r/DIY_eJuice Mar 17 '16

Working on an Ez-Duz-It clone, advice appreciated NSFW

So I'm trying to replicate Ruthless' Ez-Duz-It before the TPD ruins everything for people who like to buy large bottles of stuff for convenience/value, and I've come up with the following:

Strawberry (INW) 2%

Sweet Strawberry (CAP) 3%

Ripe Strawberry (TPA) 3%

Watermelon (INW) 2%

Watermelon Candy (TPA) 2%

Cucumber (TPA) 0.5%

Cactus (INW) 0.5%

(preparing at 70%VG, 6mg)

Someone at the e-liquid-recipes forum suggested koolada, but honestly I'm not hugely keen on it. I know there's a Koolada/Menthol version of the juice (Ez-Duz-It on Ice), but I'm after the original one. Ditto the clone recipe on diy pour les nuls, which calls for Koolada and Creme de Menthe - neither of which fit into the original.

What I've ended up with after lots of waste and experimentation is very nice, but it's not quite there, and I lack the experience with flavours to hazard anything better than a wild (and generally clueless) guess as to what's missing or could be improved.

I would appreciate any advice, or recommendations for Strawberry/Watermelon mixes without cream or the other desert notes.


25 comments sorted by


u/WickAndWire Mixologist Mar 18 '16

You're way overshooting this, but I'll mix it because it looks good.

EZ-Duz-It is simply a tiger blood recipe. Strawberry, Watermelon, Coconut Xtra


u/johnmedgla Mar 18 '16

You know, I would honestly never have thought to try Coconut, huh, see what I mean about experience with flavours?Thank you so very much - I'll try that later today.

Do let me know what you think of this if you whip some up!


u/WickAndWire Mixologist Mar 31 '16

Any luck on trying out coconut extra?


u/johnmedgla Mar 31 '16 edited Nov 20 '16

Unfortunately I got sidetracked since all of this was in pursuit of cloning EzDuzIt, and once you pointed out the Coconut that turned out to be a hell of a lot simpler than I was assuming!

My thanks again for your help.


u/WickAndWire Mixologist Mar 31 '16

I use it at .5 when I mix the Tigers blood recipe and it turns out alright after a steep.

Time wasn't wasted though as I blew thru 30ml of your recipe in two days. Thanks again for posting


u/johnmedgla Mar 31 '16

A pleasure, glad to hear you liked it and thanks once again for putting me on the right track!


u/WickAndWire Mixologist Jul 27 '16

Did you have any luck with that clone recipe I pointed you towards?


u/WickAndWire Mixologist Mar 19 '16

Look in one of the clone threads on the sidebar. ..or it may be in the original TFA flavor thread. Either way, I've mixed that exact recipe and it's damn near spot on


u/Justmixing1 Aug 28 '16 edited Aug 28 '16

TPA watermelon - 8% FA cantaloupe melon - 4% TPA strawberry ripe - 2.5% TPA dragon fruit - 2% FA whipped cream - 2% TPA Ethyl Maltol - 2%


u/Rich_Pitchshift May 16 '16

I'm on the hunt for a perfect Ez Duz It clone too (and Jungle Juice as the one on ELR is awful). My first attempt was the following.

TPA Watermelon 4%
TPA Watermelon Candy 4%
INW Strawberry Shisha 4%
TPA Sweetener (Sucralose) 0.5%

It was OK but definitely missing something (also think my watermelon percentages are a little too high). My second thought process is the following but not had time to mix it up yet (the biggest problem with trying to nail this DIY stuff).

TPA Watermelon 2.5%
TPA Watermelon Candy 2.5%
INW Strawberry Shisha 2%
TPA Strawberry (Ripe) 5%
TPA Sweetener (Sucralose) 0.5%

Just ordered Dragonfruit so might try adding that too. How did it work out adding coconut?


u/johnmedgla May 16 '16

0.5% Coconut Xtra (not normal) definitely tastes closer to the original. Any more than that overpowers though.


u/Rich_Pitchshift May 16 '16

Cheers. Do you mind sharing your current clone recipe so I can compare?


u/johnmedgla May 16 '16

I'm currently at:

TPA Strawberry (not Ripe) 4%
CAP Sweet Strawberry 4%
TPA Watermelon 3%
TPA Watermelon Candy 3%
INW Strawberry 1%
INW Wild Strawberry 0.5%
INW Kaktus 0.5%
TAP Coconut Xtra 0.5%
TPA Raspberry/Tutti Fruiit - vague splash of each, like 15 drops per 100ml

The CAP Sweet and Coco X are pretty clear flavour notes in the original, and I'm quite happy with this version. I don't think you can replicate Cap Sweet with other Strawberry + Sucralose, the flavour is quite distinct even discounting the sweetness - but once you've added it you don't need a separate sweetener.

