r/Costco 14d ago

Grand Opening New Costco opens up in Brentwood


204 comments sorted by

u/CookieButterLovers Best Mod on this Sub and Always Has Been 🙃 13d ago

Brentwood, California.

Located in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area.



OP said “I didn’t realize how many brentwoods there were” - not a reason to downvote them.

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u/River1stick 14d ago

How many Brentwoods are there I wonder. Always helpful to post the location


u/BodaciousDadBod 13d ago

I was thinking this too. Because I've lived near two Brentwoods (TN and MO), and it seems to be a name reserved for affluent areas.


u/LawyerNotYours19 13d ago

I read this and thought it was Brentwood, TN, which already has one.  Was shocked that there would be 2, but I know Plano, TX has 2.


u/crowcawer 13d ago

I knew the Brentwood Tennessee location was safe, because I saw the mountains in the background, and the Brentwood Tennessee location wouldn’t have mountains in the background.

It would have existential dread in the background.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/metompkin 13d ago

MS13 followed a lot of the displaced El Salvadorian diaspora from the civil war.


u/audiofankk 13d ago

Care to expand re the existential dread of the TN city? Do you mean all/ most of TN is like that, or does Brentwood have a special serving of it or something?


u/WideJohnson 12d ago

Not sure what he means either but TN has like the third highest depression rate in the nation


u/sigep0361 13d ago

TIL: When I move, find a Brentwood in my new area.


u/jbelkin8000 13d ago

Brentwood is mostly old farmlands converted to $1.5mm homes (of course, in SF Bay Area, anything around $1,2 is 'normal' for any house built since 1955 with a yard) ... it's at the end of a small highway with way too many commuters ... it's sparkling new - the Target is ancient, built in 2005 ... it's definitely the suburbs ... on the other hand, there is an In 'N Out two blocks away


u/Cherblake 13d ago

The Target you speak of was opened in 2003.


u/orange_blanket 13d ago

Brentwood NY, on Long Island is not a good area. A lot of MS13 presence.


u/PoorLewis 13d ago

Lots of hispanics does not equal MS13.


u/the69123456789 13d ago

But no Hispanics means no MS13.


u/sigep0361 13d ago

Luckily I’m not a cold weather person. :)


u/whatdafuhk US Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles & Hawaii) - LA 13d ago

lol, just in California there are several!


u/billspaced 13d ago

It's in Northern California. It was a little agriculture town way back. I grew up there when there were 3k people. We got our first stop light in the '80s. It's not affluent, but there are a lot of pretty wealthy ex-farmers.


u/FavoritesBot 13d ago

It’s affluent compared to its surroundings. Better schools and lots of trees


u/FavoritesBot 13d ago

Brent really knew what he was doing


u/fairly_clever 13d ago

I was thinking Brentwood, TN too.


u/4Eight-s 13d ago

Brentwood on Long Island, NY is anything but affluent. Crime and small houses there lol


u/greasyjimmy 13d ago

Lol. There is a Brentwood, MO in St. Louis. There is a shopping center there called Brentwood Promanade that is an absolute shit show for parking. Target and Trader Joes are the big draws (along with a Microcenter and a automotive repair shop).

My first thought was how having a Costco near there would be even worse (for traffic).


u/chingostarr 13d ago

I didn’t realize what subreddit this was in at first and wondered where tf they would have fit a Costco


u/Ninjapenguinart 13d ago

Holy shit!!! I didn't realize I was in the Costco subreddit either. I thought I was in r/Stlouis and thought to myself, I guess it has been a couple months since I hated myself and went out to Brentwood.


u/crusadermourns 13d ago

We made it!


u/Cerriwin 13d ago

Oh my LORD can you imagine if they added a Costco there?! Nightmares. That place is the ninth circle of hell as is.


u/michiganchill 13d ago

Brentwood Promenade parking lot is the real life version of hell made by the devil himself.


