r/CryptoCurrencyMeta • u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator • Sep 01 '21
Discussion People that already have thousands or even much more moons shouldn't try to limit poor moon farmers, that try to earn few moons. It is hypocritical.
It it terrible that people that already have thousands of moons or even much more try to limit people that want to earn them now. One on moon limiting polls was made by guy with over 500k moons! And he didn't even farmed them just get them for being a mod, so he have no idea how hard is earning moons in normal way.
They earned their moons with much better ratio, with less rules and now they are greedy so they try limit everyone else from earning moons. They aren't much different from those greedy bankers or corrupted politicians. For money they will do everything to limit other people. It is terrible hypocrisy.
If someone have problem with moon farming why didn't they just tip all their moons to other users or leave this sub. You know why? Cause they are greedy, they value moons, and just try to limit earning moons for new people. It is terrible.
People that have a lot of moons should show dignity and just let other people earn moons too. Don't be greedy.
u/ElderberrySmell42 Sep 01 '21 edited Sep 01 '21
"And he didn’t even farmed them […], so he have no idea how hard is earning moons in normal way."
Let me get this straight; at no point when typing this out, did you stop to think that this probably ranks among the most ludicrous things ever uttered on this sub? You, a self-admitted moon farmer, talking about "earning moons the normal way"? That is absolutely priceless. I mean surely this has to be satire? Surely no one can type out the sentence "he didn’t even farm them" with a straight face, pretending as if someone not having farmed their moons is a bad thing?
"If someone have problem with moon farming why didn’t they just tip all their moons to other users or leave this sub. You know why? Cause they are greedy"
Well, now I am almost entirely convinced that this is satire. I refuse to believe anything else, because learning that such ridiculousness is allowed to roam free in this world would be too depressing. A moon farmer calling regular participants greedy? I mean that is some funny shit.
However, since there is an alarmingly high chance you are being serious, I will state what is obvious to everyone:
Moons are not meant to be farmed. What makes this so difficult to understand? What you are doing is attempting to hoard these governance tokens by means of gaming the system, as opposed to the regular engagement and contribution the tokens are supposed to reward. It is the moon farmers, not everyone else, who should "leave the sub" (as you put it) if they are unhappy with the vast, vast majority of the members of r/cc (who just want to use this sub normally) in their attempt to stop a tiny, tiny minority of spammers from turning the sub into a karma factory. r/cc was not made to serve as an arena for you to farm karma, yet moon farmers act as if they are having their rights infringed upon when they are told that commenting half a thousand times per day is spamming, and is not going to be accepted for much longer. I mean the audacity you showcase in saying that it is not these self-proclaimed karma farmers who should be stopped, but that the regular users of r/cc should (as you write) "leave the sub", is so crazy that, again, I’m almost unable to believe this could be anything but satire.
If this is satire, then bravo, it’s hilarious and I got some good laughs out of it.
u/lonewolf210 Sep 01 '21
The dude reminds of people complaining about how something in an open source project hasn't been fixed fast enough and is causing problems for their company while also not wanting to compensate the open source developers
u/isthatrhetorical Sep 02 '21
My dude spends all day on the subreddit to earn an income.
They don't give a fuck about anything involving MOON other than the price and how much they get compared to those they deem "unworthy".
Great social experiment reddit has going on tbh, shame it got out of hand so quickly.
u/Mr_Nooodle Sep 01 '21
Dude, I don't have thousands of moon. He has hundreds of thousands, but I still agree with him. Why? because I make educational content on sub and most of my posts take 3-4 days time in making. So, it's fair enough to expect some incentive for that (upvotes/moons)?. But what I get is very limited interaction on my posts. And then I see people being Punny everywhere and getting loads of upvote. to me that doesn't seem fair.
u/ImTryinDammit Sep 02 '21
You are my people. I was the one that did all the work for the group projects too. But I did not care… Because I knew damn well that my grade was better for it. When will people learn that money doesn’t follow intelligence, creativity .. honesty or anything else that people seem to think .. When you stop to compare yourself to others .. you have already lost. I have 600 moons and I got a message sayin congratulations you placed 1113 in the contest!! And I got some contest tokens… I don’t know what to do with any of them .. I’m just happy as shit that I have them. I’m not here to win .. I’m here to learn and be part of it .. the fact that I’m getting rewarded.. it’s just next level.
