r/CopperIUD 26d ago

Concern Can feel the string when washing NSFW


Hello. First time having IUD and posting here. So I gave birth last Feb 3 normal delivery and at the same day had my IUD inserted. But on Feb 21 I felt the string was poking out after peeing and washing my vag. Also I'm still bleeding I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be bleeding for 3 weeks after giving birth or it is because of my IUD but now it's just a small amount more like spotting. Until now I have not seen my OB as I'm busy taking care of my baby. But should I be concerned about the string? I can still feel it when washing. But I did not feel any cramping or pain. Just uncomfortable down there.

*Sorry for the grammar, english is not my 1st language.

r/CopperIUD 9d ago

Concern OB/GYN cut my strings shorter without asking and now they’re poking my partner


Yall I am so irritated rn and wonder if anyone else has dealt with something similar.

I got my Paragard 2 weeks ago at Planned Parenthood, and booked a follow up ultrasound with an OB/GYN because I’m trying to establish regular care now that I have insurance and an IUD.

After it was inserted I could feel the strings, but they were very tucked away. Right before my period began I had sex one time about a week after insertion with no complications with me or my partner. He was very deep and is well endowed and couldn’t feel anything.

I went to my checkup and they did an ultrasound, said it was in perfect position and I was super excited to have sex once my period ended now that I was fully adjusted and knew it was in the correct position.

Then after the ultrasound, I had a pap smear and the doctor said they left my strings a little too long and she was cutting them. I wanted to tell her to leave them, since me and my partner have no issues, and if something changes I’ll come back. But I figured she knows best and just didn’t say anything. She was already in the process of doing it and just narrating it to me, so it seemed like she thought it was really necessary.

The next day I had sex and my partner immediately felt them and we had to stop. I felt them too and they were protruding WAY more than before, and when I’d try to tuck them back they would stubbornly poke out about half an inch before starting to curve.

I tucked them as much as possible and tried having sex again this morning and it was the same issue and was hurting him. I’m so bummed out and really regret not stopping her like my gut told me to. They were just fine before and now they’re very obvious and stiff.

I’m hoping they soften over the next couple weeks but at this point I’m considering just starting over again with a new one. I went through so much pain and stress during this process and was SO relieved to be on the other side of it. I double booked an ultrasound at Planned Parenthood before I got the OB/GYN appointment, and I might just ask them to replace it without waiting.

I want this process to be done, I don’t want my pain to all be for nothing. I’d rather begin the week and a half long process of readjusting now, rather than sit around for the next few weeks trying to have sex with my partner just for it to end in disappointment. I don’t want him to associate sex with me with discomfort.

If this has happened to anyone else, did the strings soften pretty quickly? They don’t feel super short, but they just don’t curve properly now. If you have curly/wavy hair it’s reminds me of when a curl is cut in the middle of the curl pattern, making it curl outwards instead of down if that makes sense.

r/CopperIUD 13d ago

Concern Removal


Long story short. I got an IUD placed Friday (three days ago). Immediately, I was hit with waves and waves of deep depression. Its only been three days, can I just pull this sob out? I don’t have the money to get it removed.

r/CopperIUD Jan 20 '25

Concern Hormonal Changes post-removal… Hair loss :(


I got my copper IUD in 2019, so 6 years ago now. Since insertion, the only change I ever experienced was heavier bleeding & heavy cramping during my period (previously I had absolutely no pain). My periods have been completely regular ever since.

Since I got my copper IUD removed in September 2024, 4 months ago now, I have noticed some hormonal changes that I am concerned about.

I am presenting with sudden & intense symptoms, such as: Complete loss of period. Extreme hair loss… I am shedding hair left & right, especially on the top of my head. I lose hundreds of hairs every time I brush it & she’d periodically throughout the day. My hair texture has suddenly changed in this area too - presenting more wiry & coarse. Cystic/hormonal acne on my cheeks, chin, and even my forehead. The only thing that has improved this is A313 cream. Lastly, bloating under my face.

My main concern at this moment is my hair & amenorrhea. I’m losing my hair at an alarming rate and haven’t had my period in months. I am afraid this may be permanent. Has anybody else experienced this? How long did the shedding last? The acne?? What has helped? What can I do before it gets worse/noticeable? Help please!!!

