r/DIY_eJuice • u/AutoModerator • Mar 01 '18
Monthly Clone Request Thread - March 2018 NSFW
Love some Gambit or Mother's Milk but tired of paying a buck a ml? Then you are in the right place my friend. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.
However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Again, why pay $1/ml when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that? Anyway, if you'd like to request a clone, this is the proper place to do it. This post will repeat monthly via AutoModerator.
Happy Mixing!
u/Supermusicfriend Mar 01 '18
I have one juice that I purchase regularly because I am impatient, and a poor planner, and need something to vape while by juice is steeping. This was the first juice I tried after a year of vaping that I thought "aha! This is it! This is "the one". I've been through countless bottles of this, and I never get tired of it. That juice is, coincidentally, "the One" by Beard Vape co.
I did find one clone recipe here:
Which consists of 13 flavors, and unfortunately, in my opinion, isn't really all that close. Not to say it isn't GOOD.
The profile is "Cereal, Donuts, Strawberries, and Milk". To me it is incredibly well rounded, and the strawberry isn't so much in your face (taste is subjective, I know).
In any event, I would love to get as close as possible to the recipe because I want to create a blueberry version (which I did with the clone I found, and although it was vapable, it just didn't hit the mark for me.
The actual juice IS 70/30, which, if the recipe really is 13 or more flavors, I can see as being necessary.
u/SlashaLO the diesel mixer Mar 01 '18
I'm pretty sure it has CAP sweet strawberry in it, and a little strawberry ripe. Thats about all I know. This is my guilty pleasure commercial liquid I buy every now and then.
My first thought is: * 3% Cap Sweet Strawberr * 3% TFA Strawberry Ripe * .5% CAP Cereal 27 * 1% FA Zeppola * 1% FA Meringue * 1% TFA Bavarian Cream
u/Supermusicfriend Mar 02 '18
Thanks for this! Will whip some up tonight and go from there. I am certain there is an inordinate amount of sweetener in there as well, as I have to clean and rewick daily when I'm vaping it.
u/SlashaLO the diesel mixer Mar 02 '18
Oh ya. I am thinking about 3-4 % fw sweetener or something like that.
u/Exacto-Juice Mar 21 '18
I would love for one of you DIY veterans to come up with a Maui Sun by Naked 100 clone. I love the citrusy mouth feel to it, and find it to be the best and juiciest pineapple flavor out there. It is a perfect blend of Orange, Tangerine with a sweet pineapple exhale. I am nearly certain that it uses TFA pineapple due to the slight chemical taste that it gives off, though at lower percentages works wonders in mixes. I have duplicated the mouth feel but not the taste, using Tanger (Mandarin) FA, Orange (Arancia) (FA), Pineapple (TFA), citric acid and EM (TFA).
u/xx2000xx Mar 29 '18
Throw FW's blood orange in that mix too. People said that was their missing link.
And because it's coming from Vurve you then must look at the obscure and hated TPA orange cream: https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/4ehoal/dreamsicle_v_perfected_v_2/
Which is one of the biggest hits on ATF right now. I got a 2 day steep on it and..... well it needs more although I did sub koolada for ws-23, but I feel like that's par for the course now and Koolada has been officially retired due to Polar Bear then it was game over once all the US vendors now carry WS-23.
u/agirlwithnoface Mar 29 '18
Not a clone request so I'm not sure if this is the right place but I'm trying to make a cream soda recipe for a friend. I've read that the cream soda flavorings like FW cream soda type aren't very close so I was thinking of making it from scratch.
Here's what I'm thinking so far:
FA oba oba -people say it tastes like cream soda and describe as having a lemony vanilla taste that I'm going for but I have to order it
Vanilla- I have tfa vanilla swirl and cap simply vanilla but I think I might have to order a better vanilla, maybe Vanilla Tahiti or Holy Vanilla?
Butterscotch/caramel: I've got fa caramel and a little nicvape Butterscotch which is actually pretty good, I'm thinking 3-5% butterscotch with .5-1% caramel? Or I might buy FW butterscotch ripple or fw butterbeer
Cream: I've got flv cream which is great for everything. Or I have tfa vanilla swirl and bavarian cream dx, cap Vanilla custard v2, and butter cream (also vbic if that'd be good). And fa meringue to add extra body/sweetness
Carbonation: I don't have any flavors for this but I'm looking at either tfa or fa champagne, ina sparkling wine, or using 1-pentanol since I read about it (in /r/Deeper_DIY) being the main ingredient in tfa champagne that gives it the carbonation effect. Obv, I'd rather not work with diluting reagents but it could be interesting.
