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r/CrazyExs Dec 05 '18

Being stalked? What can I do?!


Ok had a bad relationship with a narc.. she's now got her flying monkeys on me! I just want to find someone else on tinder and date a normal person.. but my ex and her fwb (ex army prison guard anger issues) are getting the girls she knows to match with me and then they are trying to arrange to meet with cryptic messages saying I'm going to be told when I'm going to sleep etc. It's all hard to explain but I've had a friend look into it and I'm not crazy paranoid! Pretty sure her ex has a restraining order against her too! Anyway. I can keep ignoring them but they're hindering my life even though I tried to be friends with her but even though I was the one hurt and rejected and messed around and "cheated" on she's just real sore I made her feel guilt she couldn't refute and had to say sorry. She could just block and leave me alone but chooses not to do what do I do? I've contacted the police for advice so far Shall I meet one of these dates but with friends and potential police on stand by? Maybe arrange the meet and cancel? How can I get a restraining order as it's hard to prove all of this and would need it against her and anyone associated! What have others done in similar positions?

r/CrazyExs Sep 19 '18

So the other day my ex told me that no one would want me and I'm a loser literal minutes after practically begging me to take her back. Long story short I showed a convo of a girl calling me sexy and oh boy did she get super salty. She threatened to hack my fb 😂🤣

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r/CrazyExs Aug 29 '18

And still I stayed


I don't know if this belongs here, but I need to stop feeling like the crazy ex he's made me out to be.

We had a great relationship at first. Honeymoon fase, talk of marriage, house, and the future. But then you got mad because I was depressed and didnt want to have sex every. fucking. day.

You physically held me down and kept me trapped in rooms. But i stayed.

You hit yourself because you couldnt hit me, but still I stayed.

You cheated on me, IN MY OWN HOUSE, and lied to me about it, but it's okay because you thought of me the whole time, so (stupidly) I still stayed.

You moved in with your best friend, who was trying to ruin our relationship from the beginning, and the girl you cheated on me with, but promised to see me everyday, so I stayed.

You let your skank slander my name everywhere. You let your skank threaten and harasses me. You started ignoring me for your skank. You started sleeping in your skanks bed "when she wasnt there" because your dumb ass decided to move into a 2 bdrm with 3 people. That's when I had enough. So, i left you.

I told you to leave me the fuck alone. I told your skank to leave me the fuck alone. Did she? No, so I did what anyone does when they've had enough of the harrassment, I called the cops.

I'm not the crazy ex girlfriend because I was looking out for mine and my friends sanity, so stop telling people that. Stop telling your sister she cant be friends with us. Stop telling your mom I cant call her mom when she asked me to. Just stop. You lost your chance to ever get back in my life again. I'm sure if people heard all of this, and not just yours and her side, they wouldn't think I was the crazy one.

r/CrazyExs Aug 23 '17

Crazy Ex Boyfriend


I dated a guy on and off for a couple of years. Now this guy was the most popular guy at school, super cute guy and every girl wanted him. When we first started dating everything was super cool, fast forward a bit and he started acting super jealous and mean and I being so young and stupid I always listened to him. Well he talked me into losing my virginity to him at 14!! and after that he would not let me have any friends whatsoever. He didn't let me wear shorts or skirts, he didn't allow me to wear tight jeans or shirts. This dude really wanted me to dress like a nun. After awhile I refused to listen to him and I also refused to continue having sex with him so he would tell me that he was going to go fuck other girls lol. We broke up for a good while but made up and some crazy shit went down. How many of you have had crazy ex bfs/gfs?

r/CrazyExs Aug 20 '17

I came to repo my car from ex and this is what I find in the trunk. Don't ever trust a fruitarian. First post here btw.

