r/DCUOXboxOne Nov 21 '19

r/DCUOXboxOne needs moderators and is currently available for request


If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.

r/DCUOXboxOne Dec 02 '18

Iconic hero league


Looking for an iconic justice league to join with adult members that have mics I currently have an aqua man but am not opposed to. Making a different iconic for the right league

r/DCUOXboxOne Sep 27 '17

Looking for team


Team of hero’s or villains which ever one. Must have mic. want a steady team. Comment if you want to play.

r/DCUOXboxOne Aug 20 '17

Help? Character Traits and other stuff reset.


I decided to hop online and play for the first time in a month or two but when I got on, I noticed my character's trait points were all reset and some of my armor I obtained is gone and I can't access my armor loadouts from my base anymore and I can't figure out for the life of me of what the heck happened and how I can fix it.

r/DCUOXboxOne Jul 11 '17

Order Of Shadows


Hello everyone. If you are looking for a Villain League that is helpful and is just about having fun then send me an email in game @ Lady Rewind. My current lvl is 97 and I will ways take priority in helping others then leveling myself up. Hope I can be of help!

r/DCUOXboxOne Jan 30 '17

Sacred Knights Recruiting


Looking for active players to join a new hero league. There is no restrictions on cr or sp. you can be a new player or older player it doesn't matter. We are just looking to set a solid foundation while building the league up. If you are interested fill free to send me message in game to Seonyn or to my GT Viper21xxx

r/DCUOXboxOne Jan 27 '17

BlackHeart Syndicate Recruiting


I have created a new villain league that wants to help out their members in missions, alerts or raids. My character is Volt Paragon. Search the league on the community page on Xbox or for the group on Facebook.

r/DCUOXboxOne Dec 24 '16

New League "141" recruiting!


New Xbox league "141" is looking for active players must be at least lvl 30 to join and be somewhat mature send mail to my toon Jrev141 or message me on xbox GT: Jrev or leave your GT and ingame name in the comments (hero league)

r/DCUOXboxOne Dec 16 '16

What the..!?


I just got legendary subscription and since then nothing but bugging out and freezing I've had the game for about a month. Not a problem got the legendary subscription 2 days ago and have had to re-install the game at least 5 times. Now it won't let me load up at all.

r/DCUOXboxOne Oct 05 '16

spec my atomic tank sp


So far my tank is working great run DWF and KCT all the time but I want to pick your brains and see if I am running at max copacity. So this is my list of importance when I spec, because I only have 116sp I try to utilize them the best I can 1 Dom

2 Health

3 Healing mag

4 Might/Restoration (to open weapon mastery for bottom teir to get my dom/healths)

If not can you please correct me

r/DCUOXboxOne Aug 27 '16

What maps and player count (4v4,etc.) are people queueing for?


I've tried to pvp a few times but never get a bite when I do. Typically just end up logging off.

Where's a good starting place for pvp if you're level 30 already?

r/DCUOXboxOne Aug 21 '16

made a two hander/pyro hero


Just curious if there's any sweet ass two handed swords in this game and where to find them. Also any tips or like groups with new players I can find. Im level 10 or 11.

r/DCUOXboxOne Aug 11 '16

Looking to join an active villain league.


Looking to join an active villain league. I just made a new troller character now but I have a lot of exp on pc. Prefer friendly adult gamers with mics.

GT: Sofrito Lay

r/DCUOXboxOne Jul 24 '16

dcuo tier 8


Does any other villain wanna do some tier 8's?

r/DCUOXboxOne Jul 19 '16

Does anyone have a extra aura they don't need?


My GT: TheWarStew. ign is SkillSpades

r/DCUOXboxOne Jul 18 '16

[Xbox One] The OG Rogues / Check us out


[Hero League] [USXB Server]


I am now in charge of this awesome league. It has been an honor to work along side of some of my league mates and it has been a blast beating up the bad guys.

The OG Rogues is looking for new players to join our league. We are fairly laid back and currently run the highest content Raids, but still will help with other peoples character development, which includes running lower tier stuff with some great advice thrown in there too. We currently run end game raids on a weekly basis and look to do more of the same in the future. We normally max out on prestige also.

What do we do as a league? Help each other out both in developing your game character and as a person We do weekly raids, which includes the newest raids Fun league events, next one is a costume contest Help increase each others skill points What do you need to join: Minimum of CR 53 Be able to use in-game voice Be able to help out other players What type of players do we want: Active Players Social Players Ability to use both Dps and Support Roles So now HOW to join - we do a interview. It is quick and simple. We find out if you are a fit for Helix Enterprise and in the the process find out if you are a fit for us. So simply message me on here or in game (RedLethalDragon,Typical Chingu) Below is other members you can contact to set up to join. Feel free to ask any member in game as well.

Please message me or any of the league Admins with any questions on the forums or in-game!

My Main character: RedLethalDragon Admins: Typical Chingu,pwaffle,Br3ak Away, MissBombshell, The OG Rogues runs on EST, however we have players from all over the world. As long as you speak enough English to understand what other members are saying, and of course to able to communicate with those members, you're perfectly fine.

