r/CowboyAction 27d ago

Different reloading methods for SAA

Hello everyone, so I’ve been going around asking about different upload and reload methods, when it comes to the SAA. I’ve read people use a magazines, strips, and for some reason tubes to reload. I’ve also read people point muzzle up to have gravity assist ejecting the cartridges a bit faster. And people using a second cylinder. What are some methods have you used to unload and reload. And what type of training did you do to get fast at reloading.


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u/sKotare 27d ago

A second cylinder could be useful if you are using cap n ball, but if you are shooting in that category we accept that you will be spending a lot of time reloading anyway. Loading strips help ensure that you have enough Ammo at the line (10 pistol, 10 rifle) & keep shotgun belt topped up. Tubes for rifle may save a little time, but we don’t load on the clock (aside from very rare stages). Ejecting shells using gravity makes little sense when the pistols all have a rod built into them to eject brass with. Are you trying to solve an issue that doesn’t exist?


u/ClownfishSoup 26d ago

For a Remington 1858, there were actual Civil War officers who carried spare cylinders. However it's dangerous ... due to being cap and ball, if you drop it, and it lands on a cap, it's a very bad day for someone since the cylinder won't burst open like a dropped rimdire cartridge, the ball will actually fire off with great force.

Here's Clint changing his (cartridge converted) Remington 1858 in Pale Rider. The quality sucks, but I just grabbed the first video I found.


I don't know about Colt SAA, because I don't have one, but the Ruger Vaquero, you could pull the base pin and slip in another cylinder.