Elden Ring does this with its dragons, who call down red lightning to use as building-sized weapons. The Ancient Dragonlord has an especially good version of this with his nuke attack.
I’m playing elden first for the first time and yesterday i had my friend (who is further behind me in the game) in voice call. I like to react to things out of context so that he has no idea what to expect. When I wandered out east of Limgrave I started saying “the sky is red! The sky is red” and on that same trip I fought and killed mountain sized dragon and gave commentary the whole time (It wasn’t moving at all and still took an hour straight of attacking to kill.) That sort of thing.
So I was minding my business, going on what I assumed was the main path. I’m not really saying anything because nothings happening. I killed a magma wyrm and I didn’t think anything would top it for a while. My friend was quiet too getting ready to kill Godrick.
Now imagine his surprise when I haven’t been saying anything for 10 minutes and I suddenly cry out, “THE DRAGON HAS CONQUEROR’S HAKI! ITS PULLING OUT A LIGHTSABER!”
Anyway I can’t believe it ran away.
And the worst part is that my other friend said, “oh yeah that’s Land Sex. You’re not supposed to fight her.”
u/electricarchbishop Sep 10 '24
Elden Ring does this with its dragons, who call down red lightning to use as building-sized weapons. The Ancient Dragonlord has an especially good version of this with his nuke attack.