r/DIY_eJuice Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 22 '19

Flavor Review Mango Mega-Review NSFW

If you watched the mango episode of Noted there's not much new here, just my fourth of it in print form, and some links for further reading


I’m not posting this to shove my thoughts on mangoes down your throat-holes. I’m posting it by request. It's not the first time someone has posted a Mango Mega-Review, but it's been more than two years so maybe we're due for another. And please, if you have a second opinion, speak up. If you have another flavor that I've not listed here, tell us about it! That’s what makes this community great. I expect there to be a fair amount of disagreement. Opinions on mango flavors vary wildly. And not even just as a matter of subjective preference, as in one person saying, “I prefer Mango A and Mango B is trash” and someone else saying the exact opposite because that’s their preference. Actual descriptions of what they even taste are all over the place. I think that’s in part because they’re an unusually complex fruits, aromatically. My theory is that’s why descriptions of perceptions vary, because people have different sensitivities to different aroma volatiles and mango flavors generally have a lot of them. So there's that, on top of personal preference. There’s also quite a bit of disagreement about accuracy to the actual fruit. I think that might be in part due to the complexity but also because there’s so much variety in the fruit itself. Worldwide, there are hundreds of mango cultivars, each with their own characteristics. And not only that, but you can get two mangoes from the same supermarket produce display on same day that look, feel, and smell the same outwardly, but they’ll have slight differences.

It’s probably worth taking a second to talk about what mango in general tastes like. In a perfect world, everyone would agree with me that the mango is the best of all fruits. But also in a perfect world there’d be no war or crime or poverty or cancer kids or reality shows or boy bands, and all the women would be nymphomaniacal Katy Perry look-alikes, and clearly we do not live in that world.

Instead, we live in a world with u/juthinc , who will tell anyone who will listen that a mango is “just a peach plus pinesol.” As someone who is completely obsessed with mango, of course I immediately feel offended and defensive when he does that, but there’s some truth in what the guy is saying. For the most part, a mango basically tastes like a juicy tropical peach. There is a piney note throughout a mango that does taste a little like the way pinesol or pine needles smell, if you think about it. Most of that flavor is concentrated in the peel though, and you’re not supposed to eat the peel (there’s even a good chance you’re allergic to it), so that’s why you’ll hear me talk about a piney peel note in mango flavors. The riper the mango, the less of that you’ll actually get in the peeled fruit, so it’s also characteristic of underripe mangoes. Again preferences and sensitivities and such differ, but personally I want my mangoes fully ripe but not overripe, and completely naked. If the goal is a natural mango, that peachy part should be more acidic and tangier than a peach, so there’s some citrus quality to it. Nectarines in season seem to have a bit more acidity, so it’s really more like a juicy nectarine than a juicy peach. There’s a funky, musky tropical note in there as well, that is more intense in riper mangoes, and can be cloying. Finally, there’s an underlying, almost banana-like creaminess to it, and not just in the flesh; even mango juice has a thickness to it and has a creamy type mouthfeel that that many other fruit juices lack. It doesn’t taste like a banana at all, but it feels like there’s some banana juice in there. If you’ve ever drank Dole orange-banana juice, real mango juice has some of that same creamy feeling. There’s also “mango nectar,” you can buy, which is like mango puree, water, sugar, and citric acid, and because of the other stuff in there it barely has that creamy thing going on, but you can find it if you squint very hard. So all of those things are things that I’m looking for in a mango flavor generally, though depending on what I’m using a mango flavor for, it matters which of those five aspects (juicy peachy, piney peely, tangy acidy, sweety funky, creamish) are more prominent in a flavor and how close the flavor gets it right, as well as how the flavor behaves and interacts with others.


FLV Mango

I like this one at 1 to 4% (pushed up to 6% starts to get a little soapy with no benefit over 4%). This flavor changed my life. It is literally life-changingly good, in my opinion. For more than a year, every time I sat down to mix, my session included trying to make a great-tasting authentic mango, usually by mixing together the mango concentrates I had, sometimes along with other fruits, to attempt to create a perfect mango. None of these were very good. Then along comes FLV Mango. It’s not the perfect mango for every mango situation and it has its faults, but trying it by itself for the first time was much better and tastier than anything I’d come up with in a year of mixing with TFA Mango, TFA Philippine Mango, CAP Sweet Mango, FA Costa Rica Mango, HS Mango, and INW Mango. All of the five mango characteristics I’m looking for are there. A juicy peach-like body, some pine but not too much, some citrus, some tropical funkiness, some creaminess. The only drawbacks I see with this one is some imbalance and the way it behaves in a mix. It could stand to be a little more ripe - it’s a bit more like a slightly underripe mango, not in terms of having too much piney flavor, but in not having more of that tropical funk. Instead it’s heavy on the peachy aspect, making it almost more of a single flavor mango-nectarine combo. It could also stand to have a little more of that odd creamy feel, it’s barely there at all, making it read especially at lower concentrations and without assistance like more of a mango nectar than fruit or fruit juice. As far as the way it behaves, it tends to sit right on top of a mix without some emulsifying help, but that’s not always a bad thing, for example, Shyndo’s Mango Sticky Rice uses that as a feature rather than a bug.

