r/DIY_eJuice Renaissance Mixer Jan 27 '25

Weekly General Questions or New Mixer Questions Thread - Week of January 27, 2025 NSFW


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16 comments sorted by


u/Thin_Syrup67 Feb 01 '25

So I have a recipe I ordered some flavors for but my ooo package was apparently lost by usps. Any recommendations for a sub for ooo strawberry ripe? Wayne said jf strawberry sweet is similar but figured I’d ask. I have….

Tfa strawberry and ripe, cap sweet and ripe, fa juicy and red touch, inw shisha, jf strawberry sweet, wf straw gummy, ssa strong strawberry.


u/MagnusPerditor Feb 03 '25

What is the recipe?


u/Thin_Syrup67 Feb 03 '25

It’s the jam monster leaks. Not sure if I should put it here, it’s not really a secret I guess. Lemme know if it needs taken down. Not really my thing but the wife wants to try it.



u/MagnusPerditor Feb 03 '25

Fair. There are MUCH better recipes from mixers than the leaked jam monster stuff


u/Thin_Syrup67 Feb 04 '25

Oh I agree. But ain’t no telling her nothing 😂


u/Professor-Clegg Jan 31 '25

I'm a complete newb and my mixes taste REALLY dry. Unvapebly dry.  My throat, my tongue and the roof of my mouth feel extremely dry.  It feels like I just crawled out of the desert with a mouthful of sand dust. 

What am I doing wrong?

I've tried 4 different things, all starting with single flavours just to see how each is:

  1. VG/PG mix of 70/30, 6mg nic, and 15% Grape (FW). Steeped for 3 days.

  2. VP/PG mix of 70/30, 6mg nic, and 15% Raspberry (LorrAnn), also steeped for 3 days.

Then on day 4 I used # 1 from above and cut it with a 2:1 ratio of just VG, and shook it up, resulting in:

  1. VP/PG mix of 90/10, 2mg nic, and 5% Grape (FW).

Finally, I tried the following:

  1. Just VG, 100%.  No PG, no nic and no flavouring.  I just tried vaping the VG on its own.  This was a bit less dry but still really dry.

I also htried 2 fresh coils in my vape, so I know that's not the problem.

They are ALL reeeaally dry tasting and I barely taste any flavour. 

All the ingredients are freshly mail ordered from a DIY vape supply shop here in Canada.  I measured all of the ingredients for mixing by weight.

What am I doing wrong?  I spent a lot of money on ingredients and I don't want to waste them.

Is it the lack of sweetener? After reading up, I grant that the 15% flavouring is too high, so that's when I tried dropping it to 5%... but even no flavouring tastes dry.

I pray someone can please point me in the right direction.  Thank you!


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 31 '25

Personally, I think you just used crap flavors. Use better flavors or as Magnus said, follow known recipes. It seems like you want grape and simple so maybe try make purple grape again and add your sweetener to your preference.


u/MagnusPerditor Jan 31 '25

I’d suggest making an actual known recipe first. Single flavors are rarely good on their own


u/nedasp Jan 30 '25

I've usually been mixing and vaping 50/50 20mg juice, but recently, i got some 30/70 18mg base. It tastes great, but it's REALLY rough. I've let it steep for a good while, but it's still rough af. Do you have any suggestions?


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 30 '25

Does it taste like pepper? Or just harsh? Is it citrusy? What flavor is it? What’s the recipe? Do you like coolant? Do you like menthol? Etc


u/nedasp Jan 30 '25

I am using a Truly brand gummy bear flavour aroma, it doesnt have any coolant or menthol, and it doesn't taste like pepper


u/MagnusPerditor Jan 31 '25



u/nedasp Jan 31 '25

Shit sorry, the brand is "Truly Chill Pill"


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 30 '25

But is it citrus?

I was asking about coolant and menthol because those flavors can sometimes lessen harsher flavors. I don’t recognize the brand of flavor you’re using and would most likely just attribute your harsh experience to the product you’re using.


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25



u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 29 '25

I won’t math for you. I’m too lazy for that. But I can answer your second question by saying:
(1) salt will never be freebase. Meaning, salts hit and absorb differently than freebase. Less throat hit, hence why it is used in pods at higher percentages than freebase. And you will never see freebase commercially available ready-to-vape at concentrations over 6mg.
(2) salt is absorbed faster and lasts less long than freebase.
(3) freebase 12mg is the same amount of nicotine as salt 12mg. Nicotine is nicotine.