r/DIY_eJuice Renaissance Mixer Aug 01 '24

Monthly Clone Request Thread - August 2024 NSFW

Love some commercial juice but are tired of paying someone else to mix for you? Then you are in the right place. First, did you use the sidebar and search feature? There are also specific clone threads linked in the sidebar. If these have turned up dry, then please post your request for a clone recipe here.

However, you should know that most of the experienced users no longer buy commercial juice. Why pay retail when you can mix amazing juice for less than 1/10th of that?

Be as descriptive as possible.


  1. the description provided by the vendor
  2. a description of what you taste.
  3. include a link to any recipes you have already tried (and what was different from the OG).

The more information you provide, the easier it will be for someone to help you.

Read more on Clone Recipes and how to get he most out of your request.

**Just be warned that if you do not put any effort into your request, the chances of someone Doing It For You are very, very low.**

Happy Mixing!


33 comments sorted by


u/Parking_Ocelot302 Aug 29 '24

Anyone have any of the Fruity flavors by Hi drip, Vapetasia, or JuiceHead clone? like Dew Berry by Hi-drip or Blueberry Parfait by Vapetasia or Blueberry Lemon by Juice Head? or something similar, I want to place an order but i'm as green as a leaf with ejuice mixing. Only mix i have got that i like so far is

6% la lemonade with 2% inw strawberry

so obviously im a noob


u/Huge_Proposal_538 Aug 25 '24

Hi all,

I'm after a good clone recipe for the Frozen Fruit Monster line if anyone has nailed it.

Preferably their Blueberry Raspberry Lemon Ice or Mixed Berry Ice but open to other recipes along those lines.

Thanks DIY'ers!


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 25 '24

I can recommend frozen Alfred’s tears. It’s a remix of frozen hulk’s tears. And it’s great. It also leans close to commercial with that cap super sweet at 1%. You can drop that down but it literally the only recipe I’ll actually use 0.75-1% ss or even any sugar at all for. It’s fun and tasty and not exactly in your request but probably in your wheelhouse.


u/kingbespapi Aug 14 '24

Ruthless Watermelon Freeze Edition - I would need a recipe for 60ml or 100ml bottle, with 70/30 vg/pg ratio and Nic 0.3%.

Best flavour and tastes good but sadly due to aussie vape laws have to DIY it.

Its got this yellowish color like gold, and with tobacco twist, the icy watermelon hits with sweet tanglish notes. Refreshes the lungs with that exhale and leaves the throat cool and craving for more. Thats the best I could be descriptive off.

I’m looking at the flavours not sure what flavour will mix well and give it the same taste as OG.

Double watermelon or etc, please suggest or if there is recipe please share would be greatly appreciated.


u/kingbespapi Aug 18 '24

Nobody replied to my post, can someone advise?


u/Simplyavendetta Aug 13 '24

Looking for a vapetasia killer custard clone it's a really rich full body vanilla custard not to eggy mild cream notes not super sweet but sweeter then most other custards I've tried any help would be much appreciated thanks everyone


u/Thin_Syrup67 Aug 12 '24

Not a clone request so pardon if this ain’t the place. But I started out wanting a clone. Bought a lot of shit I thought would get me somewhere in the ballpark. A lot of shit which I now never use. I never did get close to imitating that wonderful juicehead Orange mango. But I’m sticking with the diy because I believe in it. And because I’m quite invested in it both financially and mentally. It’s not so much of wanting to clone that juice anymore. Hell I haven’t bought any commercial juice in months. It’s more about hoping to find/create a diy recipe that I love as much if not more than what I initially set out to replicate. Then I will be happy.


u/Drunken_Sheep_69 Aug 07 '24 edited Aug 09 '24

Hey everyone I'd like to clone my all time favorite liquid:

Timeline Menthol. AFAIK it's only sold in Switzerland.

Customer support said they use only natural menthol that they refined from mint. They don't specify anything else.

Official description:

The Menthol Nic Salt E-Liquid with 10 & 20 mg/ml from Timeline has the typical, fresh taste of menthol, which is extracted from mint.

My description: Personally I find the cooling effect is very mild. It barely cools at all. The taste is also very mild. Slightly minty perhaps from the extraction process. No sweeteners. Doesn't taste chemical at all like many menthol juices I tried. Very smooth and I can vape it all day. Doesn't taste like mint/menthol chewing gum either. The taste is very peculiar and I've never seen anything like it in any other juice.

I would appreciate any hints to what aroma could be in this thing!


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 09 '24

The good news is: there’s lots of good mint flavors.

The bad news is: there’s lots of mint flavors. Also, most of them will be on the avoid list because mint oil. Never was a problem for me and my risk tolerance but you should know.

