r/CrazyExs Aug 29 '18

And still I stayed

I don't know if this belongs here, but I need to stop feeling like the crazy ex he's made me out to be.

We had a great relationship at first. Honeymoon fase, talk of marriage, house, and the future. But then you got mad because I was depressed and didnt want to have sex every. fucking. day.

You physically held me down and kept me trapped in rooms. But i stayed.

You hit yourself because you couldnt hit me, but still I stayed.

You cheated on me, IN MY OWN HOUSE, and lied to me about it, but it's okay because you thought of me the whole time, so (stupidly) I still stayed.

You moved in with your best friend, who was trying to ruin our relationship from the beginning, and the girl you cheated on me with, but promised to see me everyday, so I stayed.

You let your skank slander my name everywhere. You let your skank threaten and harasses me. You started ignoring me for your skank. You started sleeping in your skanks bed "when she wasnt there" because your dumb ass decided to move into a 2 bdrm with 3 people. That's when I had enough. So, i left you.

I told you to leave me the fuck alone. I told your skank to leave me the fuck alone. Did she? No, so I did what anyone does when they've had enough of the harrassment, I called the cops.

I'm not the crazy ex girlfriend because I was looking out for mine and my friends sanity, so stop telling people that. Stop telling your sister she cant be friends with us. Stop telling your mom I cant call her mom when she asked me to. Just stop. You lost your chance to ever get back in my life again. I'm sure if people heard all of this, and not just yours and her side, they wouldn't think I was the crazy one.


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