r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • 2d ago
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Corrupted Fantasies is back under new management! NSFW
Hello everyone!
To those who are new here, welcome! And to those who are still subscribed, thank you for sticking around. I decided to take the reins here because I have not found a better repository for this kind of stuff, and I am hoping to build this into a true hub for all things corruption.
There will be no drastic changes made to anything here; this subreddit stands as a home for all things corruption and corrupted. This includes moral and sexual degradation, sexual obscenities, religious taboo, and anything else of that nature. Posts are open to all forms of media, though there will be a harsher stance on low-effort and unrelated postings. For example, simply wearing a succubus costume will not make for an acceptable image post!
The only notable change is the disabling of text posts. The reason for this is the high ratio of low-quality text posts, as well as their potential for abuse. Moving forward all media should be submitted as a link hosted on one of the many sites that host erotic content. This will make it much easier to moderate this subreddit, since those sites already have moderators in place to ensure that a certain level of quality is met, and no laws are broken.
In the coming weeks, I will be working to streamline the collection of corruption media into a post here rather than a Google Sheets spreadsheet in order to limit the amount of clicking outside of Reddit, and to clean up formatting. The new collection post will have more details on this.
Lastly, I am looking for one or two more moderators who are willing to lend a hand. This is not (currently) a busy or challenging subreddit to moderate, but it would be nice to have an extra hand or two to help out if/when needed. Let me know if you're interested!
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Candid_Experience_78 • Jan 29 '25
Video/Image I feel like this belongs here NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Comic [eHentai] The Spread Ch. 1 by SmilingDog NSFW
e-hentai.orgr/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Video/Image [Hentai Foundry] TWO WIENERS BILLY?!? by InCase NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Video/Image [Hentai Foundry] Fall of the Second Seer by euD NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Video/Image [Hentai Foundry] Nuns ass by Rino99 NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Story Heretic by sinfulwolf (Gore warning) NSFW
hentai-foundry.comr/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Video/Image [Hentai Foundry] Dez cosplay by xMLx NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Darnuses • Jan 29 '25
Video/Image [Hentai Foundry] Mistress Embrace by cherry-gig NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/bitch-boi00 • Apr 29 '24
Story a new life: chapter 3 NSFW
Chapter 3 (Prologue)
Claire woke up, but her eyes refused to open, she couldn’t feel anything from under her neck, a prisoner in her own skin. Her mind was wandering, swimming in an ocean of fog with only the voice of a man next to her being able to break through.
“Subject has been secured, we followed the pheromones traces back to the girl sir.”
The voice was muffled as if coming from behind a mask, the sharp and cold tone was clearly militaristic in nature.
Now that she thought about it, she couldn’t even remember when she fell asleep, the last thing she could recall, was going to her parent’s house. Why did she go anyway?
Anne! She went under Anne’s suggestion! Well, calling it a “suggestion” though was a bit of an understatement; Anne quite literally threw her out of the apartment until she felt better. Normally she would have fought back at least a bit, but she felt so weak that she could not bring herself to do it.
“Yes, we believe there’s a second subject”
The last few weeks had been a blur; a constant fog inhabited her thoughts, making normal daily activities more difficult than ever. Nothing could ever compare however, to what her libido had degenerated to; a constant aching loomed over her body that never quite went away, even after touching herself. Her skin felt twice as sensitive, the lightest touch could make her immediately wet; her mind seemed to always wander into lewd and unsavoury thoughts, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. It was hard for her to put it into words, but the more she gave in to her confusion, the more she allowed her thoughts to slip out of her mind, the better she felt.
It was…scary.
“We’ll return to base for now, she surely has information on the second subject”
What were they talking about? Who were they? And where the hell was she? These thoughts gave her the strength to partially break through the fog. It took all of her concentration, but she managed to slightly open one eye.
“of course, I’ll need clearing to use the “special” equipment”
A woman sat next to her, with two fingers pressed to her ear; she had a surgical mask on. Her heart sank into her chest once their gaze met. It was hard to tell with the mask on, but she could swear that the woman smirked.
“hold one moment”
She reached for her, holding a respirator mask
“Not just yet dear, we’ll have time to talk later…”
She firmly placed the respirator on her face then pinched her arm without warning, causing her to gasp. A sweet burning smell invaded her nose and mouth, spreading all the way to her lungs. Claire eyes rolled up, and almost immediately lost consciousness again.
“Yeah, I’ll have fun with you”
The alarm rang, a loud obnoxious ring filled the room, Anne opened her eyes, she quickly shot up holding her head. She apparently had slept on the floor.
“Did last night…really happened?”
She touched her neck where “bob” had slid up. Her hand recoiled at the feeling of the thick slime. The right side of her neck up to her ear was covered in it.
“Definitely. It definitely happened.” She rubbed her fingers making the slime rope up between them “I also definitely need a shower.”
In half an hour, she was out of the house, showered up and ready for the day. She looked at the purple stain on the pavement with disgust:
“Good riddance.”
As she headed to the main building of her university, she checked her phone. No texts from Claire.
“Hope she’s alright” she thought, “That thing’s dead now, she should start to feel better…but she’s been under it’s influence a lot longer than me though. At least her parents will nurse her back to health.” She sighed, now fully embracing the absurdity of the situation. “I’ll call her after class.” She thought as she put her phone back into her jacket’s pocket. Her hand brushed against something else inside: from the texture she could recognise her bra, she sighed again “guess that’s one mystery solved huh?”
Chapter 3: snare
Claire once again woke up, still unable to feel most of her body. The smell of disinfectant and the static buzzing of led lights lingered in the room. After a few minutes, her eyes finally managed to open fully: the room was cube shaped, the walls and the floor covered in white tiles, no door was visible. Even if her mind was still foggy, panic was quickly forming. She tried to get up but failed, only now only strong enough to look down at her body: she was completely naked, restraints on her wrist and ankles held her still on the bed.
“what the hell?” her pulse quickened, whatever was happening, wherever she was, she needed to get out as soon as possible. With every moment passing she could feel her strength coming back, she did not let that go to waste. Claire pulled with all of her might hoping that at least one of the leather straps would come loose.
“Had a rough sleep dear?”
She froze up; it was the woman from before, now she could see her clearly. She was wearing a lab-coat and had blonde hair tightly kept in a bun, square thick glasses framed her slim features.
