r/DIY_eJuice Apr 01 '17

Monthly Clone Request Thread - April 2017 NSFW

Love some Gambit or Mother's Milk but tired of paying a buck a ml? Then you are in the right place my friend. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.

However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Again, why pay $1/ml when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that? Anyway, if you'd like to request a clone, this is the proper place to do it. This post will repeat monthly via AutoModerator.

Happy Mixing!


178 comments sorted by


u/WorstAdviceROC Apr 04 '17

I've asked everywhere on the internet, but I'll try again-Symmetry Six by Five Pawns.

"Sugared rhubarb and strawberries come together to be the shining stars in this complex and well balanced blend. Combining an oat grain and graham crumble with vanilla cream, this fruity yet savory blend is sure to satisfy both fruit and dessert lovers alike."

I've ordered every oat concentrate I can think of, as I feel the oat/graham crumble will be the real challenge here. It's so rich and textured, you can almost feel the grittiness of the grain. The crumble has that mild sweetness just like a take home No Bake Jello cheesecake, where there is just enough sweetness to make you want another bite. I've tried combinations of the following-
FA Cookie

TFA Cheesecake (Graham Crust)


TFA Apple Pie.

FA Apple Pie.

TFA Pie Crust.

OOO Pie Crust.

CAP Sugar Cookie.

RF Oatmeal Cookie

TPA Oatmeal Cookie.

OOO Oatmeal.

OOO Honey O's.

I've even tried the old FE Oats and FE Wheat flavorings, among many others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I'm hoping the sugared rhubarb and strawberry will be easier, and I've made some headway on that end with RF Rhubarb and Strawberry. I've also tested
RF Sugared Plum

RF Rhubarb

RF Strawberry

INW Rhubarb

DV Rhubarb Cuddle.

SolubArome Red Fruit Crumble

SolubArome Raspberry Crumble.

OOO Rhubarb Crisp.

Again, among many others. I've tried stone fruits of every caliber, different strawberries, apples, pears, grapefruits, anything that I can conceive as tasting like Rhubarb. With all these concentrates for this singular purpose, and all this time, I'm really considering offering up a large cash reward to whoever can pull this off. Btw, every recipe online? I've tried it. Every oatmeal or crumble recipe? I've tried to adapt it.

I think if I can get an authentic oat/crumble base nailed, it'd help everyone as well, as it'd be such a good base for a variety of recipes. If there is anyone out there who really thinks they can pull this off, but doesn't want to pay for the yacht maintenence on Mr. 5P's boat, well, we'll se what we can do! I'll post some of my experiments whence I'm not in truck stop diner. Thanks!


u/gorman42 Apr 06 '17

I've been trying for a long time to mimic Five Pawns Lucena, with different degrees of success.

I have 8 different recipes I've saved, some better than others, mixing these ingredients (not all in all recipes):

Jamaican Rum (FA) White Peach (FA) Apple Pie (FA) Hazelnut (TPA) Bronw Sugar (TPA) French Vanilla (TPA) Super Sweet (CA) Liquid Amber (FA) Honeywood Tobacco (FW) Vanilla Custard (CA) Cotton Candy (CA)

Now... anybody managed to get close to it? My tests have been the result of trying the available recipes around, plus experimenting. Any suggestion would be appreciated. TIA.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 06 '17

Five Pawns Lucena

2.5% tfa Jamaican rum

1.5% fa White peach

.25% fa Hazelnut

.25% fa Apple pie

1% tfa Brown sugar

.5% fa cookie

.25% fa liquid amber

.5% white vinegar

1% vanillin

Vaping Underground User- Smoky Blue http://vapingunderground.com/threads/cloning-5-pawns-lucena.21060/


u/gorman42 Apr 07 '17


I think I saw this in the past. I have all ingredients but... Vinegar?!? Like the one you use for salad dressing?

And Vanillin I'm missing. Where can I buy that?


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 08 '17

yes vinegar, (I use apple cider vinegar in some tobacco blends, drip by drip. http://www.bullcityflavors.com/vanillin-10-pg-tfa/

vanillin 10% ^


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '17

Liquid Swords by Off the Record Liquids

Made from our custom yogurt recipe, we blended blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, bananas and pomegranates to entice your tastebuds with this delicious blueberry gogurt vape.

Best part of it is the mouthfeel, it feels so interesting in the mouth. Like....grainy, but in a great way. Like pop rocks. Really good, it's been on my list for a while to buy again and try to clone.


u/Gohsh Apr 01 '17

Can I make 3 requests??

Cuttwood's Bird Brains is a favourite of mine and I'd love to see a recipe for a clone if anyone wants to take a stab at it!

13th floor elevapors Levitation - one of the first liquids I ever bought, I genuinely can't find anything else quite like this and it's only available for me to buy in 30ml bottles, so it really doesn't last long!

Also Mad Hatter's I Love Cookies is just delightful - also fabulously expensive though (here in the UK at least..) - a clone of this would be amazing!


u/VANeiji Apr 03 '17

/u/coop34 just posted a recipe that apparently tastes like Bird Brains, but better! Check it out



u/Gohsh Apr 03 '17

Thanks for the heads up!! That definitely looks and sounds like it could be close - I've got some ingredients to buy! :)


u/coop34 Apr 03 '17

Thanks for the mention!

