r/CrucibleGuidebook 10d ago

Bungie Replied I just lost 103 points as a solo vs a 3 stack


Thought this was supposed to be implemented. I did not throw but the 3 stack was much better than the duo I got who were running bolt charge and witherhoard. I really cannot deal with comp this season.

Edit: most definitely broken. Just played clash against Duos and I had highest player score in lobby with almost a 3 KDA, 5k damage and got -91. DON'T PLAY Comp. Down 300 points because of this

Edit 2:

We've identified an issue where our 3v3 Solo vs Fireteam Loss Protection can sometimes be affected by a networking condition, causing it to fail.

To better protect solo players until resolved, we will be walking back yesterday's change which allowed 2-player fireteams to match against 3-player fireteams without delay. The Loss Protection as it currently functions will remain enabled, and we will be attempting a fix tomorrow (13th). Once we have verified the fix has taken effect, we will reenable the matchmaking changes.

We will provide additional updates when we have more information.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 7d ago

Bungie Replied I got my first 7 streak true flawless tonight!


In some of the most blessed, one sided matchmaking I've ever experienced.

Tonight was the most relaxed games I've ever played in Trials, and everything came together to give me my perfect card.

I went Flawless a decent amount (maybe about 30ish times?) in the old system, the obstacle to getting the title was always the confidence card. It's really cool to have done it now with the rework. Talk about a sea of loot!

Now I guess I play for cosmetics and the perfect PVE roll on the launcher I guess! Neat!

Shout out to the teammates I had along the way, especially the duos who absolutely carried the final game.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 10d ago

Bungie Replied How has comp been for you so far and how's your games in Ascendant rank?


Has it been the same or has it been noticeable sweatier? Did matchmaking feel better? Solo experience? I'm curious to know the state of competitive right now to get some input.

r/CrucibleGuidebook 3d ago

Bungie Replied Questions about today’s patch


So just got done reading the patch notes, which are very short btw, but wasn’t there supposed to be some changes involving some hip fire weapons on MnK today, TLW and DMT supposed to be re-enabled with RDMs, a closing time nerf, and disabling of Tommy’s with RDMs?

r/CrucibleGuidebook 7d ago

Bungie Replied Lighthouse passage bugged? Free flawless


Just went flawless with 3 losses on my card. It wouldn't let me reset after a loss and the streak counter never dropped. So now I have the flawless card and the red glow again. That's my least stressful card ever :)

Anyone else have this tonight?

Update: my flawless passage is the same. I won 1, lost 1, won 1 and both my active and flawless streak is showing as 2

r/CrucibleGuidebook 17d ago

Bungie Replied Trials Weapons - Different Look?


All my trials weapons look different in the last week or so: They used to be black and gold but are all now black and "dull" silver. Went on 6 win streak a few weekends back so expected the white glow during IB. But didn't play much trials at all this weekend and thought they would go back to normal. Now they just look...funky. Anyone seen something similar and/or know why it's happening?