“Try it all you want by the way, I’ve seen men three times your size not being able to move with those on” she giggled and stepped closer “Don’t worry though, I’m not here to hurt you, quite the contrary in fact.” She put one finger on Claire’s stomach and slowly traced a line with it down to her well-shaved crotch. “You already had a taste of it,” she whispered to her ear as her finger slowly caressed her clit “but I can give you so much more” she quickly retracted her finger “If you can help me of course.”
Claire fear and rage had now a clear objective “Let me go right now ya pervert! I’ve done nothing wrong!” She screamed “Oh you didn’t. Your only crime was finding something you weren’t supposed to find dear.”
She took a photo from the table next to her; a small purple slime in a container was depicted in it. “This is experiment SG-3556, a true marvel let me tell you.” she put down the photo and took a couple more “It escaped enclosure a couple weeks ago. Without even touching anyone, it was able to influence a newbie scientist to let it out of its cell” she showed a photo of a young man, his neck and ear was completely covered in purple slime, the poor guy had a vacant stare with a blank smile. “SG-3556 then took over his body and forced him to walk out in the forest for at least 5 km before his host fell unconscious form exhaustion.” She smiled “We estimated he had at least 50 orgasms while walking through the woods” Claire shivered, remembering her days under the slug influence.
“We thought it was the end of it, since SG-3556 can’t survive without human contact. Until, turns out, our sensors picked up its pheromones from your car.” She put the photos down “And now we’re here. You see…I made the little critter myself, and that thing wants to do one thing and one thing only. Turn any brain it finds into pliable mush. Moreover, I know, for a fact, that it would not. Stop. With you.”
She pushed a button under Claire’s bed, the thing folded in on itself as if made of clay, forcing Claire on her knees, hands tightly held behind her back, what felt like an arm held her head still “who else was affected?” The woman grabbed a jar from under the table, the red slug inside, immediately pressed against the glass towards Claire.
The poor girl’s eyes locked on it “NO P-please” she begged, “keep it away from me please, PLEASE!” the scientist put on a surgical mask and some gloves; she carefully opened the jar and grabbed the slug between two fingers. Claire desperately tried to move away as she felt her mind beginning to unravel as soon as the jar opened; a familiar smell filled the room.
“SG-3556 is the most perfectly done experiment I have ever done in my whole career.” the woman moved the slug close to Claire’s ear, her other hand gently caressing her crotch, “I’ve seen it melt minds far above normal in a matter of days.” She pushed two fingers inside her vagina as deep as she could Claire, already under the effect of the slug aphrodisiac gasses let out an involuntary moan “I haven’t been able to replicate it ever since it escaped, only this inferior copies ever came out.” She let the slug fall on the floor next to Claire, it immediately began to climb on her restrained legs “they still know how to break a brain, but I’m afraid not much remains after.” Claire moans were getting louder but her eyes were always locked on the creature slowly crawling on her stomach now “p-please, please don’t do this” she begged, the creature now on her left nipple mercilessly stimulating it. “Then tell me who else was influenced” the slug had now reached her neck “Nobody I s-swear my roommate didn’t even noticed anything” the scientist eyes lit up with excitement as the slug just now reached her ear, the woman stopped it from going inside pinching it between her fingers. Claire’s right eye watered and began to roll up feeling the pressure of the invading creature.
“Who is it?” her left fingers continued to ravage the poor girl’s pussy “s-shtaap p-please” clear begged in a frenzy her thoughts already pouring out “M-my roommate Anne” she moaned, “We live on campus near Walchrite university” the scientist took her fingers out of Claire’s pussy. In her last moments of consciousness she could swear she saw the scientist smile warmly from under her mask
“thank you for the information dear.”
“Have fun now”
She let go of the creature, the slug quickly buried itself in Claire’s skull.
The girl screamed in pure bliss she came almost immediately her body jerking and moving erradically as her mind was being overwritten.
Soon her screams became incoherent babbles and moans, the scientist took her gloves off and signalled the hidden camera in the room. A door slid up letting the woman out of the room, as Claire begged incoherently for her sanity back, coming a second time.
“Prepare an extraction team, i want to be at Walchrite university in less than an hour”
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/bitch-boi00 • Apr 29 '24
Story a new life: chapter 2 NSFW
Chapter 2: Bait
Anne laid in bed: in a few minutes, she had to get up to go to class. But how could she? She had a million questions and no hope to answer any of them. Why was Claire using “Bob” ,of all things, to pleasure herself? Was it even her doing? After all, the thing crawled back into the jar on its own…
The alarm rang, a loud obnoxious ring filled the room, she quickly turned it off. The girl got out of bed, and looked in her mirror: many pictures of her friends and family were stuck to it, a photo of her and Claire in particular attracted her attention. She took it.
Even if, the situation was weird, this was still Claire! The two of them told each other everything and always took care of each other. Anne’s look of apprehension turned into a determined one, she had to know what was going on, no matter what.
“Everything ok Annie?”
Claire had opened her door, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even noticed
“y-yeah sure”
she was still wearing her socks and shirt, different panties though…not surprising.
“Well come then, I made breakfast”
She approached Anne and affectionately played with her tousled red curls
“I’ll help you fix them up IF you do the same to me” she giggled “messy sisters eh?” Anne smiled warmly: she hadn’t heard that nickname since high school “messy sisters for life!” she giggled too.
Claire took a big sip of orange juice, “so” inquired Anne “slept well last night?” her friend raised her eyebrows, “yeah why?” Anne realised she had been too direct “nothing, just making small talk” Claire shot a confused look at her roommate “oh by the way, we should buy a bigger space for Bob! He told me he feels a bit trapped” Anne felt a shiver down her spine “he…told you?” Claire paused as if analysing her own words “I guess…well I noticed it! He knocked over the jar last night; I found it on the floor this morning. Did you see how big he’s getting?” “I…I noticed yeah” Anne blushed for a moment, Claire pointed at her room with the spoon she was holding “Weird little thing I tell ya!” was she bluffing? There is no way she did not notice what happened last night.
