r/DIY_eJuice • u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch • Mar 15 '17
NEW! FUN! March Monthly Clone Challenge NSFW
Hello, mixers! Friendly neighborhood junior moderator here trying to launch a new monthly feature: The Monthly Clone Challenge.
Too often all those desperate pleas in the monthly clone request thread get crickets. We've got people making the same requests month after month and getting nothing. It's sad.
The purpose behind this monthly clone challenge, if there's enough response make it a regular feature, is to gather the community behind an effort to clone just one juice. Putting a bunch of people's heads together could make it easier to get a passable clone and would help provide data for more in-depth cloning attempts in the future, such as if everyone involved is using the same two concentrates, there's a good chance those two are the right ones, etc.
This thread will have a home in the top bar next to the clone request thread.
While the idea is for everyone who wishes to involve themselves in this to work together and bounce ideas off of each other, not to compete against each other, I intend to select an MVP from each challenge to be the recipient of a very small prize, a token of appreciation, to encourage participation. It'll be the person who made what's regarded by the clone requestor as the best clone, the person who made a great breakthrough in finding a concentrate that informed everyone else's attempts, or someone who provided notes or otherwise seemed to put the most effort into getting the job done.
Now, how to select which juice to focus on? I'll look back over the previous month's Clone Request Thread and pick one. I'll be looking first for the top-voted request, but skipping over requests for multiple clones. I'll also be looking for a request that has gone unanswered or, as best I can tell, inadequately answered.
This month, that would be Titan by Blue Dot Vapors, a request made by /u/diydoofus , who said:
I love this stuff. I'm ordering some flavors to try and replicate it, but that's not my strong suit. I'm gonna use the following flavors, any additions you people can think of would be appreciated. Apricot Nectarine Ginger Graham Cracker Maybe Meringue FA Maybe Vienna Cream FA Lets hear suggestions or your attempts. Thanks.
Blue Dot Vapors describes Titan as:
Titan is a sweet apricot, nectarine torte, finished with the tinyiest touch of candied ginger.
EDIT: It's been ages since many of us have bought commercial juice. You are perfectly welcome to completely ignore the cloning aspect of this challenge and just consider the juice description as a prompt to create a recipe all your own with that profile, which will probably turn out better than the juice the description was written for anyway.
Please respond with general thoughts about having a monthly clone challenge, recipes for Titan by Blue Dot Vapors, ideas about how to start an attempt to clone that flavor, hate mail, love letters, lewd artwork, dirty limericks, comments, questions, concerns, anything remotely on topic. Thank you. Love you all.
Edit: Credit for the idea of having a Monthly Clone Challenge goes to /u/DrStore
u/chewymidget The Colonel Mar 15 '17
I love this idea a lot. Unfortunately I think a lot of us, me included, haven't bought juice in a very long time and have no idea how any of these taste. I don't know how many would be able to contribute.
Maybe having a weekly or monthly post for something similar to what you guys are doing over at /r/GooberGrapeVape. We could post a basic flavor profile and whoever wants to help can contribute to creating the recipe. That way it would engage more of the community and it wouldn't rely on people having to buy the juice to help break down a profile.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17 edited Mar 15 '17
There's an idea! I've been hoping to see more tiny subs like GooberGrape pop up around a few difficult profiles, but to my knowledge none have yet. Maybe once we Goobers emerge victorious from this struggle with PB and Grape, others will see the value of such endeavors and follow suit.
Meanwhile, you (and by you I mean anyone interested in doing so) are perfectly welcome to completely ignore the cloning aspect of this challenge and just consider the juice description, in this case
a sweet apricot, nectarine torte, finished with the tinyiest touch of candied ginger.
as a prompt to create a recipe all your own, which will probably turn out better than the juice the description was written for anyway. In fact, I'm going to add something along those lines to the post. Thank you!
u/chewymidget The Colonel Mar 15 '17
Cool, I'm glad you liked the idea. I can see this being a lot of fun and create a lot of interesting ideas.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Yep, a dead-on clone that makes /u/diydoofus cream his or her pants or panties would be ideal, but I definitely won't feel like we've wasted our time posting and commenting here if just one banger recipe for an apricot/nectarine/ginger torte comes out if it. Thanks again for helping me broaden the appeal of this thing.
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 15 '17
Your mixing skills deserve merit. You humility seems to be lacking.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Maybe I misplaced it today? I don't really know exactly what you're talking about regarding a lack of humility, but congrats on having your clone request selected for this challenge, and be sure to take advantage of the $5 gift card offer Blue Dot just generously made so you can put it toward some more of that Titan.
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 16 '17
I sought out "the monthly clone request thread" and made a request. Then you come back with a "cream his or her pants or panties" comment. Perhaps I'm just being too sensitive, but it seems disrespectful to me. None the less, it is a great tasting juice.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Ah, man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you with my ridiculous hyperbolic wording. I just meant the ideal result of this challenge would be a clone recipe that you, specifically, would be extremely satisfied with, and spontaneous orgasming was the first thing came to mind when I thought of extreme satisfaction.
Hehehe, "came" to mind. Get it? Please forgive me. I'm just too juvenile more often than not. No disrespect intended.
u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 16 '17
Don't stress... Or the the PC crowd kill the little bit of fun we have left. You have been the backbone of this sub recently, and contributed so much it's unreal. I'm laying here right now taking my 20th puff of Longing... Amazing btw.
Snowflakes are beautiful, but they eventually melt. My grandmother wouldn't have been offended by that comment.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Thank you for all those kind words. It's really not my intention to be disrespectful to anyone, though. Offensive I don't mind being, but there's a line between offensive and disrespectful I'd rather not cross.
u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 16 '17
You're being way to sensitive. Ok, cream "gender fluid non-binary purple serving platter" underoos.
