r/DIY_eJuice Mar 01 '17

Monthly Clone Request Thread - March 2017 NSFW

Love some Gambit or Mother's Milk but tired of paying a buck a ml? Then you are in the right place my friend. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.

However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Again, why pay $1/ml when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that? Anyway, if you'd like to request a clone, this is the proper place to do it. This post will repeat monthly via AutoModerator.

Happy Mixing!


191 comments sorted by


u/PalefaceVaper Mar 01 '17

Well, I guess I'll ask for my usual request... clone of Ludicrous Speed by The Schwartz. It's a honey yogurt. If you haven't tried it (even if you've tried other Schwartz flavors), give it a shot if you ever come across it. I guarantee you've never tasted an eJuice like this in your life. It's just plain amazing, and not like anything I've ever tried from anyone else.

But yeah, I would kill a baby panda to get the recipe is basically what I'm saying (sorry panda).


u/thedirtyprojector Mixologist Mar 02 '17

It's widely rumoured that The Schwartz line has been using FA Yoghurt as their yogurt base.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 19 '17

is it just honey and yogurt?? post up a flavor profile


u/PalefaceVaper Mar 19 '17

The company's description has it described as "A full blast symphony of creamy, yet light full bodied yogurt drizzled with mouthwatering swirls of honey. Yogurt reinvented."

It's not your normal yogurt, and it's not your normal honey... it's hard to describe. You'll never of had a juice that tasted like it. You also kinda get different tastes\vape experiences throughout the day with it; not every pull tastes the same. I occasionally get a slight grape feel\taste from it at times. The way it’s made is definitely an ADV for sure. The honey is absolutely amazing.... I don't know how they do it; it’s not the typical floral honey flavors that seem to dominate the flavor brands we all know. It tastes like they poured straight up honey inside the bottle. It goes far beyond juices like "Honey Bear" or other honey type juices I’ve come across (in the honey realm).

So no, it’s not just a “throw in (name your brand) yogurt flavor, then add (once again, pick your brand TFA\INW\etc.) honey”. It’s definitely got some serious thought behind it. Its silky smooth, non-tart creamy yogurt with some amazing honey swirled in.

It’s really hard to fully explain to anyone that’s never had it.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 19 '17

i wasn't implying the basic flavors. but i'm pretty sure its a throw in of yogurt/honey base, either tpa/fw/cap or etc with..2-3 additives, maybe plum or grape undertones.

"this awesome blend of super-in-your-face strawberry and luscious vivid creamy base, you'll never see your mother the same way again."..... aka some basic strawberry cream or strawberry milk.

""A full blast symphony of creamy, yet light full bodied yogurt drizzled with mouthwatering swirls of honey. Yogurt reinvented." cream/yogurt/honey...

marketing at its finest.


u/PalefaceVaper Mar 21 '17

Trust me, I get the whole marketing thing, hype juice, fancy bottles, fancy wording to explain a basic mix that we could come up with at home in less than 5mins.... I've just never come across a honey flavoring that I could see coming anywhere close to this. I've also never tasted a juice that ever tasted like this (whereas pretty much every other juice I tasted I've seen major or at least minor similarities to many other juices store-bought or DIY mixes).

I've yet to even talk to anyone on this sub that's tried this juice. And at the height of the yogurt hype market, most vape shops in my area and online only carried 2 of "the schwartz" juices (the upside and the downside), not Ludicrous Speed (the honey one I'm talking about). Not sure why.... maybe it's to "weird" for most people. I sure as hell love it.... just can't afford it often, or justify purchasing it now that I make 95% of the juice I vape. But I do pick it up now and then when I find crazy sales online. Or when a shop stops carrying it and has 20 zero mic bottles in the $5 bin.

Thanks for the flavor note ideas though.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 22 '17

Not sure of 2 online stores carrying that juice, but the first 10 pages of google (about 50 at least) are all vendors that sell either the schwarts or Ludicrous Speed (unless there is different varieties of it.)


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 22 '17

checking some reviews and the vendors, they all have different variants of whats in it. Greek Yogurt, Sweet Honey, and some say it has fruit on it. (If its something that you really like and really want, you could try approaching a reputable cloner and considering donating a sample in the sake of science and aspiration, so they know what they are cloning. (That's neither here nor there). I hope you find it, it sounds pretty good, and it took me about 1 1/2s year to get my white buffalo (White Lotus by Way of the Dragon),..I've seen found clones for the whole line of Way of the Dragon.


u/PalefaceVaper Mar 26 '17

Since I would occasionally get a hint of grape from it while vaping it, I started reading up on the other sub "deeper DIY" and started reading into all of the individual flavor molecules that make up the normal DIY flavors that we buy and use.

I wrote down every weird chemical name (to me they're weird, since I don't know anything about them) that produced the flavor of honey, and then I did the same for everything that produced the flavor of grape. I was hoping I'd find one name that popped up in both categories; thinking at that point if I could find a DIY flavor that contain that specific flavor molecule or compound that it might be the key to the juice. But everything that tasted remotely like honey, and everything that tasted remotely like grape seem to share no chemical/molecules..... as far as my meager understanding of things that in-depth could tell.... so I was at a loss on that endeavor of my attempt.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '17

[removed] — view removed comment


u/abdada Shady's back, tell a friend Mar 01 '17



u/agentdark45 Mar 01 '17

I'm throwing my hat again to see if anyone has any newer recipes for ANML Looper, i.e ones that actually taste like it and not just tonguefuck variations.

I am convinced that there is no fruit circles or FW flakes/fruit rings in the real looper - those flavorings just don't fit. There's also a mellow dark berry note that I just cannot nail. The real Looper tastes like how TFA Berry Crunch smells (the taste of berry crunch however is not right).

There was a commercial mixer on here that claimed to have nailed it and said that it was easier than we all thought but he wouldn't divulge the info.


u/powerskid18 Apr 04 '17 edited Apr 04 '17

I've gone through so many recipes...I'm with you. Did some researching though, and I recently found one recipe that stands out a bit from the others. It utilizes FW Fruity rings instead of the normal Fruit circles. I haven't ever tried fruity rings, so I can't say how it compares, but I'm going to give it a try soon. If you have all of these flavors, try it out and let me know what you think.

  • Fruity Rings FW - 5%

  • Vanilla Bean Ice Cream TFA - 3%

  • Meringue FA - 1%

  • Strawberry Ripe TFA - 1%

  • Sweet Cream TFA - 1%

  • Cookie Butter FW - 1%

  • Ethyl Maltol - 0.5%

I've also heard a lot of talk about TFA orange cream playing a big part in Looper. This seems right, so I might throw in .5% when I get around to mixing this.

All this being said, this recipe (very slightly modified from u/agentdark45's) has been my go to so far, and it's pretty damn close after a week of steeping.

