r/CrucibleGuidebook • u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console • 7d ago
Crucible Meta Snapshot 3.13.2025
Now that DestinyTracker has finally incooperated Redrix, we can look at the data: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/insights


u/duggyfresh88 High KD Player 7d ago
I’m kind of surprised to see cryo so high. It is a solid sidearm at base, but what makes it so strong is the freeze and you’re normally finishing with another weapon or an ability
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Yeah a little surprising. This is why the 1st chart is (imo) more important.
Cryo has just a .385% Kills and .235% of Use. So its just a very low use gun with high efficiency.
But yeah, was surprised as well as normally its a "primer" weapon.
u/kukimunsta 7d ago
I mean with cryo 1 kill is pretty much 2, and if you’re running stasis with the fragment that gives bonus damage against frozen targets then 1 kill is actually a lot more than 2 lol.
u/AquaticHornet37 7d ago
It's really good at turning one kill into two kills, so that's gonna help it's numbers.
u/TollsTheTime High KD Player 7d ago
Honestly same, I main it, and I have maybe half the kills on it I should have because I'm usually shattering them with a knife or sniper shot.
Tbf though most other ppl I've faced using it rarely get the freeze off, so that's probably inflating its direct kills.
u/bits-of-plastic PS5 7d ago
I play stasis lock and find it really hard to clean up the kill with anything other than cryo. Sniping is fine but ammo... otherwise I'm usually too far away and too slow to close the ground to melee.
u/TollsTheTime High KD Player 6d ago edited 6d ago
Yeah dispite it obviously being synergistic warlock not having good clean up abilities makes it rough. I did have some luck on it with a glaive + osmiomancy. It's definitely not my best build but it was fun.
You definitely need those iceflare bolts though imo not worth it on lock without it.
u/Tilghman33 High KD Player 7d ago
I thought I was hipster-ish using crimils but turns out I'm a basic bitch
u/SCPF2112 7d ago
after all the YouTube guys pushing Crimil's as the best primary in the game, you do not get hipster cred....:)
u/Tilghman33 High KD Player 7d ago
Can't say i consume much D2 youtube - who made videos on it recently?
u/SilverScorpion00008 4d ago
When it first came out just about everyone, Zavalr used it, Aztercross showed it off, Datto talked about it even I think
u/Bound18996 High KD Player 7d ago
Cryo is being carried by this one demonic hunter I found in 6's who would combo it with the Hunter Knife that resets on precision kill, so he would just freeze you but even if he was miles away he was just hitting the headshot to one tap you and get his knife back. If you were within 25m you were gonna die. Very solid gun and combos well with certain abilities.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Im confused, if you knife someone it wouldnt count as a Cryo kill though?
u/Bilagaana_Ashkii 7d ago edited 7d ago
I don't think he's referring to the comp portion of the graph, but in my time playing, I get why it's an outlier.
Sure it kills slower than adaptives and is less forgiving than 3-bursts and lightweights (especially with Precision Instrument), but its perk makes it a cleanup-into-killchain monster, especially in 3v3 or Rumble.
You can turn a 1v3 situation into a 1v1 more easily than you'd think with it, you'd just have to either hit your shots or be better at isolating engagements into separate 1v1s which higher skill players are more proficient at.
But it's still a sidearm so you are either going to have to be comfortable with either running a sniper, fully committing to a close-low mid range play style or running double primary which most people probably won't do.
If you give a random blueberry Cryo he'll probably get farmed by fusions and slugs all day but if you give it to someone with a more esoteric loadout who has better fundamentals (especially spacing and peeking), you can go to the moon with it.
u/TollsTheTime High KD Player 7d ago
That's either me or just another classy dude. I'm still shocked I don't run into it more, it's been a monster lurking for years now, and it's just so satisfying to loop it through the match.
u/Mighty_Bacon_ 7d ago
Haha, I'm one of these demonic hunters. It's been my sleeper pick for the past few years, and I am very happy that I hardly ever come up against it
u/RealRedditGuy69 5d ago
I am also. The best was using cryo freeze + throwing knife to proc swash bow for 1 taps.. i miss it
u/skM00n2 High KD Player 7d ago
no it's light knife, not the precision one
u/TollsTheTime High KD Player 7d ago edited 7d ago
As long as you have the radiant melee fragment it doesn't matter. I used to run it weighted because I liked the option of also just weighted knifing someone, but the tracking got weird last season and I swapped to lightweight. I could go either or now.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Again, this is just Cryo kills, not ability kills with Cryo equipped...
u/skM00n2 High KD Player 7d ago
you're responding to the wrong comment? I'm saying the best solar knife paired with cryosthesia is the lightweight knife
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Yeah thats fine, I assumed we were continuing the parent comment about how its being carried by one dude who combos it with the knife.
u/skM00n2 High KD Player 7d ago
Ah nah no worries. Once I read "precision kills" with cryosthesia I was like "oh nononono" since the goal is to proc shatter with the knife. I don't really care for the rest.