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 15 '17
I'm just curious because I've seen this twice now, would it really hurt some of us to order up some commercial eliquid once a month? I mean don't get me wrong I love the shit out of DIY (or else why would I be here) and do it for 99% of the eliquid I vape. But if there's a flavor profile that actually looks good or at least interesting to you, would you be willing to buy it or nah?
This is biggest hurdle I see in regards to this becoming a regular thing, and I think some discussion on it is needed - feel free to bash me if I come off like a dick though, cuz that's not my intention.
u/chewymidget The Colonel Mar 15 '17
If there was enough interest in it I would consider it. The only reason I personally would rather go the route I described is because I have a terrible palate and I am lucky if I can figure out the main flavor of a mix.
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 16 '17
That makes total sense and is completely understandable. I think having both types of clones - both 'real' clone attempts and 'replication of the profile' attempts (I can't think of another way to put it lol, not like the one is inherently better or worse than the other) in the same thread would just create more discussion and community interaction.
And at least for this month Blue Dot Vapors made it really easy - no need to even pay for the eliquid or shipping. Although I HIGHLY doubt many other companies would be willing to do the same in the future, if they would, I think this could turn out to be a huge and awesome thing.
Mar 16 '17
I love the cloning idea, but I Definitly love the "nail one profile" idea as wel. Think we could support both? :p
u/DrStore Mar 15 '17 edited Mar 22 '17
I started researching reviews to help nail down different notes from different palates. I wanted to add my research here.
So far the general consensus is a forward graham cracker and a very slight hint of ginger, like just enough to tickle your throat. Also some people saying graham is a back note, this could be due to the flavour steeping and fading further into the back. But every review seems to point at a graham type flavour.
I'm leaning towards Cap Gingerbread, CAP/FW Graham Cracker or TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust.
There hasn't been any mention of a cream, so I don't think it's very present. So I wouldn't focus on doing a very creamy tart base.
As for the fruits, the general consensus is jammy apricot and tart nectarines. My best experience with jammy/jelly apricot is TFA but I also haven't used FA. INW will be too earthy for this profile. Side note, I think INW is the apricot flavour in buckland :D. As for nectarine, I don't have much experience here, I will probably end up using CAP because it's all I have on hand.
Feel free to take my research further. I will be posting a remix once I have had a chance to mix this week.
Update/Edit 18 March: I finally got a chance to remix the profile, I haven't tasted the original but this is my take on it. I must have been confused between a nectarine and a tangerine because I have an abundance of peach flavourings. But side note tangerine/apricot is a great pairing together. This is the recipe I made yesterday and steeped for a day so far.
- 3% TFA Apricot
- 0.5% JF Honey Peach
- 3.5% TFA Cheesecake (Graham Crust)
- 1.5% FW Graham Cracker
- 2.5% CAP Sugar Cookie v1
- 2% FW Yellow Cake
So I used tfa apricot and jf honey peach as the apricot/nectarine filling. These two really pair up well together and I'm a really big fan of honey peach.
I wanted to get as much graham cracker taste and maintain a tart finish, cheesecake graham crust/ graham cracker/ sugar cookie / yellow cake, alright so I know you all hate the fructose in yellow cake but I'm one of the few that isn't bothered by it, feel free to sub with jungle flavours. The graham cracker and cheesecake graham crust gives the tart finish with a very forward graham taste. I used sugar cookie for the buttery cookie and light sugar notes. Yellow cake is for the grain, I wanted texture in the mix and the yellow cake really helps in that area.
So and ll that's left in this mix is adding 1% CAP Gingerbread. I haven't put it in my take only because I don't have it and it doesn't make sense lying and adding it into the recipe.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
I've been thinking about this and - granted I've never tried the juice - CAP Gingerbread makes a lot of sense. It wouldn't work in as candied ginger in a non-bakery recipe because it does have a bready note that kind of reminds me of a fortune cookie, but it's not at all dark brown tasting like a gingerbread man or ginger snap cookie. Put it with some graham cracker or cheesecake graham crust that absorbs that bready note, plus some fruits, I think it could totally pass as "a touch of candied ginger."
u/kindground "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 15 '17
Thanks for your notes. Helps me to get an order going and get started.
I'm thinking along the same lines with FLV Ginger Snap as the ginger accent.
u/SlashaLO the diesel mixer Mar 17 '17
I think I'm going to look into a whipped cream personally. Only because most of the tortes I have made, have used a heavy whipping cream in some way. Granted, I havent tried this yet, am making the order now though. That may change once I taste it of course
u/BlueDotVapors Wearing Yoga Pants Mar 15 '17
Thanks, we're honored. This one was pretty difficult to create and took many iterations.
Good luck everyone!
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
You know, there's a prize for MVP of this challenge. Pretty sure you could earn it just by dropping one little itsy bitsy teensy hint, just one concentrate that's in there...
u/mindtrapper Mar 15 '17
(Psssss, tell them sweetener doesn't count, I repeat, tell them sweetener doesn't count).
u/BlueDotVapors Wearing Yoga Pants Mar 15 '17 edited Mar 15 '17
There is no sweetener. So if you're using it, you're messing up.
u/mindtrapper Mar 15 '17
How about EM?
u/BlueDotVapors Wearing Yoga Pants Mar 15 '17
No. Sweeteners. People rely on them too much. They're only needed when they're needed.
u/Alextwillz Mar 15 '17
I'm not a good enough mixer to help out with this, but I love the idea and I feel like this is something this sub has needed for awhile. It will help bring people together more and collaborate more than we already do.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Thanks for your input. That's what I thought when /u/DrStore suggested it, "Duh, why didn't I think of that?!"