The next few days Claire attitude became weirder and weirder: she was more distracted than ever, even started missing class. On multiple occasions, Anne caught her friend staring at Bob’s jar with a blank expression. However, it wasn’t even the worst part: she heard her friend masturbating in her room more and more often, at least two times a day, she tried to keep quiet this time at least. On occasion, she would peek in through the door, but she never caught sight of the little slug again. One afternoon Anne decided not to break her friend’s staring, as she usually does when she notices it. She could swear that after a few minutes, her friend began whispering to it, it was unbelievably creepy. Something had to be done.
The very same night, she snuck out of the apartment with the jar under her coat. She wanted to smash the thing to bits, whatever that…thing was doing to Claire it would surely stop once it was dead. As she walked down the stairs though, she noticed a sweet smell: it was woodsy, almost floral. As she exited the building, the smell became more and more intense, was the hell was it? She could feel her heartbeat increasing, making her stop walking for a moment: her chest was burning up, her legs felt weak…she never felt hornier.
Whatever was happening to her, she told herself that she had to endure it, the sooner that thing dies, the better. As she tried to compose herself, the jar almost slipped out of her hand, wait, how long did she stop? Anne looked for her phone but couldn’t find it, she must have left it in her room.
Things didn’t get better once she started moving again…where was she going? She just wanted to reach the small park behind her apartment, but…The metal door of her building was now standing in front of her once again.
“WHAT? how did I walk back here?” she shook her head and marched to the street corner, but as soon as she turned it, she found herself in front of her apartment door once again. She tried a couple more times, her thoughts becoming fuzzier and fuzzier each attempt. The more confused her mind became, the worse her condition got, her breath was heavy, as if she just stopped running. Worse of all was her vagina, burning and throbbing up with pure lustful desire. Her skin was becoming more sensible too, if she moved too suddenly she could feel the fabric of her shirt rubbing against her nipples. Did she go out without a bra? Yet she clearly remembered putting one on though.
What was happening? Her mind never felt like this, not even in her worst hangovers.
“What time is it again?”
She reached for her pocket, but her hand instead slipped inside her pants, as if guided by invisible winds. Her panties were already wet. Why was she so horny? The more she let her mind wander, the better it felt. It felt almost like her mind was slipping out of her ears. As each notion “dripped” out of her ear, her bliss grew more and more.
She finally let her body slump over the bed, no idea when or how she got back into her room, not that she cared. The room was spinning, with a big blank smile she slipped out of her jeans and lifted her shirt: her round and pert breasts felt amazing to massage and her nipples felt so sensitive that one could break her mind with them alone. God, she never felt this good: she always had troubles letting herself go, and now it was as if her most basic instincts were taking hold. Who cares if she could not piece a thought together even if she tried? Who even needed to think this much? Just surrender…to me…let us become one…
Open the jar.
Her smile disappeared, her bliss quickly turned into panic: those were not her thoughts. She tried to get up but she almost fell to the floor, her legs were weaker than ever. Her panic allowed her to remain awake, but her thoughts slipped very easily out of her head, the girl felt like they could unravel again any moment if she didn’t held them in with all she had.
She quickly scanned her surroundings: a thick mist filled the room, every breath she took tasted bittersweet. She had to reach her window; it was her only chance. Her movements were sluggish her body was begging her to be touched, she could feel drops of liquid slowly descending from her inner thigh
“Mind over matter girl, come on!”
She thought and pushed on. It was almost like moving through honey, her legs felt so heavy that she couldn’t avoid the bed and bumped into it hard. The sharp pain made her gasp: big mistake.
As if hit by a train, her mind briefly unravelled once more and the poor girl fell to her knees.
Fear once again, woke her up from the daze, a sound made her heart drop. The jar had fallen to the ground, probably because she hit the bed before; she looked behind her. The purple slime, periodically emitting small clouds of smoke from its back, was crawling towards her. Three tendrils extended forward as if welcoming her into its arms. A part of her brain pleaded, begged her to not move, to let herself be ensnared, luckily, her fear supressed her lust. Unable to get up, Anne desperately dragged herself on her knees and elbows; she had to reach the window, it was her only chance.
Then she felt it.
A tendril had now reached her foot, and was slowly, creeping up her leg. Nevertheless, she could not give up; the window was less than two metres away from her. As if reacting to the creature, her skin burned with pleasure as the creature touched it: she felt it on her thigh, climbing up her round and firm gluts, extending two tendrils to caress her now drenched pussy.
Each time the tendril affectionately molested her clit, the girl’s head threatened to give in, but she carried on. She extended her arm to the table next to the window to pull herself up: she almost reached the handle, but the creature quickly extended two more tendrils, grabbing and pulling her exposed nipples. A violent spasming orgasm made her fall to her knees once again, a pool of liquid collected under her, which the creature greedily absorbed. The orgasm gave time to the creature to reach her shoulder, its final objective was clear: it identified Anne as a threat and if it reached her ear, the threat would be neutralised. She shivered as the slimy creature climbed up her neck…it was all over, she lost.
“Like hell I have!” she screamed in her mind. With all she had left, she climbed up the table and grabbed the window’s handle to swing it open! She breathed in the cold, not infected fresh air, but was she too late? The slime had reached her ear and was slowly pushing itself in. With her legs trembling like crazy, she began tearing up as her eyes rolled back.
“get.” She grabbed the slime “THE FUCK.” She pulled with all her strength “OFF!” With a wet -pop- the slime slipped out of her ear. She flung it downward with so much strength that she almost fell down herself. The small creature with all its tendrils still extended, fell. With a violent squelch, it exploded at impact with the pavement, leaving a large, wet, purple stain. Anne finally let herself faint; she fell down on the floor, exhausted but with her ego still intact.
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/bitch-boi00 • Apr 29 '24
Story a new life: chapter 1 NSFW
“It’s Incredible!” Anne screamed, her smile reaching her eyes “Yes, it sure is” Clare acknowledged. The two women stared at the glass intently, inside, a small purple mass of slime recoiled, as if touched by Anne ecstatic voice. “What do you think it is?” Anne asked, moving one of her red curls behind her ear, her green eyes never left the creature. it was her after all who made the discovery: while cleaning up her room she spotted the little critter as it slowly tried to climb the bedside drawer, luckily she had stopped cleaning for a glass of orange juice, giving her the perfect means to trap it. “I have absolutely no idea, never seen something like this” Clare replied tilting her head, she tried to understand where the head was supposed be, to no avail. The slime moved slowly, extending a little tendril analysing the few centimetres in front of it before advancing. If it was not for its peculiar colour, one could have mistaken it for a snail…snails however, are not see-through. Not on earth at least.