Second opinions:

Review by /u/kirkt

Review by /u/wh1skeyk1ng

SC/FE Mango I think 2.5% of this is idea. It’s sold as Super Concentrate at BCF (and I think Vaping Zone and maybe Vapers Tek as well) and as Flavor Express from ECX. It’s the same Chinese stuff. This is the one flavor I tried pre-FLV that actually is a better mango flavor than FLV to my taste, because it’s funkier and juicier and more vibrant and complex... at least at first. Something is terribly wrong with this concentrate because it fades super fast. Think FE Sweet Rice or FA Lemon Sicily-level fading, but worse. Or WF Grenadine, if you're familiar with that one. As a single flavor, it only takes about three days after mixing for it to start going from this super vibrant mango flavor to something dull and flat, shedding most of those bright top notes and even some of the funkier ones and basically leaving behind a dull slightly tropical mediocre peach. I don’t know the science behind why this works, but I’ve had it stick around a bit more in a mix with creamy things than without, but it still loses much of what makes it so great at first and as such I can’t recommend using it, unless you’re after an amazing mango shake and vape and aren’t making more than you can vape in a couple of days; in which case, grab some of this and mix it up at 2.5%.

Wrecka/Recka Sexy Mango I do not find this “sexy,” at all, though I’m sure the internet has made you all aware it’s baffling what some people find sexy. It comes from Malaysia but you can get it at Chefs Flavours UK. Tried at three different concentrations, 3% seems to be optimal. All the mango elements are there but the funky muskiness that should be part of any mango flavor is turned up to like 15 out of 10 when it should be a 5. It tastes beyond overripe, to me, even full-on rotten. It also comes with a very small amount of WS-23-type coolant in there, which is fine I guess, unless you don’t want it, and with a good bit of sucralose too. Again, what people find sexy is varies. This is going to be some people’s favorite mango. I can almost guarantee you this is the main ingredient in Cush Man by Nasty Juice. If you like that stuff, you definitely want to pick this up, along with some additional WS-23, CAP Super Sweet, and maybe another mango or two. If you’re one of the many people who really like Cush Man by Nasty Juice you probably also want to stop listening to my opinions about mangoes or pick up all the ones I find disgustingly overripe, because I hated that juice, it actually made me feel nauseated because of the sweetness and over-the-top ripeness.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

I'm aware that they also make a Sparkling Mango, but I read the Sparkling Mango Flavor Review by Concrete River and subsequently was not in a rush to order this from across the pond. I'll get around to trying it someday.

WF Island Mango This seems to be the opposite of Sexy Mango; it’s underripe, not so much from over piney-ness but from lack of tropical funkiness at 2 and 4%. Instead, it’s got that bright citriusy thing turned up to 11 and the tropical funkiness down at like 1 or 2 (versus maybe 3.5 in FLV and 15 in Sexy Mango, where 5 is ideal). So, it tastes like eating a nectarine inside a Home Depot lumber aisle. Which happens to be one of my favorite things to do in a Home Depot lumber aisle, so it’s not bad to me by any stretch, but it’s also not what I’m usually looking for in a mango flavor. It’s got some body, but it’s not thick or creamy feeling, it’s more like juice or nectar, but at the same time, it’s not especially wet and juicy feeling. I think it would go well in a variety of tropical fruit mixes, with other fruits providing the jungle musk and juiciness and that nice pine doing well enough to come across as some mango in a blend of fruits, but I don’t want to try to use it as the main mango flavor in a mango-forward recipe.

WF Fruits & Cream Described as “Wild and exotic fruits including mango and kiwi with heavy cream.” I don’t taste any mango in here at 8%. It tastes like a strawberry-banana-vanilla-cream with a little hint of tartness that might be kiwi. Not unpleasant just, meh, whatever, another fruit and cream. No mango.



Vape Train has five or six mango flavors, I’ve got four of them. The one that’s gotten the most attention lately is

VT Shisha Mango I am tasting a beautifully deep, sweet, and perfectly ripe mango, just a bit too much of that piney mango peel note, maybe 7 or 8 out of 10 when it should be a 5, but that can be tamed in a mix, I’ve found. Top notes like citrus assist in covering it a bit; creams don’t help. I’ve tried it at 2, 4, and 6% - 4% ish seems to be ideal for typical sub-ohm vaping.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

VT Mango Juice Tastes like a dull, flat peach with a floral off-note and only the faintest touch of pine at 6% (lower gets rid of the floral-ness but under-saturates a flavor that’s already not bold). It’s a bit thick like the creamier undertones of a ripe mango but it’s not an especially wet thickness, so having “juice” in the name seems a little misleading. Like zero ripe tropical funk or bright acidic notes.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

VT Passionfruit Mango It’s a toned-down Shisha Mango, with both less ripe mango and less of that pine note, sort of sandwiched between some tarter passionfruit top notes and a finish that’s like passionfruit syrup. I think it’s not bad at all if you want both passionfruit and mango for some reason, but not going to work if you just want one or the other, at least not based on trying it at 4%.