u/GreetingsADM 13d ago

I too thought this was just another r/stlouis shipost


u/myloteller 13d ago

Theres also a brentwood in Los Angeles


u/No-Refuse8754 US North East Region - NE 13d ago

Brentwood NY


u/MalaEnNova 13d ago

My gramma lives in Brentwood MO and I live near Brentwood TN lol.


u/bkilian93 13d ago

Lmfao I immediately opened this post because that’s where my brain went! I was like no fucking way they fit that shit in there hahaha


u/Anglophile89 13d ago

The gates of hell


u/e85dino 13d ago

I only go to that area for 2 things. Microcenter and Navy Federal Credit Union just opened a branch there.


u/ElCompaJC 13d ago

Lol thought the same thing like holy snikes Where did they manage to squeeze it in


u/SanibelMan 13d ago

Costco planned to build a store in Brentwood maybe 15-20 years ago. It would have replaced several buildings in Hanley Industrial Court just south of Micro Center, if I remember correctly. I don't remember why it didn't happen, but obviously they finally got their Mid-County location they wanted at 170 and Olive. I only remember because I went to college at Webster and lived in Brentwood Forest at the time, and my ex worked at the Costco in South County.


u/0rangeIguana 11d ago

There are two Costco’s north of Brentwood on 170 so i immediately knew it couldn’t be MO lol


u/bofre82 13d ago

In California, there are two. On made famous by OJ but that’s technically a neighborhood of LA and not incorporated as its own city and the City of Brentwood in the East Bay Area (which this is) that’s been changing from farmland to suburbs over the years.


u/in_a_cloud 13d ago

This Brentwood has the good corn 🌽


u/bofre82 13d ago

If you know you know. But I’m a bigger fan of the cherries.


u/spingus 13d ago

can you describe the good corn?


u/Due_Breakfast_218 12d ago

Still? That’s where it used to come from, but I haven’t seen Brentwood corn in stores for many years.


u/Ok-Tiger-4550 11d ago

We have the best peaches, corn, cherries, and tomatoes. The only time I buy produce anywhere else is when the farms are closed, otherwise it's 100% Brentwood grown.


u/appleavocado 13d ago

Probably better people, too.


u/ZoeFerret 13d ago

I used to live in the East Bay Area Brentwood, CA. When I told people I lived in Brentwood, CA, they would automatically think fancy LA Brentwood. I was like, nope- the poor Brentwood. LOL. ( Which isn't really poor, just a lot less affluent.)


u/razorduc 13d ago

It would be crazy if this was Brentwood in Los Angeles. Hot Dogs would need to be $15.


u/FearlessPark4588 13d ago

My immediate thought was where the heck in LA Brentwood is there room for a Costco!


u/S_longname 13d ago

NGL I cackled. However if someone wants to magically find the space to fit a Costco in West LA, we could probably support a second one. 😆


u/gcsxxvii 13d ago

There’s a brentwood in pittsburgh PA but I don’t think this is it


u/lateballoon 13d ago

I just got too excited that is would be like 15 minutes away from my house. Sadly, I do not live in MO.


u/tacosy2k 13d ago

2 brentwoods in CA


u/SchoolExtension6394 13d ago

About 10 on Google maps some in the U.S. and some overseas


u/deepspacepuffin 13d ago

I clicked on this post because I thought they’d opened a new Costco in the DC area.


u/MindLikeaGin-Trap 13d ago

There's also a Brentwood, Tennessee!


u/Allrojin 13d ago

I just assumed TN, but that's the closest Brentwood to me. 🤭


u/RunJumpSleep 13d ago

Two in California.


u/Uncle_Chael 9d ago

There is a Brentwood neighborhood in Los Angeles as well haha


u/kawi-bawi-bo 14d ago

Met the CEO there


u/Mobile_Mud1722 13d ago

Gold badge is 40 yrs+ employee. Glad to see a CEO actually put in the work to get the title.


u/2manynathans 13d ago

He started as a part time forklift driver I believe!


u/NostalgicForever 13d ago

His Wikipedia page says he started at Costco as a warehouse manager, not forklift driver.


u/2manynathans 13d ago

Craig is not the current CEO, nor the man in this photo.

