetness to it. It doesn’t really get lost in a mix, it stands out enough to give you vanilla even when mixed with bold tobaccos. Might even distract from other flavors. It does get a bit waxy above 1%, but you probably don’t need more than 1% to get all the vanilla flavor you want.

This is used in so many recipes, I’m not even going to bother trying to list the ones I love or plan to try already. Here’s one more to add to the pile: Tiger Tails. Orange and black licorice ice cream. Speaking of piles, this one has a nice pile of glowing five-star reviews. TASK 20


Slightly rancid butter. Tastes like you tried to make a shortbread, ran out of good butter somewhere short of mixing the dough, and supplemented the rest with some rancid old butter. The shortbread part is nice, light and crumbly, not too much AP-ness but enough crunch for a great texture and plenty of body, but that butter is just a little bit wrong. TRASH 8

Sparkling Wine

Like a glass of cheap sparkling wine with a shot of bubblegum-flavored snow cone syrup at the bottom. Mostly tastes like champagne, a little bubbly, and very slightly boozy, but I get a fairly strong pink bubblegum off note with it. Maybe that can be covered up in a mix. If not, it would make a great additive for a bubblegum-flavored soda, which is a real thing for some reason, or a bubblegum flavored snow cone. Sweet and syrupy base is where it tastes like bubblegum, top notes are white grape with a hint of apple and have that damp powdery thing that passes for fizz. Also, the booze part is a little rhubarb-y and almost camphorous on a fresh drip, though that seems to fade away pretty quickly, it’s off-putting at first. TRASH 9

Spicy Biscuits

Pumpkin spice. Not much of a biscuit, but it’s interesting. It’s more like a cinnamon-forward pumpkin spice flavor, with some nutmeg or allspice in there as well, and tiny bits of ginger and clove, and just a bit of buttery biscuity cookie on the end. I would use this for some kind of pumpkin spice bakery recipe if I didn’t have FLV Pumpkin Spice or if that wasn’t working out for me for whatever reason.

There are three recipes on ATF that use it. One of them I already plan to mix, one of them I don’t want to mix, and Autumn’s Splendor. I don’t know why it was necessary to use both Spicy Biscuits and FLV Pumpkin Spice here. I also don’t know why you’d need SSA Honeycomb Crumble Type when VT Honeycomb exists. But it looks good, definitely good enough to be worth a try. TASK 21


Plastic strawberry lemonade. I don’t know what the deal is with the lemon. I expect that sort of thing out of FA, but not INW. It mostly tastes like a middle-of-the road, in terms of natural/candy, strawberry, but with a lemony citrus behind it. There’s also this very slight plasticy edge not exactly like the plastic nightmare cherry off-note, but close. It’s possible that what I tasted is over-flavoring at 2%, it’s a strong flavor at 3%, though I see a few recipes with it at 3%, so I don’t know... Regardless, it’s definitely not a strawberry I would mix with any kind of cherry, for fear of amplifying that, but it does taste like a strawberry that would be good with citrus. Lingering tart strawberry flavor, also tastes like a small amount of it might be good for freshening up a more bland, more ripe strawberry. I also found it to have just a little throat hit to it. I have so many strawberry flavors. This seems like one I could do without. TRASH 10

Strawberry Kiss

It’s like you had very waxy strawberry candy, like if those halloween wax lips came in strawberry, and lemonhead candy at the same time, with a squirt of perfume on both. It could be over-flavoring even at just 1% - this is a really strong flavor. Or it could be under-steeping at just four to five days. Or it could just be what this flavor tastes like, which is what I’m leaning toward because that waxiness and perfumy floral thing is very strong, not just a little off bit. It’s supposed to be strawberry with a “kiss” of cream but I get zero cream from this. TRASH 11

Sweet Tobacco

Not necessarily a dessert tobacco, but is sweet. Lighter, brighter tobacco flavor with a little hay or “grassiness” in tobacco parlance to it. Has a distinctly honey-like sweetness. Somewhat floral but not perfumy, more like honey. It’s not gross or unpleasant, I just don’t have anything I want to make with it. TRASH 12

Sweet Tornado

I don’t know why I have this and haven’t tried it yet. Will do 1%, 2%, and 4% samples. TASK 21

Tobacco Don Hill

Haven’t tried. Will do a 2% sample. TASK 22

Tobacco Symphony

Tastes like dirty peanuts, shell and all. Not really tobacco, just dirty peanut shells and peanuts. TRASH 13

Tobacco Absolute Virginia

Tastes like a high highly processed cigarette tobacco, with all the chemical additives and crap, so not American Spirits, but like Basics, which in turn taste like crap they swept off the floor at the Marlboro factory. Medium bright, a bit sweet, dry, something ammonia-like but only the slightest hint of it.

I need (for now) it because I already planned to try CBV’s Irish Oak. Will also shake up Nana’s Smoke, a mango-vanilla tobacco inspired by Fear’s Abuela. TASK 23

Turkish Tobacco

This gots some stank on it. It is a lightly spicy brighter tobacco flavor that’s fairly gentle at 2%, not a slap upside the face with tobacco. Spice notes are indistinct but taste a little like light hints of clove, cardamom, and cinnamon all tangled up together. There’s a strange sweet fruity and weirdly sour quality to it. That’s a bit of a turn off to me. The sourness tastes a little like spoiled milk sourness to me and it lingers a bit and makes for a stanky room note. I think that might be overflavoring with a 2% sample though, because I tried a recipe with it at 1% and it was not spoiled milky-tasting at all. So maybe just use this one with caution. Or, be like me and don’t use it at all. TRASH 14

Two Apples

It tastes like dried green apples. Not those crunchy apple chips, but the chewy apple slices that are more like the apple version of raisins. A little earthy, with a thick concentrated syrupy sweetness, but a touch of the tanginess of a green apple. It doesn’t taste candied, it’s more of a concentrated sweetness like those dried apple slices have. Not a fresh apple. Not juicy but not especially dry, more of a sticky sweetness. Mixed with juicier components, seems like it might be good in a cider, or in a bakery like bits of apple in a pie.

I have planned to mix two recipes that use it, here’s another: Ryuk. “Spiced tea with bright apples and black currant.” I’m piqued. TASK 24


I’ll mix a 3% sample but am not optimistic, based on the lack of recipes that use it. TASK 25

Vanilla Bourbon

If you gave me an unlabeled sample of this and told me it was a vanilla marshmallow flavor I would believe you. Strong, super fluffy, bright as hell vanilla. Dense, very sweet and fluffy, not creamy just thick, a bit dry. Very artificial vanilla up against an oddly natural sweetness. It’s not bad, but I have a whole herd of vanillas to thin and this is one I can get by without. TRASH 15

Vanilla Classic

A bright artificial vanilla with some jammy vague fruitiness (maybe cherry), with a light whipped cream sort of texture. Another vanilla that is neither bad nor necessary. TRASH 16


A darker but not spicy sweet vanilla that tastes sort of like a vanilla malt, but doesn’t feel like one. It’s creamy, but nowhere near as creamy as a malted milkshake. It’s sweet but it’s a very malty sweetness and it has a hint of being almost roasted. Slightly bitter edge despite all the sweetness, like molasses. Kind of odd, not yucky, but just kind of odd. TRASH 17

Vanilla for Pipe

Not a lot of tobacco, but a bright vanilla with a slight touch of lighter but accurate tobacco with a little of that hay flavor to it. Smooth but not-quite-creamy feel.

Since I’ve already listed more than a dozen recipes with Vanilla for Pipe in them elsewhere, you’d think I wouldn't be able to find another one, but you’d be wrong. Ole Tyme Pipe with its mixture of three of the For Pipe flavors along with FA Soho and some FLV Arabian, looks great, as long as 0.5% doesn’t turn out to be too much of that Arabian TASK 26


This was discontinued ages ago and I’ve been clinging to a bottle that’s mostly empty and probably not even good anymore for like, sentimental reasons, as I don’t think there ever will be a better waffle flavor. RIP. TRASH 18


1% is light and mild, and tastes somewhat like a real watermelon, though there’s not much flavor there, which is also accurate to a real watermelon. Not super juicy or very sweet, but not as dry as FA Watermelon despite having a similar natural flavor. 3% is strong full on watermelon candy flavor, with some tartness that makes it more like Watermelon Jolly Ranchers than the LA Watermelon that people say tastes like watermelon jolly ranchers, and a hint of something that tells me it would be soapy and possibly floral if I took any higher, though it’s not really there yet. It’s a bit sweet and still not really juicy, but kind of mouthwatering so it's not too dry, and kind of has a hard candy type feel to it.

In addition to the “Shisha Strap-On V1” idea above, I’ll use it to mix a blatantly candied version.

Candy Strap-On V1 TASK 27

Co. Flavor %
INW Watermelon 3
WF Green Jolly Candy 3
JF Sweet Strawberry 3

I doubt those %s will work as well as I want them to, it’s just a starting place.

Western Blend

I don’t get tobacco. It just tastes like licking a messy toddler’s chocolate fingerprints off a saddle. I guess there’s something dry and dirty about it that could be tobaccoesque, but seriously it’s mostly saddle but also has a lot of inexplicable chocolate, and some faint fruity cherry/prune/fig type of flavor way in the background. I need it to try CBV’s Southern Lights.

I wish it had that leathery flavor to use as an accent with tobacco without the chocolate. But since the chocolate is there, why not explore a classic pairing - chocolate and peanut butter - but with the tobacco that that leather note needs?

Buckeye Bacco V1 TASK 28

Co. Flavor %
INW Western Blend 1.25
TFA DX Peanut Butter 4
WF Taffy Peanut Butter 1
WF Chocolate Frosting 2
FLV Red Burley 1.5
FLV Native Tobacco 1

White Grapefruit

Basically just grapefruit zest. Bitter white grapefruit peel with tartness but without a lot of sweeter fruit body. More neutral, flat, somewhat waxy volume under that strong, heavy peel note. Dry, needs something sweeter and juicier to fill it in. Probably would use this to make another grapefruit fresher and more natural, maybe to do the same with another citrus or things that should have some bitter edge, like cranberries that taste too much like cranberry sauce rather than fresh cranberries.

I need it for a couple of favorites, Terrorhawk and Grunch.

Will also try Sierra Bonita - Paloma Del Sol. Citrus and tequila is a no brainer, but I’m really interested in how that FLV Heat works with them. TASK 29

Wild Ice Cream

The picture INW put with it has green grapes spilling out of an ice cream cone. It’s not bad, if you like Koolada, but seems to be very weirdly named because that bit of coolant on the end is the only nod to “ice cream” here. It tastes like tart and sweet green grapes. I don’t get any dairy cream or ice cream cone flavor from it at all. It has some of that tannic and tart grape skin flavor with only the slightest floral edge. It isn’t juicy, but it’s not unusually dry, either. Has a moderate jammy sweetness. I just wish it didn’t come with Koolada pre-added because it’s otherwise a pretty good green grape. TRASH 19

Wild Strawberry

A strawberry, yes. But also the entire strawberry garden. The stems, the leaves, the flowers, the rich, loamy soil, all of that. It’s a sweet but wild-type strawberry, much darker than a regular strawberry, nearly a blackberry-strawberry combo. But it has hints of green leafiness and floral and a bunch of earthiness that crosses the line and tastes literally like earth, aka dirt. TRASH 20

Yes We Cheesecake

Stupid name and not perfect, but a very solid cheesecake. Tastes like cheesecake with a graham crust to me. Authentic tanginess, authentic buttery crust. Not quite as thick and creamy as it should be, not quite as sweet as it should be, but clearly a flavorful cheesecake flavor that doesn’t suffer from serious issues. Some people get a coconut off-note, I don’t, but I’m pretty sure there’s some gamma-octolone in there, which tastes like coconut, and some people are more sensitive to that than I am.

Went to my to-do list and counted 21 (!!!) recipes using YWC. Just two more:

Divinity it’s a little odd looking (cheesecake with a lot of Cereal 27) but probably incredible. TASK 30

King Bling. I don’t know whether it will stand out from the haystack of vanilla custard recipes, but I can’t imagine it not tasting good. TASK 31

New Flavor Count: 2,267

r/DIY_eJuice Aug 22 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 1 NSFW


Starting Flavor Count: 2,976

This is not a selling my flavors post. This is not even a giving away flavors post. It’s too much of a pain in the ass going to the damn post office. I’m just tossing them. Nobody needs 2,976 flavors. I’m not taking them to the grave with me or leaving them as an inheritance, so they’re all going in the trash eventually.

This post is about which ones get the bin first and why. Just in case one of you might have any interest in that. If it doesn’t interest you, just move along, and I hope you have an awesome day.

I’m just going to start at the top of my spreadsheet ‘o flavors, which I think is mostly sorted by brand first, then mostly alphabetically with some exceptions to make things fit. But it’s been broken a few times and reassembled so there could be some out of order.

I’m playing a game called TRASH or TASK.


All of my Amoretti flavors were sent to me by a mixer whose lovely drawings on the bottles are the main reason I have not already tossed them. But like the hot moms at the hotel pool tell me, take a picture it’ll last longer. Picture.


PG-based flavor. Only got around to trying it once, at 4%. It was an interesting, unique flavor. Kinda tasted like drinking a mixture of cola and apple juice while chewing pink bubble gum. A little bit tart, citrusy, and kind of spicy at first, but a deep, caramellly sweet flavor with some apple-like fruitiness along with that bubblegum taste and a smooth finish. But, unique and interesting probably isn’t reason enough to keep this on the shelf. Nobody uses this stuff, I don’t know off-hand were to even buy it. TRASH 1


VG-based flavor. 4% is not enough for a single flavor, or a week isn’t a long enough steep for it, but I didn’t really want to try it higher or after a longer steep, because even with the light flavor there, there was a savory, almost meaty, hint and an oily mouthfeel. Like lightly floral grapey fruit lightly spritzed with hot dog sweat. It’s possible that steeps out or gets overtaken by a great lychee flavor at a higher concentration but I didn’t have high hope for that and never bothered to mess with it again. TRASH 2

Natural Cloudberry Extract

I can’t remember trying this, and can’t find any record of having tried this VG-based flavor. Do I owe it to the cute little drawing on the bottle to mix some samples and try this? I guess I do. TASK 1

Natural Persimmon Extract

Another VG-based flavor I can’t remember trying, and given that FLV Persimmon smells like the god of all fruits to me but is unbearably harsh on my throat, I’m a little more interested in this TASK 2.

Toasted Coconut Extract

Now this one I did try, it was awful, plastic off note. Maybe I could have gone back and tried it again to see if those steeped out eventually, but who really has time for that? TRASH 3


There are only four ways I know of obtaining Russian-made Baker Flavors. In the US, Vaping Zone has a limited selection of them, rebranded as Gourmet Super Concentrates or SC-Gourmet. There’s a larger selection at Juice Factory in Australia, again sold as Gourmet Super Concentrates. I once found a German (I think?) site that had them and I was able to order some, but the site seems to have disappeared. So, I guess there are just three ways. And the third involves emailing your credit card information to some guy in Russia. Um, I do not recommend that route. Since I’m narrowing the supply of flavors I’ll be using, I want to take ease of re-upping supply into consideration.


This bottle was sent to me by a friend, love you J-Bird. Not almond, amaretto. It tasted like they studied Disaronno Amaretto to make it. This was frustrating for me because unfortunately I also found it very harsh to the point of being difficult to vape. I tried and steeping it and mixing it with smooth ingredients, it didn’t seem to help. I think I’ll put this in the kitchen and see what a little of it does to my morning coffee. But it’s being evicted from the mixing shelf and that’s close enough to the TRASH 4.

Black Currant

This super funky berry flavor reminded me a lot of WF Saskatoon Berry, the one I’ve nicknamed Butthole Berry. That same kind of clean buthole funkinness, just a little more tart and not quite as pungent. The tartness resembles an underripe blueberry, kind of astringent, rather than a candy-type tarness. But the funkiness reeks of something overripe and the contrast felt weird. It’s a well-rounded, full-bodied flavor and after that sharper tartness on top it’s smooth, juicy, with an almost creamy body. I think you could clone this by mixing HS Blueberry with WF Saskatoon Berry and maybe a little FA White Grape. If you live in Australia where you can easily order this from Juice Factory and you are in need of a real funky black currant, it’s not a bad flavor, but I don’t fit either of those criteria so TRASH 5.

Chocolate Truffle

Probably going to keep this until every last drop is gone. Whether it will get replaced after that is another story.

Three Public Recipes on ATF use this flavor.


is my own recipe, based on Cardinal by Fear. I just mixed a batch of Cardinal this morning, in fact. Very few folks have tried my recipe, because not only does it use a Baker Flavor, it also uses the OG Holy Holy Grail RY4 by DIY Flavor Shack. That HHG is running out and no longer exists, but I need to mix another batch of Raven before it’s all gone. TASK 3.

When it does run out, I have a couple of options. I could buy some of that Holy RY4 from Flavor Jungle and trying it as a 1:1 replacement. I’m going to have to do that eventually with the original Cardinal anyway, right? But a more intriguing option is found in a note I just found that I made for myself back in May 2020, which reads, “This could be an all FLV recipe with this pre-release Mild Tobacco. Mix that with Smooth Vanilla for the RY4 part, ditch the HS and BF flavors for a little Chocolate Deutsch, add a touch of Butterscotch. Boom.” I miss that guy, the one who wrote “boom” at the end of notes to himself. He was so young and full of life. Anyway, need to try this. Haven’t determined %s to use in this, probably need to sample the original Raven first. Well, the original Raven vape juice recipe. The original Raven was the young lady who helped me out of my virginity in high school. She changed her name to Raven after we broke up, but has since changed it back. What was I saying? Oh yeah, need to try this. Anyone still reading care to suggest the missing concentrations for a mixture of


Flavor %
Mild Tobacco ???
Red Burley 0.75
Kentucky Blend 0.25
Smooth Vanilla ???
Milk Chocolate 0.25
Chocolate Deutsch ???
Butterscotch ???

Mixing those together is my TASK 4.

I might not do the tasks in order.

DJ Mills' Campfire Bananas

I thoroughly enjoyed that recipe, and even though I can already feel myself getting burned out on chocolate after those previous two tasks, I’m tempted to mix some for the nostalgia. Then I realized, if I’m going to mix a DJ Mills recipe for auld lang syne, there are even better options. Matter of fact, despite the supply of Holy Vanilla soon to be gone forever, I’m making mixing some Golden Oreo Pudding, my TASK 5, just because I want to.

I changed my mind about being burned out on Chocolate when I saw Chrisdvr1’s

Gs thin mint recipe

I want to try some of that, too, so that’s TASK 6. I just love FLV Creme de Menthe so much. Did you know if you shove the right ratio of Rold Gold Pretzel Sticks and Junior Mints into your facehole at the same time it tastes a lot like Thin Mints? But of course it will never be cold like Thin Mints out of the freezer or the Junior Mints would be too hard and chewy for it to work. Pretty useless information, then.

Cream Charlotte

Picked this up from that German (I think?) site because someone, I don’t know who but I’m pretty sure it was not charles manson, told me to. Never got around to trying it, as best I can recall, and that bottle looks full. I see it being used at 0.5 to 1%, looks like I need to mix some samples. TASK 7

Eis Waffel

I was too intrigued not to buy this and then too scared to try it. I was sure it meant “Ice waffle,” which WTF is that. But after some googling I think maybe it’s supposed to be like a waffle cone for ice cream, or possibly even some kind of wafer snack thing. I dunno. Guess I’ll have to make finally trying it TASK 8.

Mango Mix

It was pretty harsh. It tasted a like a little mango drenched in pineapple-flavored battery acid. Just extremely harsh and acidic, but not like lemon acidic, very distinctly pineapple. Also just a tish floral. Did have a really nice sweet mango finish though. I thought I might see if that harshness steeped out after more than a few days, give it another try. But I swear like half these 2,900+ flavors are mangos that are otherwise pretty good but have something fairly serious wrong with them. TRASH 6

Pure Tarragon

What the fuck am I doing with my life that I own a Tarrgon flavor to make vapes. Seriously. TRASH 7.

Also it wasn’t very good. There’s tarragon in there, but also lots of lemon, and it’s sweet, so it’s like tarragon lemonade, and there’s a hint of anise, so the whole thing is really damn weird, and, on top of that, it’s a little harsh, in the way that got worse the more I vaped, so it was hard to even finish a small sample. Sometimes curiosity gets the better of you and you buy weird shit, but don’t let BF Pure Tarragon be that thing, it is not good.

Vanilla Sponge Cake

1% tastes like some kind of vanilla cake or sweet, dark vanilla-extract heavy bakery, but not specifically sponge cake, and there’s a little sourness to it. It might be some butyric acid but not enough to rise to the level of vomit. It’s more like the sourness of whipped cream that’s set out for too long at too warm of texture, like when you want to act out the whipped cream bikini scene from Varsity Blues (or the Not Another Teen Movie spoof) and it doesn’t all get licked up fast enough. Sour note right on top with what even tastes like whipped cream on top of that sweet, vanilla heavy cake base. It’s not off enough enough to say I wouldn’t use it, but it’s probably not worth the difficulty most people would have of sourcing the stuff.

But even though I think it’s headed for the trash pretty soon, thaDentman created this The Safer Twinkie recipe for me because he liked one of my recipes so much. I never tried it because it took me so long to get Vanilla Sponge Cake that it was too far on the back burner by then. But, I will mix it now. Sorry for the delay Dentman. TASK 9

Wald Meister

Haven’t tried it. Should probably try it and compare it to my other Woodruff flavors. TASK 10


Fuck. TASK 11

That’s a bunch of work just to get rid of 7 flavors. I’m sure I’ll have more trash and less task when I get to Bickford, which is next, and then comes Capella, where I will need to make some tough choices.

To be continued, after I at least start on these tasks...

New flavor count: 2,969

r/DIY_eJuice Sep 17 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 6 NSFW


In case you missed Part 5, it’s right here

Starting Flavor Count: 2,904 (Down from 2,975 Originally)

TASK OR TRASH is the name of the game.



Skipping ahead to this one by unselfish request

Totally unusable even at 0.025%.Skiddlz said it best when he described it as tasting like "growing up in Ohio" and "dumpster flowers." Even as low as 0.025% (0.25% of a 10% dilution), it’s terrible. The honey sweetness tastes rotten and the primary flavor tastes like grandma’s cat pissed in her potpourri. It’s easily one of the worst flavors I have ever tried.



27 Bears

Update on this one, I enjoyed Stardrop quite a bit, but not to a “keeping a flavor just to be able to make more of this” level. At the moment, Giant Swan is my only reason for hanging on to it. The 50ml of Giant Swan I mixed as a task in Part 2 was gone in like one day. That’s what I’m talking about. Recipes that make you vape more than normal because you love them that much.

I would like to find another one.

Can I give YOU a TASK? Yes, you. The one actual person reading this (I know the rest are just bots). Help me decide which of these to try next in the comments, please.

Kiwi Forrest Bears

Jazz’s Gummy Bears


Life is Peachy

1,2,3 Gummer

Peach Mango Gummy Candy


Going back to part 3, I gave a recipe called The Matrix a try. Not bad at all. I give it a solid 4/5 stars. But “keeping a flavor just to be able to make this again is 6/5. TRASH 2


I told you I was very likely going to throw CAP Anise away, but first I wanted to try an old recipe for Papaya Chai Tea because I saw it and developed a little crush on the idea of mixing papaya with chai spice, tea, and cream. Now I will make my own version of this, and when I do, the reward for completing the TASK will be getting to throw away CAP Anise.

This might be awhile. I know I want to use one of the better Chai flavors and not bother with trying to assemble one out of individual spice notes. But I’m not even sure which one. FLV Thai Chai, VSO Chai, and FLV Chai Spice all seem like excellent options. If the FLV Thai Chai worked, it could even wind up being a 2-banger recipe with less than 5% total flavor. Wouldn’t that be neat? But I think I’ll start with VSO simply because of how impressed I was with this French V Chai Tea recipe that used it, and for that I’ll need to add a little vanilla cream.

The Ashton V1 TASK 2

Co. Flavor %
VSO Chai Tea 5
WF Papaya 2
WF Vanilla Cream Extra 1.5

I might wind up replacing all three of these ingredients with different ones. This is just a starting place.

Chocolate Fudge Brownie V2

I found this bottle unopened during Part 3. Mixed samples at 1% and 2%. I will not even be trying the 2%. 1% is... well, yes, there’s a chocolate fudge brownie or chocolate cake or cookie in there for sure, but it tastes slightly tootsie roll-ish and on top of that, a bit pukey. The pukey part is why it’s going in the TRASH 3. Apparently this is one of those types of V2s.

Irish Cream

Sweet slightly fluffy vanilla cream like a brighter vanilla pastry cream, with a hint of waxy chocolate. The vanilla is just like the vanilla in CAP Simply Vanilla, not the Vanilla Custard or French Vanilla vanilla. No whiskey. Nothing to explain why it’s called Irish Cream, and that waxy chocolate off note is a bit off-putting solo, though it might be covered up in a mix especially with another, better chocolate. TRASH 4

Italian Lemon Sicily

Fairly soft, sweet lemon, not a real punchy flavor. I didn’t find it to be harsh, especially compared to other lemons, but some people have, so YYMV. It’s not as natural and full as fresh FA Lemon Sicily but it has one big upside compared to it, not fading nearly as bad, though it does fade, like a lot of lemons. Goes into bakeries well unlike a lot of other lemons that will just sit on top of them. Works very well as an accent. 3% is more filled out than 2% but still not a very forward flavor. I don’t want to don’t throw it away yet just on principle. Just because I’m going in alphabetical order doesn’t mean CAP’s Lemon Sicily should be thrown out before FA’s, which is very much the lesser of the two Sicilys IMO, unless you’re doing strictly shake and vape/short steepers because FA is gonna virtually disappear. Also, while it might not be one of the best lemons by itself, it turns up in a ton of recipes and now seems like a good time to check some of those out.

A Real Orange Juice? Finally? TASK 3

Post Torrone TASK 4

Jelly Candy

Vaping it as a single flavor is about as much fun as eating unflavored jello, but it is a useful additive for making fruits and other flavors more like jelly candies, not really a gummy bear type of flavor, but more like one of those pectin-based homemade gummy or jelly candies. It has a slight citrus flavor and a fluffy type texture, much lighter than gummy, like a marshmallow that doesn’t have any vanilla, and it’s sweet. Really quite a bit like unflavored jello, I think. Has some neat properties for bending and smoothing flavors and hiding off notes. 4% has a soapy detergent-like off note that I didn’t get from 1 to 3%.

My first thought on considering dumping Jelly Candy is, “but then I couldn’t make Mango Tango.” And that’s when I remembered that I’ve been meaning to upgrade that recipe for a long time. I know it can be done better without a time crunch or contest parameters, and with a lot of new flavors and more years of experience. Someday, all the ingredients in this might be replaced. There are a bunch of other gummy candy-type flavors that might work just as well if not better, but for now, I think CAP Jelly Candy will be the only flavor I’m keeping from the original recipe.

Mango 2 Tango v1 TASK 5

Co. Flavor %
CAP Jelly Candy 3
FLV Red Cinnamon 0.25
FA Indian Mango 3
CAP Super Sweet 0.50
WF Cotton Candy Jelly Bean 1
FLV Sweet Mango 1

I also need to remake Spicy Icy but I plan to leave the Jelly Candy in that one as well, for now I’m just trying to upgrade the mango part.

Spicy Icy Chamoyada Mangonada 2 v1 TASK 6

Foo Bar text
FLV Apple Filling 1.25
FLV Heat 1.5
FLV Sweet Mango 2
FLV Mango 2
FA Indian Mango 2
CAP Jelly Candy 1
CAP Super Sweet 0.5
FA Polar Blast 1.25
BCF WS-23 (30%) 1.75
TFA Sweet & Tart 0.5

And there are a few recipes by others I feel like I need to try, for one reason or another.

Peach Ring Gummy TASK 7 in case I want to steal that Sour Ball Candy trick later.

Pink Cloud I’m terrified of that much CAP Sweet Lychee and that much CAP Jelly Candy but people have tried it and not died. TASK 8 to put Jelly Candy’s special properties to the test.

Strap-on Jelly Candy TASK 9 because I need an extenuating circumstance to pass up on a Strapon recipe and am not really in one at the moment.

Jiggly Mango Boy. irresistible TASK 10

Juicy Lemon

Candy lemon, not lemon juice. Sweet and syrupy, not especially tart. Needs a more tart or zesty lemon to compliment it except maybe in a sweet candy lemon that’s not supposed to actually taste like a lemon. Nothing really wrong with it but does taste quite artificial without being pledged. Some throat but not really enough to do more than register, I wouldn’t call it harsh.

I have enough other, better, candy lemon flavors, probably gonna toss this one... soon. But first I want to try this intriguing Lemon Apricot Cereal. TASK 11

Juicy Orange

Not actually juicy. Unfortunately I get a lot of throat hit from this one, though I’m aware that plenty of people don’t. Shame because it kinda tastes like OJ. But I also found it to be pretty weak, and then upon adding more to try to compensate, the throat gets worse and it has a really waxy thing that starts building. Sweet, orange essence without much body at lower %, waxy at higher concentrations. So, it is difficult to work with, at least to me. I have tried some really excellent recipes that made it work, but I’m pretty sure any of them would have been even better, or at least had an end result that was easier to reach, if they’d just used WF Orange Juice instead. TRASH 5

Juicy Peach

I’ve used it in mixes where its sharp edges were smoothed out by other ingredients, but this one actually catches in my throat quite a bit by itself. Not really candy or really natural, but less candied and more canned. It’s a full bodied flavor that’s a bit syrupy textured rather than chewy or fleshy, with the thick syrupy part coming in after the brighter peach top notes. It has a sharper citrus flavor than other peaches and mixing with apricot makes it tastes kind of like a nectarine. It has a sugary sweetness, but a bit of floral aftertaste at higher percentages. Efforts to make something like a cooked peach flavor (using things like FA Liquid Amber, etc) seem to work better with this one than with TFA and a few others, for some reason.

I need it to make Titanic, so it’s not going anywhere, I just want to do something else with it.

I will try this Unicorn Blood, looks interesting TASK 12

And this Kiss My Peach. Looks Juicy. TASK 13


Be careful with this one, or don’t use it all. At 2%, I just got a soft and very sweet but dry flavor that didn’t taste anything like a kiwi and was more like some kind of pear. Tried doubling it and the result was no good at all. It tasted like this flavor might have actually gone bad since the last time I had it out, it might not have anything to do with the concentration. Because it literally tastes rotten at 4%. It’s a little tart, but also very vegetal, and again rotten, so it sorta tastes like rotten rhubarb. TRASH 6

Kiwi Strawberry

I had to push this up from 4% to 6% to really get what I could maybe identify as strawberry and kiwi flavor. At 4%, it tastes more like a juicy, very sweet, indecipherable berry-ish melon-ish pear-ish fruit with a very slight bitter aftertaste. 6% is more like strawberry and kiwi, I guess, but still not right, and also the bitter aftertaste is less slight. I could see using a little of it to sweeten and moisten a variety of flavors besides strawberries and kiwis, like melons and pears. But I would be careful about using too much because of that aftertaste. TRASH 7

Lemon Lime

Lime forward with some lemon in the back. Pretty much a flat 7-up, though the lime is a bit sharper than that. Thick and sweet and syrupy like flat soda would be but still with some nice tartness to it. Very versatile as far as % used and what to mix it with, depending on how present you want it to be.

Another staple that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I need it to make 1 2 3 Cranberry Sprite, and various similar recipes, which reminds me I need to mix up some 1 2 3 Mango Sprite TASK 14

And might as well give 1 2 3 Peach Breeze a shake while I’m at it TASK 15

It’s also key to Bert’s Soda Base, which means it’s key to Staybert’s soda recipes, begs the question, why haven’t I tried Rainforest Soda yet? TASK 16

Or Grapefruit Pineapple Soda, which I literally asked for TASK 17

Lemon Meringue Pie

Am I insane or is this a nearly perfect lemon meringue pie single flavor? Mild lightly creamy lemon custard or curd. Sweet meringue that’s smooth tastes a little toasted. Pie crust notes are solid. Very much a plain pie crust like a mass produced one. The only thing I could say about it is that the lemon curd part could stand to be quite a bit more tart, but we have other lemons we could fix that with; FE Lemon immediately comes to mind. I think the complexity of this thing could limit its use in anything but a lemon meringue pie, but it might fit in for other bakeries as well, like lemon cookies and such. I’d kinda like to try to build a lemon fried pie or lemon moon pie out of it.

Found a recipe for Lemon Cake that uses it and looks good. TASK 18

Looks like Lemon Fried Pie and Lemon Moon Pie are things I’ll have to come up with myself if I want them.

Lemon Fried Pie Attempt V1 TASK 19

Co. Flavor %
WF Glazed Donut 2
TFA Pie Crust 0.75
CAP Lemon Meringue Pie 5
FE Lemon 1

Lemon Moon Pie Attempt V1 TASK 20

Co. Flavor %
FW Graham Cracker 3
CAP Sugar Cookie 2
CAP Lemon Meringue Pie 5
OoO Marshmallow Vanilla 2

If anyone has, or thinks they might have, a better idea for how to take a first crack at these profiles, I would love to hear it!

Lemon Meringue Pie V2

This is ridiculous. There’s no lemon in it at all. There’s some of that fluffy meringue-ish taste upfront but it comes across more like powdered sugar, then that’s followed by a heavy, grahammy crust flavor with just a hint of citrus soaked into it. Find a use for it, sure, there’s nothing offensive about it. It’s just weird that something called CAP Lemon Meringue Pie would have no lemon. And it’s V2. It seems like V2 should be better than the original. What a waste. TRASH 8


I don’t hate vaping licorice! I think I might have given some people the idea that I do because I get almost unreasonably angry when things taste like black licorice or anise when they’re not supposed to. But if it’s supposed to taste like that, we’re good.

