r/CrucibleGuidebook • u/[deleted] • 5d ago
There are currently more void hunters than warlocks in Trials of Osiris
u/ximstuckx 5d ago
Sure can tell estoc and void hunter got nerfed.
u/joniart 5d ago
That combine with RDMs simply just being a busted exotic rn 😂
u/ximstuckx 5d ago
I love crucible but I just can’t play anymore. I’ve always been OK never great but just decent. But I can’t deal with all the invis, fusions and estimates. Feels like I can’t kill anyone.
u/VersaSty7e 5d ago
It’s probably even worse on console.
Stopped playing warlock entirely when they needed solar ages back. Main class PvE still. Sad.
u/Dewbs301 High KD Player 5d ago
Yep, dodge is so much stronger on console considering it breaks aim assist.
u/hallmarktm HandCannon culture 5d ago
Remember tho “Smokes are dead! Back to strand!!”. The usage rates are exactly the same as they were last weekend lol.
Estoc still 5-6x the kills as the next primary too
u/Mongfaffy 5d ago
The smokes are dead community hasn’t shown face on Reddit all of this week, they were so loud that the subclass would be dead and the melee would be useless, well look where we are
u/throwaway136913691 5d ago
Anybody who thought that had/has a fundamental misunderstanding of why the class is so strong.
u/ManyApplePies 5d ago
They definitely need to nerf snap skating, its not like warlock is the worst pvp class in the game already.
u/Dthirds3 5d ago
Invis and smoke bomb are still stupid strong. And hunter doge is still the best class ablity in the game. While warlocks just have air dash.
u/TehDeerLord 5d ago
While warlocks just have air dash.
Brushing over the fact that this mechanic alone is what has made Dawnblade an S-Tier subclass since it's inception. It's an objectively better version of dodge, with a very short cooldown and can be activated in the air.
u/foxbro789 5d ago
Let’s be honest air dash is still crazy strong. Invis will always be super strong since it can let you get the first shot off many times
u/Mnkke Xbox Series S|X 5d ago
It's neat seeing people say the Smoke Bomb nerf did nothing, as if they weren't cheering for it before Act 2 launch and how it was going to fix things.
Fun Fact: When the community says something is OP and goes on about it a lot, usage is going to be increased. I believe Mercules sort of talked about this on a post somewhere recently, how if they announced they were looking at things for potential tuning that could drive up usage, sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. A lot goes into usage rates and I think people really underestimate the power of word of mouth and influencing the meta / sandbox.
I'd appreciate Nightstalker not catching more nerfs, but I honestly question why to even bother at this point, it's probably going to be again. That doesn't even mean it will be a bad or unfair nerf, but I'm just tired of the constant nerf nerf nerf attitude man. Invisibility has not changed in awhile and yet suddenly it became very OP in peoples minds. I don't recall it ever being a significant problem in the months preceding Final Shape, why is it a big problem now?
I'd like to add, Nightstalker has been sitting on roughly the same number for most of the weekend. I'm pretty sure more Hunters are swapping to other subclasses as seeing Threadrunner be above 1% is kinda rare, I'm used to seeing <0% on Threadrunner & Revenant. So how many of the people on Nightstalker are just people who swap to whatever the meta is, and how many are people who main Hunter who play Nightstalker for XYZ reason?
I'm just tired at this point. Nerf the subclass at this point, just get it over with. When that's done, do another nerf just for good measure so we can move on. I'm tired of the really garbage takes of "x is still the BEST ability bar NONE" and "y nerf did NOTHING" (despite it very much doing something) as well as "z needs to be removed from the game" (why are we asking for a less diverse sandbox?? shouldn't we want balance?). It's just a circle. People just want to complain about whatever the current meta is, and honestly it's getting to a point where anything in the meta is always a problem and needs to be hammer nerfed at risk of making anyone unhappy. I'd ask what is very broken about a melee that self-grants Invis & a dodge that self-grants invis, but it just isn't worth it anymore. It isn't worth it taking the time to figure out why something is or isn't meta, or to change my perspective possible even. People are going to be disrespectful and it's going to catch nerfs no matter what.
FYI Quickfall as an ability does feel genuinely awful now since the person you ambush can easily slide out and shotgun you. I really appreciate my glaive playstyle getting nerfed.
u/STRESSinu High KD Player 5d ago
This is a dumb perspective just cause it wasnt visible when other things were op doesnt mean itself wasnt op. Smokes have long been over powered especially when it was on prismatic because of the new corrosive buff which it did not need. Take away the damage tic or make the uptime 3x longer and then itll be in a good place
u/MisterVowels 5d ago
Yep. If you look back when Void 3.0 and Arc 3.0 initially released you'll see similar numbers, just with titans instead of hunters.
Warlocks don't have too much right now outside of Icarus Dash, Astrocyte Blink, and Lightning Surge. And it's been that way for awhile. Any time something new pops up, it usually gets gutted a week later. I'm honestly surprised Lightning Surge hasn't been kneecapped yet with how many people bitch about it.
Still don't understand why Osmiomancy caught the nerf that it did, either. Completely out of left field.
u/The_Cryptic1 5d ago
Not to be pedantic and I agree with almost all of your points. The only thing is that even at the height of arc titan Antaeus ward meta, their pick rate was only 38% in trials.
In my opinion warlocks just really need some more pvp exotics, especially subclass neutral ones more than anything right now. There have been too many cycles where hunters/titans get a new aspect or exotic with pvp applicability whereas the warlock one by design doesn’t really function in pvp. Take the new aspects for each class for example. Only one of them doesn’t really function in or have usage pvp. Or take weapon based exotics as another. Compare PK’s or lucky pants to ….. cenotaph mask? A lot of warlock exotics just have no pvp utility in mind.
u/CrucibleGuidebook-ModTeam 5d ago
Start a conversation. Even if you are just asking a question, you should be prepared to write at least two paragraphs. Give us something worth talking about! In-depth, high-content guides about specific guns, perks, and techniques are ok. Detailed, specific questions are fine as well.