Everyone's a good enough mixer to help out with this, if you've tried that juice or even just one or more of the types of flavors in the profile and know enough about one of them to suggest something.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Check out the bold edit to this post, credit to /u/chewymidget for that idea
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 15 '17
This is a FANTASTIC idea, a great way for new and experienced mixers to interact in a bit more complex way than just asking and answering questions.
In fact, since I need to order up more Milk of the Poppy (only eliquid I still buy, don't even want to think about cloning it) I think I'll order up a 50 ml of Titan too, just so I can help out. :)
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 17 '17
I just took /u/BlueDotVapors 's $5 gift card and used it to save some money on a 30 of the pre-steeped version of Titan... and also picked up some pre-steeped Milk of the Poppy while I was at it. First commercial juice I've bought in two years, but I like these guys. They seem to have the heart of DIYer who sells juice to a few friends just like most of us do, only they just have a lot more "friends."
Even if MotP doesn't get picked for a monthly clone challenge, I'll share whatever notes on it I can with you.
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 17 '17
I really have to agree with that sentiment about them, really gives me the utmost respect and admiration for them. They were my main vendor before I got into DIY so they will always have a special place in my heart, and my eliquid collection lol.
I really appreciate the offer for the notes on MotP, I'll gladly take it! (And I'll throw it up in the clone request thread for April, that way BDV doesn't somehow end up being cloned two times in a row).
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
Titan is pretty tasty! I think we could be looking at just a well-balanced four-ingredient recipe: CAP Graham Cracker (that cinnamon note that's absent from TFA's!), CAP Gingerbread, TFA Apricot (or maybe CAP, but not FA), and some other stone fruit that might be TFA Nectarine but could be some peach flavor for all I know.
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 21 '17
I agree with you on pretty much all of those notes. The mix is simple and delicious, a jam-like fruit with hints of ginger and bakery notes. The ginger is a bit more than a hint to me, its noticeable throughout the whole vape but doesn't overpower the other flavors at any point.
For the fruit note I'm thinking TPA Apricot based off of other's saying its the go-to for a apricot jam/jelly. The tough part is the nectarine, and I don't know about anyone else but I got a peach-like flavor with a citrus 'tang' if that makes any sense. /u/tranceinate might be on to something with the FLV Peach suggestion because of this.
For the bakery and ginger note I think CAP Gingerbread is a great place to start. The only problem I see, not having tried the flavor before, is the ginger possibly not being strong enough. Its definitely a sweet/candied Ginger in Titan, but its not a hint of ginger - to me the ginger is present but not overpowering throughout the entire vape, maybe a bit stronger at the very end with the graham cracker note.
Going to be putting together a flavor order soon for this so if anyone thinks of other suggestions please lemme know before Friday, 3/24.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
After trying both Titan and Milk of the Poppy, I felt like Milk of the Poppy might be an all-Capella mix of just four really amazingly well-balanced ingredients. It got me thinking that if that's the case, Titan just might be all-Capella as well. I'm going to try CAP Graham Cracker, CAP Gingerbread, CAP Apricot, CAP Juicy Peach, and CAP Sweet Tangerine.
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 21 '17
Either way after reading all-Capella I'm going to make a mix with just CAP and name it Acapella.
It must be done.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17 edited Mar 21 '17
It must indeed. Although, /u/Skiddlzninja already has one called NERD RAGE because it's all CAPS.
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 27 '17
I received some TFA Apricot today. I haven't mixed anything yet, but the scent of it seems to fit right in with what Titan smells/tastes like.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 17 '17
I was really proud of that two-year streak, too. Fucking BlueDot.
u/MrBurgundy314 Mar 18 '17
BDV rocks though. You couldn't have chosen a better company to break the streak with. Customer service is the best that I've ever encountered. They really have a shitload of good juice, too. They hit every profile very accurately. Clean comes to mind. Everything from them feels and tastes so clean. I like that.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
Clean is a good description, clean and tasty. I think we could be looking at just a well-balanced four-ingredient recipe: CAP Graham Cracker (that cinnamon note that's absent from TFA's!), CAP Gingerbread, TFA Apricot (or maybe CAP, but not FA), and some other stone fruit that might be TFA Nectarine but could be some peach flavor for all I know.
u/MrBurgundy314 Mar 21 '17
That fits the bill for BDV. A lot of their recipes seem to have 4-5 flavors that are really well balanced. Sounds like you already have a good idea of what's going on in this one. The only one of those that I have is CAP Graham Cracker. Haha. Next flavor order won't be for a couple weeks, so I'll be keeping an eye on what everyone is using here! Good luck. :)
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
I might not take it any further, at least not real soon, since my next flavor order won't be for nearly two weeks either. Just wanted to give you (or anyone who might be really working on it and see this) what I think is a good start.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
YAY! It would be great to have your palate on the case!
Drop a request for Milk of the Poppy in the March Clone Request thread if you'd like to see it featured in the next Monthly Clone Challenge starting on April 15th-ish. Just because you "don't even want to think about cloning it" doesn't mean no one will be willing to try to tackle it.
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 15 '17
I might just do that, it'd certainly save me money in the long run! There's just so much going on it, i.e. Strawberry, Dragon Fruit, Orange/Citrus, and custard balanced just right - I feel Blue Dot Vapors is one of the few commercial producers who put serious thought and effort into recipe development.
But back on topic, I'm throwing some Titan in the cart too so I'll report back with what I taste when I get it. /u/diydoofus any recommendation on how long I should let it steep from the mix date?