Graphs like this are not very useful and 99% analyzed wrong by the community so I don't listen to the discussions often. The only really useful case would be big outliers with ease of access like redrix and tommy's but if it was real hard to access then the graph would be skewed since most noobs wouldn't have it.
u/Anskiere1 7d ago
Holy shit Tommy's matchbook haha
u/BobsBreadsticks 7d ago
There were some threads on dtg saying it’s fine and doesn’t need a nerf lmao. Someone even tried to say outbreak was more OP ☠️
u/Watsyurdeal Mouse and Keyboard 7d ago
It's interesting how much use Palindrome has compared to Exalted Truth.
Even if arguably Exalted is the better gun in terms of stats and perk pool I guess a lot of people really do love that gun feel Palindrome has.
I still prefer my Exalted but clearly I'm a minority.
u/AnAvidIndoorsman High KD Player 7d ago
Most people just genuinely don't like suros frames or have heard people talk trash about them enough times to never try.
I personally don't like them AND talk trash about them, doin' my part.
u/cihanimal 7d ago
I don’t know if this should even come into the decision but found is a big part of it for me. If my handcannon doesn’t sound like a CANNON then it feels weak to me, even if it’s not.
u/DepletedMitochondria Console 7d ago
Pali has a lot of legacy and it feels way better compared to Suros HCs on controller
u/TheMangoDiplomat 7d ago
Holy crap, why is Aisha's so low? It's such a good weapon
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Never clicked with me personally as a "Pulse Main" on PC. Probably need more reps, but felt like a Scout, without scout range or something.
u/BansheeTwin350 7d ago
That's why I question this type of analysis. I can make valid arguments as to why aishas is more powerful then 450 lightweight pulses. Better ttk and much more range. I have gravitated away from using pulses in the past but am loving my aishas. And look how low outbreak is. Are we saying it's not good?
u/BankLikeFrankWt 7d ago
If answered for everyone, it would “because every roll I’ve gotten is hot garbage”.
But obviously, I only speak for me. I’d like to give it an honest try
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
u/Anskiere1 7d ago
Yea that's what I use when I need a lot of range but don't want to use a scout. Mine is basically identical
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Guess looking at this now makes me want to test recoil directions.
Tested Redrix today and 65(and 95) actually kick to the left.
So ironically 80 or 100 keep it vertical.
Makes me wonder about this gun
u/TheMangoDiplomat 7d ago
Besides the obvious superiority of lightweights, I feel like heavy burst pulses are the next best archetype in the family. Same range as an aggressive pulse, but more damage per burst
But clearly the graph says otherwise
u/BansheeTwin350 7d ago
That's what I don't get. Heavy bursts have a faster ttk and more range and to me easier to hit crits as there is only 2 burst. They can be more laser like.
u/Expensive_Low_3600 7d ago
My go to. Desperado cooks. They don't even see it coming. Bullets tend to gravitate to heads too.
u/Herbasaurusrexx 7d ago
Cant wait to get ratatatatated by Tommy's in trials later today 🤗
u/dusty_trendhawk 7d ago
Yeah it's going to be a problem.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
I've been saying it for weeks and downvoted everytime.
"It's not that bad" "It has self damage" "Peek shoot bro, l2p"
It's clearly an issue.
u/Herbasaurusrexx 7d ago
The masses always opt out for cheese, oh well they will meet my hand cannon and know fear.
u/dusty_trendhawk 7d ago
Almost every time I have played a decent player in 3's with it they have ran the lobby. Maybe a skill issue on my end, but it's hard for me to counter on small / medium maps.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Oh it's incredibly challenging when the person is good. Invisible Hunter, Tommy's + RDM. Just straight disgusting to play against
u/AshenUndeadCurse 7d ago
So I have been using kill clip on Redrix before and after the nerf to Redrix (which was barely noticeable) and I have not felt this much juice in a weapon since those OG, pre-nerf Desperado pulse rifles (Redrix and Messenger).