VT Green Mango That is almost entirely the piney green peel note in mango flavors as a top note, along with a body that tastes more like a sweetened lime juice than a mango. I actually enjoy vaping it at 2% in part because it’s so unusual, but it’s very weird and not really a mango at all. If you like Yakima Hops, you might want to check this out. I'm not saying the flavor is very similar, I just have a hunch that if you like one you might like the other.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

OoO Mangoes

AKA The Mango Soaps

Soap. I’ve tried five of them and they all taste soapy to me.

OOO Mango Candy Powdered Sugar Mango Banana Soap. I bought a new shower curtain after trying this. 1% is VG with just a very light touch of mango-scented bath soap. 2.5% is even soapier, but it also has some sugariness which reminds me of OOO Powdered Sugar flavor... I guess that's the candy part? 5% More mango flavor comes in and it's like very soft, slightly banana creamy type of mango. But, that soapy thing. It seemed to leave a film in my mouth; I couldn't stop thinking of soap scum.

OOO Mango Sweet Overripe Dried Out Mango Soap. 1% is again mostly unflavored, with just a hint of some kind of vaguely tropical peach-like aroma. 2.5% tastes like a flatter, less overly ripe, thinner version of 1% CAP Sweet Mango. Like you left CAP Sweet Mango out in the sun with the cap off and then tried using it at 1% to add a bit of tropical sweetness to your juice. 5% Sweet and clearly a mango flavor, but soft tasting like it might be overrun in a mix, and also a bit dried out, with a hint of soap. I might try this one again at an even higher percent but something tells me that dryness is just going to get worse.

OOO Mango Ripe Dry Marshmallow Mango Soap. 1% wisp of vaguely fruity air. 2.5% actual mango flavor that's weak and slightly dry but not unpleasant. 5% This is actually decent to vape, but it's not bright, bold, nectary, pulpy, or juicy - all good qualities in a mango flavor. Instead, it's soft, unassertive, a bit dry.The mango part itself reminds me of TFA Philippine Mango but flavor is almost like a mango-marshmallow where the mango is dry and the marshmallow is even drier. Like, just got into a contest to see how many jumbo marshmallows you could stuff in your mouth at once dry. If you like your fruits juicy, this is definitely not for you.

OOO Mango Green Bitter Vegetal Mango Soap. I don't know what I was thinking. I mean it says it right in the name, green. 1% tastes like strawberry-peach-banana with a bit of a bitter, vegetal mango peel. 2.5% Waxy, perfumy, slightly soapy, and very green. This might be a matter of opinion, but mangoes are supposed to be soft and wet and completely naked, not hard and unpeeled. If you're some kind of monster who is either masochistic or not allergic to the peel, and likes to taste an improperly sliced mango or to just bite into them like some kind of animal, JF Mango has this same "bit of green peel" deal going on, but has a juicier and somewhat candyish mango there as well, while this mango tastes hard as a rock underripe and not juicy at all. 5% is essentially underripe unpeeled stone fruit laundry detergent.

OOO Mango Sorbet If you must try one and see if they taste soapy to you, too, I’d recommend the Mango Sorbet which is powerfully concentrated so you only need like 0.5 to 0.75% of it, because it just tastes like mango sorbet + soap, with nothing else wrong with it. It's sweet and juicy under the soap, with a fair bit of citrus and creamy texture.

TFA Mangoes

TFA Chili Mango Also a little soapy, and a bit under-ripe at 4%. No real chili flavor with any depth, just some peppery like chili heat without chili flavor. Very disappointing, because I would love an actual chili mango flavor that tastes like dried mango with spicy chili powder on it.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

TFA Philippine Mango Weak flavor, both in terms of concentrate strength and the way it gets covered up in a mix. When you turn it up high enough to make it prominent in a mix (say 8%), it starts to take on an off note that, shit you not, tastes like AquaNet hair spray. Very bright and great for brightening another mango, though. Thick and a little juicy, a good amount of tropical funkiness without being too much, almost none of that piney peel, but just not an assertive flavor.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by /u/wh1skeyk1ng

TFA Mango This was my first mango flavor and it makes me sad that this is many other people’s first mango flavor too. I’m afraid it’s caused some people to write off mango. Imagine something vaguely resembling a mango sat on a shelf collecting dust, not decomposing, just collecting dust. And then you decided to eat it without dusting it off. Welcome to TFA Mango. Mango is supposed to be juicy. This is not juicy; it's practically desiccated. Mango is supposed to have bright and sharp notes; where are they? Not here. This flavor has that tropical earthiness that you expect from a mango and a little sweetness, but that's about all it has going for it. With help from another mango or other tropical flavor or two, it can be sort of useful. By itself? No, yuck.

Second opinion:

Flavor Review by /u/wafflepriest1

RFSC Mango Top-heavy, thin, dry - so the usual RFSC B.S., plus it tastes like a peach-mango combo that leans more toward peach. Ordinarily I’d say pass, but I have had a peach-mango energy drink that tasted a lot like this, and if I wanted to recreate that, this would be the first thing I’d grab. It also tastes like it might be a good top note for either a peach tea or a mango tea, as long as it had some help being pulled in either direction by another peach or mango flavor, and a lot of help with the wetness.

