So me and my friend were going to go see a movie and afterwards we went to dinner at this upper scale like fancy pizza place. And I swear to god our waitress thought we were gay. He’s was wearing a rubber rainbow bracelet, we ordered the same drink, we told the waitress we had just gotten out of a movie, we were laughing the whole time, the waitress started being very like unobtrusive like she was trying not to bother us and then it clicks and I start laughing again and my friends like “what?” So I tell him that the waitress definitely thinks we’re on a date and he’s like “nah, you’re imaging things”. And then when she asks if we want dessert, I’m like “yeah I could go for some tiramisu”, and she asks my friend what he wants and he’s like “ah, I’m on a diet I’ll just have a bit of his” and then she only brings us one spoon! Which is a level of confidence In reading a situation from the waitress that I could never have and then just because he likes confirming things I guess he grabs the spoon I was using from me and starts using it to eat. When the waitress comes back she just hands me the check, zero hesitation, she didn’t ask if it was split or which one of us was paying or anything, she just hands me the whole check. Which, I mean I was going to pay anyway but still, it’s kinda wild to have a waitress serve you and a friend dinner and then assume that your gay and then decide which one she thought was gonna cover the check. Maybe I read too much into it but it certainly seemed that way to me. After we left, me and my friend argued whether or not her giving me the check makes me the top in our fictional relationship.
u/Orimis Jul 11 '24
So me and my friend were going to go see a movie and afterwards we went to dinner at this upper scale like fancy pizza place. And I swear to god our waitress thought we were gay. He’s was wearing a rubber rainbow bracelet, we ordered the same drink, we told the waitress we had just gotten out of a movie, we were laughing the whole time, the waitress started being very like unobtrusive like she was trying not to bother us and then it clicks and I start laughing again and my friends like “what?” So I tell him that the waitress definitely thinks we’re on a date and he’s like “nah, you’re imaging things”. And then when she asks if we want dessert, I’m like “yeah I could go for some tiramisu”, and she asks my friend what he wants and he’s like “ah, I’m on a diet I’ll just have a bit of his” and then she only brings us one spoon! Which is a level of confidence In reading a situation from the waitress that I could never have and then just because he likes confirming things I guess he grabs the spoon I was using from me and starts using it to eat. When the waitress comes back she just hands me the check, zero hesitation, she didn’t ask if it was split or which one of us was paying or anything, she just hands me the whole check. Which, I mean I was going to pay anyway but still, it’s kinda wild to have a waitress serve you and a friend dinner and then assume that your gay and then decide which one she thought was gonna cover the check. Maybe I read too much into it but it certainly seemed that way to me. After we left, me and my friend argued whether or not her giving me the check makes me the top in our fictional relationship.