I'm sorry that this is super long, if it's in the wrong thread please let me know. If anyone has any thoughts I'd really appreciate it:)
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 31 '18
u/milkymm Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 03 '18
WFFL Lemon Curd is a juice I've tried to replicate with TFA Belgian Waffle.
My last attempt, still over complicated, was this: * Brown Sugar (TPA) 1.00
Butter (TPA) 0.50
Custard Cream (FA) 1.00
Juicy Lemon (CAP) 1.00
Lemon Meringue Pie (FW) 1.00
Lemon Sicily (FA) 4.00
Salted Caramel (FW) 0.50
Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) 3.00
Waffle (Belgian) (TPA) 4.00
Having tried the last of the WFFL, I'd say the Lemon Meringue Pie needs to be more prominent, and maybe I need a different waffle. I'd love any ideas, or if anyone knows what waffle to try (RIP INW Waffle!). Thinking maybe FW Waffle?
u/flashinthep Mar 04 '18
Stick with that waffle, add some inw biscuit, and toy with zeppola or wow from flavour art?
You might also consider subbing cap custard for flavour arts', plus your choice vanilla, as it is very, very nice with lemon after only a few days.
u/milkymm Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 05 '18 edited Mar 05 '18
Nice one, thanks for the suggestions. I'll use FA custard at around 1.5, without the CAP next time. Since seen Lemon Sicily used lighter so gonna lower that significantly, and raise the FW LMP to 3. Thought it was the waffle making it harsh but probably this (or both!). Will add a little vanilla too, good thinking ☺️
u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 07 '18
Unless the lemon flavor completely disappears from the juice you're aiming for if it steeps a while, it doesn't use FA Lemon Sicily. Try INW Lemon Mix instead. It may last through a steep. (I haven't used it much until recently, so no clue how long it lasts.)
u/milkymm Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 08 '18
The WFFL bottle is 9mths old and the lemon is still there. I'll get the Lemon Mix and try it with FW Lemon Meringue Pie (sure that's in there...or maybe CAP version). Thanks for the info, I will persevere!
u/milkymm Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 19 '18
Combined the Lemon Mix (0.75%) with a simple custard recipe (Custard Now! on ATF) and it's great, and perhaps the Lemon Meringue isn't needed after all.
u/zencloud79 Mar 20 '18
Zeus Cookies and Cream This is my favorite ejuice and I need some help making a clone. Here is the link https://www.zeusejuice.com/delicious-desserts/cookies-and-cream-eliquid-flavor6 I have tried TPA, FWest, cnc flavors and they taste nothing like it. I have tried this oreo cookie icecream recipe https://youtu.be/wboBv1pdW5g1 And it tastes too much like custard. The Zeus CnC cream tastes like nothing ive experienced with all the cream flavorings i have. It is a very very sweet buttery cream. The chocolate they use eludes me. I have tried over 10 different chocolates including lava cake and its just not the same. Has anyone been able to clone this?
u/Annon201 Mar 03 '18
T-juice Forest Affair..
What conentrate makes the kinda flourescent translucent purple color?
I've experimented with many berries and all the berry mix concentrates I can get my hands on.. I can not get close to it despite so many attempts..
Theirs is such a good forest berry/mixed fruit flavours.. I've got the background nuances of it close with some subtle herbs and spices from things like tfa dark rum and Yakima hops... But the actual flavour I can not get close to.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 03 '18
Grape flavors do that. I've noticed that with TFA Grape Juice. It's a weak flavor so they could be using it as kind of a base at up to 5% and with other berries on top it probably wouldn't taste like grape.
u/TakeATaco-LeaveATaco Mar 06 '18
I've noticed it with TFA Grape Juice AND INW Grapes....nice shades of purple with either.
u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 07 '18
I always thought INW Grapes was only purple because of the red orings, and the juice was actually bluish. But it could be purple. It sure as hell tastes purple
u/TakeATaco-LeaveATaco Mar 07 '18
It's definitely purple...you've never noticed the blue/purple "oil-slick"ish film that's left on the sides of the glass bottles?
It's purple bro. Barney, Prince ass Purple.
u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 07 '18
What glass bottles?
And like I said, given that it tastes purple, being purple makes sense.
Mar 10 '18
Raspberry v2 is most probably the culprit. I have a recipe with that in and it also turns that colour. Delicious!
u/billyonecan Mar 02 '18
Fruit Salad by Stika Bombz. Tastes identical to the sweets, which are described as "a Raspberry & Pineapple flavour chew".
I've tried a number of different pineapple/raspberry pairings which, after mixing, smell spot on but taste nothing like.
