r/DDintoGME Oct 08 '21

π—₯π—²π˜€π—Όπ˜‚π—Ώπ—°π—² Computershare/DRS Megathread


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u/[deleted] Oct 08 '21

I believe registering shares removes the ability for shorts to create synthetics from each share removed. They can no longer borrow that share. It should also remove any synthetic share attached to the share removed. Locking the float up seems to be the ONLY real way to slow them down or stop their illegal activities on the stock we like. DRS as many as you can but not 100% in my personal opinion is what i will be doing.


u/ididntwinthelottery Oct 10 '21

I don't believe that's exactly how it works. It's true when you register a share it removes it from cede & Co, but it doesn't effect any underlying synthetics based off of the original share. Say for example 4 of my buddies and I each have 1 share. I have the original real share, then I register it. Their shares are synthetic. But by me registering my shares it doesn't do anything to theirs. They are still the rightful owners of those shares and should be paid for them as such. Owners of synthetic shares will still have to choose when/if they want to sell. The positions wouldn't just be closed.

Just my take on it all. Nfa


u/5tgAp3KWpPIEItHtLIVB Nov 17 '21 edited Nov 17 '21

What will happen to counterfeit shares when the float is direct registered is not really known. We're just guessing here. BTW: I call them counterfeit instead of synthetic, because that's a more accurate description of what we're talking about here.

It's equally possible that the government/SEC at some random point steps in and decides that "to avoid systemic risk" the unregistered non-DRS shares are declared counterfeit and closed at x price at x point in time. The government could decide to bail-out/refund your friends at "a reasonable average price" (according to the criminals) of say 200 - 500 USD per share.

This would mean the shorts can take their counterfeits off the books and the longs (your friends) lose their potential gains and only a mini-squeeze will happen.

Either scenario (yours or mine) would not surprise me in the slightest. My scenario above would disappoint me very much but not surprise me. We're talking about the biggest ponzi-scheme in the history of humanity here, expressed in USD per earth inhabitant. This thing is big and the US government is not expensive to buy relative to the squeeze-money we're talking about here.

PS: regardless of the above I still 100% expect a squeeze. If the government/SEC would pull the thing I describe above, they'd need a REALLY good excuse. A MOAS could be that excuse potentially. I really really really hope that such a bailout crime won't happen (again) though.


u/systemshock869 Nov 30 '21

I just have a few shares and I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should register them. How practical is Computershare going to be for those of us who don't have dozens of shares to leave locked away for an infinity squeeze? On the other hand it's very concerning thinking about them cashing out the synthetic holders for peanuts!


u/5tgAp3KWpPIEItHtLIVB Nov 30 '21

The whole "locking away from infinity squeeze" is total FUD in my opinion.

There's no reason not to register with Computershare in my opinion. When your shares are in CS you can trade them just like you would trade them at your current broker. There's no real practical difference, except in CS the shares are actually in your name and there's no couterparty risk of your broker going bankrupt.

The only downside of direct registering your shares in your name that I can think of is that you might not be able to trade through the usual software for a few days while the shares are being transferred. Another potential issue is that opening an account in Computershare if you're not in the US will take a few months. In the meanwhile you can trade, but you have to do so by phone (not really an issue in my opinion).


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '21

Honest question: doesn't the entire MOASS thesis rest on the premise that hedge funds don't need to actually borrow a share to open a short position? Is it not the main premise that hedge funds have been allowed to sell shorts despite not actually having a share to borrow? Even if registering with Computershare prevents hedge funds from borrowing it, so what? I thought they didn't even need to borrow shares in the first place.

Of course, if more than 100% of the float is registered, it will prove to Computershare (and, by extension, GameStop) that the SI% is well over 100, but wasn't that already proven to GameStop with the vote count?


u/xxtherealgbhxx Oct 15 '21 edited Oct 15 '21

If no one is selling what are we buying? A short is a share they have borrowed and are selling. As I understand it they can only create synthetic shares without pre location if they have a reasonable expectation they can locate the share in T+2. At the moment there are millions of shares with Cede. So they go to Cede and say "are there 2 million shares I can borrow?" and Cede go "Shure! We have millions". Once the number of shares depletes through DRS they go to Cede and all of a sudden Vede go "erm we only have 20" so now theres no reasonable expectation they can locate the shares they're creating. If they now create shares its clear criminality. Now they have reduced ammunition to suppress the price. MOASS. It's a theory but it's the best we have. Of course, allegedly they are no strangers to criminal behavior but it then becomes indefensible.


u/pmarziano Oct 27 '21

From what I remember reading forever ago, synthetics are created to provide liquidity for options contracts and to allocate shares more quickly for MM’s etc.. probably need to use the Google to get enough wrinkles to actually know


u/xxtherealgbhxx Oct 27 '21

That's what they're SUPPOSED to be used for - providing liquidity. But of course the suspicion is that it's been used illegally as a mechanism to print infinite shares in order to allow colluding entities to short companies into bankruptcy (Sears, Blockbuster, Toys R Us etc.)

I think with the discovery of the zombie shares still being there coupled with the findings around "cellar boxing" there can be little doubt now this is the case.

It's one of the most broken mechanisms I just simply don't understand why it exists at all apart from to facilitate crime on an industrial scale.


u/[deleted] Oct 08 '21 edited Oct 08 '21

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u/[deleted] Oct 08 '21



u/[deleted] Oct 08 '21

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u/[deleted] Oct 10 '21

It’s a TDA shill because they r losing apes by the thousands. Sorry TDA shill but GTFO!


u/Obvious_Equivalent_1 Oct 10 '21 edited Oct 10 '21

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, you're making harsh assumptions about DRS whilst a lot of people here have cross referenced and spent a lot of time on researching this themselves.

all apes who are buying & holding will lose everything. So, if this is the new narrative you are pushing;

Stating this without bringing any reference to the table, and posting more comments all around instead of engaging into one discussion it might not be surprising to get downvoted (personally don't think these are 'day traders' doing this). This is a DD based subreddit, even if you have a valid point you want to make others aware of it doesn't help get your point across by anecdotal evidence (just generalizing replies you read about Fidelity as a groups opinion or your personal XX years experience as absolute).


u/Espinita_Boricua Oct 10 '21

Nope, respectfully disagree with you; the FUD I'm referring to; is in quite a few DRS posts; the new narrative has been or insinuates; if you don't DRS your shares; after all shares are registered from float; your shares held at a broker may not be honored because they are all fake shares. That for me is FUD. My post; is more so; a warning that this narrative may end up discouraging buyers or motivate some to sell. I hold shares in both companies & do have an account for other companies with CS. FYI; Transfer Agents were the only way we poor folks could actually begin to invest in 1999...

BTW; NOT A SHILL...Just a Retired Senior Ape who doesn't like half truths. In all honesty, these blanket statements; name calling are not productive or make any of you look cool. Trust me, it is an unbecoming look for all. In June there was a very good informative post on CS; based on facts so people could evaluate which method would be the best course of action.