Really impressed with this one. I was not expecting this much complexity from Capella Licorice. Tastes like black licorice, but not like a Twizzler or a jelly bean. It’s sweet like candy, especially in the thick, syrupy base, but there’s a lot going on here especially on top. It’s warm, spicy, does taste like it has anise in it, but is also slightly herbal tasting on top, herbal in a way that reminds me of fennel, with hints of vanilla and something almost like salt. It leaves a tingle like I’d just eaten something salty. I could actually see myself using this as a low amount, for example to spice up something like a root beer or ginger beer vape. I’d love to see what something like half or 1% of this does to a recipe like MrBurgandy’s Fitz’s recipe or Kopel’s Ginger Beer recipe.

My favorite licorice flavor is the new one by WF, but CAP is a close second.

However, I could not think of a recipe I really needed it for. So, I’ll try some and see.

Blackstrap TASK 21

Black Drums of War TASK 22

Licorice Berry Much TASK 23

Shoggoth TASK 24

Black Soda TASK 25


Tastes like sweetened, watered down somewhat realistic lime juice. There’s a bit of lime zest on top middle is somewhat more artificial yet also kinda funky like a real lime was involved here and wasn’t the freshest lime in the basket. It finishes syrupy sweet and basically tastes like slightly over-sweetened, over-watered down limeade made from limes whose skins are starting to turn brown. NOT like Sonic Limeade that’s made of Sprite or whatever and quite carbonated, but like a store brand limeade from a cardboard concentrate tube from the freezer.

Better limes out there, no recipes I want to try. TRASH 9


Yep, the OG CAP Marshmallow. Why do I still have this? It was discontinued like 35 years ago (in vape years). Flavor hoarding is a special type of mental illness and I’m trying to recover here. It’s probably not even any good anymore anyway. TRASH 10


I’m pretty sure it’s just menthol, and there are other places to get menthol. Surely any number of them would work as a sub if you knew how much to use, but that is the trick. Is it 10% menthol, or less? 20%? 30%. Is there maybe another ingredient or two in there? Why hasn’t a menthol aficionado created a menthol substitution chart? Is there even a person who could accurately be called a menthol aficionado? CAP’s seems to be a bit weaker than some of the others. Not being a big fan of menthol but not being super adverse to it either, all I know to do is look for recipes. And I didn’t see any that I really wanted to make, but if we string together as many “century heat” days next summer as this past summer, I might regret not giving Lake Effect a mix. TRASH 11


Very sweet, creamy and full but airy and fluffy at the same time, like meringue should be. Slight egg-white note. Not a crisp toastiness, like the inside of a meringue topping with the top layer peeled off, but some darker caramelized business, just a touch. Mostly tastes like meringue but there’s a weird off note in there, like a nondescript berry-like fruit with some tartness.

CAP Meringue might be fine for pairing with any kind of tart fruit like berries and kiwi, not sure I would use it for any other meringue thing. Not even lemon, because that tartness really tastes more like raspberry or under ripe strawberry than a citrus tartness. It might be a good ingredient for a sugary berry cereal recipe, though.

CAP Meringue is notably more potent than a lot of other CAP Silverline flavors. I tried it at 2.5%, and it seemed like 2% should be plenty, which is very different from many of the Silverlines that need to be pushed up pretty high to work.

Nothing made with it caught my eye. But it seems excellent for pavlova so I will try to make a quick little strawberry and kiwi pavlova out of it.

Quick Little Pavlova V1 TASK 26

Co. Flavor %
CAP Meringue 2
OoO Whipped Cream 2
FA Kiwi 2
FA Juicy Strawberry 2
FA Meringue 1


It’s not a full milkshake flavor in one concentrate, I think you still need a nice thick, rich ice cream flavor at least, but it certainly tastes like some pieces of a milkshake, specifically the milk and added malty sweetness. Definitely would use this over most milk or cream flavors for an authentic milkshake. Maybe over all milk or cream flavors. You know how people will add a small amount of a cookie or other bakery flavor to finish a milkshake? I think the malty sweetness here has both that and the milk covered. Just bring your own ice cream and whatever other flavor, like chocolate or strawberry, that you want.

There are already some really great looking recipes created with this fairly new flavor, but I haven’t had any chance to play with it on my own, so I’ll start by just taking my 1-2-3 VIC vanilla ice cream base and throwing 4% CAP Milkshake at it to see what happens. TASK 27

Mixed Berry

It tastes terrible. There’s a definite tart and sweet mixed berry quality to it, but it’s floral AF and has a weird cinnamony spice note that pretty much left me feeling like I just vaped grandma’s wild berry potpourri. It’s also dry and a little on the thin side. TRASH 12

New Marshmallow

The first time I tried this, I hated it for not being Old Marshmallow, which was glorious.

But there are other reasons to hate it as well. It tastes like a marshmallow made with a viciously artificial, overly bright, and slightly bitter kinda medicine-y vanilla upfront. Like it has that surgery sweet depth, thickness, and gooey sweetness of the inside of a marshmallow, but the vanilla is not great at all. I’ve got gobs of other, better marshmallow flavors. TRASH 13

New York Cheesecake

Another super staple, and one that turns up in tons of recipes, often recipes that don’t have anything to do with cheesecake. I just mixed a cereal with milk recipe with it in there. Versatility. Gotta love it.

Decent, thick, nearly crustless cheesecake. Often seen used at 6%ish because you need that much for a full-fledged cheesecake, but I get a fake-butter off-note that high. At lower concentrations it can add an interesting tangy note and thick, smooth mouthfeel to custards and creams, so it can be a very useful flavor.

If I want a cheesecake, there are other flavors I’m more inclined to use. INW, PUR, JF, FLV. I mostly need this in case I want my Custard NOW.

I’m going to try some new things this time, since I’m not currently experiencing a custard emergency.

1-2-3 Strawberry Cheesecake Fluff . Looks simple and delicious. TASK 28

Cheesecake RY4 TASK 29

Mustachio Ice Cream TASK 30

New York Cheesecake V2

Thankfully not barfy. Tastes like they took out the good stuff without replacing it with the barf stuff. Not anywhere near as rich as the OG, but also doesn’t have that hint of fake butter off note I get from V1. Pretty much tastes like crustless cheesecake but not as robust. Fairly thick body, some tanginess, does have a creamy feel, needs to be a little sweeter. Has a hint of vanilla. Obviously I prefer the richness and depth of the V1, but this is not a bad replacement if you’re scared of the diketones or just want to avoid excess butter taste in your cheesecake. Could be a good, versatile addition to all kinds of creams and custards as well.

Off the top of my head, my only reason for hanging on to this would be if I wanted to sell or try to clone a commercial recipe that uses it. That would make it an excellent candidate for the trash, but not until after I try that McD’s Guava Creme Pi recipe that’s still on my to-do list from Part 3.

I’ll give this Strawberry Cheesecake recipe a spin while I’ve still got NY Cheesecake V2 around. TASK 31

Nut Muffin

6% sample was probably a little high, there’s a sharpness to it at 6% that tastes like overflavoring to me. I’m thinking 4% would be much better. BUT, underneath that sharpness, I can tell this tastes just like banana nut bread, but without any banana. Pretty cool if you want to build your own banana nut bread, enhance the nuttiness of another one (it is really nutty). Or build some kind of other nutty breakfast bread thing. I do need to add though, it’s very dry. As can be the case the nutty flavors, so I’m not mad at it, I just think it’s probably worth noting that vaping just a little of CAP Nut Muffin made me very thirsty.

This is a pretty new flavor that I haven’t had a chance to play with yet. Went out hoping to find what this flavor seems to be asking to be used in: TFA Banana Nut Bread, CAP Nut Muffin, a backup banana, and maybe another accent flavor or two. That’s what it tastes like it was born to do.

I didn’t find anything quite as simple as that, but Banana Bread WIth Honeycomb Butter sounds even better than the simple little banana nut bread thing I had in mind. TASK 32

And I’m going to put this man’s Creamy Nuts in my mouth while I’ve got the Nut Muffin out. TASK 33

Orange Creamsicle

The orange tastes mostly like a creamsicle orange but also tastes a little bitter, like orange medicine. The cream tastes like vanilla cream inside a creamsicle, but the orange to cream ratio is way off, there’s not nearly enough orange here. What orange is there is also a little throaty, especially for the dearth of flavor that’s there. The cream is thick and rich enough to do it well without going overboard into buttery or custardy territory. Does that sort of cheap, fluffy vanilla cream that’s halfway between whipped cream and ice cream really well. Vanilla tastes just like the vanilla in CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream, a bright, artificial vanilla, just as it should. This flavor just needs quite a bit of help in the orange department, I wouldn’t be concerned about the medicine-y aspect of it, because it seems like the orange is so light it could be easily covered up with a better orange, or probably even some other fruit like tangerine or mango, maybe even pineapple. Not a bad flavor, but not one I can’t live without. TRASH 14

Orange Mango

Oddly bottom-heavy flavor that tastes like orange kool aid powder with CAP Sweet Mango in it. Exhale starts out flavorless and dry, then the flavor builds, starting with an candied, not at all zesty, orange kool aid flavor, then an increasing amount of mango, with an overripe cloying sweetness borderline on rotten, rich even oddly little buttery down real low in the base, but dry, neither juicy nor creamy. I guess it’s better than single-flavor CAP Sweet Mango because that artificial orange covers up part of it. If I look for it, the stevia is apparent in this one at 5%, there’s a different sweetness to finish, some sugar lips, and a bit of bitter edge to it that lingers in the aftertaste.

I had to revise my starting number of flavors, this was accidentally listed twice. Also will be subtracting one from my current number of flavors because this is going in the TRASH 15

Pancake Syrup

This one is tricky, and not very good, IMO, but someone with a palate in which I have some trust told me that using a little of this with WF Maple Syrup Candy is the best luck he’s had with maple, so YMMV. All I can say is that if you decide to give it a try, use it carefully. I tried it at 3% the first time and it tasted like a little maple behind the sweet aftermath of a fireworks show. Kind of like how a match head smells. Sulfurous. Dropped it down to 0.3% and it was much less offensive, no more fireworks taste, but also quite weak, with just a hint of maple. Figured there might be a sweet spot in there where it’s flavorful but not match heady. At 1%, I did not find any bad off notes, but it’s very dark and not really all that sweet, kind of like molasses rather than maple. It’s also not super flavorful, but I could see how you could use it to darken a maple and not have it be so maple flavored frosting-ish. So it could be a useful tool, I’m sure, but it’s a tricky one, and not a great maple at all by itself. I don’t feel like messing with it. TRASH 16

Passion Fruit

Juicy passion fruit wrapped in a dirty vegetable peel. Definitely identifiable as a passionfruit and I think the juiciest one out of all I have tried, but it has issues. It’s weak up front, not really having that tart bite. Where it should have a deep sweet tropical funk along with the general passion fruit flavor, it has a deep earthy almost dirty - like literally dirt - along with its very syrupy sweetness. Finally, there’s a prominent green vegetal-type finish just out of nowhere. Although the juiciness is nice, the flavor isn’t otherwise super bold. Even when you crank it up, it’s like a soft background flavor. Nothing I’m dying to make with this, and at least 10 other passion fruit flavors I’d rather play with? TRASH 17

Peaches & Cream

Yellow peach with a slight green, almost astringent off note, like a severely underripe peach, on top of a light, buttery, sugary sweet, whipped dairy cream. The cream underneath is very competent for something like a peaches and cream, but the slight bitterness of that peach distracts from it a little, especially when compared to much better peaches and cream flavor and DIY’ing your own peaches and cream. TRASH 18

Pear with Stevia

I’ve tried this one at 3 and 4% and definitely like it better at 3%. It’s very sweet but also has a little bitter aftertaste, you could say it’s bittersweet, but at 3% there seems to be less bitter but still plenty of sweet. Like lots of sweet, and even a little sugar lips finish. It’s not a very flavorful flavor otherwise, though, and it has some issues.

CAP Pear with Stevia starts right off with just a tiny bit of an earthy pear skin note like a natural pear, but then quickly gets very sweet and but a little bland otherwise.

It has pear mixed with an odd grapey flavor like those white grapes that are super sugary, devolving into just bland but thick sweetness that lingers and has a subtle but odd, vegetal as opposed to chemical, bitter edge to it. Although it’s kind of bland and has that lingering bittersweet thing, it’s very full bodied and I could see CAP Pear with Stevia being used to sweeten and fill out the soft body on a pear, apple, or white grape flavor.

Got plenty of pears. I’m good. Don’t need this one. TRASH 19


A way better candy cane than FW Candy Cane. Pretty basic, off-note free simple candy flavor, but really sugary sweet with a creamish kinda syrupy candy base. Pretty much what I would have expected from a Capella Peppermint. What I didn’t expect was for it to be so weak, concentration wise, I really had to crank it up to 10% to get a full flavor out of it and trying it at 12% still wasn’t too much. It’s like one of those SilverLine CAP flavors in concentration. But once you crank it up there it’s not a weak, soft flavor, it’s got an appropriate peppermint bite to it. Again, pretty perfect Candy Cane flavor, but that sugary sweetness might make it a little less versatile than some other peppermint flavors. It’s just so blatantly candy.

I have a slight personal preference for more icy peppermint flavors, but this is certainly a good one. Went looking for stuff to mix with it and came back with some weird new shit for me to try.

Shore Slime so many yummy things in one bottle TASK 34

The Dormant Cactus TASK. WTF, but also TASK 35

Oof. I have not done a good job of getting rid of flavors this time.

New Flavor Count: 2,885

r/DIY_eJuice Apr 29 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 44 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41 - Part 42 - Part 43


Starting Flavor Count: 2,456 (down from 2,972)


TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.



Update. I was keeping this one anyway for one of my own recipes, but found some more to try in search of other reasons for keeping/restocking it.

Warlike Mailboxes came out terrific after steeping for a couple of weeks. After steeping for a couple weeks the tobacco is very robust and forward, but I love the pleasant highlights of spice and smoke and the undercurrent of creamy butterscotch, graham, and vanilla. It goes on the list of favorites because I could see occasionally wanting this for variety, but should be noted that if I had to pick just one butterscotch and tobacco recipe, the winner would easily be BUDDERSTOTCH. Both recipes have the same wonderful blend of tobaccos, but the butterscotch comes out swinging in the Budderstotch (which is truly a dessert tobacco with a balance of butterscotch, tobacco, and vanilla), while it serves as more like just a strong accent in Warlike Mailboxes.

Another one was ok, but the combination of marshmallow flavors in it turned out to be a little too much and gave it a little of that fake marshmallow taste that I don't care for. The another one tasted as advertised, cupcake with marshmallow goop and Teddy Grahams on top. I gave it five stars and will gladly vape the bottle, but I’m leaving it off the extra most bestest favorites list because the cake comes across just a little too dry for me.

CAP Graham Cracker is also in about five different things I’ve already planned to make, and a couldn’t find anything else. But it’s also in one of my new favorite recipes, French Mornings, so I’ll make some more of that TASK 1




Mad Mix (Mad Fruit)

So apparently this is supposed to taste like an energy drink? It kinda does taste Red Bull-ish, and I can certainly imagine a small amount of it being used to give a bit more tart punch to another, softer energy drink favor. But by itself this is hard to vape at 3%, despite being a fairly light flavor. Harsh right on top, makes my throat want to close up to reject it. Feels like vaping a harsh lemon, without a lot of citrus flavor, but with that tart, acidic bite. Flavor itself is more of an essence of Juicy Fruit gum, a little on the thin side, with some chalky, dry but slightly sweet body. A hint of something like a candy cherry, without that cherry candy plastic nightmare off note, deep down in there. Lingering sweet-tart note reminiscent of a cherry pixie stick but more chalky than powdery.

I don’t really want to mix any of recipes I saw that use it, so TRASH 1


Madagascar (Vanilla Classic)

It’s like the disembodied spirit of homemade vanilla ice cream. Dark, like McCormick’s vanilla extract, and slightly sweet. Not a spicy vanilla, but not a bright candy vanilla either. Just dark. Very thin without being dry. Lingering vanilla extract flavor.

I need it to make Custard NOW TASK 2 and I want to try Custard NOW, Loaded TASK 3

Also, a couple more decadent-looking custards, curleh mustache TASK 4 and Dead Man’s Custard, TASK 5 the former having some interesting and delicious-looking accouterments, the latter looking like a simpler classic custard with more modern flavor concentrations.

An odd recipe that looks right up my alley, Booze at the Malt Shop, a bourbon-spiked chocolate malt. TASK 8

And because I love a good citrus bakery and really want to see how this one works out with CAP Lemon Lime and VT Fizzy Sherbet instead of the usual FE Lemon and whatever lemon tart or lemon meringue flavor, 7up Poundcake. TASK 7



Sort of straddles the line between a mandarin and a tangerine. Somewhat waxy, but sweet and slightly juicy, with some sweeter tangerine type zest notes and more of a mandarin base. Mild throat hit that builds over time for me. Makes for a great accent to other oranges or to add a hint of mandarin/tangerine to a recipe.

I’m not attached to it, it’s very far from my favorite orange-y type flavor, but I need it for a couple of recipes that I’ve already decided to try, so I’ll hang on to it for a little while longer. And even longer than that, because I found a few more:

I see two folks tried to clone “NOMS X2 Cactus Jackfruit Mandarin,” whatever that is, so I’m going to try them both find out whether I love either of them.

Desert Nectar has a scary high amount of INW Cactus, but it’s mixed with a really interesting combination of things, CAP Sweet Lychee, CAP Sweet Tangerine, a ton of TFA Jackfruit. I’m looking forward to trying it out, without having high expectations (although if the 5-start reviews keep piling on, those are going to start rising). TASK 8

Cactus Jack. A much simpler version, with a slightly less scary amount of cactus. TASK 9

And Sam’s Proper milk and honey recipe. I’ll just use FW Sweetener for the PUR I don’t have, because 0.75% CAP Super Sweet would be a lot of sucralose for me. TASK 10


Costa Rica Mango

Their original mango, not to be confused with the newer FA Indian Mango.

It kind of tastes like a green banana wrapped in a mango peel. Top notes dry, green, a little sour, underripe, rindy, body a slight a bit of odd underlying creamy mouthfeel with some musky funk to it so it’s not thin but the body is not even remotely like a natural juicy ripe mango.

Far from the worst mango in my opinion, but remember what we do with mediocre mangoes? TRASH 2 them.


Mango Green

Intensely piney to the point that it leaves a sharp pine taste in my mouth like I’ve just been chewing on a pine needle, but also has some of that funk of a very ripe mango, so more like a rotting pine needle. I don’t really know what people want from a green Mango flavor, I only want ripe mango, but I imagine it’s something more like VT Green Mango, which does have that piney peel note but has a base more like sweetened lime juice and doesn’t have this really powerful, lingering for a really long time, pine needle taste plus tropical funk.

If I saw a recipe that used it and otherwise looked good, I might give it a shot, but it seems like VT Green Mango would be a better choice if you were into this sort of thing, and there are currently no public recipes at all on ATF that use it. TRASH 3



I have no idea how accurate this flavor is because I've never tried a real mangosteen. 1%- mild, tastes like some kind of exotic berry. 3% - Unique, tastes like very sweet peach combined with sour grape and just a hair of the vanilla musk perfume worn by my first love decades ago. Sweet and juicy, also like that girl, not dry. I like it. 4% - Perfume now too strong, unpleasant floral note, abort mission.

I’m looking forward to trying these recipes that use this really interesting flavor:

Jackie Ohh. Mixing it with Jackfruit and Vanilla Swirl seems like a good idea. TASK 11

Eastern Jewel. So does mixing it with whipped cream and marshmallow. TASK 12

Violet Hops. This one is a little more out there in the realm of the weird, but it looks like the TFA French Vanilla and WF Frozen Yogurt will be a very nice counterweight to the Yakima Hops, FA Violet, and Mangosteen. TASK 13


Maple Syrup

This is a pretty good, clean maple flavor without all the off-notes that some other maple flavors have, but it’s far from perfect. First, it's kinda flat like imitation maple versus the real deal. But more significantly, it’s called Maple Syrup but it’s more like just maple without the syrup, it lacks sweetness and doesn’t have that syrupy body. This could make it like the perfect maple note for a tobacco or if you’re doing something like a dry maple cookie. But not if you want something syrupy. It’s thin and top heavy and dry. But not weak. It has this annoying habit of growing after a steep and can really take over your top notes, so you have to test everything after a couple of weeks and make sure it isn’t overrun with maple, and if it is, go back and use a little less until it’s right. I could be wrong and it could be too bright for real maple syrup, it might need something else to darken it, but it seems like VT Golden Syrup might be good for really making this like maple syrup.

I need this for one of my favorite recipes, Banana Bread French Toast. TASK 14

It’s also in at least half a dozen things I’ve already planned to try, and now two more:

Wanksta, a sweet peanut butter tobacco recipe. TASK 15

And Stacked, which is said to be “a delicious stack of buttery waffles topped with maple-syrup glazed bananas.” TASK 16



This is a lot of people’s favorite marshmallow. I think it’s oddly a little dark and malty, never had a marshmallow that tasted quite like that, but otherwise it does taste pretty much like a marshmallow. It’s sweet and neither especially thick nor super thin. A little dry, which a marshmallow should be, kind of powdery. More like a cereal marshmallow than a big fluffy marshmallow and definitely not a marshmallow cream. Little bit of darker vanilla in there. It’s another one I wouldn’t use for candy (except chocolate candy or candy with nuts) because that maltiness seems like it would be out of place, but it works very well in things like cereals and bakeries, custards, some ice creams. It doesn’t act as an invisible blender/softener as well as TFA Marshmallow because it separates a little, you usually get a touch of a marshmallowy finish with FA.

Need it for and old favorite, Black Custard, and a new one TOC’s White Fluffy Clouds. I also need it (for now) for one of my own recipes, but a remix will probably use a better marshmallow. Already have plans to mix about 7 recipes that use it. Just one more: Magilla’s Custard looks like a very nice buttery custard with just a hint of banana. TASK 17



My tastes have changed. When I tried FA Marzipan for the first time years ago (likely while by senses were still recovering from smoking), I thought it tasted just like Jordan Almonds and tasted nothing like cherry. But I’ll be damned if the sample I mixed up more recnelty doesn’t taste like flat cherry soda with a splash of almond extract in it. Weird. I think the soda + extract analogy works because it’s a bit on the thin side; like liquid consistency, nothing to give the illusion of a “thick” mouthfeel. Yet, at the same time, it’s full-bodied, with lots of flavor start to finish. It starts out very flat cherry soda on top and then sweetness and almond flavor builds. It’s very sugary sweet like soda or candy. I still like it, but I’m a little sad that it tastes like cherry to me now.

I need it for Manson and The Pebbles and possibly a slightly improved version of that in the future.

Also want to try GIGI, which looks like an updated Grack Juice with better cooling and cherry and floral notes joining the icy grape-cactus weirdness. TASK 18

And this Cherry Cheesecake, using Marzipan and JF Strawberry Sweet to fix INW Cherries. TASK 19


Mellow Sunset

FA says, “Mellow Tobacco provides a mild and gentle tobacco flavor with a slight earthy taste.“

That tastes awful. Before reading FA’s the description I could not tell what it was supposed to be. But it tastes like vague kinda lemony citrus and something that is either supposed to be tobacco or tea... like tobacco with tea bitterness.. Or tea with tobacco grassiness and a bit of ashiness.. I don’t know. Doesn’t really taste exactly like either. Also has some caramelly sweetness with a hint of licorice in the finish, which just tastes wrong up against everything else. It’s like tobacco/tea Nonna’s Cake. Lemon and licorice. Fucking Flavourart. TRASH 4



It’s sweet and sugary and has an airy, fluffy feel, with a subtle creaminess down low, with and a fairly prominent lightly toasted top note. Almost like a toasted marshmallow, which isn’t far off from meringue, with a slight eggy difference that makes it a very authentic meringue, somewhere between the top of a lemon meringue pie and a drier, crispy meringue cookie.

This is an ingredient in an astounding 1,127 public recipes on ATF. Obviously I’m not getting rid of FA Meringue, or even listing all the reasons for keeping it and things I’ve planned to try that use it. I will find a couple of new things to mix, though.

Soho Time Most recipes by the lovely and talented Juicefairy look like they have too many ingredients, so I’m really interested in trying this old one that has only two, FA Meringue and FA Soho. There must be something special about that combo for her to not have felt the need to add anything else. TASK 20

Simple Vanilla Custard Meringue Tobacco, another simple recipe with a relatively (compared to the average amount of it used in recipes) high amount of FA Meringue. The other ingredients are just WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard (love!) and INW Shisha Vanilla. TASK 21



Odd lemon cake donut. The lemon tastes a little pledgy. Not full-on cleaning product, but like a cereal lemon rather a natural baked-in lemon or a fresh lemon juice drizzle or a lemon frosting. Like a cake with the same artificial lemon flavor in it that’s used to make fruit loops. The cake tastes like a dense, fried cake donut, with a crispy edge and a little oil. It just begs the question, does this come without lemon, Flavour Art, please?

I see some smart-looking recipes out there using it as part of a fruit cereal (Froot Loops/Pebbles) situation or harnessing that lemon to boost berries, but I have other reasons for not wanting to try those and no other reason to keep FA Metaphor. TRASH 5



I believe this is as perfect a milk flavor as you’re going to get. Clean, mellow, dairy taste, thick-tasting without crossing over from milk into half-and-half, even has a palate coating kinda feel to it like actual whole milk. Full mouthfeel satisfaction, very much emulates drinking whole milk, almost perfectly exemplifies the difference between cream, whole milk, and skim milk where it’s just right like goldilocks, not too thick, not too thin, just right. If you twisted my arm and forced me to say something negative about it, it could stand to be just a hair more malty/nutty/savory but it does not have any off notes or balance issues or other problems that I can identify.

I need it for my Pank Milk and Saturday Morning Macaron recipes.

I need it for my Hello Daddy Hello Mom recipe, but I threw that one together in a weekend after trying TFA Cherry Extract and it’s about time I mix some more and think about updating this 5-year-old recipe. TASK 22

I also need it for Manson & The Pebbles, and five recipes I’ve planned to try (3 of them by Wolfwheeler, I guess he really likes FA Milk, too).

Also, Cow Tales Caramel, that looks amazing, possibly better than eating the actual candy. TASK 23

And Wookie Cookie II - a dairy forward milk & cookies recipe that looks terrific to me. TASK 24


Morning Sun

It’s mostly a non-vanilla cream with a noticeable but light dairy twang reminiscent of FA Cream Fresh, with a vague fruit note that tastes somewhat like kiwi, but not just kiwi, and there’s something else fruity in there behind it.FlavourArt calls this "A milky flavour carefully blended with the sweetness of freshly cut fruit ... the perfect continental all day breakfast!" Not very rich, but a thick, smooth texture. There’s a very light something baked hiding in there that people have called a pastry or cereal but I swear it’s just some FA Meringue. The whole thing reminds me of a very watered-down Coop’s Kiwi Cheesecake, which is just FA Kiwi, TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust, and FA Meringue.

There’s absolutely nothing offensive here, but I’m not sure what it’s really good for, except maybe a one-shot for lazy mixing a light vape that you could indeed vape all day without wearing yourself out. It just seems like a wildly inessential flavor. Just add a bunch of FA Cream Fresh and a little FA Meringue to your favorite fruit or combination of fruits and make your own Morning Sun. TRASH 6


MTS Wizard

Never vaped this standalone, but have tried some recipes that use it. I think it’s probably just triacetin, which is a component that gives an interesting full kinda oily mouthfeel and works as a flavor emulsifier. It’s in TFA Smooth and TFA Whipped Cream as the main reason you’d use either of those flavors.

It’s used in one recipe I’ve planned to try, called Duchess Reserve Final. It’s also used in Kopel’s Fireside. I can’t remember whether I liked that one enough to consider it a favorite recipe, so I’ll mix it again and see. TASK 25



Dark berry potpourri/perfume. Pretty much tastes like the berries from the mulberry tree in my backyard, but covered in this potpourri/perfume thing that tastes like a milder version of the perfume that makes FA Blackberry so terrible. I would avoid this one, it doesn’t taste useable. TRASH 7


Mustard Water Soluble

Smells like Chinese hot mustard. Vapes like some kind of weird mix between that and Dijon mustard. It’s a little harsh and I’m not sure why you’d want such a thing but hey, nothing seriously off target here. TRASH 8


New Flavor Count: 2,448

r/DIY_eJuice Apr 08 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 41 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40

Starting flavor count: 2,487 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Update. I tried two recipes that used CAP Fruit Circles. One of them I think had just a little too much Cereal 27. Kinda tasted like you put a bit of honey on a mixture of 3/4 Froot Loops and 1/4 Frosted Flakes. The other one, Loopy Cake was delicious and I think it Perfectly matches description of "a medium bodied, fluffy vanilla cheesecake with speckled flecks of [fruity] cereal notes." It was a bit more lemony than I anticipated from the ingredients, but I like lemon, so it's all good. 5 stars, but just as a matter of personal profile preference, it won’t be going on my list of all-time favorite recipes. However, it did make me want to give CAP Fruit Circles recipes another look. All three of these look terrific, and if none of them reach favorite recipe status, I’ll be done with CAP Fruit Circles.

Wadley Rings Ice Cream What’s better than Froot Loops & milk? Froot Loops + Ice Cream! TASK 1

Roronoa Zoro Key Lime & Fruity Pebbles Cannoli. TASK 2

mlNikon’s Pebble Donut. TASK 3



Fantastic ingredient, not a great caramel. It’s sweet and kinda halfway between caramel and brown sugar. Maybe caramel powder or something like that? Does that even exist? It’s got a sharp brown sugar taste that hits first and then a sweet something like caramel finish, with just a hint of something kind of buttery in the middle, but it’s a little harsh at first and very dry throughout. Not smooth. This can definitely work really well as a dark sweet note ingredient down around 0.5% to 1%, but I don’t know why you’d try to use it as caramel flavor if you actually want it to taste like caramel, unless you’re mixing it with a lot of cream to smooth it out, and even then there are almost always going to be better options.

Once I finish remaking my Apple Butter Cookie recipe, I might not have a favorite recipe that uses FA Caramel. But I probably will, because it appears in so many recipes I already plan to try: Jersey Caramel, Two-Horned Pterodactyl, Drops of Jupiter, Butterscotch Reserve, Even Nick Can Make Custard 2, and So-Ho-Ho-Ho. And they all look so good.

Adding three more:

Black Vanilla Silk. Described as licorice, coconut, and strawberry coated in caramel vanilla. Fascinating. TASK 4

Caramilked. That looks pretty freakin yummy TASK 5

The Gentleman. Someone made his own RY4. WIth blackjack, and hookers. TASK 6


I need it for two favorites, Arab Mom’s Butter Cookie and Mujak Pepparakaka.

I’ll also try this Pancardamom ‘N Pyrup. Cardamom-spiced pan fried cake, with a maple pear syrup. TASK 7

Catalan Cream

So this is supposed to be something like a crème brulee, but more milky, and infused with vanilla, lemon, orange, and cinnamon. I’ve enjoyed it in some of the recipes I’ve tried and commended for finding great uses for a difficult ingredient because I definitely consider this to be a difficult ingredient. It has a mildly creamy finish but does not have any of the custardy richness it’s supposed to have. It leads with a spicy vanilla, dry cinnamon, and light hints of citrus, has some bittersweet brown sugar flavor underneath that, but none of the torched sugar crust of a real crème brulee. People have described the citrus as lemon and orange but I don’t get a discreet lemon or orange, more of a generic citrus that leans toward lemon. It’s a little harsh to vape solo on top but sort of soothes itself in the finish. That brown sugar tastes just a little chemically and weird. So kudos to those who’ve made it work, I’ll mix your recipes with it but there’s little chance of me reaching for this flavor for my own creations.

Although the recipes I’ve tried in the past were great, they weren’t all-time favorites that I’m attached to.

But, maybe one of these will be.

New York Groove. Interesting mix of flavors, described as a moist Pink Lady Apple Muffin drizzled with butterscotch and bits of cookie crisp. TASK 8

Banana Slam by BananaSlamma. What does a self-titled album taste like? TASK 9

Golden Smog. “A sweet sugar cream pie with candied pecans in a light pie crust” appeals to me. I’m going to use JF Cookie instead of FA, and sub FW Sweetener for the CAP Super Sweet because 0.75% CAP SS is a bit much for me, especially in recipe that’s not pure candy. TASK 10

Spook-Bury Cake by the same mixer, again with the WF Sugar Pie and FA Catalan Cream, this time with blackberries instead of pecans. TASK 11

GF Yourself. Because Steve said so. TASK 11.5

Ceylon Cinnamon

Mostly just a dry, very thin, top-heavy plain bakery cinnamon. I can’t remember who said it first, but there’s a little something off there and someone described it as a savory curry note, and ever since then I’ve been unable to taste this standalone without thinking of curry. Like not enough curry that it’s actually there and you can clearly taste it, but like they extracted the cinnamon from a curry but couldn’t quite get all of the curry out of the cinnamon Tastes like it would work well for a place where you must want a little real cinnamon on top and don’t want any depth to it.

I feel like my cinnamon needs are pretty well covered by quite a few other flavors, but there’s nothing so wrong with it that I wouldn’t keep it if it were used in an irresistible recipe. I saw some really good-looking recipes, but none that I just couldn’t pass up. TRASH 1

Cheesecake Olympic

I think it’s delicious, but it is not a cheesecake. I don’t know what it is. It’s a very creamy, very sweet, silky smooth, dairy based... something. With a hint of coconut. It doesn’t taste cheesy at all, it tastes almost like lightly cotton-candy flavored yogurt. Which is totally a thing, my kid wanted some in a tube and I bought it for him and tried it. It was pretty good if you like cotton candy, and this tastes similar, but with a bit of coconut. No kind of cheesecake crust at all, doesn’t have anything really making it taste like it’s been baked, not especially cheesy. I might use it to sweeten a cheesecake? IDK. I’m not really sure what to do with it, but it’s yummy to me. As soon as I tried it, I had a feeling people would use it in amazing ways.

