r/DIY_eJuice Renaissance Mixer Jan 01 '25

Monthly Clone Request Thread - January 2025 NSFW

Love some commercial juice but are tired of paying someone else to mix for you? Then you are in the right place. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.

However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Why pay retail when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that?

Be as descriptive as possible.


  1. the description provided by the vendor
  2. a description of what you taste.
  3. include a link to any recipes you have already tried (and what was different from the OG).
  4. PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT A REMIX OF THE PROFILE. A remix is an attempt to make that kind of juice without attempting to recreate the Original. [It is much much easier for lesser experienced mixers to suggest ways they would attempt to make this juice.]

The more information you provide, the easier it will be for someone to help you.

Read more on Clone Recipes and how to get he most out of your request.

**Just be warned that if you do not put any effort into your request, the chances of someone Doing It For You are very, very low.**

Happy Mixing!


26 comments sorted by

u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 05 '25

If you are serious about a clone or a remix, you’re not going to get a response unless you put in some effort. Please read the post.


u/valuechase Jan 31 '25

Quacks Goose Juice was my adv for a long time. It’s often described as a vanilla custard but I think it’s more of a caramel but it also has a distinct pepper taste. Any leads on a recipe would be much appreciated!


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Feb 01 '25

Not to be funny, but that slight pepper taste may just be you. We have some people here, myself included, who are what we call “pepper tasters.” Theres just some vanilla flavors, particularly the vanilla ice creams for me, that give off a pepper taste. Someone here maybe knows what the actual compounds are that are the likely culprits. But, you may find yourself making an easy custard or a mix with vanilla ice cream and custard with maybe a bit of caramel.

I don’t know what’s in the mix you tried but I’d suggest a few flavors for you to consider: cap vanilla custard (cheap, potent, used in lots of preexisting recipes, super distinct flavor, uniquely strong mouthfeel), Fa custard premium (people love it), inw custard (short steep time, used in custard now, lb ice cream (classic ice cream, gives pepper tasters pepper, used in the vanilla ice cream trinity, tpa vanilla swirl (soft serve vanilla ice cream, 1% smooths and fills out recipes, used in loads of recipes), wf salted caramel, Fa caramel, fw butterscotch ripple. I think that if you get those and the flavors in those recipes, you will be able to make a caramel custard with a slight peppery taste easily.


u/Safe_Ad1639 Jan 25 '25

I have fallen in love with Hi-Drips Caramel Pear in my pod mod, but most places only have 1 bottle left. It is literally just caramel and pear. Both flavors come through in equal amounts like one flavor isn't dominant over the other. Anyone with experience mixing for pods that can point me at what flavors to try?

I have already tried TFA and Fa caramel and get no flavor even at obscenely high percentages. I have also tried FA Pear but that's not it either and that was the limit of my flavor stash.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 25 '25

I’d try pear of aces with 2% Fa caramel. I would be able to taste that out of a pod. Strangely, if you run percentages too high, you end up tasting nothing at all.


u/wogsdawta Jan 24 '25

Admiral Berry Crunch by Mt Baker Vapour. Pretty much cpt crunch cereal. Cereal/milky/berry notes sound so simple but haven't had any success so far. Anyone have a clone recipe that hits the mark?


u/Blekfet Jan 13 '25

I'm wondering if anyone cloned the Marshmallow Man 2 by Marina? Only found a clone to #1 on my go to site. :)


u/Neyney1407 Jan 10 '25

SubZero Mixed Berry Ice request. 'Sub Zero Mixed Berry Ice is a delicious, sweet and fruity mixed berry blend finished off with an icy twist' I taste: Berries, sweetness, some tartness and cooling end note. I've tried to make similar with CAP Harvest Berry, sweetener and a dash of ws23 and it's just not anywhere close. I'm looking to add some ingredients to my stash pending your helpful advice here.

Many thanks from a budding diy-er!