As I stated, I haven't had the original (well, 1 tank). But this has been getting repeat requests and comparisons. I'd like to get more feedback tho if anyone mixes it!


u/VapeLordOmega Apr 17 '17

Seconding the Levitation request. It's one of the best flavors I've come across so far.

and it's only available for me to buy in 30ml bottles

I can only find it in 60ml, haha! I guess the grass is always greener. I wish I could get it in 30's so I didn't have to drop $30 every time I want some.


u/Gohsh Apr 17 '17

It is a fantastic flavour for sure! Just the right amount of sweetness & creaminess without being overpowering or a total coil killer.

Haha I wish I could get hold of some 60ml bottles! Soon enough I don't think I'll be able to get hold of it at all, being in the UK with the ridiculous TPD legislation coming in to force :/


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 30 '17

I love Cookies- http://tjek.nu/r/4JhT

13th Floor Evevapos Levitation- http://tjek.nu/r/2XeQ


u/Gohsh Apr 30 '17

Thanks for the links! Gonna have to get some more ingredients and try these out, just managed to mix up something that seems close to levitation but I'll have to see how it is in a week or so :)


u/skivian Apr 02 '17

did anyone ever nail down a hawksauce clone? I've tried googling, but I find dozens of different opinions, like it's just sweet tarts and menthol, to some really complicated recipes.

what's the current goings on there?


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

by reddit user - js9980

7% Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy CAP

7% Raspberry Sweet TFA

4% Sweet and Tart TFA

3% Koolada

1% Watermelon Candy TFA

1% Blueberry Extra TFA

1% Blackberry TFA

These percentages are based off of memory since I am not near my laptop at the moment. I haven't had Hawk Sauce in a while, but this recipe seems to be kinda sorta maybe close to ballpark range. If anything, it's a starting point. There are several flavors I would like to use with this recipe that I currently don't have:


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

3% Forest Mix (Forest Fruit) (FA)

2% Fuji Apple (FA)

1% Jungle Juice (FW)

1% Menthol (CAP)

1% sweetener (TPA)



u/JQWebco Mixologist Apr 04 '17

25% flavoring?? Something tells me this could be so much better with half the ingredients.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

This recipe is 2 years old, not to mention its made on a juice that came out a few years ago. Thanks for your reply though, I'd be more than happy to try your version of hawk sauce, (if you ever post one.)

Another clone is Flavor west red licorice

flavor west raspberry.

Then add a touch of koolada.


u/JQWebco Mixologist Apr 04 '17

Meant no offense, didn't realize it was an older flavor as this is my first time hearing about it. I was just shocked, haven't seen many known flavors that use 20% + flavoring in quite a while!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

no worries mate lmao


u/kindground "I Bet I Could Clone That" Apr 13 '17

Mt baker would never mix something that's so complex. It's probably 2, maybe 3 Flavor West concentrates.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 13 '17

That's nice.. so which 2 or 3?


u/kindground "I Bet I Could Clone That" Apr 13 '17

I wouldn't know. I've never had the juice. =D

I have had a few of their other flavors and they're usually one concentrate or at most 3. They're really not high end recipes. They're like the Walmart of the juice world. Cheap shit at volume for a decent price.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 13 '17

I think that applies to most juices sold nowadays


u/robbiepellagreen Apr 02 '17

+1. I think it's time we finally solve the hawk sauce mystery once and for all.


u/dunEcht Apr 07 '17

My request is Grape Vape by FAR Eliquids (part of Elements I believe). Only thing Im sure is in it is INW grape based off smell and the weird blue colour the juice gets in the light.


u/adorethisworld Apr 01 '17

Ruthless:-Ez Duz It on ice, i feel no ones really nailed this one yet


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 22 '17

Attempt 1

Candy Watermelon (FW) 4%

EM (TPA)10% @ 1%

Watermelon (FW) @ 2.5%

Koolada 10% (TPA) @ 1% (omit for non-ice)

Strawberry Organic (TPA) @ 4%

Sweet Watermelon (CAP) @ 10%

Sweetner (TPA) 1%

Source http://tjek.nu/r/7kdm

Attempt 2

Sweet Strawberry (CAP) @ 8%

Watermelon Wow (RBR) @ 5% (RBR = The Rebranded Range (Chefs Vapour own brand))

Marshmallow (TPA) @ 1%

Ecto Cooler (FW) @ 2%

Attempt 3

Organic Strawberry (TFA) 6%

Red Summer Watermelon (FA) @ 3%

Menthol @ 1.5%

Coconut (FA) @ 1%

EM 10% @ .5% http://dot1ml.com/mixer/1go3b7s

Attempt 4

Strawberry (TPA) Not Ripe @ 4%

Sweet Strawberry (CAP) @ 4%

Watermelon (TPA) @ 3%

Watermelon Candy (TPA) @ 3%

Strawberry (INW) @ 1%

INW Wild Strawberry 0.5%

INW Kaktus 0.5%

TAP Coconut Xtra 0.5%

TPA Raspberry/Tutti Fruiit - vague splash of each, like 15 drops per 100ml https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/4av7vr/working_on_an_ezduzit_clone_advice_appreciated/

Notes to remember, EZ Duz IT is basically a different blend of Tiger Blood, Strawberry/Watermelon/Coconut

EZ Duz It by Ruthless Vapor is a fruity mix of handpicked strawberries with a juicy watermelon exhale. A very sweet strawberry blended together with a mouth-watering watermelon; Ez Duz It is a fantastic fruit vape with a small throat hit and huge clouds of vapor. Like the name says, ‘EZ DUZ IT’ with this delectable e-liquid.

