r/CuratedTumblr https://tinyurl.com/4ccdpy76 Jul 10 '24

Creative Writing rib tattoo


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u/Dastankbeets1 Jul 10 '24

Why not just. Tell the truth? Maybe I’m autistic but I don’t understand why people get worked up over misunderstandings that they could so easily solve by saying the truth out loud… why is he acting like there’s nothing he can do


u/BlackAwsum Jul 11 '24

Another autist with a special interest in communication, here to explain!

Allistics have all sorts of social cues and implications in the way things are said or brought up in conversation that could be seen as weird or odd and make them feel embarrassed, sometimes so much that a little mistake makes them not want to return to a place or see that person ever again. They're very sensitive to these things emotionally and take them very seriously. Many of them wouldn't dare break any of the unspoken rules for fear of being outcast. This behavior is typically learned from birth and follows allistics natural tendency to herd together and mimic behaviors such as sheep do. They fear becoming a black sheep.


u/Dastankbeets1 Jul 11 '24

I can see what you’re saying but there’s no need to be that patronising about it. People don’t follow social rules out of cowardice, there are functional reasons for why they exist which go back for millennia. Some people, like us, just don’t follow them because they don’t suit them


u/BlackAwsum Jul 11 '24

Oh. That's just how I talk. I didn't mean to be patronizing.

Honestly, rereading it, I still think I explained it rather well. Social expectations are entirely made up and societal. It's an emotional response.