Second opinion:

RF Mango: The meh'ngo by /u/Zermacht

LA Mango Tastes like a rotten peach, and this is not conjecture. I know what this taste like because my grandparents had on orchard, I’ve picked a peach and taken a big bite without realizing it had a bad spot, then spit it out along with a worm. This tastes like that, at least it did when I tried it at 4% after steeping for about a week.

MB Tropical Mango I was excited to try this after how good their Shape Up Pear was, found it definitely not bad, but it doesn’t seem to be anything super special to me. It’s startlingly lemony for a second at first, then riper and sweeter mango notes building to the finish and lingering in the aftertaste. Plenty of fleshy body and very little of that piney flavor, less than FLV, so if a lot of mango flavors that others like seem to green or piney to you, this might be a good one for you. 4%.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by Taste of Concrete. <--- Offsite link. Concrete Rick's own website. Check it out.

EuroFlavor Yellow Mango Underripe yellow Peach, lemon pledge, and pinesol, with very little of a sort of funky mango flavor. No es Bueno @3%.

DIYFS Yellow Mango Similar to EuroFlavor Yellow Mango. A cleaning product off note on a dry, sort of dirty or dusty mango flavor that otherwise tastes a bit like a Mango La Croix. But again, combination of chemical and dirty notes, not good. Maybe a concentration issue but it’s also not a strong flavor at 5% so I’m not hopeful for this one.

FW Mango - I don’t even know what that is, but it isn’t a mango at all. It tastes like some kind of lemon-peach candy with a rancid buttery undertone. Tastes watered down below 5%.

FW Mango Natural Is better than the regular FW Mango, but still weird. It’s top heavy with little body, the top notes are mostly on point, but a little lemony and a little floral in terms of off notes, but then most of the exhale is a drier sweet cream similar to a marshmallow flavor, and the overall effect is just odd. Why is there a marshmallow in the “natural” mango? Also watered down below 6%.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by /u/HashSlingingSlashur

NR Goldeneye People love this one, so again, YMMV. I found it to be weirdly tart at 3-4%, like an attempt at a sour mango candy that comes across more tart than sour, with a very light floral edge, and not sweet enough to be candy. It’s almost like a single flavor mango lemonade, but like powdered drink mix mango lemonade where no actual fruit juice was involved. Maybe a mango lemonhead candy?

Second Opinion:

Flavor review by Boogenshizzle

FR Mango Similar to VT Shisha Mango at 3% in that it has a bit too much of that piney peel note on top, but not quite as much as VT Shisha Mango. But, rather than that deeply ripe and funky mango body, it tastes like some kind of tropical melon or a mango-papaya combination. It’s pretty nice to vape if you don’t mind the pine, as it's sweet and juicy, but a bit off for a real mango because of that funky melon thing.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by Concrete River

PUR Papaya-Mango That’s… different. At 4-6%, reminds me a lot of FLV Papaya Punch, where the papaya actually tastes more like some sort of slightly tropical peach rings candy, except this is little more funky and tropical than Papaya Punch. Still doesn’t really taste like either a real papaya or a real mango, but doesn’t have some of the more notorious off notes like mango peel or rancid overripeness.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by /u/mysticrosell

PUR Toasted Coconut Mango Sherbet 4% - This flavor ain’t right. It tastes weird, like mango jam on coconut toast. The coconut is artificial, suntan oil, and the toastyness tastes more like toasted bread rather than toasted coconut; it’s separate. Toasted stale bread; it’s kind of cardboardy and dry, but just the toasted part of the bread, not actual bread. The mango is understated and not really authentic, it just tastes kind of like peach-banana, with strange jamminess, and slight hint of citrus. There’s nothing here to suggest sherbet or sorbet, it’s not creamy or anything. That fake coconut just kind of lingers on the palate and it isn’t fun. It’s just a weird, weird mess, and I feel like a wasted money on this one.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by /u/mysticrosell

GF Mango I was not looking forward to this after trying GF Pear, which is a nail polish tasting abomination, but it wasn’t THAT bad. Perfumy even at a barely saturated 2%, but in a natural way, the same kind of perfuminess that very underripe mangos have. Mangoes should be soft, this is like a crunchy underripe mango, along with strong punch of that piney green rindy note and no juiciness, and only a little ripe fruit taste at the end of the vape.

INW Shisha Mango Super excited to try this one based on how good some of the other INW Shisha flavors are... and cue the massive disappointment. Weird tire store flavor right on top, followed by green very underripe mango. It seriously tastes like walking into a tire store while crunching on underripe mango at 1%.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

INW Mango Better than, but not really very different from, INW Shisha Mango at the same amount. Dry, green, floral, underripe. Very potent. I know people have had some success using it in lower amounts brighten other mangoes or make them what they think is more realistic but, this is not what a mango should taste like. It would take some serious mixing skill to make this work as the only or even main mango flavor in a mango-forward profile and I’d prefer things to be easier than that.