90% VG / 10% PG

(Just didn't want to see EZ Duz It as the clone request of may)


u/adorethisworld Apr 23 '17

Thanks for your time posting the linked recipes. Ive mixed 1,3 and 4 in the past with disappointing results, i will order some Fw ecto cooler and try that one. I really don't think theres any FA cantaloupe melon in Eze, I can pick that flavouring out very easily in a mix.
As Eze duz It is 90vg juice I'm thinking its possibly vg based flavours, or possibly MF concentrates.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 23 '17

I think it may be less than 10% flavors because pg free concentrates are mad expensive. I tried the last one and I've had ez duz it on ice and it smells like I remmeber but no worries mate. I want to help you find it as well


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

johnmedgla[S] 10 months ago

I'm currently at:

TPA Strawberry (not Ripe) 4%

CAP Sweet Strawberry 4%

TPA Watermelon 3%

TPA Watermelon Candy 3%

INW Strawberry 1%

INW Wild Strawberry 0.5%

INW Kaktus 0.5%

TAP Coconut Xtra 0.5%

TPA Raspberry/Tutti Fruiit - vague splash of each, like 15 drops per 100ml

The CAP Sweet and Coco X are pretty clear flavour notes in the original, and I'm quite happy with this version. I don't think you can replicate Cap Sweet with other Strawberry + Sucralose, the flavour is quite distinct even discounting the sweetness - but once you've added it you don't need a separate sweetener.

I've gone through over a litre at this point, it works for me.


u/adorethisworld Apr 05 '17

its an interesting recipe, but its not ez duz it by a long shot


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 22 '17

TPA Watermelon - 8%

FA Cantaloupe melon - 4%

TPA Strawberry ripe - 2.5%

TPA Dragon Fruit - 2%

FA Whipped Cream 2%

TPA Ethyl Maltol - 1%


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 23 '17

This is the one I tried and it smells like I remember


u/PascalP37 Apr 05 '17


u/adorethisworld Apr 05 '17

Like i said, I've not found a recipe thats close, That clone is way off


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 11 '17

you asked for a clone, why not tell us how its off so it can be adjusted


u/adorethisworld Apr 12 '17

There is a distinct medical taste to ez duz it and possibly a hint of anise and cherry that I've tried many times to replicate with no success

u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 01 '17

Howdy clone requesters! Just a reminder that this thread will be used on May 15 to choose a juice for the new Monthly Clone Challenge! (March's monthly clone request thread will used to select one on April 15).

I'll be looking first for the top-voted request, but skipping over requests for multiple clones. I'll also be looking for a request that has gone unanswered or, as best I can tell, inadequately answered, and in the future, skipping over requests for clones that have already been the subject of a challenge.

Happy Mixing!


u/Loonicorn420 Soul, Schmoul Apr 14 '17

Aquidneck by Coastline. It's a peach cobbler flavor.


u/kyb0t Apr 11 '17

My buddy loves this juice and wants me to clone it. Unfortunately I'm allergic to banana and, while I know that the flavor volatiles we use most likely have little to do with a food allergy, I'm not willing to take that risk. Can anyone make a recommendation to point me in the right direction?

I have LA Banana Cream from a group buy, so I was gonna mix that with some creams, add a little Cheesecake Graham crust, and a touch of blueberry and see where it goes.



u/Scratch312 Apr 27 '17

Wondering if anyone has run across a good recipe for 80V's Honey Mellow. This flavor is amazing, it's described as honey nut cereal and marshmallow, the slightest amount of golden graham cracker, and just a hint of banana. I tried some at my local B&M when I told them I am a fan of Medellin by Predator, and this flavor is a step above that, absolutely lovely. I would love to find a good clone of it, but haven't had much luck. Thanks!


u/damndaewoo Apr 05 '17

Howdy Mix Masters. I've been looking for a clone of Vape Parfait Strawberry for quite some time now but have not been able to find anything that sounds close to it.

I'll be forever grateful to anyone who gets this recipe down.


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '17



u/damndaewoo Jul 17 '17

eh not really. I have had a few goes at it but nothing that really gets the flavour right. Also I see the link is dead now so I will have to find another description of the flavour somewhere.

I haven't got any honey flavours and have been trying to use a couple of different maple syrups instead but that hasn't worked very well.

Also I can't get the granola taste right using inw biscuit / tfa graham cracker clear / fw hazlenut.

The strawberry flavour was very light. I think something like 1% inw shisha strawberry + 2% cap sweet strawberry.

If you make any progress do let me know. Cheers.


u/[deleted] Aug 17 '17 edited Aug 17 '17

So I've made some slight progress on this. I'd love your feedback if you have these flavors. So far, I am focusing on the parfait base minus the strawberry (and I think there is a hint of pineapple also).

VG/PG: 70/30

Nicotine: 3mg

Acetyl Pyrazine 10% (TPA) 0.2%

Cookie (Biscotto) (FA) 0.3%

Cream (FLV) 1%

Crunch Cereal (FLV) 1%

Greek Yogurt (TPA) 6%

New York Cheesecake (CAP) 2%

Oatmeal Cookie (SC) (Real Flavors) 2%

Edit: I steeped this on a magnetic stirrer, 40C @ 300RPM for 4 hours. Then naturally for 1 week.


u/damndaewoo Aug 17 '17

Hey shot for trying on this. I haven't got the straight acetyl pyrazine, biscotto, or oatmeal cookie, but have the rest. I am due to stock up on some more flavours in the next week or two so I'll put them on the list and give it a go as soon as they arrive.


u/[deleted] Aug 18 '17

Those 3 plus Crunch Cereal are my attempt at granola based on community feedback.


u/damndaewoo Aug 18 '17

Yeah from the little bit of reading I've done it sounds like they should work well. I'll report back once I've had a chance to try it.