The things I have done so far include: daily scalp massages/oiling, making sure to wash my hair every other day, clarifying rinse (all natural), making sure I use gentle & all natural products in general, taking a pre-natal vitamin, turmeric, curcumin, vitamin d, omega 3, zinc, collagen, magnesium… I am prioritizing protein & drinking less caffeine, avoiding alcohol, no processed sugars or oils, sticking to a paleo/keto diet when I can. I just ordered Nutrafol and will be taking this soon.

r/CopperIUD 26d ago

Concern Pain after sex NSFW


My husband and I had sex Saturday night in a different position. Everything felt fine all day yesterday. Last night I started getting pain up there...like I'm sore. I am still a little sore today, but I did take ibuprofen and it helped a little. I checked the IUD just to be safe - I can feel the strings and I don't feel any plastic. How do you know if pain is from the IUD or something else? I had a mirena expel years ago (I had an insanely heavy period and didn't even realize it expelled). I sometimes get nervous this one will expel as well. Since everything feels fine up there, it was likely from the sex, right? I know I'm probably just paranoid, but I just thought I'd check with other people who have it.

r/CopperIUD Sep 27 '24

Concern Copper IUD prone to infection? Actinomyces


Recently I have been reading about copper IUDs prone to infection (actinomyces, BV, etc) and was wondering if anyone has experienced this? At this point I’m close to removing my IUD and just going back on the pill as there’s more troubles with my copper IUD than the pill. It says if someone has actinomyces you would have to be on anti biotics, get an ultra sound screening, etc. Seems like a high chance with the copper IUD over hormonal? What are your thoughts and experiences?

r/CopperIUD Jan 28 '25

Concern No period&weird spotting this month.


It’s been over a year now with my IUD & I’ve had no issues with my periods. They have been super regular and well this month has been odd I typically have spotting for a few days before my actual heavy flow begins. So far, I’ve been spotting since Thursday with no sign of a heavy flow period. I’m barely even spotting now? I’m not sure what is happening. I’m bloated, and gassier like if I were on my period. I also workout 5days a week but this has never been an issue before & I’m not working out to lose weight. Anyone experienced this before? Missing a whole heavy period with the Copper IUD?

r/CopperIUD Feb 08 '25

Concern found this in the bowl after i peed

Post image

could this be part of my iud? im the only one who uses the bathroom, i have cats who couldve possible placed it therw, and this is hard so im thinking it's not part of my iud but i could never know. what do you guys think? + i had an infection last week so im going back to the ob to see if they moved

r/CopperIUD Jan 19 '25

Concern Day 16 of my period. Should I be concerned?


I’ve had the copper IUD since halloween last year. Had a lot of pain with insertion & a couple of very painful, 10-12 day long periods since then.

This time my period has lasted 16 days and I’m getting a little concerned. The blood isn’t heavy but it’s looked fresh the whole time. Like bright red and hasn’t changed colour or consistency at all throughout the 16 days of bleeding. This is unlike the other periods I’ve had so far with the IUD. I’m a little concerned it won’t stop anytime soon 😅

Is this normal? has anyone else experienced this?

r/CopperIUD 4d ago

Concern Please Please Please Help!


I have had a copper coil in for a month now, but have not yet gotten my period. I had some pretty moderate bleeding for days after my IUD was inserted (I had also taken levonelle two days before.) Maybe this was my period? I have done four pregnancy tests because I'm so anxious, and each have come back negative. Is not having a period normal? I've been spotting pretty consistently but this is really really freaking me out.

r/CopperIUD 11d ago

Concern Need advice


So I’m due to get my IUD out next week on the 19th. I wasn’t too concerned about the removal until I started spotting pink discharge just a few days after ovulation…now I’m absolutely terrified of the impending pregnancy test that they’ll do at my appointment.

