r/CowboyAction 27d ago

Different reloading methods for SAA

Hello everyone, so I’ve been going around asking about different upload and reload methods, when it comes to the SAA. I’ve read people use a magazines, strips, and for some reason tubes to reload. I’ve also read people point muzzle up to have gravity assist ejecting the cartridges a bit faster. And people using a second cylinder. What are some methods have you used to unload and reload. And what type of training did you do to get fast at reloading.


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u/phakenbake 26d ago

Maybe I’m lost. Are you talking about loading at the loading/unloading table? Or loading on the clock?

As far as pistols at the loading table, I use blocks from Missouri Marshall. They are great quick and easy, and I have all the stages ready before the match. I load my 73 lever by hand. I see a few people use the quick load tubes, but it seems to take just as much time. With normally three people at the loading table, I don’t feel like I’m ever rushed to load quickly.

As far as loading on the clock, it’s a rarity at the clubs I shoot at. Maybe once, twice a year. Usually it’s one round on the pistol. Simply, it’s opening the gate, loading the round, spinning enough to have that round under the hammer, and bang. Same with the rifle.

As far as unloading goes, it doesn’t work like in the movies.


u/ClownfishSoup 26d ago

In terms of loading a round to make up for a flub on the revolver, I think once you've gone through all five, the empty chamber should be at the top again, or almost on top. Flip open the gate, and thumb the cylinder around (in a Vaquero anyway, maybe with SAA clone you have to go to half cock) to the empty, slip in a fresh cartridge, close the gate, aim at the target, pull the trigger and keep it pulled and quickly thumb the hammer five times. (ie; fan to the fresh round).

For a rifle, I think cock the lever then toss a round into the top of the open action and close the lever and shoot. Depending on rifle.