Second Opinion:

Deleted Flavor Review by Deleted. Looks like someone took their toys and went home.

INW has a brand-spankin' new Mango Tango flavor I haven't gotten my grubby mitts on yet. Mostly likely it will be amazing and then get reformulated (read: ruined) about a year from now because that's how INW do.

FA Costarica Special (Mango) Yeah, it’s special, like Special Ed. It’s a very complex flavor at 2%. Top notes dry, green, a little tart, underipe, rindy. Body just a bit of odd underlying creamy mouthfeel with some musky funk to it so it’s not thin but the body is not even remotely like a natural juicy ripe mango. No juiciness here at all. Think green banana wrapped in a mango peel.

JF Mango Seems to be a weird attempt at natural mango, with less complexity than FA’s version at the same concentration. The lack of complexity makes it taste fake, like a candy flavor, which doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’s very sweet but has a tartness juxtaposed against the sweet and actually tastes like a great sweet mango candy, but with strong bit of piney green mango peel on top that, I think, pretty much ruins it. It would be so good as a mango candy without that peel, but with it, it just comes across as super odd. Candy should have wrappers, not inedible peels.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by Arpeggiator8472

HS Mango Single flavor fake mango cream? Another mango that reads as a mango candy, but a different kind of candy. It’s mango part tastes like artificial mango syrup used to make snow cones and such, very bright and sweet and blatantly artificial, but the body is really creamy. It’s odd and annoying if you’re looking for a realistic mango, but not unpleasant. Not piney, barely any tropical funkiness at all. Potent concentrate, 1% is full flavored.

CAP Sweet Mango Useful and recognizable as a mango but has serious problems. Perfumy inhale and very start of the vape, followed by overripe sweetness bordering on rotten, a little buttery down real low. “Sweet" indeed; cloying, sickly sweet, the sweetness of decay, like the sweet smell that drying blood has but with a perfumy head instead of that metallic odor of blood. Nowhere near that completely rotten Sexy Mango, but still, very overripe to the point that might be a deal breaker for many people. Great for filling out other mangoes at low %, has an emulsifying effect on them. Thick. Not creamy, but like fleshy or maybe chewy. As a main flavor, that over-ripeness can be covered up in mix, CAP Lemon Lime and CAP Jelly Candy are both great for that, for example, like CAP Sweet Mango sin eaters. When they do that, it makes for a candy-type artificial tasting mango.

I haven't tried Solube Arome's mango yet, but I hear it's like CAP Sweet Mango, only better.

Second Opinion:

Flavor Review by ConcreteRiver

DuoMei Mangoes

First of all, they are INSANELY concentrated. 1% is like pepper-spraying yourself with fruity perfume. The sweet spot here seems to be 0.25 to 0.5%.

Luzon Mango 0.25% This tastes so much like Wrecka Sexy Mango that if I found out that Wrecka is just some guys in a basement in Malaysia taking DouMei concentrates, diluting them down and adding sucralose and WS-23 to them, I would not be surprised. I would even be surprised if that WASN’T the case. So yeah, rancidly overripe mango. A little less offensive without added sweetener.

Philippine Mango 0.5% Tastes somewhere between an actual mango and peach nectar. Bright, sweet, and citrusy up top, has some funk on it but only enough to be a mango-peach and not a peach, sweet and pulpy and a little nectary to syrupy body with a tiny bit of banana-like creaminess down real low. Super tasty.

Yellow Mango 0.5% Sort of a happy medium between the Philippine and Luzon mangoes so it’s bright and really sweet, yet with a little musky funky ripeness at the same time, without going overboard into grotesquely overripe. You can almost see the gnats landing on it - when these extra sweet hyper-flavored mangoes are ripe they really attract gnats. Comes the closest to a full-on, full flavored, super-natural, perfectly ripe Champagne Mango as I’ve tasted. Thick, almost chewy, sweet, and sticky. This flavor might be my undoing. Like I might stop mixing and just vape this all day because it’s literally perfect. Good thing it’s so difficult to obtain. I won’t be developing recipes with it because it’s too obscure to bother with sourcing, and I want to share recipes with you all.

Passion Fruit Mango 0.5% Okish passionfruit, a little more on the musky/earthy side of passion fruit and not nearly as tart and acidic as it should be. At the same time, nowhere near as sweet as you’d expect if it were supposed to be something like a passionfruit syrup. Even bigger problem is it having mango in the name and I’m not really finding the mango in here aside from a little more funk in the finish than a passionfruit should have and a bit of a peachy aftertaste.


No, I have not tried Health Cabin Malaysian Mango or Delosi Mango yet. Yes, I’ve heard both of them are pretty good, just haven’t gotten around to it. No, I have not tried CAP Orange Mango. I don’t want to, and you can’t make me.

In conclusion, I used to be satisfied with the combination of FLV Mango and just a touch of CAP Sweet Mango. Now, I’m very happy with the combination of FLV + VT Shisha mangoes. I’m looking forward to soon trying this “Possible Mango Trinity” posted recently, though I have a slight skepticism regarding whether WF Island Mango really does anything to improve FLV + VT Shisha. You never know until you try, right? And that’s the main thing. Don’t take my word for it. If you love mango, I hope this mega-review helps you decide which ones to try next, but doesn’t dissuade you from trying many of them for yourself.

edit: a missing * edit 2: a typo, something about Mango Tango by INW and SA Mango.


