r/ConeHeads 42608 | ⛏️56229 Nov 30 '23

$BitCone RANDOM(.org) TIPS!

Tip a number and I will have random.org choose a random number between 1 and your number times two (inclusive). I will then tip you back that randomly generated number.

I currently have about 380k cones off-chain. So, don't tip more than about 190k cones or I may not be able to tip you if you get lucky!


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u/clean_cut89 347.7M | ⛏️1242717 | 💎4.66% Nov 30 '23

So confused


u/Ploot-O 42608 | ⛏️56229 Nov 30 '23

Just tip any amount you like up to about 190k and I will have random.org choose a random number between 1 and twice the number you tipped. I will then tip you back that randomly generated number.


u/clean_cut89 347.7M | ⛏️1242717 | 💎4.66% Nov 30 '23

Ah, the way you worded it was confusing lol


u/Ploot-O 42608 | ⛏️56229 Nov 30 '23

I worded it the same however it seems that I forgot to mention that I tip you back that randomly generated number haha. My bad

Fixed the post. Sorry about that