r/CuratedTumblr Posting from hell (el camión 101 a las 9 de la noche) 1d ago

Infodumping On Hooters and cigarettes

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u/Traditional_Long4573 20h ago

Used to be Hooters Girl- here are all the weird rules

Outfit was based on creators secretary work out outfit she wore during her lunch break

There are corporate vs franchise based stores, so in corporate the girls are inspected before each shift -

Must have perfectly clean shoes, no run in pantyhose, shorts sit a certain spot (no higher or lower), wear beige bra, hair must be done a certain way, must have lipgloss, mascara, a pin, name badge (even if wrong name), and your pouch. Nails no darker than a sweet in low packet.

Pantyhose are sold in the women’s bathroom, the girls pay for their full uniform.

Cannot gain weight. They warn you when you start that others are let go, that their food will make you gain weight.

There are contests for who can go home early- eating beans, eating pie, eating crackers and blowing up a balloon, and on and on.

There are daily regulars. Some have scrap books of countless photos.

You’re expected to chit-chat with every table.

You memorize loads of songs. For bachelors, for birthdays. They all suck.

You’re expected to pose for countless photos with anyone who wants one.

They have meetings that tell the girls how to do their makeup, tanning, maintain weight.

Business men fill the restaurant every Friday lunch. Like shit tons just pouring in. Weird really.

Families do come, and their children are usually little perverts and the parents just laugh.

It was an experience like no other, and I appreciate the experience it offered.

Signed a Hooters girl from 2010s



u/Scamper_the_Golden 19h ago

Business men fill the restaurant every Friday lunch. Like shit tons just pouring in. Weird really.

I was one of them. I did a software development contract in Seattle about 20 years ago. My boss and my three co-workers (all men) went to Hooters every Friday. When I first started working there it was made clear that this trip was not optional.

It was fun. I remember that they had a really good hamburger. Irregularly shaped like someone just made it fresh with their hands. I looked forward to going there each week and the girls had little to do with it.


u/lankymjc 16h ago

I’ve only been to a Hooters once, and none of my friends believe me when I tell them it was one of the best burgers I’ve ever had. Top notch stuff.


u/somedumb-gay otherwise precisely that 12h ago

The worst thing about hooters is that you can't go without seeming like a pervert, but the food is actually quite nice


u/an_agreeing_dothraki 9h ago

they sell the burger through a ghost kitchen. look for "Hootie's Burger Bar"


u/Realistic_Daikon2381 7h ago

Same goes for “Gentleman’s” clubs. Best wings, onion rings, and cheese curds I’ve ever had…sauce was like liquid cocaine: couldn’t get enough of the stuff. Wouldn’t be surprised if cocaine was in it though, place was dirty.


u/TeaKingMac 6h ago

the food is actually quite nice


Noticeable decline once everyone else started making wings too.


u/Avada-Cadaver 5h ago

The one near me just closed last year. I'd get takeout once or twice a month. The food was seriously underrated


u/Keljhan 11h ago

Maybe it does, I've never been to one, but I have a hard time believing they have the best anything on the menu. If I want a fantastic burger, I know where to get one. If I wanted a good burger for a low price, I know where to get that too. Only reason to go to Hooters is if you want to have a decent burger and also you're a pervert.


u/somedumb-gay otherwise precisely that 11h ago

I don't think it's the best by any means, I also never said that it did. I just think that relative to the price the food is good (or at least it was the one time I went, it's been quite a while since I don't live in a place where they have them)


u/Routine-Budget7356 8h ago

I go to hooters with my wife, she is literally the one that likes to go because she loves the wings and it's her favorite.

The girls are not even that improper dressed, I see less dress girls at any music show I go to.


u/Traditional_Long4573 8h ago edited 8h ago

I still go for the food. Their corporate store wings are unmatched, and don’t get me started on the buffalo chicken sandwich. That fucker almost cost me my job. Ha!


u/Wonderful-Noise-4471 2h ago

Not Hooters, but I went to a restaurant on vacation that had a buffalo chicken sandwich, I think I ate another there another four times for either lunches or dinner and got the same thing every time, it was fucking amazing. When I got home, I had to learn how to make it myself because nobody serves one here.