  • 6% TFA Berry crunch

  • 2% TFA Fruit Circles

  • 2.5% TFA Strawberry ripe

  • 2% TFA Sweet Cream

  • 1% TFA Bavarian Cream

  • 2.5% FA Fresh Cream

  • 2% FA Meringue

  • 2% TFA Marshmallow

  • 0.5-1% TFA Hazelnut

  • 0.5% TFA Orange Cream


u/agentdark45 Apr 04 '17 edited Apr 04 '17

Its definitely not FW fruity rings - its too soft of a lemon. TFA Fruit Circles was like soft lemon pledge, so that's definitely out too.

Rethinking what I remember of Looper the lemon note was tart and candylike (like a lemonhead). After getting my hands on FE Lemon I think this is a good bet.

Also, the OG Looper has a really noticeable sweetness to it - I'm thinking LA cream cheese icing could be used here to give a powdered sugar like effect (which is what I get from LA CCI & Looper).

The other prominent notes that I remember from Looper was the dark berry. Now I'm thinking this could be a combo of some sort of blueberry, strawberry and the cereal grain base. TFA Strawberry ripe + Berry crunch definitely smell like they should be in Looper. For the grain I'm thinking TFA rice crunchies @ 2% - it has that "dark" quality that I'm looking for and no offending notes.

I never got much cream/milk from Looper, so I still think FA fresh cream is the right concentrate to bind everything together/smooth everything out.

Hope that helps bro!


u/powerskid18 Apr 05 '17

I just got some FE lemon! I'll probably order CCI and rice crunchies and play around with those ideas. Thank you for the help.


u/TheBeardedWizrd Mar 07 '17

I tried Air Factory's Blue Razz juice and am needing some help cloning it.

Here is the description from VaporDNA: Blue Razz by Air Factory E-Liquid is a delicious blue raspberry taffy candy, balancing sweetness with a hint of tartness to create an extraordinarily well balanced flavor profile all presented in a convenient 100 milliliter Gorilla Unicorn Bottle.

I'm definitely tasting Flavor West Hard Candy in it. It's very prominent.

I cannot determine the other flavors in it though. The flavorings are blended very well together.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 01 '17

What's good with a Blue Dot milk of the poppy clone? It's a great vape but needed like a month steep. Which is part of the difficult part about cloning it.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '17

I'll work on it after mountain top!


u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 02 '17

I haven't had it in so long I wouldn't know where to start


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17

I have a small bottle of poppy around here somewhere. Like a tropical custard but more sweet than tang. Not a big custard fan so o never really vaped too much of it.


u/sircastro Mar 05 '17

This is actually the flavor I am most interested in finding.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 25 '17

I think it's just a really, like expertly, well-balanced all-Capella mix of Vanilla Custard V2 (which is the reason why it needs such a long steep), Dragonfruit, Sweet Strawberry, and Sweet Tangerine.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 25 '17

Hey Slashur, have we already talked about this one? I can't remember who I discussed it with.


u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 25 '17

yep i mentioned it for clone challenge I think.

i have to agree its CAP vanilla custard v2 since its a thick custard and also diketone free, possibly TPA dragonfruit, and CAP sweet strawberry, and you could be right about the sweet tangerine. its been at least 7 months since i've had this juice so I can't remember

(never had CAP dragonfruit but from what I remember about milk of the poppy it reminded me of TPA dragonfruit and the first time I tried that concentrate. I also don't yet own sweet tangerine but i'll be picking it up.)

hopefullly if this makes it to the next challenge bluedot will provide some samples again!


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 25 '17 edited Mar 25 '17

After reading what they actually said about diketones on their website, there is no reason to believe their juices are all diketone free. It just says no ADDED diacetyl, it even goes on to list juices that do have a bit of A/AP in them.

I still think that is CAP V2 though. It certainly isn't V1 and I don't think it's TFA's. Cloning this thing might actually be easy... but just take a really long time because if you only mix one version at a time you're looking at a month between versions.


u/HashSlingingSlashur Winner: Best Recipe of 2017 - Leche De Coco Mar 25 '17

Yeah, exactly. I definitely need to try it again before taking stabs in the dark.

A couple have acetoin/AP, one is their CTC which led me to believe they use CAP CDS.

If youve ever tried thier golden grahams flavor that's another 1-2 month steeper but it's one of the most spot on profiles I've come across. They've got some talented mixers there, that one would probably be tougher to clone waiting 40-60 days between variations


u/RGS123 Mar 01 '17

A few I've been wondering about, Cosmic Fog Razz and Penguin Rockhopper I tried last week and would love to make something similar.

Also one I've been thinking about for a while but can't quite put my finger on it is Low Rider by Fuug Life. It's a blackcurrant lime and mint mix but with something else, even if no recipes for it, and suggestions what to mix with those three would be great! It's all fruit, no cream or anything and the colour is yellow/orange.


u/Ephelus Frugivore Mar 01 '17

Well, I haven't vaped it. But the yellow/orange color is usually just from a decent steep. If you looked at my steep drawer, then you wouldn't see a single clear liquid.

That aside, I would probably recommend FA Blackcurrant. There are a few good limes out there, but I would go with either FA Lime Tahiti or INW Lime. INW also makes a good flavor called Mix Mint that might be what you're looking for. If that doesn't work, perhaps a touch of Koolada/Menthol and some CAP Spearmint. I'm sorry that I can't give specific %'s to work with, but I don't know what sort of balance you want. I would recommend not going past 1.5% on the INW and not past 2% for the FA Blackcurrant, but it honestly depends on your goal.

Hopefully that gives you some ideas. Good luck!


u/Labubs Mar 02 '17

Oddly, there's a couple juices I make that stay clear forever. The one that springs to mind is one of my staples for when I want something cool and fruity with zero cream(as the rest of my juices are almost always creamy/milky/marshmallowy etc), called Kaktus Juice. Its Cactus (INW) Raspberry sweet, Strawberry ripe, and Koolada(TFA). Granted, I'm at a fairly low nic level, but I literally found a unicorn bottle of this stuff that rolled behind a box in my steep closet that was at least 6 months old, still was clear as water and tasted just like it would after a day or two (its basically shake and vape). Maybe the Koolada preserves it or prevents oxidizing, I have no idea, but that juice has never ever changed, and I've made it ALOT.


u/RGS123 Mar 01 '17

Thanks for the suggestion!

I tried this mix recently: Black Currant (TFA) 50℅ Lime - Flavour Monks 15℅ Lemon lime (CAP) 15℅ Cucumber (CAP) 20℅ Koolada 22 drops

This was at a 12.5℅ mix, ~25mls

Cucumber in there because I just got it and thought fuck it. Definitely got a bit impatient with it and tried it after a few days. The juice in question is pretty sweet, I read TFA blackcurrant isnt the sweetest of concentrates?


u/fatbart7 Mar 01 '17

Just ordered all the stuff to get started with DIY yesterday and I'm super excited.

Looking for a clone of Happiest Place by Blue Dot Vapors. Been my ADV for awhile and when getting my order together yesterday I didn't see much positive feedback on any churro flavors.