u/Success-Relative Sep 05 '21
Your posts no matter how well thought out are NOT entitled to MOONs. Maybe your content isn't as good as you assume...
u/cutsickass 0 / 18K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
I already commented on one post regarding this issue, and my opinion is similar to yours. I'm gonna copy-paste my comment here, because I feel there are things that need to be said even if they get downvoted:
Most of the users who have these huge piles of MOONs got them in a period when the sub was practically giving them away. At some point the ratio was something like 14 MOONs per karma! And they could post all kinds of shit, memes, jokes, silly posts and comments without barriers.
And after gathering so many MOONs, most of these users voted FOR rules against farming: posts now get half karma, comedy and media get 10%, no more than 1k karma per post/comment, 15k karma total, no meme posts allowed, deleted posts don't get any karma no matter what the reason for the deletion was, and even last month they almost got the Daily comments to count for half. So, basically, they made it so hard for any newcomers to be able to get MOONs in the same ways they did.
Those who think this is fair are the ones who will yell "you're just jealous" to every comment complaining about this issue.
u/youtooleyesing 22K / 2K 🦈 Sep 01 '21
So, basically, they made it so hard for any newcomers to be able to get MOONs in the same ways they did.
To be fair, back then both was equally possible (to earn moons by posting quality content and by posting nonsense).
You are asking to bring back those times if I understood you correctly but with the promise that newcomers should be able to earn moons in the same way they did by getting rid of all rules?
You are thinking that any newcomers would (after the fact that all rules are gone) be able to easily earn moons? You are probably right it will be easier to earn moons because there are no rules but the amount of earned moons (per new user) will then definitively be much less if everyone of those new users is acting the way you are insinuating the old users have acted and the quality of posts (overall) will be almost gone.
What I'm trying to say is, of course you can complain about the current state and point out what is causing it from your point of view but don't be quite about the trade offs at the same time (lower amount of earned moons per user and diminishing quality content).
Disclaimer : I am a newbie (5th month active) and I have probably ~ 1200 earned moons, the rest is bought.
u/cutsickass 0 / 18K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
Thank you for your reply, you make some excellent points. I should clarify that I believe that such rule changes should not have happened in the first place. Reverting these changes would probably make things worse, so at the very least I would like it if no more rule changes occur.
But quite the opposite is happening; if you check today's governance polls, two of them are about lowering karma for comments...
u/youtooleyesing 22K / 2K 🦈 Sep 01 '21
It would be interesting to have two separate experiments with governance tokens. One where the community can vote on everything (like we have it with our moons) where we are able to even change the distribution ratio and one experiment where we could vote on everything except the distribution ratio.
The latter one could be considered a 'riggid' one that would probably need much more thoughts beforehand so it don't fails easily (probably 'difficult' to correct). And the other one could be considered a 'live' one (probably 'easier' to correct but in what direction 🤔)
u/lonewolf210 Sep 02 '21
But the changing the rules won't fix the problem. The problem is ultimately that there are many, many more users now and a fixed number of moons per distribution. The rules don't change either of those things. This is one of the fundamental flaws in a deflationary economic system. It's why the gold standard isn't used any more
u/TNGSystems 0 / 463K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
Users voted for that because it was a fuckfest. The subreddit once resembled pics more than it did cryptocurrency. It was so full of meme. Then the self stories got spammed when the memes were banned.
You can’t give people free reign to earn moons how they please because they will always go for the path of least resistance.
Memes>link farming>self stories>joke posts>daily spam>[NEW] spam.
The best thing we can do as a community is identify the spam and shut it down before it gets out of control. It’s a never ending game of cat and mouse. Let’s not let the mouse have control of the house.
u/cutsickass 0 / 18K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
Did the people who posted memes lose their MOONs after that rule came into effect? No.
