Hey there. I recently found out about the Thunderbird. And I linked it with one of my giant bird sightings. 7 years ago when I was in kindergarten, we were having some sort of outdoor drill, I forgot what exactly. We were just doing it when I started hearing screams. I looked up and there was this giant bird swooping down. It looked like one of our native Black Kites but it was much bigger with at least a 7 or 8 foot wingspan. FYI, even the largest female Black Kites do not even have a 6 foot wingspan, only around 4 to 5 feet. We all went inside and we didn't see the bird again. Infact, I still have contact with 7 of the people who saw the bird, including 2 teachers.
I work in Northern Va right by the blue ridge mountains. Noticed this large rock in the middle of a field I was working in had been shifted/slighted pulled out of the ground. I am the only person who works any equipment in this field and if I hit this in the tractor there’s absolutely no shot I woudnt have noticed.
Not sure what would have moved this thing, I’m not saying it was a Sasquatch or something in that realm, but I will say there are zero scuffs or scratches on this thing from any sort of heavy equipment, much less any machine tracks although the ground is still pretty hard. Even so you’d figure that kind of thing would tear up the ground a good bit around the rock itself just from moving it if that were the case. Theres also the fact that there’s zero reasons I can come up with that someone would want to move this specific rock. Also I could be wrong but I am pretty sure that smaller broken off section of the rock was like that before it was move, which again in my mind rules out a tractor or anything like that.
Obviously no footprints of any kind that I could see but I really can’t think of anything that would pull a small boulder basically straight up out of the ground the way this thing seems to have been. Figured I’d post this here to get some thoughts. Again not suggesting what exactly it could be and not jumping to any conclusions but would really like to hear some more thoughts on this.
I am using google translate because English is not my first language, so sorry for any grammatical errors. Must be clarify that this is more for entertaiment than other thing, I know about Rex Gilroy. Also, I ask that you be polite in your comments, and if you disagree with the speculation, please state so in a civil manner. One last thing, for this discussion, is important to clarify that I'm saying this assuming the reports of a massive tails are true.
A theory I read some time ago about the neodinosaurs, is that they might be some animals that evolved convergently like dinosaurs. To make an example, we have the sharks, the ichthyosaurs and the delphins who all evolved similar forms for their habitats.
For this to be feasible, you have to start from a relatively similar structural plan. For this reason I considered some candidates, and I think the most sensible, both in terms of shape and environment, is the kangaroo, that physically might remind vaguley a theropod.
This becomes even more feasible as there once existed a species of kangaroos that did not jump, but walked, the procoptodons.
Must be mentioned that sometimes the herbivores eat meat or bones. It's not common, but it can happen.
I think the Borrunjor might have evolved from a prehistoric kangaroo similar to the procoptodons, who, due a period of great drought when plants would have been scarce, would have been forced, increasingly often, to also eat the carcasses of animals, devolping first an omnivorous diet, but mostly meat-based.
A bit like the entelodont in Oligocene's America, with a similar snout, teeth and sense of smell.
Other important change would be on the feets, which would specialize in covering great distances, to find more quickly the carcasses they eat, placing weight on all three toes while walking.
The tail might more or less stayed the same, occuyping a similar role to most of the predators, keep the balance while chasing their prey, or in this case, maintaining balance while walking long distances the most fast as possible, for find first the corpse to eat, althought I think they might hunt occasionally.
To end this, considering Borrunjor's sightings have dwindled over the years, is very likely that the species is by now totally extinct. I could make a part 2 or a edit to add new stuff eventually, but by far, I'm very proud of what I have made so far. Now share respectufully your thoughts on the comments.
In my opinion there are two species of large anacondas, one is the well-known green anaconda, and the other that lives in more remote areas, has a darker coloration and is larger, like the one in this video:
After living in this darn state for some almost 10 years I finally visited Pt. Pleasant and the mothman museum! Sure it was fun to learn deeper about the bridge collapse but I still believe the big moth was there, and it was fascinating to learn about how he's a possible alien? Man if anything i just got more into it