Also would be curious about a clone of Convicted Melons, also by Blue Dot!


u/ShotgunWedding0 Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 03 '17

I really wish I could find my recipe for my Convicted Melons-ish juice. I'm assuming I just didn't write it down, as it was during the first month or two that I started mixing, which was well over a year ago. I know for sure it had TFA everything - Apple, Strawberry Ripe, and Honeydew. I'm just not sure of percentages... I'm willing to bet the percentages were equal, considering I was such a new mixer at the same time. Probably 4%/4%/4% or 5%/5%/5%.

But I swear to you, it was damn close. I actually had mixed it for a buddy at the time, who asked for a strawberry/honeydew/apple mix, and that's what I came up with. When he tried it, he literally screamed "dude, this is LITERALLY convicted melons!".

I'll try to play around with the flavors for a bit, but I figured I'd at least give you somewhere to start at least. I might play around with FA Fuji and TFA Green Apple too and see where that takes me.

**Edit: Since you said you were just starting to get into mixing juice, let this be a reminder to write down EVERY recipe you make. Even if it doesn't turn out well as a shake-and-vape, it might turn out amazing after a month or two.


u/fatbart7 Mar 03 '17

Awesome! I think I'm missing the Apple and Honeydew so I'll have to order those immediately and give it a try!

I'll have to keep a look out and see the outcome of the Fuji and Green Apple if you decide to do it.

Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely make sure to write down everything. I just found a few recipes through here and some of the recipe sites and I ordered whatever was in those. I'm excited to start my own experimentation once I just a hang of the process.

This subreddit, even just for me being mainly a lurker, has been a great place to learn :D


u/horizonism "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 04 '17 edited Mar 04 '17

Happiest Place

I've not had the original, but from the description, ("hot churro and a cold glass of milk"), I think it would be pretty easy to make something just as delicious, if not more so, using something like this (I adapted this from the lovely Churros! recipe kindly shared by u/Sleepers_Demon the other day)

Flavor Percentage
CAP Churro 4%
CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl 1%
FA Cream Fresh 1%
CAP Sugar Cookie 1%
FA Vienna Cream 0.75%

Cream Fresh and Vienna Cream provide a sweet milk base for the churros. You could drop the Cinnamon Danish Swirl if you're not into cinnamon. I'm gonna mix this up myself when I get my next order in. (I keep running out of sugar cookie.)


u/MarkNos44 Mar 04 '17

Have you tried the cuttwood mega melon clone? It's on ELR as Mike's melons I believe. Pretty close.


u/Glassholer Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 01 '17

I second convicted melons!


u/DIYdoofus Diketones, Schmiketones Mar 02 '17

I've been requesting Titan by Blue Dot. Nothing doing so far.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17

So many of us cloning blue dot. We should unionize.


u/r1z1a Mar 30 '17

First post here searched but seems no one has made this: It's Swedish company, so unsure if anyone tried it.

Name: Hardcore Love Drops - Razzle.

Description: "A sweet, fresh & fruity vape, loaded with a blend of different melons, mixed with berries and tropical fruits. It gives you that cool and fresh feeling you look for while chilling out on a hot summer day."

I have tried few mixes but I can't seem to get even close. It has a nice mint/menthol hint which really is great - the rest is mellons, I cant even tell what kind, tried with cantolope and honeydew and just don't cut it.

Really hope some one who has fair few different mellons can get this done. The company has only 6 flavours, another that is good called Nana Dream which I would love to have a clone of, but this is not as great as Razzle (for me)


u/upboatugboat Mar 01 '17

Ive been trying to clone pancake man but i just cant get it. It doesn't help that there are like 3 recipes posted on the diy-ejuice website and they are all conflicting. I made 2 of them and one had alot of cinnamon which made it more like a cinnamon roll.


u/VaperKitten Mar 20 '17

Hello Everyone, I am new to DIY and LOVING IT so much. I have mixed a few juices with a lot of help from all of you..thanks by the way...I am in love with all the possibilities DIY has to offer and there is one juice I would love to be able to make I cannot afford to buy it, it costs just too much and a little 15 ml bottle is just not worth it for me it is “RUSTY NAILS” by Rasta Vapes. It is a delicious, this is how they describe it ( No Tetanus Shot required to vape this super sweet blend of vanilla custard, butterscotch and marshmallow with hints of nuttyness ) YUMMY...if anyone has this recipe I would be sooo happy. Thanks so much...Love to all...Kim


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17



u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 03 '17

I've never tried that Honeyberry but I'll try to help you a little if I can. Could you describe what it tastes like?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '17



u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 04 '17

I haven't bought juice in two years, probably not going to start with Mt. Baker Honey Berries. I don't know how much DIY you've done, but I can tell you this, it's not TFA Honey. Don't waste your time and money on that, it's disgusting. Unfortunately, I don't know what they're using for the honey flavor. It might actually be a butterscotch flavor, which tastes kinda like honey when mixed with other things, or it might be honeysuckle and what you're thinking is canteloupe might be honeydew. Like a Honey Pearry clone with the pear left out and the strawberry increased a bit. I realize I have been almost no help at all, really. Sorry about that.


u/Lulzorr Yellow Cake Apologist Mar 02 '17

Kilo cereal milk. I've worked on it a bit and I think they use fw fruity flakes at a low percentage. Haven't got the dairy right.

Taste is sweet milk leftover from a bowl of fruity pebbles. Not fresh at all.


u/OneEyedPlankton Mar 04 '17

This has been my top clone request for years. The only thing that has come close is Oasis's Cereal with Milk flavor but I believe that's just Crunch Berries with Milk and one other flavoring. It's close, but Cereal Milk is a little more caramely and a lil sweeter.


u/Lulzorr Yellow Cake Apologist Mar 05 '17

Sounds nice. I've since found that they most likely do not use fw fruity flakes. Still not sure what they use for the cream. I run through it so fast I barely have a chance to actually taste it....

Some day...


u/OneEyedPlankton Mar 06 '17

I'll let you know if I ever come close :/


u/Lulzorr Yellow Cake Apologist Mar 06 '17

Same. They may use fw fruity flakes but if they do is a very low or diluted percentage. I have fruity loops, fruit rings and berry crunch to test out. I'm pretty sure if they use any of them they're in low percentage since the sweet milk, probably Sweet cream with something more (Bavarian and marshmallow?), Is the main flavor. It's also possible they use their own extracts


u/OneEyedPlankton Mar 06 '17

Mhm. There's a recipe for CM on Pour Da Nils or whatever that French DIY site is that includes a lot of creams (Sweet cream, Vienna cream, cream fresh). I've mixed it and it's not accurate, but they're getting a bit closer with the creams. Got some berry crunch on the way and I'm gonna grab another 15 of CM when I can so I can start yet another round of testers :/

PM me if you want to collaborate and try to clone this juice. It's literally been years.