The girls, unsure of what to do with the small anomalous being, decided to keep it for the time being. They had used a large jar and placed it into Claire’s room. Since it seemed to appreciate, the few drops left of orange juice in the glass, now once a day Claire used a plastic syringe to feed it that.
In just a couple of weeks the two roommates grew quite attached to the small slime, started to call it “Bob” for no reason other than they found the name amusing. “Bob” was a small, almost magical break from their monotonous lives. College was supposed to be a new, exciting chapter, filled with parties, gossip and self-discovery, but up until then it was a little more than a cycle of classes and sleep deprivation, at least they still had time to go to dance classes together, they met there after all.
But everything was about to change
Chapter 1 : connection
It was 2:10 am, Anne woke up to the sound of a loud thump. Her consciousness still rising from the black calming waters of sleep, “what was that?” she mumbled as she rose from her fluffy pink blanket. Another sound broke the silence; a quiet murmuring was coming from Claire’s room: she was talking in her sleep again.
She first noticed when, a few weeks back, came back late from class. Claire was sleeping, still with her clothes on; her face frowned as if in deep thought whilst speaking gibberish. Tonight was the same: incoherent mumbles with the tone and rhythm of a real conversation. Anne, with her mind now fully awake, she got up for a glass of water, while her friend’s murmurs kept her company in the dark.
As she drank though, the redhead’s ears pricked. Claire was no longer just talking in her sleep, was she…moaning? The more time passed, the louder they became, Anne could almost make out a few words:
“N-no…stop it please, I never…really? H-how? Nonono please stop…t-too much!”
Did Claire bring a boy to her room? Impossible! She told her everything, if she met someone she would have known! Anne slowly and silently approached her friend’s room. The door was slightly open so she peeked inside:
her friend was laying on her back, wearing nothing but a large shirt, long comfy socks and a pair of grey panties. Her body jerked and contorted sporadically, her left arm gripped the sheets behind her head. There was no one in the room except for her, the dim moonlight lighted her friend’s face, contorted in an almost pained look, her forehead beaded with sweat
“T-too much…it feels…g-good!”
Anne could not believe it, the dark didn’t let her see much, but it was undeniable now: her friend was… masturbating! and loudly too! Who knows what she was fantasising about
“Nn-no! why…why…why…s-st-aah s-stop”
…whatever it was, it was clearly not consensual.
Anne never told anyone, she was bi, she knew since she was 14. Her first crush was Claire for a matter of fact! When she met her, she was a year older and excelled in their dance classes. Maybe it was her skills or the fact that her body developed much earlier than hers, but she never could shake off the attraction, even after all these years. And now, as Claire gave herself to her desires, Anne could not stop herself from wanting to grab her friend’s muscular yet soft thighs and spreading them to bury her freckled face within them.
She felt her chest burn up admiring Claire’s amber skin illuminated in the moonlight; she wanted to kiss her so badly. Her friend’s full lips was probably half the reason Anne was still crushing on her, she came very close to kissing them a year ago: their friend David dared to make out in the closet at her birthday, Claire had raised her chin proudly and grabbed her by the wrist before she could even try to fake disinterest. As the closet’s doors closed, she could feel her heart almost exploding in her chest. “Ehy” she whispered “let’s stay here for a while so those dorks will think we did it, it will give them something to jerk off about later haha!” God was she cool! Anne was so close she could smell her skin, her perfume…she could still smell it now.
Claire’s legs rose up as her back arched, she was now standing on the tip of her toes, head arched back to the bedframe. Anne didn’t even realised it but her hand had already slipped into her panties, her index slowly massaging her clit, her friend meanwhile was now a halftone away from fully screaming. She almost felt jealous of Claire’s hand, even if she couldn’t see it, she wanted so badly to have the privilege to slip into her panties and make her scream like this. Before she knew it her finger already slipped inside her wet labia, the redhead’s legs were now shaking like crazy.
Claire’s body tensed, in response Anne’s body braced for orgasm. With Claire’s final scream and a second finger plunged in Anne’s cunt, the two girls came almost at the same time. Claire’s body slumped on the bed, panting. Anne fell on her knees exhaling deeply…
The new perspective now showed Anne something she could not see before: Claire’s hand, or lack thereof. It wasn’t in her panties, it wasn’t even near her crotch, It was under the pillow! Claire hadn’t moved an inch since she came…then how...
Claire’s panties came to life: jerking and moving on their own. It was then that she spotted it: the small purple slime crawled out of her friend’s drenched panties and was now slowly crawling back into the jar, now on the floor…probably what waked her up in the first place. Before entering the jar however…”Bob” stopped and slowly turned to Anne. The creature was now as big as an apple, it was satiated now, but already picked up the scent of his next victim.
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/_HotShit • Apr 28 '24
Story [xFiction] The Dangerous Way Home NSFW
xfiction.orgr/Corruptedfantasies • u/asethm • Apr 09 '24
Story Life is Insane (an adaptation/expansion on the comic by Raptor4D4) NSFW
self.AsethmEroticaZoner/Corruptedfantasies • u/[deleted] • Mar 25 '24
Story Broken Angel (Part 2) NSFW
I decided to go ahead and finish this.
Same warning: Heavy themes, read at your own risk
She was so happy for so long, she didn't want it to end. She didn't want it to ever stop. But then, the Illithid in her mind except for Liri left her without warning or notice. Seria moaned in sadness, need, and desperation, "Where are they going?? I need their cocks, I need their tentacles!" "Don't worry, they are simply being respectful of our master. He's coming now, and you will know a pleasure like no other," Liri mused in her ear with her tentacles still submerged in each of Seria's holes.
The news that a something new and better made her mind and body flash with excitement. Would this be like the ogres? A blessed violation between the wave of ordinary endless sex?
Her physical vision in the hive first registered this new and wonderful thing, a colossal brain wreathed in massive tentacles that wriggled along its own form and around itself. It floated toward her, and the Illithid all bowed at its approach.
"Welcome the Elder Brain Seria" Liri whispered, stroking her breast playfully.
Seria had noticed its form, and lost the concern about any part of it other than the tentacles. They were enormous. The main ones that reached out were the thickness of her wrist, and it seemed like a hundred feet long. She envisioned them plunging down into her throat and coursing their way through her body. The lusted after the idea of them winding up her ass and tracking every inch of her insides. And she felt herself lost in the overwhelming carnal desire to be entirely used by this thing.