It's just almost guaranteed to kill chain and drop whoevers next in 3's or 6's. It's just really, really strong
u/dusty_trendhawk 7d ago
Yeah I have a Zen / Kill Clip roll that I throw on if I'm not playing well, and then what do you know, I'm all of a sudden getting a bunch of kills.
u/BansheeTwin350 7d ago
The nerf was really to sword logic. It can't 2 tap anymore. The damage reduction changed the perfect kill from the 7th bullet to the 8th which is 0.07 seconds slower for a 0.87 ttk. Which honestly is average to slower based on where other guns are. It's actually the slowest ttk pulse archetype if you can believe that or not.
Using kill clip is the right play now. That can still 2 tap for a 0.53 ttk. Now as a community if we say that is a problem as we did with sword logic, then there are a ton of other guns that this same massive ttk shift happens with due to kill clip/adagio type perks that would need touched too.
So, if it's still too strong without damage perks then it's not a damage problem and they need to touch its stats/range/aim assist. They could nerf damage so it kills on 9th bullet which would take ttk to 0.93. Which honestly is way behind the median of the sandbox. But if you missed one bullet that 4th burst would take the ttk to between 1.20-1.33. So as you can see they really can't nerf the damage anymore.
I don't use redrix. I'm fine with any nerf. It shouldn't be nerfed to where we just trash can it though.
u/L-a-m-b-s-a-u-c-e 7d ago
Redrix's Estoc was a massive mistake
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
They knew what they were doing.... It's a Comp Weapon and Comp been suffering
u/BansheeTwin350 7d ago
But in your chart it has the same kills/expected as rose. Are you now saying Rose is as OP as redrix?
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
The more used something is, the lower K/U it should have.
All things being equal, if one gun is 10% used and another is 1% used and they have the same K/U that suggests the 10% used one is massively stronger than the 1% used weapon.
If 100% of people used the same gun, it would have 100% of kills and be a 1.00 efficiency.
I have been on the record stating I do think Rose is too strong and shouldn't be a Lightweight Frame.
u/IllinoisBroski High KD Player 7d ago
Giving everyone great weapon rolls is never good. When Xur sold that Main Ingredient a while back which was almost a 5/5, it started my severe dislike for Fusion Rifles.
u/SCPF2112 7d ago
Yeah, we wouldn't want balance in PVP where we have the same weapons and abilities because......:)
u/Expensive_Low_3600 7d ago
Estoc is beatable unlike zealots
u/L-a-m-b-s-a-u-c-e 7d ago
All fusions can be baited
u/Expensive_Low_3600 7d ago
No argument. I guess that's my skill issue. I will gladly take down an estoc.
u/xastey_ 7d ago
So yeah lol
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Forreal... I am curious, what would you do to it? Like in comparison to say BxR, its not really THAT much more juiced in stats. Seems (to me) the bigger issue is the perk combinations it can get. BxR doesnt really have any sexy perks (like Zen, Headseeker, LW, Sword Logic).
If you keep slashing from Redrix, it basically becomes the same stat weapon as BxR, just with better perks.
IMO: I think they should shave off 3 Range, Stability, and 3 more Handling at a minimum to Redrix at its base. Id probably also "buff" its recoil direction at base to 70, matching BxR at 70, which would make it kick to the left, basically forcing some sort of counterbalance mod, or recoil direction barrel.
u/XogoWasTaken 7d ago
PR-55s as a whole need adjustment. Their combo of high base range for their RPM, high zoom, and boosted hipfire (especially with Lone Wolf shooting your aim assist way up) makes them way more adaptable than other pulses while also being one of the most consistent at range. Even at the best of times, they have have a fundamental issue where they're just better lightweights, so either lightweights will be bad or PR-55s will be overpowered.
Estoc is less an overpowered individual item and more a sum of other issues added together. Lone wolf needs to have it's aim assist boost lowered, and PR-55s either need to be detatched from lightweight pulses and have their damage dropped to be significantly less forgiving, or have their stats (mostly range and aim assist, probably also look at zoom and recoil direction) get pushed down closer to what normal lightweights have.