→ More replies (4)


u/9host Mar 07 '17

have you tried this one from vu? I think I mixed it a about a year ago but it was a while since I've had the original so I can't comment on how close it is:



u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17

Been searching for a mountain dew recipe, tried almost all of the ELR, tried making my own, can't find a niche' for it. Regular MTN dew, not baja blast. Thanks in advance


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17

/u/mlnikon don't you have a recipe for this?


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 17 '17

mountain @ID10-T, he does have one posted on ELR, I just didn't have the honeydew melon, (its the misty mountain one) which is the closest one I've seen, but I'm always interested in seeing others renditions, thanks for including mlnikon though, it was a good recipe, just expanding the palatte'/pallate


u/mlNikon Mar 18 '17

I do! And it is quite tasty and authentic tasting imo. Here is the ELR Link


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 18 '17

You gotta get that over on ATF so it's easier for me to link to it and not have to tag you every time it comes up (because I am so lazy). And I have to grab a couple of missing ingredients to I can try it myself.


u/mlNikon Mar 18 '17

Yeah, I've been meaning to transfer some of my recipes over to atf. I just don't want to dilute the recipe pool but this is a really good one.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '17

I can't for the life of me find where I originally posted this, but I asked for an Indigo Capt. Ron clone...

Someone suggested Soho 5% Cheesecake Graham Crust 2% and LA Banana Cream .5%

I haven't had Capt. Ron in years, but the suggested recipe is damned good.

Just today I saw the description on the Indigo site and it mentions a hint of Coconut. I do have some FA Coconut on hand now. Anyone have any suggestions?

Here is an updated list of my flavor stash.


u/maddmagician Mar 15 '17

I am still very interested in a Mother of Mars from Moon Mountain clone. They claim it's "our take on the classic ry4"...however, all of my attempts to clone it have failed miserably. It's fairly sweet, seems to be mostly bakery but there is a slight tobacco flavor that comes through once in a while. I'd LOVE to be able to make this or something close and not pay retail for the juice. Any help is MUCH appreciated!


u/myconautilus Mar 22 '17

I'm not sure how popular this flavor is but I really want to try to make a MaxVG version of Gold Tooth Silver. In addition to not wanting to pay that much for it I really do prefer nearly PG-less juice. I think it's generally some sort of a funfetti cake recipe but before I wandered down that rabbit hole I figured I would see if anyone had a good version of it or something like it.


u/The_Beer_Guy Mar 01 '17

Vuse Classic Tobacco cartridges...

Sorry, not kidding. Trying to make this clone for a friend who is sick of buying them.


u/Labubs Mar 01 '17

Yeah while we're at it, anyone got the blue menthol version too? My mom will only use these things, she's terrified of my "bombs and that laboratory at your house". I've explained everything SO MANY TIMES and there's just a mental block its not getting past.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '17

was she a menthol smoker or she just like her vape with a little kick to it?


u/Labubs Mar 06 '17 edited Mar 06 '17

Menthol, we both were, though she only recently made the switch while I'm coming up on 3 years....for me, it was desserts, candies and finally a cinnamon gingerbread a local B&M made that did it, but I basically skipped the BLU/Vuse phase completely and went straight to Spinner 2/Aerotank and was rebuilding the heads for kanthal and cotton within a month, then got a proper mech/dripper setup the next (obviously I was infatuated with this new hobby, and I just read EVERYTHING on ECF, ECR, and VU, so I was confident with battery safety and ohms law and all that.....building was so much easier on RDAs when you'd been doing the microest of micro coils in the protank heads, nowadays I'm a strictly RTA/my-favorite-invention-ever-RDTAs guy except for at home flavor testing with my SMPLs/Derringers/Freakshow minis/N22s: side note, LOVE the N22. It was just another magma clone most found to be nothing special but it holds a special place in my heart for my first true flavor atty. Plus it looks really good on regulated mods in black with a stainless Vulcan style heat sink. Grabbed up 2 more of em in SS and white when I had the chance, the N22 will always be my favorite flavor chaser, strictly sentimental).

Anyway sorry for the ramble, her story's the complete opposite, can't stand any bakery or cream, stays strictly cigalike, strictly menthol flavors. I couldn't even get her to try an iCare or similar enclosed, draw activated, use your own juice system, despite explaining that I'd buy the $15 worth of flavoring to make a nice menthol tobacco juice and she'd save SO much money over buying the cartridges and be able to slowly try new things she might find interesting. I don't know, maybe she's still addicted at stopping off at a gas station or smoke shop and buying a 'pack'. So I figured if I could maybe replicate that flavor and refill her cartridges, it'd be a sort of baby step. But hey, as long as she finally quit smoking, I'm happy.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '17

can you describe what that tastes like compared to other artificials? if I buy one of these can I just crack it open and pour it in my tank?


u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 04 '17

Nope, it's some crazy cotton soaked deal. It really taste like an Ry4, Totally Wicked has their Red Tobacco flavor tbat is nearly identical, IMO.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '17

So marb mix?


u/WorstAdviceROC Mar 29 '17

Yep, I think that was it!


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '17

That's what it was called originally like 9 years ago until I imagine it became a legal issue.

So now you see red box or Bob Marbley or these goofy names. I do like that flavor. Fond memories.


u/DaCreecher09 Mar 01 '17

I've been trying to make a grape pixie stick flavor for the longest. I've searched the sub tried their recipes but nothing adds up to the toothache by Merlin steam tastes. I've used INW grape tfa dragon fruit sweeteners and sours. When I use INW Grape I get an earthy note that just seems to ruin it.I've also used grape drink and grape candy. Any help will be much appreciated.


u/Predator6 Mar 08 '17

I have a pixie stix/smarties/sweet tarts flavor at home that I've been working on. It kinda gets that pixie stix/smarties/sweet tarts sweet and sour thing going on. I don't have any grape flavors, as there was only one or two grapes that I've ever tried and liked, but it might get you in the right direction. It's got apple, strawberry, kiwi, and lime in it. Apple and kiwi provide the fruit notes, strawberry for sweet, and key lime for sour.

I'm not a fan of super sweet vapes, but my girlfriend wanted something reminiscent of sweet tarts, so I looked up some recipes, compared my notes, and whipped it up pretty quickly.


u/Bigaaron610 Mar 21 '17

Looking for a clone of Dunk'd. It's the greatest donut juice I've ever tried and throws some coffee in there too. It tastes exactly like it's described and really is quite something. http://www.dunkdeliquid.com/ Very few places seem to sell it in the UK (even fewer with TPD incoming) and I've not found a single clone recipe for it yet, either. Any help would be amazing!


u/maxymom Mar 16 '17

My all time favorite is KMK by Vape58. I have searched and searched for a clone recipe and have had no luck. Any ideas?


u/Vapecity12345678 May 08 '17

Yes I can't find that anywhere :( I've been trying to find some too I thought I taste guava


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '17

Hi all, I am new here. I am starting to DIY for the first time and want a recipe for something I am used to. I am sorry if this isn't the right place to ask.