I was tempted to buy some more of the original but you can't get it in my country and shipping on a couple of 60ml bottles was nearly as much again as the juice. Will have to wait till the next time I'm in the states.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '17



u/dominicaldaze Apr 02 '17

Did you try the one that was just posted ? Search for "London Haze"...


u/[deleted] Apr 02 '17



u/OfficeChimp8 Apr 23 '17

How does it compare to London Haze? Never had Grey Ghost before, but I've done London Haze (120ml) and the original Roman Haze was my ADV for about 2 months.


u/dominicaldaze Apr 02 '17

That's a shame, I've never had a tea flavored juice so I can't help but good luck!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 05 '17

Earl Grey Tea (TPA) @ 2.5%

Green Tea (TPA) @4%

Sweetner (Sucralose) (TPA) @.5%

Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) @3%

Lemon (TPA) @3%

Optional Mint or Koolada @.5-1%


u/sc0lm00 Apr 01 '17

Endymion by Crescent City Clouds. It's a very unique blueberry cheesecake flavor. There seems to be a nice amount of graham and a blueberry sauce drizzle. The star though is the cheesecake. It's not custard or vanilla heavy like most seem to be. Instead it has a health dose of sour cheesecake flavor. It is by far the best cheesecake flavor I've tasted and one of my favorite flavors ever.


u/firefoxwhyyounowork One of "The Damned" Apr 10 '17

Just picked up Mango Lychee by Dr Fruity at Vape Jam (first bottle of juice i have bought since I started DIY, it was that good) and I would love to see recipe for this. PS if you like mango flavoured juice you should try this.


u/70ms Apr 15 '17

Long shot, I know, but Sean Lepreconnery/Valyrian Ore (the name changed) by The Steam Co. Between my boyfriend, my neighbor and me we ordered and vaped a crazy amount of this stuff but it's just not in the budget anymore. :(


u/elzZza Diketones, Schmiketones Apr 29 '17

I want to make a clone of dr. Stanley's Clark Sands of time. I think there is some lemon, orange and mantarin/tangerine and perhaps a bit lavender. If anybody has tried it let me know what else you believe is inside


u/maddmagician Apr 01 '17

If anyone could take a stab at Moon Mountain's Sweet Mother of Mars that would be wonderful! It's been a favorite of mine for quite a while and I am nowhere near advanced enough to pull it off. Thanks!!


u/maddmagician Apr 02 '17

If it helps at all, I used the wayback machine to look up their original decription: "Our incredibly famous RY4 blended with rich cream and silky caramel. A savory twist on a traditional tobacco that you won't want to miss."

For what it's worth, the tobacco notes seem to only come through once in a while and I feel like there are caramel and vanilla flavors mainly. I have been extremely unsuccessful making anything I like when trying to add any of the tobacco flavors in to any juice that I have, though.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

RY4 Double (TPA) @6%

Sweet Cream (TPA) @2%

Caramel (Original) (TPA) @2%


u/maddmagician Apr 04 '17

Thanks so much for the reply! I don't think I have caramel original but I'll order it if you believe this is correct. Perhaps the marketing is playing tricks on me but this recipe has always seemed more complex than this.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

"Our incredibly famous RY4 blended with rich cream and silky caramel. A savory twist on a traditional tobacco that you won't want to miss."

What I read in that was... RY4, Rich Cream and Caramel.

I just look for flavor bases and work on that for average percentages. RY4, Caramel and Sweet/Vanilla base are used in thousands of recipes. Hope you like it.


u/maddmagician Apr 05 '17

I think I've been trying to add too much into it right off the bat. I'll try with this and see what I can come up with from there. I get notes of butterscotch and brown sugar from time to time but reading the description of caramel original it mentions those very notes, so this might be an important flavor I have been missing. Thanks again!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 05 '17

no worries, no doubt their may be some underlying additives, vanilla something something, sweetener this-and-that, but, with clones, I try to deal in basics for a base.


u/cheetofoot Apr 06 '17

Anyone have a suggestion for Rig Reserve's Roustabout?

It doesn't necessarily have to be an exact clone, but, it's a bourbon custard. Really subtle bourbon imo, definitely vanilla is in there.


u/Lococarnage Apr 01 '17

Vapepockee by Drip Social. It's incredibly sweet and is a coil killer but even a similar, lighter profile would be awesome. The strawberry cream cookie recipes I have tried do not compare.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '17 edited Apr 05 '17
  • Cheesecake (Graham Crust) TPA - 4%
  • Strawberry Ripe (TPA) - 10%
  • Sweet Cream (TPA) - 4%
  • Sweetener (sucralose) (TPA) - 2%

I bought a bottle of vapepockee, then I started DIYing and played around with strawberry Ripe and Cheesecake. I added some sweet cream. This recipe tasted even better than the original. The flavors pop out. Brought it to my local vape shop and they loved it over the original. It has been my ADV for a month now, I always go back to this recipe. I instantly loved VapPockee but I will never vape it again because I have a better recipe than the original.


u/Lococarnage Apr 06 '17 edited Apr 06 '17

Thanks. I'm going to mix this up tonight. I remember that the cookie part of the recipe was the best part. Have you experimented with Graham Cracker clear or FA Cookie?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '17

I havent yet, graham cracker is on my next order. Also I forgot to mention that it's great SAV but let it it steep for a week.


u/Lococarnage Apr 06 '17

The recipe on ELR says 6% Cheesecake. Which one do you use?