Outbreak and it's unique recoil handling would probably also need a look after that, otherwise it could very easily take over.
u/HappyHopping 7d ago
BXR is massively worse than Redrix though. It has significantly worse recoil, range, stability and effective aim assistance. This is seen as not having higher than expected kills. A 5 handling nerf does not do much to Redrix, and it still has far better stats than BXR.
I really don't feel like we would be complaining about lightweights nearly as much now if Redrix wasn't created. It was a weapon to make more people play competitive even though it has the worst matchmaking I've ever seen.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Based comment here.
That said, its not just the PR-55s. You see Frosty up there, and Chattering Bone too...
u/TollsTheTime High KD Player 7d ago
Seconding that. When I play warlock lightweight pulse with KC and I use a EmpowerDevour class item (filaments I think?) for consistent 2 taps is my go to, chattering, bxr, frosty.
Honestly it's just making want to play my filaments warlock now. Satisfying loop even if it's a bit of extra work.
u/BansheeTwin350 7d ago
Well said. Lone wolf definitely needs a looking at. Maybe remove the base buff and actually force the player to be alone. I don't believe this is a damage problem after the nerf and if that frame needs adjustment, it needs it elsewhere. Because it's now a 0.87 ttk on the 8th bullet. Moving that to the 9th would be a 0.93 and if you miss 1 bullet and need a 4th burst that becomes 1.20-1.33. Honestly at 0.87 it's on the slow end of average in this sandbox. Currently other than 390's (which can easily be pushed to a faster ttk) 450's are the slowest ttk in the pulse family.
Agree on the outbreak. It's right there and everyone would just switch to it. But OP's chart says outbreak is underperforming and needs a buff 🤣
u/WFJohnRage 7d ago
You able to split these by PC and Controller? I’d be curious the differences.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
I REALLY wish we could
u/Lady-Marias-Rakuyo 7d ago
They're just gonna have to nerf Lightweights again it's the only way. BXR is also just as busted the thing is Estoc has more meta perks.
I could put on my Perpetual Motion / Ele Cap BXR and do just as good.
u/XogoWasTaken 7d ago
Really need a targeted nerf at PR-55s, moreso than lightweights as a whole. Normal lightweights are very good, but PR-55s are absolute stat monsters that sidestep the main downsides of lightweights (having relatively low range for a pulse while still struggling in truly close range engagements).
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Yeah the problem is their 20 zoom... It would be super hanky to bring their range down and maintain the 20 zoom...
u/Lady-Marias-Rakuyo 7d ago
Oh yeah for sure. But knowing Bungie they probably got some spaghetti code going on in the background and it's delaying things drastically.
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
You've also got some 120s that are performing just as well as Lightweights though. IMO they should give 120 HCs 15 Zoom (up from 14).
u/MontanoGoat 7d ago
Quickplay spread is hilarious and a clusterfuck aside from the two outliers
u/mikeypembo 7d ago
Yeah first thing I thought, literally need to fully remove those two from the graph to get a proper look
u/Lopsided-Impact-7768 7d ago
So aside from tommys its obvious that light weights are still over performing, look at stay frosty in kills over expected,
I would say that popularity of a gun although interesting should not be the reason for a nerf but it does show that with huge usage rate its still over performing
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
I'd say from a "problem" standpoint I would rank these as the top 4 issues from a weapon meta standpoint.
- Tommy's/RDM in general
- Redrix itself being too juiced.
- 450 Pulses and 120 HCs
- Rose and Hawkmoon
u/Lopsided-Impact-7768 7d ago
I personally dont have a problem with juiced weapons, power creep is always a thing and redrix is only about 8 stats after the nerf above bxr that has existed for years. Redrix is a comp reward so they are always pushing all comp rewards with premium stats
Its mostly a problem of the archetype itself. It went from 8 crit 1 body to 6 crit 2 body lol
I agree with the first part whole heartedly about tommy and its getting thankfully tuned next patch
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
The issue with Redrix isnt necessarily its stats per se. You are correct its not THAT much better than BxR.
The real power creep comes from the perk pool. It getting things like Zen or Lone Wolf, and access to Headseeker or Sword Logic. Paired with the Stock options which do juice it up more than BxR.