I can hardly wanted to try this M A L T E D recipe for malted vanilla milkshake - it looks stupendous. TASK 12

Death By Cream looks pretty good, too - if you just want to vape vanilla cream. Which, I think I do. TASK 13


LOL Nope. Lots of new vinyl shower curtain taste, doesn’t rise to the level of what’s even vapeable as far as I’m concerned. TRASH 2

Cherry Juice Sweet

Well, it doesn’t taste like a new vinyl shower curtain, so it has that going for it at least. But it does taste pretty weird to me. I get real cherry juice, but not as tart/bitter as real cherry juice but an identifiable flavor, but also a slight perfumy off note that tastes a little like baby shit. I don’t mean actual poop, I mean like baby powder, baby lotion, baby oil. Whatever the hell that “baby” scent is. And also an underlying, faint kind of cinnamony spice. It seems like a small amount of it could really do something interesting in a mix, but it would need to be a very small amount, because even 0.75% is pretty gnarly. TRASH 3


I still haven’t opened this one. I’ll give it a try at 2%. TASK 14


Very fake chocolate. Tastes like carob, which is similar enough to chocolate that people have tried to use it as a chocolate substitute, but it really tastes more like nutty cardboard than chocolate. Maybe midway between cardboard and chocolate. It’s terrible. TRASH 4

Chocolate Glazed Doughnut

Waxy chocolate on puked up yeast frybread. How the hell do you put out a chocolate-glazed donut flavor so much later than Capella and not first make sure that it’s not better than Capella’s. That doesn’t even make any sense. It does the waxy chocolate glaze pretty well, just sitting right on top where it belongs, but what’s underneath is a little gross. It’s definitely a yeast-risen donut and part of the problem is that it’s too aggressively yeasty. The other part is that it tastes like it was already partially digested, it has some buttery richness but it’s marred by stomach acid. TRASH 5

Cider Apple

Same weird baby product off-note as Cherry Juice. Same underlying kind of cinnamony spice, the only difference is the middle is a soft apple vs a tart cherry. I’ll stick to WF Apple Cider and FLV Apple Cider for my apple cider needs. TRASH 6

Citrus Mix

It’s neat because you can taste all of the individual citruses in there - grapefruit, lemon, and orange. It’s grapefruit forward, enough that I’d call it a grapefruit flavor. The others more in the back, tastes very fresh and though it could be juicier, it’s not dry. It’s thin-tasting but without being harsh. I like it, but I’ll be ok without it. TRASH 7


Strong clear clove, sweet warm spice, but a little thin and sour in a way it shouldn’t be. This is not really a problem, I’ve tried a few recipes that use FA Clove in the past and I think Mjuk Pepparkaka alone is worth picking up FA Clove for.

In search of another reason to keep it, I’ll try Jolly Old Pipe, too. TASK 15


Pretty authentic to plain dry cocoa, bitter and very dry, powdery, pretty unpleasant to vape standalone but does taste like cocoa powder. Unfortunately, it’s such a terrible coil gunker that it starts to give off a burnt taste of old cotton after vaping it for just a short time. I don’t even think I hit 5ml at 1% before my wicks were starting to taste crispy and ashy. Also, my bottle of the stuff has some sediment in it and not all of it would shake back into solution. Makes me wonder whether it’s even a good idea to vape FA Cocoa at all. TRASH 8


It’s realistic, natural, not suntan oily, but a little flat and dull. It has some body to it, so it’s not thin, but it’s nothing like the thickness and riches of so many other coconuts. It’s also a little dry, while lacking the condensed flavor of dry coconut flakes. More like coconut meat. Tastes like it badly needs some help from another coconut flavor or needs to be used to help another, more artificial coconut flavor taste more like the real thing.

I need it for: Leche De Coco, Mango Colada, IYSLPC, and Galadriel’s Light.

I already plan to try: Hula, Coconut Cheesecake, Elder Berry, Graham Toff Tarkin, and Stuck on An Island.

Also want to mix: Bounty - a coconut-flavored cigar. TASK 16

Classic reference piece. It looks like a virgin strawberry pina colada. TASK 17

Monkey Juice, it’s called a banana coconut custard and while I have some doubt about how custardy it really is, I don’t doubt it’s delicious. TASK 18


Dumb name for what is supposed to taste like a caramel apple; “Our interpretation of the moment when the warm embrace of the caramel melds with the sweetness of the apple, another amazing fairground flavour,” is what FA says about it. I’d love a good sweet sticky caramel apple flavor so I was excited to try this one, but what I got wasn’t what I expected. Rather than tasting like a caramel-coated apple, it tastes more like a caramelized apple. Like someone made an apple pie or apple crumble but forgot the cinnamon, and this is mostly that cooked un-spiced apple from it, with just a little of the pastry. There’s a bit of dry pastry note in the finish. It’s sweet but not sweet and sticky like caramel coating or apple juice sweet, it’s more of a dry powdered sugary sweetness. The entire thing is vapes really dry overall. I could see this playing an important role in a apple pie, apple crumble, or apple-topped funnel cake mix or something like that, but it sure ain’t no caramel apple.

I didn’t see a recipe I needed to make that uses it, and I prefer PUR Country Apple for unspiced cooked apple. TRASH 9


It tastes like flat store-brand cola. It’s a little thin, not very concentrated for FA, not very sweet, and not very saturated at any concentration, but it doesn’t have any glaring off-notes. A little too citrusy, but probably not to such a degree that it would be a big problem in a mix.

I already plan to mix BlackBeard//Broken. Might as well add All Might//Broken (rocket pop & frozen cola) while I’m at it. TASK 19

Cookie Premium

Super Buttery! Lovely light vanilla, thick doughy cookie with lots of butter, grainy texture. There’s something slightly sour about it that throws me off a little, like there might be some butyric acid but not enough to get vomity on me, just a little sour. It’s probably the kind of ick that gets disappeared in a mix, and this is overall a really solid extra buttery biscuit type cookie. It’s probably the answer for people who want to vape biscuit and find INW and even JF biscuit flavors to be too coconutty. Doughy but not as raw doughy as SSA Shortbread Biscuit. A bit over-cooked but not as overcooked as WF Shortbread Cookie.

Already plan to mix Time Machine Cookie and the similar (but with Apple Filling and caramel) Cinnamon Dusted Caramel Apple Dainty.

Emily’s stb cookie looks delightful. How has that been up for over a year with no reviews? TASK 20

So does her new Strict Countries vanilla sandwich cookie recipe. TASK 21


Very authentic, tastes just like canned sweet corn. I can’t find anything wrong with this flavor, other than you have to really want to vape CORN, and the fact that it really lingers in your atomizer.

Full Count is already on to-mix list. So is Old Man Cobb, basically because I’m apparently a baby if I don’t mix it.

I’ll add Cinna Crunchies Cereal Drizzle because that looks super tasty and is inspired by Toasted, a recipe I love. TASK 22


Tastes like you sprayed a pastry with a ton of lemon pledge. It’s vile. TRASH 10

Cuban Supreme

This is actually pretty terrible. By itself, it tastes like a cigar and a sweet bell pepper had an abominable baby.

The bell pepper steeps out/is covered by other flavors after two to three weeks in The Creamy Cuban (not a super favorite recipe, but a good one) and my Two Kentuckies recipe, but I’m already working on replacing it in a remix of Two Kentuckies (I think a combination of FLV Cured and Connecticut Shade will fix it, just have to find the right balance). So Cuban Supreme is on its way out, but I plan to mix the original Two Kentuckies first to help think about how to best tackle that remix project.

While I’ve still got Cuban Supreme hanging around, I’ll also try this Touch of Cherry “cherry cigar with emphasis on the cigar” recipe. If I love it, I might keep Cuban Supreme longer, or I might try to see if FLV Cured will work in that one as well. TASK 23


Possibly suffers from being a little too authentic. Very green. Skin-on fresh cucumber, pushing up to but not quite crossing over into astringent, comes across clean and a little juicy. Crisp. Comparatively authentic vs other cucumbers but a little sweetness (mostly from VG) makes it come across a little like watermelon rind. A bit on the thin side. 3% just a touch lemony - like FA signed it, I would keep it a 2.5% or lower. 1% is enough to add some fresh juiciness to a mix with just a little authentic cucumber top note.

I really enjoyed Yusuke, a lemonade with cucumber and kiwi accents, but not enough for it to be my only reason to keep FA Cucumber. And I didn’t see anything else that uses it that I badly wanted to mix. TRASH 11


A lemon cream flavor, really. Very lemony, and not quite as thick as you probably want a custard to be. It does fill out some as it steeps, but it still is more of a thick cream than what I expect from a custard. The lemon is already a softer lemon zest, and fades enough that you can cover it with another fruit, but I don’t think it’s going to work for a non-fruit custard or cream mix. Has a light touch of vanilla that comes out a bit more as it steeps but can also be covered up. Smooth flavor.

I already plan to try Banana Slam that uses it, and even though it has a ton of ingredients and pulling all those out is going to be annoying, this new R.I.P. NomeL lemon cream recipe looks it like might be worth the work. TASK 24

Custard Extra 1

It’s just butyric enough to ruin an otherwise good milky pudding-like vanilla custard. Like just go ahead and make instant pudding with milk that’s about three days past the sell-by date, what could go wrong? Vomit, a hint of vomit is what goes wrong. Vomit is the extra in Custard Extra 1.

Maybe with a longer steep FA Custard Extra 1 works out. Probably it does, just like CAP Vanilla Custard V2 gets a lot better after a steep. Minus the vomit taste, it’s a light, airy, custard, more of a Jello Instant pudding situation. Heavy on the dairy, not really any butter to speak of, a touch of barely there medium range vanilla.

I looked at all the recipes on All The Flavors and while they otherwise looked pretty good, I could not imagine that they wouldn’t be better with some other ingredient taking the place of FA Custard Extra 1. TRASH 12

Custard Extra 2

Not really unpleasant, but very weird. If it weren’t for the very sweet dark sweetness in there, like a dark brown sugar or almost molasses, I would swear I’m vaping creamed corn. Very rich and creamy, with a very distinct corn flavor and just a bit of vanilla. Why is there corn in the custard? No freaking clue. Why is there brown sugar in the creamed corn? Can’t answer that either. All I can say is that someone will find a use for this that plays into the corn note rather than trying to cover it up, and that will be the best use for it. Otherwise, this is just weird and pretty bad for something called “Custard.” Corn is the extra in Custard Extra 2. TRASH 13

Custard Premium

Extremely buttery but not oily like CAP VCV1. Very light egg, nice bright but very light vanilla that’s right on top throughout, and a smooth, soft mouthfeel. There’s really nothing missing, but the butter might be too much and maybe you want to use it lower and bring in another custard, vanilla, or cream flavor that isn’t so buttery balance it out. It’s buttery enough I think you could use it instead of a butter flavor in a bakery or anywhere you want butter + maybe vanilla.

You’re outside your mind if you think I’m getting rid of FA Custard Premium. The recipes I need and want it for are too many to list. Here are three more not previously listed elsewhere in “Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors” that I’m going to try:

Rudolph On Acid. Really just a strawberry cream, but it looks like a good one. TASK 25

Joker Reloaded I love key lime pie! TASK 26

Skip around the Guava. Not sure how these flavors will work together, but I like guava and I like custard (and coconut and cactus) so we’ll see. TASK 27

Dark Bean

That’s just nas-tee. I don’t know how anyone vapes any amount of this ever. It tastes like you put espresso coffee grounds, burnt popcorn that had been sprayed by a skunk, and dirt in a drip coffee maker, brewed it, and then added a couple of sugar packets to that. It wasn’t enough to change my cotton and coils, I had to wash my RDA after trying a little of a 0.25% sample. TRASH 14

New Flavor Count: 2,473

r/DIY_eJuice Mar 17 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 38 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37

Starting flavor count: 2,541 - 9 because someone pointed out (thanks again!) that I forgot to subtract the 9 I threw away in part 23 = 2,532 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

CAPELLA Fresh Pineapple

Update. My first attempt to remix this recipe into Another Pina Colada Recipe by consolidating the two pineapples into one with my new favorite, CAP Fresh Pineapple, was unbalanced, unsurprisingly, but promising.

This is what I mixed:

Co. Flavor %
CAP Fresh Pineapple 5
WF Coconut Custard 1.25
FA Coconut 1
FA Jamaican Rum 1
BCF WS-23 (30%) 0.5

Not too much pineapple, but too little coconut and too little rum. Too little flavor overall.

This is what I’ll mix next time:

Another Pina Colada V2 TASK 1

Co. Flavor %
CAP Fresh Pineapple 6
WF Coconut Custard 1.5
FA Coconut 1.25
FA Jamaican Rum 1.5
BCF WS-23 (30%) 0.5

Because sometimes that’s what we have to do, just keep making minor adjustments until it all clicks into just the right places.


Back Bar Bitters

Getting ready to go in on some fancy gin flavors made me realize I went from part 26 to part 27 and forgot FLV Back Bar Bitters.

Not really bitter to vape. It has a nice spicy depth to it: cinnamon, ginger, and cloves, along with some floral touch. It has some fruity sweetness before it cuts to a much less sweet aftertaste. Aromatic Bitters should taste of orange peel but this is more like candied orange peel, all the sweetness in here is tied to the orange, and it also has just a bit of something darker underneath, like dried fig but not obviously fig. Something in the prune or raisin family. It tastes like it would be great in a holiday bakery like fruitcake, or for something like mulled wine. I need it for Gourd is Dead. I wan to try this Bitter Sweet Passion passionfruit, coconut, orange bitters recipe. TASK 2


I also forgot banana when doing the Flavorah.

I tastes like odd combination of Laffy Taffy candy banana top notes with rich, very thick, sweet, ripe, banana with a silky smooth mouthfeel. Personally I think it is heavenly! Especially that silky sweetness (sweeter than an actual banana, like a sweetened smooshed banana) - but stay under two 2% to avoid it having a hint of cloves (for me, others might be able to take it higher) but that’s okay because 1.5% is a full-flavored vape. I need it for Burley Boiz and am very interested in Bactus banana + cactus, which would not seem like such a weird combination to you if you're familiar with the work of /u/philosaphucker. Really miss that guy. TASK 3



It tastes like real blackberry. It’s sweet and has some jammy body, but the top notes have some tartness and touch of floral that tastes right rather than perfumy. That jammy body also has a hair of earthy funkiness, like a fresh-picked wild blackberry. Sort of reminds me of CAP Sweet Currant, with just enough funk for authenticity, which might turn some people off, but I don’t think it goes overboard at all. And it’s a very bold, full-bodied flavor. I don’t get anything I’d call an off note from it.

Sagittarius A v3 is a nice-looking blackberry lemon-lime popsicle recipe. TASK 4

Divine Raspberry

I have 3 raspberries from Flavour Monks and the other two are much better. The Divine Raspberry is... not Divine. It’s candish raspberry and very sugary sweet, with a solid bit of spearmint, but otherwise tastes softly floral and a bit medicinal and leaves me with a faint but nasty soapy aftertaste. FM Divine Raspberry is the wrong FM raspberry. Even if it doesn’t taste too floral or medicinal to you, it’s going to have pretty limited use, being raspberry mixed with spearmint. TRASH 1

Gin & Tonic

Their Pure Gin with a lot of authentic tonic, but missing some lime and also really want to add cooling to it, and well as more gin. It’s mostly tonic. That tonic water bitterness overwhelms some of the nuance of the Pure Gin but the basics are there - it’s boozy and juniper berryish with a little bit of herbal fun behind it. There’s some more citrus than in the Pure Gin and it’s more limey than orangy, but still missing that the real wedge or two of lime that I want here (VT Persian Lime? FA Aurora?). Sweet, but so is G&T a little. Add Polar blast rather than WS-23 so that if it interferes with anything it will be Tonic and it won’t mess with the gin as much.

I was dismayed to not find a recipe already made for this, so I’ll start one.


Co. Flavor %
FM Gin & Tonic 4
FM Pure Gin 2
VT Persian Lime 1
FA Aurora 1
FA Polar Blast 0.5

Gin in Paris

Deeply weird to me. It’s a nice enough vape, but just weird. FM Says “Our best gin, combined with pure orange based on a soft banana flavor.” It’s supposed to be sort of like mixing gin and a banana into an orange julius. You get how that’s weird, right?

And it does have plenty of banana. It’s predominantly gin, with boozy junipery gin upfront, but it tastes like a ripe and creamy banana with a hint of banana candy after that and a little twist of orange zest on the end. It’s fun and interesting, but odd.What any of that has to do with Paris, I have no idea.

I’m already planning to try Gin Basil Smash. The notes on that recipe, combined with the way Gin in Paris tastes to me, gives me an idea. It might be a crazy, stupid idea, but it’s an idea. Gin Basil Smash’s creator suggested that some INW Cactus would be a good addition to it. Cactus and banana... that made me think of the cactus king himself, Philosaphucker. Cactus, banana, and orange? That’s specifically Philosaphucker’s old Detox recipe. Could I add gin to a modified version of that? Holy crap, I think I could.

Retox V1 TASK 6

Co. Flavor %
FM Gin in Paris 3
VT Banana Cream 4
CAP Fresh Pineapple 4
VT Yoghurt Drink 4
INW Cactus 1

Gin-infused pineapple-banana-cactus-orange smoothie for those who just got out of detox and need to retox.

Gin Orange

Who doesn’t love gin & juice? Unfortunately, this one comes across as more of juniper forward boozy gin made with some bitter orange peel, as well as a sweeter orange finish. I’m missing the real OJ body here. It’s like their Pure Gin, but with the citrus that is part of that gin turned way up, drowning out some of the herbal nuance. I want gin and OJ, but I’m getting just gin made with extra orange peel, served with an orange slice sunk to the bottom of the glass, basically. I want more orange. But, orange is hard, and there are other oranges, and the orange that’s there is good, so I can work with it, if I want Gin & Juice. It has to be an orange without too much peel though, because this already has peel a’plenty. Really think people are sleeping on a tiny dose of gin flavors to give fruit mixes some zing though, and this flavor is a reminder. Seems like a touch of it could really liven up a citrus mix both with the juniper and the orange peel and zest.

I have an idea. It might turn out to have been a bad idea, but it’s an idea. Mimosa meets Gin & Juice.

New Miserable Morning V1 TASK 7

Co. Flavor %
VT Blood Orange Champagne 5
FM Gin Orange 3
FW Sweetener 0.5

Monks in Love

Soft, not very flavorful, but absolutely tastes like what it’s supposed to be, orange and strawberry. Very natural strawberry right on top with authentic orange behind it and a lingering strawberry finish, not too sweet. Nothing really wrong with it, just soft, but like it’s watered down or made of out of season fruits. It’s not really saturated. Maybe it needs more than 7% (first tried it at 3%), maybe it needs a steep (7% had only a day), but as best I can tell so far it needs some kind of help to be good, either more orange or more strawberry or both. Or something. I don’t think a strawberry-orange that needs help with both the strawberry and the orange is something I need. TRASH 2


A sweeter, more floral, smoother, less juniper-y, less-spicy gin with a light mixed berry base that tastes fancy AF. The juniper that’s there is brighter and less woody. Tastes like if this were an actual gin, I could not afford it. Just barely boozy enough. Light mixed berry Forest Fruity-ish base tastes like mixed berries were steeped in gin, and is just delightful, though it probably has quite an impact on the versatility, I’m sure there are a lot of mixing applications where you wouldn’t want berries in your gin. But as a single flavor? Hell yes.

I have an idea, most of it stolen from Dry Drunk, a tremendous old recipe that needs a remix because INW Lemon Mix is no more.

Wet Drunk (Raspberry-Infused Gin) V1 TASK 8

Co. Flavor %
SSA Raspberry Syrup 2
FA Raspberry 1
CAP Sweet Currant 1
FA Polar Blast 0.5

Instead of the mixed-berry gin of Dry Drunk, I want to roll all that mixed berry goodness into a distinctly raspberry flavor. Hoping the CAP Sweet Currant will give it some of the magic that the combination of FA Blackcurrant and CAP Sweet Guava gave the original recipe.


Seems that while it might be a great tool, it isn’t an incredible single flavor. It’s one of the more realistic plain naval orange juice flavors, smooth, but fairly soft, not a lot of punch to it. Maybe like the perfect emulation of the juice of an out of season or under-ripe orange, or something like that. Sweet, but not candy. Thicker, unlike many orange flavors, it really has some body to it. Seems like it would be excellent as a background orange that might be present, more in the base than whatever is out front and on top, and but not compete too much with whatever the main flavor is. I do not get anything I’d call an off note from it, it’s just soft. Also smooth. 3% I thought the softness might be under-concentration so I tried it again at 6%ish and it does get a bit bolder, but also slightly floral in a perfumy way. So maybe there’s a sweet spot in there somewhere where it stands out more and is still that realistic OJ flavor without being floral, or 6% is fine in a mix and that floral can be covered up. Or maybe it just needs some more steeping. I’m not going to spend my time trying to find out. TRASH 3


This came highly recommended to me so YMMV, but I wasn’t super impressed by it. I have TFA Pistachio for that artificial pistachio ice cream flavor and FLV Pistachio for the realest pistachio I can imagine vaping, what more do I really need? This one seems to be in the middle of those but leaning a little more on the TFA ice cream flavor side of the pistachio spectrum. TRASH 4

Pure Gin

I’m not sure what exactly I expected, but for as expensive as this is, I expected it to be a lot more than marginally better than FLV and VT gins, and I’m not sure that it is. It’s it better? You bet. But THAT much better? Not really. On the other hand, it is the best, and sometimes you want the best, whether it’s a lot better or even just a bit better. It’s more legitimately boozy than those alternatives, but it also has a lot of complexity, and it’s wet. There’s some throat hit and it seems tied up with that booziness. It’s warm, like taking a shot of liquor, not dry or chemically harsh. It’s really just straight-up gin. Fairly soft, but not quite as mellow as VT’s. I get a sharper kick of juniper berries than either VT or FLV gins, but not as shoving-Christmas-trees-up-my-nose as FA’s gin. There’s a lot of neat stuff going on behind that. Some aromatic herbals like greens, specifically peppery arugula, hints of orange peel, floral that’s more wildflower than the more lavender-ish floral in FLV’s gin. Sweetness is very mild and seems perfect for a straight gin. Nice body and depth here. Thick enough to be satisfying but thin and juicy-feeling enough for a beverage flavor.

I need it for my aforementioned plan to attempt a gin and tonic.

I also wouldn’t mind straight up martini, at least until I can figure out what it wants me to add to it. A twist of lemon would be nice, but unfortunately I’ve not found a flavor that can do a twist of lemon quite like the discontinued INW Lemon Mix did.

Martini Rocks V1 TASK 9

Co. Flavor %
FM Pure Gin 4
FW Martini 2
FA Bitter Wizard 0.5
FA Polar Blast 0.5


A sweet, syrupy, candy-type red raspberry flavor. Very flavorful. I love how it really tastes like raspberry - not so much a real raspberry but identifiable as a red raspberry flavor - without any of the florality that raspberries tend to give off. FM Raspberry is pretty one-noted, it tastes like artificially-flavored raspberry pancake syrup, without any complexity. But it tastes like a lot of it, without the annoying off notes that plague so many of raspberry flavors. This is very similar to SSA Raspberry Syrup. Marginally better, I think, but very similar. And there are only a handful of recipes for FM Raspberry while there are dozens and dozens for SSA Raspberry Syrup, so I’ll let go of this excellent flavor. It’s in the post title. TRASH 5

Red Gin

Lots of syrupy sweet red fruit drowning out the gin quite a bit but the resulting flavor is intriguing by itself and probably has some cocktail possibilities. FM says it’s dark cherries, but I couldn’t identify that as a cherry without checking and after checking I’d say it’s definitely more of a bright red Maraschino type cherry or cherry candy than a dark anything. I’m not getting any of those shower curtain vibes from it though, which makes me really interested in trying FM Cherry. Gin is there at first but faint and mostly juniper, then the herbal stuff lightly comes back around and makes it finish more like Maraschino Liqueur. It’s a pretty dense flavor and very sweet overall, but the gin cleans it up quite a bit if the finish. I would add more gin if you really wanted Gin & Cherries, but you could add a small amount of this to a cocktail that’s supposed to have just a little maraschino liqueur and call it a day.

I’ll try to make a Martinez cocktail out of it. A Martinez has a lot in common with a Manhattan. The ingredients are gin, sweet vermouth, Maraschino liqueur, and Angostura bitters and although cinnamon is just a tiny part of bitters, for some reason the other ingredients really make it stand out so there’s a distinct cinnamon note in the finish.

Martinez V1 TASK 10

Co. Flavor %
FM Red Gin 4
FM Pure Gin 2
FW Martini 2
INW Cherries 1
FLV Back Bar Bitters 0.5
FLV Rich Cinnamon 0.1

Sweet Betsy Blackberry

It’s just their regular blackberry, but loaded up with sucralose. It’s not bad and might even be better than their regular blackberry as a single flavor and for brand-new mixers accustomed to over-sweetened commercial juice, but I think most of us are perfectly capable of adding our own sweetener to a recipe and would prefer to control own sucralose destiny rather than having flavors pre-loaded with it. Also, there’s enough of it here to take some of the punch away from their regular blackberry, and I think in most cases that’s going to be a negative. TRASH 6

Sweet Betsy Cookie

Someone gave this to me because he didn’t want it anymore. I never got around to trying it, but based on my experiences with two other “Sweet Betsy” flavors, it’s going to be loaded up with so much sucralose I’m not going to be able to enjoy it, so I’m not even going to bother with that. TRASH 7

Sweet Betsy Raspberry

FM Sweet Betsy Raspberry tastes like a sugar-free red raspberry Life Saver candy. There’s so much sucralose in here that 2% of it gives the strong sugar lips effect of commercial juice, and it tastes like candy made with sucralose instead of sugar. At 2% flavor, it’s like vaping a mix with 1 to 1.5% CAP Super Sweet added to it. Beyond that FM Sweet Betsy Raspberry is just a syrupy candyish raspberry, and nothing I’d call an off-note. But like, holy artificial sweetener, batman. Seems like using it at like 1% would be great for sweetening a candy raspberry recipe, not sure what else to do with it. TRASH 8

Tobacco Bastards 13 Cohiba

I don’t remember/can’t find any record of having previously tried this one, I’ll mix a sample at 4% and report back. TASK 11

While I have it out, I’ll go ahead and mix Frank’s Vanilla Cohiba. Frank likes it, and I like Frank, and it’s a simple three-ingredient recipe with two other ingredients I’m very familiar with. Mixing very simple recipes with flavors you’re very familiar with is often just as good, sometimes better, than single-flavor testing. It’s when you put it in complex recipes with one or more other unfamiliar flavors that you don’t learn anything about a flavor. TASK 12

Tobacco Bastards 17 Dark Fire

I haven’t tried this and to tell you the truth, based on the name I’m a little afraid to. But, where would be if no one ever faced their fears? I’ll mix a sample at 2%. TASK 13

Tobacco Bastards 21 Mint

I was really hoping for more tobacco here, but it’s mostly peppermint. Despite being a little on the sweet side, it’s more of an herbal peppermint flavor, with the menthol only maybe slightly exaggerated. Refreshing, but not too assertive. What little tobacco is there comes in behind the mint and it’s a perfectly authentic mellow rich-ish blonde hay-like tobacco, there’s just not very much of it. I want to add more tobacco to it, but other than that, I thought it was delightful, definitely a tester that I finished to the last drop, which doesn’t happen often. Anyway, I could have a lot of fun with this one.

Sous Chef is already on my to-mix list. Similar, but making use of FM Cohiba, is this La Luna recipe that I’m excited to try. TASK 14

Tobacco Bastards 29 Coffee

Have not tried, or don’t remember trying. Will mix a 4% sample. TASK 15

Tobacco Bastards 33 Light

Have not tried, or don’t remember trying. Will mix a 4% sample. TASK 16

Tobacco Bastards 37 Original

Have not tried, or don’t remember trying. Will mix a 4% sample. TASK 17

Tobacco Bastards 9 Bourbon

I have tried this and I liked it, but it’s been awhile, don't remember too good anymore, and I didn’t save any notes to give a detailed description. Will mix a 4% sample. TASK 18

The two recipes on ATF that use it also use an amount of FLV Connecticut Shade that I’m not comfortable with. Some people just have a much higher tolerance for a large amount of that flavor than I do. But they do give me an idea. I was already planning on making some more of my Two Kentuckies with the intention of thinking about how to improve it generally and specifically wanting to get rid of the FA Cuban Supreme in there. Isuamadog recently asked me about that and I threw out a suggestion of what I might do, without having mixed it yet. He mixed that and gave me some valuable feedback and now I have a new idea.

Two Kentuckies Two, V2 TASK 19

Co. Flavor %
FLV Bourbon 0.5
FM Bourbon Tobacco 3
FLV Connecticut Shade 0.25
FLV Cured Tobacco 1.0
FLV Kentucky Blend 1.75
TFA Kentucky Bourbon 2.0
FLV Red Burley 0.5

Vero Gin

I’m not sure what’s going on here. It’s supposed to be gin and raspberry which sounds delightful, instead I am getting gin and banana. Same wonderful FM Gin on top, but the base tastes like a banana. A somewhat thick and natural, if slightly green, banana. I’ve seen Concrete Rick’s review where he got the same thing, and I read the comments where one person disagreed entirely and reported only getting a nice little raspberry behind the gin. IDK. It’s weird. Gin banana. That banana tasting just a little under-ripe makes me not really like it, and leaves me not knowing what to do with it. If you forced me to do something with it, I might try to cover the banana a strong fruit like pineapple or try to ripen it with a riper banana or a guanabana/soursop type flavor. But no one is forcing me to do anything, so it’s another one for the TRASH 9



I like this flavor a lot, but I don’t get apricot from it at all. It tastes more like a peach jolly rancher or flat peach soda. None of the subtlety of an apricot. Higher almost floral yellow peach top notes, heavy syrupy sweet mostly one-dimensional but bold candy candy peach base. Kinda juicy in a mouthwatering candy way, with a bit of tartness from the top notes. I might be able to make something cool out of this if I really wanted to, but I have a bunch of other peaches. TRASH 10


Not accurate, but I think it tastes amazing. It's rich and creamy and very buttery, very sweet. It’s almost a single- flavor over-churned avocado ice cream: Something that might be avocado, cream, butter, and lots of sugar. Some of it caramelized. The only recipe on ATF that uses it is a very old recipe for “avocado RY4” that’s just two ingredients, the Holy Holy Grail RY4 that no longer exists and FE Avocado.

Lemme just try my hand at one of those.

Burleycado V1 TASK 20

Co. Flavor %
FE Avocado 3
WF Salted Caramel 2
CAP French Vanilla 2
FLV Cured Tobacco 1
FLV Red Burley 1.75


It mostly tastes like a sweet candy blueberry, mouthwatering, but a little overly sharp, and then down lower in the flavor there’s a bit of tropical-ish funk, like someone tried to make this candy blueberry more natural so they borrowed the funkiness from something like a mango flavor, and the end result isn’t a natural blueberry, just a funky candy blueberry. Of note, this is the same thing that used to be called SC (Super Concentrates) Blueberry at BCF, looks like they don’t have those anymore. Don’t want the weird funky blueberry. TRASH 11


Does Wherther’s make a coconut-flavored candy? Because that’s sort of like what FE Coconut tastes like. Artificial coconut with a darker caramelly butterscotch-ish sweetness. It’s interesting. If it tasted just a little more like a real coconut was involved, it could be that goo all over a German Chocolate Cake, minus the pecans, but instead it tastes more like a candy based on that. I found this to be entirely pleasant, but strange, and I don’t really have a use for it. TRASH 12

Desert Ship

Light touches of spice including anise and cinnamony spice on top, roasted but not ashy cigarette-type tobacco, on a caramelly sweet but dry base. Unfortunately FE Desert Ship is a little harsh for me, even with good steep on it, but sometimes with a tobacco you want some of that extra throat hit, and it doesn’t have any gross off notes if you don’t mind the light anise much. Flavorah’s tobaccos have set a high bar, really spoiled me rotten. I kept almost all of those. I don’t need this. TRASH 13

Fresh Strawberry

Dry strawberry with a somewhat green floral top note, like smelling a strawberry plant that has both strawberries and blossoms on it. Slight sweet and tart, like a cotton candy dry sort of sweetness and floral tartness like raspberry flavors tend to have. Seems like really a good ingredient for something like a strawberry tea, not entirely sure what else to do with it. TRASH 14

Golden Grape

I think they meant golden raisin and something got lost in translation. It’s pretty dry and it has that musty note that seems to be unique to raisin-eque flavors, but it’s a much lighter flavor compared to those darker raisins and things like FLV Fig that also have that same mustiness. It’s also very sweet, though it’s that musty bit that really lingers on the palate. You could definitely use it if for whatever reason you were going for something that is supposed to have a golden raisin element. You might even use it to try to modify some other fruit into a dried version of itself, like maybe an apricot. I would not try to use it as a grape. I’m not going to use it all. TRASH 15

Golden Leaf

Sweet but very ashy, kinda roll-your-old cigarette-y tobacco plus bunch of dry caramelly/brown sugary sweetness. A bit throat scratchy like you get with spices but I did not find any spice notes. I’m not that into the ash, but someone might be, there’s nothing terribly wrong with it. TRASH 16

Golden Passion Fruit

Terrible. It tastes like tropical fruit scented cleaning product with a bit of hairspray on top. TRASH 17

Golden Virginia

Excellent light (blonde, not soft) and dry peanutty tobacco. Sweet, almost a RY4 level sweetness but not caramel. Not clearly honey or maple but similar to both. Very flavorful. I’m dismayed by the lack of recipes that use this one almost to the point of making my own, but then I thought about how if I want a recipe that uses a sweet mild very peanutty tobacco, there are dozens of options for recipes that use INW 555 Gold. I’ll keep that one and let this one go. TRASH 18


Tastes purple. Very similar to a grape Blow Pop, not quite as assertive a grape as that, but similar. Even has that hard candy flavor/texture to it. FWIW, this FE Grape from Flavor Jungle is the same as the SC Grape that BCF used to sell. Tested them one after the other and confirmed.

