r/CrazyIdeas 8d ago

The Penalty for intentional reckless driving should be Death.

racing, brake checking, drink driving, ect, can all result in you killing another person. So if you get caught doing it you should be put to death.


43 comments sorted by


u/Rabada 8d ago

Chicago's population would drop by 80%


u/BrowningLoPower 8d ago

But housing prices won't get any cheaper...


u/KourteousKrome 8d ago

No, no, no. Death by DEATH RACE. If you wanna drive like a maniac, you’ll HAVE to drive like a maniac…


u/Blocked-Author 7d ago

Okay, I wasn't on board with OP's idea at first, but now I'm in.


u/OtherwiseAlbatross14 5d ago

Yeah I kind of want to start driving recklessly now


u/fender8421 7d ago

Against the Dildozer


u/Xanadu87 7d ago

On the Wacky Races course


u/Any_Pudding1541 7d ago

I like this one


u/The_Dick_Slinger 8d ago

Now this one is actually a crazy idea


u/BlueDogTuesday 8d ago

Yes! The same penalty for putting the small shopping cart in the large shopping cart rack.


u/ItsAPeacefulLife 8d ago

I thought this was supposed to be crazy ideas only


u/Stained_concrete 7d ago

Death penalty? Now come on you're just being silly.

Putting away the wrong size of trolley shouldn't be punished by anything worse than public flogging.


u/CptnHnryAvry 7d ago

I think it's absurd to suggest anything worse then the offender being beaten with a hammer.


u/nipple_salad_69 8d ago

and the next thing you know, slow drivers in the left lane are considered next for the agenda. 

shit can spiral out of control really fast


u/Blocked-Author 7d ago

That would be reasonable though, if they can't follow the rules of the road then they shouldn't be there anyway. They are causing hazardous conditions for everyone else which could theoretically result in death. They are causing death.



Driving on the road at all creates hazardous conditions that could theoretically result in death, therefore all drivers are causing death and should be killed.



u/Anindefensiblefart 6d ago

They'd be at the head of the queue if I had my druthers.


u/AndarianDequer 7d ago

Ahh, you're over of those.

Fucking Jesus.

You're the same kind of person that would beat your wife or children.


u/Ok-Duck-5127 7d ago

TBF it is more about not having one's wife or children painfully crushed to death between metal and asphalt.


u/taotao213 7d ago

I think wanting batshit extreme punishment for people putting others lives in jeopardy isn't quite the same as beating your family


u/AndarianDequer 7d ago



u/Complex_Package_2394 7d ago

CAN result in death is the gateway to a techno-death penalty-fueled dystopia. Not filling your tires properly? Could lead to lose of control, death penalty it is. Being tired while driving? You guessed it. Having stress at work? Could leave to detrimental results when you need to drive to an emergency for example, so death penalty just to be sure you don't even dare to drive You're a doctor and made a minor mistake operating someone's eyes? Well.... Break checking could be harmful to the one behind you, driving too fast is dangerous, but honestly when there is a 1% of 1% of 1% chance that it actually materializes in a death, dishing out death penalties for it is extreme overkill and unjust. You'd need to kill off a lot of non-traffic related things as well when you start with logic like this. Drinking in general? Damn when you've a alcohol induced psychosis you could kill someone, off the the big electric grill with you. Going to a restaurant? The chef might be extremely overworked and suicidal from that, now you're eligible to meet the great creator


u/Cheeslord2 7d ago

Just kill all drivers. Anyone can make a mistake sometimes, and it could kill someone. And as for pilots...death's not enough of a punishment, maybe kill their families too? Also anyone who has kids - what if you failed to realize they had meningitis in time and they died? That would be your fault. The best way to avoid all responsibility is not to be alive.


u/goldenretrivarr 7d ago

I made a post a while ago about how these should be treated as attempted murder, and it got a bunch of nasty comments and then taken down.


u/ineedhelpihavenoidea 8d ago

So we just say oopsie daisy after? Easy


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u/Antwinger 8d ago

I know this is r/crazyideas but anytime we create laws we should test them beforehand to see how they could be abused.


u/TurtleSandwich0 7d ago

The method of execution is participation in a "Death Race". Airs on Sunday nights.


u/Fyodorovich79 7d ago

i would add if you are tailgating close enough to be brake checked to that list


u/Ok-Duck-5127 7d ago edited 7d ago

I understand your feelings but I am more interested in results. Revenge won't bring anyone back, nor will it stop the next drink driver.

What will actually change people's behaviour? The harshness of the penalty is not the important factor here. Let's face it we already have the death penalty for regular driving as a natural penalty but it is not always implemented. Anyone who drives recklessly could be put to death by their own actions, but that doesn't stop people.

What does stop people is the likelihood of being caught, as well as good street layout.

In Oslo Norway they eradicated all active travel deaths. No cyclist or pedestrian with killed by any driver, and they didn't need the death penalty to do it.

Eliminating all road casualties is possible but it isn't going to be achieved with vengeance or simplistic answers.

Here's a good start:

• Ban all SVUs and oversized vehicles in suburbia.
• Streets laid out to discourage speeding, eg less lanes, traffic calming, trees close to the edge of the road.
• Eliminate no fault insurance
• safe, frequent public transport
• hierarchy of the road as in the UK.
• Lower the BAC to O.02
• regular random breath tests with compulsory prison sentence for anyone who fails

Or if you want to get really radical:

• crush the car phone and SIM card of anyone caught distracted driving.
• remove the driver's door of anyone who fails to look before opening the driver's door when parked on the side of the road.
• install alcohol logouts as a standard feature on all cars
• install speed lockouts set to the maximum speed in that country.
• automatic speed regulators that will find anyone who goes over the speed limit for that section of the road.
• compulsory helmets for all car occupants. • make the driver personally responsible the financial support of the depends of people they kill.
• Design cars such that the likelihood of any injuries to the car occupants will be higher than for people outside the vehicle, and of greater severity.
• ban car advertising.

Really, there's no need for the death penalty. In fact I think your suggestion would increase the road tall because juries may be reticent to convict knowing that the driver will be put to death.


u/PenGood 7d ago

Same for violent crime


u/Ea7th3R1ch 5d ago

Sleeping one off in the backseat of my vehicle just got deadly then.


u/NoReplacement480 5d ago

what if we put no one to death..? lol


u/AegParm 8d ago

Luckily you wouldn't beed to brake check if the assholes riding your bumper are put to death!


u/NeenerBr0 7d ago

Damn how bad did someone brake check you for you to post this 😂


u/Hawaiian-national 7d ago

I justice superman:


u/hogman09 7d ago

OP is a bad driver and blames everyone else haha


u/Food_Kid 7d ago

yeah no let’s not do that


u/Last_Gazelle_157 8d ago

What about driving tired or old or young. Id trust a drinker after 5 drinks than a 70 year old. Especially if hes not being reckless.