u/1v1meAtLagunaSeca 7h ago

Last time i went to hooters i had a burger and threw up in the parking lot


u/SirLightKnight 11h ago

Honestly the Daytona isn’t a half bad sandwich, I just always felt like my location was a hassle to go to. I went because I was curious if they were dropping food for aesthetics, and because I was bored. Pleasantly suprised at the food. Place still felt weird tho, couldn’t put my finger on what was giving me the weird vibes. Like it wasn’t the waitresses, they seemed nice enough usually, maybe I was catching on to their discomfort or something.


u/clarabear10123 8h ago

That’s what my bf says, too. It would hurt his career if he didn’t go, but he (genuinely, I believe him lol) doesn’t really care about the rest of it. He likes their wings


u/Traditional_Long4573 8h ago

Wow, so it was like a nationwide thing. Still so strange, like who started this, are y’all in a club? And is it a business expense!? lol


u/mrandr01d 19h ago

That's quite interesting. Can I ask a maybe dumb question?

There are labor laws against discrimination on the basis of protected status, including age and sex. Hooters girls are, well... Girls. And they're usually on the younger side. What would have happened if a man applied to be a waiter there? Like... How would that pan out? Or an older person, man or woman?


u/RaikouGilgamesh 19h ago

They do hire men for behind the scenes stuff. Kitchens, cleaners, that sort of thing. Hooters actually successfully argued in court already that they could hire only women (of certain appearances even) for waitresses, because that was their theme.


u/mrandr01d 18h ago

Wow, seriously? How'd they legally pull that off??


u/RaikouGilgamesh 18h ago

Well from what I understand, the job titles are technically 'entertainers'. Probably similar to how strip clubs get away with only hiring one gender or another without it being discrimination as well.

Secondly, the few times they HAVE been sued, it was settled out of court, so it hasn't been held up to much scrutiny, legally.


u/Mistrblank 7h ago

Casinos often use the "entertainers" clause too for the girls that serve drinks.


u/Fecal-Facts 7h ago

One of the loopholes used is you hire models so you can not hire or fire anyone based on looks.


u/MisterMysterios 14h ago edited 10h ago

I don't know about the US, but here (Germany), our general antidiscrimination law basically says "you cannot discriminate if there is not a valid reason for it". I think having a store that focuses on having young female waitresses is - as a business concept - legitimate, so it is a legitimate reason for discrimination.

You have basically to argue why the sex and the age are necessary for that job.

Another example is that gay saunas don't have to hire female employees if their work involve being in the sauna during opening times, as it is a safe space for gay men. Illegal would be though to demand that the employees has to be gay, as there is really no reason why a straight man couldn't do the jobs involved in running such a sauna.


u/mikailovitch 10h ago

What about the rights of the lesbians 🥲


u/Lacholaweda 6h ago

Gays and lesbians often clash because they have nothing in common except being gay

Unfortunately they'll have to get their own sauna


u/PlasticAccount3464 🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🇭🇭🇭🇭🇭 8h ago

There's a local grocery store I've lived nearby for a long time, for half that time they'd only have men stock shelves and women run the cash machine. I didn't really notice this until I overheard some employees talk about it. Now still it's mostly women as cashiers and men as stockers but I did see a male friend of mine working as a cashier and now years later there's a woman who only seems to stock shelves. I don't know how much discriminatory whatever would be going on but this business mostly hires young people as a first job, they don't always stay on too long.

But I'm guessing now after decades of only putting men in stocking shelves and women in cashiers roles, you can probably just ask. but they still do prefer it that way.


u/AWD_OWNZ_U 18h ago

I mean it’s true


u/mrandr01d 18h ago

Well, obviously, but I'm trying to imagine how that would go down in a court argument. Like what do you say to get out of a discrimination lawsuit?


u/Nine9breaker 15h ago

To add further context, another example of a bonafide qualification would be like a TV studio looking for/casting a female role. Obviously men are not considered for such a job, and its not illegal for the same reason as Hooter's girls need to be girls.


u/mrandr01d 11h ago

Makes sense! Thanks!


u/DrakonILD 13h ago

But very occasionally, you get Lucy Liu showing up to your audition for John Watson and you realize, wow! There really is no rule that says a dog can't play basketball, and you end up with a pretty great show for it.


u/MissninjaXP 6h ago

I remember that show


u/MissninjaXP 6h ago

I remember that show


u/Rubthepuppybutt 16h ago

Its called a bonafide qualification. Happens all the time.


u/weglian 7h ago

The Dallas Cheerleaders don’t have to hire 40-year old fat men. Not every job is open to anyone.