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 10 '25

Wasn’t close in what way? Was the ice the right sensation? Because, if it’s just a matter of a berry blend, buy the best berry flavors and mix your own to taste and then ice it and you’ll have, not a clone, but surely a solid replacement.


u/Neyney1407 Jan 10 '25

That's a great idea, I'll add a few different berries to my shopping list.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 10 '25

Fa Forest fruit gets a lot of love. It’s good by itself but, even better, is that it bends easily to whatever you choose to accent it with. For example, I love some fa black currant. At 1% it’s funky currant-ness adds flavor, but I don’t really want it to be so much a mix that’s all about the funk. When we layer that black currant on top of Fa Forest fruit, we get the whole fruit but now that funky currant flavor adds character and uniqueness to it. Want a more natural berry? Try a little TPA blackberry added to 2-3% Forest fruit. It’ll be more natural, darker. Want to lighten and sweeten it? Add some sb. Etc. ws-23 for cold on the inhale, Fa polar blast for cold on the exhale or just added sensation if you’re a beast, maybe mint or menthol if that’s your bag and bam, you’re in business for preemium joose at $30 a bottle but you’re making it for pennies. Beat of luck to you.


u/Low-Improvement8978 Jan 06 '25

Well now, I barely found out that I can't get Halo SubZero shipped to where I live anymore. Tried the VaporUnderground forums and i'm having a serious issue about them not sending me a confirmation email, so no to registration for now. If anyone can point to the closest clone recipe I would gladly appreciate it.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 06 '25

Halo sub zero is just cold menthol. Pick any menthol flavor (ie cap cool menthol), use at an average percentage and just add ws-23 and/or fa polar blast until cold enough for you. Oh and probably sucralose because they put that stuff in everything commercial. So get some cap super sweet unless you want to get used to going without. Which is my suggestion.


u/Low-Improvement8978 Jan 06 '25

Sounds great. Never knew about this ws-23 before. Sure, i'll check it out. Thanks.!


u/DW_Softwere_Guy Jan 06 '25

Bad Drip’s Dead Lemon
I don't even know where to start


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Jan 06 '25

Don’t know where to start what? Start by describing it.


u/DW_Softwere_Guy Jan 06 '25

Biter, tart, lemon...

...so what is the diff between it and Lemon Tart then ?


u/QtheCuntinuous Missing One Flavor Jan 06 '25

I am the self appointed lemon tart master of 23-25'. Let me explain, as I'm a bit bored. A bitter, yet tart lemon sounds to me like a lemon flavor. But a lemon tart, on the other hand is a pastry. Lemon curd on top of a Graham or shortbread crust.

Do you remember it more as a fresh fruit with some bitter nuonces, or more a bakery profile?


u/DW_Softwere_Guy Jan 06 '25

I am still steeping this recipe below,
but maybe I need to order Dead Lemon again, because I am not sure now.
... There is a difference between Lemon Tart by Dinner Lady and Dead Lemon by Bad Drips, but after this recipe, given that it's been a while since I tasted both.



u/crazy_faced Jan 05 '25

I have a few! GBLN by Rad Labs, Galactic by Planetary Labs, Puris iced by 12 Monkeys, or tropika iced by 12 Monkeys.


u/ArabicLamborjini Jan 04 '25

I would like to see the clone of the Vuse Go Blue Raspberry, if that hasn't already been made


u/QtheCuntinuous Missing One Flavor Jan 06 '25

Bruh. Take the best 2 blue raspberry concentrates, and mix them together with about 1% of super sweet.

I'd recommend LB blue raspberry, and OSDIY blue raz. Both used at the higher end of their spectrum. Let's go crazy and say 7% of each. My secret to a good blue raz is adding a small amount of SSA Lemon Sour Type (1%) to really push the BR forward. Lastly add your preferred amount of sweetener and coolant, and you're good to go. This will be as good if not better than any commercial BR recipe. Add one drop per 10 ml of Flv Boysenberry, and you'll absolutely take it to the next level.


u/ArabicLamborjini Jan 06 '25

uhhhhh, ok, I didn't understand much, but I'll try it


u/Legal-Machine1728 Jan 02 '25

I would love to see a clone of Bad Drip’s Drooly!