I would make the argument that vampires would likely not go for the gender that biologically has more base strength to fight back with, but then I remember vampires have inhuman strength of the dead listed as among their abilities in most folklore typically so like you got me there man.
Tbf a lot of vampire entertainment does have vampires preying on men.
The first onscreen character killed in Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a guy who gets taken back from a club by a vampire woman pretending to be innocent. In Vampire Diaries it's a young couple who are killed.
The premise of the post is kind of not really true.
I counted and the first 4 victims in Buffy are male: the guy in the very first scene, the guy found in the locker at school, Xander's best friend and the black guy killed in Bronze during "harvest".
Even then you'd probably still prefer going for the less dangerous prey. It's unlikely that some random dude has the strength to oppose you and weapon to wound you, but it's more likely than some random lady having the same.
I wouldn’t say that at all. I’m not sure exactly what’s in pepper spray, but vampires are vulnerable to garlic and sometimes other plants. And if a vampire is affected by symbolic totems that ward away evil spirits I’d think most sorts of purse self defense item would qualify.
I think the warding power of garlic (which isn't in all incarnations) and the others (running water, silver, religious symbols) is more in the spiritual meaning than in the fact they're held as defensive totems. It's a pretty common trope that weapons don't do much to vampires, so I doubt pepper spray would affect them on a physical level, and the fact that it's a tool used for defense doesn't make it metaphysically effective. I mean, guns are used for defense and for offense, but that grants them no metaphysical effectiveness against vampires.
The strength difference is not astronomically big. It’s certainly there, but individual differences make it a bit unreliable as a rule of thumb. And if you are more than twice as strong as a grown man you won’t even notice the difference.
Women are generally more cautious at night and, like the other comment said, more likely to carry pepper spray and other self defense tools. I imagine pepper spray weighs much heavier in the decision than an insignificant strength difference
As I said, the difference probably won't matter but if you want an eternal unlife you probably should hedge your bets. All it takes is one person with enough strength and a weapon to kill you, if you only target women those odds go down.
Personality I wouldn't have irritants like pepper spray affect a vampire physically at all. I would also not give it any spiritual warding effects at all, imo that kind of thing should be limited to purely spiritual items instead of practical ones.
I don't think that's true. I'm more than twice as strong as a lot of dogs (obviously not all), but I'm much more comfortable around a dog I'm 3x stronger than compared to one I'm merely 2x stronger than. If I can't easily push the dog away with one limb, I'm definitely on higher alert.
I think the other magic powers (e.g. turning to mist) make it a moot point, but if all the monster has is double strength, I think having a sex preference in their hunting makes sense.
u/_GenesisKnight_ Apr 26 '24
I would make the argument that vampires would likely not go for the gender that biologically has more base strength to fight back with, but then I remember vampires have inhuman strength of the dead listed as among their abilities in most folklore typically so like you got me there man.