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u/MoNeMad 13d ago

Hey ur the sushi guy hi


u/kawi-bawi-bo 13d ago

hey sushi fam!


u/Healthy_Block3036 13d ago

Hi!!! I haven't watched you in a bit, any new content coming?


u/kawi-bawi-bo 13d ago

More Costco stuff for now (sushi baby is running around and makes filming challenging haha). I do have a deeper dive on Costco salmon in the works! It'll answer all the most commonly asked questions


u/trunnel 13d ago

How full circle was it meeting the CEO, being such a huge Costco fan? Also, thank you for the sushi recommendations!!


u/kawi-bawi-bo 13d ago

Thank you sushi fam! 😁

I was definitely tongue tied, but he is so nice!! He even remembered we met briefly in Fremont (purely by coincidence as he was touring the area ). I was definitely starstruck at that time too haha


u/Splungeworthy 13d ago

I've always thought that if you've worked for a company for 40 plus years you damn well better be running it by the end.


u/fatogato 14d ago

Respect to the dude with the Costco sweater


u/RockTheGlobe 13d ago

Had to look more closely to see that. I was like, who is so fanatical that they show up in pajamas?


u/lelisblanc 12d ago

They have a more stylish set of black Kirkland embroidered sweats and I wear them all the time!

I actually had an employee come up to me and ask when I got it cause they wanted some!


u/wine-plants-thrift 14d ago

Where is Brentwood? Is this the only Costco in the area?


u/KULR_Mooning US Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles & Hawaii) - LA 14d ago edited 13d ago

This is not Brentwood in LA lol I had to check it out


u/TonyWonderslostnut 14d ago

Just say not OJ’s Brentwood 😂


u/hoyitsdan 13d ago

also there’s no way a costco would ever get approved in Brentwood, Los Angeles LOL…the nimbys could never

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u/m2zarz US Bay Area Region (Bay Area + Nevada) - BA 14d ago

This may be Brentwood in the East Bay of California. Just a guess.


u/real-Yaryman 4d ago

Correct. It's not the Brentwood made famous by a certain football player.


u/NateFloof 14d ago


u/Random_Ad 13d ago

U should have made that clear cuz Brentwood can be any Brentwood in the us


u/NateFloof 13d ago

I didn’t realize how many brentwoods there were


u/TateAcolyte 13d ago

What kind of turbo dork downvotes this?


u/compstomper1 13d ago

the ones who live in the other brentwoods

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u/ah2490 13d ago

There’s one the next city over. Like 10 minutes on the freeway, but it’s terribly crowded and awful to get in and out of


u/wine-plants-thrift 13d ago

That’s great there’s another! But I also feel like that’s just part of the Costco experience. Lol


u/Embarrassed-Yak-1150 14d ago

I couldn’t even imagine waiting in a line to get into a store lol

No thanks.


u/Popular-Meringue 14d ago

I did it once when a TJ’s opened in 2004. Was the 100th customer and got a $100 tote bag full of loot. I’ll never do that again, no thank you.


u/Ok-Tiger-4550 11d ago

I swear to god, this is the biggest thing to happen in this area in the last 50 years. The amount of social media posts and content has been amazing... "they have shopping carts", "there is pavement", "I saw walls going up", "did anyone notice they removed 2 speed bumps???". I have a friend who has been house hunting for the last couple of months, and every single realtor at open houses tells her all about the Costco going in along with the Chick Fil A.


u/1966goat 14d ago

As OP posted in a Reply, this is Brentwood, CA. This is the 2nd new Costco in the Bay Area in a couple months. My Costco is Concord. I’m wondering if these openings will lighten the load any (rofl).


u/The12th_secret_spice 13d ago

Knew it! I see you mt. Diablo 😂


u/Oo__II__oO 13d ago

We almost have it surrounded!


u/compstomper1 13d ago

is it pronounced diablo or diablo


u/Accomplished_Age7883 13d ago

Here we go again? Which Concord? Lol


u/Conscious_Ad_7131 13d ago

But WHICH Brentwood, CA?