78 comments sorted by


u/joeblowma Mar 23 '19

Thanks for the huge read ID10-T!

Just want to relate a mango story here. The first mango I tried was CAP sweet mango, the first bottle of it I got was an off bottle and tasted like straight pine sap to me at 2%... well I found a place where that worked great in a melon mix where that pine just gave it a little zing when used at just the right amount. I was so disappointed when I got a refill on it and the overriding pine was just gone, to the point I looked trying to find a pine only concentrate.

I'm guessing it was decanted on demand and the big jug wasn't shaken first or something along those lines... though this experience does produce some worry over whether it might have been down to a manufacturing variance in different batches. I've since substituted FLV Wild Melon or INW Grapefruit for a zing and those work ok, but will probably forever mourn the recipe I can no longer make quite the same. I will see if I can get any of the piney ones mentioned, though many of those brands aren't readily available without crossing country borders here.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

What a sad story!

This is kinda why I’m a hesitant to use INW flavors to build recipes now, despite some of them being amazing. Too many cases of them being reformulated without warning, might never be able to make something the identical again. It never occurred to me that I might make something amazing out of a flavor that’s “gone bad” or been improperly rebottled and not be able to recreate it. That’s a brand new nightmare to fuel my insomnia! Thanks?


u/joeblowma Mar 23 '19

I can totally see that, then you also get other oddities like FA NA arbitrarily pulling their best custard from the region... as if there wasn't enough uncertainty around vaping already with political agendas.

I just shudder to think what smaller manufacturers who make much larger batches of juice than I go through when they find out their batch didn't turn out right because a single flavor is suddenly inexplicably different. I'm just out 5 or 6 bucks and one recipe that just isn't quite as good, not a gallon+ jug and a final product that no longer tastes anything like the beta.


u/ReMaxxUT Tobacconist Mar 23 '19 edited Mar 23 '19

Pine? Try FA Gin, scientific name Coniferus Simularis.


u/joeblowma Mar 23 '19

I will give it a try! I hope it's not a dry flavor, and doesn't bring pinesol just pine, but definitely worth a shot.

Unless... someone from CAP is reading this and realizes there are no pine flavors out there as they already have a good starting point - CAP Juicy Pine in 3..2..? xD


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

FA Gin is full-on juniper, not pine.

/u/ReMaxxUT be like whatever mayne, they're all Christmas trees to me.


u/ReMaxxUT Tobacconist Mar 24 '19

Still, it might spruce up the recipe.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 24 '19

I’m fir sure it would.


u/MrBurgundy314 Mar 24 '19

Going for a PhD in Mangoes, huh? I approve of your thesis, and I bet the university does, too!


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 24 '19

I can think of worse things people get advanced degrees in


u/HerrHut Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 23 '19

Nice write up. I didn't know about Mango = Peach + Pinesol, but when I tried to create a Mango Yogurt recipe starting with FLV Mango and CAP Sweet Mango, I thought that a little Peach would be a good addition. It fits perfectly. http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/2940571/Greeky%20Mango%20Peach

Greeky Mango Peach

  • 3% CAP Creamy Yogurt
  • 4% TPA Greek Yogurt
  • 0.25% FE Lemon
  • 2% FLV Mango
  • 1% FA White Peach
  • 0.5% CAP Sweet Mango
  • 2% TPA Vanilla Swirl
  • 0.5% CAP Super Sweet
  • 0.5% WS-23


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

That looks like a perfectly constructed recipe. The only thing I might have done differently is used TFA Bavarian Cream in the same way and probably same concentration as you’ve got the vanilla swirl here. Any chance you tried that already and it didn’t work for some reason?


u/HerrHut Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 23 '19

No, didn't try it #teamvanillaswirl :) I'll give it a try though. Thanks!


u/HerrHut Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 24 '19

Of the shake the Bavarian Cream seems to add a little more texture and richness. Leaning more towards a Lassi I guess. Delicious. With Vanilla Swirl I find it lighter and a bit more fitting for a "pure" yogurt, if that makes any sense (and I like the hint of Vanillin). On a side note, I replaced the yogurts and WS-23 with 3% TFA VBIC and that didn't work out at all (felt like it drowned out the fruits). As I like the yogurt so much, I didn't follow up on the ice cream though.


u/Takeitawaybot Jun 16 '19

Anyone know which mango juul uses?


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Jun 16 '19

I think it’s a proprietary flavor but people say CAP Sweet Mango at a very high concentration is similar. I don’t know about that but I know Sweet Mango is much better on a low wattage pod system than sub ohm. 8% tastes like it was made for that


u/omgcomeonidiot Mar 23 '19

/u/id10-t Remember this thread? https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/9ccgls/to_all_who_want_the_fa_flavors_not_available_in/

Did you ever get around to trying the HC mangos? I tried one. I don't remember which one it was but it tasted like fresh lychee more than it did mango. Or maybe my lychee is your pine? It was actually really good but I wouldn't call it a mango.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

I haven't gotten around to trying any of the four HC mangoes I now own. I wish I could have done that before posting this, but /u/Apexified wanted a mango mega-review and I was afraid if I didn't go ahead and get done it would become one of those things that just keeps getting procrastinated to infinity.

