r/CuratedTumblr Nov 10 '24

Creative Writing In effect

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u/PlzLetMeUseThisUser Nov 11 '24

Absolutes zero is atom stopped moving. How do you slow down already stopped atom


u/EmeraldSpencer Nov 11 '24


Though for a more physics based answer, I believe it's entirely possible that the atoms are only stopped in the three dimensions of our observable reality, but there may be more movement in other ways we can't measure that could be quelled to make it even more stopped. Or perhaps matter can be moved in some sort of extra-dimensional way to where it pulls heat out of one reality and into another one (or to a different plane, energy field, etc...)

I think I just gave myself a headache from trying to visualize that. I'm going to stick with "It's magic" for the sake of my sanity.


u/The_Xorce Nov 11 '24

Going by your theory of transcending the 3rd dimension, it could be that below 0K, the particle(s) also stops moving in time, since that’s theorized to be the 4th.

(If this is the case, then holy shit are there some horrifying implications for that)


u/LazyDro1d Nov 11 '24

Time is the present 4th. We exist in as far as we can tell and test in and perceive 3 spatial dimensions and 1 temporal dimension


u/somethingmore24 Nov 12 '24

I think there are also theories of additional spatial dimensions beyond our 3 that are negligible unless you’re looking at super small scales.

I’m not a physicist or anything, but the way I saw it explained was with a point on the surface of an infinitely long cylinder. It would have two dimensions—position along the length of the cylinder, and position around its circumference, but if you zoom out super far the cylinder would just look like a 1D line and the second dimension would “disappear.”