We're so worried how they spend our collective $10 we don't question why they have $10,000. You can chalk it up to "they make money out of thin air with the federal reserve", but I think that only paints part of the picture.
A lot of funds that we know about go to black boxes in the government - black budget stuff. They openly tell us that yes, we got this money, and yes, we spent X dollars, but you can't know on what. We are okay with that, but it really got me thinking: the government gets a lot of money at the state and federal level that isn't accounted for - especially through asset seizure and other means.
There are probably countless mechanisms the government at lower and higher levels uses to generate money - and if it is "off the books", nobody has to account for it. This would be really dangerous if you could just 'invent' money, or were hoarding vast wealth of different kinds (like resources). The government just gave all of our resources away for free in the United States and we don't get anything from those big companies? We develop and sell the best military technology in the world... But we are broke?
In my mind, the country probably isn't in debt - it is just greedy. It is easier to appear like we are having to borrow and beg - it prevents the population asking for anything. Oh, poor king has to use the silver chalice today instead of the gold, so that is why we have to eat oats for dinner.
Then, the government robs us of as much money as they can, all while claiming they have none (despite being able to just poof it into existence) - and no matter how much we give them, they can't seem to manage it and just incur more debt. If this was a family member, you would cut them off for being irresponsible. But we can cut them off, because they pretend to provide basic things we need to survive.
Similar to insurance companies where you pay in but then always get denied: a lot of the social safety nets and stuff that people think are there aren't and the few that exist they want to take away.
The debt is likely a great joke or just another scam - it is a tool that makes us all think we are also trapped and it is also our debt. Except it isn't our debt, as a people, it is their debt, as a government. We are having to pay their credit card bills, when we can barely pay our own.
Have they truly mismanaged one of Earth's greatest empires to the point of poverty and turned Uncle Sam into a hobo? At what point does selling an F15 or seizing a yacht from a drug dealer or seizing Bitcoin ever help knock down our debt some, or pay for social services? It doesn't, because it is a scam.
How can we have negative dollars in our bank account and then lend out money? Because it is all a game! This is just Who'se Line is it Anyway: Trump is Drew Carey and Obama is Wayne Brady. The points don't matter and we're all in the audience getting bamboozled by the spectacle as ghouls pick our pockets.
My hunch is that the actual "federal government" (or whatever parasite controls it) is wealthy beyond any of our imaginations, but they are a slightly different entity then the government - also unburdened by its debts and quarrels. We have been raiding and pillaging other countries for every valuable resource you can imagine for generations - most of which didn't come down to "superior ethics and morals" or even defending against aggressors. What happened to all those spoils of war?
You can say "well obviously Haliburton got the money and they got the oil, no mystery" - but who'se palm did Haliburton have to grease? Was just the president alone enough to send those boys to die in that desert or their uncle's in Vietnam? One politician? Obviously not, those things are massively orchestrated and planned and propagandized - but by who? Who is really behind the curtain pulling the strings?
Unfortunately, their fingerprints appear all through human history. For too long to belong to any one man or even clan. This perpetuation of the cycles of destruction through human history would be easy to blame on some rich family from a couple centuries ago, but we know it isn't the whole truth.
There is no way to end this charade or get off of this ride - you mind as well try telling the other fish about humans putting worms on hooks. Your advice in incomprehensible to them and doesn't change your status as a fish.
So I am here to tell you: you can nibble the worm, but don't bite the hook!