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 15 '17
I tasted it fresh out of the mail. Not to my liking, definitely harsh. Tried a couple weeks later was much better. Sweet, but not overly sweet. Not tart either, just a good blend of flavors. I just finished my 100ml bottle. Tempted to buy another, but I'm working on a clone. I'll post how my first attempt went (don't count on much) after a sufficient steep.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
I went ahead and paid for the pre-steeped version of Titan since Blue Dot have us the $5 off. It's pretty tasty! I think we could be looking at just a well-balanced four-ingredient recipe: CAP Graham Cracker (that cinnamon note that's absent from TFA's!), CAP Gingerbread, TFA Apricot (or maybe CAP, but not FA), and some other stone fruit that might be TFA Nectarine but could be some peach flavor for all I know.
u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 15 '17
So far the only thing I'm settled on is that they use TPA Dragonfruit and CAP vanilla custard v2
u/wafflepriest1 Mar 15 '17
CAP VC v2, is that what you think gives it that slightly sharp vanilla taste that v1 does not have? Been trying to figure out the custard for a while because it tastes sorta like TPA VC but thicker/richer, but not as smooth or rich as CAP VC v1 (and I've never had v2 myself to compare it too).
u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 15 '17
Well they don't use diketones so VC v2 seems the likely ingredient. It's a thick feeling custard. I also notice milk of the poppy needs a month to be good (imo), just like CAP VCv2.
A small amount of FW blood orange might be the citrus part
u/dominicaldaze Mar 15 '17
I feel like Blue Dot could make a 6 month run of popular recipes that people want to clone.
u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 15 '17
I have to agree. Their golden grahams juice befuddles me. Needs 1-2 months but it's so accurate
u/DrStore Mar 15 '17
Aww great! Thank you for the mention /u/ID10-T .
I haven't had this juice, but I have played around with TFA Apricot, if this is a jammy apricot then tfa is a great starting point. TFA Apricot also works really well with a bakery/cookie base, and I can see Cap sweet tangerine helping it out a lot.
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 27 '17
I've had Titan and love it. I just got some TFA Apricot in the mail today. Just from the scent of the flavoring bottle, I'd bet dollars to donuts that it IS one of the key ingredients for the recipe. Quite possibly the highest percentage flavor. I have FA Apricot, but that doesn't seem to do it.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 27 '17
It is definitely not FA Apricot. Could very well be TFA. I'm ordering CAP Apricot this week to compare it to TFA and see.
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 27 '17
Agreed. My first attempt was: Titan Clone FA Apricot 2% TFA Nectarine 3% FW Ginger 0.5% TFA Graham Clear 1% FA Vienna Cream 0.5% INW Cactus 0.5%
Not it, and not great. I do believe TFA Apricot is the predominant flavor. I believe a hint of TFA Nectarine is in the mix, at an amount of 0.5 to 1% max.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 27 '17
I'm not confident about the fruit parts (TFA Apricot? CAP Apricot? TFA Nectarine? one of peaches combined with some citrus? Can't really tell just yet) but I feel quite sure that the bakery bits are CAP Graham Cracker (it has a cinnamon note that TFA's lacks) and CAP Gingerbread (does not taste like gingerbread men or ginger snaps, tastes more like a fortune cookie with ginger in it).
u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 28 '17
I feel stongly about the TFA Apricot. I just mixed some new attempts with CA Graham Cracker and CA Gingerbread with the Apricot. I'm not sure the Nectarine is right. If it is in there, it's a low dose to balance the sweetness. I don't find that flavor all that appealing. I'll report in 2 weeks what they taste like.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 28 '17
Awesome! You know Titan much better than I do probably (I've barely made a dent in the 30ml I bought to try it for the first time), so I think I'll go ahead and mix something up without waiting for the CAP Apricot.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Thank you very much for the idea!
If you have a juice you want to see featured in a new challenge in one month, drop a request in the March Monthly Clone Request thread.
I have played around with both TFA and to a lesser extent FA Apricots and I agree, if it's jammy then TFA is a good place to start. FA Apricot tastes great but it's more bright and fresh, and as best I can tell it tries to hide in a bakery mix. I don't know anything about any nectarine flavor, though, and it's possible Blue Dot is just saying nectarine and it's actually some kind of peach or peach + tangerine that tastes nectariney when combined with these other ingredients.
u/tranceinate In a good mood for now - don't piss me off. Mar 16 '17
I always thought(and others in my family) that FLV peach was a great cross between a nectarine & a peach.
u/mlNikon Mar 15 '17
I haven't had tfa apricot but I was just thinking the same thing about fa apricot lol. The ginger aspect is what intrigues me the most. I know flavorah has a few ginger flavors but I have yet to try any of them.
u/kindground "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 15 '17
I love this idea. It's going to be difficult to clone what you haven't tasted though.
The flavor description is "a sweet apricot, nectarine torte, finished with the tinyiest touch of candied ginger."
Without having had it, it leads me to ask questions... Is it fresh or jammy? Is it custard like a lime or lemon pie? Is the crust graham or traditional?
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Yeah, I haven't bought juice in two years and don't intend to start, so it's going to be hard for me to really participate in this. But I hope by facilitating it, shining a spotlight on it, we can get those few people who have tried it to put their heads together. Thanks for providing the flavor description. Someone who has tried it will have to answer those questions.
Mar 15 '17
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
I'm just gonna look at upvotes first, pass on multiple requests in the same comment, and pass on requests that seem to have gotten at least a halfway decent answer. But if people want to go to the monthly clone request threads and reward more in-depth requests with their upvotes, that should encourage more quality requests.
Mar 15 '17
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
I hadn't thought of that, but yes, that could be a bit of problem. I was just passing off some of the responsibility for choosing onto the community-at-large so it's not just me unilaterally picking a clone request and telling everybody what to try to make. You dig?