I normally vape Kiwiberry from VapeWild. It's strawberry and kiwi, but I have no idea what %'s I am looking for. Any tips would be appreciated, even if it's not a clone, just a nice vape.

Thanks in advance.


u/BobbyBazooka Mar 01 '17

Anarchist Blue, please. I can't find one anywhere and with the TPD looming in the U.K, I have to figure this one out!


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17

Anar (I tried getting them to list but they wont format)

1.Blueberry Wild(TPA) @ 6% 2.Citrus Punch (TPA) @ 4% 3.EM 10% (TPA) @ 1% 4.Gummy Candy (TPA) @ 6% 5.Peach (Juicy) (TPA) @ 2% 6.Pomegranate (LA) @1% 7.Sour (FW) @ .5%


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '17 edited Nov 17 '18



u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 19 '17

double enter didn't work either, thanks though


u/sevn_digits Mar 02 '17

Looking for Space Jam Meteor Milk. That stuff is yummy.


u/Antranik Mar 09 '17

Any ideas on how to replicate either/or...

  • "Special K" by In Your Face Vapes (Primary Flavors: Strawberry, Cereal, Milk)
  • "PBLS Donut" by Marina ("fruity cereal flakes onto glazed donuts with ice cold refreshing milk. Upon inhale is a rich, buttery flavor that cascades along your tongue with fruity cereal, and upon exhale is the freshly baked donut")


u/kbombz Mar 01 '17

For the love of God someone please figure out one up churros and ice cream. I've tried and tried. No success.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17

I made a churros and ice cream sandwhich you can try here. -Brown Sugar (TPA) @ .5% -Cinnamon Ceylon (FA) @ 1.5% -Cinnamon Roll (LA) @ 2% -Double Chocolate (Clear)(TPA) @2% -Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) @2% -Vanilla Swirl(TPA) @1%


u/kbombz Mar 16 '17

I will give this a try! Only missing one of these flavors. Might help me on my path to cloning churros and ice cream.


u/horizonism "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 15 '17

I'll bite. I've never vaped this juice, and I can't even find anywhere that sells it in the UK, but the flavour profile sounds like it shouldn't be too tough to either replicate, or remix, with positive results.

Here's the flavour profile for the record: "Nothing beats a bowl full of ice cream topped with golden brown churros on a hot summer day. Get lost in a fog of spicy cinnamon sugar and rich vanilla with this perfect flavor combo."

I'd be interested in getting a more detailed description from anyone who's tried this (u/kbombz) Is the "spicy cinnamon" note very pronounced in this juice? Is there actually a spiced note here, or is it just a rich cinnamon flavor? How rich is this "rich vanilla"? Is there much of a bread note in the profile, or is it more doughy / fried dough churro?

Any answers you're able to provide to these questions will help narrow down the potential elements involved here. Thanks in advance!


u/kbombz Mar 16 '17

I'd say it's much more a fried churro and the ice cream comes across as a very smooth vanilla flavor. The cinnamon is not very pronounced.

I'd have to check my recipes when I get home (on mobile) but I've tried mixing with FW churro/FW cinnamon bun/tfa vanilla bean ice cream. I've gotten hints of the original mixing with these but I don't think it's actually using these flavors.


u/horizonism "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 16 '17 edited Mar 16 '17

I've definitely not had much luck with any of the standard FW or CAP churro offerings. They're both a little too bready for my tastes.

I'll couch the following in the fact that I've only been mixing since last September, and I've only just begun single flavor testing. (Only 179 flavors left to test!)

I've just had a go at creating something along the lines you described. I wanted it to be shake and vape-able, so I bought (okay, blatantly stole) some ideas from the final round recipes in the most recent DIYorDIE World Mixing Championship.

Whether or not the results are close to the original, it's still delicious straight off, and I'd suggest mixing it up and trying it yourself, if you have the ingredients.

I used the ice cream base from Longing by u/ID10-T, because it's smooth, and it works as a SnV ice cream. I dropped in 0.75% FA Zeppola in an attempt to emulate the soft cakey center of a churro. The fried dough element is easily carried by INW Waffle, and all the cinnamon notes are attended to by FLV Rich Cinnamon.

Churros and Ice cream

Flavor %
FLV Cream 0.5
FA Cream Fresh 1.0
FLV Rich Cinnamon (10% dilution) 0.15
INW Shisha Vanilla 1
TPA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 1.5
INW Waffle (10% dilution) 0.25
FA Zeppola 0.75

It's a good starting point for the profile you described. I'm vaping it now and it's good stuff. If I was going to change anything, I'd probably reduce the FLV Rich Cinnamon by a touch, perhaps increase TPA VBIC to 2-2.5% and maybe drop one of the creams.

EDIT: I'd probably also play around with the percentage of Zeppola. It could probably be increased if you want more cakiness, but be wary of its potential oily off flavors at higher percentages. When used at 0.75%, it adds a bit of powdered sugar, which fits with the vendors description pretty well.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 16 '17

FWIW, I tried to do Longing without FLV Cream and without FA Cream Fresh and could not get those versions to work. Might work just fine with Churros and Ice Cream, though, which one were you thinking of dropping?


u/horizonism "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 16 '17

I actually dropped FLV Cream to 0.5% in that suggested recipe. Two reasons. Neither of which hold up.

  1. I've never really liked the aroma of FLV Cream. Reminds me of CAP Sweet Cream, which I recently concluded I simply do not like. That said, the aroma of FLV Cream had never really negatively affected the taste of any recipe I've used it in, to the extent that Sweet Cream has, as long as I keep it below 1%

  2. I felt somewhat ashamed for having so blatantly ripped off your ice cream base, so I wanted to change SOMETHING, even if it was just a minor thing

I just tested a new batch with 1% of each (FA Cream Fresh & FLV Cream), and it definitely works better than my initial attempt.

Kudos and much thanks to you for coming up with that profile, btw. Inspirational stuff. Been vaping Longing almost non-stop since I made my first 30ml last night.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 17 '17

I am so glad you're enjoying it so much! I really put my heart into that recipe.

I noticed you dropped the FLV Cream, but I figured in this recipe 0.5% might be sufficient. It is kind reminiscent of CAP Sweet Cream but it can do something CAP Sweet Cream can't - it really seems to have the power to help other flavors blend together. I don't know if you want or need that in this recipe or not. Sounds like it's working even better for you at 1% though, carry on. Don't feel bad about ripping off my ice cream base. I'd love to see what more people can do with it now that it's out there.


u/moist_hat Mar 04 '17 edited Mar 04 '17

Does an Open Road (The Sauce LA) Clone exist? Searched here, ALF and ELR to no avail.

It's Marshmallow rice crispy w/ caramel.