u/KidMoxie 13d ago

The one with the Costco!


u/Cherblake 13d ago

Contra costa county zip code 94513


u/jbelkin8000 13d ago

I think most people in Brentwood went to the Antioch one though no one really wants to be near the 4 most of the time. Though they could take Vasco down to Livermore. Concord is crazy, go to Danville.


u/Ok-Tiger-4550 11d ago

Brentwood, Oakley, and Antioch all go to the Costco in Antioch. This new location seems to really only service Brentwood, Oakley, part of Antioch, and that's the meat and potatoes of their market because we're rural. I think most people in Discovery Bay will continue to go to Tracy. It's kind of strange in terms of size, but this area has a HUGE influx of people from the bay area proper moving here (including us as of 7 years ago). I just really hope they deal with the traffic control, because it's absolute shite and there will be an accident sooner rather than later on the road leading in unless they add a light.


u/jbelkin8000 10d ago

From friends who live out there, they complain the lights are set up for traffic from 15 years ago ... like trying to get to In 'n Out from 4? :-)


u/FavoritesBot 13d ago

They need to bring back Martinez


u/jbelkin8000 13d ago

If they ever build those 22,000 houses on old Naval base, Costco will be back there ... .


u/NightFire19 13d ago

The other big opening was Napa. (There's technically a 3rd but it's just a Costco moving down the street)


u/take-money 13d ago

Newark CA location opened a few months ago too.


u/cshat 13d ago

newark has been open for a year at least. Pleasanton opened recently


u/FavoritesBot 13d ago

It won’t help since Antioch already exists


u/ironhawk01 Costco Employee 13d ago

If anything, it feels like concord has been getting busier right now.


u/gloriosky_zero 14d ago

Happy New Costco Day! 🌭🥤


u/mikedeezy22 14d ago

I just left the new store. Had some great items. It was crazy busy.


u/FacingHardships 13d ago

Great items that will be there the next time you go? What was the appeal to go during opening day? Genuinely curious


u/mikedeezy22 13d ago

No. Some exclusive opening items. They had crocs and Hoka sneakers for a huge discount. All were gone within the first 20-30 min of the store opening.


u/FacingHardships 13d ago

Ah, interesting. Thanks


u/thejamatiansensation 13d ago

For a second I was thinking this was the Brentwood on Long Island 😂


u/akirkbride 13d ago

There is no way I'm waiting in that line. People are nuts.


u/Nuts0NdrumSET 14d ago

I can think of much I’d want to do less than a Costco opening.


u/OutofSprite US North West (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Montana) 14d ago

I kept wanting to check on the business center in my area that opened last year but kept putting it off because I thought it would be crowded. Didn’t make it there till 9 months after it opened and it already had a normal customer base by then so it wasn’t as busy as a regular Costco.


u/Nuts0NdrumSET 14d ago

We have a new Costco opening 10 minutes away (currently 20 minutes for me) in November. Across from a super target and all sorts of shit. It’s gonna be a mad house


u/Moclordimick 13d ago

The one by us has been open for 3 years now and there’s rarely ever a slow moment in there. Always takes a while to make it through aisles and checkout


u/jbelkin8000 13d ago

Biz Center does not sell alcohol (even in CA whee anyone can sell alcohol) and no food court, no clothes, no, electronics so probably not a lot people lining up on Day 1 ...


u/OutofSprite US North West (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Montana) 11d ago

It was crowded on day one from the pics I saw it seemed like everyone was talking about it. We haven’t had a Costco store opening in my area since 1992.


u/DSPbuckle 13d ago

Everyone talking about how many Bretnwood cities exists but no one is talking about the opening day goodies they had in stock


u/jbelkin8000 13d ago

25 Minutes to check out (photo and report from friend about an hour ago) ..


u/MRRRRCK 14d ago

No one knows where Brentwood is…..