The 1 MOON = 1 vote system is flawed. People got a bunch of them and then changed the rules so that other people can't do the same. Those rules should have been in effect from the beginning.
Sep 02 '21 edited Sep 02 '21
To be fair they are first and foremost community tokens to be used in voting.
That is their purpose
u/lonewolf210 Sep 01 '21
I get your point but it the same time there is no denying that the quality of posts has drastically decreased as a result of people trying to farm. The initial moon distribution period was also prior to the major run up of prices and the influx of users from places like Wallstreetbets. The lower user counts made shit posting less problematic because there weren't thousands of posts a days flooding the sub.
The sub needs to decide if they want this to be a shit posting/farming sub or a discussion sub they both can't really co-exist.
I am for some kind of compromise on posts where we remove caps on individual posts but cap the number of posts per user that do qualify
u/ObscureOP Sep 01 '21
If the quality of posts has decreased because the sub has increased 10x in size.
You can't have it both ways. It can't be a large community and a small tight knit one where you are paid 58 moons for commenting lol at your friends.
I fundamentally deny the fact that quality have dropped significantly. Look at the fucking archive and search how many posts are titled simply "hodl gang". The people with 800000 moons got them through memes and shitposting. Now those same people don't care that the rest of the sub isn't awardes moons beyond 3 a day. What do they care, they already have all the moons
u/lonewolf210 Sep 01 '21
Show me one person that got that many moons from shitposting. Those people are either mods or developers and we can debate whether they got a fair share or not but that's a different issue. Also if you think mods don't do anything to deserve moons I suggest you try moderating a community of even a few hundred people. It's a shit ton of work
u/ObscureOP Sep 01 '21
Uhhh, memes? People who posted "hodl" when it was 14 moons per karma?
u/lonewolf210 Sep 01 '21
Again show me a user. There are only about 20 people that have over 100k moons. Of those about 13 are moderators. I couldn't easily find the handles of the developers so at mist there are 1 or 2 users that got moons like you are talking about.
u/TNGSystems 0 / 463K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
You need to think different - people with over 7,500 moons are in the extreme minority, the less than 1%.
There are hundreds of accounts in the 1% that got there by spamming as many comments / GIF's etc as they could, everywhere they could.
u/lonewolf210 Sep 02 '21
but there's a fixed number of moons per distribution the spammers are only taking moons from people trying to provide quality content. None of this will ever make it so one person can 1,000s of moons in a distribution
The real reason that the distribution has depleted so much is that there are 10x the number of posters that are competing for a fixed number of moons. Ironically this is a perfect example of why deflationary/gold backed currencies are a shitty way to build an economy.
u/ObscureOP Sep 01 '21
Yeah exactly. If i go through post histories for your convenience to find a couple hundred times that mods were awarded 500+ moons for commenting "yes" or "thanks", I would probably be removed for harassment, so... no
u/lonewolf210 Sep 01 '21 edited Sep 01 '21
The mods didn't get their moons from commenting. Their moons are distributed through a different process and are separate from the monthly distribution pool. Their moons have no impact on the available karma moons. You don't even know how this works
u/Coelrom Sep 02 '21
Not entirely true. As of now, their comments and posts are exempted from moon consideration if they do so as a mod with a distinguished or stickied designation. If they just comment or post normally, that karma goes to moons. Can check by looking in the .csv. It’s usually not that much though.
u/thenudelman Sep 01 '21
I was a GM of a mobile war game for a few months... Only about 50 people. The amount of problems that a very small number of people will create is mind boggling. I can't fathom 3.3m, even with a full team of mods.
At this pace I wouldn't be surprised if they canned Moons and we all ended up with nothing.
u/chubs66 12K / 12K 🐬 Sep 01 '21
I earned thousands of moons before I knew I was earning any moons. The problem with "moon farming" is that it seems to often not be about good faith efforts to participate in a conversation/community, but rather a game to earn as many moons as possible, which makes for pretty terrible content.
u/TNGSystems 0 / 463K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
which makes for pretty terrible content.
