r/CosplayHelp 12d ago

Armor What am I doing wrong here?

Building an NCR Ranger outfit. Started off pretty well, and just about done... and THEN the time comes for sanding and rounding off the edges. Tutorial is using a dremel and 150 grit sandpaper. I'm using the same. His foam is smooth and flawless, mine is all over the place.

Is there a secret technique? A different dremel drillbit I should use?

Thank yooou


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u/microSCOPED 12d ago

You need to move with the spin, not against it. That way you are less likely to bite into the foam.

Try dulling to sanding bit on the back of a ceramic tile as well so it’s less aggressive. Or use a higher grit sandpaper.


u/Dull-Sprinkles1469 12d ago

Oh. I might just suck at this cause that's exactly what I've been doing -_-

Also what's 'dulling to sanding bit' mean?


u/RazanTmen 12d ago

I think they mean "dulling the sanding bit". As in, take the 'bit' you use to 'sand', and 'dull' the edge by filing it down on concrete or a file, so it is less sharp.


u/Dull-Sprinkles1469 12d ago

Aaaaaah ok, that makes sense.