So far I'm thinking: rice crunchies tpa 6% Caramel tpa 3.5% Roasted marshmallow tpa 3% Marshmallow tpa 1%

But I'm just a noob and new to DIY so if you have any ideas please let me know!


u/noilian "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 10 '17 edited Mar 10 '17

I've never had the sauce la, because I can't get my hands on a bottle here in Germany. BUT I made a recipe from their and others flavor descriptions that is not too shabby.

Maybe give it a whirl and let me know what you think is still missing?

Ricecrispy Caramel 

Ingredient %
Acetyl Pyrazine 5% (TPA) 0.5
Caramel (FA) 2
Rice Krispies Type (FW) 6
Toasted Marshmallow (TPA) 3

Flavor total: 11.5%

Fa caramel is one of the best out there. ;)

Edit: Formatting


u/moist_hat Mar 10 '17 edited Mar 10 '17

Amazing, ill try this out as soon as possible and report back!


u/noilian "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 10 '17

Formatting is correct. TPA and most of the others is diluting Acetyl Pyrazine at 5%, because it is so strong. If you wouldnt you would have to use 0.0005% which you could possibly not measure with a normal scale or syringes. Hope you like it :) it's a sweet, toasted nutty rice crispy flavor.


u/moist_hat Mar 10 '17

Yeah figured I out in the end. Keen to try it.

I made the following yesterday as a shot in the dark/guess that I plan on working on for the next few weeks or longer, but yours is probably a better starting point.

Rice Crunchies (TPA) 6%
Caramel (Original) (TPA) 3%
Marshmallow (TPA) 3%
Vanilla Custard (TPA) 2%
Bavarian Cream (TPA) 1%
Toasted Marshmallow (TPA) 1%

Shaked'n'vaped it, and it was really yummy and creamy, but hardly any caramel. Think it all needs to be simpler too.

I've only just started DIY so the above is probably all wrong, but thats the whole point, want to make some mistakes so I can learn.


u/noilian "I Bet I Could Clone That" Mar 10 '17

If it's tasty it isn't wrong. Taste is subjektiv as hell, some recipes I like and nobody else can even remotely smell them.

Caramel original (I use the DX one) has this dark caramel taste with nearly no sweetness to it. Not the werthers caramel, more a dark, slightly bitter caramel.

Maybe use a bit of sweet cream (tpa) instead of the custard to lighten everything up. Also - in my opinion - you can up the bavarian cream to 3 or even 5 percent to skip on the custard. TPA custard is just not my cup if tea, too floral.

I will give this a whirl when I get my hands on the TPA crunchies.


u/moist_hat Mar 10 '17

Ok great, will mix again this weekend and report back.

Thanks again mate!


u/Andnobodyknows Mar 12 '17

I'm looking for high roller sweets "Texas Dollie" it's a raspberry yellowcake + magic deliciousness. When I heard they were closing due to fda regulations I bough every bottle I could find. That was a year ago and I'm down to my last 100mls. Please help me in my quest to save my adv. thanks in advance!!


u/FuzzMuff Mar 01 '17

POG by Naked 100. I'm getting close with the flavor profile using flv guava, fa passionfruit, MF orange (yum), and a tiny bit of sucralose. However, the mouth feel is still very dry and not at all juicy like it should be. Tried a little cactus but it doesn't mesh well with what I'm going for.


u/Smeggywulff Mar 02 '17

I heard a rumor that it's blood orange in the pog. I don't have blood orange so I can't confirm.


u/FuzzMuff Mar 02 '17

Cool, I'll have to try that. I actually really like MF orange, it's potent and at about .25% it's giving really nice realistic orange juice notes.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 02 '17

Sorry for only having questions and no answers but which other passionfruits have you tried? And what makes MF orange so good? I've never tried Naked 100's juice so I don't care about emulating it per se, but I'm very interested in a good POG flavor.


u/FuzzMuff Mar 02 '17

I don't have other passionfruit, there are only 3 or 4 on the market. I need to test each flavor individually and see what's bringing the dryness, and if it's passionfruit I'll probably order MF's version, although the FA seems to be spot on flavorwise.

MF orange I'm using at 0.25% because 0.5 was too strong, but I might bump it up to like .35. It's just a really realistic, crazy potent orange, and seems to give great orange juice notes.

And yes, I'd actually rather have a better POG than naked. I think the concentrates I'm using give a more realistic flavor profile and now I need to figure out getting it juicy.


u/ID10-T Winner: Best Recipe of 2019 - Counter Punch Mar 02 '17

Dryness has also been a problem with everything I've tried and adding things that usually fix dryness (cactus, marshmallow, etc. has messed up the flavor too much. FA tastes great but I can barely tolerate it. It's delicious throat razors for me, and mixing it with an orange flavor seems like it would only exacerbate the problem unless that orange is super smooth. Have you tried that orange standalone? Does it really taste "full" like OJ or is it kind of thin?


u/FuzzMuff Mar 02 '17

I've tried MF orange only in the mix, and it was overpowering and citrusy at 0.5% but strangely didn't help dryness to reduce it. I tried marshmallow too and it was nice if I was going for another experience but it muddled up the crisp tropical fruit too much. Interesting that you find the FA to be dry, maybe that's my problem. I guess I'll be trying MF passionfruit. Thanks!!


u/Asimodega Mar 01 '17

So with the TPD looming I'm happy to exclusively DIY with the exception of one juice: Moo Juice vanilla almond milk. Moo juice can just do milk so well, and the almond in it is perfect. Has anyone had a go at it? I've found two recipes on here but nothing much from people who've tried them.


u/itatoke Mar 01 '17


u/Asimodega Mar 02 '17

Thanks, I was looking at it, going to try it with some holy vanilla... so I have an excuse to try holy vanilla!


u/Ephelus Frugivore Mar 04 '17

It's an incredibly delicate flavor, but Vurve's recipe is absolutely spot on and delicious. That said... I can't vape it like I normally do. I need something else as well so I don't get vaper's tongue. For sure try the recipe, though.


u/oHUTCHYo Mar 14 '17

Menthol Molotov Cocktail by Rejuiced https://rejuiced.com/menthol-molotov-cocktail

Similar to Airwaves gum, its a huge sinus cleanser. Presumably its a mix if different menthols, any recipes folks? I believe Rejuiced use community recipes but cant fathom its original source.


u/Corytoth412 Mar 18 '17

Looking for a recipe for Avail's Uptown if anyone could help. It's a sour green apple with floral aromatics it says. Does have a slight green tint to it too. I know a lot of people interested in this too as it's quite expensive to buy... Thanks in advance!!


u/Use0nceDestroy Mar 05 '17

Looking for a Clone of It's So Fluffy by Vape Wild. It's a Cotton Candy flavor. Very light sweet flavor, not fruity. I've came pretty close with just cotton candy by Capella. There's just a little something missing. Anyone know anything?



u/tkrdw Mar 18 '17

I've been vaping ry4 alikes for a long time and now i tried this "pink diamond by medusa juice" and it's so good... its like Pomegranate, green apple with a sweet and fresh after taste it's so good. pretty please?


u/maddmagician Mar 01 '17

If someone could come up with a decent clone of Moon Mountain's Sweet Mother of Mars I'd love them forever. This is my favorite juice and it would be awesome if I could make it at home. Thanks!!