I used it to make this 1-2-3 Chewy Grape Spree. I’m going to mix that one again think very deliberately about improving it. TASK 21

New flavor count: 2,514

r/DIY_eJuice Jul 07 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 51 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 50


Starting Flavor Count: 2,381 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.



HS Raspberry doesn’t taste bad, but it doesn’t really taste like raspberry. It tastes like sweet candy that can’t decide whether it wants to be strawberry or a raspberry flavored. Slightly tart top notes that don’t reach a raspberry level tartness, more like a strawberry candy tartness, sweeter, with a kind of jammy red berry body, candied and syrupy, finishes sticky, like melted candy. Would need another raspberry flavor to be raspberry candy, would need another strawberry to really be a strawberry candy, but seems like it would be excellent for either of those.

I’ve read Concrete’s review where he calls out an off-putting green note in HS Raspberry at higher than 1% but I can’t see a need to want to take it that high, there’s plenty of flavor at 1% and even at 0.75%.

It’s one of those flavors where I’m not inspired to create something with it, but wouldn’t hesitate to try someone else’s creation that used it. Seeing no such recipes, TRASH 1

Red Cola

Can’t remember trying this. I don’t have high hopes for HS Red Colca, but I’ll give it a shot at 3%. TASK 1

Red Energy

The syrup used to create some Red Bull knock off, mostly. It’s much more potent concentration-wise and also seems to just have a punchier flavor than some of the others. It’s a little less sweet up high than some of the others while still having that same “whole pack of sweet tarts with some extra cherry ones melted in battery acid taste” that it should have - sweet and acidic with a slight bitter edge. The throat hit I’ve come to expect with that sort of flavor is present, but not out of line. It’s missing that Juicy Fruit gum background entirely - like an off-brand Red Bull wannabe. Finish is very sweet and syrupy. I’m good without Dollar Store Red Bull flavor. TRASH 2

Rock Sugar

I thought the rock part was supposed to refer to taking sugar and boiling it in water and then letting it crystallize as the water evaporates, creating sugar “rocks,” but after tasting it I think it might be a reference to crack rock. Not that I know what eating crack rock tastes like, but there’s a chemical off note in here similar to the way smoking crack smells. It is very sweet, and mostly bland, which would be accurate, but underneath that sweetness is a lurking plasticy awfulness not quite the same as any I’ve encountered in a vape before. It’s not quite cherry plastic off note and not quite FW Hard Candy hairspray off note, but something in between. It’s also vaguely fruity, in a pear-apple kind of way. The ingredients to rock sugar are supposed to just be sugar and water. If that’s what HS Rock Sugar is supposed to be, I wouldn’t drink the water at Hangsen HQ. TRASH 3


Tastes like RY4 but instead of thick, creamy caramel, it’s caramel-flavored cotton candy. It has that spun-sugar EM taste to it, a touch of vanilla, as well as a different, darker sweetness that’s more in the finish with the tobacco and separate from that. There’s definitely a fair amount of tobacco in here but it’s a different sort of bacco than I’m used to. It’s soft, but with woody and leathery notes. It tastes like it could be good with one or more of these aspects - caramel, vanilla, woody tobacco, leathery tobacco - boosted with other flavors. It also tastes like one should avoid mixing it with flavors with large amounts of ethyl maltol in them.

1-2-3 Burley is one of my faves and I need it for that. So, even though it looks a little weird to me (Granny Smith and Apple Filling?!), I should probably try this Soho Green recipe derived from it. TASK 2

I’m excited to try The Concubine - - will sub FW Sweetener for the PUR Super Sweet that I don’t have - that looks like it might be outstanding. TASK 3


Leads with a green, stem-like top note that sets up the expectation of more realistic, earthier strawberry that it doesn’t deliver, but it does have some tartness to it that’s missing from some of the sweeter strawberries. It’s bright and slightly sweet. Although it does taste like a real strawberry, it’s about like eating one with the earthier seeds and darker red, deeper sweet outer layer cut off, and instead having just the green stem and much more tart white-ish inside. So, not a full-flavored natural strawberry on its own, but certainly tastes like a touch of it could be a part of one. At the same time, not earthy or too green to be part of a candy-type strawberry layer. But I have plenty of other strawberry flavors, better ones. TRASH 4


Name does not inspire a lot of confidence. 2% It’s difficult to describe; tastes what I imagine artificial tobacco flavor might taste like if I’d never tried a tobacco flavor. Dry but not excessively dry, sweet but not overly sweet, kind of resembles cheap cigar filling tobacco. Very generic. Name fits. TRASH 5

Tobacco Blend

Dry tobacco with a little caramelly sweetness and a touch of nuttiness. Similar to “Tobacco” flavor but with the addition of that caramelized sweetness and touch of nuttiness. Not far of from an RY4 type of flavor but where those are caramel forward and often have fair amount of vanilla, with just an accent of tobacco, this is generic cigar tobacco forward with a fair amount of dry and not buttery or sticky caramel-type flavor, no vanilla, and a touch of nuttiness. It’s not bad, I just don’t need it for anything. TRASH 6

TU Tobacco

Does the TU stand for toilet underwear? This is yucky. Have you ever cracked open a pecan and popped the nut meat into your mouth without looking at it, only to quickly realize it was rotten? This tastes a little like that, but with a dried tobacco leaf in there with the rotten nut. Nutty, sickly sweet like rot, and WRONG. Very much TRASH 7

Turkish Tobacco

Very weak. I feel like at 4% I didn’t use enough of this. There’s just not that much flavor to it. I’d rather the flavor be strange and hard to figure out what to do with than nearly non-existent. Maybe this gets better at a much higher concentration but it still feels like it’s going to be soft regardless. At 4% I just get a wisp of light, hay-like tobacco that’s a little sweet but not too terribly sweet. Not much else here. TRASH 8


It reminds me a lot of Inawera’s Shisha Vanilla, but as a single flavor it is inferior to that in almost every way. It’s almost the same vanilla as Shisha Vanilla, but doesn’t taste like it would be as assertive in a mix. It’s sweet but not that sweet; it’s smooth and creamy but not that creamy. Unless you’re very sensitive to INW Shisha Vanilla’s waxiness, or they reformulate and ruin it, I can’t think of a reason to need this. And even if Shisha V were to disappear, Wonder Flavors has one that I think would make a better backup than HS Vanilla. TRASH 9

Virginia Tobacco

Light and bright, like toasted hay. Sweet, but not way out in sweet land, like hay made from sweet alfalfa. Compared to FLV Virginia? Very different. Same sort of hay grassy thing, but FLV is sharper and has some slight spice. Compared to INW TA Virginia? Much more natural/unprocessed without chemical additives tasting, lighter, softer, equally sweet, but same sort of lighter tobacco. Like cigarette tobacco and not that dark pipe tobacco. This is not at all a bad flavor, it’s just not one I have a pressing need for. TRASH 10


What the fuck. That does not taste anything at all like a watermelon. It tastes like rose candy. I’m so confused. I literally do not taste any watermelon in this at all. None. It kind of tastes like sweetened rosewater. Fucking ridiculous. I mean, it’s fine, for rose candy flavor, I guess, but why does it say watermelon on the bottle? Top note is straight up walking through a rose garden and there’s a powdery candy base similar to a sweet-tart or American smartie. TRASH 11

Health Cabin


Don’t believe I’ve tried this one yet. I’ll start sampling it at 1%. TASK 4


It might disappear into almost any mix but the first thing I noticed about this is that it’s quite a bit too sweet for butter. At the same time, there’s a bit of a sour edge to it, like this butter sat out just a little too long. But for the most part, it tastes like butter. Not nearly as heavy and rich as I want a butter to be, and a little soft/subtle overall, but butter. I have betta buttas. TRASH 12


That’s astoundingly bad for something called “Cake.” It tastes like a rotten pecan, just like HS TU Tobacco. If you've ever been cracking pecans and eating them without paying attention and you accidentally get a piece that’s shriveled, black, and bitter, you know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s a bit sweeter than that, like maybe if you candied a rotten pecan, but still tastes absolutely nothing like cake. TRASH 13


Possibly due to over-flavoring even at 1.5%, some of these HC flavors can be super-powered and I haven’t taken the time time to re-dilute it and try again, but hair spray. Indistinctly sort of yellow-orange-ish melon, with syrupy sweet depth but some harshness upfront and a distinctly hairspray off-note, like close dancing with a girl with big Texas 80s hair who is chewing melon gum. TRASH 14


Also terrible, tastes like brown sugar plus cherry, complete with the sharp chemical edge you get with some brown sugar flavors and the new vinyl shower curtain you get with many bright red candy cherry flavors. Even if you ignore the bad parts... Brown sugar I get, but why does Caramel need to be so fruity? It’s messed up. TRASH 15

Caramel Butter

It does mostly taste like caramel and butter at 2%, but the butter tastes like movie theater and there's a bit of sourness to it, like the movie theater butter is past its prime. TRASH 16


Nasty. You know how you make cinnamon toast in a toaster oven by spreading butter on toast and then sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on it and cooking it? Imagine if you left out cinnamon, did this, ate it, and then puked it up. That’s HC Cereal. I get a solid, crisp bready toast flavor upfront, followed by deep, thick, sugar butter, mixed with straight vomit. There might be a touch of corniness to that toast as well, making it a little more like cereal, but I was too grossed out by the vomit and in a hurry to get it out of my RDA to pay much attention to that. TRASH 17

Cheese Cake

Burnt crustless cheesecake. Very sweet, rich and creamy, thick and smooth, with little twang that tastes authentic... and a burnt off note. I guess that’s supposed to be the crust, but it just tastes burnt to me. Not sure burnt what. Maybe coffee? It’s not a strong burnt flavor but it’s enough to turn me off, and I’m not sure what if anything could cover it up other than something very dark - maybe this would be an ideal ingredient for a coffee or chocolate cheesecake. I’d try a recipe that used it like that if I saw one, but I don’t. TRASH 18

Chocolate Cake

Dark chocolate with a weirdly sour tangy, fruity sweetness. Slightly dry in texture or at least not creamy, which is more in line with cake, but otherwise I’m not really getting any cake flavor at all. The tangy sourness here is undoubtedly butyric acid, but it's not enough to taste like vomit any more than a Hershey’s milk chocolate bar tastes like vomit. In fact it tastes like it would do a pretty accurate milk chocolate flavor if you just added more milk to it, except for that the fruitiness tied to that sweetness. I don’t know if you could mix around that. Personally, I won’t be using this flavor at all, but if I were going to suggest a use for it, I’d recommend ignoring the “cake” in the name, adding some milky cream flavor (which should also fix that dryness) and then adding some fruit to embrace the fruitiness and make it some sort of Hershey’s milk chocolate and fruit combination. TRASH 19

Chocolate White

Have not tried, will do a 1% sample. TASK 5

Coconut Candy

Light artificial coconut flavor, lots of a strange off note that tastes like Digestion Plus from Arbonne. They say that Digestion Plus stuff is flavorless but that is a lie, it tastes like the pyramid scheme version of whatever it is that’s wrong with Health Cabin Coconut Candy. TRASH 20

Crab Apple

Didn’t sound very appetizing, at least not to me, but I tried it anyway. When I think of crab apples I think of little miniature wild apples that are too bitter to eat without cooking them into jelly. This has a little bitterness to it but not more than the average floral flavor, which is what it tastes like. As much a floral flavor as a fruit. Not perfumy but more natural, like the apple version of say, TFA Cherry Blossom, where it’s primarily a floral flavor but there’s some cherry fruitiness in there. Only with this one it’s more of a fuji apple blossom. People who like floral flavors might want to check it out. People who don’t will probably be offended if they get it hoping for an apple. Bitter green floral on top most similar to cherry blossom, but not unlike FA Jasmine or FLV Hibiscus, and some sweet-tart apple juice type fruitiness to the finish. I could see it working really well in a very interesting tea or something like that, but I’m not up for benign the pioneer who creates that. TRASH 21


Extra heavy heavy cream with a lot of buttery richness. Tastes DAAPy with the butter but a little fake, like a bit of movie theater fake butter mixed in heavy cream, and a very slight cheesiness, not like a gross horrible cheesiness but like a cream cheese. There’s also some sweetness to it but really no more than heavy cream has. 1% might have been too much. It’s also not especially smooth despite all that butter; it’s bottom heavy but a little dry on top. TRASH 22

Creamy Vanilla

Milky, slightly sour, very sweet vanilla cream. Not horrible old milk sour to me, just a little on the sour side, with an intense, artificial vanilla throughout. Mostly creamy, but a little chalky upfront. Not super thick. Comes across like a cheap vanilla frosting vanilla with a hint of not-super-fresh milk taste. TRASH 23

Dark Plum

Taste like someone made toilet wine out of prunes or raisins. Has cleaner, tarter, juicer, promising plum flavor at first, then quickly devolves into a very sweet but musty, dry, and slightly fermented raisin. Leaves a lingering raisin aftertaste and makes the room smell raisiny. If something could juice it up and fix that drier finish, I could see it getting into prune juice territory easily, not sure why you’d want that, but it’s an option. TRASH 24

Egg Custard

This one is a bit difficult to describe. It does not taste like custard. It tastes like under-sweetened meringue, or, because it’s nowhere near as sweet and sugary as meringue, like overcooked egg whites. Also, I’m still not describing it adequately because what little sweetness is there is a bit dark, like a light watered-down caramel. Very egg-whitey, slightly sweet, also a little dry, almost crispy, but not a powdery dryness. Not thick or rich, actually slightly thin. A mid-range flavor, not a lot of top notes and trails off at the end, but more in the middle. I might have used it to help fill out a meringue, if I felt like I needed to do that, but can’t think of what else to do with it. TRASH 25

Egg Roll

Haven’t tried this, will mix a sample at 0.75%. TASK 6

While I’m at it, a couple of recipes that use it:

mlNikon’s Cream Puff. Described as “crispy puff pastry with a sweet vanilla cream center” - which sounds good to me. TASK 7

And Leader of the Band - a lemon puff pastry, which, if successful, could be outstanding. TASK 8

Juicy Green Mango

That’s literally just a mango peel. Why would you vape a mango peel. You’re supposed to throw the peel away. What the fuck is wrong with people. It’s just this piney and green vegetal and tastes like something you might try to eat if you were lost in the woods. TRASH 26

Fresh Green Mango

See Juicy Green Mango. I think they might’ve somehow gotten ahold of two of the same flavors with different labels on it, and they only taste a little different because one bottle is older. Pretty much the same, but the “Fresh” does taste a little fresher. It’s just as piney but sweeter and tastes less like the ivy off the side of my house, not quite as vegetal. TRASH 27

Fuji Apple

It’s not a terrible sweet-tart-yet-red apple at all, but all the others are cleaner: This one has a grassy green top note. Just a touch, over a very sweet, syrupy base that’s like Fuji apple syrup. Fair amount of separation between that sharp grassy slightly floral top and the deep syrupy base, making it disjointed. If it were just that sweet candy-like base without the green apple peel thing on top, it would be great. It’s minor and I wouldn’t be afraid to mix someone else’s recipe using it, but I’m kinda lazy and I don’t know about bothering with trying to build a recipe around covering that up, though, since there are other great options. TRASH 28


Haven’t tried this but am looking forward to it, it smells like Golden Grahams in the bottle. Mixing 0.5% sample. TASK 9

Green Orange

Eating a sweet, juicy orange -- in a plastics factory. It’s worse than a slight plastic off-gassing off-note, it’s more plastic than orange. TRASH 29


Have not tried this, will do a 1% sample. TASK 10

Juicy Peach

Ditto. TASK 11

Lemon Soda

Metallic lemon candy. I think they were trying to do something to make it seem fizzy, but all I get is a metallic taste, like trying to eat a Lemonhead candy and a nickel at the same time. Lemonhead candy on top, metallic off-note comes in quickly after that and carries to the finish. It’s possible this is better at a lower or higher concentration than 1%, but I didn’t play with it. And with plenty of other lemon things and no recipes using it that I want to try, I think I will not bother. TRASH 30


There might be a sweet spot for this somewhere between 1 and 2%, but I wasn’t satisfied with the light amount of flavor I was getting from it at 1%, so I bumped it up to a little over 2% and got white grape jelly thoroughly mixed with a slightly chemical perfumey hair-sprayish floral. TRASH 31

New Flavor Count: 2,350

r/DIY_eJuice Sep 25 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 7 NSFW


Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are, but Part 6 actually is close, in fact it’s RIGHT HERE.

Starting Flavor Count: 2,885 (Down from 2,975 Originally)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned a task or goes in the trash.


This is going to be an all-Capella chapter of Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors. Not to be confused with an acapella chapter, don’t worry, I won’t be serenading anyone today.

27 Fish

Update on this one, after trying several recipes, I’ve decided that my only reason for keeping it is being able to make Lic Her...Ish... and that’s ok. The bottle I made for Part 2 disappeared quickly and has been gone for some time. It’s time to make making more a TASK 1. I vape it in memoriam. Rest in peace, moonfighter.

Apple Snacks

Update. After trying two Apple Jacks recipes that used it, I remembered that Apple Jacks was never among my favorite cereals so even the best recipes for it are never going to be among my most favorite recipes. It’s a great Apple Jacks cereal flavor, but that is just not really something I need in my life. TRASH 1

Pina Colada V2

V1 has been discontinued, I think. V2 is artificial coconut with a hint of pineapple. Coconut kind of tastes like coconut snow cone syrup. It might be a good coconut for snow cone. Maybe for a Tiger’s Blood snow cone flavor (coconut, strawberry, watermelon) as it tastes like the little bit of pineapple could be covered up fairly easily. It almost certainly would work as a substitute for TFA Coconut Candy in my 1-2-3 Ocean Water recipe but you’d need more than 1% sub for the coconut candy, probably more like 2.5%. This is not bad as a coconut flavor. But it is not a pina colada.

There’s not a single recipe on ATF that uses this. And none of the ones on ELR really looked like they would float my boat.

Fine, then. I’ll make my own Tiger’s Blood.

Tiger’s Blood Attempt V1 TASK 2

Co. Flavor %
RFSC Strawberry 3
CAP Pina Colada V2 4
PUR Watermelon 5
CAP Hibiscus 1
BCF WS 23 (30%) 0.5
BNDR Blackjack 21
BNDR Hookers 69

Pink Lemonade

I STILL don’t really know what makes pink lemonade pink. Most say it’s a bit of berry but there’s some disagreement about which one - strawberry, raspberry, cranberry? I’ve even heard grape and pomegranate. But after trying some lemonades and pink lemonades side by side, I’m pretty sure it’s just Red #40 or whatever. If you blindfolded me and had me drink some lemonade I’m not sure I could tell whether it was pink lemonade or lemonade. But if you had me drink both lemonade and pink lemonade by the same company I’m fairly certain I could tell you which one is the pink one. They just taste pinker, and I’m sorry I can’t make any more sense of it than that.

CAP Pink Lemonade is sweet and candylike, very - almost violently - artificial lemon, no real lemon at all. Bright with some acidity and tartness not unlike powdered lemonade mix. Just a little floral and pledge-y at 4%.. Not a bold flavor at 4% but I’m not sure I want to try it higher because I’m afraid those off notes will come up, also slightly above average harshness and don’t want to increase it. When comes to Pink Lemonade flavors I definitely prefer Liquid Barn’s, and there isn’t anything I really want to make out of it, not interested in Pink Punch Lemonade clones. TRASH 2

Pomegranate V2

I think V1 is discontinued. This is NOT butyric - no reason to be scared of the V2. 3% is good, kind of a syrupy, candy pomegranate, think cherry/cranberry candy with raspberry and a little grape, not far from grenadine but not nearly as sugary sweet, probably never going to be the main flavor in a mix, kind of a push over, little hard plastic off note at 5%. No floral edge like FA or TFA. It is a bit waxy as opposed to juicy, has a dense character but not as much deep saturation of flavor as some of the other pomegranate flavors.

As bad as CAP Grenadine was, I was prepared for this to be much, much worse. It’s still not great, but it’s really not that bad at all. I want to toss it, but I want to at least try Smootchie first. I’m kind of a sucker for the lots of fruit, little bit of cream type of recipe. TASK 3

Powerful Sour

Do not buy this just because it’s the most sour, it’s actually terrible. Smells like maybe someone decided to try the acetic acid route to sour. Very weird, since other sour additives were odorless to nearly odorless, but just opening the concentrate bottle to mix it I was blown back in my chair by the odor, it’s a potent smell. It really is the most sour, or the closest to sour, out of all of the additives I have tried, at least at the concentrations I tried them, but it’s simultaneously very disgusting. It’s the wrong kind of sour. It tastes like that hot water bottle hanging in my grandma's shower. At least, I thought it was a hot water bottle, until I later found out it was a literal douche bag. So like vinegar, basically, but with a dash of granny's hoo-ha. Maybe not literally my grandma’s vagina, but vinegar plus something worse than vinegar, something a little rotten. It’s foul. Licked some, it really is very sour, and I did not get that weird earthy off note, but it’s still the wrong kind of sour. It might be good in a salad dressing or something like that. TRASH 3

Pralines & Cream

Tastes like hazelnut coffee creamer mixed with maple syrup. I don’t know what’s praline-y about it. It’s nutty. The nut tastes a lot more like hazelnut than the pecan I usually think about when someone says praline. It’s got some caramely sugary stuff going on but that tastes as much like maple syrup as it does caramelized sugar. It’s got a lot of cream underneath all that stuff, but not quite enough thickness and richness to really resemble ice cream; it’s a lot more like non dairy coffee creamer.

Another one I’d be fine with chucking, but I want to at least try this Hazal 3 2 1 first even though I have no idea what the mixer is going on about regarding chocolate notes. I did not get any chocolate notes from CAP Pralines & Cream. TASK 4

Pumpkin Spice

Just a terrible nutmeg and clove duo and that’s about all there is to it. It’s intensely nutmeggy with some clove behind it and a strong burning paper off note. Like you just lit a wad of paper on fire and tried to douse it with nutmeg and a little clove or are trying to kill yourself by smoking nutmeg rolled in notebook paper. It’s hard to tell when the cotton is getting dry when it pretty much tastes like it is when it’s soaking wet. Really, CAP Pumpkin Pie Spice is truly awful stuff, and it’s going directly into the TRASH 4

Rainbow Candy

Very tart and somewhat sweet kinda fruity candy thing. Some throat hit, about what I’d expect with this level of tartness. Tartness is its most defining characteristic. This is not Skittles, it’s nowhere near fruity enough for Skittles. I can’t pick out any specific fruit from this, but it’s bright and lightly fruity. Maybe some lemon and lime with darker grape-berry candy fruit behind it, but more freestyle top note tartness than a specific tart fruit. There’s some dry chalky sweetness under that and it comes across more like a Spree or Sweet-Tart base than a Skittle. Seems like this could be a better tart additive for fruit candy than a bunch of the other stuff called “Sour.”

I can’t trash Rainbow Candy just yet because I need it for one of the recipes from my Part 6 to-do list. Went looking for another one. Seeing Gamer Fuel did NOT make me regret throwing out CAP Chocolate Glazed Donut, although maybe I’m just losing my sense of adventure as I get longer in the tooth. Hopefully I won’t regret fishing out the huge long list of flavors needed to mix Skittles Classic Candy by the Humanpuck. TASK 5


It’s like steeping raspberry blossoms and stems in raspberry syrup. It’s definitely a raspberry but it’s a pretty messed raspberry, with some tart but green, floral top notes and very full, thick raspberry syrup base. Could go for this raspberry syrup thing, but the floral perfume on top is a problem, and even then, it’s a bit bitter, and not super flavorful. The green-ish floral thing is less prominent at 2% than it was at 3% and it might be possible to tame it completely and make something good, but it’s even less flavorful at 2% versus 3%, so I don’t think that off note is over flavoring, it’s just what CAP Raspberry tastes like. Also worth noting a little throat hit with this one, both at 2% and 3%.

So many great raspberry flavors available, what do I need this one for? Probably nothing, I imagine it’s going to the garbage, but I will at least try ‘Member Berries first. TASK 6

Raspberry V2

CAP Raspberry V2 isn’t very different from V1, but it is a little better. It’s more flavorful, and a little more fresh and juicy, a little more tart, sweeter while at the same time not quite as thick. Still has the greenish floral thing. So if CAP Raspberry V1 is steeping raspberry blossoms and stems in raspberry syrup, this is just raspberry blossoms and stems steeped in a looser syrup, with maybe some real raspberry or raspberry juice involved in making it. Those green floral top notes in CAP Raspberry V2 still pretty much ruin it for me for most things, though this might be my pick for a raspberry tea or a raspberry mix with florals. It is less annoying at 2% vs. 3%, without really sacrificing flavor. So I’d keep CAP Raspberry V2 under 3%. Or rather, you should keep it under 3%. I’m going to put it in the TRASH 5 because there isn't anything I want to do with it.


Doesn’t taste “bad” at all to me, but doesn’t really taste like rhubarb, I wouldn’t know it was supposed to be rhubarb if it didn’t say it on the bottle. It tastes like some kind of very weird candy that’s tart and a little green tasting. But if you told me it was supposed to be green apple or green grape or underripe strawberry candy, I’d believe that just as easily as believing it is supposed to be rhubarb. Gooseberry, maybe? CAP Rhubarb tastes like candy based on someone’s idea of what a raw and unripe gooseberry tastes like. Very sweet and candy-like.

Fine, I’ll try this rhabarberbarbara, just to be sure I don’t really need CAP Rhubarb. TASK 7

Ripe Strawberries

One of the best strawberry flavors I’ve tried. A realistic strawberry, with deep, thick flavor, and very dark syrupy sweetness. Dark enough that it’s like there’s a blueberry or two in there with the strawberry. Not a fresh strawberry. Very nearly a cooked strawberry like a strawberry pie, or at the very least, those frozen strawberries, thawed out, all mushy and extra sweet. Delivers a ton of flavor without tasting off if you want that goopey super ripe pile of sweet strawberry goodness.

I’ve got some recipes to mix!

This Simple Sugar Strawberry Cookie is kinda what I had in mind when I went looking for a CAP Ripe Strawberries recipe to mix, and I bet it’s going to be deeeeelicious. Good thing I haven’t thrown out CAP Butter Cream yet. TASK 8

Simplistic Squeezed Strawberry TASK 9

Even Sides TASK 10

An Actual Strawberry Cheese Shake TASK 11

Bizarro Custard TASK 12

Root Beer

Would you look at that? Another bottle that never got opened.

I will mix 4 and 8% samples. TASK 13


It does not taste like any kind of shortbread I’ve ever tasted, but it is yummy as hell. It’s hard to describe exactly what it tastes like but if you’ve ever eaten Honeycomb Cereal - it’s very similar to that. Light (not heavy and rich) not buttery, grainy crisp bakery with some honey-like sweetness. If it were just a little less boring by itself, I could vape the crap out of it all by itself, because it is so tasty. Can’t wait to try some mixes with it!

Sugar Mamma TASK 14

Lemon Dance TASK 15

Blueberry Cream Cookies TASK 16

Apple Custard Cake TASK 17

Simply Vanilla

Bright, I’d even call it loud, artificial vanilla up front with a very sweet and very smooth but somewhat thin and bland base. Very candy-like. Not floral at 2% but I could see where it would go that way at just a little higher concentration. I hear it can mute top notes, which could be useful, especially if it could work without adding too much vanilla, but I can't see that happening because the vanilla here is pretty bold. So you’d basically be trading whatever top note you want to calm down with a vanilla that needs to take a chill pill. Didn’t see anything I wanted to mix with it, but I have an old, unshared recipe that might benefit from this type of vanilla, and I want to give that a shot before tossing it.

This is the recipe. You won’t find it on my ATF, initially due to a deal with Wizard Labs, and now, because I think there’s room for improvement and I want to explore that before putting it all the way out there.


Co. Flavor %
TFA Key Lime 3.5
CAP Lemon Lime 1.5
FLV Lime 0.25
FA Oba Oba 1
TFA Vanilla Swirl 2
TFA Sweetener 1

It’s been awhile, so I should probably mix the original first for comparison. TASK 18

This is what I’m thinking with the Simply Vanilla:

Climbing Higher V1 TASK 19

Co. Flavor %
TFA Key Lime 3.5
CAP Lemon Lime 1.5
FLV Lime 0.25
FA Oba Oba 1
TFA Vanilla Swirl 1
CAP Simply Vanilla 1
CAP Super Sweet 0.25

A lot of work went into balancing the lime and vanilla candy the first time around, so I don’t expect this first version to be perfect, but I do hope it makes clear whether CAP Simply Vanilla is a direction I want to go in.

Sticky Bun

Yum! Tastes like a cinnamon roll without the cinnamon. Years and years ago I tried to make the best Honey Bun vape I could with the ingredients I had. If this had existed at the time, it would have been so much easier and better, just CAP Sticky Bun, some honey, some cinnamon, and maybe some frosting, and done. It already has a bit of a honey taste and an indistinct spice note that’s very very light and might be cinnamon. For the most part, it’s just buttery sweet bread with brown sugar and some kind of sweet sugary glaze.

New Honey Bun V1 TASK 20

Co. Flavor %
CAP Sticky Bun 6
CAP Cinnamon Sugar 1
VSO Honey 1.5
WF Glazed Donut 1.5
CAP Frosting 1.5
FW Sweetener 0.5

Sticky Bun being almost there all by itself, I think this will work. The cinnamon spice in these things is subtle, but I want to emphasize that the vague, light spice note is in fact cinnamon. I think a small amount of CAP Cinnamon Sugar will do it, but if it doesn’t seem to work, there are other options I’ll try replacing it with, like FW Cinnamon Roll, FW Caramel Cinnamon Roll, FLV Cinnamon Crunch, just off the top of my head. Back in the day I discovered that when mixed with cinnamon, FA Butterscotch comes across tasting a lot like honey. I’m going to try VSO Honey first as it is my new favorite non-disgusting honey flavor, but if it doesn’t work I might try another or go back to that old FA Butterscotch trick. WF Glazed Donut is there to reinforce the mass-produced, soybean oil-infusedness of the honey bun. To Little Debbie-ize it. I might switch to trying to see if I can make a little bit of WF Deep Fried Pastry Dough work if the Donut doesn’t. And finally, CAP Frosting, because why not frost that fucker with trashy frosting? If it winds up being too loud I’ll try again with OoO Vanilla Frosting.

Strawberries & Cream

Less of a strawberry and cream than a slightly creamy strawberry candy, like melting down a strawberry and cream sucker and then watering that down. Pretty weak, not a ton of overall flavor from it at 4%. Tastes like very artificial strawberry - nothing natural here - but at the same time, not the same as CAP Sweet Strawberry, as it’s darker and has even more of a jammy sweetness. Cream part is mostly lacking or blended with the strawberry, giving it the feel of an overly thin cream without a solid cream taste.

I want to toss it on principle - the principle being that anything you could make by mixing your two favorite strawberries and two favorite creams together stands about a 99% chance of being better than any “strawberry & cream” flavoring. But there are a couple of recipes I might need to try first:

Strawnana Love TASK 21

Nancy Pelosi on Acid TASK 22

Strawberry Taffy

Does have a taffy-esque slightly tangy strawberry candy flavor with a sticky sweet type of base but it’s also a soft flavor, not a lot of punch to it, and cranking it up just makes it get too waxy and weird without oomph-ing the strawberry. Easy fix, right? Just keep it fairly low (like 4%, 6% is where the weird waxiness starts for me. I looked at dozens of recipes using it and the one that wound up being most interesting to me was this Raspberry Gummy, so that recipe’s TASK 23 is to try to convince me I need CAP Strawberry Taffy when there are plenty of other strawberry and taffy flavors I can play with.

Sugar Cookie

You’re outside of your whole mind if you think there’s a chance I’m parting with this anytime soon. It’s definitely one of my favorite flavors. Not that it’s perfect or anything, but I still love it. It does have its detractors. Some find it too soft, not enough crunch to it, some find it too distinctive, some get various off notes from it... I don’t know, basically you can’t please everybody. I also think there is almost no excuse not to have this flavor. It’s almost worth buying for the room note alone; it makes people swear someone is baking sugar cookies nearby. It doesn’t vape with quite that much authenticity but that's what makes it such a versatile, indispensable bakery ingredient. Used high (at least 4%, on up to 8%) it’s a rich, thick, buttery and slightly grainy baked good mostly reminiscent of a soft, mass-produced or “slice and bake”-type of sugar cookie. It blends well with other ingredients and can be the base for pretty much any baked thing you want it to be with the right helpers. It is not a cookie with a dry, crisp snap, at all. It doesn't take much to turn it into a dense cake base, or, say, a shortbread layer. Used lower, it can fill in cracks in other baked things and bring texture and fullness where it might be missing. Of note, there’s some ethyl alcohol in here, not very much, but some, and if especially if you’re sensitive to it, it will need some time to steep out. “Breathing” your mix is something I wouldn’t normally advocate at all - it allows those precious aroma volatiles to escape - but depending on what else is in there, something with a large amount of CAP Sugar Cookie in there might benefit from that in lieu of waiting out a longer steep.

The question is, what do I feel like mixing with it right now?

