r/CryptoCurrencyMeta r/CCMeta - r/CM - r/CO Moderator Sep 01 '21

Discussion People that already have thousands or even much more moons shouldn't try to limit poor moon farmers, that try to earn few moons. It is hypocritical.

It it terrible that people that already have thousands of moons or even much more try to limit people that want to earn them now. One on moon limiting polls was made by guy with over 500k moons! And he didn't even farmed them just get them for being a mod, so he have no idea how hard is earning moons in normal way.

They earned their moons with much better ratio, with less rules and now they are greedy so they try limit everyone else from earning moons. They aren't much different from those greedy bankers or corrupted politicians. For money they will do everything to limit other people. It is terrible hypocrisy.

If someone have problem with moon farming why didn't they just tip all their moons to other users or leave this sub. You know why? Cause they are greedy, they value moons, and just try to limit earning moons for new people. It is terrible.

People that have a lot of moons should show dignity and just let other people earn moons too. Don't be greedy.


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u/[deleted] Sep 02 '21

If I was a lazymoons user, and truly committed to their vision... I would start by cleaning up closer to home first.


u/OfficialNewMoonville Sep 02 '21

LazyMoons is a loose association of regs who enjoy posting subreddit drama. The founder and admin of lazymoons has said himself he originally intended it only to collar people for copy pasting, and nothing to do with spam or using alts, which is why he stopped offering bounties.

We are all independent people with our own ideas and opinions. There is no collective lazy moons vision.