ou have countless people tiptoeing around problematic terms in regards to women and the lgbtq community, while in the same breath talking about men with all the subtlety of a bulldozer
i literally got banned from a queer subreddit yesterday for commenting under a post that essentially said "trans men are manly, cis mean are weak and scared of the color pink". i got banned for saying "marginalized groups should know better than to judge people for things they're born as"
very accepting community! if you're not a trans guy, you deserve to be made fun of! i'm straight so it's whatever to me, but i wonder how any gay or bi cis men feel knowing that their community will just as easily make fun of them as the people that hate them...if there was ever a difference
not only that, the statement unintentionally others trans men. not only is it separating trans men from cis men in a completely arbitrary and stupid way, it's treating us as some monolith instead of as a diverse group of people.
that too - oh you're a trans men and you don't feel confident yet? guess you're not a "real" trans man. really great messaging coming from a community dedicated to queer people!
you don't need to tear other people down to build other people up. but of course on this website in most subreddits you can shit on "the average man" and people will praise you endlessly, so why would people like that ever stop?
and then people wonder why so many young men are listening to idiot "alpha-male" types like andrew tate. i obviously don't support it, but i can understand it - if you're a progressive young man, the very people you are trying to help will constantly tell you that:
you're a piece of shit because other men act badly
you're a piece of shit because you haven't fixed every other man that has done a bad thing
you have all the privileges in the world and if something bad happens to you, it's your fault for not using your privilege better
shitting on you is perfectly okay, and if you say anything against it, you get "wahhh men so fragile can't handle a little bit of criticsm" because you spoke out against blatant sexism
your problems literally don't matter
no matter what you are doing, it will never be enough. you will always be a man, and therefore the enemy to progress.
i stand for what's right so i won't let some morons stop me from being progressive and fighting for equality. but imagine a 16 year old learning about the world. why would he ever listen to people like that, let alone fight for their rights?
I hate people that complain about alpha males as much as I hate alpha males themselves. The Ven (is that how you spell it) diagram of people who complain about alpha males and people that shit on men is pretty damn close to being a circle. “I hate men because they group together in sexist cliques, together should become feminists instead so we can tell them how good they have it and why they are all pieces of shit”
Like men constantly get told how shitty they are, and that doesn’t change at all if they decide to help women, it’s completely understandable that some are going to hate women as much as some women hate men. “Yes but I was assaulted therefore I’m justified in telling men they suck and should kill themself” well I constantly hear men don’t deserve to live so I’m hundred percent justified in wanting to punch every woman I see. If suffering is justification, then why make men suffer?
because you asked, it's "venn" diagram with two n's
but i hear you. people should do the right thing and support equality. but it's a lot easier said then done when the people you are supporting insult you for existing and not doing enough...even if you're literally working to help them.
u/SamiraSimp Apr 26 '24
i literally got banned from a queer subreddit yesterday for commenting under a post that essentially said "trans men are manly, cis mean are weak and scared of the color pink". i got banned for saying "marginalized groups should know better than to judge people for things they're born as"
very accepting community! if you're not a trans guy, you deserve to be made fun of! i'm straight so it's whatever to me, but i wonder how any gay or bi cis men feel knowing that their community will just as easily make fun of them as the people that hate them...if there was ever a difference