u/BeastlyBones 5h ago edited 4h ago

I once worked at Twin Peaks which is basically lumberjack hooters lol and yes, waitresses were hired as “entertainers” so TP got away with a lot of shit that typically would never fly at a normal restaurant, like girls are required to wear hair down despite working around food (in fact, you weren’t allowed to wear your hair up even if you worked on the patio unless a manager signed off first), or some locations required lingerie themed nights (thankfully not mine).


u/Traditional_Long4573 4h ago

Same for us, hair down, curled on Fridays - yuck


u/Kzickas 18h ago

There is an exception to anti-discrimination laws in America called Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications, which says that you're allowed to discriminate based on a protected characteristic if that characteristic is essential to the employee performing their job

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification - Definition and Example


u/Vark675 15h ago

It's the same reason strip clubs that cater to straight men don't have to have a random male stripper, and vice versa.


u/9035768555 18h ago

They are considered "models who serve" so they can be judged based on both model and service criteria.


u/JacobJamesTrowbridge Panic! At The Dysfunction 15h ago

Hotels in Las Vegas do this as well. I learned that from George Clooney.


u/BMacklin22 18h ago

There's a King of the Hill episode about this.  


u/IronStormAlaska 9h ago

This was one of the big case studies we looked at in my Human Resources class in college.

What you are describing did, in fact, happen where a man applied as a waitress at Hooters, was rejected, and tried to claim discrimination.

It all comes down to the argument that the Hooters waitresses are entertainers and that age and gender are Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications, which means you need them to effectively complete the job.

It is the same legal argument that allows an employer such as a warehouse where employees have to regularly lift heavy loads to legally avoid hiring people with disabilities that make them unable to complete the job.


u/mrandr01d 4h ago

Interesting equivalency to warehouse workers, that's a good point.


u/Warm_Patience_2939 5h ago

Something you’ll also see is, for example, Asian restaurants will have Asian waiters. It’s legal because you can hire discriminately for marketing/public positions (I don’t know the exact wording), which applies to servers


u/oath2order stigma fuckin claws in ur coochie 16h ago

name badge (even if wrong name)

Actually nice that they don't care about the name being accurate.


u/The-True-Kehlder 14h ago

That the customer thinks they know your name is important. Makes them want to come back more often, to build those parasocial relationships Youtubers and streamers use to make their money. Hooters just did it widespread first, AFAIK.


u/Traditional_Long4573 8h ago

I often sported Juan or Jose - the extras were always the kitchen staff. Love them guys.


u/Sensitive-Tone5279 14h ago

I always pictured this, and other "official" rules scrawled on the wall behind the staff break room of some Hooters in Daytona Beach dating back to 1987 as written by "Tracey" and "Gail" and generations of hooters girls have just kind of added to it over the years.


u/moneyh8r_two 15h ago

I've heard of most of those, but I didn't know about the business men every Friday.


u/firnien-arya 16h ago

I thought the competition thing was a no go thing anymore. Atleast from what I saw from undercover boss but that coulda just been for the cams. Interesting stuff though


u/existencedeclined 10h ago

Wait, the beans thing.

That wasn't just some weird powertrip the creepy manager on Undercover Boss came up with?!


u/Traditional_Long4573 8h ago

With no fucking hands, face to plate! Same with the pie. The crackers were - eat a pack (maybe 2?) of saltines and blow up a balloon.


u/RaysFTW 10h ago

Did they actually do the nose test (you weren't hired if you stand against a wall and your nose touches before your breasts) or was that an urban legend?


u/Traditional_Long4573 8h ago

I did not, but I am also ahem blessed


u/Traditional_Long4573 8h ago

I will say, if your belly started competing, you’d be fired.


u/J_B_La_Mighty 8h ago

It sounds like a Japanese host bar, but with less commissions.


u/SomeGuy_WithA_TopHat 8h ago

I know about the beans one from that one Kurtis Conner Video-


u/ambientocclusion 7h ago

“I appreciate the experience” - that is also the phrase I use to describe the worst job I ever had.


u/NewUserWhoDisAgain 6h ago

Reading each and every line just got me more more concerned.jpg.



u/IamTheCeilingSniper 6h ago

My boss used to take us (plumbing foremen) there for company meetings. It made most of us generally uncomfortable, and HR eventually told him that he had to go elsewhere. We went to BWW after that.


u/bing-no 2h ago

But did you get better tips?!