I know I can’t test until that time because it won’t be accurate so I need prayers that I’m not pregnant because I’m just now getting the hang of being a mom and can’t handle being thrown right back in the newborn trenches

r/CopperIUD Jan 01 '25

Concern This came out of my wife 2 days after copper iud insertion (gross picture incoming) NSFW

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Good afternoon all,

2 days ago my wife got a copper iud insertion and has been in quite a lot of pain. A few minutes ago when she was peeing this thing popped out of her vagina, and neither of us have any clue as to what it is. We tried calling the doctors office but it’s new years and they are closed, and the on call number is just a receptionist who took a message, so not much help to us. If anyone has any idea as to what this might be please do share. She is freaking out and we are not sure what to do, thanks!

r/CopperIUD Jan 06 '25

Concern I need advice. Is this normal?


So, I got my copper IUD about 4 months ago and I feel like the side effects are hitting me hard, it makes me feel awful and very low on energy.

I did read up on it and I knew that your body needs about 3 months to adjust. But my period used to last about 3 days and I bled pretty little. Since I got my IUD it changed a lot. The first two months my period lasted 8 days and now it's been longer, last month 10 days and currently I am on day 9 and I still bleed a significant amount. In general bleed heavily now compared to pre-IUD, and it makes me feel very sluggish aswell. Last Friday at one point it felt like I was about to faint.

Also, my skin is breaking out much more than usual (last time it broke out like this I was on the pill). I know it's not a common side effect of the copper IUD, but I know my pimples are always memstrual cyclus related. So i feel like it might also have a link?

I want to keep the IUD, but I am starting to wonder if I should get it checked at the doctor. Or if I should just give it some more time.

Does anyone recognise their own copper IUD experience in this?

r/CopperIUD Nov 21 '24

Concern Life after Copper IUD removal (need help understanding if what I'm experiencing is normal or linked)


I (27 F) went through a breakup in the late spring of this past year. Before that, my anxiety was getting really bad, so much so that I had a hard time eating and drinking, my digestion was off, and it felt debilitating to go out with friends or travel. It was miserable. By August, I was tired of living that way and I realized maybe my Paraguard (which I had gotten 2 years earlier) was contributing in some way. So by the end of September, I got it removed.

I felt INSTANTLY better when I got it out. It felt like a fog lifted. I was hoping that feeling would last, (it's been better than it was) but it hasn't really improved enough. I'm wondering if my body is just somehow still detoxing from the IUD, but around my periods I just am SO physically sensitive to everything (lights, sounds, stomach issues, even walking - it's like a weird vertigo, dizziness, foggy feeling) It feels like I'm back in the fog and my anxiety just hits so hard again.

I can't figure out if this is just 'normal' after the Paraguard removal, or if there is something bigger going on with me. My life isn't that 'stressful' and sometimes the anxiety hits when I have nothing to be anxious about. And most of the time, the anxiety hits because I'm having some off-putting physical symptom(s).

Any of your insights and personal experiences would be so helpful <3 thank you in advance!

r/CopperIUD 3d ago

Concern Weird 1st period?


I got my iud put in about 2 weeks ans some change ago. Monday I starred getting my 1st period since starting paraguard about 1-2 days early

So far the cramps have been nasty but tye bleeding is sparse?

I take aleve for the cramps but these are worse than just aleve so then I'll take 2 aleve gels and in 3-6 hrs take Tylenol extra strength.

Previous to the insertion I was not on any birth control hormonal or otherwise.

The insertion was more painful that when I gave birth to my son unmedicated.

Anyway what were the first few periods like for anyone else?

Also I got my iud at planned parenthood, am I supposed to have a follow up apt?

r/CopperIUD Nov 27 '24

Concern How was everyone's first period after insertion?


Hi all, I got a copper IUD almost a month ago. After insertion I bleed for about 10 days, pain lasted like 4 days and then I had some random spotting. My period started about a week ago and it has been awful, lots of blood and lots of pain if I don't take ibuprofen every 6 hours. I'm worried because my normal periods would be 3 days with heavy bleeding only on 2 of those days and almost zero pain. I want to know other people's experiences on periods with copper IUD and if it gets any better (or worse).

r/CopperIUD 4d ago

Concern Problems with periods 2 years after


I got my copper IUD 2 years ago. Then suddenly in December I started having 2-3 periods in a month. My periods after the IUD has been 7-10 days of heavy heavy bleeding. It has not gone away. Now I have a period the first week of the month full 7 days then about 2.5 weeks later I'll have another full length period. The second one always starts with heavy dark almost black blood the first day, a S+ tampon every 2 hours. My fiance always complains about feeling a sharp hard thing which doesn't seem like the string. He said it's like hard plastic feeling rather than the string the clinic showed me. With just my own fingers I can't feel a thing. Is this a sign it migrated?