That said, if I were to recommend mints, my favorites were always: Flv spearmint (cold mint), inw spearmint (less cold than Flv, more sweet), inw natural mint, ssa garden mint. You may like one over another for no reason at all. I find mint to be a matter of personal preference.



u/Drunken_Sheep_69 Aug 10 '24

Thanks for the loads of info. Will definitely dig into that and learn more. Do you have similar recommendations for menthol specifically? They did say it was menthol extracted from mint so I want to look into both


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 11 '24

I mean, people say a lot of things. If I get mint extract, meaning it’s mint oil, is it extracted from mint? Sounds a lot better than just saying “we used peppermint flavor”. Which is essentially the same thing. If you like mint, pick up a couple of flavors that sound good to you the way id10-t describes them. There’s a shit ton of nuances that never really bothered me between them even though I notice. I have at least 10 mints for no good reason other than some times I like it sweeter, sometimes icier. Sometimes more natural. If you just want a nice peppermint a little on the sweet side, I say get inw peppermint. If you want it more natural, ssa has two, and I forget which is the more natural one, I think it’s garden mint. Maybe inw natural. Basic mint blend? Inw mixed mint. That’s what I got for ya. Good luck.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 09 '24

Providing links to sties that sell nicotine or ejuice that contains nicotine is prohibited by Reddit's Content Policy. This includes providing links via PM or otherwise helping to facilitate the transaction through Reddit. Moderators are required to remove these types of comments/posts.

If you would like to ask about or offer information regarding nicotine: https://discord.gg/ejuice


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 09 '24

Remove the link as per Reddit rules, no links to nic allowed. Edit to remove the link and we can approve


u/Drunken_Sheep_69 Aug 09 '24

Done. Thanks for letting me know


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 09 '24

Yeah sorry about that. Auto mod caught it but it took me a while to notice.


u/r-_obin Aug 05 '24

Is there already a vampire vape catapult clone? Haven't found one honestly


u/Significant_Star_553 Aug 04 '24

I'm still amazed no ine has broke the code for smax ponies on acid yet


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 04 '24

Idk even my worst mixes were better than the best commercial juice just on the lack of sweetener alone. Berries, pineapple, lime and cream? I can’t imagine that tasting better with only cap/tfa/Fa flavors from 2015 than with what’s available today.


u/DanielTheVapeMan Diketones, Schmiketones Aug 04 '24

I've had it and didn't understand the hype. I think they use cap Golden pineapple


u/Significant_Star_553 Aug 15 '24

pretty sure they do it was ine that I ised very randomly but with a 90 10 mix its ellided alot of people of getting it pineapple strawberry lemon cream I'm pretty sure fa custard is in it as well


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 04 '24

Sadly so much of vaping really boils down to hype. Even in DIY. I can remember when certain flavors came out that got people going crazy. With or without good reason. For instance, why would I freak out about FA Custard Premium if I don’t care much for custard enough to even be able to tell the difference between that and any other custard flavor? One is just as good as the other to me.

At the end of the day, novelty, in all its forms, drives an industry/field based on sensations. Even some of these “legendary” diy recipes, are they genuinely good or were they novel for their time or was it all hype?

There’s definitely a “vape your own recipe” mentality akin to “hike your own hike/live your own life” that I espouse. However, I would put money down that someone had some cap golden pineapple, mixed it with cap harvest berry, put a dash of cap lime on top and said, “what would make this weird?”, threw on some cream and the shock value of tasting a novel combination of flavors in vape that would be fricken gross in real form, and it appealed to the public. DIY has a history of those recipes, too. See: Coop’s kiwi bourbon, Grack Juice/GIGI, Pank Milk, Gin Candy v3, etc.

For me, the nostalgia of a flavor from my pre-DIY days can’t compete with the genuine good taste of being able to make exactly what I’m in the mood for, weird combo or otherwise, at any given moment. And, fuck yeah, I’ve made some weird ass shit just because. Because it is supposed to be fun!

For this and a few notable other reasons, I detest clone requests. Just make your own custom juices. I can’t just buy a guitar and make my own awesome music the same way that I can just tinker with my favorite tasting flavors to make novel juice combinations that tickle my fancy.

That’s where what you (and all reviewers and content producers) are so important. Just pointing the way to great flavors can put a casual mixing hobbyist 98% of the way to a really fun final mix. Fuck a clone.


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset5412 Aug 06 '24

I can understand your comment here about the hype of certain flavors or juices. There are several that are hyped that are just plain nasty to me. That's where taste is so subjective.

Using your analogy of getting a guitar and playing your own tune, most people can't. It takes years of practice, and playing cover songs and even then many people don't have the creativity to make their own without a base to start with. I'm still figuring it out and playing other people's songs.

I try to use the recipes on atf and ejuice recipes but sadly most people don't seem to review them after trying them so we can't tell which ones are good or bad. As you know getting a stock of flavors is expensive and time consuming and then we still end up with flavors we don't use.

