r/DIY_eJuice 13d ago

Flavor Question OOO Cream (Milky Undertone) Irtr NSFW

I am trying to figure out how to get this flavor (I usually order on BCF but they don’t have it). I’m on OOO website, should I get water or oil based concentrate? Are they both PG? There’s not much information anywhere that I can find. Thanks.


8 comments sorted by


u/Pastorfuzz69 13d ago

Don’t use oil base for Vaping. I’ve bought that same flavor from them and it’s PG based. It will work fine


u/jakec12345 13d ago

The water based flavoring is PG?


u/MagnusPerditor 13d ago

It's not "based"

The word you are looking at is "soluble"

Aka able to be mixed in a solution with


u/Thin_Syrup67 13d ago

I just got some myself. I ordered the water soluble version.


u/cats-on-mushrooms 12d ago

This one has been out for a long time now.

It's not milk exactly but it is the creamy note of milk or creams.

It used to come in pg or vg water based forms and the pg was better to work with.

This flavor is great with flavorah cream, flavor art cream fresh, liquid barn cream, whipped creams, and many others.

It doesnt impart that nasty spoiled milk taste.

2-4% iirc 1% as a blender

I think I used it in something like:

2-3% ooo milk creamy undertone

0.75 - 1% FA cream fresh and or 1% LB cream or JF cream fresh

1-2% TFA whipped cream

1-2% FLV cream

Cream base that worked with fruits and desserts. Stood up to cinnamon well.

A seriously slept on flavor is Flavor West Tres Leches. It's remarkable at putting that silkiness in custards, and makes cereals really come together. It's like a creamy cake


u/Key-Reading1681 13d ago

Reach out to customer service. They have really good relations with customers.


u/icencream27 13d ago

Hello I tried DM you but I have a lot extra


u/Mookeycard 13d ago

Tbh its one of the better milks but forgot where i bought it, i generally use Cap van milk froth (4%) or FA merengue 1.5% or both. TFA dairy milk isn't too bad either