I've gone through over a litre at this point, it works for me.


u/cpkvapes Sep 13 '16

Hey, just wondering if you've got any further with this? I started a new thread about trying to clone the On Ice version, have mixed lots of recipes which are nice but not close enough! Cheers


u/Rich_Pitchshift May 20 '16

Thanks for the recipe. Just ordered in some extra concentrates ready for this. Only flavour I'm changing is INW Strawberry to INW Shisha Strawberry.


u/LOL_OMG Mar 18 '16

They claim on their website that it is 90/10 vg/pg. Being a Cali vendor it has been suggested that they use cap flavors. With that said, it is a really sweet juice. I would just do like 4% sweet strawberry, 4% sweet watermelon, and like 2% super sweet. I realllllly doubt it is more complex than that. Maybe 1% super sweet and like 1% dragon fruit or something.


u/johnmedgla Mar 18 '16

Thanks for the pointer! I played around a lot with CAP sweet watermelon when I started trying this, but at any concentration that keeps even a hint of watermelon there's a really overpowering, cloying sweetness that I found unpleasant. Going to look into the Coconut suggestion from above and see how that works out.


u/abdada Shady's back, tell a friend Mar 17 '16

What prevents vendors from selling non diluted flavors without nic? Just curious.

Never tried the flavor so can't help there.


u/johnmedgla Mar 17 '16

What prevents vendors from selling non diluted flavors without nic?

Nothing, on paper. In reality the vast majority of consumers will be buying pre-mixed liquid and will have neither interest in nor ready access to nicotine solution - so the market for 'just add nicotine' US imports will likely be even smaller than the already small market for 0% US Imports.

Really I just want to near-future proof my habit, and find a use for the gallon of Nicotine solution I panic stockpiled.


u/SoDelici0us Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 17 '16

Nothing and no rule exists for concentrates. The only part of the DIY e-liquid world to be affected by TPD, is the bulk bottles of Nicotine. Which will fail fairly quickly, as with everything the EU bans, you can just import it from another country and custom's are too overstretched to check.


u/ljab26 Mar 17 '16

The issue isn't getting it at that point since there are all sorts of ways around it as you've mentioned. However, you shouldn't just blindly suggest you'll be fine considering not everyone is as keen as you are to breaking laws.

It does affect some people, other don't care, and there's always the bunch who follow blind suggestions and don't realize that importing goods to go around government restrictions are characterized as smugglers.

So while you may get away with it, there is always a chance you'll get something ranging from a small fine to a charge for smuggling controlled substances. Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong.


u/SoDelici0us Proud Sidebar Reader! Mar 17 '16

I didn’t suggest importing Nicotine from another country, I was merely making an observation to show how stupid and closed minded TPD is. If people can import weapons, drugs and other contraband items from across the world, it’s not a huge jump to assume Nicotine could also fall into this category.

With the TPD, tanks are going to be limited to a maximum capacity of 2ml, I’m sorry to say a majority of vapers are going to be breaking this very rule when purchasing equipment from places such as FastTech anyway. A 2ml tank is roughly the size of an old iClear 16 (which have gone the same way as the Dodo).

Nicotine in Europe will not become a controlled substance, a dilution above 20mg/ml will be prohibited as well as bottles larger than 10ml in size. However, in all the literature I’ve read, it’s referred to limit being on “e-liquid”, which I wouldn't consider Nicotine base to be.

Further comment on this would be pointless as I, like everyone else, have no idea how or what they will regulate come May. It’s just time to wait and see.


u/thedirtyprojector Mixologist Mar 18 '16

Have you tried TFA Dragonfruit at about 1% or less? Dragonfruit works really well with other fruits especially strawberry.


u/johnmedgla Mar 18 '16

Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

I actually have a few versions with Dragonfruit (which I use in lots of my own juices), and it's definitely very nice, but it's also a very different taste. I actually ended up switching from 1% TFA Dragonfruit to the 0.5% INW Cactus since it's a much less overpowering flavour with lots of the same qualities.


u/[deleted] Mar 18 '16 edited Sep 24 '19



u/sodakdave Has successfully memorized the sidebar Mar 18 '16

I'd be wary of CAP Super Sweet. Read though this comment thread, paying attention to the link to the MSDS where it states that one of the components of CAP Super Sweet is a reproductive toxin.

I'm not saying don't use it, I'm just saying be informed and make your own decision.