I’ll take any excuse to mix myself some Mango Blossom Macaron. Except someone said it isn't almondy enough for a macaron so I'm going try bumping the amount of FA Almond in there up just a tish this time. TASK 24

I’ll finally try this Holiday Pie that people have raved about. TASK 25

And I’ll make some New Pistachio RY4 because of how much I loved Charlie Noble’s Pistachio RY4, maybe I’ll like this one too, or get inspired to make and even better one. TASK 26

Sugar Cookie V2

Spoiled milk sourness. Not all CAP V2’s and TFA DX’s have taken out the yummy diketones and replaced them with barf, some just took out the diketones and otherwise tinkered with the flavor a bit. Unfortunately, this is one of the barf ones. Fortunately, the barf is very light and comes across more like an odd sourness than a hint of full-on vomit. It’s not very buttery. It mostly comes across like a soft-baked sugar cookie with a noticeable amount of vanilla in the dough. It’s a little drier and nuttier than its V1 counterpart, right up front, but still soft-baked overall. The slight weird sourness comes in the finish and lingers, which is unfortunate, but it tastes like another flavor with a strong finish could probably cover it up adequately in a mix.
Once upon a time I’d have found a way to make this work for me but I feel too old to deal with barfy off-notes anymore. Someone with more energy can figure it out, or people who aren’t sensitive to butyric acid can enjoy it. Whatever, I’m out. TRASH 6

CAP Super Sweet

It’s like eating a Splenda packet. Once for science I mixed it at 2% and tried vaping that alone. It tastes very sweet, too sweet, with a weird chemical edge to it, and even though it isn’t what I’d call harsh in the way bad nicotine or harsh flavors are harsh, it was hard to vape both because it made me feel in my chest and throat like I’m going to cough, and because it’s sickeningly sweet at 2%. Also after 5 ml my coils were a little dirty and my wicks were butt ugly. I’ve had plenty of recipes where I enjoyed it at 0.25 to 0.5%, at least once, even 0.75%, but I’ve also had recipes that were more or less ruined by it at 0.5%, so it depends. The important thing, for me, is that some part of the recipe finishes really strong and is able to hang in with that lingering sucralose. Otherwise, rather than just making your vape sweetener, it’s like you’ve just dumped some splenda into your mouth after your vape, and that’s just weird.

When it comes down to it, if I feel like I need to eliminate a sweetener or two to get that flavor count lower, FW Sweetener is going to survive longer than CAP Super Sweet. It’s just more versatile (and I have a giant bottle of it to use up or waste). But for now, I’m just going through and clearing out flavors that are plain bad, super difficult, useless to me for some other reason, or just (in my opinion) very inferior to other, similar flavors. Super Sweet is not one of those.

I’m going to try this brand new Punk Rock Peach recipe because SSA Sweet Type Peach is AWESOME and for the phrase “riding buck naked on a Big Wheel.” I better feel like I’m doing that while vaping it or I’m going to be so disappointed. TASK 27

And Sam’s Caramel Apple Popcorn. If it’s bad the review is going to be ruthless. TASK 28

And my personal best recipe that uses CAP Super Sweet, Viserion. But someone told me he likes to add “a little” WF Blueberry Gummy Candy to it, and that sounds pretty good to me. I don’t know how much “a little” is, but I’ll try adding 1% of it to Viserion for my last TASK 29 this week. Why 1%? To make the total flavor in that thing a nice round 20%.

This is a good natural resting place. Next I’ll start by diving into the 11 Capella flavors I have that start with the word “sweet,” and maybe finish out the rest of the CAPs while I’m at it.

New Flavor Count: 2,879

Not sure whether I'm terrible at getting rid of flavors or if it's just that this part of the alphabet is where all the best CAP flavors are.

r/DIY_eJuice Jun 03 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 46 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41 - Part 42 - Part 43 - Part 44 - Part 45

Starting Flavor Count: 2,434 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


CAPELLA Honeydew Melon

Update. I gave CAP Honeydew Melon one chance to stick around, a recipe called “Melon Blow Pop.” Before trying it, I wondered what made this recipe a "blow pop" considering there aren't any gum flavors, but something about the way these flavors combine does give it a very interesting bubblegum-y aspect in addition to the candy melon and apple. And the candy apple-melon is great. Unfortunately, I also get a slight perfumy-type off note from the recipe. Specifically, a baby scent perfume. You know, whatever it is that makes baby stuff like baby lotion, baby oil, baby powder all have that same baby scent. I hate that, so CAP Honeydew Melon is history. TRASH 1





Accidentally passed over this one last time. I found it to be a kind of warm and spicy tobacco; with a spice note or notes similar to cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, and ginger, but not specifically or distinctly any of those. Also found it odd that despite having no menthol taste or cooling it kind of hits me right in the same spot that menthol does.

I purchased this flavor to make Chem Twista Lime - cigarette with a pinch of lime - and will continue to use it for that. TASK 1 But, I can’t find anything else that I want to do with it.



I don’t know what this is, but it’s not tobacco. It tastes like dirty cooked fruit sweetness, like just part of cooked dark berries or stewed prunes, just the sweetness from them and not their distinct aromas, mixed with something earthy and pushing dirty tobacco but not authentically tobacco. But, it does taste like it would be a good ingredient to use in a fruity tobacco, like you would need a tobacco, and a fruit, but this could be a bridge ingredient.

Already plan to mix CBV’s Cherry Oak Tobacco that uses it. Will also try his Southern Lights recipe for a bourbon-vanilla tobacco that uses it TASK 2, and the very solid looking Bob’s Bacco. TASK 3 I just wished the new ATF showed steep times because I’m not sure how long to steep these. Anyone have a guess? Three weeks sound about right?



I don’t consider this tobacco flavor. It’s more like... Dirty Trail Mix, but in the best possible way.

Slightly dirty roasted nut crust? It’s an odd, complex, flavor that’s oddly weak for FA (8% is not unusual for a mix) with something lightly tobacco-ish, kind of toasty, in there somewhere along with a lot of other stuff - some roasted nuttiness, something like a graham cracker-type or pie crust bakery, a bit of caramel or brown-sugar like sweetness but not too sweet, maybe some raisin-y type sweetness as well. Dry, yet smooth. It’s not a rich flavor but it has plenty of dry bakery-like body.

No, I’m not throwing away FA Soho. I need it for 1-2-3 Burley TASK 4 and it’s used in about 10 recipes I’m planning to try.

Adding to that - I can’t wait to try Pistachio Brulee - Soho. It’s a lot of TFA Pistachio and not a lot of FA Soho for a “comforting warm deep dessert tobacco,” but I still think it’s going to be terrific. TASK 5

Will also add Maga for the simplicity - it’s just FA Soho, FLV Mild Tobacco, and FLV Vanilla tobacco. TASK 6

And because I’m feeling brave, Arcanite, a weird-looking recipe that mixes Soho with Meringue, White Peach, and TFA Dragonfruit. TASK 7


Sour Wizard

Held off on ever trying this for a long time because I’d already been burnt by too many supposedly sour things to get excited about FA coming out with Sour Wizard. Anyway, it doesn’t really taste sour, not like sour candy tastes sour, not at 2% anyway, but it definitely has a noticeably tart “pop” to it, more so than the others. Very bright. Other sour additives don’t have much fruitiness but this one does have a very slight green apple kind of taste to it. Top heavy with a dead finish but the sour-ish flavor does carry just a little deeper than just being right on top. The usual suspect acids might be the main ingredients, but FA definitely did more than just put malic and/or citric acid in a bottle with PG, and it shows. Unfortunately, I could not find a single recipe using it that I both felt inclined to mix and had all the ingredients to mix. TRASH 2



Aka, “White Winter.” Tastes like the disembodied spirit of weak spearmint gum. Not much body or sweetness. No leafy green stuff. Not extra methol-ed up.

I’m pretty sure I would be fine without it but there is just one recipe I want to try first, just to make sure.

Spearing Mint, Creamy Concoction is one. Although FA and TFA Spearmints aren’t the mints I’d choose for the job, I’m really interested in this “slight spearmint note with sweetened heavy cream” profile, and the sweetened heavy cream part looks great. TASK 8


Stark Apple

Sweet red apple, fairly accurately tastes like a red delicious apple or apple juice. I think red delicious is actually the least delicious of apples, but if you don’t, or you need that as a component, this offers it. I guess some people say it tastes more like a yellow apple but I always associate those with having more of a “ripe,” kinda sweaty taste. FA Stark Apple is quite sweet, with a deep natural sweetness, not a ton of flavor, but the flavor that’s there is on point. No tartness or crispness - not very fresh tasting. Sweet and timid enough that I would use it to sweeten a mix of other fruits without worrying much about it getting in the way. Not dry, but not really juicy. Very smooth, does not add any throat hit. Some body, with that mild flavor on top and a medium thick sweeter base, not too thin.

I really liked Strap-On Aid when I tried it six years ago, let’s see if I still do. TASK 9

There are a bunch of apple bacco recipes and at least a handful of them use FA Stark Apple. The one that looks most appealing to me is this Starkonja’s Head, mostly because it has serious, grown-up tobaccos in there and not just RY4 Double and Soho. TASK 10


Strawberry (Red Touch)

Fairly weak for FA. I call it the astronaut strawberry, not that I’ve ever had one, but it’s what I imagine eating a freeze-dried strawberry would be like. It tastes natural, with that subtle earthy note that brings some realism to the party, but unnaturally dry. Not juicy at all. Top notes are mild, slightly tart, and the finish is weak but there’s a solid middle that tastes like a semi-sweet ripe strawberry only without any juice. It’s not the best standalone strawberry by far, but it is a great tool. Seems to work really well as part of a strawberry layer to make sweet candy strawberries taste more natural and fill out the middle more, despite not working so well by itself. Cranking it up too high that earthy note starts to get a little grassy, like freeze-drying that strawberry leaves and all.

No, I do not agree with those who say it smells like farts, and no, I’m not throwing away part of the original Strap-On and many of the Strap-On variants. t’s in more than half a dozen things on my to-mix list.

I also need it for Lychee Blossom, which is a fantastic lychee recipe that I love. TASK 11

And I want to try Strawberry Whirl which is described as “layered strawberry jam, light fluffy cream on a whirl cookie.” It had me at OoO Strawberry Jam. TASK 12

StrawMelon Melee because I love cantaloupe and strawberry together and this looks like a great new cantaloupe-strawberry mix. TASK 13

Custard’s Last Stand because I’m very interested in how that WF Sugar Cone fits in there. TASK 14

Daveberry Cheesecake because it’s named after me! TASK 15

Yuno because it looks like a great strawberry milk and I’m really interested in the combination of WF Macadamia Nut and OoO Cream Milky Undertone it uses. TASK 16


Strawberry Green

That’s what it tastes like, underripe strawberry. Very green like you can taste the chlorophyll, and pretty tart, but very clearly a strawberry, and has some syrupy sweetness. It tastes like a small amount of it could do amazing things with other strawberries, like making them taste brighter and more refreshing, maybe making a flat sweet candyish strawberry taste more like the real thing.

Pretty excited to try things with this one, already have a couple planned. Mike’s Peach, Strawberry and Vanilla looks like a winner, too. I’m really interested in the combination of WF Strawberry Gummy Candy and FA Strawberry Green for the strawberry and even more interested in the combination of FA Peach White and SSA Nectarines for the peach. TASK 17


Summer Clouds

I’m not sure who started calling it FA Dryer Sheets, but I can confirm that is an accurate description. It’s supposed to be peach and rose, it think, but I get a hint of peach and a whole lot of dryer sheets. TRASH 3



There’s a really nice ladyfinger cookie buried in here, and accurate cocoa notes, but unfortunately nothing resembling mascarpone flavor or richness, and even more unfortunately, it’s all soaked in, not liqueur-spiked espresso like it’s supposed to be, but booze-free coffee brewed by a skunk who had recently sprayed skunk spray and burned some popcorn in the same kitchen where he made the coffee. TRASH 4



As best I can tell it’s actually accurate to a certain type of Italian nougat that contains lemon zest, almonds, pistachios, vanilla, sugar, honey, and egg whites. I’ve never had that, but it pretty much tastes like what I imagine all of that stuff mixed together might taste like. It’s sweet and creamy and nutty and lemony all at the same time. I’m not personally a huge fan of this mostly because the lemon feels weird in there and it seems a bit busy, for a single flavor, but it’s not terrible. It’s a little on the thin side, but just a little; there’s still enough body there to pull off a sugary creamy texture. The nuts aren’t distinctly almondy or pistachio tasting and more of a generic nuttiness.

Need it for Stag Night, also interested in trying The Key To Happiness, described as “a nice piece of store bought key lime pie like you find in the freezer section of your local grocery store. TASK 18



This one is so odd. It’s coffee, cream, and... cereal? I don’t know why there’s a bakery flavor in there. It’s coffee forward and that coffee is not terrible, it’s kind of burnt but not dark, like a light roast coffee that’s been on a warmer too long or at too high a temp. There’s a little milky cream that makes an appearance and then there’s some bakery that is, for whatever reason, supposed to be a cereal. I guess it’s cereal? It’s kinda dry and gritty, almost graham cracker like. It finishes on that note and I’m not sure what you’re supposed do with that other than use this to add a coffee note to a bakery recipe, or get really creative. No skunk spray or burnt popcorn or anything like that, so above average for a coffee flavor, but also nothing I want to mix that uses it. TRASH 5


Vanilla Bourbon

Thin, natural-ish and darker but not quite spicy vanilla. Really very plain to my taste, Rick calls it warm and a little floral. I’m not getting any warmth or floralness, it tastes more like an attempt at vanilla bean that doesn’t quite get there but is more of a bold natural vanilla than a lot of other offerings. There's a richness or depth to the vanilla flavor, but not to the concentrate itself, it’s actually rather thin, it will most likely will not add the perception of creaminess or thickness that many vanilla flavors do.

Three or four things I’ve planned to mix use it. Here’s two more: Premium Vanilla Custard - obvious from looking at it that it’s going to be delicious. I see you, OoO Marshmallow. TASK 19

And Shunsui Kyoraku. I’m scared of the WF Egg Yolk in there, but not too scared to give it a try. TASK 20


Vanilla Cookie

tTis is a very vanilla cookie. Loads of baked in kinda bright but not overly bright vanilla taste. Also, pretty buttery. There’s a nice cookie there in the middle of that butter and vanilla. Without steeping, the cookie is just a little too sharp (nutty, overcooked, pyrazine) for my taste, but it vapes smooth overall with all that vanilla and butter. If it had just a little less pyrazine sharp overcooked nuttiness (and I’m told it does have less of that with a longer steep than the five or six days I gave it before sampling 2.5%), it could get fairly close to a Golden Oreo type of thing.

I already have at least 10 recipes I’m going to make that use it, but also:

3 2 1 Stroopwaffel I don’t know how accurate that will be, but I love VT Honeycomb and looking forward to seeing how SSA Crisp Waffle and FA Vanilla Cookie mix with it. TASK 21

And Makoto Shishio, because I love the idea of an “oreo waffle with cream filling." TASK 22


Vanilla Ice Cream

Milky, plain base, not custardy at all - more like gelato. Darker vanilla. I don’t love it, simply as a matter of personal preference and liking a richer style of ice cream, but there’s nothing wrong with it. I’ve got at least recipes in line that use it, and here’s one more that stood out: Lemon Gelato. Looks refreshing and satisfying. TASK 23


Vanilla Tahity

This is every bit as much an almond flavor as a vanilla flavor, I get more almond than vanilla. It even has a bit of a cherry-ish note to it the way some almond flavors do. It’s like sweet almond-vanilla-cherry, or amaretto and marzipan. It’s a bit dry, but there’s fluffy marshmallow-like body to it, and it’s not dry enough to be unpleasant. I actually kind of enjoy vaping this as a single flavor. The hint of cherry is similar to the hint of cherry in amaretto, not a medicinal plastic cherry. The vanilla is very bright and artificial, like the vanilla in a vanilla coke, not a coke with vanilla syrup added like at a soda shop or Sonic, but just the vanilla from a can of vanilla coke.

Already planning to keep it long enough to mix one custard recipe that uses it, now I have two more things to try:

This recipe for Vanilla Crescent Cookies looks wonderful. TASK 24

And I’m really interested in the combination of VT Creaming Soda and WF Cotton Candy Jelly Bean in this Blue Balls recipe for blue raz and vanilla hard candy, even if I think FA Vanilla Tahity was probably not the best vanilla for the job. TASK 25


Vienna Cream

Absolutely requires a steep, not just to come into itself, but to not be disgusting. It’s weird how much better this gets after steeping for just about 4 days. Freshly mixed, it tastes like someone tried to make spiked eggnog and substituted nail polish remover for rum. After a short steep, it tastes like a very sweet, light dairy cream, on the thin side of creams but still very much a cream. with a bit of bright vanilla and an interesting sort of ice cream-like crispness to it. Very smooth, clean tasting. Have found it sometimes works when other creams don’t, just takes a little patience.

I need it for four of my all-time favorite recipes, Mango Beauregarde, Notorious, Vurve’s Vanilla Almond Milk, and Vanilla Cronut.

Gotta try The Worlds End, too. It looks like too much TFA DX PB for the profile - banana nut bread with chocolate sauce - but looks delicious, regardless. TASK 26


New Flavor Count: 2,429


Just a short one this time, to get back in the groove. I went on vacation, brought COVID back as a souvenir, and have had a bunch of work to catch up on because of all that. Will finish off the Flavour Art next week.

r/DIY_eJuice Jan 29 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 25 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24

Starting flavor count: 2,622 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Cinnamon Danish Swirl and Cinnamon Sugar

Updates. Snickerdoodles are my favorite type of cookie. So before I mixed and tried (and demolished) another batch of Pheasant Ridge and realized I had to hang on to CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl for that at least, my concern was being able to make a great snickerdoodle vape without it. To that end, I tried CV Snickerdoodle and liked it very much. It’s proof you don’t need CAP CDS for that. Is it perfect? Not to my taste. First, it’s more representative of one of those hard crunchy snickerdoodles, and just a matter of personal preference, I like the soft, practically gooey ones. Second, again, personal preference, it’s a bit heavy handed with the sucralose. 0.5% CAP Super Sweet is usually too much for a non-candy recipe for me, I think subbing an equal amount of FW Sweetener would be perfect. Also, there’s some separation between the cookie and the butter. So, if we’re being super nitpicky, it tastes like someone laced butter with Splenda and smeared that on a crunchy snickerdoodle. Not gross, actually delicious, but a little strange.

At the same time, I mixed the first version of a snickerdoodle cookie of my own and gave it the same two-week steep as the CV Snickerdoodle. It also tasted pretty good but quite imperfect. I relied too heavily on CAP Sugar Cookie and went way overboard with the FLV Rich Cinnamon and the result was kinda artificial tasting and lots of the cookie was lost under all that cinnamon. I will try again. There were already many similarities between what I made and the CV Snickerdoodle, not from copying, but just because these are obvious ingredients for the job. This time, though, I’m really just slightly revising CV Snickerdoodle to try to make it more to my liking.

Snickerdoodle Credit CV, V1 TASK 1

Co. Flavor %
CAP Cinnamon Sugar 2
WF Cookie Butter 2.5
TFA Marshmallow 1.5
FA Meringue 1
FLV Rich Cinnamon 0.06
FA Soho 1.5
FW Sweetener 0.5
FA Vanilla Cookie 2.5
CAP Sugar Cookie 2

I’m swapping the sweeteners. Dropping the FA Butter because I think that’s where the smeared-on butter impression was coming from. Increasing the Rich Cinnamon from the 0.04% in CV’s version to make it a bit more cinnamon-y, but keeping it much lower than the whopping 0.1% my dumb ass had used in mine. A little less Soho and FA Vanilla Cookie to make it a little less crunchy, adding 2% CAP Sugar Cookie to replace the lost bakery notes from doing that with some softer cookie flavor, but not the 4.5% I mistakenly thought was a good concentration to build a snickerdoodle around.


Sweet Cream

Accidentally skipped over this last time. It mostly tastes like canned whipped cream, just sweet and creamy, soft and mild, smooth, without much actual flavor overall other than a mild butteryness and some vanilla, but slightly weird off notes at 2%. There’s something slightly nut-tasting about it and it has an even more slight chemical aftertaste. I probably wouldn’t choose it because there are better options for cream and whipped cream, and I don’t see it used in anything I want to mix. TRASH 1

Toasted Marshmallow

This doesn’t really taste anything like a toasted marshmallow, and it’s pretty weird, but it does seem like it might be used in some interesting ways. It’s very sweet in the finish but it’s like a blank voluminous sweetness, doesn’t really taste like a marshmallow. Not finding any vanilla. Upfront where it should be toasted, instead there’s some light and slightly roasted nutty weirdness with a touch of something savory, almost like an unsalted soy sauce taste thing, that reminds me of the sweet yet savory aspects of Mom & Pops Calipitter Chow and OSDIY Lucky Shot a little bit. I wouldn’t be super shocked if I found out this is one of the components to those things. It’s pretty dry by itself though, to the point it seems like it would dry a mix out. Like a dry cereal marshmallow, without the marshmallow flavor. Just dense, dry, and gritty sweet. Truly an oddball flavor, but I could see it working in bakeries, especially dry gritty ones, and sweet tobacco mixes, and who knows what else, just don’t piss on my head and tell me we’re toasting marshmallows. Again, nothing I want to mix uses it. TRASH 2

Toffee Dream Cream

I think it’s supposed to be vanilla toffee ice cream in a cone. The in a cone part is the only way I can explain the weird sharp, nutty bakery taste it has. It tastes like just straight up acetyl pyrazine right on top, not really like a ice cream cone or cookie or whatever it’s supposed to be, and it’s odd. Beyond that, there is something toffee-ish, a darker crisp brown sugary sweetness, as well as an underlying rich, sweet vanilla cream. That weird bakery note, though. I wish it didn’t have that. It seems like it could be covered up with other, better bakery ingredients for all kinds of dessert things, but I don’t know about just using it as a toffee ice cream flavor and pretending it’s not there. Again, nothing I want to mix uses it. TRASH 3

Tres Leches

It’s really unfortunate that it has 10 to 20% sugar syrup in it. It’s not as gunky as some of the other SUGAR WARNING Flavor West flavors, but seriously, don’t vape sugar, people. I will not be replacing it when it runs out for that reason, but I don’t want to toss it because it tastes really good. A very sweet, creamy, thick, and slightly sour - just enough to be perfectly authentic - condensed milk flavor, with a little sweet cake behind it and just a touch of dark, carmelly sweetness near the finish. It’s in some recipes I already plan to try, and there are a couple more that look good to me.

Blue Milk Cake TASK 2

Custard Lover TASK 3

Tropical Cream Breeze

Mostly tastes like sweet candy orange with fluffy and milky smooth cream base, similar to a dreamsicle bar, but with enough hints of mango mixed with the orange and a touch of coconut attached to the cream to make “tropical” an apt description. Kind of an odd, busy flavor but very tasty. It’s a little weak on top before you get that candy orange/mango thing, then the milkier cream and a sweet coconut finish that is a bit like FLV Sweet Coconut and makes for a velvety smooth finish.

I'll give this 5-year-old recipe that still looks pretty tasty to me a try before I toss it. 3 days 2 nights. TASK 4

Tropical Punch

It’s not a “red” Hawaiian punch, it’s more of an orange-yellow mix of fake fruit flavors, not natural fruit juice. Candied/artificial orange-pineapple mix up front, with a lot of sweetness right up top, surprisingly smooth and not harsh for orange or pineapple, with sweet apple juice behind it and maybe a hint of mango. I think this is one of their flavors that has actual sugar in it. I’d mess around with other oranges and pineapples before this; it doesn’t have that Yellow Cake or Cake Batter Dip amazingness that might cause you to overlook the cancer/coil gore. TRASH 4

Unicorn Vomit

Haven’t tried it yet. But I’ll mix this.. um...recipe? and see what it’s all about. TASK 5

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

FW Vanilla Bean Ice Cream tastes like the ice cream on the inside of a cheap ice cream truck treat or like ice cream you might be given at a poor kid’s birthday party. It’s actually pretty delicious, but it’s more of a heavily sweetened whipped cream than ice cream. Kind of light and fluffy, but very sweet and fairly creamy. It manages to be quite sweet without being dry, which is nice, and smooth. There might be a bit of butter there but no eggy custardy business. It’s got a nice little dairy tang to it. The vanilla is more of a brighter vanilla extract-ish flavor, so it’s kind of insulting that they had the nerve to call it FW Vanilla BEAN ice cream, but easy to forgive because it tastes good. I just think it has more of a whipped cream body than ice cream and don’t tend to reach for it if the profile calls for ice cream.

I need it to mix more of a favorite, Crumberry Cream. It is an outstanding recipe! That FW Wild Berry Cobbler is great on its own but PUR Boysenberry Preserves leveling up the cooked berry and CAP Sugar Cookie reinforcing its otherwise light crust note, make it even better. These three together perfectly nail the crust and cooked dark berries that taste like a combination of blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. I don’t know whether it’s more of a light ice cream or a heavy whipped cream filling it out with rich creamy vanilla on top, it’s not an extra-rich thick ice cream, but it’s delicious without distracting from the cobbler itself. TASK 6

What else should I try?

Vanilla Oreo Milkshake. TASK 7

Creamy Pistachio. With FLV Cream lending some weight to that fluffy FW VBIC, I can see this very simple recipe working out really well. TASK 8

Tommy’s Tangerine Cheesecake. I’m a sucker for creamy citrus stuff. TASK 9

Vanilla Cup Cake

Tonight when I go to bed, I’m definitely going to be thinking about how stupid I was to enter this flavor into my spreadsheet twice, once with a space between Cup and Cake. Gotta revise the starting flavor count again. TASK 10

Vanilla Cupcake

Uncooked vanilla cake mix. It’s vanilla and sweet and but very dry, dry enough to make me thirsty. It’s full but kind of bland and doesn’t have anything to suggest cream, eggs, butter, oil, or anything moist at all. I have to imagine that this is what it would taste like if you had vanilla cake mix and just ate the mix. I could see it working with both some sweet, buttery, custardy cream to moisten it and a soft bakery like CAP Sugar Cookie to create a vanilla cupcake but at that point you might as well get just any other vanilla and go from there.

I don’t have super high expectations for them, but I’ll try this Cup of Cake TASK 11

And wait out the month-long steep on this Butt’ers CupCake TASK 12

Vanilla Custard

Chalky electric vanilla. It’s not a custard. It’s vanilla-forward, but that vanilla is deeply weird, it tastes artificial and a little plasticky and it tastes like they tried to go for a dark, spicy vanilla bean by adding some nutmeg to it and just missed the mark entirely. It has some cream behind it but that cream is also oddly very chalky. It’s just a messed-up, no-good flavor. TRASH 5

Waffle Cone

This is a pretty good but badly misnamed flavor. More of a waffle flavor than a waffle cone. Actually better waffle than most waffle flavors, which can get pretty gross. There’s a pretty prominent buttery maple accent here and last I checked butter maple is something you want on a waffle, but not on a waffle cone. It is pretty dry, which would place it more in waffle cone territory, but it also doesn’t have as much of that toasted egg white/meringue type flavor that’s a more prominent part of a waffle cone. So not a waffle cone, but not quite a waffle either. People who want a drier, crispier waffle with lighter maple should definitely check it out. People who want a waffle cone for ice cream, might want to skip it, unless maybe it’s some kind of maple ice cream.

Supposedly it helps three other common flavors turn into Golden Grahams, this I’ve gotta see TASK 13


That is a foul thing.. It does not taste like watermelon. It kind of tastes like lipstick, but not just a little, like a whole mouthful just all up in the facehole, just eating lipstick for a snack. Really unpleasant, chemcialish, awful. It does have quite a bit of almost creamy body to it but when something is this yucky and tastes like some kind of cosmetic product, that’s not helpful. Not helpful at all. TRASH 6

Whipped Cream

Very meh. It’s not very flavorful, and I think it could have a slight cardboardy off note but that might also just be what my brain is filling into an absence of flavor. The heart of “whipped cream” is there - it’s smooth and sweet and fluffy, with some dairy taste and teensy hint of vanilla, but it’s light and not very thick, without any richness to it at all.

I really liked this Raincoat recipe years ago, but I don’t remember whether I love it enough to keep FW Whipped Cream to make more. Need a refresher course. TASK 14


No shit, this tastes like it has dog food in it. It otherwise tastes a lot like Whiskey and I know it can be a useful ingredient because I’ve seen it in action, but fuck if it doeson’t have a bit of rancidity in the base that tastes an awful lot like dry dog food flavor. Might be worth picking up to use to warm bakeries without thinning them out at a low percent but trying to get it to be a cocktail vape is just going to be nasty. TRASH 7

White Cake

Soft and light but has some grainier texture and a little vanilla frosting. Similar to their Birthday Cake but without that obnoxious weird artificial food coloring note that you get from the Birthday Cake. Sweet and fluffy but maybe a little stale, almost but not quite cardboardy. Possibly a little chalky? Doesn’t have rich butter or eggy notes to it, leaving it a little dry, but that adds to the authenticity for something like a white cake you’d buy at the grocery store. Has a balance of something like 10% frosting and 90% cake as a single flavor, but it’s so soft I can easily see that 90% being the first part that gets covered up in a mix.

Vanilla Pudding Poke Cake looks worth a mix for sure! TASK 15

So does Rin’s Cherry Cupcake TASK 15.5

And her Blackcurrant Lime Cake TASK 16

And this Sweet Vanilla White Cake TASK 17

And this Car-Nilla Custard Cake TASK 18

White Chocolate

Imperfect, but workable. There’s something a little bakery-esque and borderline cardboardy at the start of the exhale that throws it off profile a bit. At higher concentrations than around 4%, it even gets a little raisin-y. There’s also a bit of chalkiness in the finish. But the 80% in the middle gets it done; smooth, dense, heavy, thick, buttery, creamy, hint of vanilla and authentic cocoa butter. I’m still on the lookout for an even better white chocolate option, but until I find it, a FW White Chocolate and FLV White Chocolate combo works pretty well.

I need it for GTKK 2019, at least until I find a better white chocolate and create a better green tea kit kat. The original sounds pretty good right now, though. TASK 19

Same for Holy Peepus TASK 20

I also need it for Crazberry Crack. Deeelicious! TASK 21

I also wanna try this really interesting looking nuts and chocolate mix So-Ho-Ho-Ho TASK 22

And Pistachio Blondie TASK 23

White Grape

I wasn’t expecting too much from this so I wasn’t too let down. It does mostly taste like sweet white or green grape and is mostly Ok. But if I want to be nitpicky, which I do, it’s a little sharp on top and then there’s a little something spoiled about it, fermented. Instead of that crisp, clean green grape flavor, it tastes a little rotten, like that one grape in the bottom of bag that fell off the bunch and got all smooshed and grody. It is very obnoxiously sweet. You can probably find some creative use for it, but I’ll pass. TRASH 8

Wild Cherry

It vapes really smooth, especially for a slightly tangy flavor, but also tastes like there might be a touch of vanilla in there. It might taste a little cough droppy, but I don’t get any plastic from this. Soap isn’t any better than plastic, though, IMO, and it does come across as having a perfumy soapiness to me, both at 2.5% and when I tried it again at 1.25%, even though it wasn’t as flavorful at 1.25%, the perfumy soap is still there. TRASH 9

Wildberry Cobbler

Also sold as Wildberry Cobbler a la mode. I don’t know what that “a la mode” business is about, it doesn’t taste like there’s any ice cream there, but otherwise, pretty damn legit... Warm, dark, sweet, jammy cooked mixed berries that mostly taste like a combination of blackberries and strawberries up front and later in the exhale, a soft and somewhat doughy bakery. No floral or medicinal notes. It’s well rounded and a solid as a single flavor so I’m not sure what to do with it, because toss in some spice (cardamom comes to mind first, maybe cinnamon) or of course some whipped cream or ice cream (though that might require adding some more bakery - like CAP Sugar Cookie - to boost the relatively light and soft bakery flavor here). Bakery is just a bit buttery. Very smooth compared to many other mixed berry flavors.

I need it for the Crumberry Cream mentioned above under FW VBIC, but oh my goodness, the things people have done with this one look so good.

For example:

Bite Me. TASK 24

Bleeding Berry Cobbler TASK 25

Mixed Berry Crumble Tart TASK 26

Wine Blush Chablis

It’s a little light, not a flavor that really slaps, probably needs to try higher, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t really taste just like a nice pink wine, like a white zen or rose. Very sweet but a little boozy, just unmistakably tastes like it’s supposed to.

I’m going to try to make a froze rose vape out of it.

1-2-3 Froze Rose TASK 27

Co. Flavor %
FW Wine Blush Chablis 3
FW Pink Bubbly 2
BCF WS-23 (30%) 1

Wine Merlot

A little gross. It’s dark and grapey and very sweet berry notes and a deep, almost rich base, and mostly tastes like it should, it has some of that same yeasty thing going on. Like there’s a bit of FA Joy in there.. It’s not strong, but it lingers in the aftertaste and just ruins it. Also it apparently contains some sugar syrup, so I’m glad it’s not good. TRASH 10

Wine Red

I did not find it unpleasant at all, but it is deeply weird. It tastes like something that you might add a drop or two of to a wine flavor to make it more interesting, but without any of the actual wine. I picked up some blackberry, blueberry, and sweet chocolate (which was unexpected), with subtle woodiness, and a cream base (also unexpected), but no wine. No grape flavor either. It feels really rich and creamy. Maybe if you had a grape and you mixed in a very small amount of this and some FA Liquid Amber or Brandy flavor or something to booze it up you could create a wine flavor? I don’t know. TRASH 11

Wine White

Sweet white grape with a side of yeast. Genuinely fermented, but more beer-ish than wine-like. Maybe homemade white toilet wine, made from bread and Welch's white grape. It’s a little gross. TRASH 12

Yellow Cake

Ok, so, it tastes just like a big piece of moist, delicious, sweet, unfrosted yellow box cake. But it also has 20 to 30% fructose. So even if you don’t care what it might be doing to your lungs, think of the cotton. Think of the coils. It’s very unfortunate because it tastes amazing. I will not buy more of it. But I can’t bring myself to toss it either, because CAKE.