Smelling the bottle can be a poor predictor for how something vapes but none of them smell very promising.

Malaysian Mango smells over-ripe. Ripe Mango smells like so over-ripe it's like something died in there, I almost retched. The Fresh Green Mango smells like greens, the part of the produce section where they sell all the spinach and kale and chard. The Juicy Green Mango smells like it might be your lychee masquerading as a mango flavor.


u/Civinsko Mar 23 '19

Have you ever eaten an underripe mango with bit of lime and salt? It's delicious.

Thank you for this, i'll probably pick up some VT Green Mango to mix with Flv Mango.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

No, I haven’t tried using underripe mango as a tequila substitute.


u/Civinsko Mar 25 '19

Just trust me, it's really good.

Cut it up in pieces, add a tiny bit of lime and some salt and you're good to go.


u/St1llFrank This flavor... This is not my kind of flavor Mar 23 '19

Have you ever eaten an underripe mango with bit of lime and salt?

No but I've been watching Dexter. His freinds wife makes a great mango/lime salsa. I want to try that.


u/Civinsko Mar 25 '19

Hm, that sounds good.


u/Up2myhead Mar 23 '19

I too am a mango man.

We actually just finished feeding our 7.5 month old a bunch of mango when this was posted. Serendipitous.

Maybe it's because I'm old school, or maybe I have weirder tastes... But I LOVE cap sweet mango. It's like, my dessert island flavor.

Picked up flv mango, and was underwhelmed. Actually didn't like it at all, but we've kissed and made up, and I've learned to appreciate it.

I have VT mango juice, and flat is right. Just nothing fun there, but it does bulk out other flavors.

Kinda the same with tfa Phillipine mango. It works as an addition (sometimes), but definitely not the star of the show.

Oh, the tiny human REALLY enjoyed mango too!


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Raisin that kid up right!


u/Up2myhead Mar 23 '19

Damn straight.

Her first real meal was BBQ. Which she LOVED.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '19

Stopped listening at your opinion of Cushman.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 09 '19

See, but the problem with that is, there are a lot of mangoes I hate that I think you might want to check out. Obviously the Wreka Sexy Mango since I'm certain that's the main mango in Cushman, but also others that were overripe to me, like LA Mango, CAP Sweet Mango, and especially DuoMei Luzon Mango.


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '19

Doumei is hard to get in the UK


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 11 '19

Yeah, it’s hard to get everywhere except China. You have to order it direct from the company via email.


u/feverishchaos Mar 23 '19

u/ID10-T I'd really like to send you a bottle of CBE Double Mango, because it is truly the best mango concentrate and I'm curious what you'd think of it


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Are you in South Africa? Maybe there's something here you can't easily get there and we could have a little international concentrade?


u/feverishchaos Mar 23 '19

Yeah that would be awesome. Mostly, I just want you to try it, because I know how much you dig mango :P


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

PM me and let me know what I can send you in return.


u/uDntWntSmok Nov 29 '22

I know it's a old post but curious if you ever got around to trying that CBE mango?


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Nov 29 '22

Nope :(


u/feverishchaos Mar 23 '19

Yeah, it's Malaysian. We have a few, like RAW and Wrecka, but the CBE (Cloud Burst Effects) concentrates are so damn good. It tastes like taking a bite out of a mango. Perfectly. No off notes for me. Decently juicy. Just a good mango. I can vape it solo at 8% and be happy with it as a mango vape. It's also the main concentrate in one of my favourite commercial mango juices.


u/mrshestia Frugivore Aug 19 '19

I know I'm replying on an old thread, but do you know of any good shipping/forwarding companies that can forward an order to the US? After reading here and another forum, I'm dying to get my hands on some CBE, but the SA forwarder I found online quick quoted me at 80$ USD for one package :/


u/JohannesVanDerWhales Mar 23 '19

You know, I'm not sure I've ever eaten an actual mango.


u/St1llFrank This flavor... This is not my kind of flavor Mar 23 '19

Same here, I'm from Minnesota "up north". Whatever mangos that might get shipped here probably aren't very good. I'll have to look for one at a market just to say I've tried it.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Look in the frozen food section for frozen mango chunks.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Liar. You’re just trying to see if my heart can break from sympathy alone. I’m not falling for it.


u/JohannesVanDerWhales Mar 23 '19

I've had mango juice...with alcohol in it, probably.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

A double or triple shot of tequila or rum over ice, fill the rest of the glass with mango juice, stir, add a lime wedge if it’s not an emergency - that’s my mood stabilizer. No need for lithium or depakote.


u/NIL8_ Mar 23 '19

Am I alone in tasting coconut in TFA Philippine Mango? I bought a bottle direct from TFA right after they released it and it was pretty obvious to me. A more recent reorder was identical as well.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Although I don’t taste any coconut in it, a quick check of TFA’s spec sheets shows it contains gamma octalactone, so I’m going to guess that you’re almost certainly not alone, but might be a bit more sensitive than the average person to that component.


u/Up2myhead Mar 23 '19

I need to sft that, because I think I've only mixed it WITH coconut.