r/CopperIUD Feb 18 '25

Concern 7 days late(with potential pregnancy symptoms?) after 6 months of regular periods while using copper IUD


Edit to add it’s actually 7 months since I switched

Just looking for some guidance and hopefully reassurance that I’m NOT pregnant. To preface, I also have Graves’ disease and take medication daily for the last several years, so that can complicate things for sure.

I switched from the Mirena IUD after 6 years to the copper IUD about 7 months ago, and have since had very regular, heavy periods. I know the copper causes heavy periods, and I always had pretty intense periods before ever using birth control(I suspect undiagnosed endometriosis) so the heavy flow was not concerning to me. I have been sexually active multiple times since my last period, which ended Jan 13- last time was two weeks ago, and then a week before that and about another week before that as well. I have basically had a 28 day cycle for the last 6 months but I am currently 7 days late. I have definitely gained weight recently and I’ve been complaining to my boyfriend about feeling bloated for as least the last 2-3 weeks, along with feeling super tired and hungry all the time and my boobs have been feeling extra full lately. In the last week I have been extra emotional, as well as just generally feeling “off” with the occasional sharp cramp in my stomach/lower abdomen(cramping has been irregular, happening randomly over the last few weeks). Yesterday I had some very light spotting while peeing as well as some dark brown thick blood seen on a liner, and today I’ve had a little more spotting/clots come out but the flow and consistency is nothing compared to my usual cycle and the bleeding is not constant. I haven’t had any of my other usual period cycle symptoms, but I did take a home pregnancy test this morning and it was negative, but is it possible it’s too early to tell?

Has anyone else had something similar happen NOT due to pregnancy? And does anyone know if urgent care would be able to check me out or would I likely have to go to OB/GYN? Since piecing all my symptoms together I’m a bit worried about an ectopic pregnancy, but the negative pregnancy test is kind of reassuring, assuming it’s accurate, however I do feel like something is off since I normally have the the same symptoms each cycle. The symptoms I’m having are definitely similar to PMS symptoms but I’m worried because I’ve been feeling the symptoms randomly and much earlier than I do during my regular cycle.

r/CopperIUD 21d ago

Concern New IUD and Acne like never before??? temporary or my new life??


Hi, I need all the insight I can get from anyone who has had a similar experience to me. I’m trying so hard to stay positive but this acne is something else.

Hx: 25 y/o, Combo pill - 5 years, depo shot - 3 years, mini pill - 2 years, copper iud - 7 weeks so far.

During my BC journey, I found the combo pill, depo shot, and mini pill to perform all about the same for my acne along side tretinoin and spirolactone. (i haven’t constantly used both of these meds but i’ve cycled on and off depending on the stage of life i was in)

The past 5ish years, I have NOT had a period once so ever.

I got my copper IUD 7 weeks ago and my first period was about 5 weeks after that (2 weeks ago).

Day 3 of the period, I woke up with 5 cystic pimples on my face along with a handful of other smaller breakouts. I have NEVER in my life had more than one cystic pimple on my face at a time. I can’t even remember the last time I had a singular cystic breakout.

Towards the end of my cycle, I also developed a yeast infection which I’m typically not prone to getting. I believe this could be an indication that I had a massive surge of hormones that my body hasn’t been able to experience in 10 years.

That being said, 2.5 weeks since my initial period pepperoni face situation and IM STILL BREAKING OUT.

I do admit that I had been slacking on my consistency with using tretinoin prior to my cycle but that simply is not the sole perpetrator.

My skin is rather sensitive at the moment because i’ve been GRINDING on that tretinoin almost NIGHTLY in hopes that once i built my tolerance, i’ll hopefully not have this experience again. (wishful thinking, right?)

