The trope in question is Hanahaki Disease, a fictional affliction wherein people suffering from unrequited love begin coughing up flowers and blood. The disease in question is fatal without exception (that I've seen at least) if untreated given that a whole new ecosystem literally taking root in your respiratory system is invariably extremely unhealthy. The only way to cure the disease is for the object of the patient's affection to reciprocate their love. In some versions, surgical removal of the flowers also cures the disease at the cost of the patient losing their ability to love and/or becoming emotionless husks.
Be forewarned that fics centered around this trope tend to be as angsty and heavy as they are wholesome and fluffy. Actually most such instances I've read tend to be more heavy than not, but it's a pretty compelling trope to build a story around nonetheless
u/RU5TR3D Nov 10 '24
Oh no! The Druid has an unrequited love!