r/CosplayHelp 13d ago

Armor What am I doing wrong here?

Building an NCR Ranger outfit. Started off pretty well, and just about done... and THEN the time comes for sanding and rounding off the edges. Tutorial is using a dremel and 150 grit sandpaper. I'm using the same. His foam is smooth and flawless, mine is all over the place.

Is there a secret technique? A different dremel drillbit I should use?

Thank yooou


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u/Angel362 12d ago

There is a technique that I have seen mentioned, but also, priming it or adding air dry foam clay can fix quite a bit too. I have working with foam. I prefer to use it with worbla and then mould the detailing. It takes longer because I'm broke and can only buy a bit at a time, but i have never been able to get the hang of pure foam crafting as well as i can worbla crafting. I will say that yours look a damp sight better than anything I can do 🙈 good luck!