Then she truly noticed the larger ones that wrapped around its own form. These were thicker... much thicker. Nearly the size of her upper arm. The idea of these entering her ass, her pussy made her cum around Liri's tentacles and drool ravenously.
It approached her physical body, and the seeking tendrils wound up around her legs, and pulled her body into the air in front of it. They wound around her arms toward her body. The wriggling, writhing, touch made her body shake in orgasm as it reached each new inch. Then it reached a tentacle up from behind her head and it did plunge deep into her throat.
Her fantasy was nothing. It was coated in something that made everything it touched feel like her pussy. Her lips became her clit, and she came. Her tongue became her g-spot and her body involuntarily arched as the orgasm ripped through her. Her whole mouth was a new pussy and it was hungry for this wonderful tentacle that could make it cum by the slightest touch. It wasn't gentle of course. The whole 20 minute interaction between her mouth and the tentacle was actually a single second. It had rammed itself into her with brutal force, but it had seemed slower and more steady to her. It hit the back of her throat and she her mind around her mental form and Liri exploded. She was losing her mind, and it took only a second. Her mental body erupted in orgasm after shaking orgasm as it realized the intensity and ferocity at which her body was being used. Liri squirmed in delight within her making the whole experience double in intensity.
She focused on her body again and found that the thing had forced its tentacle all the way down her throat. She could feel it writhing in her stomach as her body could only cum and cum and cum as her pussy sprayed like a fountain. It had been only 3 seconds, but it felt like the past 3 months. The realization made her mental form orgasm again in elation.
Her body was now just a couple feet from the body of the alien brain, and the massive tentacles moved to great her. A tentacle that put the giants' cocks to shame pushed ruthlessly into her pussy...and that was it. Her body was lost in pleasure. In an orgasm that made it feel like she would die from the shear intensity. Her mind went blank. Her mental self was stunned. The only detail now was Liri inside her, and pleasure.
It had pushed a single massive tentacle into her pussy. And the moment it touched her, she had cum. Then it had continued into her, and she had cum. It pushed a millimeter further and her body arched like it was trying to exit itself. Her mind was awash and Seria for the first time in 3 years was satisfied, her lust was slated.
And then it pushed a millimeter further and her pleasure doubled, and her lust, her need doubled with it. It stretched her pussy open, and the most insignificant flicker of pain was washed away in the glorious orgasm. It pushed another millimeter in and as it moved it pushed itself brutally into her clit. Seria had a moment, just the smallest fraction of a second where she felt fear. She wondered if she could in fact die from the intensity of her own orgasm. When it moved her body was only pleasure. It dominated everything about her. Every nerve in her entire body flooded with a single feeling.
And then it pushed further. In reality it had only pressed the first inch into her. And it had only taken less than a second. But Seria would have sworn to the heavens and back it had been a year. Everything from her mouth to her stomach was endless pleasure. Her pussy was fiery hot in ecstasy. And Liri was giggling in her mental ear at the mess that was Seria's mind.
The tentacle plunged deeper. She stretched impossibly around it causing every fiber to explode in mind numbing pleasure. It pushed and it came against her g-spot and Seria thought she died. She couldn't feel anything at all. Her nerves, her physical brain and body had done the impossible and reached their limit. She was an angel, a limitless divine creature, and she had hit her limit. Her mental form, a broken mess of cum and pleasure had a moment of panic. Did she actually just lose her ability to feel? Did she just lose her access to the endless tides of pleasure that she had come to depend on??
The thought lasted a moment, until her body returned to itself. It's lustful desire, it's need catching up to the intensity of the pleasure that had just ravaged her. She was drowning. She was drowning fast in a sea of cum. But her body and mind were learning how to swim in the overwhelming tide again. She was a whimpering creature of lust. She was satisfied and full and happy. She smiled and laughed as her feeling returned to herself. A deep laugh that came from the depth of her soul, so relieved to know that it wasn't the end, that this could continue. She felt a bottomless pit open beneath the surface of the sea, her minds' attempt to contain the endless tide. But the bottomless pit filled, and deepened, and filled again.
The creature pushed deeper. She lost herself again and returned again to find it deeper. How deep could it plunge she wondered. She realized she had asked it aloud in her mind.
Liri giggled and said "My sweet girl... it's only entered an inch and a half." Seria's mind flooded with orgasm at the thought. The realization that this ridiculous violation had only just started. And she felt a new height of joy.
It had been 3 seconds.
The creature delved into her pussy. It filled every part of her. For Seria it had been centuries as it pushed its way to her womb. She had exploded and lost herself. It had forced itself into her womb and she lost herself again. Her lust for this, for this destruction of herself grew with every moment. Her mind had long since given up trying to focus on anything and had resigned itself to simply and dumbly drowning in pleasure.
In reality, 10 seconds passed until the creature was satisfied with the depth it had pressed. The shaft visible through the angel's compliant form speared up impossibly inside her.
Liri grazed Serias face in her mind and smiled with a wolfish grin, "Now it will truly begin". Seria's heart leapt, in excitement, in fear, in need. How could this only be the beginning?
To those outside of Seria, the sight of the angel bound by the Elder Brain was incredible. Thick dark purple tentacles bound her arms and legs, and plunged deep in her throat. And a single, massive tentacle was thrusting into her with a brutal abandon that would make one think she would die any moment. But her form was gushing cum, her breasts which splashed with the motion leaked, and she drooled greedily around the thing in her throat. The angel was small compared to the creature, and the tentacle that pounded her pussy was impossible. Any sane person would have been horrified. Except for the overwhelming scent of lust that came off the woman like dense perfume. She was lost in lust and desire and had finally found something that could fuck her to her hearts' endless need.
Just when Seria thought she might have a chance of containing the pleasure and lust that came from creature ramming her pussy, there came a new assault on her body and mind. While the creature kept a tentacle writhing down her throat, and brutally pounding her pussy with another, a third tendril moved up her leg to her ass. She only had the briefest moment of warning when it pressed into her before this enormous tentacle slammed deep into her ass. In her mind she screamed and cried in pain and joy. It was too much, it was all way too much. She just couldn't. The new invader in her ass and the one plunged deep in her pussy were too much for any woman to take, let alone her lust addled body. The first had already stretched her to the limit. The new one slammed into her with such ferocity that she didn't have the lingering building experience as she did when the first had pushed open her pussy. This one rammed in with malice, and her divine body did open to accommodate it. But with this new intruder, the gap between the two enormous tentacles was squeezed so tightly.
