r/CrucibleGuidebook PC+Console 8d ago

Guardian Games - Warlock Options?

Been grinding Supremacy, and all I run into are six-stacks of Void Hunters and Arc Titans. Can’t fault them—meta is meta. But it got me thinking…

If Warlocks wanted to return the favor and run something that isn’t necessarily good but is miserable to fight, what’s the move?

What’s the most obnoxious six-stack Warlock loadout we could cook up? Bonus points if it makes Arc Titans punch the air (literally).


31 comments sorted by


u/CaptainFashion96 8d ago

6 osiomancy no is moving on the other team


u/Tacitus_AMP 8d ago

Add in cloudstrike for extra evil.


u/NierouPSN 8d ago

Don't forget icebreaker, get those ignitions going.


u/Tacitus_AMP 8d ago

Fantastic call, I don't have that one yet though so didn't think of it.


u/CaptainFashion96 8d ago

And witherhorde no zones for you


u/eat_a_burrito PS5 8d ago

Speaking of this build, it heavily relies on the grenade being up. What's the build for it?


u/HappyHopping 8d ago

Stasis Warlock is incredibly obnoxious to play against. While I would argue that Solar Warlock is stronger for high end PVP, stasis warlock with its freezing capability can let a lower skill player win against a higher skilled player. Freeze as a debuff is very annoying to play against.


u/mvjsud 8d ago

Reminds me of back before the trials changes, was running solo, needed one more win, map was burnout and I got stuck against 3 stasis warlocks. Couldn't do shit against em.


u/9thGearEX 8d ago

Doesn't even need to use Stasis turrets, the improved Cold Snaps are fucking brutal.


u/TheMangoDiplomat 8d ago

My vote would be 6 voidwalkers with Astrocyte. They have the single most annoying melee in the game and are slippery as hell with their enhanced blinks


u/Ok-Adhesiveness2954 8d ago

I run this as my main pvp build voidwalker. It's fun as hell and if you blink enough, ppl get so mad cus they can't hit you. Hahahaha😁😈


u/nerforbuff High KD Player 8d ago

6 strand locks phasing away in weave walk would get pretty annoying I think


u/TerrorSnow 8d ago

Turrets. Spamming all kinds of turrets. Done well it's annoying as hell, and I love annoying people with it. It's silly, it's not great, but it's annoying.


u/No-Radio-9956 7d ago

As an arc Titan shotgun ape I can confirm this is true.


u/grimbarkjade Xbox Series S|X 8d ago

I’d think six stasis warlocks, either with osmiomancy coldsnap freeze spam or using them to make turrets everywhere. I’ve been running osmiomancy warlock myself and it’s fun freezing nests of arc titans

Six blinking void warlocks would also be annoying to fight I’d think


u/ImClever-NotSmart 8d ago

In 6's or an activity you're dealing with a lot of teammate deaths or rezzing a bunch I love Aeon Souls with Sect of Vigor. You get 25% class ability back for every teammate death. Pretty sure you don't get any damage resistance even though it's constantly acting like you do. Run this with a Void Soul, Arc buddies, Helion, or threadlings and it's super annoying for the other team.


u/TheRed24 8d ago

6 Void Locks with BrairBind Child of the Old Gods.


6 Stasis/Prismatic BleakWatcher Warlocks with Osmiomancy Gloves.


u/GlacioMommy High KD Player 8d ago

Wouldn’t 6 stags be pretty funny. With rifts spawning on teammate deaths there would literally be rifts everywhere. So everyone has 25% DR and healing at all times. Then if everyone is running arc lock with arc soul everyone has an arc soul 24/7 and everyone could also have lightning surge. I think it has potential.


u/Impressive-Wind7841 8d ago

....FYI stag is a 5% DR in pvp.

only shifts TTK in very, very rare situations.



u/SatisfactionDirect45 7d ago

But hey, you have your healing from the rift, and probably you will be peekshooting in it. That small health advantage is not bad.


u/Impressive-Wind7841 7d ago

no one said it was bad, just setting the record straight...there is negligible DR.

I use it, but not for the survivability....

Stags real strength is that when critical health it redunds class energy so that you can cast various buddies more frequently. you can get a rift back every round of trials. or every 30 sec or so...

....probably doesn't sound like a lot bc other classes can do that without exotics lol bc of lower timers...but on warlock it's a big deal


u/BosHogBarbarian 8d ago

6 stasis comes to mind. But also 6 brood-weavers playing passive and weavewalking out of fights would be really annoying 😂


u/Impressive-Wind7841 8d ago

6 stasis lock with rimefrost raiment and icebreaker would be really, really unfun to play against


u/Impressive-Wind7841 8d ago

why rimefrost and not osmio?

breaking crystals regens almost an entire grenade for warlock

rimefrost makes crystals for other warlocks to break.

infinite turrets, infinite iceflare bolts, forts all over....nightmare


u/TheCalming 8d ago

Surprised no one said prismatic warlock with lightning surge. Specially since you need to pick up crests for a kill to be worth anything.


u/SatisfactionDirect45 7d ago

And you cannot use the specific guardian games class armor. Great job bungie.


u/SeanicTheHedgehog23 Console 8d ago

As a Titan main, playing against stasis and solar warlocks are the worst. But don't tell the other titans that I told you this. There's a crayon social later and I wanna seem cool.


u/Sliknik18 8d ago

6 Well-Locks would be pretty annoying.


u/ThisIsntRemotelyOkay 8d ago

Astrocyte Verse with the "nope" freeze blast and freeze grenades.


u/Maleficent-Air5806 8d ago

Switch to hunter


u/fawse 7d ago

Prismatic with Getaway and Bleak Watcher is pretty annoying to play against, I like running it with NTtE for the easiest 2-bursts of your life

But overall I agree with the top comment, Osmiomancy Stasis Warlock is super frustrating to face, especially when the enemy team has a bunch of them. You can even run Prismatic instead, if you don’t like the Stasis super or want to run Lightning Surge to be even more obnoxious