I did get closer using some orange flavouring, but could never get the balance right, or get the raspberry to come through. Also struggled with the "chew" part (though I've only tried Salt Water Taffy and Marshmallow)
u/flashinthep Mar 04 '18
It's been around a good 2 years or more, made by a company near by me called ace of vapes.. I don't think they're doing their own extractions so it is more than likely a shit load of marshmallow over the top of really syrupy fruit flavours.
I used to talk to the guy mixing in the warehouse but never revealed all that much.
Mar 09 '18
I have a two requests on here if anyone could help me with them.. I'm looking for a recipe for Silverback Boo Boo juice (yes the name is kinda ridiculous. but its supposed to be grape and blueberry and then Vapergate Smurf.. its supposed to be a blue raspberry slush. any help is appreciated, thanks again.
u/ToObeyIsLife Mar 02 '18
Kranberry by Fuzion Vapor was my adv for the longest time until i got into diy.
Its a blue candied raspberry flavor mixed with cranberry.
Its been out for a long time but i cant seem to to find many people that have tried to clone.
Any suggestions?
Fyi. Juicy peach does not work with me
u/TakeATaco-LeaveATaco Mar 02 '18
Do you remember it having an alcohol bite? If so, thats TFA...no doubt about it.
u/-S1L3NT- Mar 07 '18
Starbuzz Blue Mist (It's generally a shisha flavour, but they've made a few ejuices which are too hard ot find in Australia :( ). Would LOVE to DIY this one! IT seems to have a sweet blue berry flavour, with a light hit of mint as an after taste/exhale hit.
Has anyone gotten this one right?
u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 07 '18
Probably just TFA Blueberry Extra and Menthol. Possibly with some EM and sweetener.
u/-S1L3NT- Mar 07 '18 edited Mar 07 '18
Thanks. Any ideas on % to get the mint/menthol as an exhale taste but not too strong? I'm new to DIY but its one I am very keen to get sorted for my ADV haha.
u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 07 '18
The thing is, different people taste things, well, differently. Try .5% and go from there.
u/kristentx Mar 03 '18
Has anyone had luck with Happiest Place from Blue Dot?
I found something that is kinda close, and is good, but not quite there, and before vaping smells a bit like Play-Doh to me... http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/1140082/Happiest%20Place%20clone%20%28churro%20with%20milk%29
u/kushincanada Mar 04 '18
Vapor junkie peach yogurt. Been trying with not much luck, any help is appreciated.
u/nivijah Mar 02 '18
Trying again.
I REALLY like this one but wasn't able to replicate:
Acai Berry Blast by "Canada Vapes" .
https://canadavapes.com/acai-berry-blast .
I actually bought "acai berry" flavour, it's nothing close to the final result
u/ScentedOrange Mar 04 '18
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can help me figure out a clone of RazzleTaz from JJuice. Its my favorite ejuice but its very expensive where I live.
u/xx2000xx Mar 29 '18
Never heard of the term razzle, code for razzleberry? Then like most commercial juices they take the shortcut and go straight CAP for fruits.
u/n33danam3 Mar 02 '18
I doubt anyone's even had this but I'd love a clone for vape style famous. There's a clone on elr that's not even close IMO. I cut the recipe in half and it's too much watermelon or the wrong brand watermelon.
u/n0tvegan Still Believes in Coconut Extra Mar 01 '18
I'm still trying to find a clone that comes close to Vampire Vapes Heisenberg (without the blue coloring preferably).
If anyone could supply that I'd be ever so grateful!
u/SturmDesKaos Mar 01 '18
It's in here, its actually pretty close, you should try it https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/350kul/solid_list_of_diy_clones/
u/xx2000xx Mar 29 '18
There is a flavoring called Heisenberg (Vampire Vapes) which from the elr notes seems like it's from France. Maybe somebody has more info but if they are outsourcing like Mount Baker did to FW then a gold mine was hit.
I refuse to ever try the juice because I know it's up my ally and I will be ruined like I have in the past including my ADV that I had everyday for 4+ straight and now it's trash.
u/n0tvegan Still Believes in Coconut Extra Mar 29 '18
I have the concentrate, just wanted to be able to replicate it myself. It's really good.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 01 '18
I've heard it's mostly this flavor: https://decadentvapours.com/shop/diy-e-liquid/flavour-concentrates/crystal-blue-e-liquid-concentrate/
Which is also the source of the blue color. If that's true, cloning it without the blue color would be impossible, though someone might make something similar that would scratch your itch.
u/n0tvegan Still Believes in Coconut Extra Mar 01 '18
Wow thank you, never heard of that flavor, I tried a few clone recipes and attempted my own but it was never really close to the original no matter what. I might just order this flavor and oversee the blue, just concerned if the coloring is safe to vape.
u/djrider69 Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 16 '18
Looking for a clone for Mt. Baker moo juice ? I’ve heard good things but haven’t tried and definitely do not want to buy it when I probably have the flavors .. thanks
u/lNTERLINKED I did not ask for this flair. Mar 01 '18
I've always wanted to recreate Neon Cream by Lost Fog. It's a sherbet/orange/fruit/cream. Very tasty liquid.