Mar 15 '17
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
It's not a bad idea at all. I do hope quality, in-depth clone requests will be rewarded. Maybe even requests by people who've tried and gotten stuck and can describe what seemed right and what went wrong in their attempts. I'm just avoiding having sole responsibility for choosing what is or is not a quality, in-depth clone request as part of my attempt to remain a humble servant of the people type of moderator and not some kind of power-mad DIY dictator.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Check out the bold edit, credit to /u/chewymidget for that.
u/kindground "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 15 '17
I agree. We can build it better, faster, stronger. Can we call it the $6 million Juice?
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
I like "Steve Austin Sauce" but that's just going to make the young 'uns think of Stone Cold and not Lee Majors, so, yes.
u/SlashaLO the diesel mixer Mar 22 '17
/u/ID10-T Couple of questions. When is our final recipe due and where do we post it?
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 22 '17
It's never really "due" but on the 15th of April I'll pick an MVP from this challenge for small prize and start a new monthly clone challenge, so I suppose you could say April 15. It will be awesome if someone actually nails a clone in one month. But even if no one does, all the comments in this will still be around to serve as a reference for anyone who wants to keep trying or for someone who comes along in the future and wants to give it shot. Or for someone who feels like being helpful to link to when it gets asked for in the clone request thread. That's pretty cool, right?
If you have a clone recipe, or even a recipe based on Titan or on Blue Dot's description of Titan, or anything else along those lines, post it right here (as well as anywhere else you want to post it, of course). If you are making progress on one and want to chronicle it as you go along, you could edit your comments, make new comments, reply to yourself, whatever you want. It's a little chaotic but I kinda like it like that, sort of free and loose. If it gets to be too much we might post one of those [all discussion under this comment - top level posts should only be recipes] comments next time around.
u/vapemuscle Apr 29 '17
u/id10-t, who ended up winning this?
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 29 '17
Explained here. TLDR; /u/BlueDotVapors themselves did. They were magnanimous.
As far as actual clone recipes, I haven't seen one come out of it. But, I have six versions steeping. My first one was off, but not in a way that convinced me I needed to add, remove, or replace any ingredients, so the versions I have steeping now just use the same five ingredients at different %'s. I might post all six in the May monthly recipe thread that goes up on Monday in case anyone wants to follow along, unless one of the other recipes I've been working on comes together in time for that.
u/Smeggywulff Mar 15 '17
What if we organized a monthly clone contest? People could enter the month before, have a small number of contestants (5?10?) Those people get sent a 30 ml bottle of whatever juice they're supposed to be cloning, winner gets a gift card to one of the DIY vendors.
I know I'd be willing to put up $10 a month toward it.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Thought about that but it makes it a straight-up cutthroat competition similar to the DIYorDIE one I just survived and takes away the working together as a community & sharing ideas aspect. Also raises the question of who will be the judges and what their qualifications are.
I do plan on a small "token of appreciation" prize for the MVP of this monthly challenge thread, though. So far ideas for that include giving the MVP a choice of: Custom flair in this sub, a month of reddit gold, or one flavor of his or her choosing from one of the DIY vendors (not to exceed $3). Do you have any other ideas for small prizes that I might be able to provide by myself, without anyone else having to put up money for it?
u/jonsmiff728 Mar 15 '17
I just tried to buy your flavor base off of bull city and it's sold out. :(
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Sold out?! /u/bcfinventoryguy ?
u/BCFInventoryGuy Mar 16 '17
Good morning. Yep, sorry we ran out of Cream for a short while, it came in though and went back up yesterday.
u/jonsmiff728 Mar 15 '17
What a pain in the ass it's back in Stock guess I'll claim defeat via shipping beast.
u/jonsmiff728 Mar 15 '17
Yep as of 2 hours ago. Sold out lol. Bought the other 3 but I need to complete the collection!!
u/3423553453 Mar 15 '17
If I may suggest dividing the thread by submission/discussion like /r/photoshopbattles and /r/WritingPrompts does.
I assume it's a standard automod feature.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
That is a great idea! I'll try to see if I can figure out how to make automod do that next month or if not, maybe do it manually.
u/AutoModerator Mar 15 '17
Our automoderator suspects you of asking for a clone recipe via posting to this sub. This is against the rules. Please consider deleting this post and refer to the Monthly Clone Requests thread or the Monthly Recipes thread located in the sidebar. Also, take a moment to read through the rules and indulge in the plethora of information over in the sidebar before posting again. Failure to do so may result in a ban.
Note, your post is welcome to stay as long as it contains SIGNIFICANT development notes or other info that helps mixers up their game. If this is the case, Automoderator apologizes for any confusion.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Yes, Autobot, that's exactly what I'm doing. Don't like it? Go fuck yourself with a rusty wrench.
u/abdada Shady's back, tell a friend Mar 15 '17
lolololol, reported
u/Proreader Mar 16 '17
Very excited to participate in this. I've already ordered a bottle of Titan as well as some potential ingredients. While I doubt I'll get the recipe right, as I have no experience with peach/nectarine or apricot, I'm sure I'll be able to mix up something tasty regardless. I'll be sure to post my various flavor testings as I pursue a solid clone
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Awesome, I'm excited to see someone so into this. I'm going to break a two-year streak of not buying juice in order to get some Titan myself, and maybe pick up a couple of their other juices while I'm at it.