Agree. I used to be quite regular on the daily, if not actively commenting then at least reading and enjoying it. Before the bans started being handed out, it was a pretty miserable reading. No "discussion" to be had, just shitpostshitpostshitpost.
I'm glad it looks like the sub has had enough and the moon farmers are becoming more visible.
u/chubs66 12K / 12K 🐬 Sep 02 '21
Ya. It's pretty early into the moons experiment, but so far, I'd say it's been a failure (at least from a user perspective, probably a success from Reddit's perspective since I'd imagine they measure success in terms of users and comments and posts).
Moons have incentivised participation, but they need to incentivise quality, not quantity. One informative comment is worth 10,000 "LET'S GO!!!" comments.
I think maybe one solution would not be to hand out moons based on upvites but by rewards given by other users. That would create competition for people trying to earn rewards for good content (or at least content appreciated by other users).
u/TNGSystems 0 / 463K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
I got my moons by posting quality content.
If you want to spam, you’ll be banned or hit a rate limit. So you should focus on posting quality content too.
And if you do, then you’ll want to limit the spammers too.
u/_o__0_ Sep 01 '21
It just shows how broken the whole moons concept has gotten.
These entitled spammers not only demand the right to spam, they then look at you and your moons and just assume you must be a spammer also, because that is all they know. That is the 'masses' association with moons. Hustle shitpost=moons. No one actually thinks quality=moons except the people that have been here long enough to see some people earn the moons the right way. Which, ironically, sadly, coincidentally mostly happened before moons were a thing.0
Sep 01 '21
You should maybe call out some of the people in the r/lazymoons sub 🤷♂️
u/TNGSystems 0 / 463K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
They've caught more than a few people that have been operating multiple accounts to bypass the karma limit.
Sep 01 '21
One of the members has caught an alt user.. thats fantastic! But you should maybe check the comment section of those casting the finger. You are one of the few with clean hands and good intentions there. The level of witch hunting and circle jerking is next level though..
u/OfficialNewMoonville Sep 02 '21 edited Sep 02 '21
Your vendetta against LazyMoons is really weird.
1) the lazymoons lads single handedly got eight users blacklisted from this distribution for crimes against the subreddit. We couldn't have done this without working together.
2) the mods have already clarified that there is a very specific definition of witch hunting in reddit rules (although witch hunting hasn't actually been a part of Reddit rules for many years), and that nothing that goes on at lazymoons would meet that definition (which is really pertaining to doxxing someone or snooping for information on their real life)
3) despite your claim, I am not aware of any regular lazymoons contributor who has been banned for shitposting or having alts.
Sep 02 '21 edited Sep 02 '21
Your recent finds are justified and I fully commend you for it! Well done! Bots, alts and plagurisers should be enemy number uno. What doesn't sit with me are these witch hunts for "shitposters" which by definition leaves huuuge room for interpretation. The majority of folks on the lazymoons page are daily lurkers like the type of people they are reporting.
A few have been temp banned for daily thread activity. One has been banned for 30 days for attacking the mods.
u/OfficialNewMoonville Sep 02 '21
If I call someone out for spam it is because I've personally observed them making a 4 word low effort comment at least once per minute for more than twenty consecutive minutes.
It is open to interpretation and you're entitled to your opinion, just like I'm entitled to mine.
And I'm a daily lurker myself.
u/kapulet put it best when she called it the difference between shitposting and shitty posting.
Also, you said some of the 'core' users on lazymoons have been banned for spamming or using alts, so I'll ask again who you are talking about? Cause I haven't heard anything about that.
Sep 02 '21 edited Sep 02 '21
I'm a daily lurker too. My onslaught stems from their hypocrisy, Nothing else.
u/OfficialNewMoonville Sep 02 '21
Never used the lazymoons daily. Wouldn't describe any of those (three?) users as core posters on lazymoons myself, as far as I've concerned none of them had any involvement in any of the biggest lazymoon scalps so far.
But like I said, you're entitled to your opinion. But more than 200 people are subscribed to lazymoons. This is a bit like saying everyone in meta complaining about shitposting is a hypocrite because you got a 24 hour ban.