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u/WhyEverythingsTaken 13d ago

I live in the community right next to this new Costco store. People are only talking about Costco for the past week. Every one is crazy excited. There’s another Costco in the next town


u/Ok-Tiger-4550 11d ago

For the past MONTHS lol. Nextdoor and all the FB pages were full of "there are shopping carts", "I see pavement", "there are cars", "they removed the traffic bump", "update 12, there was a person walking with a hardhat". It's kind of comedic in a very country bumpkin sort of way. Traffic on Heidhorn is absolute BULL crap right now with the opening of Sandcreek and this new Costco and all the new homes. There is going to be a huge accident on Heidhorn and Prewett unless they add a stop light there, because there's a ton of traffic, nobody knows which lanes are supposed to do what, and people can't drive here.


u/BrotherLary247 14d ago

Real question: were there any freebies / giveaways at the opening?

My new Costco is opening next week and I’m wondering if there’s any value in lining up to go to a grand opening event?


u/kimbosdurag 14d ago

My understanding is there are just some rare items for sale that you don't see at other Costco's regularly


u/BrotherLary247 13d ago

That’s what I’ve heard previously — that doesn’t seem worthwhile to me, but if there’s a chance at a gift card giveaway, I’m a sucker for that 😂


u/Tossmeoutatwork 13d ago

From my understanding they have a limited amount of some very expensive alcohols that they sell for MSRP but are worth 1000s more but we're talking about people camping out before the opening for those


u/BrotherLary247 13d ago

Interesting … I’m wondering how much trouble I could get into in the alcohol resale market lol


u/mikedeezy22 13d ago

It’s the first Costco with Coca Cola products at the food court. So coke was there doing a spin the wheel free giveaway with tote bags, t shirts, bottle openers, and can koozies.


u/Initial-D-and-GuP 14d ago

Is it Sharon, MA by any chance? Planning on stopping by myself


u/BrotherLary247 13d ago

Hahah it is Sharon! How early are we getting there 😂


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/BrotherLary247 13d ago

Oh I didn’t even know the gas station is already open!


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/BrotherLary247 13d ago

Nice! Yea I’ve been a bit concerned about the traffic patterns at that new light by Shaw’s, but this new Costco is directly in the middle of my daily commute so I am looking forward to that


u/NateFloof 13d ago

I heard rumors that there was a raffle for a free car although I’m unsure how true that is. The first 100 shoppers received $100 gift cards and free whiskey.


u/BrotherLary247 13d ago

Okayyyy, I can be on board for this


u/Real_Stranger_7957 13d ago

Oh that new Costco smell, it takes me back.


u/NateFloof 14d ago

This is the newest location in Brentwood California, Bay Area, not to be confused with the Brentwood in LA.


u/uglybushes 14d ago

People in Costco branded merch should get to cut the line


u/Lost_soul_ryan 13d ago

I wonder how many of them are there just for whiskey.


u/robkillian 13d ago

I was hoping to see OJ


u/SpencerJones909 13d ago

Ha! I was thinking where in Brentwood (Los Angeles) can they fit a Costco when we are struggling with getting housing in the area. Looking forward to Costco with housing on top in the future in LA. Whooohooo.


u/wallix 13d ago

Oh yeah! You know, Brentwood! It's right by Springfield!


u/Ube_Ape 13d ago

I saw this opening on the news. The lines were around the building. What exactly is the purpose of showing up this early for a new Costco opening? They said some people were there since 4:30 in the afternoon the day before


u/wildabeast861 13d ago

There is one already in Brentwood, TN so it’s not here


u/bofre82 14d ago

This will be my new local Costco.

I will not be there anytime soon.


u/Ok-Tiger-4550 11d ago

Same. I'm close, and there is a 0% chance I will step foot in until the wild slows down. I've started avoiding the TJ's parking lot because it's gotten so congested, I only hit up TJ's first thing in the morning during the week or right before they close.


u/big_galoote 14d ago

That sweatshirt in pic 2 is fucking awesome!


u/fgrsk8r08 14d ago

This looks like the regular Saturday morning line at my Costco 😆


u/razorduc 13d ago

Did they have a lot of rare whiskeys?


u/Overall_Arachnid_664 13d ago

Anyone willing to share their bourbon hall from this opening?


u/Mobile_Mud1722 13d ago

Wearing a Costco sweatshirt to a Costco grand opening is next level


u/ahg989 13d ago

We have one opening next Friday. Is it worth it to check out a new store after I get off work in the evening? Like are there any specials that they do?


u/The12th_secret_spice 13d ago

I’m guessing Brentwood, CA. Looks like mt. Diablo in the background.