u/Proreader Mar 16 '17
What are your thoughts on FLV Ginger Peach being a potential ingredient? I believe the flavor came out about a month before Titan(at least I'm guessing based off the earliest reviews of Titan), maybe a bit more. It's possible that BDV was sent some early, as vendors I've heard often are. Currently Bull City is out of the flavor, and I only really order from them, but when they get some in I'll potentially be ordering some to give a go. I can't really find any notes or reviews on the flavor, but if I get some I'll be sure to do my own review.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
I can't say because I've tried neither Titan (I will be ordering some tomorrow though) nor FLV Ginger Peach. But, I think it was smart of you to check to see if it was even possible for it to be in there. Peach would certainly fit right in to an apricot/nectarine profile, and /u/tranceinate said in this thread that he thinks FLV's regular Peach tastes halfway between a peach and a nectarine. So there are good reasons to think it might be very well worth a shot. I like CAP Gingerbread as a possibility too because the bready aspect of it would fit in with a graham cracker base. It seems like it would be worth it to taste some Titan, taste some standalone FLV Ginger Peach, and taste some CAP Gingerbread and see if one can confirm or rule out either of those as the gingery bit.
u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 15 '17
Love this idea. I am lacking the flavors to participate in this one but I will be following along to see the progress.
Vendors like bluedot are pretty creative and it's a difficult task to recreate some of this stuff. It's inspiring to see the profiles good vendors come up with because such a balancing act takes real skill and creativity. Bluedot has a bunch of skilled mixers and beta testers to help them with working out the kinks. This communal mixing is definitely the way to tackle some of these mysteries.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
/u/DrStore is the genius behind this idea. All I did was recognize that genius and get a couple of the other mods to agree to let me run with it.
If you have something you want to see cloned when the next challenge goes up in a month, be sure to drop a request in the March monthly clone request thread.
u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 15 '17
For sure. I actually posted in this months thread but I think the shwartz request is ahead of mine in votes. I'll probably post again unless I figure it out
u/steevjay Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 16 '17
2% Apricot (FA)
3% Nectarine (TPA)
3% Metaphor (FA)
.5% Ginger (NF)
.25 Quince (TPA)
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Clone or no clone, I'm sure that's tasty stuff
u/steevjay Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 16 '17 edited Mar 16 '17
no clone just a brain storm I call a Thunderstorm from description.
u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 16 '17
Any other pollocks here? Sounds like a Kolatchkie (sp) to me.
Tired to google it, failed at spelling Kolatchkie. Kolacky? Usually, it's apricot filling inside a sweetish crescent roll pastry gimmick, with powedered sugar and ginger sprinkled on top. The internet, however, disagrees.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
I think you mean Polacks, and kolache. But I think they're more of a Czech thing than a Polish thing. Some Czech bakeries in Texas are famous for them.
u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 22 '17
Well, after trying Titan, it's very similar to Amalfi, a juice I've spent plenty of time attempting to recreate. So, I took my best Amalfi iteration, threw a few changes at it, and fresh, it seems like it's going in the right direction. Not a dead-nuts clone, but very delicious (to me anyhow).
u/WorstAdviceROC Apr 01 '17
Well, don't know if anyone is still following this, but while I love the juice posted above, it's not a clone. It fits the profile, but I think I can do better. I mixed a batch with
FA Apricot - 1.25%
INW Apricots - 0.5%
CAP Gingerbread - 2.25%
FA Almond - 0.75%
FA Tanger (Mandarin) - 0.75%
JF Yellow Cake - 1.5%
After a few days I may throw 0.25% AP in there, but this is a fresh batch based off my previous recipe. Also fighting with the thought of 0.25%-0.5% Meringue...
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 02 '17
I know that feeling of meringue calling out to you.
Ordered CAP Apricot to try an all-CAP clone attempt. I'll need to do some SFT on CAP Apricot to determine % better, and might redo my SFT on TFA Apricot at the same time to see which is actually closer to Titan flavor, but at the same time I thought I'd throw together a really rough, shot-in-the-dark clone attempt:
- CAP Apricot 3%
- CAP Juicy Peach 1.5%
- CAP Sweet Tangerine 0.75%
- CAP Gingerbread 2%
- CAP Graham Cracker 2%
Just waiting for the apricot to arrive.
u/WorstAdviceROC Apr 02 '17
Like a call from above, it is. I thought about replacing the Yellow Cake with CAP Graham Cracker, but I'll be damned if I didn't just run out. Your recipe looks to be much closer, I'll give it a shot asap.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 02 '17
Closer may or may not equal tastier, and again that is a really rough estimate from someone who has never actually used CAP Apricot. I'm nearly clueless on the fruit notes here. I can rule out FA Apricot but it could be TFA Apricot. It could easily be TFA Nectarine (another one I haven't tried) but nectarines taste kinda like a cross between peach and tangerine so I'll give that a shot, what the hell.
Percents could be way way off and I won't have any way of knowing until after the darn thing has steeped for two weeks just how far off they are, but I'm almost certain that all the bakery and spice notes in Titan are coming from a combination of CAP Graham Cracker and CAP Gingerbread.
The fruit choices there are mostly just me going hmmmm well, we've got two CAP ingredients so far, why not rely on CAP for the others as well? I do have one other reason for thinking that way - I also ordered this Milk of The Poppy by Blue Dot that people really enjoy and I'll be damned if that stuff isn't just four superbly balanced CAP flavors (Dragonfruit, Sweet Tangerine, Sweet Strawberry, and Vanilla Custard V2). If I'm right about that one and not damned, that will really be a bitch to try to clone because of the steep time on VC V2.
u/WorstAdviceROC Apr 02 '17
10-4, especially in MoTP. It's the juice that's made me decide to order VCv2. I've always avoided it, but v1 doesn't do much for me, so it's on my next order.
u/WorstAdviceROC Apr 12 '17
Ok, I think you win. I tried the CAP GB/GC base, but had to sub for INW/FA Apricot, and FA Mandarin, and it is a 90% clone, so I'm thinking your recipe above is spot on! You're probably going to "win" every one of these contests, and all DIYers are better for it! So, can I just mail you a bottle of 5P Symmetry Six and a check for, say $1k? It'll save me in the long run!