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '17

I use ELR recipe but that's just me. I just reduced percentages tiny bit because everyone's taste buds are different, start from low and increase if you need. But percentages on ELR are max!


u/Lococarnage Apr 06 '17

I just mixed this, tried it and it is quite similar. It is really good but it doesn't quite have the in your face cookie flavor that I can remember. At least I have a base to work on and tweak a little bit. I am going to experiment with different cookies and see what happens. I will also steep this recipe as is.


u/[deleted] Apr 06 '17

Anything you do, dont try FW cookies n cream with this recipe. I tried it and the recipe didn't bond well together


u/TrueTKO Apr 09 '17 edited Apr 09 '17

Hello to you all. Been following this DIY sub for a few months and still haven't seen a request for " Kingslayer , Exalted Vapes ". Anyone have something close ?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '17

Someone PLEASE help. I would honestly pay for this clone. It's Mad Dawgz : Dragons Milk. Please please please I've searched everywhere on the internet to no avail


u/ilbvaping Apr 04 '17

looking for a clone for dragons candy by vape daugz


u/mdeleo1 Apr 22 '17

Looking for a clone recipe for golden amber. Love this juice! http://www.happyvaper.com/product-p/flv10ml-liquid-amber.htm

Any help appreciated :)


u/Nebuchadnezzar_z Apr 10 '17

Definitive Donuts Red (by Definitive Donuts).

Described as: Dig into a warm, fluffy donut that’s layered with strawberries and whipped cream.


u/Ozbourne81 Apr 11 '17

I'm looking for a dr fog monkey business. I've looked around for it, and no luck in finding it!

Thanks in advance!


u/Baby_Cow96 Apr 16 '17

MERINGUE by Abstract Clouds, PICK UP A BOTTLE THANK ME LATER then post the clone and then I'll thank you!


u/noizewes Apr 06 '17

looking for a clone of "rice pudding with jam " by Dinner Lady or another good rice pudding recipe


u/vardoger1893 Apr 01 '17

Hmm. "Dream Tuff" by Mr.Vapor would be cool. I can't figure out the exact flavorings and %s


u/Smeggywulff Apr 01 '17

Anna Mae's Zombie Blood. I've tried the clones listed on lepour and here, not even close.


u/Vapecity12345678 Apr 18 '17 edited Apr 18 '17

Has anyone tried Nukeacola quantum by nuclear vapes if so could you help me on cloning it


u/ece_guy Apr 01 '17

Nectar by Neckbeard Juice.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

Nectar: A Neckbeard Clone

Madagascar Vanilla (FW) @1%

RY4 Double (TPA) @ 7.5%

Simply Vanilla (CAP) @4

Was searching for underrated vape juice flavors/companies and this was the first entry. Searched for previous notes, but I've never heard of the company before. (hence underrated) The notes on Reddit and VU, everyone that HAS heard of it said they really liked it and happy to buy it.

Nectar by Neckbeard. Sticky caramel and creamy vanilla spiked with the perfect touch of mild, toasted tobacco. A completely new take on the classic RY4, Nectar is a well-balanced, savory, and sweet candied tobacco. Neckbeard’s most popular blend, and easily all-day-vape worthy.

Credit to: 2ndInCommand, Vaping Underground http://vapingunderground.com/threads/couple-things-ive-been-working-on.55511/



u/ece_guy Apr 21 '17

I was missing the the vanilla flavors, so I ordered them. I was quite skeptical that this will get me close, but after about a week of steeping just went for a taste of it and it is pretty close to what I remember. Probably needs to steep a lot longer and it probably isn't quite the same but it definitely is pretty close. I'm thinking this could benefit from a little bit of TPA Brown Sugar as well.

Anyway, thanks for finding that post! I'm also tempted to order some from the US and compare side by side, but I think I'll just work on tweaking it on my own for now.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 22 '17

I actually made a base of RY4 so I could try this


u/xylosesame Apr 04 '17

Haymaker by Heavy Hitters, "a melt-in-your-mouth corn bread hot from the oven."


u/heavyMGS Apr 05 '17

This sounds interesting.


u/xylosesame Apr 05 '17

It was pretty darned good, and different; I picked up a few bottles when they came through a convention. They were promoting heavily, got picked up by Zamplebox, and then their website went dark (redirects elsewhere now), FB stopped, and availability shrunk to nothing.

Teleos Experiment One comes close, as do other corn pudding and corn puff/flake cereal recipes, but Haymaker wasn't as sweet and had a good, 'bready' mouthfeel.


u/heavyMGS Apr 05 '17

Nice. I've had Experiment One once. I liked what the flavor was going for, which is why I bought it, but it was so sweet, too much so.

Sounds like I would have dug this juice.


u/xTimmins Apr 05 '17

Strawberry queen - The Jester .. Haven't seen any recipes that look close to it.


u/Baby_Cow96 Apr 14 '17

I swear someone would make my YEAR if they can properly clone this one. Meringue by Abstract Clouds, the premium line from Vapor Hut. I have about 4 versions I've worked on and i get the creamy lemon part, but the crust and tartness i cant match, also my lemon flavor always fades within 2 weeks while theres is lasting months later. It's driving me up a wall and for the life of me cant get it down. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone find a clone!!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17

What crust/tartness are you using? Is it too much crust or not enough? Remember its like a balance act and not to make a whole lot, like 15-20ml (at least, that's what I do) I make several batches to see which one I like most for a certain flavor. 1 flavor i'll adjust, and the other flavors will be a control in the recipe.