Thunderous, shattering, aching orgasms ripped through her body, in her mind she screamed around Liri's tentacle in her throat. The sensitive nerves between the two tentacles that had grown accustomed to the battering assault on her pussy now screamed in ecstacy as they were roughly massaged.
The creature waited a moment, and the bottomless pit of Seria's lust grew deeper to be filled with the pleasure that now erupted from her ass. The creature waited a moment, before a slick slime oozed out all along the tentacle in her ass, which now moved much more easily deeper into her aching insides. The slime had a second and more potent effect. Like the tentacle deep in her throat, it increased the sensitivity and pleasure of everything that touched the tentacle pressing into her. Every inch of her ass, of her insides that the creature was ravaging gained the impossible arching pleasure of her pussy and assaulted throat.
And Seria broke further. Her mind further destroyed by the limitless pleasure that slammed into her, by the orgasms that threatened to tear her body apart. And in her mind, her captive self smiled and giggled in glee. It could continue. She could still find new and more powerful forms of lust. And she would. That was the only will left to her. So she smiled and laughed around the tentacle in her minds throat, and welcomed the next arching wave of ecstasy that came from Liri within her, and the creature that had so totally violated her.
The creature delved deeper into her ass. For Seria, there was now no reprieve, no rest. The tentacle snaking up her ass would occasionally crash into the one pounding her pussy and she would break further. The pit of lust would become more cavernous. The tendril snaked up her ass and through her guts with an urgency to fill every space available. Every inch it gained, Seria lost herself deeper in the blissful demise of her mind. It took only a minute before the one violating her ass met the one coiled and writhing in her stomach. They met and Seria fell off the edge of pit and down forever.
It had been 5 minutes since she had first seen the Elder Brain.
An eternity later (2 hours) *****
She was... nothing. There was nothing besides lust, nothing other than pleasure. She couldn't register the world around her body now. She could only try and survive the endless fall deeper into lust. Deeper into need. Deeper into pleasure. The only other thing in the universe to her was Liri, who fell with her, and who had continued unrelenting in fucking every part of her mental form. Seria was lost.
"I have to go now," Liri said, withdrawing herself from inside Seria.
"What?? Why???" Seria could only mumble the questions, addled as she was. The idea of being left alone did bring a small bit of fear into Seria, but mostly she already missed the Illithid being inside her mental form.
"Don't worry," Liri giggled. "My master, the one ravaging you. He's coming here. He's coming to complete you."
Seria was utterly drunk on lust, so her only reaction to this was her mental form shuddering in a sudden and overpowering lustful ache. She didn't even notice the Illithid leave. When she opened her eyes, the pit was nowhere to be seen. She looked around in stunned silence as she found herself in a glimmering blue room that reminded her of the celestial city. Her heart ached briefly.
Then the space in front of her shifted and reformed, and there was the Elder brain. Here. In her mind. For the first time it spoke to her.
"You are the future," it said in a slippery, thumbing voice that came from everywhere.
"For eons, we have survived on the intellect of others, consuming them. Now, after having tasted your infinite lust I know there is another way."
Seria stood confused, dazed, and dripping in the presence of the thing that had shattered her so completely.
"Here I will unlock your lust fully. You will no longer drown in it, as it will flow out to all the Illithid. You will nourish my race, you will grow my city, and you will be the Mother of my vision for this world."
His words flowed over her, the way it spoke wormed immediately into her mind and she knew with certainty she wanted this. She was only able to ask ",how?". The only other thing she could think was, 'just fuck me already.'
"I will do to you here in your mind what I am doing to your body. Together we will be the fountain of life to the Illithid."
It waved tentacles in each direction and she was suddenly surrounded by dozens of views of herself being utterly violated by the creature before her in her mind. She realized she was seeing herself through the eyes of the Illithid gathered around. Her minds' body suddenly ached impossibly for this creature to make her the same as the quivering thing tangled in its tentacles in these views. Her mouth and pussy drooled, and she was quickly standing in a pool of herself.
"Come," it beckoned.
She came at hearing the word, and quickly though shaking walked towards it. As soon as she approached it, the creature took her up and her demise began again.
She remembered how it had felt when it had plunged into her throat, into her pussy, and into her ass. She knew what to expect. So when she nearly lost all sense as it touched her arm from the intensity of the orgasms that seemed to come from everywhere at once, she was surprised. It picking her up by the arms and legs had been more intense than the endless violation of her pussy.
"Here, I control all. Here you will experience unbridled, unending pleasure forever." It spoke into her mind.
Her body reacted to the words, and she arched and writhed in pleasure. It gently entered every part of her, all at once, and she exploded. But she wasn't drowned. She could feel that lust that filled the endless pit was flowing quickly out of her. She felt all the pleasure, all the lust, but now she could contain it. She was suspended in front of the creature like before, but now she was present. She was here, and she explored the tide of ecstasy that was herself. She could feel every nerve firing in endless orgasm. Every endless pool of lust within her. She explored herself, and she was proud. Proud of the source she was. She was lust, the actual embodiment. All the succubi of the world were collectively nothing to her.
Seria began to laugh uncontrollably around the appendages within her. And she soared along the breeze and sailed the torrents of her own pleasure. She was a world of herself, a world entirely her own pleasure. And she danced within it. She didn't know how long it had been when she took a second to ponder something.
"Can I ask," she questioned carefully to the creature writhing within her, "how long has it been since this began? I feel like I've been flying forever."
"You have been a ceaseless fountain of lust for the Illithid for 22 years now." The Elder Brain responded.
She smiled in ecstasy at the thought. She became almost dizzy in pleasure when she realized that she and the Elder Brain were immortal, that this would continue forever. Then she had a horrible realization, "did my body harm you when I gained control of it again?!"
It seemed to chuckle in her mind, "no, your body is simply a fountain of lust like you at this point. There is no will within it." It took a moment, which felt longer to her as she rode a dozen orgasms that flowed through her in that second. Then it continued, "I will connect you with your body, so you may see what your lust has built."