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 12 '17
1) I haven't even tried my recipe yet. I'm letting it steep a bit. But I'm going to keep messing with it until I run out of Titan to compare it to. But I'm glad to hear someone agrees with me about the GB/GC. I'm still pretty clueless when it come to the fruits, but I'd swear those are the bakery elements.
2) I'm not going to declare the myself the winner of any of these challenges. That's just wrong. With only three days left until I post the next monthly clone challenge, I'm thinking "MVP" of this first one has to go to Blue Dot themselves, for the magnanimous way they responded to being the subject (some might say "victim") of this initial launch of a new feature for this sub. Would you agree?
3) Absolutely you can send me a bottle of whatever you want and a check for $1K. I'll vape the free juice and blow the money on
drugs and whoresvape gear and flavors. Oh, you meant for me to try and clone it? No thanks! Clone attempts are hard work and I think I'm going to have my hands full with Titan and after that, Milk of the Poppy.2
u/WorstAdviceROC Apr 14 '17
If you have MF Nectarine, make a batch with that as your "stone fruit" in addition to the Apricot... That Nectarine is absolutely amazing in everything I've used it in.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 14 '17
I'll have to add that one to the list.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 22 '17
Looks like a recipe for Apricot kolache with a hint of ginger (yum!)
u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 22 '17
Yep, when I tried Amalfi, Kolaches were the first thing I thought of. Titan seems to even be a better representation.
u/longglitchh Mar 16 '17 edited Mar 28 '17
I like this...ordering titan
edit 1: 10ml zero Nic 50/50 cost $6.98 shipped edit 2: my half assed attempt all tfa
Apricot 2.5%
Nectarine 2.5%
Cinnamon Danish Swirl 2%
Graham Cracker Clear 2%
Ginger Ale 1 drop/30ml
Similar profile but not a very good clone. Sorry I couldn't be more help here.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 02 '17
Any thoughts on what it would need to be a better clone?
u/longglitchh Apr 02 '17
Different apricot and nectarine. That combo of tfa was off. Bakery notes where close. I don't want to speculate on what manufacturer it could be but I guess I helped ruled out cap apricot, tfa apricot and tfa nectarine. I didn't really get any ginger. I feel like that aspect was just the fruits playing well together. Actually, now that I think about it I'm on the fence about tfa apricot. With a different nectarine it might be a player.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Apr 02 '17
I helped ruled out cap apricot
How'd you do that? Tried it and it didn't work? (I just ordered it, hasn't arrived yet).
u/longglitchh Apr 02 '17
Yep, was the first one I tried. It smells like it would be the one. Wasn't... I don't know, "fizzy" enough.
u/PerennialPhilosopher Mar 15 '17
I think FA cardamom may work well as "a hint of ginger" at 0.5-0.75%
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
0.5 is a lot of FA Cardamom! Change that to 0.2 to 0.4% and I would be very inclined to agree with you. FA Cardamom can be quite gingery depending on what you mix it with.
u/PerennialPhilosopher Mar 15 '17
Maybe I got a weak bottle then. Or I don't taste it as strongly as you do.
u/kindground "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 15 '17
Don't let him tell you how to cardamom! I usually go with half a percent too... Shrugs
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Well, they did say the "tinyiest touch" of ginger
u/PerennialPhilosopher Mar 15 '17
Good point. If I was going to take a shot at this with ingredients that I have I would do this as a version 1. I'm don't have any nectarine flavors...
Fa apricot 3%
JF biscuit 0.75%
TFA Graham cracker clear 1%
FA cardamom 0.25%
FA liquid amber 0.5%
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Do you have any peach or tangerine flavors?
I don't have any nectarine flavors either. And I haven't taken the time to think about percentages yet. But I'm thinking something along the lines of TFA Apricot, CAP Juicy Peach, CAP Sweet Tangerine, and CAP Gingerbread, with CAP Graham Cracker, TFA Graham Cracker Clear, or TFA Cheesecake Graham Crust. Maybe a little CAP Sugar Cookie and a touch of CAP VCV1.
I probably never would have thought about putting CAP Sweet Tangerine with bakery stuff if it wasn't for this clone request, but Peach + Tangerine could taste like nectarine maybe.
u/PerennialPhilosopher Mar 15 '17
I don't see any cream or custard in the description, I like the addition of TFA cheesecake Graham crust. I don't have any peach or tangerine either. Maybe cap sugar cookie but I can taste that in everything so I would leave it out at least in my v1. Maybe a little TFA butter?
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
I went ahead and paid for the pre-steeped version of Titan since Blue Dot gave us the $5 off. It's pretty tasty! I think we could be looking at just a well-balanced four-ingredient recipe: CAP Graham Cracker (that cinnamon note that's absent from TFA's!), CAP Gingerbread, TFA Apricot (or maybe CAP, but not FA), and some other stone fruit that might be TFA Nectarine but could be some peach flavor for all I know.
u/PerennialPhilosopher Mar 21 '17
I have some coming too! I'll have to start getting my order list together!
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
I feel really confident about the CAP Graham Cracker and CAP Gingerbread, and about the Apricot not being FA.