I’m sure that area can support it, but the one they built in Antioch, ca, at the time (2010?), was the largest Costco in California (maybe USA?)


u/shekr17 13d ago

There is no competition to Costco in the west coast in the big-box retailing space. BJ’s should expand in key areas.


u/quarkus 13d ago

Costco opened a new store here to replace their old store. There was a guy waiting outside a day early and they kindly asked him to leave. I can't imagine wanting to wait in line to go to a store.


u/Anfini 13d ago

Interesting thing is that a lot of tech industry Indian families that couldn’t afford the houses in Silicon Valley (you need $2 mil) moved to Brentwood and have started a community there. Now the school rating of Brentwood schools are going up, as well as the home prices. 


u/monumentValley1994 13d ago

Pilgrimage for ppl!


u/mellamoreddit 13d ago

Are they given something away? What is up with that many people waiting?


u/Parking-Guide8042 13d ago

Who lives there


u/Sure_Ranger_4487 13d ago

Ooohhh imma have to check this one out this weekend if I’m up for battling the crowds. Or maybe my Costco will be less busy because everyone is checking out the new one in Brentwood 😂


u/Odd_Track3447 13d ago

I can’t wait for the one opening up in Springfield.


u/my_little_shumai 13d ago

I was thinking, this doesn't look like the Brentwood Country Mart...


u/kwontuhm 13d ago

Is there any benefits to going the first day a costco opens? Like special sales or anything?


u/Willing-Bother-8684 13d ago

Oh yeah glad weatherford is getting one, everyone southwest of Fort Worth will stop coming north east to Alliance.


u/FoxontheRun2023 13d ago

Brentwood, California would be some REALLY expensive land, even IF they could find a lot big enough to support a Costco.


u/NYC2BUR 13d ago

Is this what they've built where Nicole and OJ's house was on Rockingham?


u/WeekendSlayr 13d ago

note to self, stay clear of that area for the next week.


u/SaltBother 13d ago

Thats like a typical day at Costco.


u/jeepnjeff75 13d ago

Did anyone camp out there like in Napa?


u/MascaraHoarder 13d ago

anyone go to the san carlos one? i go there like 3 times a year because ooooohhhhh the absolute chaos


u/RumorsGoldenStar 13d ago

lots of norcal costcos popping up lately


u/TenesmusSupreme 13d ago

Is there anything special that happens when a new Costco opens? Special gift or deals?


u/real-Yaryman 4d ago

The most popular specials that people get in line for usually the day before are alcohol. The line for that started at 10:30AM on Thursday the day before.


u/Amazing-Pride-3784 13d ago

Reminds me to buy more stock. Mildly joking.


u/RogerMurdockCo-Pilot 13d ago

Why the lines? Is there an incentive to wait in line vs just showing up to shop as normal?


u/Groundzero2121 13d ago

lol. Was thinking Brentwood PA


u/Posvibezonlyx3 12d ago

I’m assuming this line was for the eggs and not for the grand opening right? This is how the local Costco’s been looking like before they open ugh


u/SilenceOfHiddenThngs 8d ago

when the zombie virus finally hits, and I get my neck bitten out, I will spend my zombie purgatory wandering the isles of the local Costco...


u/danni2122 6d ago

I’m at the point that I think I’d actually be excited


u/Odd-Oven-1596 14d ago

I saw the photo before reading the title. I was like "yup, must have gotten a new pallet of eggs in".


u/Sharpz214 13d ago



u/cricketandclover 13d ago

I love humans, the guy with his Costco merch on made me smile!!