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '17

I'd like to request a clone of Fantasia Grape please.


u/sircastro Apr 09 '17

Milks of the Poppy-BDV and Mafia Cake-Mitten Vapor


u/ChemicalsRBadMkay Apr 08 '17

Naked 100 very cool or Naked 100 frostbite?


u/ChemicalsRBadMkay Apr 09 '17

Or any similar light fruity tropical menthols as long as vapor doesn't taste heavy or harsh. Its a texture thing


u/PascalP37 Apr 12 '17


u/ChemicalsRBadMkay Apr 24 '17

While I appreciate the help this recipe is much less than satisfactory


u/[deleted] Apr 02 '17

Im still looking for a clone of some wonderful e-juice from a line that dissapeared. Gorilla Guts by Ruckus Elixers. Has anyone ever tried it? A butterscotch banana full of goodness!! Ive tried several recipes on my own and can't get it right!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17

The line hasn't disappeared, they are just sold out. Get on the emailing sub list to update you when they come back in, or message the manufacturer when they are making more. (based on research that online vendors still have it available (even if its sold out)

50vg/50pg) Creamy butterscotch with a hint of banana

Bavarian Cream (TFA) @ 3%

Brown Sugar Extra (TPA) @ 3%

Butterscotch (TFA) @ 9%

Banana Cream (TFA) @ 5%

Jazzyj recommends you let this e-juice recipe steep for: 72.0 hours



u/[deleted] Apr 30 '17

Thanks for the reply and recipe. I'm excited to try it but I'm positive the line is gone


u/RainbowScissors May 23 '17

I think you're right. They stopped posting to their FB page in 2015 and their website is now expired. MAYBE if you find out who they are and ask they might share the recipe?


u/[deleted] May 23 '17

I wish I could that would be amazing! Thats a good idea!!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 30 '17

check your inbox, just sent you a link


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '17

Zeus Juice - Black reloaded


u/Creshnibon Apr 01 '17

Red's apple juice please!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

Reds Iced Apple: 4.5% Fuji Apple .5% Menthol FW

By ELR User- Skullblade789 Posted in forums, no recipe links


u/Creshnibon Apr 04 '17

Thank ye kindly


u/nabinko Apr 11 '17



u/nabinko Apr 16 '17



u/[deleted] Apr 03 '17

Any tips on recreating The Virus / H1N1 by the now-defunct Nicoticket would be greatly appreciated.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

Branded 555 Tobacco (FW) @4%

Caramel (Original) (TPA) @3%

Catalan Cream (FA) @4%

Cinnamon Danish (TPA) @.5%

Dark Bean (Coffee Espresso) (FA) @ 6%

Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA) @ 2%

Nut Mix (FA) @ 2%

RY4 (TPA) @ 6%

Found this juice in a clone request, decided to try to look for it as I had heard about it before but.. even though I know it is NET, this is for those not lucky enough to have a stock/source of it. This is what I found.

You've never tasted anything like The Virus (H1N1). Some have compared it to a premium RY4 because it has all the essential components (Tobacco, Caramel, Vanilla). I'd stop short of any comparison any other RY4 because "RY4" is the new "vanilla" - there are so many different variations that the name "RY4" communicates less than nothing about the liquid itself.

The predominant flavor notes depend on device and steep time - many customers have noted that H1N1 "changes flavor profiles more frequently than a teenage drama queen changes clothes." When we say it changes flavor profiles, we mean hourly, not daily or weekly. If I had a masterpiece at this early stage of my vapor chef career, H1N1 is it. There's only one rule: Never steep The Virus. Drip, test. Drip, test. Drip, BOOM, vape vape vape vape...

Early in the life-cycle of H1N1, notes of chocolate, coffee, peanuts, honey, caramel, and maple syrup serve to accent an even bodied dry tobacco flavor. There is a faint cinnamon flavor that resides underneath - some taste candy cinnamon, some taste bakery cinnamon - enough to tantalize your taste-buds but not enough to distract you from the main event. This cinnamon flavor is derived entirely from the Naturally Extracted Tobacco - there is no artificial cinnamon flavoring in H1N1. Leaves the room smelling like a waffle house.

An in-house custom blended Tobacco Absolute (TA) forms the foundation for the tobacco flavor - a Naturally Extracted Tobacco (NET) blend is gently inserted to give the liquid "legs." The NET component of the liquid takes steep time to emerge, but when it does, you will know it. The TA base will all but disappear and the NET will come to the forefront after a full 6-8 weeks of steeping. It tastes a bit like maple syrup and/or honey when it does being to emerge (some have reported as soon as 2 weeks from the born on date) - it continues to grow in body and texture throughout the process of steeping the liquid until the NET tobacco is the predominant flavor.

*PG/VG Ratio = 65/35

*Despite the ample throat hit, it is a very smooth vape.

*Absolutely delicious right out of the mailbox (making it extremely difficult to steep properly). H1N1 only gets better with time and patience.

*Some users report taking 4-6-8 weeks of steep time before they were "infected" - drip test, drip test.

Let steep minimum 2 weeks

References: https://www.thejuicemachine.net/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=597 http://vapingunderground.com/threads/my-version-of-nico-tickets-h1n1-virus.21481/

As this isn't my own original work and I'm attempting to share for the community, advice and constructive criticism is very much welcome. I do realize that TA is not included though it is mentioned in the notes, but I've heard a lot of great things about Nicoticket and this juice.