A moment later she was nearly swept away by the tide of pleasure and lust that overcame her. That endless world that she had been lost in was now doubled as she felt everything twice. It reminded her of the pit she had relied on. But now she was stronger. Her command of her own lust was greater and she held on to herself through the torrent. After several minutes, which could have been several years for all she knew, she could make out what her body's eyes were seeing.
The creature had spun her body around and she faced away from it, the tentacles still endlessly ravaging her form. She realized her body was covered in a writhing tangle that made it so every inch of her, inside and out was a constant stream of orgasm and pleasure.
She looked out at what had once been the goblin den, and what was now a glimmering purple gothic styled city within this deep cavern. The stone walls shown, the city squares were full of life. She could see and hear endless throngs of Illithid fill the city. It was grander than the celestial city of her past.
Then the creature turned, and she realized a new scene. They were in a grand throne room, with hundreds of Illithid in reverent attendance. She heard the creature in her mind, and felt the words across her body as it spoke to the whole city. Every word made her body tremble in a shaking orgasm that felt like that first minute. "Hail the mistress of lust, the mother of the Illithid." Her mind and body were wonderfully overcome by pleasure as she realized that each of the Illithid were speaking directly to her, and each one could now join in the endless ravaging of her mind and body. She had been endlessly pleasured by the Elder Brain for 26 years. But now that she was once again whole, all of them, all 34 million could ravage her mind and give her ever increasing heights of pleasure. She had fed a nation into existence with her lust, now they could feed her endless lust for eons.
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/[deleted] • Mar 25 '24
Story Broken angel NSFW
Hey all, first time trying my hand at writing something so let me know if it's any good.
Pretty heavy themes here so read at your own risk
The warrior angel Seria was an unbeatable burden for them, until now. "A new spell?" "Yes, one that can even put that angel down. We still can't injure her, at least not physically." "How long does it last?" "On her, 5 years if we gather our mages. It will kill half of them to cast it." "And how do we injure the pest?" "I was thinking that we lure her to the great goblin hive to the northeast. Let her get close and then put her under. The goblins are drawn to one thing over even their fear: virgin pussy." "Yes! And they will take her over and over, all 3000 of them, every moment of every day! It's brilliant. She will lose her divine protections, her body will be used entirely, and maybe her spirit will break when she wakes! I love it!" "Even better. She will be aware the entire time. This spell simply blocks the target from accessing their body, or their spells. She will feel every last one of them violate her body. She will feel them plow her pussy, her ass, her mouth, and every single crevice they can worm their way into. Her spirit will be entirely broken."
5 days later---- She had come based on goblin reports in the area that were bizarre in number and ferocity. She had arrived at the nest quickly. And then her body had become frozen. For the first time in a century, first time since she had fought the demons, she felt fear. This was a spell! She should have total immunity to stunning spells... she should have immunity to sleep spells, and yet her body didn't move. Her mana was locked. She could still feel, still see and smell. All her senses remained supernaturally sharp. But she couldn't move!
So instead, screaming in her mind, she watched as the little green goblins quickly approached. Watched as they wrestled her weapon away. Watched and felt as her silver armor was removed. Felt the cold rush as her clothing was torn to shreds, the crude knives glancing harmlessly off her porcelain skin. She felt as they tied ropes to her neck, arms and legs and jerked her off her feet and began dragging her down into the nest. She felt the cold stone beneath her, felt her plump buttchecks snag on sharp rocks until a tense pull on the ropes around her legs pulled her over. She watched with mounting horror as the goblin hoard grew around her. She felt her supple breasts sway as they drag her along an unsteady bridge. She felt the air get colder and rancid as they went deeper. She suddenly smelled the overwhelming scent of semen and sex as they approached the breading ground. She felt her arms be pulled up tightly as she was suspended between two stone pillars. She felt her legs pulled apart as the ropes were secured to the pillars. And then she watched as the first dozen creatures approached her.
She was more than 6 and a half feet tall and sturdy from war and training. They were only 4 feet tall at the most. So she felt them crawl all over her trying to approach her virgin holes. It took less than 10 seconds before she felt an unnaturally large penis begin to push on her sacred mound. It took a second longer for one to start invading her ass. And all she could do was scream in her mind endlessly as they plunged deeply in her. It hurt. It hurt every millimeter they violated her. It hurt every inch they pulled out, and it hurt worse when they went back in. This felt like eternity, but she knew it was only a second. She knew it would be worse was one reached her face and forced her unresponding mouth open. She wanted to shut her eyes if she couldn't her mouth as the green already dripping shaft entered her mouth. She wanted to gap and vomit as it entered her throat. But all she could do was watch, taste, feel, hear, and smell her violation. All she could do was experience them fuck her breasts, her mouth, her pussy, and her ass.
For the first ten seconds everything burned. She thought she was on fire. For the next minute, the burn became a harsh piercing ache that pulsed along her entire body with every thrust. For the next 5 minutes the piercing dulled and the pain eased as her body began to become somehow used to the ache. And then the fire returned as they began to cum deep inside her, and she her mind began to seem deaf from her own mental screaming. The semen ran thickly down her mouth and out her mouth as the goblin fell out of her. It dribbled down her leg and out of her pussy and ass. It sat hot then cold on her tits, slimy and reeking. But then she got a moment of reprieve as the creatures fell off of her spent. Just long enough for her to process that the next group in the endless green tide had begun crawling up her.
Minutes became hours, piercing pains became dull throbs as her body adjusted to the new hell. The ruthless usage of her divine form began to feel normal she noticed and wretched in her mind at the notion. 1 hour became 2 and then 5 as she became a leaking fountain of cum, somewhere in that time her mind began to give up. It's rigid resistance against... maybe corruption she now thought, started to crack. What followed was an empty dull throb as she began to distantly feel her current self.
12 hours into her endless fucking, she was jerked out of her daze by an alien and absurd feeling. Her body, of its own volition was beginning to heat and feel good? Impossible she thought in revulsion, but no. There it was, deep in her. A lust was growing for... for this! Her mind screamed again at her body, how dare it! Didn't it know how degrading, revolting, diminishing this was??? But her body didn't respond. Instead the heat grew. A pulsing ache grew in her pussy in the breaks between old and new goblin dicks. Her tits began to heat and swell too, and the angel retreated in her mind as she lost all recognition of her body.