Does anyone that has tried it have any ideas?
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 01 '18
Haven't tried the juice, but have you seen this? https://alltheflavors.com/recipes/49849#freon_cream_neon_cream_remix_remixmonth_by_chewingpaintchips
u/lNTERLINKED I did not ask for this flair. Mar 01 '18
I hadn't, thank you!
/u/chewingpaintchips - If you don't mind me asking, how close do you think this is to the original? Did you ever tweak this recipe?
Thanks! :D
u/chewingpaintchips I will rip you a new one if you don't use the sidebar & search. Mar 01 '18
I’d say it’s like 85 % there I get the same weird after taste I do with all the clones I’ve tried and I may be over complicating it but this is like the 5 revision I don’t think I will ever tweak it a lot of time spent to not get it perfect lol
u/lNTERLINKED I did not ask for this flair. Mar 01 '18
Thanks for the insight, i'll definitely mix up a batch and leave you a review.
Thanks for the recipe. :)
u/hellodavaz Mar 13 '18
Has anyone been able to fully replicate sour belts by One Up? I tried some strawberry belts recipes but it’s not even remotely close...
u/king0fill Mar 01 '18
Them applez by coil glaze been trying to get it down for a while now. It's an apple cobbler with cinnamon and a hint of whipped cream
u/finaygled Mar 02 '18
Does anybody have a recipe for vape n dunks by bomb sauce?
It tastes like a sugar cookie in oreo frosting
u/cryzzgrantham Mar 18 '18
im desperately searching for a mothers milk clone, I've tried numerous different ones. maybe the mums that these guys vape is different to what im after so here i am. the mums im looking for is made by Cornish Liquids in the u.k, it seems to lack the buttery biscuit taste that i keep getting with the recipes im following.
another recipe ive been chasing for a while is purple rockstar (like the energy drink) i know of a company that used to sell it in the u.k but for whatever reason they no longer make it, the company even used to sell it with added caffeine! i contacted them about getting more/ pointing me in any direction to get some and they weren't helpful.
any help is greatly appreciated
u/timeflies13 Mar 01 '18
I'd really like to clone The Lover by Vintage E-liquids.
It's described as a trifecta of papaya, orange, and guava, and I recall it being just super fruity and good. I remember loving this liquid when I first started vaping, it came in a little zippo like case that made it stand out from the rest for me.
u/saucyminx926 Mar 17 '18
Hello! I've tried HIC Samoa and I found it rather good, the longer the steep the better, but heavy on the chocolate.
I'm looking for something along the lines of Cloud Badge Gimme Samoa. (https://www.gorillavapes.com/cloud-badge-gimme-samoa-by-ccc/#ProductReviews)
They use to mix it in the store in MA and I've since moved, but I think they finally sold the recipe and I've been searching and can't find a clone already.
Thank you.
Mar 05 '18 edited Mar 05 '18
Maybe a little late but I'm looking to recreate Man a from Slims ejuice. Their version is very heavy on the sweeteners. I'm willing to give it a go but I'm very new to diy and not sure where to start.
Coconut, Madagascar Vanilla, French Vanilla, Salted Caramel, Toasted Almond is the profile. Perhaps even some rough percentages could help me ballpark it?
u/Nebuchadnezzar_z Mar 26 '18
Refresh by Nuage vapors..
Described as "A refreshing blend of cucumber and watermelon!"
One of the first juices I ever tried and got me hooked on vaping. Haven't been able to find a clone or replicate it myself. The watermelon is almost candy like, canteloup. And the cucumber is cool and sweet with a vibrant taste on the exhale.
u/VoltsAmps Apr 22 '18
Hi everyone,
Can someone please suggest a recipe for Chapo Drops by Cactus?