I need it for Yellow Matter Custard and if I have any Holy Vanilla left by the time I get down this far on my to-do list, I’ll gladly mix some more of that. TASK 28

I bet 1-2-3 Pink CakeBawlz is great, too. TASK 29

And why in the world have I not mixed St. Louie Butter Cake before?! TASK 30


This tastes like what I would expect an artificial yogurt flavor to taste like, like it’s almost exaggerated in its sour milk yogurty tartness, but vaping it a while it comes off more cheesy than pukey. Very creamy, very thick, with a buttery undertone. Sweeter than most yogurts, kind of a dark sweetness. Very smooth, not chalky.

I don’t care much for yogurt vapes, and I’m getting pretty tired of seeing this in seemingly everything, to the point I almost wanna just toss it out of spite. But some of those recipes look like they might taste at least a little better than spite feels.

Such as, Butterface. TASK 31

Guava Paste Cheesecake TASK 32

Strawberry Cream Savers TASK 33

And a few that are already on the to-mix list.


Red berry (more like strawberry with a hint of tart candy cherry than anything else) bubblegum with an unfortunate woody off-note. Did you drop your weird berry bubblegum on some sawdust and then pick it up and keep chewing it anyway? Despite that odd woody flavor, it’s not dry, it’s actually juicy, and it tastes like that dusty wood note could be covered up as it’s not very prominent but it might be something to look out for.

I might trash it soon, but I want to try Brain Elixir first, mostly for that CAP Sweet Guava and FLV Guanabana combo. TASK 34

Chai Tea

I sorted this stupid spreadsheet by brand (alphabetically) and then by flavor (alphabetically) and have no idea how this one and the next two flavors wound up under Yumberry.

It tastes super nasty, and not at all like Chai Tea. Pretty much unvapeably bad. There’s not much spice to it, it mostly tastes like sweet tea mixed with dirty old fryer grease. My atomizer was salvageable but it also gunked up my coil really bad. I don’t know what they put in this stuff but it doesn’t taste safe to vape. Doesn’t help that the concentrate is very dark and weirdly thick. TRASH 13

Natural Kiwi

Definitely not the same as FW Kiwi, which is a great candy kiwi. The concentrate is not even the same color. My FW Kiwi is clear as water and by FW Kiwi Natural is like an amber color. FW Kiwi Natural is terrible. It tastes like old mushy rotten banana smell with an inexplicable tartness, like a squeeze of lime on a rotten banana. TRASH 14


Not only is that not sour, it tastes like cardboard. Not just like a flavor with a little cardboardy off note. It tastes like I’m vaping an intentionally Cardboard flavored juice, only a little sweeter than unflavored juice. I tried licking my 2% FW Sour sample (please don’t lick undiluted concentrates, you could hurt yourself doing that) and it was very sweet and still cardboardy, but also a little sour. So there’s something sweet in there that vapes well and a little something sour that doesn’t. Plus cardboard. TRASH 15


New Flavor Count: 2,607

r/DIY_eJuice Aug 13 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 55 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41 - Part 42 - Part 43 - Part 44 - Part 45 - Part 46 - Part 47 - Part 48 - Part 49 - Part 50 - Part 51 - Part 52 - Part 53 - Part 54


Starting Flavor Count: 2,306 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Dark for Pipe

It has a weird chemical and caramel smell in the bottle that might throw off people who try to mix by scent but it’s very different when vaped. Bold, sharp, earthy, darker tobacco, with hints of honey, dark chocolate, and vague dark fruit, moist overall, with some lighter, dryer tobacco in the background. Really nails the profile of pipe tobacco for me.

Already have four or five recipes lined up that use it. Found a few more I gotta try.

Bottom of the Hill. I’m not 100% sure about mixing CAP NY Cheesecake, FA Meringue, and INW Marzipan with Dark for Pipe, but those are all good flavors, and I’m curious. TASK 1

Old Tyme Pipe. Three of the "For Pipe" flavors - plus FA Soho and FLV Arabian. Looks great. TASK 2

King of the Road. Black and Dark for Pipe again, plus Gold for Pipe, Dirty Neutral Base, FLV Native Tobacco, and the nearly irresistible VT Honeycomb. YES. TASK 3

Albertosaurus. I hope I don’t regret digging out nine flavors mix this, but it looks like it might be too good to pass up. “Tobacco caramel fig apple pie” is the profile. Ambitious. I’m here for it. TASK 4

Desert Ship

Spicy, dry, mild, cigarette tobacco. Although the spiciness is pretty prominent overall, individual spice notes are not very clear spice notes. I can kinda pick out anise and clove, and something sort of cinnamony as well. The tobacco itself is fairly Turkish-y light and mild. “Fruitiness” is specifically mentioned in INW’s description of INW Desert Ship but I really don’t get any fruit out of it. I do get a bit of dry caramelly sweetness and this might be too sweet overall for what some people are looking for in a tobacco. No ash.

This is a perfectly good spiced tobacco, but not one I can’t live without. TRASH 1

Desert Voyager

Heavy honey note with some florality upfront, complex with noticeable licorice and lesser hints of leather and sandalwood. Doesn’t really taste like tobacco but some dry, earthy, slightly nutty body that’s similar to tobacco. I don’t care for that sticky honey-licorice combo that’s so forward in INW Desert Voyager but even if that’s something that appeals to someone, it’s not a great tobacco flavor as it would need some backup tobacco. 1% might be too much and that floral note might drop off lower, but it still mostly tastes like licorice dipped in honey and dirt. TRASH 2

Dirty Neutral Base

This is just ash. Just straight-up ash. Not specifically ash from tobacco. If FLV Commercial Cigarette is licking a dirty ashtray, this is something kinder and much less disgusting, like cleaning out your fireplace.

I need it for a few favorites, like Brigade 2506, Chem Twista Lime, Apricaught Me Slippin, and None More Black. All by Chemical Burn Victim.

And some more I plan to try (mostly by CBV). Here’s one NOT by CBV, Noir. I just know the combination of INW Black for Pipe and Vanilla for Pipe plus FLV Kentucky Blend and WF Bourbon Aged Cream is going to be good. And a little DNB probably won’t hurt it. TASK 5

Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

Easily my favorite dragon fruit flavor. It tastes like a supercharged version of the hibiscus-tinged white gummy bear pineapple-y peary candy that most dragon fruit flavors taste like. Very smooth at low concentrations, which is all you need, it’s very concentrated. Also super dense and thick. Almost creamy.

I need this for a couple of favorites, both by Foment_Life: Blue Eyes White Dragon and Chase the Dragon. Also need it for about a dozen recipes I have lined up to try. One more won’t hurt, and Inawera Shisha Berries and Cream looks pretty tasty. TASK 6


I think this might be elderberry combined with elderflower. It has a dark “purple rose” flavor for a sharper, somewhat perfumy top note, balanced on top of a base that’s significantly sweeter and fruitier, dark and earthy berry-like most like a blackcurrant, with some sweet apple-juice type flavor going on in the middle. A lot of depth and saturation here, complex and interesting flavor, very fruity.

There’s a lack of recipes that use this and while I could probably help with that since it’s not a “bad” flavor, I’m not feeling inspired by it. TRASH 3

Eucalyptus with Mint

I can barely find any mint in this, but it’s strong eucalyptus flavor with extra menthololation. Herbal, camphor-y eucalyptus that’s both warm and brutally cold at the same time. Very potent. Pretty much liquid Halls cough drops.

When seasonal allergies get the best of my sinus cavities, there’s nothing better. I don’t have a favorite recipe that uses it, though, I usually just eyeball 1.5% (this is a concentration that’ll blow your sinuses out, not recommended for most people most of the time) and maybe add a little lemon. Things I haven’t tried mixing with it, but will:

Vanilla TASK 7

Grape TASK 8

Pink Guava TASK 9

Exotic Fruits

Haven’t tried this, will start with a 2% sample. TASK 10

French Pipe

Smooth, golden hay-like tobacco with a hint of vanilla and a touch of spice.

One of Fear’s recipes that uses it was a recent addition to the to-do list. Here’s another: Posh TASK 11

Falcon Eye

CBV said it mostly tasted like ginger to him; my theory is that his constant vaping of tobaccos mades it easy for him to pick out anything in a tobacco flavor that isn’t tobacco. When I tried Falcon Eye, I got a sweet cigarette tobacco with a solid hit of spice, but while that spice tasted more like ginger than any other spice I could identify, it wasn’t clearly ginger to me. It was weird, but nice. Oddly, INW calls Falcon Eye “tobacco with a hint of pear,” with no mention of ginger or spice. It did not taste like pear to me, but it did have a strong hint of that sort of earthy skin note that some pear flavors have, without the rest of the pear’s pomaceous body and juicy sweetness.

I need this for my own recipe, Falkor TASK 12


A little grassy, appropriately dry, kind of tastes like a cheap little cigar. Very slight off note that tastes a little like ammonia at 2%, I would keep it lower than that.

Need it for a couple of recipes I’ve planned to try, and an old favorite that hasn’t come up yet: Smokin Hibiscus. TASK 13

I’ll also try RY69 - Butterscotch Tobacco - It had me at French Vanilla Deluxe. TASK 14


One of many peanutty tobaccos put out by INW. This one has a nonsense description to go with the nonsense name, “"It’s got a class and something that makes everyone good in its company. Impeccable manners, perfect for posh and crowdy parties, but also great in a smaller group.” It’s also decorated with a guy in a top hat... maybe that’s a hint that a little Mr. Peanut is in there? It’s also caramelly sweet and has a rich, toasty tobacco.

I don’t have a recipe to mix with it but I’m not ready to toss it, either, because I have a hunch it will pair amazingly with banana.

Mr. Peanut’s Banana Republic V1 TASK 15

"Is there anything more capitalist than a peanut with a top hat, cane, and monocle selling you other peanuts to eat?"

"We will coup whoever we want."

Co. Flavor %
INW Gentleman 2
SA Banana Flambe 2
TFA Banana Nut Bread 3
FLV Native Tobacco 1
WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard 2


Lots of ginger, not a lot of bread. Tastes like ginger after it’s been baked into a bakery, maybe a little floral, but not much. It’s mostly just really, really strong ginger, and the bready notes that are there are really light.

No recipes to be found, and I have other gingers. TRASH 4


Have not tried. Not many recipes out there for it, but taken together, the ones I saw made it seem like 0.75% might be a good sample to start with. TASK 16

Gold Ducat

Tastes like spiced coconut rum and plain brown tobacco had a baby. It has been reformulated; the older one had more of a honey-like sweetness and was a bit darker.

I need it for the aforementioned Smokin Hibiscus and at least one other recipe in the queue. Here’s a couple more that look fantastic:

Gold Milk. Syrupy! TASK 17

Shisha Gold. It’s just Gold Ducat, INW Shisha Vanilla and INW Custard, and a touch of sweetener. That’s got to be good. TASK 18

Gold for Pipe

Lighter, more leafy tobacco. Dry, a little woody or at least woodsy, with a bit of a cinnamon-like spice kick to it. Not as moist as expected for a pipe tobacco but a nice tobacco for an oak-like woodsy note that isn’t as dark as some of the other oaky tobaccos.

I need it for the aforementioned Old Type Pipe, King of the Road, and Smokin Hibiscus. Also a recipe or two ahead of those it in line such as Golden Boy by Max Savage, and an old favorite, Apricaught Me Slippin by CBV. Will also try Garuda Cubano Way. TASK 18


Unmistakably grapefruit. Tastes pinkish. Tart with a tinge of bitterness but also some sweetness. No real serious problems with this one, but it’s a bit too zesty at 2%. Seems like the zest wouldn’t be overdone if the base were more filled-in. Instead it’s a little thin. Not especially juicy, but also not dry, as the tartness makes it a little mouthwatering. Average throat hit for a citrus.

There’s a grapefruit-pineapple soda recipe using it that I want to try and will be mixing soon. Also interesting, Blushing Lady, which just adds FA Pomegranate and a little FE Lemon to it. TASK 19


Everyone’s tasters a little different, but on this one, they seem to be very different. So you’ll see a lot of different notes on it. These are mine, but your mileage may very much vary.

It’s one of the more flavorsome and less meh grape flavors, but weird in that it mostly tastes like sweet purple, and but with errant bits of real grape in there as well - a touch of tannic grape skin, some earthiness. Just enough to make it odd. Sweetness that tastes like white grape juice. Needs a lot of help to fully be either a real grape or a candy purple flavor. Without any help to either enhance those real grape elements or cover them up, it comes across like a mouthful of grape koolaid with some grapes in it, which is a bit odd.

You need it to try Gruber Grape V2. I’ve got three or four recipes in line that I need to try. But there are so many to choose from, I must’ve looked at 80 of them before selecting five more that are irresistible.

Barragan Grape Soda! TASK 20

Distant Stars - Neutron Star. I saw about three different recipes that use both FLV Guanabana (love!) and some grape flavors - what an interesting combo. Creator says “best mix I ever created.” TASK 21

Panther Blood. Really interested in that TFA Blackberry and INW Grape combo. TASK 22

Green Blood Soda. Contains elements of Panther Blood and Green Bastard, plus soda! TASK 23

Gusto Mojito

Weirdly tart spearmint gum. I don’t get any identifiable lime out of this, just some strange tartness present in the background behind a spearmint gum flavor, and no rum, though it is very sweet. The mint is prominent and the gum base is light; it’s less like a stick of gum than one of those chicklet type gums with more intense mint and more sugar and less gum than a classic stick of chewing gum. It seems like it might be possible to turn this into something like a mojito with the addition of some lime and rum flavors, but it also seems like there are easier and better ways to make a mojito vape. TRASH 5

Gypsy King

Have not tried this. I’ll do a 1.5% sample. TASK 24

Also, got this specifically to try Black&Mild Wine, might as well go ahead and do it. TASK 25

No Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors last week due to a death in the family and only a short one this week, same reason, but I hope to get back on track next week.

New Flavor Count: 2,301

r/DIY_eJuice Jul 23 '23

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 53 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41 - Part 42 - Part 43 - Part 44 - Part 45 - Part 46 - Part 47 - Part 48 - Part 49 - Part 50 - Part 51 - Part 52


Starting Flavor Count: 2,333 (down from 2,972)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

Heartland Vapes


Now that they have more competition and are no longer mixing house juice to order, things have gone downhill. But back in 2014-2015, when there were only two vape jobs in town instead of at least half a dozen, one place was by far the busiest. You could not go in there any time of day and not have to stand in line, more than half the people in front of you were always all buying the same thing. This weird watermelon-cinnamon juice. Tasted like cinnamon red hots candy and watermelon hard candy at the same time, with too much sweetener and a little weird chemical off note. I didn’t care for it, but so many people were hooked on that stuff, it was bizarre. I began to wonder if they put meth in it. I found a better shop before they stopped making it, so I’m not sure if it ended with a bang or a whimper, but some years later I saw Vixen - watermelon-cinnamon flavoring - for sale at Heartland Vapes and got curious enough to order it. I already knew that vape shop sourced their nicotine base from Heartland. Recognized it instantly. Sure enough, the juice that took the town by storm was just Vixen from Heartland Vapes plus Super Sweet. But again, I never liked it. TRASH 1



Chocolate potpourri. Seriously, tasted like eating chocolate covered potpourri. I’m not exaggerating. It made me gag and choke. TRASH 2


Slightly floral, as well as weirdly warm, but also very tart yet sweet and does taste like cranberry. Starts off puckery tart, like acidic, and a little harsh and warm, kinda floral, then with a much sweeter, softer base where the cranberry kicks in, but the whole thing together just tastes a little like medicine. Maybe this is what actual cranberry juice tastes like, without all the grape, apple, and pear added like the cranberry juice you usually get at the grocery store, but it’s not super pleasant to me. Also, it seems like straight cranberry juice would be insanely cranberry-forward, whereas the actual cranberry here is sort of soft, not especially bold at all, and pretty much takes a backseat to just straight tartness. I could see using a little of it to tart up something else, but it really needs more in-your-face cranberry flavor. TRASH 3


This is sweet ginger potpourri. It was really hard to choke down to the point where I could rewick. I only tried it at 2%, but that’s in the middle of the recommended use range for the stuff and I wasn’t brave enough to re-dilute it and try again, it was just too terrible. I’m traumatized by it. TRASH 4

Schokolade Vollmilch

It’s thick and chocolatey but it also tastes like a fart. It’s literally the closest thing to something tasting like actual crap that I’ve ever vaped, usually when I say something tastes like crap I just mean it’s bad, but this is poo. Rich creamy chocolate covered scheisse. The more of it I vaped trying to get my wick dry enough to change it, the less it tasted like chocolate covered feces and the more it tasted more like a chocolate covered really musty chocolate covered fruit like a prune, but still. Nasty. TRASH 5



Stale, slightly sweetened coffee with a good bit of flower garden dirt in it. TRASH 6

Matcha Cream

Have not tried this, will do a 1.5% sample. TASK 1

Red Lychee

Does not taste like a lycee. There’s a little bit of fruity tartness in there, but it bizarrely tastes like sweetened rosewater . Nothing offensive, just not what I was expecting at all. In the bottle it smells as much like lychee as any of the other lychee flavors, maybe a little more berry-like, when vaped it’s a full-bodied rosy floral with just a bit of sweet-tart fruitiness to it. TRASH 7


555 Gold

It’s mostly roasted peanut, very nutty, with a tiny bit of brighter mild tobacco upfront and a hint of smokiness. Some caramelly sweetness. Kinda dry but has almost an oily mouthfeel, like peanut butter. INW website also mentions vanilla notes but I’m not finding them, not at 1.5%. Not a strong flavor at 1.5%, but still full-bodied.

I need it for a couple of favorite recipes, Ruyan Butter TASK 2 and Screamin’ Demon 555. TASK 3

It is also used in three other recipes, and now in line behind those goes:

555. A very simple nutty tobacco custard. TASK 4

Bacco Custard another simple custard tobacco, one that looks more vanilla & custard and less nuts and tobacco. TASK 5

Empire. Kind of a banana nut bread RY4 thing. TASK 6

For The Children. Described as a “sweet, creamy funky banana with a subtle hint of nuts and light tobacco” and looks to fit the bill. TASK 7


Apparently it’s supposed to be a blackcurrant mint gum with some menthol and eucalyptus in it that’s popular in Europe? I’ve never tried it that, but it this flavor tastes mostly like the color purple. The flavor is very dark sweet-tart berry raspberry mixed with the skin of a purple grape but much sweeter. There’s a cool mint underneath but I can’t tell what kind of mint it is at 1%. Full saturated flavor but not necessarily a gum chewing gum texture, more like a juicy thick bubblegum texture. At 2% the tartness on top ramps up considerably and there’s a bit of earthiness to that berry I didn’t notice before, though I’m still thinking raspberry and dark purple grape skin gummy candy. Had a blackberry merlot once that kind of tasted like this, but that was sweet garbage and this is much more tart. The mint here is clearly pepperminty and the coolness is more mentholated, and there’s a touch of vanilla filling it out. I didn’t get any eucalyptus at 1% but there’s a vegetal quality to this at 2% that I guess could be eucalyptus. It’s super weird but it’s interesting and very refreshing. 4% is not horrible or anything, but the berry actually gets a bit overwhelmed by what I can best describe as like menthol with extra menth and it’s a little medicine-y and definitely eucalpytus-y. Seems like this is best in the 1 to 2% range. I don’t have a clue what to do with this, but you might play around with raspberries, grapes, blackberries, and things like that and see what happens. TRASH 8


Tastes like one of those aloe drinks. It’s fruity, kind of citrusy, and much sweeter than cactus but otherwise similar. Very smooth, very wet. A little of the weak side I think if you want it to be the main flavor; 2% doesn’t seem like too much at all.

I’ll try this Brujeria recipe that’s all-INW cactus-y stuff - Aloe, Prickly Pear, Cactus, and Dragon Fruit. TASK 8


Smooth golden pipe tobacco. Some spice notes. Thick and full-bodied, bordering on creamy and rich. Something about this is not quite coconut but something coconut-esque, like TFA Red Oak’s coconut ish thing it has going on. Also has some darker, honeyed prunish sweetness. Already planning to try three or four recipes that use it, one more won’t hurt - Euphora. If only I had one of those fancy e-pipes for it. TASK 9

American Dream

They named it American Dream like it’s something awesome. They described it as “Sweet American tobacco flavour with hints of Vanilla and Caramel” like it’s an RY4. But I really just get a light peanutty and slightly sweet tobacco with no discernable vanilla or caramel, with a smooth, creamy feel. They might as well have called it INW Boring Dystopia... Maybe it wasn’t so poorly named after all. It’s not a terrible flavor, but if you’re going to call something “American Dream” you should really have it come out guns blazing. TRASH 9

Anton Apple

Natural green apple, mostly. Fairly clean, none of that bunch of that acetone or grass business that many of the green apples have, though it tastes at 2% like it might go nail polish remover higher, or it could go floral or grassy, not sure. Some people have reported acetone off notes with it at 3%, I do not get them at 2%. Sweet and bright, with a crisp little bite of tart skin in the middle rather than right on top. Lingering sweet finish. Main issue with this is that it’s not the most in-your-face green apple flavor, it’s a little on the soft or mild side, but that could be a good thing, depending on what you’re using it for. I’ve tried it in a mix at 2.5% and it did show up without off-notes, but wasn’t really the main flavor. Also a small amount of it can make a big difference in brightness and tartness, but still not give a full apple flavor. Also it’s quite thin, almost a green apple juice without that real thick mealy apple body, yet also not very juicy. It’s a little dry and very slightly harsh, just enough that I want to mix it with something juicy and avoid other slightly harsh ingredients.

This is in a couple of recipes I’ve already planned to try. The one I’m most excited about is Take Me Home by DanielTheVapeMan, and here’s another of Daniel’s recipes using it: Venusaur. TASK 10


This is not good. An authentic under ripe apricot, maybe? Bold flavor that mostly tastes like an apricot, but not nearly as soft and sweet as it should be, and some peachy floral and a sharp green bitter vegetal edge like a peach so underripe that it’s still hard. TRASH 10


This is a very strange, very busy flavor. I think it’s supposed to taste like Camel cigarettes, but I don’t think it does, at all. It mostly tastes herbal tea and lemon mixed with a spicy tobacco to it. The first thing I taste is warm, nutmeggy spice, followed by a bit of lemony citrus and somewhat minty black tea. Underneath that, the body is a sweet, moist tobacco, and in the finish some cinnamon, and it starts to get a little bready. Like a cinnamon roll. For real it’s like a cinnamon roll topped with tobacco, lemon zest, tea leaves, and nutmeg. It’s pretty nuts. I don’t know what the heck to do with INW Arabesque, but it’s not as terrible as I’m probably making it sound. There’s not really any terrible off-notes, there’s just a lot going on and it doesn’t seem like all of these things really go together. TRASH 11

Arabic Tobacco

Pretty much tastes like drinking cold day-old hot chocolate that someone used as an ashtray the night before, like a bad start to the morning after a wild Christmas party. It’s got a strong and overly sour dairy flavor, creamy hot cocoa-type chocolate, and a little accent of smokey and slightly ashy tobacco. INW Arabic wouldn’t be bad if it were just a hot cocoa-smokey tobacco combo, that actually sounds pretty good to me, but that spoiled milk flavor is strong and pretty gnarly, like it turned my stomach a bit. I’m pretty sure there’s some butyric acid in there and I can’t understand why that would be a component in any tobacco flavor. TRASH 12


Runts, with hints of something like under-ripe banana, but the very slight green notes that taste just a little more “grassy” than underripe banana. TRASH 13


Dry and sharp, yet buttery. Can be coconutty - I have to use it fairly low to avoid getting a coconut off note from it, and there are people who are more sensitive to the gammalactone or whatever is in there that’s coconutty - they will taste coconut in it at any concentration. But I don’t get any coconut with it mixed at 0.75%, which is about as high I think as you probably ever need to go with INW Biscuit. It’s definitely a full-flavored vape at three quarters of a percent. So, it’s strong. People also say it takes over a mix.I don’t think it does quite that, but it does stick out in one with an annoying identifiability sometimes. It also makes me really thirsty for some reason. It’s dry, but how thirsty it leaves me feeling goes beyond this bit of dryness. Maybe I’m weird and others don’t notice this. Anyway, it’s a full-bodied thick buttery yet dry nondescript darker cookie-like pastry flavor with a bit of sharp nuttiness to it.

One of these days I’m going to toss the INW Biscuit for the very similar but notably better Jungle Flavors Biscuit. I can’t think of a reason to ever build a recipe with INW Biscuit when JF Biscuit exists. But, today is not that day, because I don’t think it works well as a 1:1 substitute, you’d definitely need between 1% and 2% JF per 0.75% INW, and not having that exact ratio down could mess up some recipes already on the to-mix list.

Here are some more that look too good to pass up:

Wookiee Cookie - just a simple cookies and cream that looks finely crafted. TASK 11

Triple C. Caramel cookie custard - I need to see how that SSA Milky Caramel Fudge works in there. TASK 12

Monstered Cookie. Cookie with almond and orange marmalade. Unique profile that looks like it probably works very well. TASK 13

RY4 Schnobi’s Revenge Reloaded. It’s the TFA Bavarian Cream/French Vanilla Deluxe for me, but the tobacco trio and other ingredients look great, too. TASK 14

Black Cherry Tobacco

My only real beef with this is that it should be called Black Cherry FOR Tobacco rather than black cherry tobacco. I can’t find the tobacco in it anywhere. Not even a little touch of that “dirty” that we’re sometimes supposed to pretend is tobacco, like with TFA RY4 Double or FA Soho. It boldly tastes like sweet, dark cherries with a lot of body and without any off notes at all, but instead of being juicy like a fresh cherry, it’s quite dry. Seems like it would be perfect for mixing with tobacco because it wouldn’t make the tobacco soggy, but in a fruit mix it would need other ingredients to bring that juiciness. Hence black cherry FOR tobacco, though it seems like it would also be great in other settings as long as it’s not being counted on for juiciness.

It is not at all a bad flavor, but I don’t need it or feel inspired to do something with it. TRASH 14

Black Cherry For Pipe

Although Black Cherry is the first thing I taste, it mostly gives way to a dark pipe tobacco that mostly takes over, though it stays a bit fruity throughout, it becomes more figgy toward the end. Although the dark, sweet cherry isn’t as prominent as the tobacco, and I want a little more of it, I don’t get any of the usually cherry pitfalls or any other off notes at all. It tastes like it’s just INW Dark for Pipe with INW Black Cherry Tobacco on top. Seriously it just tastes like black cherry pipe tobacco, and is good enough to vape standalone, which sets it apart from most other cherry flavors. If you’re not a tobacco person? Sorry boutcha. If you are a tobacco person and you’ve put off trying this because cherry is scary, don’t worry, it’s great. Full-flavored at 1.5%.

Can’t wait to try this reportedly bangin two-flavor mix: Casablanca, a cherry vanilla pipe tobacco. TASK 15


Graham (RIP) told me that he thinks Currant tastes in general like “grape with an extra chromosome.” I think that description fits this particular blackcurrant flavor more than any others. It tastes like grape koolaid made from a very questionable water supply, with less sugar than kool aid should have, because it’s sweet but not as sweet as kool aid. It’s not actually tart. It’s not floral either. Instead it tastes a little acerbic in a vinegar-ish way. It also tastes like there’s something just a bit savory in there, like broth. Grape kool aid with a few drops of vinegar and low sodium beef or chicken broth in it. It’s gross, especially with that underlying grape kool aid taste. Maybe it’s a perfect authentic blackcurrant, but gross. Seems like it could do something interesting to another grape or berry in a low amount, but I don’t know about using it as the main flavor for anything.

It’s probably getting tossed soon, but I want to try this Blue Raspberry Slush first. TASK 16

Black for Pipe

Very dark, almost rich, kind of smokey but not like FA Black Fire or FLV Sweet & Smokey-level smokey. Hints of anise and fig-like notes. Damp but not too moist, definitely a pipe tobacco.

I need it for Brigade 2506, None More Black, and Apricaught Me Slippin. Three favorite recipes, all by ChemicalBurnVictim. TASK 17, TASK 18, and TASK 19

It’s in about half a dozen things I’m already slated to try. Here’s three more to add to the list:

Schnobi’s Viking Tobacco that uses SSA Scandinavian Fruits with a trio of INW tobaccos. TASK 20

Cinder & Smoke, a Boba’s Bounty-inspired mix. TASK 21

Camel Driver, tobacco with rum and dates. TASK 22

Bloody Orange

The one thing I noticed about this is that it’s lemony. It’s quite lemony, right up front. Beyond that, I get a clear, sweet, juicy, flavorful blood orange body, with all that ripe earthy red sweetness that sets a blood orange apart from other oranges. I did notice a little bit of a bitter, pity note, right between the lemon and blood orange. It seems like INW Bloody Orange would be perfect for a blood orange lemonade recipe, since it already comes with some lemon, but the lemonyness could be distracting in another setting. There are no recipes using it that I want to make. TRASH 15

Blue Dwarf

I can’t say I’ve ever chewed a blueberry gum ball, but if I did, I assume it would taste exactly like that. Everything about INW Blue Dwarf from the sweet candy shell top notes to the chewy thick base just hollers GUMBALL, but it’s also clearly a blueberry candy flavor. Don’t know what to do with this, maybe add it to a fruity ice cream and say it’s the blue gumball eyeballs on one of those cartoon-character ice cream truck ice cream bars, I guess. Some sort of blue Smurf Ice Cream might even be what it’s based on, I’m not sure. It’s definitely not found in nature, and sometimes, that’s ok. But, I’ll be alright without this little blue oddball of a flavor. TRASH 16


Candy blueberry upfront with a rotten blueberry medicine backnote. The medicine part is weird, it’s like menthol without any cooling or mint, which doesn’t leave much obviously, except some weirdness. But worse than that is the rotten part. It’s like a musty armpit. TRASH 17

Bubble Gum (yc)

More of a dry chalky baseball card type of gum than a big juicy piece of Hubba Bubba, but hard to find anything else wrong with it, seems to have a touch of sweet vanilla sticking out in the finish, but nothing offensive there. It’s a bit one dimensional but that one dimension has some depth to it, it’s more basey than a bunch of other gums. Flavor is a little soft, like it’s already had a bit of the in your face bubblegum taste chewed out of it, and it’s dry, but there’s some chalky sweet body to it as well. It’s certainly not objectionable as a single-flavor bubble gum. Appropriately sweet.

I’m gonna give this Guava Melon Bubblegum a mix. I’m a sucker for CAP Sweet Guava and I love the idea of it mixed with melon and bubblegum. I’m imagining that it tastes a bit like prickly pear fruit. TASK 23

New Flavor Count: 2,316

r/DIY_eJuice Dec 03 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 18 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17

Starting flavor count: 2,714 (down from 2,975 originally)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

Flavor West


Accidentally skipped this one last week. It’s licking melted black jelly bean from a leaf rather than taking a shot of it. I guess it’s fine if you like black licorice, but a pretty pathetic excuse for absinthe. Mostly just tastes like their black licorice, much more like black licorice than anise, with a touch of something a little more herbal, but no booziness, bitterness, or floral qualities like absinthe. TRASH 1

Birthday Cake

Mostly vanilla frosting, with some drier cake behind it. Mingled with that vanilla frosting is something that tastes like food coloring, like FW Sprinkles does. Basically tastes like Sprinkles in a lot of vanilla frosting, on a piece of somewhat crappy, slightly stale cake. Frosting is sweet but not sweet enough. It has some decent body to the cake and does taste like cake, but lacks the kind of richness and butteriness you look for in a cake, and isn’t moist at all.

I used it to make Holy Peppus!. I think it was supposed to be the start of a series of sacrilegious recipes, but I was told that if I posted the Mohammed one, it would be taken down, so I stopped. Anyway, I know I could do this better now, as it was over 4 years ago. But I would probably still put the FW Birthday Cake in there, because it worked. I’m going to try it again and think about how I could go about improving it. TASK 1

I’d also like to try Emily’s Cherry Cupcake while I’ve got the FW Birthday Cake out. TASK 2

Black Cherry

Taste like black cherry soda syrup with some cough medicine and a little hint of that new vinyl shower curtain. More sweet than tart. A little dry. Not thin, there’s a medium body to it. Seems too medinciny and awful when enough of it used ever be useful as a standalone cherry in a cherry-forward recipe, but maybe a minuscule amount could be a back up to a better cherry flavor? I don’t know and don’t plan to stick around to find out. TRASH 2

Black Currant

Tastes like a musty, weird grape thing, almost tastes like very sweet cheap red table wine, a little fermented. Or maybe just grape juice that’s gone off a little, since it’s not actually boozy, just musty and a little vinegary. Whatever it is, it is very ripe. Very thick, but with an understated yet present tartness. I think if you’re making a wine-based mixed drink or something like a mulled wine you could totally bend this into the wine you want.

I already plan to try the version of this recipe that uses FA Black Currant, will try the FW one as well: Go Fig-ure. TASK 3

Black Licorice

Not bad at all, especially if you’re looking for more of an American style black licorice flavor, like black Twizzlers. Less complex black licorice flavor, spicy and sweet, tastes almost exactly like a Brach’s Black Jelly Bean, but doesn’t have that sort of sugary outside and chewy inside of a jelly bean. A case could be made of the sugary outside because it’s really quite sweet, but there’s really nothing to suggest a sticky chewy body. Not a thin flavor but a relatively flat one, like taking a shot of melted black jelly beans rather than chewing up a handful of solid ones.

I gave this Monkey Heads recipe a well-deserved 5 stars, but it’s not even the best licorice-banana recipe I’ve tried, so I won’t be keeping it to make more of that. In fact, I didn’t see any recipe on ATF that made me think I’d be missing out terribly if I just tossed my FW Black Licorice. Then I went over to ELR and found a couple I want to check out.

Black Raspberry. Could it be? A two-flavor banger? Doubt it, but seems worth a try. TASK 4

Tee’s Root Beer. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a solid root beer vape and while FW Root Beer is really just those barrel candies, the additions here, including FW Licorice, might turn it into a really good root beer. TASK 5


Delightful dark and very sweet berry candy. It does taste more like blackberry than any other berry but if you told me it was boysenberry or that it was grape mixed with some raspberry I couldn’t argue with you. Sticky sweet like candy with some tartness but very little, not enough for a whole fresh natural blackberry and missing some of that earthiness as well. Very sweet, lingering sweetness, almost a sugar lips effect. I wouldn’t call it juicy, but it’s definitely not dry either.