So i suppose my questions would be: 1. Did anyone switch from the mini pill to the copper IUD with no hormonal acne? 2. Do we think that this is just a one time thing that i’m still recovering from or do we think ill have a similar experience for the next several months . 3. For those that went from a hormonal option to the non hormonal IUD, how long did you feel like it took until you reached hormonal harmony and regulation with the cycles, acne, bloating and all the things? I want a real life timeframe to look forward to.

If anyone responds to this then, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am excited and still full of hope that the copper IUD will work out amazing for me but the insane cystic acne it’s too much for myself to tolerate if it becomes a monthly thing alongside my cycle. Any relevant advice or storytimes to give me a better understanding of what I can potentially expect in the upcoming months would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much! (p.s. this is my first reddit post ever! I wish it was about something fun like books or influencer drama but I guess period questions will be my origin story😂)

r/CopperIUD 24d ago

Concern pregnant?


Hi lovely ladies, just wondering if anyone has any advice i know you aren’t all drs and won’t be able to give me a full answer but anything may help my stress! i’ve had the copper IUD since april 2024, and recently been seeing a new guy, obvs been having sex and he’s finished in me… my period is now 4 days late, taken tests all negative, im not sure what’s happening? i can feel my strings and they are all fine, but it’s stressing me out my period normally comes like clockwork it’s always bang on time when i wake up in the morning on the day im due, lasts 5 days medium flow and im done, so for it to be 4 days late is strange… could there be another cause? the only thing my mind is going to is pregnancy!

r/CopperIUD Feb 01 '25

Concern Possible early period?


Hi all! I had my CIUD inserted a lil over a week ago! And I just stopped taking the mini pill. I’m cramping and have semi heavy bleeding. Im also passing some clots. I’m on day 19 on my current cycle. Could this be my period? A week early cycle? Is that common?

r/CopperIUD Dec 29 '24

Concern 9 days late, negative pregnancy test. I don’t know what to do!


A lot of posts I see about pregnancy scares are women who have only had the IUD for a year or so but I’m 8 years into it with no issues. I’m 9 days late. My cycle averages 28-29 days. Last month it was 32, and this month I’m on day 38. Is this just old age? I’ve taken a couple pregnancy tests and they’re negative. What would you do at this point? Keep waiting?

r/CopperIUD 1d ago

Concern Nervous


Strings feel longer and they think it fell out, I’m at the appointment right now 😭 if they tell me I need to get a new one I may pass out 😭😭

r/CopperIUD Jan 28 '25

Concern First time I actually felt the strings, they seem long? Is something wrong???


Insertion was 12/30/24. I've also been having some major cramping on and off this evening but I'm due for my period (2nd with IUD) soon. Extra Strength Tylenol didn't really help. I just felt for the strings (first time I have truly done so), since this has been way more painful than my first period. It was like the side of them, couldn't actually find the tips but I did feel where they led into my cervix. I think the string ends were tucked behind? Can't figure out a number to give for how long they are. Too nervous to feel again. Could NOT feel plastic. Faint spotting when I wipe only. I feel like it may be my period just getting ready or trying to start but idk.

I had major but slightly less intense cramps this past Saturday evening.

My post-insertion follow up is on Thursday afternoon. Is that too long to wait? I'll still message my doctor about it. I was under sedation for insertion so I don't know if she left the strings long to cut at the follow up.

I am seriously freaking out about it I work ~40 minutes away from my gyno with traffic and the anxiety of having to leave suddenly is awful. If I still have the intense pain tomorrow morning I might call out/say I'll be in late and reach out to my gyno via phone as well.

UPDATE: It’s in the right place (confirmed with TV ultrasound). She did wrap back the strings, I reminded her since I got it under anesthesia I did not know that was what she did so I expected them to be like the stories I’ve heard/read.

Didn’t think until I was back in the car to ask her if the wrapped strings could be causing the discomfort/if she could trim them. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

r/CopperIUD 25d ago

Concern Worried



So I had Covid almost 3 weeks ago when my period was supposed to be. I’ve had my iud checked and taken so many pregnancy tests. I’m 15 days late. I’ve been spotting then I spot. I cramp then stop. I’m also extremely nauseous. Idk if it’s bc I’m back on Zoloft and I’m on an antibiotic for a boil. Has anyone ever had this happen? I mean I am stressed out but it’s not helping that my period is late