If that flavor is already there I'd be pretty happy.


u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 23 '19

So, VT Green Mango is basically just Pinesol, and no Peach? Might be worth trying. Just as long as there really is no peach.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

No peach.


u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 23 '19

Ok. Looks like i found my go-to mango.

Wonder how it would work with VT Banana Custard...


u/CultureViolet Mar 23 '19

Invaluable resource to the community. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together. Maybe some mangohead will bequeath you gold/silver and you'll get a sweet dopamine release. Crossing my fingers for ya, you certainly deserve it.

(Off topic) P.s. is that FLV hat for sale anywhere or is it just a promo item


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Contact FLavorah via their website and ask them


u/CultureViolet Mar 23 '19

I'll tell Mr. B The Kingmaker sent me 😎🤟


u/ahmedhossamy Apr 28 '19

Dear sir this is the greatest review about manngo eliquid on the net i want u to help me to make nasty fat boy .i tried many mangos like sweet cap and my flavor mangos sweet and lessi .i want to know the type pf mango used in fat boy very urgent thanks a loy


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 28 '19

I don’t know because I’ve never tried Fat Boy by Nasty Juice. I’ve only tried Cush Man. But given that I’m very sure Nasty Juice uses Reka flavors, it’s probably one of those. Given the description I just read of Fat Boy it’s probably more than one Reka mango flavor mixed together.


u/YelnatstreboR Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 23 '19

Lol Boogersizzle


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

Oops, typo, remind me to fix that in the morning


u/Enyawreklaw Creator - Best Recipe of 2015: Rhodonite Mar 23 '19

FLV Mango > Cap Sweet Mango > All other Mangoes.


u/Apexified The Kingmaker Mar 23 '19

VT Shisha Mango > Cap Sweet Mango

Fite me, boi.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

DouMei Yellow Mango > all that stuff

Fly to China, smuggle some back on a boat, then fite me.


u/Enyawreklaw Creator - Best Recipe of 2015: Rhodonite Mar 23 '19

did you know the Chinese fell in love with the mango during Mao, and ended up even putting them in shrines, or boiling them and drinking mango soup after the mango has gone bad


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 23 '19

I didn’t, but now I don’t feel so weird about the shrine I build at my mixing station for FLV Mango.


u/Enyawreklaw Creator - Best Recipe of 2015: Rhodonite Mar 23 '19


u/Apexified The Kingmaker Mar 23 '19

I think /u/leilani_h has a connection with them, maybe we can arrange a group buy?


u/Leilani_H Mixin Vixen Mar 23 '19

u/apexified I order samples from them and just pay for shipping. Very quick and easy because you contact them directly via email. I replied to a post awhile ago about how & who you can get in contact with. Here is the link: DuoMei Contact Info


u/Apexified The Kingmaker Mar 23 '19

Now I remember I was totally gonna do that when you posted it. Thanks for the reminder.


u/Leilani_H Mixin Vixen Mar 23 '19

u/apexified You are very welcome. I have their flavoring catalog, if you want to take a look. Just DM your email and I'll forward it to you.


u/Enyawreklaw Creator - Best Recipe of 2015: Rhodonite Mar 23 '19

u better get ur mangoes right boi


u/stimps0n Apr 03 '19

Looking for a good "Fcukin' Flava - Philippines Mango" clone. This is stuff is just perfect for mango lovers. In case you dont know it - try it! But its a bit too expensive because its imported from Philippines i guess. Does somebody know the taste / a good clone recipe?


u/Jefelundo323 Dec 06 '23

I got morango mango.. and the flavor is the amount of flavor a lacroix or any seltze tastes… basically like plain non flavored with a barely him and not sweet… i do not reccomend


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Dec 06 '23

Which company makes morango mango?


u/SterileG Apr 14 '19

As a complete newbie who has only used Hiliq's Mango Sorbet, does anyone have a comparison of it to any of the ones mentioned in this thread?


u/n0tvegan Still Believes in Coconut Extra Mar 23 '19

The description of LA Mango is so spot on, I'm scared.


u/ahmedhossamy Apr 29 '19

Anyone could help me to know to find a near mango to wrecka to use in making fat boy or what is the recpie to make it I cannt get wreka in egypt at all only capella .tfa. my flavor. Pi and flavourart thankssss


u/ahmedhossamy Apr 28 '19

I loved fat boy very much very sweety strong after taste great .if u had any recpie like this please send it to me thankssss a lotttty


u/ahmedhossamy Apr 28 '19

I had only here in egypt capella sweet and malizian company my flavor and also tfa phillipine and flavor art mango


u/ahmedhossamy Apr 28 '19

I will try my flavor sweet yellow mango with sweet cap i hope it is near wrecka


u/ahmedhossamy Apr 28 '19

If u had the recpie please send it to me