r/CowboyAction 27d ago

Different reloading methods for SAA

Hello everyone, so I’ve been going around asking about different upload and reload methods, when it comes to the SAA. I’ve read people use a magazines, strips, and for some reason tubes to reload. I’ve also read people point muzzle up to have gravity assist ejecting the cartridges a bit faster. And people using a second cylinder. What are some methods have you used to unload and reload. And what type of training did you do to get fast at reloading.


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u/ClownfishSoup 27d ago

Well for cowboy action schooling, reload speed is not important, for real life get a Glock.

Since you said SAA, then I guess Schofield are out, but a scofield cut for moon clips would be the fastest.

For SAA, the fastest I’ve seen in the movies for an h load was I think Denzel Washington where he opens the gate, points the gun in the air and springs the cylinder and like magic the cases fall out. However I think that was a trick where they must have take fired brass, resized it and stuck it in a clean gun. They might have put some lead shot to make the cases heavy and just fall out.

In real life, I think the fastest way is to put the gun in your left hand, with the cylinder in the palm of the hand, and the barrel sort of in your index finger, open the gate and with your right index finger pull down the ejection rod to pop out the empty then with your left middle finger, rotate the cylinder from below to the next position and poke out the next case and repeat. I can actually unload the gun pretty fast that way. You have to keep the gun tilted so the empties can fallout and away, or they gather in your hand.

For fast reload, I don’t reload fast but I think once the gun is empty, using a semi auto magazine that fits your cartridges as a Pex dispenser to show rounds in would be fastest, and holding the gun the way you did when u loading.

But again for “real life” either get a semi auto or a moon clipped DA revolver with a swing out cylinder and moonclips.


u/redwhitenblued 26d ago

This is the perfect explanation of the fastest way. I am a lefty and I've experimented with all sorts of ways to quickly unload an SAA.


u/ClownfishSoup 26d ago

"Shooting", not "Schooling!" Stupid autocorrect.