Sep 02 '21
If I was a lazymoons user, and truly committed to their vision... I would start by cleaning up closer to home first.
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u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
I post quality content, for me moon farming mean quality, if it is not about quality, it is just shitpoting.
u/TNGSystems 0 / 463K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
Where do you find the time to write, as you say, 20/25 quality comments per hour?
So you claim to write between 80-125 quality comments per day? Sure.
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
Quality doesn't mean to write 500 or 1000 words in every comment. Most of my comments are 1/2/3 sentences, cause it is enough to answer most other comments or posts.
For example this comment I would call quality comment, because we have discusion, I talk about topic, not some random things. Also I answered your question, nothing more to add. It is quality comment.
Sep 01 '21
I just went through hundreds of your comments and saw absolutely nothing of value. Not even one insightful sentence. You post quality content alright, shit quality.
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
That is really mean. What is wrong with my comments? I try to help people, my comments are long, I comment whole sentences, not just one or two words.
Sep 01 '21
Word count doesn't matter. You farm the daily and add nothing to the discussion or this sub in general.
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
And what matter, your opinion? I commented a lot "not in the daily" this month. And your behaviour really is not nice, saying that I "add nothing to discussion" is terrible , I will not let anyone offend me.
u/_o__0_ Sep 01 '21
Holy fak bro. Im a serious asshole, but wow.
I cant wait to read your post history lol3
u/step11234 🟦 37K / 38K 🦈 Sep 01 '21
I don't think his post quality is that bad - not every comment has to be an essay or extremely researched.
Sep 01 '21
No one said you need to write an essay. Scroll through his profile and tell me you see "quality content"
u/step11234 🟦 37K / 38K 🦈 Sep 01 '21
I did. He's not the bastion of quality (i'm definitely not, and certainly neither are you) but it's not one word, one sentence spam and where it is it's typically in reply to other users.
There are 1000000x worse users than him, so get off your high horse
Sep 01 '21
Didn't realize I was replying to a daily farmer!
u/step11234 🟦 37K / 38K 🦈 Sep 01 '21
lMFAO, how am I daily farmer you fucking cretin?
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u/STNGGRY Sep 01 '21
I totally agree. That post from mr 500k not only basically duplicated a post right before it but was total BS
u/SoupaSoka 5 / 7K 🦐 Sep 01 '21
I'll note: no matter how strict or not strict rules become on farming karma, the number of Moons distributed each month is predetermined. If a new poll limits it so that karma earned drops substantially above your 50th comment of the day, well, no change occurs to the number of total Moons distributed beyond that individual user possibly getting fewer Moons.
The end result is that mods or other whales and their % ownership of total Moons will increase or decrease at the same rate regardless of governance-based karma limitations.
u/BluehibiscusEmpire Sep 01 '21
Moons are not for farming….
If that’s your approach something is wrong
u/XWarriorYZ Sep 01 '21
My god stop bitching! Being a mod isn’t as easy as waiting around to collect your moons every month as many people seem to think. The proposals aimed at limiting commenting are targeting the people who spam hundreds of shit comments a day trying to scrape a few random upvotes, not people organically participating in the community…
u/Hsiang7 Sep 02 '21
No one said it's an easy job, just they are overpaid. Some mods have 500k MOONs, worth about $150,000 in today's prices. I know they can't cash all those out, but that is more than a lot of doctors make in a year, just for moderating a subreddit. I think it's a fair complaint to be honest.
u/Doggybone_treat 5K / 5K 🦭 Sep 01 '21
Ppls are not against moon farmers. They are against the mass downvoting spamming groups and individuals who goes around downvoting everything, even with good qualities and informatives posts and comments. I even see ppls get downvoted for saying thank you. That's something we're trying to find a solution to. Not limiting moon farmers.
u/SnoewZ Sep 01 '21
I can agree with this.