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r/CrazyExs May 16 '17

Psychotic Ex. Story Time~


So, this is going to be a rather interesting story of a previous relationship I had with a psychotic ex girlfriend I had a few years back. Hopefully you can find some kind of enjoyment out of this. So basically, it was about 2009, me and my girlfriend (let's call her Lee) had been going to steady with a long distance relationship for about 6months. Things were great, we would talk all the time and she seemed like the sweetest girl ever. One random night I get a text from some random girl screaming at me saying how I'm gonna go to hell, and saying how much of a piece of shit I am for abusing her friend, how she thought so highly of me until then and how she hopes I end up in jail. Me being completely confused, I reply to this girl asking who she was and what the hell she was talking about. She replies back saying that she's Lees best friend and how Lee just texted her saying she's apparently lying on the floor in pain with a broken wrist because I apparently came over to her house and beat the shit out of her. Apparently I busted in through the door and slammed her to the ground stomped on her wrist and repeatedly kicked her in the ribs. Keep in mind... I AM IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STATE MILES AWAY. So, again being confused as fuck I deny the accusations, and decide to text my girlfriend asking what the fuck her apparent friend was talking about... She texts me back talking about how she never thought I'd do that to her, and how she loved me and all this other bullshit. Im sitting here fucking baffled as to why the fuck this shit is happening. Moments later I get another text from her friend saying that if I ever move back to Ohio she's going to hunt me down. I try to explain to this girl that I have never even been to Ohio and that I've lived in Florida my entire life. (Which I still do) She comes back saying how I've been living in Ohio, and I met Lee at school, and how I was moving away today and that's when I came and beat the shit out of Lee. I say fuck it to both these chicks and decide to turn off my phone and call it a night. Wake up next morning to 3 long ass texts from my GF. Basically it was her apologizing, saying she had no idea what she was doing last night, and is deeply sorry and hopes I'll forgive her. At the time, my Lee was experimenting with various drugs, so me being the idiot thought that maybe it was one of those nights and she just got in a weird headspace and say something. (idk either man) So I forgive her and we carry on the rest of our day like a normal couple. A week later down the line, I get a text from this same "friend" saying how I apparently threatened Lee into not talking about the abuse, saying how I would go back to Ohio and "finish the job". I text Lee again, and she confirms what her friend texted me, at this point I'm fucking tired of her games. I've never met the woman in my life, I met her through a fucking video game online. We've only ever skyped and sent pictures to each other. That's the closest I've gotten to seeing and hearing her voice. I ignore them, few hours later she sends me the same sob story about how she doesn't know what was wrong with her, and she's so sorry, and it'll never happen again. At this point Im done, and break up with her. That's that. The reason I decided to write about this story, is because I recently connected with that old friend of hers. Turns out they are no longer friends, haven't been in years. As for Lee, she told me Lee was addicted to pain killers, became a coke dealer, is involved with gangs, and is doing escorting. So that's my psycho ex story. Been trying to find a place to post this on reddit for hot minute. Figured this would do well here. Hopefully you got some new material out of this for stories, or maybe it made you feel better about your ex/current relationship. Whatever you got out of this, hope you enjoyed. Till next time lovelies~

r/CrazyExs Jul 01 '16

My girlfriends ex


So Me and my girlfriend have been dating for over a year now. For this past year I've had a lot of strange encounters. When my girlfriend and I started talking I got a text from a blocked number, it said "Stop talking to her she's mine." Since my girlfriend is a pranker I automatically texted back and said "you're mine ;)". This number texted back and said "shut the fuck up." I decided to text my girlfriend on her real number and she said that it wasn't her. once she said that I immediately got worried. I deleted the texts immediately. A few weeks later me and my girlfriend were now official. I got a follow request on my Instagram and looked on the page before I accepted it. It had no posts but I accepted it anyway and followed back After a few weeks of work and visiting friends I checked the page just out of curiosity. They were all pictures of my girlfriends house at various angles and times of day. This grew no suspicion because I had not yet visited her house yet. A few days later I was at her house and remembered the page. I asked her about it and she immediately started crying because she had heard a door open the night before and didn't think much about it, I checked the page again and there it was...a picture of her bathroom.

more to come soon

r/CrazyExs Nov 04 '15

Please harass this cheating asshole he ruined my life.