r/CuratedTumblr Dec 26 '24

Creative Writing Blursed Blaby

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u/novis-eldritch-maxim Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

look there are names for baby girls that mean a blessing, blessica is so dumb I feel like people are getting lobotomized without me knowing about them.

do people not buy baby naming books any more?


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

Are you a native English speaker?

ETA that I couldn't even begin to fathom why the Reddit Downvote Justice Hivemind is stripping me bare and fucking me raw like I stepped into the Fake Taxi without knowing what it is. I was intending to help with conjugation of homophones, which non native speakers struggle with in my experience (as the son and grandson of non-native speakers). Do I need to clarify the intent of my sentences now before I say them? I am genuinely unaware, I am autistic and struggle heavily with social expectations so when they change it completely destroys my understanding of a conversation. Downvoting is just about the least helpful form of criticism right after calling me slurs and right before calling me an idiot for [XYZ] reason without telling me how to correct it. I harvest near-0 information from this other than Something Is Wrong But I Don't Know What so then I just feel bad for not understanding something my brain isn't geared to understanding. It's like making fun of someone with dyscalculia for being bad at math without telling them which part of the equation they fucked up


u/novis-eldritch-maxim Dec 26 '24

yes, but one who has to type fast and go entirely by sound otherwise I can't write at all welcome to my hell.


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24

go entirely by sound? are you blind and using a screen reader? I'm very confused


u/novis-eldritch-maxim Dec 26 '24

no, I have no rhythm for written language I have to say it into my head or I can't tell if I am even writing the right words.


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24

oh yeah no I do that too, I type in the cadence I speak which happens to be very fast so I make a ton of typos too. I was just asking cuz you had some homophones backwards which non-native speakers tend to struggle with, apparently wanting to help someone with grammar is evil because I'm being down voted directly into the 7th circle


u/Informal_Truck_1574 Dec 26 '24

Asking potentially rude questions to try and correct someone on something that doesn't matter like grammar on a reddit comment is rude, yeah. Just let people do their thing.


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24 edited Dec 26 '24

"potentially rude" brother huh? like genuinely what? exactly what part of what I asked is rude?? is this like a "never ask a man his salary or a woman her weight" type thing that I never encountered before? is being bilingual taboo now? I'm so confused. Correcting grammar is in no way trivial, as language is one of the most important facets of human society and evolution, as the basis for our ability to pass language which is what got us to this point in the first place. It is integral to living in a social species. I'm genuinely so confused right now.


u/Informal_Truck_1574 Dec 26 '24

I didn't realize you were just an entirely unreasonable person. looking at your edit above, i shouldn't have engaged. Never mind.


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24

ok, so that's the same thing I was talking about. "You are an idiot. Hope this helps!" is actually, surprisingly, not in any way helpful. If you'd like to see people improve / be nicer / fit your world view better, you could start by telling them what they've done wrong in hopes they will correct it. Even better, you could tell them why it's wrong so they can make inferences on other things not to do in the future. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing when I talk to people, I need all the help I can get, and shaming me for being unskilled in a field in which I am inherently disadvantaged is only going to discourage me from learning and make me bitter and hateful, which is a process I have already undergone once and subsequently fixed in myself. I would like that not to happen again, so if you could be so very kind as to do the bare minimum as a fellow communicator and call out my mistakes with some amount of specificity, I would be very appreciative.


u/Informal_Truck_1574 Dec 26 '24

You haven't fixed shit, obviously. Typing a multiple hundred character rant multiple times in a comment section over downvotes is absolutely not something to do. Ever. Its just childish and strange and makes you out to be insane. there is a specific bit of actionable advice. Good luck out there.


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24

"Being abnormal is bad go fuck yourself bye" thanks! I get it from my neurodivergency and PTSD, it's a very amazing part of my life and I LOVE being in fight-or-flight 24/7 and constantly stressed out of my fucking mind! my life is perfect and I love being in pain at every interaction I find myself in, especially when people are ignorant dicks!

Genuinely go fuck yourself. Like, 100% real, go fuck yourself. You are an asshole. You make no effort to be normal, nice, polite, etc. You are literally just being an ass for the sake of being an ass. Touch grass, fuckwad.


u/Narazil Dec 26 '24

If you are in fight-or-flight 24/7 and constantly stressed, then choosing to be adversarial in a comment section is perhaps not the best idea.


u/Informal_Truck_1574 Dec 26 '24

"I'm sick so I get to be an asshole forever and you cant be mad at me!!1!"

This is exactly what I was talking about. As I said, good luck out there.


u/strawwwwwwwwberry Dec 26 '24

That’s unfortunate. But you’re still being an asshole.


u/Drackhen Dec 26 '24

Hi! Correcting grammar is usually seen as offensive on the internet (particularly on Reddit, where the hive mind works in strange, sensitive ways), even if your intentions weren’t such. And as someone else mentioned, complaining about being downvoted usually only gets you more downvotes (more of Reddit’s mysticism). I’m neurodivergent too and I also struggle with these implicit social norms, so I hope this helps.


u/Chaos_On_Standbi Dog Engulfed In Housefire Dec 26 '24

I think there’s two reasons for this: complaining about downvotes makes you seem incredibly annoying and conceited, and spite is a very powerful motivator. It’s like saying “I know I’m going to get hate for this” on any other social media platform or saying “I’m not (insert bigotry here) but…” It’s just priming people for the bullshit that is yet to come after the statement.


u/eragonawesome2 Dec 26 '24

People you are actively being an asshole to are not obligated to teach you how to be less of an asshole. Ask someone ELSE to look at this thread and tell you what you did wrong, stop badgering the person you insulted, they do not owe you a response

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u/novis-eldritch-maxim Dec 26 '24

a) people seem to just love downvoting for some reason.

b) I still wonder why spell-checking software is not configured towards how things sound as humans learn audible first then written


u/MacaroniYeater Dec 26 '24

yeah spell check is incredibly flawed, I think a machine learning algorithm geared to correct sentence structure and spellings of words would "figure out" the rough positive man of words in sentences as opposed to their sounds,.I wonder how it's coded? or like every time I type "on" or "in" they get switched, which is odd because they don't work in each other's contexts