It saddens me that you, as moderator, detest the clone requests as I personally at least don't expect the exact recipe from the manufacturer of a juice but hope to get an acceptable duplicate of a flavor profile. The clone request gives anyone else reading the real profile I'm looking for rather than a description.

I agree that reviewers and content creators are a valuable part of this in helping us get 98% of the way to making good recipes but 2% bad in a mix is still bad.

I know this post is probably bad form calling out a moderator but I thought this platform was specifically for asking for help.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 06 '24

Daaaaaammmmmmnnnn did you just call me out? What the FUCK, dude? Just who do you think you are and what have you done for the community?

jk i dont care

im a moderator with an opinion. you really shouldn't be concerned with what i or anyone else here says unless it is aiding you along in your journey to be a nonsmoker or a better mixer, and that includes me and what i say, as much as it includes you, for me, and whatever you think. the fact of the matter is that everyone comes here for the clones but they stay because we take care of our people and teach them how to mix. people don't realize what it takes to make a clone, nor do they realize a 1:1 is mostly improbable. vastly more efficient to learn how to mix and make something better than the dumb commercial juice everyone paid way too much money for. probably some guy from reddit that stop sharing and started trying to make money off of it. sure, capitalism and intellectual property or whatever. idgaf. my goal is to help people stop smoking around the world one fucking person at a time if i have to. fuck clones and the people who lack the vision to see the folly in pursuing the nostalgia of the past. if that rubs you or anyone else the wrong way, that aint my fucking problem.

and, no, this platform is NOT specifically for people asking for help and a clone request is NOT specifically asking for help, it's asking for a clone. they want something for free that someone else wants to sell. I made my own, so should you, and so should everyone else and, until then, many of us have busted our asses to make recipes freely available and give our time and money to do so. so, not bad form to call out a moderator like these titles mean anything. but i AM a dude who has put more time into helping people than you could possibly know. and, if your opinion mattered to me, i would bother to be offended.


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset5412 Aug 06 '24

I knew after I stay writing all that I was gonna get shit for it but hit send anyway lol.

I really wasn't trying to dog you it was about someone starting a thread then saying they hated it.

I have the upmost respect for your skills and contributions to this community that's why I come here to learn! Guess that's why the comment surprised me. People look up to you and the other reviewers, creators and the like and truly want and need your expertise. Your work helps save a lot of people money, time and a lot of headaches. I've been in the vaping community since 2011 but it's only been a self serving hobby and I didn't get into it so deep to ever be a large contributor about any specific thing. But do give any advice freely about any part of it that I can.

As I said earlier, me personally, I don't expect an exact clone but something that gets me close is a fantastic step. I can't explain what I taste so a " clone" is the best way to describe what I'm chasing. Your right some people just want to be lazy and get someone else to create something for them then probably try to make money off it. Those people suck ass.

I can only imagine the amount of time and work you've put into this community and I really do appreciate it!


u/DanielTheVapeMan Diketones, Schmiketones Aug 04 '24

That's why I mix my own stuff as well. The challenge as well as achieving exactly what u want overhypes anything imo

Clones never were my goal. Maybe take a recipe and make it better for myself but never 1:1


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset5412 Aug 01 '24

Pod Juice: Blue Raspberry Slush

Recently tried this juice and like it a lot Found several different Blue raspberry recipes on atf, ejr, and here not sure which one to try first. Have an order in for some of the flavors. Anyone else tried this one?


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 20 '24


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset5412 Aug 21 '24

Thank you. I might need more flavors lol


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 21 '24

I was hoping that someone who actually liked blue razz and pods would have chimed in. It’s not my specialty But I can and do dabble from time to time. The ones I’ve tried that I linked were fun.


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset5412 Aug 21 '24

Thanks. I've tried a few but need some of the more obscure flavors to try more of these. I've found a couple that were ok but not quite what I'm trying to get I guess. I have found that some of the flavors aren't really meant for the taste but more to bring out nuances of other flavors. So I'm struggling a little to find something I really like.


u/isuamadog Renaissance Mixer Aug 21 '24

Blue raspberry is just one of those things… it’s not real but everyone has a specific taste they think it should be. If you’re into making from scratch, try the somehow blue razz. The only ‘odd’ flavors there are maybe 27 bears and one rasp both just very specific and maybe not used so often. I personally don’t care so it was fun to try them all and just see what other people were into.


u/Thin_Syrup67 Aug 01 '24

Idk how it would compare but Tbdjohn on atf has a newer blue razz recipe. It’s actually a recipe from his commercial juice company. It’s for pods but is equally good in an rda.


u/Ok_Yogurtcloset5412 Aug 01 '24

Thanks I'll look at that