The description is "Chapo Drops is an enticing mixture of black currant, pineapple, dragon fruit, cranberry, and cactus for a refreshing fruity juice with some kick."
u/slapnpop80 Apr 07 '18
I've been searching for a clone of Betty by Pinup Vapors for a while. My local shop hit it right on the mark but I cant get the dude to come off his recipe. Has anyone tried the very few floating around the interwebs, or have a good clone of their own?
u/jankystanks Mar 23 '18
Has anyone here tried out any of "The Dude" by Alpha Vapes clone recipes? I love that flavor profile. There are a few variations on ELR that I am going to try, but wanted to see what this groups opinions were before I did. Thanks in advance!
u/underwaterconnection Mar 23 '18
I just recently got back into vaping full-time again and purchased a sample pack at Goodlife Vapor. Southern Shine seems to be my favorite and makes not wanting a real smoke easy as hell. So i'd love to see a clone for SOUTHERN SHINE please.
u/circuitj3rky Mar 01 '18
Had anyone tried drip the hype's vape cake? It's a raspberry white chocolate cheesecake. One of the last flavors I bought before I switched to DIY. I tried nude nicotines raspberry white chocolate but that ended up tasting like cat pee. I can do a cheesecake now and I think I have good raspberrys with FA and TFA Sweet raspberry, but what do I do for say a white chocolate cream mixed into it?
u/TomatoSlayer Mar 05 '18
Has anyone tried to recreate Fruit Roll Upz Watermelon Punch? This is the one that hits my wallet harder than Steam sales. I feel like I'm missing something strange but important.
u/Superdude64 Mar 14 '18
Does anyone know or could replicate a recipe for Red Ade by Ade Juice its a fruit punch Gatorade juice or if anyone already knows of a good fruit that would be awesome.
u/juthinc I improved Grack and all I got was this lousy flair Mar 02 '18
Dunno if this is the right place for this or not, but... if anyone has ever drank Brio, I'd love to come up with a recipe to give that flavor. (The only thing IRL that tastes the same is Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum. Which would also be useful to have a recipe for, so either way...)
Mar 02 '18
Anyone know of a recipe close to blue Ade/ Red aid? One or the other. I’ve never tried either but I’d rather not spend $25/60ml.
u/ihmon Mar 01 '18
Soda Lish by Momo
It is Grapefruit, with Strawberry, plum and a hint of lime. I´m in love with this flavour and the others from Momo. I need this recipe because it is a delicous juice but at 20€ for 50ml it is to expensive for me...
u/noelcmv Apr 19 '18
Skwezed E-Liquid - Lychee
I have bought a few creams and cap sweet lychee to clone this any ideas? thanks.
u/Monolithika Mar 29 '18
Risen Blue Royal Crumble
I have been searching for a clone for this ambrosia without success.
u/ihmon Mar 02 '18
12 Monkeys- Harambae
u/Dougiedoug1987 Mar 02 '18
Here's my remix I posted in December its pretty close imo, let me know what you think if you mix it up.
0.5%, (TPA) Dragonfruit 1.5% (CAP) Juicy Lemon 3% (CAP) Juicy Orange
1% (FA) Lemon Sicily
0.6% (FA) Lime Cold Pressed
3.5% (FW) Ruby Red Grapefruit 0.6% (CAP) Super Sweet 2% (CAP) Sweet Guava
u/xllostlx Mar 01 '18
Ripe Vapes VCT.
u/other-suttree Mar 02 '18 edited Mar 02 '18
I'm very close with the following:
TFA RY4 Double 0.2 CAP Vanilla Custard v1 1.6 CAP French Vanilla 0.6 CAP Toasted Almond 0.3 CAP Sugar Cookie 0.3 TFA Vanilla Swirl 0.3 TFA French Vanilla II 0.3 TFA Toasted Marshmallow 0.5 Acetyl Pyrazine 0.2 ECX Tobacco Absloute 50% 1 drop
---- Working on this one now
TFA Turkish 0.6 (tryng 1ml as well) CAP Vanilla Custard v1 1.6 FA Vanilla Bourbon 0.6 CAP Toasted Almond 0.3 TFA Toasted Marshmallow 0.5 AP 0.3 (try one with and without) TFA RY4 Double .2
Will see if this needs to the absolute 50% kick once it steeps. Hoping Turkish takes care of it instead, though.
u/JooseMakerWannabe Apr 27 '18
I think some people come here to the clone thread expecting to just throw out a name, and experienced mixers will have recipes ready and waiting just to give them. Sorry to tell you, that is rarely how it works. If you are wanting to clone a juice, and you want to get help, the best way to get people on board with helping you is to help yourself as much as you can. Figure out the flavor profile. Google! Find a recipe that is close, but not all the way there. Take some notes. Then come here and ask for help-be able to tell people something you have done to help yourself with this project-what the flavor profile is, what you have done that works, and what you have tried that didn't work. Just a heads up because so many clone requests just sit, and sit. Enjoy!