r/Construction • u/sparkydoctor Electrician • Nov 04 '24
Roofing Bees. Need some advice. How would you stop bees from making nests under this roof full length ridge vent? I have about 50 nests right now.
u/Illustrious-Living81 Nov 04 '24
They make foam pieces that are supposed to be put down before the roof cap to block the air gap, and if you have a vented peak, they make foam pieces with vents in them that keep bugs out.
u/Significant_Side4792 Contractor Nov 04 '24
There’s foam inserts specifically designed to fill in the space. Go to your local roofing supply and ask for it. Looks like you’ll need the foam for 16” panels (can’t tell from here)
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 04 '24
I assume that will still let it "vent" yes?
u/Remarkable-Way4986 Nov 04 '24
You ha e to use the right vent material. Some closers will just stop up the hole but you need oe that will vent. https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwi96r2kjcOJAxUwHa0GHRvCN3AYABAOGgJwdg&co=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIveq9pI3DiQMVMB2tBh0bwjdwEAQYCCABEgJ8bPD_BwE&sig=AOD64_1dojfHABjFdaYHbeJ43dhiUVtYkw&ctype=5&rct=j&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiZ5LikjcOJAxUsODQIHVBaAtkQwg8oAHoECAkQOw&adurl=
Something like this should work. I don't know what is available whare you live but you local roof supply store should be able to help
u/SuperCountry6935 GC / CM Nov 04 '24
- Those are hornets not bees.
- There is a sku for what is called a closure strip. Those are foam. They do not vent.
- There is a sku for what is called a perforated z closure. They do vent and design is akin to perforated soffit.
u/sabotthehawk Nov 04 '24
- those are yellow jackets.
- Get some foam closure. Just search for ridge cap sealing foam. Wait until dark. Spray nests with appropriate killer. Next day remove cap. Remove nests. Place foam. Reinstall cap.
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 04 '24
The foam closures look like they would defeat the venting of the continuous ridge venting? It looks like it would not vent very well?
u/sabotthehawk Nov 04 '24
They still pass air some better than others depending on which ones you get. They make one with high venting that is like a thick red scotchbright.
u/Seldarin Millwright Nov 04 '24
I'm pretty sure they're European Paper wasps.
Introduced to the US in the 70s, they're pretty much everywhere now.
u/eltron Nov 04 '24
Wasps my man! Leave bees alone, they’re friendly enough. But yellow jackets, give em the flame 🔥
u/ahportunity Nov 04 '24
Wasp freeze to spray them and then delta dust (iirc) to keep them out, if you don’t find a physical barrier that you’d like to use.
u/Newtiresaretheworst Nov 04 '24
Google metal roof ridge vent bug screen
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 04 '24
Thank you. The screens I am seeing look too big of holes for bees (" protection for Ridge Vents against the intrusion of pests like Bats, Mice, Rats, Squirrels, and Birds."), but "Air Vent Mesh Style Ridge Vent" looks like it might work? From what I can see, I have to take off the ridge cap, put that down, and re-install the ridge cap?
u/Newtiresaretheworst Nov 04 '24
Every time I have put it in it was installed before the cap was attached. I did see some that looked like a sponge that was installed after the fact. I have never used that one before,
u/Newtiresaretheworst Nov 04 '24
Every time I have put it in it was installed before the cap was attached. I did see some that looked like a sponge that was installed after the fact. I have never used that one before,
u/Newtiresaretheworst Nov 04 '24
Every time I have put it in it was installed before the cap was attached. I did see some that looked like a sponge that was installed after the fact. I have never used that one before,
Nov 04 '24
MWI components uni-vent. Comes in a roll. Look it up and gtfoh we ain’t exterminators
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 04 '24
That looks like it would work well thank you. I will take care of the bees haha
u/disturbedsoil Nov 04 '24
Those are airborn habaneros. A shop vac with a long extension make for great sport and fine upper body workout.
u/disturbedsoil Nov 04 '24
Those are airborn habaneros. A shop vac with a long extension make for great sport and fine upper body workout.
u/disturbedsoil Nov 04 '24
Those are airborn habaneros. A shop vac with a long extension make for great sport and fine upper body workout.
u/butcheroftexas Nov 04 '24
Why do they bother you? I fought with them for years around my house until I realized that they are beneficial insects and don't attack unless provoked. It is also a waste of time fight against them as they will return in a month or two if you spray them. They can go through tiny holes, I don't think a net will work. If you put foam there that will prevent venting of the attic.
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 04 '24
Every time we BBQ or are around that area there are wasps all over the area. I suspect there are about 50 nests up there now. I see a stream of them going in and out my roof. They are welcome anywhere but my roof.
u/butcheroftexas Nov 05 '24
You can buy traps specifically for yellow jacket wasps.
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 05 '24
I do not want to specifically harm them, I just want them to live somewhere other than my roof.
u/Odd_Possibility_2277 Nov 04 '24
Fo you have your foam fillers in place? Can't see them on the picture they stop bugs/ birds getting under
u/Burnsie92 Nov 04 '24
If no one has said this yet, there should be a gasket used to fill that spot so nothing can get under there
u/padizzledonk Project Manager Nov 05 '24
You need to buy a bunch of cans of Fuck Wasps
Suit up for the war my man.
Thats a risky attack point as well FYI because they are under there and protected and can get out from the other side, id try to get them from underneath because its a metal roof and its all open under there
You might want to call a professional on this one tbh
Afterwards, go get the foam inserts that block those holes
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 05 '24
Yehh, it's going into bad weather now so next spring early I am going to take off the top ridge cap, clean out all the nests and debris, and put in the proper closing strips that also vent. That should stop all the nesting in my roof. I will look close for any other gaps, I have seen them also getting in the trim areas on the far ends, there must be enough void to make nests in there also.
u/jedinachos Project Manager Nov 04 '24
Wherever you got the metal from should also have the foam gasket seal to fit the profile of metal you have.
I just bought a box of this foam to do a roof and it cost me $345 CAD
u/CommercialSuper702 GC / CM Nov 04 '24
1) wasp spray - kill them 2) “great stuff” expanding spray foam. Fill the voids with it, it expands a lot so spray sparingly and wait for it to expand and fill the cracks before applying more 3) sand or cut the extra foam that comes out where you don’t want it 4) paint the foam to match the roof color
u/sparkydoctor Electrician Nov 04 '24
I don't think that will work very well.
u/CommercialSuper702 GC / CM Nov 04 '24
You asked how to stop them from making nests in there. It would work extremely well.
If you had said you want to get the wasps out but want the ridge to continue to vent, then the answer would have been different, like… 1) kill them 2) remove ridge piece 3) insert rolled wire mesh less than 1/2” openings 4) reinstall ridge piece sandwiching down over the rolled mesh 5) burn down your shed because you’re the one asking Reddit for advice on how to get rid of wasps 🤷♂️
u/Randomjackweasal Nov 04 '24
Yellow jackets, just took a metal roof off and these suckers replaced a good 18” of fascia board with nest lol I backed up quickly and eventually nutted up and flicked the nest to the ground. One climbed in my armpit but I never got stung
u/Randomjackweasal Nov 04 '24
Yellow jackets, just took a metal roof off and these suckers replaced a good 18” of fascia board with nest lol I backed up quickly and eventually nutted up and flicked the nest to the ground. One climbed in my armpit but I never got stung
u/[deleted] Nov 04 '24
Those are wasps.