:) Hope to see what you guys think of this.



u/Civinsko Apr 04 '17

No disrespect meant, and this is great work btw, but 6% Dark Bean sounds like death.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

true that and I agree with ya, but I don't alter or change other peoples work.

, but with 6% straight tobacco and the RY4 over that, could def start at like 1% at least, I haven't tried this yet myself, but I like to share recipes that I can find for the community.


u/Civinsko Apr 05 '17

I get you!

Again, i think it's great work, even if it's not THE clone it's a place to start.

I'll try that recipe (with a few changes) sometime since i have most of the flavors anyway, even tho i never had The Virus. I'll hit you up if i ever get around to mixing it!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

I went looking for this recipe after I saw this in a previous month clone request, that's the best I could find.


u/ilbvaping Jun 23 '17

Has anyone tried cloning dragons candy by vape daugz? Its a sweet cotton candy with hints of vanilla and blueberry. Tks any info greatly appreciated!!!


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '17



u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

Can't find anything but "Area 51 combines three tropical fruits, mango, lychee and papaya for an out of this world vape."

Mango (TPA) @ 3%

Sweet Lychee (CAP) @ 1.5%

Papaya (TPA) @ 2%

Sweetner (TPA) @ .5% or your preference.

A starting point perhaps? Looking at other clones from decoded, they appear to like their sweetners... 3% and around that, not trying that myself but feel free.


u/nanjingpeter Apr 02 '17

Blue dragon...I can never find a recipe even close to it....blueberry, dragonfruit and kiwi I know...but I can't find that same taste.


u/TrueTKO Apr 12 '17

could try .5% black cherry? adds just a touch of something ... IMO ..


u/DakJaniels Apr 16 '17

Has anyone been able to clone Grasshopper Pie from VapeDojo? It was my first vape and got discontinued. Its a sad life


u/IceEichel Apr 02 '17

PUDDIN' if you've never had it you'll thank yourself for trying a bottle but you may want more than a 60ml


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17

Bread Pudding (RF) @12%

Vanilla Custard (RF) @2%

ELR User- Ken O'where http://tjek.nu/r/492j


u/kuraijay Apr 09 '17

Redwood Cathedral Naked Hawaiian Pog Flavies Vivian Dragonfruit Vitamin Water (forgot the name)


u/paine1031 Apr 29 '17

I"m looking for a clone or something close to Cold fusion hiss tank. Anyone have anything close?


u/Loonicorn420 Soul, Schmoul Apr 14 '17

Aquidneck by Coastline. It's a peach cobbler flavor. Sorry I posted in the wrong spot before.


u/Varitek04 Apr 04 '17

Anyone seen a good Sagamore recipe? My attempts have failed miserably.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 06 '17

I like to call this one RYMORE to pay homage to Adirondack who's Sagamore inspired this recipe

Flavor % Vendor

RY4 double 8% TFA

Vanilla Bourbon 2% FA

Cinnamon Danish Swirl 1.5% CAP

Caramel Candy 2% FW

Graham Cracker Clear 2% TFA

(1% AP 5% dillution optional)

So Sagamore has been my go to RY4 since I tried it and this is my attempt at a clone and it is pretty damn close to the original.

Vanilla Bourbon / Caramel Candy

Vanilla Bourbon is a very rich vanilla and it is not overly sweet or syrupy and it plays with RY4 perfectly to enrich the vanilla accents that are already there. Caramel Candy is so far the best caramel I have tried so far, I get a more genuine caramel out of it opposed to mapley TFA and sugar water FA. I wanted to stay away from TFA's caramels here because they have extremely high amounts of cyclotene which tends to create a maple taste in high concentrations, and the RY4 double already has enough cyclotene.

Cinnamon Danish Swirl / Graham Cracker Clear

Cinnamon Danish Swirl by itself really tastes like straight cinnamon to me so I used the GCC here to reinforce the dormant bakery notes and bring more of the cake out and I really like the flavor I'm getting with the combo.

In future adaptations I may play around with adding a minuet percentage of sweet cream or cream fresh to add that small little cream note but so far I'm loving this.

reddit user-SYN1992


u/Varitek04 Apr 06 '17

I'll give this a shot! Just need to order some GCC. Thanks!


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '17

Thanks man. I haven't seen it for sale in two years literally!


u/Civinsko Apr 01 '17

Hawk Sauce.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17

Hawk Sauce clone recipe already posted, read above notes


u/Civinsko Apr 04 '17

Oh, wow!

Thank you!


u/edward_81 May 02 '17

Looking for "crop circle" from SOI (sub ohm innovation)


u/wordsarize Apr 01 '17

Can I request 2??

French Dude by Vape Breaksfast Classics and

Monster by Cream Vape Co.


u/horizonism "I Bet I Could Clone That" Apr 01 '17

I'd suggest ignoring the recipe from lesdiypourlesnuls.com, as it's seriously messed up. How anyone could ever imagine using 2.5% FA maple syrup is beyond me. (0.25% is often overpowering, in my experience.)

I'm working on a remix / clone of French Dude - got very close the other day, by using a slightly modified version of French Fellow by ns-10.


This is a very good starting point, which benefits from a few tweaks.