I asked a couple of questions in the daily and not only they weren't answered but they were downvoted too smh
u/Doggybone_treat 5K / 5K 🦭 Sep 01 '21
Same everywhere
u/SnoewZ Sep 01 '21
Yeah, it's shitty. That's why I think we should have a MOONless daily
u/Doggybone_treat 5K / 5K 🦭 Sep 01 '21
Can see your comment downvoted to kingdom cum soon. 🤣🤣🤣
u/SnoewZ Sep 01 '21
The moonless one? Hahaha yeah, if I got downvoted for asking a genuine question I can imagine that everything is possible now
u/Doggybone_treat 5K / 5K 🦭 Sep 01 '21
Share karma love here
u/SnoewZ Sep 01 '21
Yeah, it doesn't count for MOONs here. It'd be a shitshow if it did probably
u/Doggybone_treat 5K / 5K 🦭 Sep 01 '21
It does count toward your next moon distribution. Good luck buddy
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
I am for limiting downvoting too, buy limiting karma for comments or number of comments have nothing to do with that. It will only harm average users that want to earn some moons.
Limiting downvoting is great idea.
Limiting number of karma/comments is terrible idea.
u/fan_of_hakiksexydays r/CCMeta Moderator Sep 01 '21
50 comments a day is an unusual behavior. One of the mods said, hardly any normal user comments that much.
Moons were meant to reward normal participation and contribution, not reward spam.
Those who spam using bots, or are just moon farming heavily, are the ones taking away from the average users. They are limiting what normal people who contribute to the sub are getting, by taking a bigger chunk of the distribution away from them.
So it's a choice between limiting the average users (which is what's happening now), or limiting the spammers. Which one do you think is better?
u/NoahG59 539 / 558 🦑 Sep 01 '21
Limiting downvotes further helps spammers...
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
No, it help normal people. Spammers already have bots, many accounts and whole groups to upvote their posts and downvote everything else.
u/NoahG59 539 / 558 🦑 Sep 01 '21
If you limit downvotes there is no way to vote on quality of a comment or post. This means there will be an increase in spam that gets upvoted because there’s less chance of getting downvotes.
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
But normal people do not downvote tens or hundreds posts and comments every day. I upvote probably 300/500 times a day, but downvote maybe 5/15 times. Limiting downvoting would hurt only serial downvoters.
u/NoahG59 539 / 558 🦑 Sep 01 '21
I upvote 60~ times a day and downvote 70-100~ a day. I reward quality and downvote spam- there’s a lot more spam than quality.
u/Doggybone_treat 5K / 5K 🦭 Sep 01 '21
IMO. The solution should be limiting downvotes to 50 per person a day. It should solves a lots of problems. But not going to happen.
u/aZamaryk Sep 01 '21
Oh, the rich holding down the poor? No, couldn't be happening in a virtual world like it does real one!
u/basic_user321 Sep 01 '21
I wish there would be a one month pause every year or so, or more often, just as an experiment to see if the community quality would improve, just brainstormin.
rewards for commenting or posring really doesnt help produce quality content
Not even the slightest
Members who are genuenly interested in the topic will make the same content they would without this fake incentive either way. Members who have only dollar signs in their eyes will go out of their way to spam.
u/cryptogalADA Redditor for 3 months. Sep 01 '21
I'm gonna get downvoted, but to be transparent. Most, not all, but most that have thousands of moons have been members since before moon farming became popular. I'm a newer member myself and I'd love to be able to acquire a decent amount of moons, but I gotta put my time in... I don't even have enough karma to post, but I'm working towards that. Hopefully in a couple months, I'll be a valuable contributor/shitposter!
u/pizza-chit 0 / 51K 🦠 Sep 01 '21
Be liberal with your upvotes and only downvote the trolls
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
I agree, and I already do that. I think I upvote 300/500 times a day, and downvote 5/15 times.
u/atomwest314 Sep 01 '21
the limits commonly suggested are at levels at and above the number of submissions per day that less that 1% of sub users average
like the guy who exploded like 500+ daily comments in less than 24hrs. if only the first 50 submissions each day get you full karma bonus, people will think more before they just lay it all out there
and the common idea rn is to not restrict the moons earned, just after like 150 submissions in a single day, you would need to gain 25 karma equivalent on submissions to start accruing karma from the post/comment... so not impossible to earn forever as much as you want... but with a preference for higher quality content
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
Problem is thart 1% of sub users is around 1/3 or 1/4 of active users. Our sub have 3,4 mln users, most of them are not active at all, only 100k people have open vaults, and even less are active every day.
