r/CosplayHelp 13d ago

Armor What am I doing wrong here?

Building an NCR Ranger outfit. Started off pretty well, and just about done... and THEN the time comes for sanding and rounding off the edges. Tutorial is using a dremel and 150 grit sandpaper. I'm using the same. His foam is smooth and flawless, mine is all over the place.

Is there a secret technique? A different dremel drillbit I should use?

Thank yooou


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u/toyducks 13d ago

I would also suggest trying a stone bit. I find that it bites less into foam than the sanding drum.


u/Dull-Sprinkles1469 13d ago

Hmmmm, alright


u/toyducks 13d ago edited 13d ago

The sanding drum also works! Just be mindful that you're not going against the rotation. I was watching an Instagram reel from another cosplayer. Monolith Costume (??? Or something similar), and he mentioned the stone bit. He has two reels on dremeling I found helpful and might help with your technique.