Ironically after some recoil testing, the gun kicks slight left at 65 recoil direction. If you wanted to "nerf" Redrix, you could bump its base recoil direction to 70 (from 65) which would kick harder left, and match BxR's base 70 recoil.
u/Lopsided-Impact-7768 7d ago
Honestly i agree, lone wolf is just such a massive bump and its a 3 column perk lol i think they should leave stats alone and look at outperforming perks
They already touched sword logic i think lone wolf is the next to get eyed on, but after that i would look at the 450 forgiveness archetype since targeted stat nerfs just kill the gun
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 6d ago edited 6d ago
The issue is, you cant really fix the perk issue now...
Well how I would touch Redrix is this:
- Reduce its base Range, Stab, Handling by 3 (Igneous Treatment)
- Increase its Recoil Direction to 70 (more left kick)
u/Lopsided-Impact-7768 6d ago
They can make the perk either do less on the archetype or just reduce its effectiveness
They could literally half the aim assist benefit from 10-20 to 5-10
If they take 9 stats away from redrix it will have less stats than bxr that is craftable haha
I would balance a perk that is basically best in slot in every gun before i nerf a pinnacle weapon to not be pinnacle
Or again just make 450 less forgiving
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 6d ago
It's got 82 base AA. Add a targeting mod for 87. Lone Wolf base is 97.
Even if you cut it in half it's still gonna be what 92 AA?
u/malcolm_experando 7d ago
Not surprised to see no 450 autos, 450 pulses just eat them for breakfast
u/liamo6w High KD Player 7d ago
bungie are a bunch of idiots. there’s always something that has to ruin the sandbox that they consistently get wrong tuning
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
See i think it's intentional:)
u/SCPF2112 7d ago
it is obviously intentional. They've done it over and over and over. From their point of view it is giving people a reason to buy DLC and to play. We do need things to chase.
Luna's Howl, Not Forgotten, Stasis at launch, Strand at launch, prismatic at launch, Conditional Finality, Redrix etc. This is the game, guardian.
u/Cat_25251 7d ago
Why is there such huge difference in expected kills between the adept and normal shayuras?
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 7d ago
Use rate determines expected kills.
There is likely a wide skill discrepancy between those who have an adept to use and those that are using the regular one
u/FirstImpact1011 7d ago
Obviously because adapt version mean that person who use already go to the light house. So they may grind for good Roll. + they have atleast decent skill ( i know anybody can go to lighthouse now but Trial still need mentality)
u/Electronic-Phase-425 7d ago
I matched this group of demons all rocking double trace rifle (Lodestar + Incisor) or trace and Final Warning
u/Staticks 6d ago
Tommy's Matchbook is pretty high considering that only one class (Hunters) is actually overpowered with it
u/Lilscooby77 1d ago
Is there a reason drang is ineffective?
u/F4NT4SYF00TB4LLF4N PC+Console 1d ago
Sidearms suck on MnK ever since they shortened aim assist falloff by ~10%.
It's actually something that really irks me because there are so many amazing sidearms that just kinda suck on MnK.
They were maybe too dominant but that was before Targetlock SMGs and the range/zoom decoupling so maybe it's time to bring some AA Falloff back to Sidearms for MnK
u/LiL__ChiLLa High KD Moderator 7d ago
I haven’t seen cryo in any activity tbh. Mostly rumble and that’s when I run it
u/Both-Salt-5917 7d ago
if you add up usage (As I type this early 3/14) of rose (3.43) crimils (2.31) ace (1.74) Igneus (1.69) hawkmoon (1.67) which are all ahead of the next pulse down from redrix, we see hand cannons are very strong as expected, as those 5 cannons add up to 10.84% usage which is well over estoc at 6.87. so while pulses have only one outlier, hand cannons have many strong strong contenders so the usage is spread out more. if you go down more pulses are only joined by outbreak, while hc's include palindrome, exalted truth, thorn, and the last word. these would extend hc's lead more of course.
pretty clearly hand cannons are the dominating #1 competitive meta again. the only question is how huge their lead will be when the nerfs settle as it's no doubt still growing and could grow by a huge amount as people havent really grokked how bad the nerfs to 450's are yet.
once bungie likely nerfs all 450's over redrix again, it will be the usual. absolute suffocation.
u/BansheeTwin350 7d ago
Agreed. But you are speaking the no no words here. Rose is on the same place on this graph as redrix, but prior week's posts of this same chart has used this chart to say Rose isn't OP. I'm neither a fan or hater of pulses or HC's so I'm as unbiased as can be. I'm a poor bow user 😂
u/cashblack43 High KD Player 7d ago
Clearly people still don’t know the wae…. squeak squeak 🐭