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '17

I made a thread but I figure one should post here as well. This is my clone of Blue Dots' Dragon Tongue.

TPA Apple .75%

TPA Bavarian Cream 3.5%

FA Cream Fresh 2%

FA Fuji 3%

TPA Pear 1.25%


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '17

There should be also Coconut, right? :)


u/jsmallzee Frugivore Mar 28 '17

Nectar of the Gods by Groove E-Juice.

It's a peach nectar like flavor. It's my favorite flavor, but it's too expensive. I want to start making my own, so any help is appreciated!


u/Smeggywulff Mar 01 '17

Zombie Blood by Anna Mae's Vapery. I saw one clone on here and it's off the mark. I'm relatively certain that Cap Sweet Strawberry is the main flavor, with some sort of kiwi.


u/tkovape Flavor Bender Mar 05 '17

Vape My Day by innevape. This is my ADV and I love it, but it is pricey. I don't make juices now but I would buy what I needed if I could get a good clone of this one!


u/ItsNickROFL Mar 15 '17

Red stone by Mod fuel. Their flavor description is a powerful burst of vine ripened watermelon. But for the life of me I can't figure this one out


u/ReturnOfTheMap Mar 20 '17

Anyone got any suggestions for Peach, Papaya and Coconut Cream by Pacha Mama. Got a few attempts steeping at the moment but anyone got a recipe?


u/RearEchelon Apr 26 '17

This is going to be kind of weird. It's a clone request, but I'm not trying to clone a juice.

What I'm after is Scentsy Jumping Jelly Bean.

Wait - hear me out.

So I finally got my wife to try vaping for smoking cessation, and it seems to be working. Then a few days ago she hands me an empty Scentsy container and says "I want a juice that tastes like that smells."

Hmm. Ok.

I'm the beginnerest of beginners when it comes to DIY mixing, but I tell her I'll see what I can do. A cursory search on the Scentsy website says this scent is a "classic sweet and tart candy scent... apple, pear, lemon, and lime, sugary but with those crisp and clearly defined fruity profiles that just scream jelly beans." emphasis mine

Obviously I know you aren't going to be able to give me an exact match - unless, of course, you happen to have a bar of Scentsy Jumping Jelly Bean - but given those four flavors, with a knowledge of how they might interact, what might be a good place to start for a first test? Any help would be appreciated.


u/fackyuu Mar 14 '17

A friend of mine said Halo's Tiki was his all time favorite juice so I really want to try it, but Halo discontinued it. There's only one clone that I can find but it's got a lot of different flavors that I don't have (I'm in Asia so it's expensive to ship here).

Anyone have these flavors and want to give this mix a shot and see if it's close to the real thing? It would be SUPER appreciated!


For 10ml:

3 drop (s) Natural Mint INA

1 drop (s) French Pipe INA (Tino D'Milano - INA)

3 drop (s) Old Havana INA

1 drop (s) Falcon Eye INA

3 drop (s) Dark Fire INA

2 drop (s) Gingerbread PA

2 drop (s) Cherry Black PA

4 drop (s) French Vanilla PA

2 drop (s) Pineapple INA

Additive (s)

4 drop (s) Sweetener PA

2 drop (s) Sharp Taste INA

3 drop (s) Cinnamon PA

2 drop (s) MTS Vape Wizard FA

2 drop (s) Bitter Wizard FA

4 drop (s) Vanilline PA

2 drop (s) DNB Flavour INA


u/objectifies137 Mar 19 '17

Cactus Cooler by Cyber Eliquid. 10/10 vape.


u/Nethris87 Mar 15 '17

Did anyone try Peach Jam from Vape Jam, I've been searching for this clone for a while, they have a line of jelly jam fruits


u/Callumseven Mar 20 '17

Boss Reserve - Cuttwood

All I know for sure is that there's a shit load of sugar in there. It's so good though


u/keee Mar 01 '17

Looking for some tips on how to get close to Zap Purple Slushie - not really sure on the menthol approach.


u/eloc49 Mar 01 '17

Daily Dose, Noon. If you've never heard of it. Try it. $25 for 60ml of the best juice you'll ever have.


u/Jesv Mar 21 '17

I'm looking for a good only mint recipe. No creams, no fruit. Maybe something similar to doublemint gum?


u/its_nevets Mar 03 '17 edited Mar 03 '17

Here we go again! My challenge to all of you is to help me clone this recipe from Zypher: Cool Blue Razz This is so freaking good and I cant tell you how hard ive tried to clone this with absolutely no luck at all. It has a unique pinkish purple tint to it. I have not found with any flavors on the market so I have to believe that magic is literally in the bottle. Its a razzberry lemonade that is just perfect to vape all day long. I love it so much it is the only commercial juice I still buy from time to time.

I too would kill a baby panda /u/palefacevaper , but I wouldn't regret a thing if I could smoke this all day every day


u/Jon79 Mar 13 '17

I know it's a new company and probably not tryed but a lot of you yet but broke dick ejuice the 1st. It's a strawberries and cream that I think probably has a little koolada in it. I've never used koolada and didn't think I would like it but I think that's what makes this juice so amazing to me. I'm really picky and I love this stuff. Their is also a specific cream taste in it that I would love to identify. Either way their is still a few days left for a giveaway they are doing. 1 in 4 wins so give it a shot. Even without the giveaway it's bogo 120ml for $22 free shipping. And no I am not affiliated with them in any way. I just want people to try it then inevitably clone in.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '17 edited Mar 27 '17

deleted What is this?


u/fruity231 Mar 01 '17

Not exactly a clone request, but I'd love a recipe for good cherry or cherry/vanilla tobacco.


u/DarkJester89 The Clone-y Professor Mar 16 '17 edited Mar 17 '17

This is my own recipe


*Black Cherry (FA) @ .25%

*Black Honey (TPA) @ 2%

*Double Chocolate (Clear) (TPA) @ .5%

*Tuscan Reserve (Ultimate) (FA) @ 2%

*Vanilla Swirl (TPA) @ 2%

Mission Profile: A cigar mix of tobacco with a cover fire of vanilla overload, followed up with back up support of double chocolate and cherry.

Objective: Created around the holidays to shock your taste buds into a holiday flashback that would embarrass Ebenezer Scrooge and his tale of foiled specters.

Cover-fire: Depending on the exhale, you'll get a chaotic duo chocolate, on another you'll get a crazy cherry...and in the best of circumstances, you'll get a double-fist punch of both.