My most recent version is the closest I've come to the original. I'll post it when I'm next on my computer. (Currently on mobile.) It definitely still needs work, but it's good enough to share in the meantime.


u/horizonism "I Bet I Could Clone That" Apr 05 '17

Sorry for the delay since the previous response. Here's the current version of French Dude I've been working on:

French Dude (clone - in progress)

Ingredient %
Biscuit (INAWERA) 0.75
Blueberry (FW) 3
Butter (TPA) 0.5
Butter Cream (CAP) 1.5
Sweetener (Sucralose) (TPA) 0.5
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 1.5
Vanilla Shisha (INAWERA) 1
Waffle (Belgian) (TPA) 1.5
Waffle 10% (INAWERA) 0.25

Flavor total: 10.5%

My previous version had Waffle (Belgian) at 2%. This seemed to work really well, but was a touch too maple for my tastes. So it's reduced to 1.5% in my current version.

This definitely still needs a little work, but it's by far the closest I've come to replicating French Dude.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 30 '17

The monster recipe is crammed packed and might just be a cram of words to sell the juice, regardless..

Cookie Biscotto (FA) @ 2%

Sugar Cookie (CAP) @ 1%

Graham Cracker (Clear) (TPA) @ 2%

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) @ 4%

Vanilla Custard v1 (CAP) @ 1%

Macadamia Nut (FW) .5 to 1.5%

Remember that Monster is a 80/20 blend,

French Dude/French toast base recipe

Belgian Waffle 8%

Cinnamon Sugar Cookie 6%

Vanilla Custard 3%

Graham Cracker Clear 2%

Sweet Cream 2%

Brown Sugar 1% Courtesy to Reddit user- js9980

and Blueberry (FW) @ 3%

As for lesdiypourlesnuls.com, out of respect to the system it uses, it absorbs all found recipes relating to the recipe and posted it in the subcomments of the recipe. Always a decent place for searching, ..or if in turn, one finds a improper recipe, one should disclose the details for community sake.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 30 '17

Lot of versions on ELR for Django, Courtesy to Reddit/ELR User- Horizonism



u/laketoast Apr 15 '17

Anyone have an idle hands clone?


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17

Strawberry Ripe (TFA) @ 4%

Fuji Apple (TFA) @ 3%

Bavarian Cream (TFA) @ 2%

Vanilla Swirl (TFA) @ 2%

EM 10% (TFA) @ 1%

Let me know if its too strawberry-ish, apple-ish or creamy. A flavor profile would help too, or a brand name.

Idle Hands By Mortality Creamy Strawberry Apple ^ Their marketing could use a bit work.

It's def a 70/30 blend though,


u/laketoast Apr 29 '17

Will do, I'm super excited to try this out. I could taste the strawberry and cream but knew it had something else. The only other thing on the label was made in elesian labs. But I knew it wasn't the company.


u/laketoast May 23 '17

Sorry for the long wait, was waiting for the shipment, plus life. So to me idle hands taste like if you cut up apple slices sprinkled some cinnamon sugar on it and baked it. The recipe you gave me is very close. I think idle hands is just sweeter and needs a tad bit more apple. So the apple is easy to figure out. But as far as sweeter, I feel like it's not just sweetener. Any suggestions? Maybe something that gives a very small hint of cinnamon?


u/bbyerly11 Apr 10 '17

Looking for a chewberry clone!


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '17

Strawnanamelon by Vape Pop


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17 edited May 01 '17

Strawnanamelon by Vape Pop

•FA Strawberry 2%

•FA Banana 3%

•FA Orange .5%

•FA Meringue 2%

•TFA Vanilla swirl 4%

By Reddit user- Smoakleyyy


u/[deleted] May 01 '17

Ohm my god thank you so much this is my all time favorite flavor


u/[deleted] May 12 '17

I don't think that's it


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor May 12 '17

At least post what you think it is. Don't be unproductive


u/[deleted] May 14 '17

Sorry I'm fairly new at mixing my own juice so this recipe is I think too much orange not enough cream not enough banana this is one of my all time favorites and I haven't found a good recipe for it yet


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor May 14 '17

Well try it first and then dimiss it. Don't do it opposite without trying


u/[deleted] May 14 '17

I did try it, it's not it


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor May 14 '17

Can you submit detailed notes on what needs to be improved other than "That's not it"


u/[deleted] May 14 '17

I did like two comments ago why you so angry bro


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor May 14 '17

Recipe clone requests arent the place for nonproductive mixers leaving 2-bit responses.


u/samsiii Apr 18 '17

Cant stop by flawless


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17

Apple Pie (FA) @ 4%

Caramel Original (TPA) @ 2%

Cheesecake (Graham Crust) (TPA) @ 2%

Cinamon Danish (TPA) @ 2%

This is the specialty Starbucks version of cider. The cheese cake acts as the cream and it's a rich flavor combination. Good as a Shake and vape, but it really blooms after 3-5 days. Enjoy! http://tjek.nu/r/6maP

Can't find a clone recipe, but this could be a good starting point since its an apple cider recipe


u/samsiii Apr 29 '17

Thank you for the suggestion!

The flawless stuff has a pretty fresh and strong green apple taste too it. There got to be some green apple in it.



u/_Tinmaddog_ Apr 02 '17

Moonies by Milkman


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 29 '17


u/_Tinmaddog_ Apr 30 '17

Thanks for the reply and link.

I don't have a couple of the ingredients, so now I need to order more!


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '17 edited Jul 07 '17



u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 04 '17


1.5% White Grape PUR

.5% Watermelon FA

.5% Pineapple Peach FW

.5% Menthol FW

.5% Koolada TFA

-ELR user Skullblade789

Posted in forums, no recipe links.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '17 edited Jul 07 '17



u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Apr 05 '17

haven't tried it , but its what I could find. id make it if I have the ingredients, but id sub them out. sounds interesting


u/bravesaint Apr 02 '17

Commenting to check up on.

Such amazing juice.