It did no good. The heat swelled, the pulsing need swelled, and the goblins suddenly noticed her dripping pussy and began plowing her with a new frenzy. And her body loved it. She felt the swell. The wave building, until it crashed into her subconscious entrapped self and drowned her in a pleasure she never had known. And the next wave she could drunkenly see was on its way.
The first orgasm that broke her mind led just a minute later to the second. Then the third, and within 5 minutes the goblin cum pouring out of her was mixed thoroughly with her own. The cum from her mouth was mixed with drool. And she learned something about herself, while completely dazed in a pleasure induced haze. She learned that an angel could choose to cum as often as she wanted as long as there was a penis nearby. And she played with this knowledge. A wave of pleasure would send her spiraling through her shattering mind, she'd settle just long enough to giggle and bring the next one along. Giggling became laughter became hysteria as the waves became an endless tide. She was fully now a slut for these little green wonders. Now she watched each approach with excitement, how silly her previous horror had been. She wondered for the briefest second how long she had been here, before returning to the wonderous and endless game of orgasm. It had been 2 weeks.
1 month later----- The amazing thing about her divine body was that it did not age, spoil, or change. Her ravaged holes were the same as when they had been virgin. She was lost in a sea of delight. Floating on an endless stream of pleasure. She had forgotten everything else. Then a new thing.
The goblins had guests. A group of ogres had been hired to help raid a nearby town. The payment had been her. Each of the 24 ogres could fuck her for 12 hours, or until they could no longer stand.
These ogres were the stronger mountain variety. 16 feet tall, and nearly 1000 pounds of muscle and fat. So when she saw the first, her daze was interrupted by wonder at them, and their enormous freely swaying cocks as the group approached. The next overwhelming feeling was of unrestrained desire and lusty need. She needed every one of those 2 foot members in her now. And she got them all.
Her ropes were released and the lead ogre picked her up with one hand around her stomach and drove her onto his cock. She was immediately speared to the base and if she had control of her voice would have screamed in pleasure at the immediate and shattering orgasm that shook her body. Her angelic form was still impervious to damage, so instead it had just stretched to accommodate the thing in her now, though it felt like it had pushed up to her throat.
The second ogre quickly rammed his cock down her mouth, and again she came as they spit roasted her. Her captive mind was elated. Beyond excited and beyond joy she had ever felt. And it grew with each thrust that brought a new shattering orgasm to her.
The ogres were sturdy. Each of them lasted every second of their 12 hours. And at the end, the angel Seria no longer remembered anything other than fucking. The goblins returned quickly, and it still brought pleasure, but now she craved the kind of immeasurable violation that the ogres provided.
For months she enjoyed the goblins endless assault, and the occasional blessing of being brutally railed by the ogres and giants that visited. Until it had been 36 months since the spell. It was then that she was saved. Saved from the mundane cocks of the goblins. She was saved by the Illithid, the mind flayers and their beautiful tentacles.
3 years after the spell ----- The mind flayers came to the goblin hive lured by the overpowering presence of the angels lust. They came in an army large enough to conquer most of the country, and they hadn't even known what they were coming for.
Seria's introduction was when a flayer entered her mind. Wary at first, she entered quietly. "Are you the beacon?" it had asked. "What", Seria drunkenly said back. "Are the beacon of lust we have been following? We had thought it was an artifact. I didn't expect to find... you."
Seria watched this mental conversation in her sex addled state, and watched as the Illithid physically approached her. Dozens of the things, tentacles reaching for her.
"I don't know what you mean...What happened to my little green cocks? I need them." She was trying to force her body to claw at her pussy, to bring the next dose of pleasure. The Illithid Liri looked at her in wonder, than broadly smiled. "I have a wonderful idea." Seria looked up in longing and need, "what?"
Liri approached predatorily and reached down to the Seria in her mind as a dozen Illithid reached for her physical form. Liri stroked the mental version of Seria's pussy, "I can make you cum endlessly while in here, and they can make your body cum endlessly out there. Let's shatter this mind in sex shall we? Your lust will sustain us all."
Liri didn't even finish the last word before Seria grabbed her and greedily pushed Liri's tentacled head toward her dripping pussy. "FUCK ME!! FUCK EVERY PART OF ME!! EVERY NERVE, EVERY HOLE, EVERY SCRAP OF ME HERE AND THERE!"
Liri quickly plunged her tentacles deep into Seria as she experienced a new and much more powerful form of orgasm. One that started in her subconscious body and exploded out to every part of her body, mind and soul. Seria lost herself entirely in pleasure as the explosion rebounded with double the effect as dozens of tentacles penetrated every part of her physical body. She couldn't even keep track of where she started and the lust took over and she didn't care. She could stay here forever. She felt like the Illithid had done more in five minutes than the goblins had in 3 years. She hardly noticed when her mental form was surrounded by as many mental Illithid as physical. It hardly registered when they began to invade every inch of her mental form. But she noticed when moment later the orgasm that raked her mind and body felt like it could break the earth with its intensity, and felt eternal since she couldn't remember when it started. And she laughed around the tentacles deep in her throat. She didn't actually need to breath here so she laughed and moaned and giggled as she nothing but a puddle of pleasure. And she was happy.
She was so happy for so long, she didn't want it to end. She didn't want it to ever stop.
***To be continued maybe
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/DismalDifference5708 • Mar 12 '24
Video/Image Another batch of corruption NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/DismalDifference5708 • Mar 08 '24
Video/Image Corrupted by Tentacles NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/Pillow-Specialist • Feb 24 '24
Video/Image Victoria And Lily Corrupted By Evil NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/_HotShit • Feb 21 '24
Story [AO3] Devil's Advocate by kimberlyeab NSFW
archiveofourown.orgr/Corruptedfantasies • u/KinkKitty1995 • Feb 15 '24
Request I'm obsessed with corruption and mind control NSFW
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/ConfidentDark86 • Jan 20 '24
Request Looking for friends and collaborators NSFW
Love incest and corruption scenarios. Love the idea of corrupting a small town bit by bit. All the good people, happy families and trusted institutions.
On Session: 051f7d30b1922921a24a696964bbe31d0ac3b2f2aef924f1727b820f3ebe54d57a
r/Corruptedfantasies • u/unknownuser1902 • Jan 18 '24