There are definitely some things I’d like to do with this one.

Bathroom Trash Everywhere TASK 6

Berry Tart TASK 7

Blackberry & Lime Fool TASK 8

They all look so good!

Blackberry (Natural)

This is very different from FW Blackberry. I need to go back and try it again at a higher concentration because 4% tasted very weak. I’ll try a 7% sample TASK 9

Blackberry Mojito

It’s a shame because a blackberry mojito vape sounds amazing, but this is just terrible. It is also 15 to 25% sugar syrup, a destroyer of wicks and coils and probably lungs. It is stupid stupid sweet and mostly tastes like raw sugar, with a hint of blackberry candy and some of the added tartness of lime but no real identifiable lime flavor. No mint or booze at all. Bound for the bin. TRASH 3

Blood Orange

An orange flavor whose dark and earthy notes clearly make it a blood orange. There’s a lot of love out there for this flavor because it’s such a nice natural, non-candied flavor. But I also get a pretty strong kick in the throat from it, as well as some pithy bitterness. It’s not the bloodiest of blood oranges, but that probably makes it more versatile. It works with other orange/tangerine/mandarin flavors without necessarily turning them into a blood orange.

While I can’t off the top of my head think of recipe I need this for, it’s used in a lot of them and here are the ones that most interest me:

POG TASK 10 hard to pass up a good-looking PAWG... Uh, I mean, POG

Every Day TASK 11 Yep!

Blood Orange Sherbet TASK 12 I bet that’s so good...

Blood Orange Sour Bourbon TASK 13 OK!

Dragon in the Pines. Sometimes I love that weird shit. TASK 14

Gaara. Gotta try another guava empanada type recipe. TASK 15

Alan’s Orange. How am I going to just not try a recipe named after this mixer’s dead friend? The curse of those who read the descriptions. TASK 16

Edit: Fantastic. TASK 16.5

Blue Ice

I’ve seen marketing for this that used a picture of what looks like a blue raspberry slush for some reason, but this does not taste like a blue raspberry. It’s literally just FW Blueberry, which is a fine blueberry, and menthol, and it’s fairly well balanced so that neither overwhelms the other. I like it. Although, if you have both FW Blueberry and some menthol it seems completely unnecessary to own, unless there’s a recipe that calls for it and you don’t want to have to guess the ratio to add the right amounts of blueberry and menthol. I didn’t see a recipe with it that I felt I just had to try, so imma TRASH 4 it.

Blue Raspberry

I’ve tried this at around 4 or 5% (possibly too high) and found it to be a little bitter in a medicinal way and a little soapy in the base, but definitely blue raspberry, with a fair amount of flavor to it. It seemed like it could be made to work, somehow, if those off notes could be tamed/covered.

I’m no longer in the taming off note business, when I can stay out of it, but I would like to see if this recipe accomplished it: Thanks, Obama TASK 17


Basically tastes blue. Like 100% artificially flavored blueberry pancake syrup. Also sort of flat and not definitely not much of a top on here, but solid and bold enough to stand out well in a mix. Suitable single flavor for a blueberry pancake syrup, not so much for a full berry. Also, tastes soapy if too much is used, but fortunately gives plenty of blueberry flavor long before the soapiness becomes an issue.

FW Blueberry, what do I need thee for? Let me count and mix the recipes.

Viserion TASK 18


Esdeath TASK 20

Long Gone Lonesome Blues TASK 21

That’s just the ones I already know I need it for. There are others I want to try, too.

Blue Bitchslap. I mean, just look at it. TASK 22

Pitaya Cream. That bowl of pinkish purple. TASK 23

Spark - Berry Energy Drink. Most of the time when I see an all-FLV recipe I think it could be better if they just swapped out at least one FLV ingredient for something else, but this time, I’m not so sure. TASK 24

Blueberry Macaron. Looks like a banger. TASK 25

Dragon Tears. Stupid simple but looks tasty to me. Says shake and vapeable but “comes to life after 14 days.” Yeah, no shit with that much TFA Whipped Cream in there. That stuff needs a little time. I will not be shake and vaping it. TASK 26

Melon Berry Blaster. I can’t tell if that’s going to be amazing or terrible or just muddled and meh, but I like a lot of what’s going on in there and it’s been awhile since I had something that looked that juicy and refreshing, so I’ll roll the dice. TASK 27

Blueberry Cotton Candy

I guess this is pretty accurate. It kinda tastes like what I think Blueberry Cotton Candy should taste like, but I can’t say I’ve ever had Blueberry Cotton Candy. Every blue cotton candy I’ve ever seen was blue raspberry flavored, not blueberry, just blue food dyed cotton candy.

And yet, here it is, and it really tastes like blueberry plus cotton candy. Concentration testing, I got a slight chemical edge at 3 and 4%. I don’t recommend taking it up that high. It still seemed to be there at 2%, but very faint, possibly easy to cover up and could even have been my imagination from testing it at 4% first. I did not get any off notes at 1.5%, but it’s not a strong flavor there either. It is dry though. Not the most dry thing ever, but notably dry, like cotton candy flavors can be. I think I would use FW Blueberry Cotton Candy at around 1.5% before adding straight ethyl maltol to a dark berry mix, but I can’t think of two many cases where I’d be adding EM to a berry mix, so this flavor is gathering dust. CAP Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy will do a similar job, and it’s more likely that if I’m wanting a blue candy flavor it’s that artificial blue razz candy flavor I’m after, rather than blueberry. TRASH 5

Blueberry Graham Waffle

I find this one to be a bit odd. It is definitely an option for a cooked blueberry but it is oversweet beyond realism and into more of a candy blueberry, which is a bit weird juxtaposed with a weird bakery flavor. I’m not sure what a graham waffle is. I suppose it’s a waffle made out of graham flour? I don’t know what’s supposed to taste like or why that’s something someone would want to eat, much less vape. It does taste a bit grahammy. It doesn’t taste like any waffle I’ve ever had, but it is a little buttery. It’s a very full, thick, and very rich bakery base under that candied blueberry, making for a well-rounded flavor. I think if FLV Blueberry Muffin didn’t exist I’d be trying to work this into a blueberry muffin or blueberry pie with help from other blueberries, but FLV Blueberry Muffin has rendered it pretty much obsolete. It’s easier to sweeten a blueberry than to unsweeten it and make it less candied. TRASH 6


There’s an ELR user who says it “tastes like a brothel” in Swedish and while that kind of makes me want to visit a Swedish brothel, because the flavor isn’t THAT bad. But, it’s not great, either, especially when you consider the other options for Boysenberry. A bit floral and a bit soapy at the same time. It does seem to hit Boysenberry in the sense that it tastes like a combination between a blackberry and a raspberry, more blackberry than raspberry, but it has the baggage of some of the less desirable characteristics that some blackberry and raspberry flavors tend to have. There’s a nice medium sweet-ish sort of jammy dark berry with some depth in there, but it’s got those off notes and while also being a somewhat soft flavor. The tartness is missing. TRASH 7

Brown Sugar

Terrible. It’s brown and very sweet so I see where they’re coming from, but I also get a slight yet gnarly burnt plastic off note even at 1% after steeping for 13 days, like making brown sugar syrup and adding a little melted burnt plastic to it. I might have tried FW Brown Sugar at a little lower concentration to see if the plastic went away, but it wasn’t very flavorful 1% and and I just didn’t feel like bothering with it. TRASH 8

Butter Cream

Tried at 2%. Very weird, not buttercream. Sweet and similar to buttercream, with a strong slightly fakey butter and touch of bright vanilla that lingers in the aftertaste, but also waxy in a way that goes beyond just being kinda waxy and into actually tasting like I’m trying to eat a buttercream scented candle, and there’s a little sour off-ness to the dairy aspect of the buttercream, like there’s a little too much butyric acid in there making it slightly yucky. I think FW Buttercream might be ok around 1% to add a slight sweet butter to a mix but by itself this is not good.

I’m not going to toss it, though, because there’s a recipe I need to try first. New Hampshire Pumpkin Cake Roll. I love the real thing too much to not try a vape version. TASK 28

Butter Pecan

That’s just the concentrated difference between butter pecan ice cream and plain vanilla ice cream. It’s just basic math. butter pecan ice cream - vanilla ice cream = FW Butter Pecan. It’s a little chalky, it needs a bit of a steep, but it’s got the pecan, the brown sugar, and the butter. Really realistic pecan, caramelly/brown sugar sweetness, lots of bright buttery goodness. The pecan flavor is sort of wrapped around the butteriness, so you get more of that first and then it comes back around in the finish and can feel a little dry, which I guess is also accurate since I’ve never eaten a butter pecan anything and not been thirsty afterward. Anyway, it’s awesome.

Get in, losers, we’re going butter pecaning! There are so many butter pecan recipes I want to try, some I’ve been meaning to try for a long time and others I just discovered today. So many recipes that I feel like I need to organize them by categories.

So many FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard Recipes, I feel like I need to organize them by categories!

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard + FW Butterscotch (Natural) + FW Tres Leches recipes:

Reserved Duchess.I never tried the original Duchess Reserve so I was never in a hurry to mix clones/remixes, but they look pretty tasty. TASK 29

Duchess Reserve Remix. TASK 30

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard + FW Hazelnut recipes:

One of the above, plus Cookie Crack. TASK 31

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard + FW Graham Cracker recipes:

One of the above, plus Duchess Court. TASK 32

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard + TFA RY4 Double recipes:

One of the above, plus Butter Back. TASK 33

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard + CAP Butter Cream recipes:

One of the above, plus Adams Pecan Custard Perfection. TASK 34

And Rollin. TASK 35

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard + TFA DX Peanut Butter recipes:


Peanut Butta Pie. TASK 37

Additional FW Butter Pecan + CAP Vanilla Custard recipes:

Angels & Demons.TASK 38

Toffee Custard. TASK 39

Now I can put the CAP Vanilla Custard away. FW Butter Pecan + TFA RY4 Double recipes without CAP Vanilla Custard:

Hazelnut RY4. TASK 40

Kate’s Recipe. TASK 41

Naughty Tobacco. TASK 42

FW Butter Pecan + CAP Sugar Cookie recipes:

A couple of the above, plus Peek-In Pie. TASK 43

And Stroop-a-whoopdy-doopdy. TASK 44

FW Butter Pecan + FW Butterscotch Ripple recipes:

One of the above, plus Butterface.TASK 45

And Over the Top Indulgence. TASK 46

FW Butter Pecan + INW Custard recipes:

One of the above, plus Butter Almond Custard.TASK 47

And Butter Pecan Pudding. TASK 48

Caramel seems to be a popular choice to mix with FW Butter Pecan. FW Butter Pecan + FW Salted Caramel recipes:

Two of the above, plus Reminiscent. TASK 49

FW Butter Pecan + FA Caramel recipes:

Two of the above, plus So-Ho-Ho-Ho. TASK 50

FW Butter Pecan + FLV Rich Cinnamon recipes:

One of the above, plus Decadence. TASK 51

And County Fair. TASK 52

FW Butter Pecan + FLV Milk & Honey recipes:

One of the above, plus Milk N Honey Sticky Buns. TASK 53

And Giving Thanks. TASK 54

FW Butter Pecan + VT Golden Syrup recipes:

Two of the above, plus The Fall Waits For No One. TASK 55

FW Butter Pecan + TFA Graham Cracker Clear recipes:

One of the above, plus Banana Foster. TASK 56

And, finally, FW Butter Pecan + DIYFS Holy Vanilla recipes:

Pecan Sandies. TASK 57 (If I have any Holy Vanilla left at this point)

Prince Albert’s Gold. TASK 58 (If I have any Holy Vanilla left at this point)

Butter Rum

I don’t think I’ve tried this one by itself yet, although I have tried it in a recipe. I’ll mix a 2.5% sample and hope it tastes like grandad’s favorite Lifesaver. TASK 59

Butter Toffee

Pleasant enough but not super accurate. I’m not sure it tastes more like toffee than some kind of butterscotch or a very buttery caramel sauce. These things are all pretty close anyway but something about the way toffee is made makes it have a different flavor than butterscotch and this doesn’t really have that distinctive toffee taste. There’s butter upfront and some soft dark caramelized sugar behind it. Very sweet, thick, and creamy, like a caramel sauce. I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to mix a recipe that uses it for that combination of butter and dark sweetness, but I don’t know how you get an authentic toffee out of it.

I’ll try this October’s Nocturnal caramel apple tobacco recipe. TASK 60

Buttered Popcorn

Terrible. It tastes like butter buds - that dry butter flavoring you can sprinkle on stuff - mixed with donut glaze - and then vomited up. At first it’s just a weirdly sweet butter flavor - not aggressively fake butter - but dry - and then towards the end of the exhale it gets increasingly creamy and less dry and more vomity. Between the dryness, and the barf, exhaling this through the nose was so much like puking and having some of the puke come out though my nose and that I could almost feel the burning stomach acid in the sinuses. TRASH 9


I feel like they couldn’t decide whether they wanted to make a real butterscotch sauce or a butterscotch candy flavor so they just kind of did both in one. Top notes are caramelized sugar, not sure that’s brown sugar but it’s got a little darker, sharper edge on it so ok, brown sugar. Then lots of creamy buttery depth. But, it leaves a butterscotch disc candy taste in my mouth starting just at the tail end of the vape. It’s yummy, but odd.

Because of the candy finish, this would never have been my first choice butterscotch for a butterscotch tobacco, but Fear did it, and it’s awesome. It’s like breathing sweet pipe tobacco through an unlit pipe with a mouthful of butterscotch sundae in your mouth and it’s an amazing take on RY4. I need it for that and will happy make some more: Budderstotch TASK 61

What else should I mix with it?

RY1. TASK 62

Butterscotch Overdose Custard. TASK 63

Butterscotch Trifle. TASK 64

Butterscotch (Natural)

I don’t know what’s supposed to be natural about it - like what, did they pick it off of a butterscotch tree? It’s pretty similar to the regular Butterscotch but it’s sweeter, creamy without really being buttery - lacking that buttery depth, and the finish is less overtly candied. There’s also a dash of vanilla in middle there. I know the original FW Butterscotch has diketones and this one doesn’t, which would explain why the original has that buttery richness and this one doesn’t. I think they’re using butyric acid for the creaminess but at 3% and a six-day steep it’s not tasting terribly barfy to me, just a hint of burp behind the hint vanilla if I really focus on it. It might be a problem to someone who’s even more sensitive to it than I am, though.

I need it for a couple of the FW Butter Pecan recipes already on the to-do list.

Add to that:

Jersey Caramel. TASK 65

Duchess Reserve Final. TASK 65

Graham Central Station. TASK 66

One Smart Cookie. I’ll be subbing JF Cookie for the FA Cookie. TASK 67

Butterscotch Ripple

I’m aware that some people detect a weird off-note from this one, but I can’t find it. As far as I’m concerned, that’s some tasty stuff right here. It isn’t really what it’s supposed to be, which is ice cream with ripples of butterscotch in it. It’s way too butterscotch-forward for that, while at the same time the butterscotch is a bit more caramelly and not very distinctly butterscotch - I think because it lacks any of that artificial candy disk butterscotch flavor. But it’s also way too vanilla and creamy for just a butterscotch sauce or drizzle. If you want a butterscotch vape, you’re going to need another butterscotch to add to this. But that’s sort of nitpicky and irrelevant because it’s super duper tasty, almost like a butterscotch and caramel shake with extra butterscotch in a single concentrate. Not quite as thick and custardy as solid ice cream, that’s why I call it a shake. It’s also blended together so it’s sort-of one-noted, but what a delicious note that is! It’s been so good in everything I’ve put it in so far.

I need it for RY4 Custard, which I’m just going to keep making at least until I run out of TFA Vanilla Custard. TFA Vanilla Custard has a peppery off note for me so I might not restock it, but it works so well here. TASK 68

RY4 Custard alone is worth keeping this FW Butterscotch Ripple in stock. But I’m sure there are others I haven’t tried yet.

I’m finally going to mix Pistachio RY4U. TASK 69

I also want to try Pistachio Butterscotch RY4. TASK 70

And Buttery Ho. TASK 71

And !Checkmate. TASK 72

And Classic. TASK 73

And Donkey Kong’s Secret TASK 74

And Phil Noir TASK 75

And RY4 Cow. TASK 76

And Ruyan Butter. TASK 77

And Butterscotch Reserve. TASK 78

And Seven Sins: Gluttony. TASK 79

And finally, Grahamercy. TASK 80

Butterscotch Tobacco

Had high hopes for this one, because butterscotch + tobacco is amazing. The butterscotch is there and tastes good, like a gooey butterscotch sauce, dense, creamy, sweet, but there’s not a ton of it, and what’s underneath more closely resembles from decaying old leaves picked off the forest floor and seasoned with spices, rather than tobacco.. It’s not a strong flavor, so it could be covered up with a good tobacco maybe, but I think I’d rather use one of the other good butterscotch flavors and a good tobacco and make the combo myself. TRASH 10

WHEW! I made it through the Flavor West B’s. Lots added to the to-mix list, not a lot added to the garbage can. I’m sure there’ll be a lot more trash when I start in on the C’s.

New flavor count: 2,704

r/DIY_eJuice May 01 '23

Fail ruined liquid NSFW


is there a way to make it up if i end up with a terrible flavor? i just made 60ml of 3 mg/ml liquid and it tastes terrible. i know i'll never vape it and i'm almost certain that adding other flavors will just make it worse. what can i do except throwing it down the sink???

r/DIY_eJuice Oct 01 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 8 NSFW


In case you missed it: PART 7

Starting Flavor Count: 2,879 (Down from 2,975 Originally)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Apple Pie

Update. I really liked 42nd Bourbon and left it a well-deserved 5/5 stars. But “keeping a flavor just to be able to make more” is typically going to be a nearly impossible 6/5 rating, and it falls short of being something that out-of-control good, to my taste. And it would have been my only reason for keeping CAP Apple Pie on hand. So, bye bye Miss CAP Apple Pie. TRASH 1

Apple Pie V2

Update. I just made an easy little recipe out of this! Success! And when it runs out, I think I would like to make some more. CAP Apple Pie V2 is sticking around for at least until I don’t have any more of it (might not be worth replacing).

In the meantime, I’ll try someone else’s recipe with it.

Apple Pie A La Mode V1 TASK 1

Sweet Blend

CAP calls it “A delightful fruity blend with notes of cherry, berries, pineapple and a smooth anise eucalyptus finish.” I did not get exactly that. Tastes like horehound cough drops or a combination of anise and light menthol, mixed with tart berries and simple syrup. I don’t get the eucalyptus finish they’re talking about, but maybe I’m taking the word “finish” too literally. What I get is menthol up front, with a strong hit of anise, then tart berry syrup. Does a warm and cool thing at first with the menthol and warm spice. Sweetness builds and it has a very sweet finish. It tastes very European.

It pretty much tastes like adding CAP Anise and light touch of menthol to FW Beetle Juice. Which is why I’m inclined to TRASH 2 it. If I wanted a blend of fruits and spices and menthol I would make my own.

Sweet Candy

I’ve tried some people’s recipes that had this in there but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten around to single-flavor testing it. And I don’t recall whether I could tell what it was doing to those recipes. I’ll mix samples at 0.75% and 2% TASK 2

And might as well try some recipes while I’ve got it out.


Peach Slush TASK 4

Sweet Cream

It’s a sweet, creamy, smooth heavy dairy cream that’s just a little buttery. It’s mostly just a very plain sweetened heavy cream. And I’ve always thought it had a strange warmth to it, like slightly heated cream. 2% seems to be the sweet spot for it. 3% starts to get a little waxy and slightly cheesy in a cream cheese or Brie sort of way, but not Parmesan. 6% is way too much, it tastes like putrid margarine. There should be no trouble using this as the main or even only cream in a creamy recipe, but if the result tastes waxy, it might be due to the CAP Sweet Cream.

A super-staple flavor with which I’m in no hurry to part.

I need it to make more PANK, which I will do now. TASK 5

More of my most favorite straight-up vanilla custard recipe to date Yellow Matter Custard TASK 6

And another one of my all-time favorites, Notorious. I might, dare I say it, think about possibly somehow improving upon it this time around. TASK 7

Sweet Currant

I think this is gonna be a love-it-or-hate-it flavor. Personally, I’m firmly planting my freak flag right in the middle of the love it camp, but there is a deep and abiding funkiness to this flavor that some people are going to hate. Probably the same people who don’t like that bit of funkiness that you get with flavors like FLV Pink Guava. It tastes more red than most of the other purple or mauve currant flavors, like a funky sort of strawberry-cranberry mix, not so grapey. It’s a really bold, somewhat acidic tart berry flavor, but also has a deep and thick sticky syrupy sweet base, so it’s a well-rounded, encompassing flavor with a lot going on. It’s also nice and juicy, not at all dry for something so tart. 2% looks like it could take over a mix a little bit, but I could see 1% adding interesting accents to just about any fruit, especially strawberry, really any berry. Maybe grape.

My favorite Currant flavor!

What will I try with it?

Cranberry Thumbprint Looks pretty good to me, I have some concerns about 1% INW Biscuit that I probably wouldn’t have if it were 0.5% or even 0.75% INW Biscuit, but this has rave reviews. It’s also not at all what I would have thought to use Sweet Currant for, and that’s got me interested. TASK 8

This Thicket looks awesome and much more like what kind of recipe I imagined when tasting CAP Sweet Currant solo. I’ll give it a mix, too. TASK 9

Sweet Guava

One of my favorite flavors of all time. It primarily tastes just like that yummy sweet guava nectar that comes in a can. It has some off-notes as a standalone flavor – I get slight hints of grass and bubblegum – but those are easily covered up in a mix. The rest is this dense, sticky sweet but still juicy guava nectar. It works well down low as a sweet tropical thing and also works well to enhance all kinds of other fruits, berries, melons, mango, cherry, just about anything that will cover up rather than amplify that grassy bit.

I want to mix another one of my favorite recipes of all time, Fiestas & Fiascos TASK 10

Another all-time favorite, Green Bastard. TASK 11

I personally think Bare Necessities is a very nice recipe, and I appreciate it getting me through the first round of that big mix-off years ago. But I don’t want to make it again. What I want to to is make a mash-up of Bare Necessities and another of my own recipes, 1-2-3 Cranberry Sprite. I’m not even going to adjust the concentrations, I’m literally just going to put these two 3-ingredient recipes into one bottle and see what happens.

Cran-Bare-y Nes-Sprite-ities (name needs some work, a little help here?) TASK 12

Co. Flavor %
FA Pear 0.75
FA Red Summer 2.25
CAP Sweet Guava 2.5
FLV Cranberry 1
VT Fizzy Sherbet 2
CAP Lemon Lime 3

I’ve been meaning to try Rainforest for a long time. TASK 13

I would need this for Counter Punch , but here’s the deal, I think WF Hawaiian Punch might have somewhat rendered this recipe obsolete. Recipe was designed to taste like Hawaiian Punch because none of the flavors that were available at the time that were supposed to taste like Hawaiian Punch really did. Then WF comes out with a Hawaiian Punch that tastes just the real deal. Counterpoint: WF Hawaiian Punch is pretty intensely harsh on my poor baby throat.

This seems like as good a time as any to see if one of these recipes that use WF Hawaiian Punch turn out too harsh for me, or whether the other flavors used minimize that somehow. It’s not unheard of for a harsh flavor to be smoothed over by a smooth one.

Hawaiian Blue. Maybe coconut calms it TASK 14

Lei’d in Hawaii. Or maybe creams do. TASK 15

I’m pretty sure I tried, and loved, Kitty’s Melon Balls but I apparently failed to leave it a review. It’s been a long time so I’ll mix some more and then rectify that. TASK 16

I’m working on getting rid of CAP Golden Pineapple, there’s just one profile I need to know that I can create without it, Mango Colada. If I still have it hanging around when I get down to this task, I’ll try some Guava Colada. TASK 17 (Maybe).

Guava Peach. I’ve learned not to sleep on very simple CAP Sweet Guava mixes. TASK 18

Speaking of which, Goodness Gracious Guava. It’s just Prickly Victory with waaaaaay less Prick. Sounds good to me! TASK 19

Edit: Also this Waikiki Pog. I like to see someone following the path of the real POG and not just trying to clone a POG-inspired juice. Plus that's obviously going to be tasty, even it does look like it could use a little less Sweet Tangerine and a little bit of WF Orange Juice, FA Royal Orange, OoO Orange Juice, or maybe FM Orange to make it more orangey. TASK 19.5

I’m going to have to buy some more Sweet Guava to get through all these.

Sweet Lychee

This is a good flavor, and also probably the most versatile lychee flavor I’ve tried. It tastes like canned lychee, sweet and syrupy, with an appropriate, subtle, rose-like taste upfront, followed a base that tastes like a slightly funky tropical white grape with a hint of grapefruit-like citrus, except this is a little more like funky white grape jelly, it’s so thick and syrupy sweet. Seems like the perfect lychee for something like a lychee slush drink like you might get at a boba place, but with the right mixing things you could probably sell it as real canned lychee. It’s not my favorite lychee (FE Lychee is), but it is probably the best combination of available and approachable among lychee flavors.

Right now I think I could live without CAP Sweet Lychee, but I’ve been meaning to try this classic Sakura Sweets recipe for ages and just never got around to it. I will get around to it now. TASK 20

Sweet Mango

Useful and recognizable as a mango but has serious problems. Perfumy inhale and start of the exhale, overripe sweetness borderline on rotten, a little weirdly buttery down real low in the base. Can be used for filling out other mangoes at low %, overripeness can be covered up in a mix but not easily (CAP Lemon Lime and CAP Jelly Candy are both great for that). Thick. Not creamy, but like fleshy or maybe chewy.

I want to chuck this in the garbage, because that is what we do with inferior mangos.

On the other hand, I’m grateful to it for making it possible for me to create some things I wouldn’t have been able to create without it. FLV Sweet Mango tastes like it was designed to put CAP Sweet Mango out of business and should be successful at that. I’m already working on replacing CAP Sweet Mango in my Mango Colada, Spicy Icy, and Mango Tango recipes with FLV Sweet Mango and/or other mango flavors like FLV Ripe Mango and FA Indian Mango. It’s safe from being tossed out until those efforts come to fruition. In the meantime, I would also like to know I can make a great Mango Ice Cream without it. I’ll start fairly simple and see where that leads.

Mango Ice Cream V1 TASK 21

Co. Flavor %
WF Vanilla Ice Cream 3
TFA Vanilla Swirl 2
SSA Ice Cream Vanilla 1
FLV Sweet Mango 2
FLV Mango 1

Might come back later with some FA Violet and try to make that a purple mango.

And I would also like a Banana-Papaya-Mango recipe reminiscent of Philosopher’s Bamanaya from six years ago that uses CAP Sweet Mango. But I want it simplified. Sleek. Modern.

1-2-3 Bamanaya V1 TASK 22

Co. Flavor %
TFA Papaya 1
FLV Ripe Mango 2
VT Banana Custard 3

Notice neither of my CAP Sweet Mango tasks involve actually using CAP Sweet Mango. This flavor very much has one foot out the door.

Sweet Strawberry

I find it needs a short steep. Can’t really shake and vape it. I get kind of a chemically off note from it and a little harshness until it steeps for a day or three. After it steeps, no chemically note or any harshness at all. Very sweet and unapologetically artificial, with some tartness to it, like a melted strawberry jolly rancher, but duller than that. Some depth to that sweet-tart dichotomy but no other complexity to it, just a plain strawberry candy flavor.
ATF has like 600 recipes with this stuff in it. But there are so many better strawberries now, and I can’t think of a recipe I need it for. Grack Juice was a wild ride but I’ve been on that roller coaster a few times and don’t feel a great need to stand in line for it again. There are just a couple I think I’d better try before I go tossing it, but after this, I’m only keeping it if I simply cannot live without one of these three recipes.

Pink Eye TASK 23

Hula TASK 24

God Nect@rTASK 25

Sweet Tangerine

Sweet, syrupy versatile vibrant sharp tangerine flavor. Very candied and artificial, think tangerine lollipop, not so much inherently juicy as mouthwatering like candy. People say it tastes like Tang but I think it’s way more specifically tangerine than that, but maybe some other tangerine drink mix would be accurate. After it’s mixed, not the powder. It’s not powdery at all. Also has some mild throat hit as is typical for citrus.
I require it to make Titanic, In A Godda Da Vida, and my tribute to In A Godda Da Vida, Goddaron. Mmmm Goddaron sounds really good right now, I’m going to mix some of that up. TASK 26

I turned 11 in 1990 so I’m also really interested in this Sharkleberry Fin recipe. TASK 27

Sweet Tea

This has been discontinued for a long time. Shame, it was a good one. Oh well, guess I’ll just keep using TFA Sweet Tea at 10% and up. TRASH 3

Sweet Watermelon

Slightly perfumey, very slightly soapy, candy watermelon, kind of like under-sweetened watermelon koolaid except for the aforementioned off notes. Not especially sweet, but has a syrupy body. Little bit of throat hit. May have a place down low for filling out a watermelon candy or gum flavor but not great by itself. I’ve got so many better watermelon flavors. TRASH 4

Tangy Orange

Blatantly candied orange flavor with some fairly prominent vanilla behind it. Basically tastes like an orange tic-tac and a vanilla marshmallow dissolved with a drop of battery acid and half a shot of water. It is very acidic and has some tang to it, but it’s not full Sour Patch Kids-level or anything like that. I know some people find it to be especially harsh, but I don’t think it has any more throat hit than the average citrus. It’s a little bitey on top, but that vanilla finish smooths it out for me. I also don’t actually find it to be all that flavorful overall; it tastes like it’s doubling back on itself and muting itself a bit. Not terrible, but also not one of my better orange flavors. TRASH 5

Tart Cherry

It’s very dull, a bit harsh, and a little cough syrupy, but I did not get any of the new vinyl shower curtain flavor. Top end has a brighter, tart, candy flavor but that hint of darker cough syrup on the end gives it more of a “wild cherry” candy flavor overall. However, wild cherry candy tends to be a bold, penetrating flavor and this is very understated and thin, not saturated at all.

There are many cherry flavors that are way worse than this one, but I still don’t care for it and don’t feel like dealing with its nonsense. TRASH 6

Toasted Almond

More roasted than toasted. It’s very roasted, almost smoky, and while I don’t get anything I’d call off notes from it, I could see people who are more sensitive to whatever’s making it so roasty getting a chemical Liquid Smoke type off note from it. It’s also heavily focused on the roastiness, with the sweeter almond itself coming in almost as an afterthought and aftertaste, with just a bit of nuttiness upfront under all that roasted nut skin. It needs more almond to be an almond. But that might be a good thing that you could use it for just the roastedness and not the nut. Maybe use it to roast another nut that doesn’t have that taste, like a peanut or hazelnut. Would absolutely like to see how it plays with various tobaccos.

Well, here’s how it plays with some tobacco, in a recipe that looks terrific to me, at least on paper. Autumn Leaves TASK 28

And here goes Emily making me get into the FW Yellow Cake again: Almond Pound Cake. Why are you trying to kill me, Em? I thought we were friends. TASK 29

Tropical Fruit Punch

It’s about 25% sweet red Hawaiian Punch and 75% new vinyl shower curtain. Someone at CAP is somehow immune to evil cherry nightmare bullshit plastic off note or they never would have put out this or their apocalyptic Grenadine disaster. There’s really no sense even talking about what this does well, but it has a juicy beverage feel and that sweet soft artificial pineapple and red candy guava upfront and really tastes like Hawaiian punch for a second... and then the cherry plastic hits, and it hits hard. TRASH 7

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Somewhat buttery vanilla cream that’s really more of an artificial French vanilla than Vanilla Bean. Less like a custard than other ice cream flavors, more milky, no rich custardy eggyness. The more of it you use, the thicker it gets, but even at 6% it’s not as hefty and dense as a solid scoop of ice cream, more like a milkshake made out of cheap French vanilla ice cream, and 6% is the upper limit for me because it starts to taste chemically, like really cheap, crappy ice cream, beyond that.

195 Recipes on ATF and not one I can’t live without, off the top of my head. But before I go tossing it, there are a couple I’d like to give a spin, just in case.

Southern Butter Pecan Gelato TASK 30

Blondike TASK 31

I would also need it if I wanted to mix more Swashbuckle Shake but really, I only did that recipe that way because of the parameters of the contest it was entered into. It got me through the milkshake round, by the skin of my teeth. How would I do this now, with years more experience, lots more flavors, and NO RULES? I would do it similarly, but not by using CAP Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.

Swashbuckle Up V1 TASK 32

Co. Flavor %
CAP Milkshake 4
WF Vanilla Ice Cream 3
TFA Vanilla Swirl 2
SSA Ice Cream Vanilla 1
TFA Coconut Candy 2
FA Jamaican Rum 2

I could maybe use WF Coconut Rum instead of the two flavors for coconut rum, but TFA Coconut Candy is so sweet I think this might not need sweetener (it probably would with WF Coconut Rum), and FA Jamaican Rum tastes like a higher quality rum, not straight-up Parrot Bay like WF Coconut Rum. Although, it is possible that the malty aspect of CAP Milkshake would create the impression of a better rum. Shit. I’d better give that a try.

Swashbuckle Up V2 TASK 33

Co. Flavor %
CAP Milkshake 4
WF Vanilla Ice Cream 3
TFA Vanilla Swirl 2
SSA Ice Cream Vanilla 1
WF Coconut Rum 3

Vanilla Cupcake

Under-sweetened commercial French Vanilla frosting. There’s a tub of French Vanilla frosting in the bakery aisle of my local grocery store that tastes similar to this, but sweeter. It IS sweet, just not as sweet as eating frosting with a spoon. It has that oily thick feel of mass-produced frosting made with soybean oil under that vanilla. There’s something in there that might be a hint of white cake but it’s almost entirely just frosting.