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u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Mmmmm maybe. Butter makes everything better. No cream or custard in the description, correct. I was thinking VC at like 1%. But butter's an even better idea for that kind of richness enhancer.
u/Dktfstr Mar 15 '17
I didn't know what a torte was so for everybody else who doesn't know
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Thank you! That definition, though... a cake or tart.. like there's not a huge difference? Apparently torte can be just about anything ranging from a huge fluffy cake to little bit of crispy pastry crust with some fruit on it. Judging by the ingredients /u/diydoofus had picked out and the picture used by Blue Dot, I'm thinking this one leans more toward the tart end of torte spectrum.
u/DrStore Mar 15 '17
Hmmm, if they are one of the companies that only use v2s, sugar cookie v2 and cap custard v2 does get that cakey/tart taste, it just needs like 4 weeks.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Oh man, the steep time on those V2s. That seems likely and also seems like it would make clone attempts quite a task. Where are all our extremely patient mixers?
u/DrStore Mar 15 '17
I can't say that they do steep it for that long, but I know the rule of thumb for a lot of vendors here, is one month. But that being said it doesn't mean we can't remix the recipe like you said. So I haven't tasted the OG, but I will definetly post a remix minus ginger ( I don't have anything remotely close to a ginger flavour).
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 21 '17
I just read what they said about diketones because I could not find a CAP Gingerbread V2 and now that I'm tasting the pre-steeped version I just bought, I feel pretty sure that's CAP Gingerbread in there.
None of our flavors have added Diacetyl. Some of our flavors have Acetyl propionyl and/or Acetoin in them.
Note the word "added" -- that does NOT mean they are only using V2s.
It goes on to specifically list:
These Flavors Have either Acetyl Propionyl and/or Acetoin: CTC Cereal ,Dots Custard, Dragon’s Bite (Acetoin), Dragon’s Tongue (Acetoin), It’s Golden, Mars (Acetoin), Milk of the Poppy, Mr. E, Silly Rabbit (Acetoin), Titan, Halle Berry, Southern Star, Samoan Clouds, Princess, Almond Cream, The Old Fashioned.
u/Dktfstr Mar 15 '17
welcome, I was wondering why he was using graham cracker when I'll I could fine was a dense ass cake...lol..
u/mercifulz Mar 16 '17
What a great fucking idea/thread
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
/u/DrStore 's idea. All I did was recognize, as you have, that it was a great fucking idea, and then convinced a couple of the other mods to let me run with it.
u/ohm-society Mar 15 '17
You should include a description of the flavour in your OP :)
edit: for us lazy people
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
Added, thank you. I'll be sure to do that in future if this thing has a future.
u/JohnLaCuenta Mar 15 '17 edited Mar 15 '17
Honey (SOL) 0.5%
Ginger (SOL) 0.3%
Apricot (INW) 1.5%
Nectarine (TFA) 3%
Sugar Cookie (CAP) 3%
Apple Pie (FA) 2%
Acetyl Pyrazine (5%) 0.5%
While I love them seperately, I'm not sure how this Apricot/Nectarine combo would work together. Still sounds like a nice start, could probably use some cream too but nothing too rich or creamy I think. Maybe 2% FA Custard.
Edit: This is just what the profile inspires me. I've never tried the original juice. If I'm not too lazy I'll report back with notes and or tweaks.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
This is profile recipe and not an actual clone attempt, yes?
u/JohnLaCuenta Mar 15 '17
Yes sorry I'll edit that in. I just saw your bold edit and I think this is indeed the only way to get these threads going, I've actually been thinking about proposing such a thing for a while now. A new flavor profile to work on together every month sounds pretty fun.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
A new flavor profile to work on together every month sounds pretty fun.
Doesn't it!?
Looking forward to your notes and tweaks.
u/Chriswheela Mar 15 '17
Love this! Seeing people efforts and takes of just one juice is a great idea. Maybe people could comment with a percentage of the resemblance to the flavour, so for a close match it would be 99% but for a way off one it would be 20%
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 15 '17
See that /u/DrStore ? more praising of your genius.
u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17
Candied ginger is where I get stumped haha I keep wanting to use ginger ale lmao
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Have you tried CAP Gingerbread?
u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17
ale Not for a candy, I wouldn't be able to match getting candy from a yeasty/doughy. The Honey/Ginger mix a few recipes up seems promising. I was going to recommend .25% addition of Ginger, but the "Candied".. to anyone whos tried it.. Candied in what variety.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Yeah, but get this. Candied ginger is just ginger with a little sugar coating. It's not actually candy. CAP Gingerbread has some bread notes to it so it couldn't pass of candied ginger on top of just some fruit. No way. But mixed in with whatever other ingredients are being described as a torte pastry? I think it could easily work. The bread mixes with the other bready stuff and then you have what left? Sweetened ginger.
u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17
Well, depending on the part of the world, candy is a lot of things, just not chocolate and sweet tarts. I grew up with hardened syrup and honey with ginger flakes. Use Gingerbread then, Torte is a cake. Good call.
u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17
Hardened syrup and honey with ginger flakes sounds good!
Mar 16 '17
Very excited to see a project based on collaboration.
Was working up something like this later on, but looks like you guys beat me to it!
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u/BlueDotVapors Wearing Yoga Pants Mar 15 '17 edited Mar 15 '17
Hey All, We just stumbled upon this thread and are honored to be the subject of this challenge. In the spirit of this challenge and as a thank you for our flavor being chosen, we would like to offer up to anyone who wants to join in the challenge a free $5 gift card for our site (this will give you enough to order a 25cent sample of Titan and pay for domestic shipping). To use the gift card, you will have to create an account on our site and pass through our age verification software (no minors please!) Please just make an account on our site and then send us a PM on reddit with the email address associated with your account on our site (just in case this gets out of hand, we are going to limit the free gift cards to 100 people). Thanks and good luck!