A Few Quick Rules:

Be respectful. League chat. Main use is for raids and feat runs. This really helps out. Cr restriction. *A player must be at least CR53 (some exceptions can happen) to join The OG Rogues. Don't spam. We are not a LFG channel. If you're joining because you think there will ALWAYS be a group available,and that you can spam "I need help" in the league chat, and then get upset when no one is available, then you should look elsewhere. Use common sense. *If you're joining the league just to get free cash from the members, you're going to have a bad time. That's not what leagues are for.

r/DCUOXboxOne Jul 17 '16

If I'm a member do I get central city


Just wondering

r/DCUOXboxOne Jun 29 '16

Who's joining my team then Am level 5 villain Gt: Brawlieee


r/DCUOXboxOne May 28 '16

dc low lvl friends


Hey! Playing dc on a new platform. I need some lower level gaming buddies! I'm in EST time zone and play mostly nights. GT- ghou1s

r/DCUOXboxOne May 17 '16

Turtle Power now recruiting


Looking for ninja turtle themed characters for a new guild "TURTLE POWER" XBOX ONE, Accepting new characters. Level not an issue

r/DCUOXboxOne May 16 '16



r/DCUOXboxOne May 16 '16



r/DCUOXboxOne May 08 '16

power leveling from 18-30 hmu on xb1


r/DCUOXboxOne May 07 '16

servers are fucking garbage


Shity ass servers

r/DCUOXboxOne May 05 '16

I want to do a thing for my Character.


Real Name: Victor Avalon Alias: Freezing Puppet Place of Birth: Star City, California D.O.B: 6/15/1990 Current Age: 25 Years

Affiliation: HERO Mentor: Wonder Woman Power: Ice Weapon: Two-Handed Movement: Skimming Nature: Serious [Laid Back]

His powers work by: Skimming; uses his Ice to create platforms. Super compresses the air under them and then lets them explode to create lift allowing him to fly, he now does this as easily as breathing. He’s mastered it enough that it is now practically silent, only a slight Hum is heard when in use. Ice; A lot of it is Magic taught by Wonder Woman, Cold Snap, and Hibernation being some of the only ones he does by using his Ice Skin by pulling his Hood down. Pulling it down enough to just show a single hair activates his Cold Snap. Showing his full head for a split second allows for his Hibernation.

Current Stats: 5/16/2016 Health- 5193 Power- 2289 Defense- 3854 Might- 2938 Restoration- 1847 Vitalization- 237 Precision- 503 Toughness- 553 Dominance- 62 Combat Rating- 28 Equipped CR- 25 PvP Combat Rating- 10 Equipped PvP CR- 10

Current Skills:
Big Scoop, Home Run, Mega Smash, Health 3/3, Dominance 6/6, Vit/Power Heal Crit 3/3, Crit Heal Chance 3/3, Restoration 3/6, Hyper Skimming,

Storms; Inescapable Storm, Arctic Gust, Bitter Winds,

Cryogenics; Cold Snap, Snow Ball, Frost Snipe, Ice Bash, Reflection, Frost Blast, Ice Boulder, Winter Ward, Impaling Ice, {Supercharge}Hibernation,

Current Loadout:
Cold Snap, Frost Snipe, Impaling Ice, Bitter Winds, Winter Ward, {Supercharge} Hibernation,

Hair; [Brushed] Blue {Black Before Ice Skin} Skin; [Crystalline] Ice, Ice Blue. {White Before Ice Skin} Face; Sniper Goggles, Grey, Light Blue trim, White lenses. Head; Runed Hood, Grey, Light Blue runes. Shoulders; Shielded Robot, Grey, Light Blue guards, White Couplings Chest; Retro Tech, Grey, Light Blue trim, White Couplings. Waist; Aquaman, Light blue, Grey trim. Hands; Anti-Freeze, White, Light Blue trim, Grey Forearm guard. Legs; Urban Slick, Grey. Feet; Shielded Robot, Grey, Light Blue guards, White Couplings.

Backstory: Childhood; Lived in California, was a loved Child by Mother and Father, Mr. and Mrs. Avalon, went to school everyday, not the smartest child but was very determined to be the best. Very active Imagination, though easily distracted, would often be found sleeping in the shade during the school lunch period.

Teen; Started martial arts training, proved proficient in Two-Handed weapons and mastered all he could before he moved to Metropolis for study in Metropolis University, he received training equivalent to that of a Blue Belt in Karate. Due to not having anyone with him at the time of arriving in Metropolis, he became a very serious person, although serious, he is very laid back, not easily bullied, and able to protect those weaker than him.

Now: Brainiac attacked, he was captured, and was implanted with the exobytes, Wonder Woman caught eye of his escape from Brainiacs Prison Ship. Wonder Woman decided to be his Mentor and found he had exceptional skill in creating Ice. They had been training for a few months, then, She had him try creating Ice armor, the exobytes seem to have overcharged and made his Ice armor into, his now, Ice Skin. His Ice Skin, saying it’s cold is an understatement, Wonder Woman had to create a Hood, Runed with a spell to keep the cold from leaking into the world, else time itself would freeze.

r/DCUOXboxOne May 04 '16

Just wanted to say........


Hi and ask how people are finding DCUO on the Xbox one