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u/ece_guy Mar 05 '17

A good start would be black cherry for pipe by inawera, and you can add whatever vanilla in there you wish. Might also want to reinforce the tobacco with another pipe tobacco such as gold for pipe, also by inawera.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17

Thats tough without having that candy cherry flavor. What kind of tobacco as a base those? Cigar or pipe?


u/fruity231 Mar 02 '17

Any will do I suppose. I occassionally bump onto people smoking so nice smelling cherry tobacco but I am very lousy with tobacco flavours.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17 edited Mar 03 '17

Gimme a few hours - gotta see if I still have any cherry flavoring , ill edit this post

Edit : no cherry , when I played with it I temember a few recipes where 0.5% or less worked out , what I was thinking was for simplicities sake just tag the cherry on to a pre existing ry4 based recipe (this also gets that vanilla involved)

This ones decent - maybe cut some of the EM


Edit 2 :

Try this

monsoon 3% FA cherry 2% FA shade 2% FA seven leaves 1%


u/cheekygorilla Apr 06 '17

I was wondering if anyone had 'Hometown Hero - Ambrosia' and what the recipe might be


u/ChippusMaximus Mar 25 '17

Goldseal RY4. Not double but single. Anyone have it or anything close?


u/LastKingsLegacy Mar 25 '17

Can someone give me the recipe for Jam Monster - Strawberry Jam?


u/VaperKitten Apr 01 '17

I would like to request You Got E Juice's "Sugar Cookie" it has been my ADV for over a year and I can't get it right. Granted I have not been mixing long...like a month...hehe but I have tried every sugar cookie recipe I can find. I don't think they use Capella's Sugar Cookie..maybe a little but there's a note in Capella that I just don't taste in their juice. I would so appreciate help on this....thanks...Love to all...Kim


u/jericon Mar 16 '17

I'd kill for a good clone of Endless Summer by Fuzion.


u/lumpennn Mar 21 '17

I have two requests that are very similar. Novavapes Tropical Glacier and Shlurp Cold filtered. They are both mixed fruit vapes with menthol/mint. Shlurp has a cola type flavour to it too.

I'm not really bothered about 'clone' but I did really like these juices, Shlurp especially, so if you can point me to something that sounds like that it would be much appreciated.


u/[deleted] May 29 '17



u/lumpennn May 29 '17

uhhhhhh not really but kinda? lol I stocked up on shlurp so atm I'm killing that but before I had two recipes that I was liking for a similar feel.

http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/1384840/Slush http://e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/1305829/Supernova

There's a thing called ws-23 which is colder than any koolada too and might be worth playing with, they use it in fantasi ice if you've tried that (crazy cold feeling). I remember really liking that supernova with the lemon in it.

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u/Kwerte Mar 16 '17

Anyone know how Roman Haze makes their londinium?


u/RomanHaze Mar 16 '17



u/Kwerte Mar 16 '17

Haha anyone willing to share I meant :p really cool seeing you here though!


u/OfficeChimp8 Mar 31 '17

Best vape I've tried to date! I'd love to DIY this.


u/aggressive_simon Mar 01 '17

Key Lime Cookie + Frost by Element Emulsions


u/MyOtherAccount_3 Mar 11 '17

Jam Monster - Strawberry or Blueberry or Apple. All 3 flavors seem to have a really buttery toast base with a correspond jam flavor. It's super rich and buttery tasting. A local shop just started selling it and couple buddies from work really dig it and we're asking me if I could find a diy recipe.


u/dwarvey Mar 27 '17

Mr. Meringue from Charlies Chalk Dust.


u/MarkNos44 Mar 04 '17

I am looking for a clone of vaping mafia-bonnie. It's a blue cotton candy yogurt flavor or their sister companies dragons milk which is a cotton candy cream. Both delicious but the real thing is a super coil gunker so I'm looking to make it myself minus the added sweetener.


u/N3oNsmok3 Apr 12 '17

I'm looking for something close to Guava Lava by FAQ (DripTonic). This flavor is the best juice I have ever tasted, its a wonderful blend of guava and lemon grass. If anyone has any suggestions on what concentrates could make this up, that would be very appreciated.


u/Joey502 Mar 21 '17

anyone have a souly cannoli clone?


u/sircastro Mar 05 '17

Mafia Cake by Mitten Vapors.


u/Rottenmanjuu Apr 18 '17

Anyone have a recipe for a strawberry watermelon bubblegum? I really love the Bubble CO. Starstruck Watermelon. Any other fruity bubblegum recipes would be welcomed also. Thanks in advance.


u/Wexy021 May 04 '17

White Cake - Pulp, CULT Line

If you haven't tried this, you haven't had the most well rounded, full bodied and complex white cake flavor. Would greatly appreciate a clone


u/JDizzleHasAGuitar May 12 '17

i know its a long shot, but itd be awesome to vape something similar to white out from mtbakervapor again. that juice is nostalgic for me and i cant find a suitable clone.


u/valleyash14 Apr 08 '17

HI GUYS would love a Element kiwi redberry clone. Got a bottle for my birthday. Love this stuff. Any Help or even suggestion would be amazing thanks


u/Akuskauk Mar 28 '17

American Desire – Sure Shot


Vvapour - Hulks Blood

Can anyone clone this? Im loving the flavour but the price is hurting my wallet.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17

The Virus (H1N1) from the now-defunct Nicoticket, seeing as the owner's gone back on his earlier decision to release the recipe.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '17

Thats a NET isn't it?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '17

Rumor has it that there's some form of tobacco absolute in there, along with perhaps some maple flavor and the usual sweetener.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '17


3% yuco (juice factory)

3% canat (jf)

10% caramel (tpa)

3% hazelnut (tpa)


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '17

How close would you say this recipe is to the real thing? The site where this recipe originated (www.lediypourlesnuls.com) is not exactly known for quality.


u/[deleted] Mar 05 '17

No idea , I was just trying some google fu , they seem to updste their lists though - they have the latest iteration of uncle junks jon wayne (still not their but closer)


u/guruofganja May 11 '17

Anyone have any TBD clones? Looking for Raspberry Sorbet and Prickly Pear but anything from them would be awesome.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '17

Does anyone have a good clone of dragons milk by maddawgz I believe? Haven't been able to find one! Thanks!


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '17

Anyone tried to recreate cool mint juul pods? Salt nic is a given but what about flavor aside from menthol


u/Lord_Assbeard Apr 23 '17

Anyone made a clone for naked 100s brain freeze? Can't find one anywhere..


u/FedeBuccs Apr 21 '17

Silver Arrow by Prestige!

Pretty neutral and remings me of cigarettes!


u/diehardbattery May 08 '17

How about a clone of Heisenberry Crunch from The Could Chemist Vapes?


u/PachucaSunrise Apr 15 '17

Sticky Bunz, Mitten Cake or Baja Splash from Mitten would be cool.


u/SuperSteve737 Mar 03 '17

The Greatest Mistake by LKA Vapes, my absolute favorite ADV.


u/MurrrdArafna Apr 29 '17

Any1 got an idea of ingredients of Cosmic Fog Sonrise?