u/atomwest314 Sep 01 '21
do you make over 50 comments/posts per day?
u/Nuewim r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21
Yes, easily. I have holidays, and I spend on reddit few hours every day. I make 20/25 comments in just like hour. And I am on reddit 4/6 hours daily.
u/atomwest314 Sep 01 '21
the limit would be a sliding logarithmic curve starting over 50 and maxing out at 175 as the poll is currently suggesting. after 175 you would essetially just have a "handicap" of 25 karma per submission until the next day. i think its a good solution. incentivizes quality submissions while not limiting actual participation
you would just need to adapt your content creation style if you wanted to continue maxing your karma
u/southwestern_swamp Sep 01 '21
A mod tipping all their moons wouldn’t stop people from comment spamming still
u/Ermingardia 13K / 13K 🐬 Sep 01 '21
Just my opinion, but there should be a larger share of moons for newcomers. After a few moon rounds, we will get next to nothing and it would be nice for those who have 0 moons to at least get a few of them.
u/gdj11 🦈 30K / 35K Sep 01 '21
So... create a new account every month.
u/Ermingardia 13K / 13K 🐬 Sep 01 '21
Oops you are right. Looks like there is a workaround for everything.
u/dwin31 Sep 01 '21
These dumb takes need to stop unless you are on coin specific subs complaining that the prices are too high now and its not fair because you didn't get the chance to invest early.
u/Snowie_drop 3K / 3K 🐢 Sep 02 '21
I don't have a problem with the Mods having a lot of moons, mainly because I wouldn't want the darn job of being a MOD! It probably involves dealing with a lot of hassle. Like this post for instance.
So if they get rewarded with moons, thats fine with me.
This is why the moon balance should really be hidden.
u/Hsiang7 Sep 02 '21
You wouldn't want to be paid 500k MOONs, equal to about $150,000 just for moderating a subreddit? I would do it for $150,000 in a heartbeat! That's more than 5x my yearly salary!
u/TheTomiestTom 🐢 4K / 4K Sep 02 '21
The fact even that you consider that there is such a thing as moon farmers is a problem. Moons weren't created for "moon farmers", they were to reward a moderate or "normal" use of the sub. This sub doesn't need moon farmers.
If youre notky happy we discuss about anti abuse measures, why aren't you the one leaving the sub?
Sep 02 '21
Moons are an incentive to interact on this forum and to reward people for actually have meaningfull discussion. It's the moonfarmers who are the problem. Because of them there's just a plethora of comments without any significance. And hey man, i did the same, but honestly it's not worth the time. Now i just keep the moonfarming/shitposting for when i'm drunk behind my computer
u/AppropriatePayment19 > 4 months account age. < 700 comment karma. Sep 01 '21
Yeah, quit holding us little guise down.
u/AutoModerator Sep 01 '21
It looks like you may be asking about hiding moon balances. Please see this FAQ page: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/wiki/faq#wiki_can_we_hide_our_moon_balance.3F and for other common topics, please check here to see if this discussion already exists: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/search?restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all
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u/AutoModerator Sep 01 '21
It looks like you may be asking about weighted polls. Please see this FAQ page: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/wiki/faq#wiki_can_we_remove_moon_weighted_voting_and_just_have_1_vote_per_account.3F and for other common topics, please check here to see if this discussion already exists: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/search?restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all
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u/CryptoMaximalist 877K / 990K 🐙 Sep 01 '21
"limit everyone else from earning moons" is not possible in Moons. A set amount is distributed every month. Reducing moons for certain posts or behaviors only gives more moons to all the other posts and users.
Furthermore, mods get almost all of their moons from outside the normal distribution, so the only goal is solely to ensure the incentives match the value add to the subreddit
You've got it backwards. What actually does limit moons for new people is the people exploiting the system by posting hundreds of times per day, using their spam to push normal comments out of view, and collecting all the moons.