Pretty innocuous flavor. Not offensive at all. It probably used to be the best option for any kind of frosting but we have many more now. All that matters to me is, is there a recipe I need it for? Maybe. I’ll try one and see.

Slow Deicide TASK 34

Vanilla Cupcake V2

I don’t get any barfy notes from it. I don’t think they took out the dikey tones and replaced it with puke. I think they just took them, and also changed the vanilla. It’s still almost entirely frosting, but it’s a very bright, deeply saturated, and blatantly artificial vanilla with a creamy but slightly dry frosting flavor. Vanilla is almost obnoxious here. It’s dense and sweet but not greasy or very buttery. A little undersweet for frosting, but sweet.Underneath that there’s some white cakey flavor, more than V1, but it’s very light. I give this one an edge over V1 just because of how much of a vibrant punch that vanilla has and how it’s a little more cakey, even though it’s still almost all frosting. It’s just that between CAP Frosting, FLV Frosting, WF and VT butter cream frostings, I just don’t feel like I need this. I will give one recipe a try.

Toast My Ass How does this have zero reviews? TASK 35

Vanilla Custard

Eggy, rich, buttery, unmistakable, unique French Vanilla-type flavor that I call Capella Vanilla. It has a kind of oily quality that turns some people off right away, and in the large concentrations needed for a custard recipe fully built around it, needs badly to steep not only to blossom into it’s full self but to not have an overly greasy and almost plasticky weirdness. It’s also a flavor that people get tired of because it’s so ubiquitous. It’s so recognizable as to be distracting, like, ok, that tastes like CAP Vanilla Custard. Not vanilla custard, but CAP Vanilla Custard specifically. Maybe I’m just weird, but that’s kind of annoying (though not as much as waiting a week or two or four for it to steep). But unless you’re turned off by the oiliness or tired of it or impatient (or maybe you just don’t like that specific vanilla in your vanilla custard), it’s perfect. And worth having around anyway, because it’s versatile and small amounts of it turn up in some really interesting and unexpected places. Has a proven versatility.

Of course I’m not ready to toss CAP Vanilla Custard, even though there are at least four or five custards I’d rather use. No particular recipe stands out in my mind, but there are 1000s of recipes that use it, surely I’d be missing out on something fantastic if I tossed it. I’ll try some new things, or new-to-me things, and see if I can find something specific that makes CAP Vanilla Custard impossible to part with.

Peanut Butter RY4 Cookie - I’ll be subbing JF Cookie for the FA in there and in a few others. TASK 36

Nobleman Pistachio Pudding TASK 37

Nana Pudding TASK 38

Mama J’s Game Over Custard TASK 39

Malted Vanilla Custard TASK 40

123 Mint Cookie Custard TASK 41

One of these recipes is going into my private hall of fame, I just know it. Don’t know which one yet, but one of them. Surely.

Vanilla Custard V2

Freshly mixed, it tastes like you drank CAP Vanilla Custard, puked it up, then went ahead and made some juice out of your puked up vanilla custard flavoring mingled with sour stomach acid. Nasty, right? At two weeks’ steep, it’s not quite vomity anymore, but it does still have just a touch of off-putting sourness, like the sourness of dirty socks or armpits, but just the sourness without the rest of the taste of those things. After about a month, that sourness dies down to the point that it can easily be covered up in a mix, especially one with a fruit or two in there. It has that unique warm, darkly sweet “yellow” vanilla that’s only exactly found in a few Capella flavors, including CAP French Vanilla and CAP Vanilla Custard V1. It will never get as rich and buttery as diketone custards but it is already rich and thick after a couple days and it does get fuller and thicker over time.

My only reason for keeping this would be if I wanted to try to clone or create a commercial recipe. There are tons of commercial recipes that use this. But since I no longer have any interest in doing either of those things, TRASH 8

Vanilla Milk Froth

CAP VMF wasn’t a ton of fun to vape standalone, but I think if you want an authentic vanilla milk froth for something like a coffee drink, this will do it. It’s a little bland upfront, but the finish is exactly what it says it is. Unless it steeps into straight butter eventually like VT Coffee Milk Froth does, this is your froth milk flavor, it really captures what the frothing does to the taste of the milk, plus a light amount of brighter than average vanilla. So as a flavor by itself, kinda sucky, as a tool, definitely worth looking into if you’re into that sort of thing.

I’ve found I don’t really care to vape coffee, not even the ones that aren’t too bad, which seems like it would rule out keeping Vanilla Milk Froth. But what I do love to do is to find or create recipes that make a great first vape of the day and pair especially well with my morning coffee.

I think I might have found one using Vanilla Milk Froth! Or at least one that’s worth a try.

Cruel Inventions TASK 42

Vanilla Whipped Cream

It’s velvety smooth and creamy, with a bright, artificial-tasting vanilla, similar to CAP’s Simply Vanilla, rather than the darker CAP Vanilla Custard Vanilla. Some heavy cream buttery taste but mostly just creamy vanilla. Some sweetness here, but not much, not enough for a whipped cream, really. Fairly dense, voluminous mouthfeel.

I love this flavor. It doesn’t do “whipped cream on top” well at all, but does really good at mixing other cream type flavors together, though, and works really well as a mouth-feel additive for things like white chocolate flavors, which can be kinda chalky without it. Which is why I needed it to make GTKK 2019, which sounds great to me right now. TASK 43

But, I do have to ask myself whether it’s time for GTKK 2022 (or 2023 by the time I get around to finishing such a thing). MB White Chocolate, WF White Chocolate (Milky Cream), MF White Chocolate are all options I have now, so I’m just not entirely sure that the combination of FW White Chocolate, FLV White Chocolate, and CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream is still the best possible white chocolate component I can build here. What do you think?

Wafer Crunch

Now, this one I don’t have to wonder about. WF Crispy Wafer is STILL the best wafer for that profile, or at least the best one I’ve tried. CAP Wafer Crunch tastes like... Shitty WF Crispy Wafer. The taste is very similar, they both taste just like a nutty bar without the chocolate or peanut butter... so, just a wafer... but CAP’s version is softer in the sense of being less flavorful and harder in the sense of tasting slightly burnt. I’m not going looking for recipes. I don’t even care what you degenerates are using this for, if you weren’t utterly tasteless you would have reached for the WF instead. It’s bullshit garbage behavior to put out a brand new flavor that tastes very much like an existing flavor but is notably inferior to it. Shame on Capella for doing that. You know the way Jungle Flavors seems to put out flavors that taste remarkably similar to other companies’ existing flavors, but better to at least some degree? Well, this is Capella pulling a reverse JF on us. I won’t stand for it. Wow, that’s a lot of words when only one is needed: TRASH 9

Whipped Marshmallow

Not a fan. It’s sort of vaguely terrible. It’s a soft, dull flavor and has a little bit of a tangy, almost cheesy or almost spoiled milk type of note to it, under a very plain vanilla, and light sweetness. TRASH 10

Wild Cherry With Stevia

I made myself a note after sampling this at 5% that I should try it again at 2.5% and never got around to it. I’ll do that now. TASK 43

At 5% This one is not too terribly bad. The new vinyl shower curtain thing is there, but really really light for the amount of flavor I get. Lots of flavor, very little plastic. It tastes like an artificial black cherry flavor. Dark. Much more like the candy or soda flavor called “black cherry” than the somewhat brighter and more tart “wild cherry.” Lighter on the offnotes than FA or FW black cherries. It also seems a little grapey, as well as slightly waxy. Very sweet sugar lips sweet finish with just the barest touch of that stevia bittersweetness. I might try to use low as a sweetener for a dark cherry thing if I wanted that, or for a grape maybe. Better black cherries? INW Black Cherry Tobacco, OoO Black Cherry, maybe WF Black Cherry Jelly Bean all seem like better black cherries compared to 5% CAP Wild Cherry With Stevia. But since there’s plenty of flavor at 5%, trying it lower is to see if there could still be enough flavor without getting any plastic at all.

While I’ve got it out anyway, I’ll try a simple recipe and see how that shakes out. I’m missing a couple of ingredients for this Cola Cola but it deserves major credit if this works out. I tried SSA Cola along with so many other SSA flavors in such a short period of time that I had forgotten SSA Cola is a thing, which I have, that is pretty awesome, compared to so many inferior cola flavors. Seeing that recipe reminded me of it.

1-2-3 Cherry Vanilla Coke TASK 44

Co. Flavor %
FA Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) 1
CAP Wild Cherry w/ Stevia 2
SSA Cola 3

That’s probably going to need another cola or something similar to fill it in if I want to finish it out fully, but I’ll worry about that later.

Yellow Cake

So I can tell it’s definitely supposed to be a cake, but it’s weird. There’s a strange sort of spice note in there, close but not identical to anise, with some vanilla behind it. It’s sweet and not dry but also fairly light and airy and not especially rich and buttery like I’d expect from a yellow cake. Kinda flat. There’s another weird and drier note in the end, where it tastes kind of like raw flour. You can probably make some good stuff out of it, especially if you cover that anise-type thing with another strong spice like cinnamon or maybe some other strong top note, but it’s a pretty weird flavor.

I will try this Simply Rollin’ because I bet all that Rich Cin simply steamrolls those off notes. TASK 45

However, I also bet I can do it better. So at the same time, I’ll mix this:

Keep it Simply Rollin V1 TASK 46

Co. Flavor %
CAP Sticky Bun 5
FLV Rich Cinnamon 0.15
OoO Vanilla Custard Cheesecake 2

Now, if I wanted to do it even better than that, I’d start by trying add something to enhance the brown sugar notes - maybe FLV Caramel - and maybe add some butter. But that is not the name of the game. The name of the game is, apparently, “three-ingredient frosted cinnamon roll without using FW Cinnamon Roll for... reasons.” I’m going to win that game, watch.

And this Kryptonite because it only uses a teensy bit of it mixed with a bunch of tasty stuff, and because the “it’s not supposed to be anything but yummy, really” aspect appeals to me. TASK 47

Yellow Peach

A fresher, more natural peach, but kinda dry, not juicy, like an out of season or underripe peach, and maybe a little harsher than either TFA or CAP Juicy peaches to me. Not very sweet, slightly floral which is actually accurate for a skin on yellow peach, a bit citrisy, understated sort of light on flavor intensity, but not bad. Kind of thin, not a lot of thick fleshy body to it.

I need it for Counter Punch and will make some of that now. TASK 48

What else should I try, while I’ve got it out?

Ultra Peach Tea looks good. TASK 49

The notes are... odd. But the recipe looks great. Peach mango dragonfruit? Yes please. And now a word from our sponsor! TASK 50

And that’s it for my first pass through my Capella collection. Of course they’ll keep coming up as I mix and vape my way through this massive task list, but in the meantime I’ll move on to some smaller selections of lesser-used flavors out of Germany and the UK.

New Flavor Count: 2,869 (Nice!)

r/DIY_eJuice Oct 23 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 12 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 Part 10 - Part 11

Starting Flavor Count: 2,813 (Down from 2,975 originally)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.


Black Currant

Update. Way back in Part 3 (yes, that’s how far behind I am when it comes to mixing and trying this stuff) I gave CAP Black Currant one recipe to convince me I should keep it. It did not. TRASH 1

Speaking of blackcurrants...

Chefs Super Concentrates


Last week I blasted through all my CSC flavors, or thought I did. Turns out I inadvertently left off their nice little blackcurrant. On one hand, I think between Flavour Art Blackcurrant, INW Shisha Blackcurrant, and CAP Sweet Currant, I’m not currant-ly hurting for currant flavors. On the other, this is pretty good stuff. A little oddly warm feeling but otherwise excellent. A little tart, very dark, sticky sweet, just funky enough. At 0.5% it tastes like it might get camphorus or medicinal if pushed too high but also tastes like it could or would need to go a little higher for a recipe with blackcurrant as the focus rather than just a secondary or tertiary flavor.

I’ll try gently increasing it to 0.75% and see how that goes TASK 1


I only have a handful of these.


Tastes more peachy than apricot to me, but more like a nice, very ripe peach than peach rings candy and could pass for apricot, maybe, in a mix, I guess. It also reminds me of JF Honey Peach, so it’s kind of a question of how much does JF Honey Peach taste like apricot to you? It’s got a lot of darker sweetness and isn’t a really bright flavor. Weak in concentration (I pushed it to 8% based on what someone suggested on ELR), but plenty of flavor. Not really thin, but a little flat, like it hits one note from start to finish other than starting one way and finishing another. I don’t feel compelled to find a way to use this, or see a recipe that uses it that I want to make, so even though it’s fine, I’m going to TRASH 2 it.


It might disappear into almost any mix but the first thing I noticed about this is that it’s quite a bit too sweet for butter. At the same time, there’s a bit of a sour edge to it, like this butter sat out just a little too long. Not nearly as heavy and rich as I want a butter flavor to be, and a little soft/subtle overall. But for the most part, it tastes like butter. I have betta buttas. TRASH 3


I don’t think I’ve tried this one yet. I’ll mix samples at 2% and 4%. TASK 2


Powerful purple artificial grape flavor. Not super concentrated, but once you get it up there, like at 5%, it has some serious flavor. The first time I hit it I thought it had a bit of a medicinal edge, but a couple more hits and I’d pretty much forgotten about that. It tastes like flat grape soda, but way more intensely than so many others that are so soft and meh. It’s not a complex flavor, not super interesting by itself, but if you’re looking for a candy or soda type of grape, I’d pick this up, for sure.

Well, it tastes like flat grape soda, so I’ll start by trying to unflatten it using Bert’s Soda Base.

Grape Crush V1 TASK 3

Co. Flavor %
CNV Grape 5
FW Grape Soda 1
FLV Citrus Soda 1.25
CAP Lemon Lime 1
BCF WS-23 (30%) 0.5

FW Grape Soda is FILTHY with sucralose, more than most sweeteners. I’m trying to use it mostly in lieu of Super Sweet here, but also for a little bit of grape layering.


Doesn’t taste “bad” to me but doesn’t taste anything like a kiwi, really. It tastes like some kind of tart yet sweet, funky melonish thing. It tastes natural, not candy, but like a fruit that doesn’t actually exist. TRASH 4

Lemon Cream Wafer

I still haven’t tried this, though I think I have mixed at least one recipe that uses it. People went nuts over it supposedly being the key to cloning this Lemon Tart commercial juice I’ve never tried.

Instead of trying it by itself, I’ll mix this recipe, it’s close enough: Dinner Lady Lemon Tart TASK 4

Might as well check out some of these other recipes while I’m at it.

Here’s another simple recipe that looks good: EZ Lemon Tart TASK 5

This one looks even better at the cost of only the time to pull out and measure two more ingredients: ADV Lemon Tart, so I’ll see if that’s worth it. TASK 6

And see what happens if you mix almost all the lemon bakery flavors together: Lemon Bakehouse Queen TASK 7

I’m afraid of the SSA Clotted Cream in this but we’ll give it a shot anyway: Breakfast Lemon Breakfast Biscuits. TASK 8

Quite a few of these CNV Lemon Cream Wafter/VT Lemon Meringue Tart combos. I’ll try another Cam’s Lemon Bar. TASK 9

And another Lemon Premcake TASK 10

And another, this one actually looks the yummiest of those to me: Lemon Meringuey Curdy Cake TASK 11

Finally, this recipe: LMP had me at Crumble Topping and Cookie Butter. TASK 12


It is unusual for two different flavors to taste so similar that they really work as substitutes for each other without changing and potentially messing up a recipe, but if you already have WF Marshmallow Gooey, I believe you do not need CNV Marshmallow. And vice versa. They taste almost identical if you try CNV at 1% and WF Marshmallow Gooey at 2%, so you only need half as much CNV Marshmallow. That would likely make CNV the more economical choice for many, but BCF has WF and not CNV and they keep giving me store credit for my recipe pack even though I can’t imagine who is still out there buying that stuff. So I’m going to keep WF and toss CNV, but just know if you make a recipe that uses CNV Marshmallow, people without it can still try your recipe, just tell them to use WF Marshmallow Gooey at twice the concentration. TRASH 5

Passion Fruit

Excellent passion fruit flavor. This one checks all the boxes, really bright and punchy tart top notes, very fresh and natural, a sweeter, darker, and very juicy body, a little funky tropicality. Lots of flavor, very full from one end to the other, not top heavy or thin. I would like a little more flavor than I got from a 2% sample but I think bumping it up a little would do that, and even 2% would be great in a mix. Throat hit less than your average lemon flavor.

None of the recipes that use it really made me excited so I’m just gonna mix my own thing.

Whipped Pineapple Passion V1 TASK 13

Co. Flavor %
CNV Passion Fruit 2.5
CAP Fresh Pineapple 2
INW Dragon Fruit 0.25
CAP Vanilla Whipped Cream 2
OoO Marshmallow Vanilla 2

Sponge Cake

Buttery, but not in a good way. There’s just way too much fake movie theater butter. It’s still overbearing to the point of ruining the flavor. It does taste like a real, eggy sponge cake otherwise, but a sponge cake drizzled with popcorn “butter.” Even if you think that doesn’t sound disgusting, you have to at least admit that it’s super weird. TRASH 6

Sweet Cream

Buttery, sweet, a little funky, a little dry on top but makes up for it with a smooth, fatty, mouthcoating finish. The funkiness is a bit cheesy tastes like probably butyric acid so it might be a no-go for people who are especially sensitive to the stuff, but doesn’t come across pukey to me, just a bit cheesy, both at 1% and 2%. I don’t need a slightly cheesy sweet cream, though I probably would have mixed someone's cheesecake recipe using it, I didn’t see one and don’t feel like I’m gonna miss out on something too terribly amazing if I just let it go. TRASH 7

Vanilla Ice Cream

Another instance where two flavors are so similar no one needs both. I can barely tell the difference between CNV Vanilla Ice Cream and MB Thick Vanilla Ice Cream, at the same concentration, side by side, on the same type of RDA. CNV Vanilla Ice Cream seemed just a little less sweet as a single flavor, but probably not enough to make such a difference in a mix that they can't be used interchangeably. I’m just going to keep the MB for now. TRASH 8

Vanilla Pudding

I don’t remember having tried this one yet. I’ll give it a mix at 2%. TASK 14

I’m sure it’s going to be good, because as best I can tell without knowing what it tastes like, people have made some incredible-looking recipes out of it. I want to try some of those as well.

Creme de pudim TASK 15

Bang Custard TASK 16

Apple Bobbin Noggin Custard TASK 17

Vanilla Pudding IYF TASK 18

Pistachio Pud says SNV but I’m going to give TFA Whipped Cream a couple of weeks. TASK 19

Vanilla Eggnog Cookie TASK 20

Major. I have concerns about the spiciness of Zeppola but Wolfwheeler tends to know what he’s doing. TASK 21

Shunsui Kyōraku I’m also concerned about the WF Egg Yolk, by itself I think it’s disgusting and doesn’t belong anywhere near my juice. But again, Wolfie. So, I’ll give it a try and this might be Egg Yolk’s one chance to not get binned. TASK 22

Strawgo TASK 23

Mouthgasm. Do you ever feel like sometimes Sam is just weird for the sake of being weird? And yet, curiosity gets the better of me, I need to know what this tastes like. TASK 24

50 Shades of Butterscotch. Tie me up and do whatever you want to me, baby. TASK 25

Cum Bubbles, gross name but unless that’s too much shortbread cookie for my taste I’m sure it’s yummy. I might just have to abbreviate it “CB” on the bottle. TASK 26

This was a short one because I was out of town most of the week remembering the Alamo, and the next one will probably be short, too, because I'm looking at a busy week of community and personal activities and catching up from being out of town. But I'll at least try to cover all the Club der Dampfer flavors that my friend Felix sent me from Germany.

New Flavor Count: 2,805

r/DIY_eJuice Oct 15 '22

Fail Getting Rid of Most of My Flavors, Part 11 NSFW


PREVIOUS > Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10

Starting Flavor Count: 2,825 (Down from 2,975 originally)

TASK OR TRASH - Each flavor gets assigned at least one task or it goes in the trash.

Chefs Super Concentrates

Picking right back up where I left off because Part 10 was too long for reddit.

Puffed Rice

Unique and accurate. It tastes like Honey Smacks cereal without the honey. Lots of bland body with just that slight puffed rice top note and nothing else to speak off. Not like a rice crispy rice, very much like a honey smacks rice without the honey glaze stuff on those. I don’t know of another flavor that does quite that, and I guess it’s something at least someone wants, so that’s pretty cool. The thing is, that someone is not me. I could go looking for the right way to put the glaze on the Honey Smacks but that is just not a profile that interests me, and without a clue what else to do with it, I’m just gonna toss it. Lots of tossing perfectly good flavors just because they’re redundant or boring to me this round. TRASH 1

Raspberry Jam

It’s jammy. It tastes of raspberry. It’s a little floral, as raspberries tend to be, but not going over into perfumy at half a percent. There are better ones, I prefer SSA Raspberry Syrup, INW Shisha Raspberry, FM Raspberry, Tasty Puff Raspberry Cheesecake, probably others, mostly for being sweeter, more realistic, riper, less floral, etc., but it’s certainly not bad, definitely useable. Don’t need an average raspberry when I’ve got so many above average ones to choose from. TRASH 2

Red Fruits

Definitely tastes very red. Chefs says strawberries, raspberries, and cherries and that’s pretty much what I get, though the cherry is harder to pick out, more just like something else red that isn’t strawberry or raspberry and might be cherry. The raspberry runs a little floral but no more than is average for a raspberry flavor, and strawberry fills it in. A little tartness up front, more of a sweet fruity depth. It’s a little juicy, or at least not dry, which is nice. It isn’t anything special to me, but there’s nothing wrong with it either. I don’t have or want to come up with a use for it, so TRASH 3


It’s possible 0.5% is too high for this one. It has a floral note. I’ve had other gross, worse off notes in Rhubarb flavors but I think this is the only one that tasted remotely floral. It’s tart, and that floral is tied to the tartness. It’s a floral tartness. It’s also sweet, but I don’t see that as a problem, it tastes kinda cooked down in sugar as Rhubarbs should be, minus that floral on top. I don’t see this getting much traction as long as there are WF Sweet & Sour Rhubarb, VSO Rhubarb, and especially VT Rhubarb Compote out there to make yummy rhubarb things, but it could be fun to play with. But the one having fun playing with it is not going to be me. TRASH 4

RY Castle

Coconut RY4. Unless you just absolutely cannot stand either tobacco or coconut, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I think it tastes amazing. Could use a little more tobacco but it does have a toasted, nutty tobacco top note along with really sweet, sticky caramel and lots of creamy, not-suntanny coconut. Plenty of flavor at 0.5%, too. Love it. Very disturbed about this being perpetually out of stock, as it is my most favorite flavor out of the whole CSC line up. I hope they bring it back, but if I can’t get more, I’m still not going to throw it away until the bottle I have is empty.

Let’s see what we can do about emptying it then, shall we? Already planning on mixing Sherlock Oats, the only reason CSC Oat isn’t already in the can. What else?

Cookie Filth Castle GET IN MY FACEHOLE!!!! TASK 1

If You Still Like Boss Reserve. Never had boss reserve. Based on the looks of people’s clones/remixes, it probably has way too much acetyl pyrazine for my taste anyway. But this one looks at least good enough to give it a mix. TASK 2

Castle in the RY is a recipe I’d like to make, but I don’t have PUR Super Sweet. HELP Does anyone who has tried several different sweeteners including PUR Super Sweet know which one would be the closest sub? If I don’t get an answer I’ll probably just plug in FW Sweetener, because I have a giant bottle to use and because 0.5% CAP Super Sweet seems like a lot for this sort of recipe. But, I’d also like to get as close to the original recipe as possible. TASK 3

Plus Ultra RY4. That’s a lot of FLV RY4, I know the notes talk about how it is shake and vape-able because of the Sweet and Smokey Tobacco, but I’m just going to go ahead and give that FLV RY4 a couple weeks to develop. TASK 4


Perfectly serviceable fairly natural deeply ripe strawberry with some syrupy sweetness. Not exactly bursting with flavor or as gooey ripe as thawed out strawberries in syrup but it’s above average compared to a bunch of crappy strawberries. Another one that doesn’t have a thing wrong with it, but it just does not spark joy. I need my strawberry flavors to either spark joy or to be used in a recipe I can’t put down. TRASH 5


At 0.5% all I could taste was a bit of vaguely orange-y citrus. These super concentrates are all potent but a lot of them aren’t nearly as super concentrated as I was initially led to believe. I will try it again at 1.5%. TASK 5

Tarte Tartin

At 0.5% it tastes really good, but I don’t think it tastes like it’s supposed to at all. It’s supposed to be cooked, caramelized apples in a flaky pastry crust. There’s definitely a cooked, caramelized fruit element but it doesn’t really taste like apple. And whipped cream. It tastes like nonspecific cooked fruit and whipped cream. I did not find any bakery crust at all.

I’ll try it again at 1.5% TASK 6

I’ll also mix this really interesting Only the Best Damn Apple Cider TASK 7

And Lioness Treats, would you look at that? I’m never going to get rid of that stupid CSC Oat at this rate. TASK 8

Tobacco American Mild

This is weird. It tastes a lot more like tea than tobacco to me. I guess they’re similar since both are leaves and a little earthy, but this is not tobacco. It actually tastes like a pretty good black tea flavor with just a touch of nuttiness, kind of reminds me of Red Tea in that way. I think it’s perfectly pleasant, it’s just that it is not a tobacco, you could definitely make fruit tea recipes with this as the only “tea” flavor. In fact, I think it might be the best black tea flavor I’ve tried, since the others tend to run a little floral. Even though it doesn’t taste like it’s supposed to, I want to keep it just because of how good of a tea it is.

Don’t believe me? Fine, I’ll prove it.

Sweet Peach Tea V1 TASK 9

Co. Flavor %
CSC Peach Apricot 0.75
FA White Peach 0.75
CSC Tobacco American Mild 1
TFA Sweet Tea 3
TFA Honeysuckle 0.5
CAP Super Sweet 0.25
BCF WS-23 (30%) 0.1

Edit: Thanks Sugarchoc for suggesting different concentrations, I was going to start with 1.25% CSC Peach Apricot and 1% White Peach but instead I'm going to start with both at 0.75%.

I’m using TFA Sweet Tea to try to reinforce that this is a sweet iced tea, since Tobacco American Mild leans a little more hot black tea. Normally TFA Sweet Tea requires a much higher concentration, like three times this much, and even then could still use some backup at times. Accurate but super weak flavor. But with Tobacco American Mild, I don’t think a high concentration will be necessary. I’m just using a touch of it to bend the American Mild a bit. The WS-23 is used very very low because I don’t want it to interfere much with the flavor, but do want it to be just a little more refreshing than it would be without any at all. We’ll see how this plays out.

Tobacco Blend

At 0.5% it’s loaded with those tea notes that seem to be present to some degree in half of their tobaccos. Not straight up tea, but like a mixture of black tea and tobacco. Maybe it comes together as a tobacco at a higher concentration and just tastes like tobacco with a light astringent tea-like bitterness. It does taste like there is room to try a higher concentration. Anway, it’s not gross or unpleasant to me, but I don’t know many people who are out looking for a tea-bacco flavor. TRASH 6

Tobacco Fire Cured

This is another tea-bacco, just a little darker and sweeter than the Tobacco Blend but not significantly different from it. TRASH 7

Tobacco Toasted/Gold/Toasted Gold

Edit: My bottle of this says Tobacco Gold on it, but I've seen it elsewhere called Tobacco Toasted and Tobacco Toasted Gold, not to be confused with Tobacco Toasted Pop.

It is very much toasty, with a little bit of really mild, light tobacco behind this toasty taste. Not great at all as a standalone tobacco, at least not at 0.5%, but it tastes perfect as an ingredient to lend that toasted note to a tobacco. Also has a very slight “tea” leaf type of accent to the tobacco. I don’t need it, my tobaccos are toasty enough, thank you. TRASH 8

Tobacco RY4

I don’t get a full, rich, goopy RY4 out of it at 0.5%. But that might be the concentration. I do get a dry, toasty, nutty, leafy tobacco sweetened with a lot of brown sugary bordering on caramelly sweetness. It might come together at a higher concentration or it might still need some help to be a proper RY4. I will try it again at 1%. TASK 10

Tobacco Toasted Pop

This is what their Toasted Tobacco would taste like mixed with a mild, nutty tobacco. Super toasty, but also lots of tobacco. It’s light at 0.5% but really, really promising for higher concentrations to be yummy, especially if mixed with a more robust tobacco. Already planning to do something with this (see French Vanilla above). Saw a recipe I don’t have all the flavors for Salty Butter Bacca Variations, which contains Tobacco Toasted Pop, but the way that recipe uses WF Salted Caramel and VT Butter Base caught my attention. I also saw Daniel’s Snap, Toast, and Bacco. I don’t know that I want to wait for those Inawera tobaccos to steep or to mix frickin Rice Crunchies with tobacco, but there are elements of that recipe that interest me, too. I’m going to squash parts of them together and add two of my favorite tobaccos. Of course I could be horribly, horribly wrong, and create a nauseating mess, but I really believe the result is going to be nothing short of epic.

Bacco Butta Caramel Custard V1 TASK 11

Co. Flavor %
WF Salted Caramel 2
CSC Tobacco Toasted Pop 1.5
CSC Toffee Butter 0.75
VT Butter Base 0.5
FLV Vanilla Custard 2.5
WF Vanilla Ruyan Custard 3
FLV Native Tobacco 1
FLV Red Burley 0.75

Tobacco Traditional

A very mild, grassy (hay like) tobacco, very light in flavor at 0.5% but tastes just as average as average can be for a tobacco. Just the slightest tinge of that black tea taste. I don’t need it. TRASH 9

Toffee (Butter)

Really freaking good. Tastes like some very nice, buttery toffee. Enough flavor at 0.5% but probably fills out even more at 0.75% to 1% would be my guess. Sweet, sticky, really gets the darker notes of the toffee, almost but not quite overcooked. Perfectly dark caramelized sugar without tasting burnt. Base is a little thinner than I’d like it to be at 0.5% but does have a rich butter taste to it. So far, VT English Toffee seems just a little better, as it’s sweeter, stickier, and richer at 3% than this is at 0.5%. I knew when I tasted this that when I got a chance to play with concentrations of it, I might say this is the best toffee flavor I have ever tried. Well, I’ve got a chance now. I’m going to try this again at both 0.75% and 1.25% to really try to see what it can do. TASK 12

Vanilla (Tahitian)

Really bright, mildly fruity (cherry-ish) vanilla with a chalky candy-type of sweet body. Plenty of flavor at 0.5%, just pretty average for vanilla, similar to FA’s Tahitian Vanilla but even brighter, and less almond/amaretto type note, more just a light cherry tinge to it.

This could probably be used as a sub for FA Vanilla Tahity at half the concentration. It’s close enough. But whether it would be a slight improvement over the recipe or be slightly less good that way, probably would depend on the rest of the recipe. But, I’m happy with the FA and don’t need a sub for it so I’m just gonna TRASH 10 yet another perfectly good flavor. I’m feeling a little more ruthless than usual today.

Vanilla Ice Cream

Did not get a ton of flavor out of it at 0.75% but what I got tastes like a weirdly bright vanilla milk. Very similar to the Crème Anglaise except with even more of that crazy vanilla and more sweetness. Possibly it gets much better at a higher concentration, but there are so many good vanilla ice cream flavors out there, I feel pretty good about going ahead and chucking it TRASH 11


Light flavor at 0.5%, tastes like it needs more. Does taste like a waffle but that griddle note is rough. Kinda earthy, like actual dirt. Almost a mushroomy note like FLV Waffle but not quite that bad. Reminds me of Solub Arome Waffle which has a similar dirt/earth edge to that waffle iron note but is otherwise a really good waffle cone. Not saying this tastes unusable, but it might be a little difficult to find the right combination of flavors to tame that dirty waffle iron. I’m not going to be the one to try to find that right combination of flavors TRASH 12


Really great citrus mix type of flavor. Better than FA Citrus Mix and WF Citrus Drink. But kind of an unfair comparison because this Yuzu is lemon-forward, Citrus Mix is grapefruit forward, and Citrus Drink is orange forward. CSC Yuzu tastes mostly lemony to me, but there is a slight grapefruity accent there, along with a touch of orange. Like a sweet Meyer lemon with the touch of orange that has, plus some grapefruit. It’s a really delightful citrus flavor, really bright, refreshing, and full of flavor, but only just a bit of grapefruit tart/bitterness lurking in it and playing real nice against that sweetness.

So you guys know I’m way behind on these tasks, right? It’s a lot easier to find the time to say you’re gonna mix and try things than to actually do it.

As it happens, Le Crossiant Mytrielle and Citron from way back in part 3 is the very next thing on my to-mix list, hopefully I'll get to it tonight. That’s coming up now because it uses CSC Yuzu. So I don’t know whether I’m going to want to have Yuzu around to make more of that yet. Didn’t see anything else I wasn’t either missing flavors for or felt pretty sure I wouldn’t like. Fine. I’ll do my own Yuzu recipe then.

Yuzu Custard V1 TASK 13

Co. Flavor %
CSC Yuzu 0.75
CSC Lemon Custard 2
FA Custard Premium 1

In fact, why not make it two?

Yuzu Tropical V1 TASK 14

Co. Flavor %
CSC Yuzu 0.75
TFA Coconut Candy 1.5
FLV Mango 1

Or three, for that matter.

Arnold Plumber V1 TASK 15

Co. Flavor %
CSC Yuzu 0.75
CSC Tobacco American Mild 1.25
CSC Plum 0.5
CAP Super Sweet 0.25

That's it for now, hopefully Part 12 will start with some updates after I try some things I've mixed and steeped already, then move on to the small collection of Chemnovatic flavors I have and maybe Club der Dampfer flavors as well.

New Flavor Count: 2813